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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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you and calendars, and its meaning is the victory of jesus christ over death and evil. and we congratulate all christians who celebrate the resurrection of christ this sunday. let the joy of the holiday, the hope of victory shine on you in this difficult time. we will honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and civilians with a moment of silence. citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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where is the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. again an attack on the energy industry, with missiles and drones on at dawn, russian terrorists struck ukraine, targeting them in the southern and western regions, the air force of ukraine reported. our defenders shot down the sky.
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nine drones and x-101-x-555 missiles each. in total, the invaders attacked the regions with 14 cruise missiles and 11 drones. in kherson oblast, a preserved agricultural enterprise was hit, and in odesa oblast , an energy facility was damaged by debris from the ashes. rocket. unfortunately, a fire was caused by the debris of one of the downed shaheds at the power plant when they fell, due to... the fire shut down the facility and , accordingly, the subscribers were cut off, several settlements were left without electricity at night, but the fire has already been extinguished by the power companies, the power companies are returning to work and the light is returning to people. a hit took place in the kherson region. russian terrorists are now aiming to destroy ukraine's energy industry. the president emphasized this in the evening speech.
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volodymyr zelenskyi also noted that he once again turned to international partners for help. we gave all the necessary signals to partners, all specific requests, everyone who has the necessary air defense systems, everyone who has the necessary missiles, america, europe, our other partners, everyone knows what we need, everyone knows how important it is, right now. now to help us protect ourselves from these strikes, because of the russian missile attack on the west of ukraine, poland raised its aviation again, the country's armed forces said. they noted that these are forced measures for the safety of the country's airspace. the number of injured in kharkiv increased due to the evening shelling, two people were wounded there, a 35-year-old man and a 77-year-old woman, informed. mayor ihor terikhov.
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late in the evening, the russian invaders hit the shevchenkiv district of the city with a guided air projectile. they hit a residential area . a damaged apartment building. there, windows were blown out, walls and other structures were destroyed. also , the school, located next to the place of impact, remained without windows. a 12-year-old boy was injured as a result of russian shelling. in the zaporizhzhia region. it happened in the village of dolinka, pologiv district. a child sent to the hospital with a concussion, - informed the head of the region, ivan fedorov. in general, during the day , eight settlements in the region came under enemy fire from aviation. the occupiers attacked the village of malynivka. gulyaipole, mala tokmachka, levadne and robotyne were attacked with artillery and drones. the last two were also caught from the rczv. residential buildings and infrastructure objects were targeted. tours the occupiers shelled
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kurakhove and kostyantynivka in donetsk region. four residents were injured. according to the regional prosecutor's office, enemy shells hit the target. residential buildings. in kurakhovo, two women and a man received contusions, a mine-explosive injury and a shrapnel wound. in kostiantynka , a 75-year-old woman was injured with a mine-explosive injury and a shrapnel wound. she was hospitalized. residential buildings, farm buildings and power lines were also damaged in the city. and in the white church , the number of victims from explosions in the five-story building has increased. rescuers discovered in the evening. body fragments of the second victim. in addition, four residents were injured, including an eight-year-old girl, the state emergency service said. let me remind you that yesterday an unknown object exploded on the third floor of the building and a fire broke out. the building has damaged balconies and destroyed reinforced concrete floors. due to
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the threat of further destruction, fifty residents of the five-story building were relocated to a local hotel. the authorities of the kyiv region also promised to provide financial compensation to the victims. help in russia's belgorod region , there is unrest again. the ministry of defense there assures that in the morning their air defense systems destroyed 10 vampire rockets. and local telegram channels they write that after the successful work of air defense, a residential building caught fire. they publish a video of the fire and debris of downed ammunition. governor of belgorod. has not yet called on the city's residents to stay in shelters. ukrainian hackers crashed the servers of the russians' critical infrastructure. the occupiers' losses from the attack are 12 billion dollars. as reported by telegram channels,
