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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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[000:00:00;00] there is no other way to deal with the terrorists of the kyiv regime and their ideological inspirers. all of them must be found and preferably destroyed as terrorists, including officials of the state that committed such a crime. death for death. later, putin also spoke. he called the terrorist attack an act of intimidation and said that the terrorists tried to escape to ukraine after the attack - writes dzerkalo of the week. we know who carried out the attack and we are interested in knowing who ordered it. this attack, this crime, can only be a link in the chain of attempts by those who are at war with us country since 2014 at the hands of the kyiv regime, he said. at the same time, the media reports that the kremlin dictator was warned in the us about the threat of a terrorist attack in russia, but in response he only accused the west of trying to destabilize the situation in the russian federation. let me remind you, and let's be frank about the recent, provocative statements by a number of official western structures about
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the possibility of terrorist attacks in russia, all of this resembles frank blackmail and the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society, putin said. about what russia knew about the preparation before the terrorist attack, the ukrainian side also declared. head gur budanov stated that russia knew for sure, at least since february 15. they knew where the battle groups would come from. the kremlin has already changed the versions of what happened in crocus three times, trying to at least somehow implicate ukraine in the terrorist attack. bortnikov accused me personally, but this is not senitnytsia. in principle, i do not approve of terrorist acts against people, budanov said. also, in his opinion, the kremlin allowed a terrorist attack because they wanted to remove several high-ranking officials. why did they allow this to happen? there are several options: the first is, as is customary among them, a battle of the towers in order to remove several high-ranking officials now. another option is that they actually underestimated the scale of what would happen, they thought that it would be more local
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and wanted ukraine with... this, he said. as reported by the american agency bloomberg with reference to its sources, almost no one in the closest circle of the dictator putin believes in the version with a ukrainian trace. despite the obvious attempt to drag sova onto the globe and accuse ukraine of involvement in this terrorist act. the closest environment. not agrees with similar assessments, however, the task that putin has set for the russian security forces is obvious, to find and invent any evidence that will point to the so-called ukrainian trail. the head of the federal security service, oleksandr bortnikov, as well as
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the secretary of the security council, have already announced ukraine's involvement in the terrorist act in crocusikhol. of russia, nikolay patrushev. however, this version was very quickly and involuntarily destroyed by the belarusian dictator alexander lukashenko, and he did it in his characteristic, slightly demented manner styles kartoplyaniy iduche, commenting on the version that the suspect in the commission of this terrorist act allegedly fled to the border with ukraine, instead stated that these same terrorists... were waiting at the border with belarus, which is why, lukashenko said, the belarusian security forces were forced to strengthen security measures, and when they received information that they would not be able to sneak across the belarusian border, the suspects in committing a terrorist act allegedly changed their route and decided to go to the border with ukraine. it remains unclear which window
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the dictator putin meant, after all. as you know, the continuous border between ukraine and russia is a zone of hostilities. so it would be absolutely impossible to slip through the russian border very quickly and without problems, without going through the procedure, except that the russian border guards should take cover and escort these terrorists to ukraine. however, this entire version definitely does not hold together. by the way, in the terrorist attack that was carried out. the vices of the islamic state are another important aspect. it must be taken into account that for fighters and business, the same taliban, the official authorities of afghanistan are their staunch enemies. after all, from the point of view of islamic militants, the taliban are apostates, who have cooperated with the governments of russia, as well as other governments of the world.
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the taliban thus betrayed the cause of the struggle. prophet muhammad with infidels and should be punished for it. the same can be said about the yemeni houthis, who verbally promised security to the russians and. chinese tankers and assured them that ships flying the flags of the russian federation and the people's republic of china will not be fired upon, but literally several days passed when this promise was broken. this explains that in today's world, any guarantees given by terrorist groups or insurgent groups are not worth a penny. russia has increased its shelling of ukrainian critical infrastructure. on march 22, the russian occupying army attacked the largest hydroelectric power plant in ukraine - the dnipro-heroelectric power plant in zaporizhzhya. one person died as a result of the shelling. oil products also got into the dnipro. in addition,
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on march 25, two were launched in the capital of ukraine missiles - probably zircon. it is still unclear from which platform the launches are made. the zircon missile itself was created to be launched from ships and submarines. its carriers include the missile frigate admiral gorshkov and the nuclear-powered submarine k-560, severotvinsk, project 885 yasen, both based in the northern fleet of the russian federation. therefore, according to defense express experts , the adapted bastion complex was obviously used to launch zircon in the direction of kyiv. this is a mining underground complex of coastal defense in crimea, which is located near balaklava. russian. zircon rockets pose a particular danger to the civilian population. if the threat of launching the x-47 kinjal is known in advance due to the take-off of the mig-31 k carrier, then the defense forces may not have such information about the zircon. these missiles can
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only be locked during launches. so civilians don't have much time to get to a safe place. in recent weeks , the russian military machine has intensified. missile attacks on ukrainian cities, and this applies to both border areas and objects located far from the front line. the change in russian strategy may be primarily connected with putin's attempt to sow more and more seeds of terror. in addition, the russian publication meduza, with reference to three sources in the administration of the russian dictator putin, reports that putin allegedly set the task before. the russian military command to begin preparations for a new offensive on kharkiv and kyiv. so far, this information looks more like an ipso, an effort to sow panic, as well as divert attention from other areas of the front. however, the missile attacks,
