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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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therefore, now more and more, more and more attention is being paid to the development of cities according to the principle of inclusiveness. the heroes of our next story showed how lviv is adapted for people in wheelchairs. let's watch together. 32-year-old karina has been living with a spinal cord injury for 20 years. he has lived in lviv for seven years and helps people with similar injuries. he says that during this time the city of leva has become more convenient for people with reduced mobility. however, there is more. many barriers and we decided to protest together how accessible lviv is for people in wheelchairs. this the way for the center of dovzhenko to be considered accessible, there should already be normal coverage. normal coverage so that a person can reach it to this dovzhenko. because now the fact that we use special skills to move these slabs and these gaps between these slabs is like our superskills, but there are a lot of them. people who do not
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have these super skills, and there should already be a normal coverage, and then the center length can be considered available, then now i would already say that it is not available, well, let's see what inside, the point of the ramp is that it has to be so gentle, uh, there's certain degrees, and the longer, the higher the climb you have to climb, the longer the ramp has to be, and it has to be so gentle. so that an independent person in a wheelchair who moves can go up, that is , any ramps have a large slope, and where a person cannot go up independently, it is not a ramp, well, that is, it is not an element of architectural accessibility, it is the same bar yerom, as if there were just steps, but ivan, for example, was climbing now with the help of a handrail. and this is often
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used by people, for example, who have a lesion on one side, and they have, for example, a left hand that does not work well, and then they can use their right hand to help themselves up, well, these handrails, they are on both sides, and usually there , for example, only on one side, but it will be difficult for people with visual impairment to move here, because there are no tactile tiles, visible movement signs and stairs are in the way, opening the door can also be a difficult task. if we speak, for example, about us as ivan, then we we will be able to open this door now and enter without hindrance, if we are talking about a person in whom, in whom even the upper limbs were affected, then she would not be able to do this, and therefore, of course, a good door is a door that can move apart, if only automatically, we understand that this cannot be achieved everywhere, and then the door should at least open with a light effort and that the handle... can be caught lightly
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with the brush of the hand, even if your fingers do not work, well, we can check now, well you see, i just put my hand, and for example , if my fingers didn't even work, i can pull the door and open it even in this way to use the elevator in the dovzhenko center for people in wheelchairs, first you need to get a key from the employees of the institution, here admitted: that they have not yet had visitors in wheelchairs, karina has not had any difficulties with access to the toilet, but she says that it is not so easy for everyone, okay, i go inside, i can, what i can, i can do it myself turn on, turn off the light, that's it here's the good thing, the good thing is that the mirror is lowered , it's good, because usually they are somewhere under the ceiling, well here... in principle, you can use
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it to wash your hands, it is not inclusive, this is like a washbasin, but that's it, you know, nothing terrible, there are no handrails, as you can see, there should be a handrail, it should be hinged, it should be 70 cm from the center of the toilet, as far as i know, but it is almost impossible to get to the shelter, there are no signs of a bomb shelter either, such a facility , according to karina, is not friendly to everyone categories of people. but lviv transport has become more accessible for all categories of the population. the worst is with trams, because there are only 20% of them. if our heroes managed to get into the tram, getting out of it became a problem, because the call button did not work. i had to ask the tram driver to lower the ramp manually. and people are like, they won't go out , they won't miss often, you just have to, well, we're like... we just try to calculate
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every step in advance and know when to turn back, when to go, where to wait, well, you just adapt one way or another. necessary to create all the conditions so that people can realize themselves, work, pay taxes , and not sit conditionally for what if, well, only there on pensions, for example, or something like that, right in everything that is happening and let them rustle, and then they will get used to it, ramps are not installed everywhere, but where they are, they are completely inaccessible, karina... says: the state should not randomly place ramps and consult only with experts on reduced mobility, because the same ramps should be convenient for different types of wheelchairs , with the appropriate slope and material. the situation is the same with stairs made of tiles or smooth stone, if there are no rubber
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strips on them to help prevent slipping. well , look, this is a non-standard ramp, because it has two grooves, but they are not universal. all people have wheelchairs of different widths, and accordingly, the wheels may not simply fit into these grooves, firstly, secondly, it has a non-normative slope, that is, it is more than necessary, and you cannot climb it on your own, well and the handrails, too, are accordingly not normative, they do not have a normal height, and this is their thickness does not allow you to get a good grip, the space of lviv with its old narrow streets... stairs and curbs is difficult to adapt for people in wheelchairs, but perhaps more and more coffee shops, cafes and bookstores are becoming friendly to people with disabilities and adapting their businesses. karina notes that she plans her route in advance, looks for establishments with an accessible entrance area and a restroom, and