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our specialists gained access to more than a hundred russian sites in just a few minutes. they managed to get tens of terabytes of classified information about important objects the enemy it takes a lot of time and resources to restore servers and lost data. ukrainian armed forces eliminated 650 occupiers per day, and in total, the russian army has already lost 442 soldiers in ukraine. also yesterday, our defenders turned 15 russian tanks, two dozen bmps and 44 artillery systems into scrap metal. it was possible to hit seven. air defense means of the occupiers, 30 drones and two cruise missiles. the armed forces also destroyed 47 vehicles. the data are approximate - added at the general staff. and to the operating room information from the general staff of the armed
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forces of ukraine. 85 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the enemy attacks in six directions. most of all in novopavlivska donetsk region. there, the occupiers 36. six times tried to break through the defense of our troops. it is also difficult not far from avdiivka and bakhmut. during the day, there were more than 30 attempts by the invaders to advance. in the direction of orihiv, the occupiers stormed the positions of our defenders in the kherson region five times and twice. during the day, our aircraft struck four anti-aircraft missile systems and 11 areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment of the enemy. and rocket launchers and gunners in... hit four radar stations, a control post, a personnel concentration area, four anti-aircraft vehicles and an enemy artillery vehicle. espresso tv channel asks nato to join our initiative. for the second year
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in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for our defenders. ginger, citrus, cranberry, sea buckthorn, honey, caring hands and faith in victory. such a recipe for soulful goodies. in the cold season they warm and give strength to our soldiers. we constantly have requests, which means that there is a need for vitamin mixtures at the front. so get involved and support our defenders. you can see all the details on the screen. as part of the new military aid package, france will supply ukraine with hundreds of old but still serviceable armored vehicles. this was announced by the minister of defense of france sebastian. the chicken coop, local publications write, are more than 40 years old, and in the french army they are gradually being replaced by new generation vehicles. however, the old technique is still in use, and it will help ukraine to receive a large front line. lekurnyu noted that during this and
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next year, hundreds of such cars will be delivered to kyiv. france will also hand over a batch of aster-30 anti-aircraft missiles to ukraine at the request to help strengthen air defense. corruption scandal in peru, the police searched the house of the president of the country, dealing with boulevards. in lima, the warrant was issued in connection with the investigation of the high-profile case, which was called rolex gate, after the name of the swiss watches, the investigators were actually looking for them, the president allegedly did not declare the luxurious hours, local television broadcast live video of the search. after the election of boloarta as president, journalists drew attention to the expensive accessories in which she appeared at official events. after that, the police started an investigation. the country's government announced that they were going to check the president's declarations over the past two years.
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see you at 10 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, set your favorites, my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, will continue the story. switch, stay with the espresso team. we want to start by thanking you, because almost 10 00 already in the morning, in fact in an hour, ran into the account for the car for our defenders, it remains to collect, yes 962 hryvnias, yes, to be precise, and in fact for you and me this is a very small amount, so we believe. that today we will close this collection, that's right, props, you see, these are
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such cars, big, cars that can go off-road, which are actually on the front line, exactly what you need to be fast, it is safe to move at all, because not everything goes there, but, well, in the meantime, i am looking at the balance as of this morning, what our ministry of energy says about the possibility of blackouts in ukraine now. it does not depend on us, but on the plans of the enemy. we see that, for example, today in odesa region, several districts lost electricity after shelling, but debris fell on an energy facility, but the emergency services and energy workers are already working and, accordingly, we hope that the people of odesa will not experience long interruptions. kyrylo sazonov is now in touch with us, our colleague, political scientist and serviceman of the armed forces, kirill, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations, i'm glad to see you in the morning, well , with the kupyan direction, which we