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which russia has begun to subject critical infrastructure objects to, also have another goal: to damage or disable the ukrainian energy system. russia appears to have been stockpiling cruise and ballistic missiles over the past winter months. however, the shelling of kyiv on march 25 stands out from the general series of events. defense express military experts , citing their own sources, point out that that kyiv could be bombarded with hypersonic secret zircon missiles. and they fired at each other. were removed from the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea. however, the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, major ilya yevlash, citing expert data, does not yet confirm this version. obviously, we cannot
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reject it to the end, at least until the relevant specialized institutions have their say. but, assuming that they could have really been zircons, it means. russia is trying, including to test its own top secret weapon by the way, the approximate flight time from occupied crimea to kyiv is 3.5 minutes. the declared speed of zircons is more than 10 00 km/h. however, there is good news here. if we assume that the ukrainian air defense over kiev really shot down zircon missiles, this means. that they are not invulnerable. a few years ago, when introducing this missile weapon, the dictator putin presented it as invincible, and one that could not be shot down by any existing
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air defense systems. it is noteworthy that this week it also became known that the russian fsb continues repression against the developers of cruise and ballistic missiles, including zircon. another russian design. sat down to play on charges of treason, and the irony of fate is that he is suspected of cooperation with the special services not only of the united states, but also of china. it is no secret that it is chinese intelligence that shows the greatest interest in modern russian military developments, and several leading russian designers have already gone to jail for accusations of working for chinese special services. that's how it is - sino-russian friendship, as it were they say, friendship is friendship, but tobacco is an enemy. i, taras, conducted this program for you. berezovits,
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15% in psarynyk, van and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on parafast - 10% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other ukrainian cities, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly pork. and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about, let
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's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second trump presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government from restoration of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and how they look. will be our entry into the eu in the project about politics about the world with maria
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gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sestria au. see this week in the collaborators program. ministries of the occupiers, whom did the rashists appoint as leaders? i want russia to be on the lands of the kherson region, and it will be. but how fake the minister robbed his masters of millions of rubles. the accused is detained, congratulations, i am olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets , went to serve the rashi occupiers. in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia creates such ministries, they are illegal and illegitimate, but many collaborators prefer to take positions there, become a minister, deputy or at least director of a department, the main goal of almost every seller. today and in the upcoming issues, i told you about such fakes institutions, who manages them and how they
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are used by the occupiers. this is the so-called ministry of health of the kherson region. it was created on july 25, 2023 . racists call the department one of the most important, because the issue of health in the occupied territories is very acute. in addition, it can be actively used for agitation, propaganda and pressure on local residents. for example, an appointment and an appointment with a doctor. sale of vital medicines, surgery, all this is available only if you have a passport with a chicken. positions in this the ministry was distributed very carefully, and only to those who proved their worth. commitment and willingness to work on the kremlin idea. ilmiyev vadim viktorovych, born in 1966, was entrusted with the duties of the minister of the rashists. along with the soldiers on the front line and in the body, there are medics. they often risk their lives, fulfill their duty to their homeland, providing
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aid to the wounded and victims. ilmiyev was born in uzbekistan, but later moved to kherson. there, in 2007, he created a community. hospital fund, which turned out to be a pyramid. then all managers of kherson hospitals, teachers, doctors, librarians, were obliged to voluntarily join the organization of the hospital fund. members were required to annually transfer uah 500 from each salary to the fund of the public organization. this contribution was considered as mutual aid in case of emergency, which can be applied for by all state employees of kherson. but as it turned out, contributions. collected, but no one allocated money. after that, in 2017, ilmiyev was one of the leaders of medvedchuk's public movement, the ukrainian choice in the kherson region, and in 2020 he ran for the kherson city council from volodymyr saldo's block, but did not pass. in 2021, ilmiyev tried to get a job as a specialist in
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the office management department of the kherson city council, where he also got from koshal. under the ukrainian government , this traitor's career did not go well. so he decided to try to be useful to the russian executioners, put on a rashist military uniform, puffed out his cheeks, and emphasized his poverty with the symbols of zet and russian passport with this whole set of artifacts of an underdeveloped creature, ilmiyev set out to engage in propaganda. you hear that there are now incoming flights and that ukraine is now shelling the city of kherson. in this way, it takes revenge for the fact that people want to do their own thing. first as the head of the regional health care department, and then she was equated to a minister. under the leadership of this traitor, the kherson region began to prepare for medical reforms