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if there are none, she will not be able to visit them, so leave money there. but if we are talking about inclusion in general, then it is the same the process is not only the removal of these physical barriers, yes, it is also the process of removal of mental barriers, including communication barriers, and there is a certain problem in this, too, because people still have various stereotypes about a person, for example , in a wheelchair, and maybe i can be perceived very superficially, you know, and accordingly feel superficially treated, for example, in terms of my there... financial capabilities, in terms of my mental capabilities, just because i use a wheelchair wheeled, this is of course unacceptable, no must be. karina says that a person's limited mobility should not deprive him of his sense of dignity and the opportunity to return to his life. now everything has changed very, very much after
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the full-scale invasion, of course people have realized that disability will now be everywhere in our country, yes, it is present as a phenomenon. and that something needs to be changed, and of course the rhetoric has changed a lot, politics has changed a lot, and now i personally feel such, you know, even excessive attention and an excessive desire to help, we don't need excessive attention, we don't need people running after us and offering we need ramps, yes, we need to be allowed to live peacefully, use our services, work and not pay too much attention, well, we don't need it, but... so that guests and residents of lviv can easily and quickly find barrier-free locations, the lviv tourist office has created a map: an accessible city. more than 100 food establishments, museums, theaters, communal institutions, hospitals, shopping and entertainment centers have already been marked on the map, which must comply with all norms
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of inclusivity. natalya stare pravo, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. who did not say in general, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our dnibra. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of traditions and martial arts. these are boys who never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, hero, who was one
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represents. united by football, together stronger every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as we always say. about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with au sisters. vasyl's big broadcast winters two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters,
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presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, espresso in the evening. thank you for your feedback, because we see that the donations are flying, but still there is a little shortfall, it is necessary to collect up to 900,000, very please, let's... let's do it with joint efforts, today together, sunday, is easter for catholics all over the world, there are also a lot of catholics in ukraine now who are celebrating, after all, all of transcarpathia actually celebrates easter today, because the greek-catholic church of transcarpathia also celebrates exactly on this calendar, yes, please, let's join , let's make such a gift to ourselves, in fact, let's thank our defenders, let's thank in this way our... air defense forces, who worked so well even this night, so
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join qr code, number we see the cards we will report on how the funds are coming into the accounts, and we very, very much hope that by the end of the day today we will be able to say what we have collected, yes, but in this case you already mentioned transcarpathia, i was the first time there was a danger of cruise missiles , yes, by the way, right in the bukovel district. there was a report that there was prikarpattia, yes, but this direction was just the seam, there was a report that rockets were flying from ivano-frankivsk region in the direction of transcarpathia, nadvirna, yaremche, actually, this is something completely new for our country, that is, in they had never flown in that direction before, they actually turned around there, but it was exactly the same way, there was a shoot-down near bukovel, and i liked someone there already among those... jokes at night, you know, even in such tense moments, ukrainians know how to joke, someone says , well, now the russians will know where our
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combat trimbits are, when they shot them down over the carpathians, in a word, it’s also very interesting and the two are dancing botango, you know, yes na na eh, your favorite topic, you read again in the morning what is happening in russia, so on belgorod region, they say they destroyed 10 vampires, but the house is on fire, i posted a very interesting video. in russian pubs, the neighbors are satisfied, because the house there is two-story, dear, it’s good that the neighbor’s house burned down, the anti-aircraft defense worked so well , there was a lot of cotton in belgorod region, let’s see what they are thinking there now, how to strengthen kurshchyna and belgorod region , whole plans are laid out on how to strengthen the border, in a word, kyiv is converted into them in three days, the most interesting thing is that it happens during... these days, at these hours right in dagestan, well, as they always say
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, these are terrorists, but we understand who these dagestanis are, a counter-terrorist operation has been launched there, shooting is coming from private houses, somewhere there, partisans or rebels, they are leading, it was already similar two weeks ago history, regularity, regularity is our everything, now we will talk about the front, so kostiantyn denisov, spokesman of the legion, is in touch with us. freedom, mr. kostyantyn, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes, congratulations to the viewers of the channel, thank you for waiting until we were happy here or commented on what was happening in belgorod. and in dagestan in the end too, we want to ask you about what is happening in zaporizhzhia, in the north donets directions, the russians are active there, constantly attacking, we want to ask you the details, actually, what they are using now, aerial bombs, that was the case in avdiivka, well you mentioned dagestan, here in the zaporizhzhya region