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want to ask you about, you can read treacherous betrayal, and you can read victory as victorious, and it is precisely this direction that reacts for some reason, for example, opposition politicians from germany, they can't sleep on easter morning, they say oh-oh-oh, we have a statement from the chief of staff of the syrian armed forces. about the fact that if such plans were to be put into practice from theory to kharkiv will try to implement the russian occupiers, it will be a fatal mistake for them. yes, in general, what is there to see, do they concentrate their punch there or not? i was already scared, maybe i think we don't know something here, something bad is happening here, regarding kharkiv, sirskyi already said, yes, it will be for them. a fatal mistake, and it is true, but
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the options are that if they climb kharkiv, it is impossible to do it unnoticed, well , first of all, where to get the resources for the offensive, now they do not have such, that is, they have to mobilize people, to dress, put on shoes, shoes must be the right size, because otherwise in two days no one will walk, they will lie behind worn legs, equip. it is necessary, it is necessary to feed, it is necessary to drink, it is necessary to transport somewhere, it is necessary to place it somewhere, it is impossible to do it inconspicuously, and all this we say about the infantry, so it is not noticeable, kirill, they are visibly doing it, since yesterday they officially announced that there is forced mobilization in the luhansk region, you can see the processes, and in donetsk region too, but it all takes time, as the commander of the ground forces pavlyuk and the president said it was at the end of may. at the beginning of june, perhaps an offensive, at best they need time, and it is impossible
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to do it inconspicuously, because they need both equipment, and soldiers, and air defense, because without this they are a target, we will see all this in concentration, or in the belgorod region, or here, although going through kupyansk to kharkiv is some kind of nonsense, because here it is far enough, from kupyansk to kharkiv 100 km, i took the boys to the hospital, i drive a jeep for two hours, heavy... what longer, here is quite open terrain, i.e. roads, fields, separate landings, beams, they are simply shot, that is, they will not go from here, that is... well, that is, first of all, it is necessary to concentrate a much larger number of forces and whether they can do it exactly like that exactly like that and it is impossible to do it inconspicuously is it instantaneous, if
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there is such a concentration of forces for a strike, and then i'm not a strategist, here the question is more for the general staff. it seems to me that then it would be logical for them to go even further south, somewhere in the slavyansk region, to break through there, liman, to break through there, but there the guys are also standing, holding on, we we won't let them, we won't let them be sad here, they made such a fiery ukrainian night today , they burned several dugouts, they burned the loaf and the calculation too, well, you are the junta, you are engaged in loafing, right? socydom, you can say it like that, but what can be heard from the north of the region, because after those raids , the local people who live on the border had a rather ambiguous perception there, they say that if that raid had not happened, so many would not have flown to us, we would they did not have nightmares about large controlled air bombs and shelling
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of rocket-barreled artillery, and now the information that it is... the russians have decided to strengthen these borders, and these borders are precisely the northern borders and in the kharkiv region as well, this is completely stupid, i call it the false logic of a bunny who thinks that if he behaves well, the wolf it will not be eaten, this is a big mistake, russia will bomb ukraine, bomb ukrainian cities, towns, villages, will strike wherever it can, it does not depend on our behavior. and what we are doing is not us, russian units, they have a civil war, they are doing some work in in the belgorod region, they are creating a sanitary zone there, this is good, because yesterday kyrylo budanov, the head of the gurs, said that they are building fortifications there, they are transferring combat-ready units, they are transferring air defense, this
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could all work here in kupyansk, it could work on lyman, could work on bakhmut, on chosovyar, anywhere. but all this works and is fighting now on the territory of the enemy, and this is very, very good, because the war will be anyway and they are throwing resources and we are, but if we are fighting on the territory of russia, then this it is much better for us, there is a lot of what they drop in sumyshchyna, and they drop in kharkiv oblast, and they fly to kupyansk, and they fly to kharkiv, and they fly to chuguiv all the time, this is, well, it does not depend on our actions, when we create... a sanitary zone or force them to stop shelling, then they will be gone, yes, as long as they can, they will hit ukraine, they, they have such, such a goal, such a desire, to destroy ukraine, if we will, we will not shoot back, we will show that we are peaceful people, this is for they will simply oh, the victim does not resist, that is, it is easier for us, that's all, this will not