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according to russian standards. we have only one choice, and it is the choice of a peaceful path, so that we can finally have it on the fertile tavrian land peace has come. this minister was in office for a short time, why? well, because he robbed his own owners of 26.5 million wooden rubles. the former acting minister of health of the kherson region has been charged with misappropriating the funds entrusted to him in a particularly large amount. the accused is detained and remanded in custody. it turned out that... that from september 1, 22nd to april 23rd, ilmiyev stuffed himself with money that was allocated for the salaries of doctors and employees of the kherson city clinical karabelesh hospital. during the search of his house, cash, jewelry and paintings were found. last summer, the traitor was detained in crimea. i think that ilmiyev regrets that
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he fled to the occupied territory. now i would sit in a comfortable ukrainian cell and repent. the general prosecutor's office declared him a suspect. rationalism, but for now this renegade is forced to try out all the methods of re-educating the kremlin. be that as it may , ilmiyev's place in the occupation health care system was not empty for a long time. rashisti quickly found a replacement. russian artysh sat became the new minister. but i think he will not sit in the chair for long. and not at all because of what will be stolen. it's just that the fate of all these soap bubbles is decided in advance. each spherical hollow shell leaves behind only a wet one. a trace on the asphalt, then quickly disappears, like dew in the sun. and this is the so-called minister of health of the fake lpr natalia pashchenko. she is 49 years old, was born in the city of stakhanov in the luhansk region, and is a cardiologist by education. in 2014, she moved to severodonetsk, where she started building from scratch his career. but two years later, pashchenko
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was offered to lead a cardiology project in the terrorist dpr, which was financed from the russian budget. medical workers are an industry that largely depends on the russian federation. in the 14th year, we have already made our choice. the doctors stayed here with their population. this was already the choice of the russian federation. pashchenko diligently served the red star in exchange for ghostly prospects and money. and to spend bloody rubles, she went to the territory controlled by ukraine. according to zmi, the traitor bought an apartment in... irpen, which is near kyiv, and in 2014 she first sent her daughter to study in the ukrainian capital, then to poland and france. a daughter in europe enjoys the benefits of a civilized way. of the world, and pashchenko at the top of his voice is talking to the camera about the good life under the tricolor. the most important thing, probably, is collegiality and
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the formation of such friendly ties, and the feeling that we are together and we provide medical care together. for three years , pashchenko managed the so-called state cardiology program of the terrorist lpr, until she was appointed in december 2018 a fake minister of health. since that time, the sale has taken on even more persistently. to interrogate russian lies, for example, about our armed forces hitting civilian objects in luhansk region, or about how bad the ukrainian health care reform is, and how good the russian one is. today's contribution of medical workers to a special military operation to save the lives of those fighting for our homeland cannot be overestimated. it seems that nothing will help this zombified creature of the roshi regime. in april last year pashchenko, together with the other seven traitors... was suspected by the sbu of collaborative activities and treason. so, after the liberation of luhansk region
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, only 15-year-old inmates, and maybe for life, will be able to talk about how good the kremlin is. this is alla barkhatnova, the occupation minister of labor and social protection of the kherson region. she is 51 and comes from the oryol region. as a child , alla moved with her parents to the city of druzhkivka in donetsk region. she finished school there, then left. to study in russia, received an education at the all-union research institute institute of metrology automation. after receiving her diploma, she returned to the donetsk region again. at first she worked as an accountant, later she became an entrepreneur, and a powerful career development took place in barkhatnova's life in 2014. she understood who should be served, what should be said, whom to thank, who to betray. at first , zaprodenko was helped by an organization. pro-russian referendum in donetsk, worked as an accountant in the so-called ministry of social policy of the dpr and was elected a deputy to the terrorist
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parliament from the free donbass party. and with at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, she moved to kherson, where she was appointed acting head of the fake ministry of labor and social policy of the kherson region. in order to submit an application, a citizen must bring a certain list of documents, this is a citizen's passport. even during the occupation of kherson , the fake minister alla told the russian media how ukraine economically destroyed the region for 30 years, and how now people are returning to the russian kherson region, standing for 11 days at checkpoints, and how without acting? barkhatnova cries on camera, telling how she allegedly survived the shelling from the ssu. i swear, everyone will answer for their actions. i am not afraid of death, i want russia to be on the lands of the kherson region, and it will be. well, then barkhatova
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went wild and blurted out about ukraine's involvement in the undermining of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant. these sick fantasies are too similar to a serious diagnosis. maybe we should turn to the so-called colleagues from the fake ministries of health care, so that they eventually prescribe her treatment? according to the ministry of defense russian federation. militants are preparing to commit a terrorist act on kakhovsky highway. if this criminal plan is carried out , all residents of the coastal settlements downstream of the dnieper will be in serious danger. when the traitor felt that our armed forces were close, she set her sights on the left-bank kherson region, and now she pretends to be a minister there. in july 2023, the sbu completed the investigation into barkhatnova's case. mined collaborationism, for this the traitor faces from 5 to 10 years in prison. now the case is being considered by the kherson city court
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of the kherson region, and it seems that barkhatnov's head will be treated in a ukrainian prison. there is every chance to get rid of the obsessive thoughts that kherson is russia, the bloody murderers are liberators. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address. or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for... good deeds - it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, and
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