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, the utilization of dagestanis is also in full swing, there are units from the north caucasus, dagi, ingush, chechens, all of them. who forgot something here in zaporozhye ukrainian steppes , but if we are serious, the enemy is just stupidly pelting with artillery from everything they have, they cover it with artillery, then theirs, their attack aircraft go on the attack, shooting battles, trying to knock out our occupied positions, or move the gray zone into our side, and at the same time actively supports them, you correctly noted. aviation, and it is like planes, carry out bombings, they began to use helicopters again in order to fire missiles at our firing points and observation points and to hunt for our equipment, the last time was, well , helicopters were used so intensively, they were used about six months, maybe eight months
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ago, when the active phase of the offensive operation of the ukrainian armed forces began. and not only the armed forces, the security and defense forces , right here in the zaporizhzhia direction there have been no helicopters for a long time, now they have started to use them actively again for about three weeks, huh, but are they trying to act in the same way as, for example, in avdiivka, i.e. in fact, along the same route in order to plow a corridor, or are they just flailing all over the front line? it 's not that they are pounding all over the front line, they have this kind of thing everywhere, they have unlimited artillery. military personnel regarding the use of driver tactics, yes , absolutely correctly, they drew conclusions, and the outfits are learned, they are not the same people who were before, they drew conclusions from the battles for the audiivka, the cabs are actively used , guided missiles and small infantry groups, when their a quick little box gave a ride there, they climbed into some dilapidated house there,
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secured themselves, equipped themselves with a fire point and they continue to fight, well... although , again, it is not always successful, because at one point in one of the areas they climbed into a house, tried to gain a foothold there, but a ukrainian drone immediately flew to them, poured in a zavorotnik, and in the end they were not away from the house, nothing remained of the orcs. ugh, mr. konstantin, some experts, we understand that they are all far from the front, further than you for sure, but they explain it like this, one moment, russia is accumulating a large amount of weapons, about this too, by the way, and the germans write that. .. a large amount and they are now producing more, than even currently used, this means that they are accumulating it and preparing, possibly for more powerful attacks in the future. on the other hand, although aerial bombs are used , but not as intensively as it was in the avdiyiv direction, and in particular due to the fact that our air defense forces are also actively working along
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the front line, accordingly, they simply have their hands tied a little, they cannot fly up close does it really look like that, because you say helicopters are flying up, it means there is a little lack of air defense, well, of course, no one hides that there is a lack of air defense, plus, for example, if we have guys there, yes, they used to hit airplanes and helicopters there with manpads, but now the russians have also drawn conclusions from this, they press our guys to the ground with half buckets, do not let them raise their heads and... their time infantry attacks, and accordingly, so that our anti-aircraft fighters do not hunt for russian aircraft, regarding the accumulation of equipment, ammunition, they are actively driving to the zaporizhzhia region along this land corridor from crimea to rostov, this is one of their main sources of supply, part they are subdivisions
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transferred to the donetsk direction, part of it enters here, well, again, i am talking only about those areas where freedom stands. i don’t have a general picture of the zaporizhzhia region, so we’re talking about it purely, the fact that they conduct personnel training, yes, if all the units of drones were to strengthen their eyes there, they use various, yes, well, in principle, they and they do not hide their desire to reach the administrative borders of the zaporizhzhia region, and this orihiv area now appears in statistics as the largest number precisely boezit there, how is their situation, you can tell what can be said in the area of ​​robotic, willow, what they have, they are pushing forward and that's it, they are trying to cut it. everything that the ukrainian troops managed to capture, liberate, liberate, during the period of the so-called counteroffensive, if, well, to regain control over some
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commanding heights, in order to make it easier for them to introduce defense and, accordingly , offensive actions, here they competently use , features of the terrain and terrain, i have already told you this more than once, huh, and what is flying through your heads there in the the rear of the population center? everything , uh, everything is russian, everything flies, they have here from ags to sontsepiok, they have several purely artillery units, plus motorized rifle regiments have artillery units, there are these units that are armed with suntsepok, well, we recorded at least two, plus they use tank tanks as artillery installations, the same soviet ones simply dug up the rukhlyatsyak. how are the guns using them, and are there any additional lines of defense, are they erecting now, or are they just trying to attack, attack? what i am
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i told you, they captured some area there , yes, they immediately dig in, iminite, that is, bite in, buy in, they are, god forbid, in us, how does it look, because we have been seeing reports for the last few weeks that, in fact , along the entire front line and in the middle of the night, along the borders , engineering fortifications are being very actively built. construction of dragon's teeth, there are simply tens of thousands of these concrete pyramids in zaporizhzhia, what are the paces, is everything ready, has everything been erected, or is the work still going on? i can speak only for those areas where my brothers stand, all the necessary work is being done in other areas, ask questions and others will answer, but we just ask everyone, volunteers also go out from time to time where possible and confirm for us. that work is ongoing in different regions, both in kharkiv region and in dnipropetrovsk region, for example, we were informed, and another very important point, well, this is radio-electronic, that is