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stop them, they do not hit back, they hit because they can hit, well, on the 22nd, of the year, well, what is the answer , they attacked themselves, they themselves continue to strike at civilians, at gs, at tes, at infrastructure in general, at energy, it's not because we resist. mr. kyryla, how do they react to these dummy weapons, when instead of complexes worth thousands and millions, we slip them a dummy for 100 hryvnias, can you attack please? they react, fight, destroy, war is the art of deception, and they also make dummies, mannequins, even try to heat them with candles, but our drones are very professional, they calculate it, and for uah 1000 we make dummies, i will tell you, we mortar positions they made a metal plate and a pipe,
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a kind of disguised mortar, because if they know that we will be working and our position will be somewhere here, they will look for it. will burn out, and no matter how you hide, they will always hang over you, that's why it is much better to make a 500 m kilometer false target, they bombed back, happy, smoked, we did everything, reported to the top, here we are like new, a surprise, but i wanted to ask you, because you said that you gave them a good hot night, how does it look at night parity, that is, we see better, they are better? sees, because every day we at least have a video from the front and can make a picture, but what does the night look like from our side, from their side, give me some time, i will post the night in telegram as well, good from the leadership, this is the army , there is discipline here, you can't shoot something so easily, to exhibit, unfortunately, they also have drones that
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work at night and also see, and also, come at us, that is, so caution, camouflage, frequent change of position, both for the drones, from where they start, and for the mortars, for everyone, on sorry, they don't sit and wait either, do they? now we are compensating for the fact that there are fewer shells, and syrskyi says for a reason that there are one to six shells, and we are trying to compensate for this with drones, our drones are more professional, we have many guys who had this before the war, now they have retrained a little for combat tasks, and our drones are just, well, rom, so that you understand, we don't set fire to the dugouts from above, ugh, our gifts fly right into the door of the dugout, right when it's open. that's why it burns out from the inside, they are waiting, someone opened it, get it, ugh, that is, ours work very, very tightly, well , i just watched it just recently, when in fact
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the russian occupiers were smoked in a small hole under the bmp, then it's just 30 for 30 and jewelry work, yes that yours and your words have confirmation, so please tell us more about how widespread they are, how... the russians often use these ground drones, because at first we recorded them in our troops, and now there are more and more reports about what they also saw, learned, this is from the ags, you mean where there is an automatic grenade launcher, that's how they approach and actually by remote control, that’s how they tried to use it, but my impression is that they didn’t show themselves, they’re such ground vehicles... as they say , the trucks for transportation, they can be used to transport the beck, to evacuate the wounded, and so do our guys from the cso benderlogi they have been doing this for a long time, but it is necessary
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to understand that it is one thing, one thing - delivery of some kind, and another thing in general is when it works in combat conditions, these grenade launchers on tracks, our drones are taken apart in an instant, taken apart so much that they cannot even be put back together. parts to see what it is. and we, kirill, just spoke with the freedmen in the zaporozhye region, and they say that the russians adapt technologically very quickly, that is? they study everywhere, and they learned drones quickly enough and a lot of them, and learned to work in small groups, and on bugi are flying up to the positions here to land a landing party, because in fact some... we will burn the mataliga on the approaches very quickly and the armored vehicles, and by a fast small car, well, it is difficult to get there, they land a small group,
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a small group goes on an assault, we too we work, huh, and what does it mean they go on an assault, that is, because in zaporozhye they just told us that they are being picked up, on the contrary, they do not go on an assault, but try to pay off, that is , they sit in some house or in the ruins and keep it like that, that is, they only about... if possible if the distance is so long, they climbed in and dug in somewhere, but if we shoot through this area, then why go out there and dig in, if we pushed us back a little, then yes, this tactic works, well, here they don’t push us back at all, so they either have to enter our positions, or inflict such a barrage of fire that we ourselves retreat, then they will go in and dig in. but so far they are not succeeding, kirill, and there is already some improvement in bc, that is, because you said, for example, the ratio is a little different than it was
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to that, i.e., one reaches six according to arti, i.e. there is something hidden, i don’t know, from the czechs or from this coalition, something suits you, well, it’s 1/6, i didn’t say it, commander-in-chief syrskyi, well, he has the picture as a whole in general, on the front, it is very difficult for me. well , to calculate something, because well, i see a very small piece, we don’t tell us any numbers about the proportions now, but has it improved, has something already come up, well, i will say yes, there are shells, but they are not enough, why are we compensating with drones, in fact, drones are even better, because much higher, well, they hit much more accurately and cost less, so that's what we're talking about. and what about shells, well, we are really waiting for when there will be a lot of them, or when we will have parity, but, as our zampoboy says, there are enough shells - this is a situation when the last kotsap on
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our land has been destroyed, and... we have shells there are still left, this is enough, and until it is not, we think it is not enough, in fact, this axiom, this algorithm is from you, it is repeated to us in all directions, so that all areas, now it will never be enough, until such moment, i also wanted to ask, do you observe in your directions, something like what happened in sumy oblast, when that huge , very powerful aerial bomb was dropped? because they bombed kharkiv oblast all the time, but there were some such innovations, modernized thermobaric tanks in sumy oblast, so far we seem to have a single example, and heavy cabs are flying in your direction, we have never had such a thing before, in fact, this is probably the first the case was in sumy oblast, cabs are flying to us, they flew to chernihiv, they flew to
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kupyansk itself, they dismantled a cafe. guys when we went somewhere from the positions, well, kupyansk is already a bit of a civilization, we consider chernihiv civilization in general, and kharkiv is just different, a different world, the boys in kupyansk liked to drink coffee, i never liked to drink coffee there, the coffee is delicious, but i don’t like it, sometimes when more than three people gather in a pixel, you can see them, ugh, that’s where the kids drank coffee, they spread everything with it, in fact , it’s not as big as in sumy oblast, it’s very good ... such a thing is problematic, because it carries everything nearby, it is a very heavy weapon, on it’s a pity that they don’t exist, we need to destroy aviation, i.e. f16, and strike with long-range missiles at their air bases, it seems to me that we are working hard, we are about this f16 in sufficient numbers, although i don’t know two or three squadrons and a couple more complexes the patriots have been talking for months in i think that in... sooner or
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later we will become a nightmare there for scholz on the tauruses, for the americans on the patriots and the f-16. kirill, be careful, thank you for your service and thank you for being with us, to attack the airbase, it is better to strike while they are standing on the airfields, is also a correct logic. kyryll sazonov, a political scientist and currently a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, is with us from the kupyan region of the russian-ukrainian front, and we have something to report. from maksym kozytskyi, the head of the lviv ova about the consequences of today's night air alert in the lviv region, reports that they shot, attacked with cruise missiles the same object as last week, which on march 24, 29 already flew there twice, today, stryi region , yes, today the administration building was destroyed, there was a fire, now the firefighters have already extinguished it very quickly, but unfortunately this attack resulted in
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one death. the man and the rescuers are now dismantling the rubble, there is no fire anymore, they are simply dismantling the rubble, they assume that there may still be people under the rubble, well , meanwhile, we were just talking about threats from the air, we will speak with an aviation expert, the manager of the aviation sector bohdan dolinets, we are in touch, mr. bohdan, good morning, good morning, it 's very early today. the attack is combined, drones are pounding, in most cases in all regions of ukraine, yes or no otherwise, our units are mobile and provide themselves with a sufficiently high coefficient of effectiveness . as for missiles, somehow the situation looks different, if in the south they have already more or less learned to shoot down, despite the fact that there the shoulder and the range reaches much faster, then
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looking at what is being done in... in the western regions of ukraine, in particular, in the third already, as they say, they spank near the streak, so what's wrong? well, look, first of all, if we are talking about countering the komikandze drone itself, then this is a much easier target, first of all, because that it has a smaller target, which, as a rule, does not exceed 120-150 km, on the one hand, on the other hand, it is quite noticeable, that's it in principle. these so-called mobile air defense units, they use the corresponding or paired machine guns and actually using such small arms, destroy these targets, which in principle is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible to do with other types of missiles, first of all, of course, we are talking about ballistics in general it's not about cruise missiles, there were only a few confirmed facts when it turned out to be such means to destroy short-range missiles, here, but
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still, if we are talking about... specifically about cruise missiles, then the main means is running.


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