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, guys, what is the current situation in your area, there is an opportunity to somehow jam, plant, shoot down their fpv drones, of course, and even we monitor and... space and not only there is informational, they constantly have a great need for drones, because ours have learned to lay them down and knock them down and jam them quite well, but they do the same to each other, they are modernized in this regard, plus they use them there various advanced drones, this is such a mutual activity on drones, on their use and in addition, i say that in them they use from fpv. and lancets and supercam drones and eagles here in the zaporozhye direction, they use various types of drones, and when they move forward,
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you said such small infantry groups , because we see there in some areas, they drive the chinese into others on golf carts ; ? well, they don’t report to us, we only see that they are on atvs and golf carts, well , golf carts were not seen by atvs, they were seen on bmp, they were seen on pickup trucks, we saw, by the way, the tactics of transporting infantry on pickup trucks stolen from the ukrainian troops, well basically muscovites they only know how to lie and steal, so if they licked this pick-up tactic, yes, but i told you, they give a pick-up, threw it into some building, a drone flew in, but still no building. not the russians, but their boxes are carrying new batches of suicide bombers. mr. kostyantyn, thank you for being with the espresso viewers in the morning, kostyantyn denisov, spokesman of the legion of freedom, zaporozhye
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direction. now we cannot remember that today catholics celebrate easter. however, when they will celebrate, another part of ukraine will celebrate, we will see in our next one plots ukrainians finally celebrate church holidays together with western christians. this winter, for the first time since... we started christmas on december 25, the meeting and the annunciation were also celebrated together with the catholics, but then why doesn't the date of easter coincide. the difference arose because of the easter calculation used by the churches. the general principle is the same, but the dates are different. the rule by which the date of easter is calculated is the first sunday after the first full moon. and the vernal equinox. this year, the first full moon of spring falls on march 25. in accordance, easter falls on the gregorian paschal on march 31. as early as 1582, pope
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gregory 13 led this easter in accordance with the change of the calendar, which is more accurate according to the astronomical rotation of the earth around the sun, and since then , roman catholics and protestants have used and calculated the date of easter by this easter. maria, you are our hope. in addition to the gregorian easter, there is also the alexandrian easter, the first easter to which christians of the eastern rite are subject. it arose during the first ecumenical council in nicaea in 325. for her, if easter falls on the time of the jewish holiday pesach, so it is moved to the following sunday. we cannot say exactly when christ actually rose from the dead. why so?
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because the jews had this... a tradition, a practice, to add one month to the year, if there was a need for it, what was the need, in the month of nissan, the jews offered a sacrifice of sheaves of barley, the first fruit, the first sheaf of barley, and that was the situation if the high priests saw that the barley was not yet ripe and they could not yet gather the firstfruits and this is a sacrifice to bring, then it was announced that this year we are adding another month to the year in order for the barley to ripen in time. instead , the gregorian calendar sometimes violates this rule due to astronomical and mathematical peculiarities, so this year there is a difference of up to five weeks between eastern and western christians. alexandrian astronomers and theologians calculated this date of easter, and it was announced, corresponding letters were sent to other churches, but this year we have holy week, there is easter, it is celebrated on this date. i once accepted this principle dionysius the minor, so-called, who formed, who formed the calendar, but after
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the adoption of... the gregorian calendar in the western church, this principle changed a little. the vatican and constantinople have already tried to find a compromise on determining a common date for easter. such a meeting of church representatives took place in 1997 in aleppo, syria. then three principles were proposed for calculating the date of easter. the first is the importance of a shared history and creed for all christians. the second is the observance of the nicene formula when determining the date of the holiday. and thirdly, it was recognized that... the geographical point of the easter reference should be jerusalem, the place where christ's resurrection took place. however, the issue still remains unresolved. in principle, this proposal is there to fix this date somewhere on the first sunday of april, uh, it is also, let's say that the date of easter, it will be fixed on the first sunday of april, but the date will not always be there 7-
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april 10. she will always go there somewhere, and there will also be a moving holiday. the only thing that will be certain is that it will be the first sunday of april. 2025 this year will be 1700 years since the day of the first ecumenical council. religious scholars and priests believe that the anniversary can be an occasion to resolve the issue of a common date for celebrating easter. however, regardless of whether eastern christians synchronize easter with catholics, next year both churches will celebrate it on the same day, april 20. the only thing is that we, well, the orthodox church cannot deviate from the principles of the first ustansky council, that is, easter must still be celebrated after the vernal equinox, after the full month and after the 14th of nisan, i.e. after the jewish passover. but above all, the most important thing in the celebration of easter is not the dates and the calendar at all, but its meaning - the victory of jesus christ over death and evil. and we congratulate all
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christians who in this... may the joy of the holiday with the hope of victory shine on you in this difficult time. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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