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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 2:00pm-2:29pm EEST

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greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm annayavamelnik and the news team will tell you about the main events of this hour. odesa is out of power again. after the restoration of the light, the high-voltage power supply was switched off in an emergency. residents of the khadzhibey and kyiv districts of the city, as well as odeschyna and part of the odesa district of the region, were temporarily left without electricity at the station, due to the lack of electricity, the water supply there was stopped. repair works are ongoing, where possible, energy workers will revive critical infrastructure objects and houses - noted vdtek. let me remind you, after the night attack 170,000 homes remained without electricity. the situation was stabilized, but electric transport was stopped in odesa. one person was killed
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as a result of the russian attack on the lviv region in the morning, the enemy hit the same object, which was already hit during the shelling on march 24 and 29, - reported the head of the region maksym kozytskyi, there was a fire on the spot, it was promptly extinguished, the administration building was destroyed due to the hit. rescuers are currently on site removing rubble, there may still be people under it. in the capital , they will be used at the entrances and exits from the metro station manual metal detectors, as well as video surveillance systems will be checked in the subway. at the level of defense of the capital, it was decided to strengthen security measures, limit mass events and more closely monitor places of gathering of people, in particular, shopping centers and public transport. the russian navy has replenished its stock of kali cruise missiles. and now
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he can use them for attacks on ukraine - said the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense kyrylo budanov on the air of the telethon. according to him, calibers were accumulated throughout this period, they absolutely ready for use in the russian federation, it was decided to use kh101 cruise missiles instead of calibers, since they are more effective. in the near future, according to the intelligence officer, the russian federation will use the calibers again, because there are several. x 101 was significantly reduced. ukraine will receive military equipment from france, which is out of use. this was stated by the minister of defense of the country , sebastien lecornu, in an interview with la tribune. hundreds of armored vehicles will be handed over this year and at the beginning of 2025. also, france will strengthen ukrainian air defense with a party of anti-aircraft guns aster-30 missiles for complexes. samti
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a car exploded in the market of the syrian city of azas, killing at least seven people and injuring three dozen others. the blast occurred during the peak of nighttime shopping after the end of the muslim fasting month of ramadan. no group has yet claimed responsibility for the blast. i should note that az is a city near the syrian-turkish border, populated by arabs and controlled. with assyrian rebels opposing president bashar al-assad. christians of the western rite today celebrate the resurrection of christ, traditionally attend the service and consecrate easter baskets. volodymyr zelenskyi also congratulated the faithful. the president noted that the holiday reminds of the strength of the spirit and the darkness that will not be allowed to win. and will not be allowed
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to overshadow the will that unites families, peoples and continents. this year , the difference between eastern and western christian easters is more than a month. orthodox and greek catholics will celebrate the resurrection of christ on may 5. people go bald every day due to the actions of poachers in the ukrainian carpathians. criminals in lviv oblast communal forestry trees are being cut down en masse. the last at times, black loggers have become more active, environmentalists say. together with them, our film crew went to survey the forest. the village of strilbychi in the lviv region. over the past few months , illegal deforestation has increased here. activists of the public organization forest initiatives and society lead us to the top of the mountain. on the way we see fresh tracks from tracks and tractors. this type of transport is used by blacks. li sorubs to bring out the looted
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wood. and now we see tracks in the forest from small tractors, from various vehicles that were leaving, and actually... they took away this illegally cut forest, and there are a lot of such scars in the forest, you see, there is a much bigger gap, and the mark of a more massive tractor, and actually legal ones felling was not scheduled here, we talked with the foresters on the eve of the survey, we walk along the path and notice the first logs, the absence of a brand on the cuts and scattered sawdust indicate illegal felling, this is what illegally sawn fresh wood looks like... you see, not here yet neither the law enforcement officers nor the foresters had time to put any brand, so now what we are doing is fixing the diameter in two directions, in order to calculate the average diameter of this cut, and based on this diameter the damages will be calculated,
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the violators take the cut trees on sawmills, explains activist volodymyr yarotskyi, there they are sawed into boards and beams, so the plots get rich by stealing natural resources. during such illegal actions, illegal felling, the topsoil is also destroyed, soils are destroyed, ground, destroyed plants that break, the undergrowth is destroyed, and, of course, the forest, forest environment changes a lot. a subsidiary company, staro sambirsk... halsil forest, is responsible for most of this forest. activists have been documenting illegal logging here for six years. the area of ​​20 hectares is overseen by foresters. they mark arbitrarily destroyed trees with a special brand. our forests are turning into sawdust, which does not enter either the state budget of ukraine or the local
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budget. at the request of local employees of the state environmental inspection, they went to starosambir forestry was recorded. illegal logging for 2023, experts estimated state losses in this area at 17 million hryvnias. our materials are sent to the police authorities, the prosecutor's office is notified, which supports these materials, and further actions take place within the framework of criminal proceedings, and accordingly i will repeat that our specialists are also involved in the framework of criminal proceedings already for departure together with the investigative task force for. .. 70% of arbitrary fellings are fixed precisely in the starosambir district, in others 30% of the hausil forest enterprise. acting general director ivan pidhoretskyi provides such statistics , according to him, illegal logging is due
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to the fact that the area is not gasified and residents heat their homes with firewood, but there are still about a hundred palorams working in this area, that is, there is a great demand for wood. already from two. 16 cases of arbitrary felling were detected in 2016, for a cubic mass of 89 m3, this is the damage caused to our company and the state for about half a million hryvnias, this is literally in two months, in some of these cases , the trespasser has been identified and brought to justice, who must pay damages, and some remain undetected because we detect them. we officially submit these documents to the police, the police are conducting an investigation, and are looking for the people who caused these damages. to solve the problem, the company's acting director plans to install night camera traps on the territory of the staro sambir halsil forest, information
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about the intruders will be passed on to the police, expensive cameras are promised to be purchased for grant funds. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. espresso volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row , we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and in the parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins , there are also other goodies necessary for our defenders, such as dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry cloves and borscht with lard, canned meat, in short, everything that will feed ours at zero. we constantly have a lot of requests, which means. it is necessary in ours there is help at the front, so join in and support our soldiers by donating, you can see all the details on the screen. these are the things for the moment, i tell you, see you at 3 p.m., read more about the important things on our website espresso tv, subscribe to
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our channels on social networks, stay close and my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman, will continue to work for you gull. "if you hit right on the easter holiday with rockets and, accordingly, shaheds, then god's kara will come quickly, i'm looking at such beautiful pictures, you saw it in the news, the altai region is under the mud, under water , and karma is like that, and if you give it, then we can tell us, as you can see, their efforts can spill out somewhere, then in disgrace..." consequences for us, you know, psychology, or not even psychology, but these
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are the clients of psychiatrists, so follow and understand what they want, well, it is clear that they want to bring ukraine to its knees, well , they have chosen a new tactic, they are now hitting one object at a time until they receive information that this object has been completely destroyed, this is their tactic, they accumulated missiles in... you see, now bohdanov said that there is information that it is possible to use calibers that have not been used since september, so, unfortunately, we have what we have, and the only , what we can do is to strengthen air defense and prepare for the next ones, actually budanov said that the strikes will most likely continue in terms of energy, you mentioned that they will shoot at one place, we can see exactly in... the city itself already several times in different ukraine points shoot until they receive information
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from informants, is this network so big now, isn't the sbu exposing someone every day, and there are still so many of them, well, unfortunately, unfortunately, there are people who are ready for money, well, less, less for ideology, more for money, why , they, some do not even understand what they are doing, you know, some are just trying in the dark, well... do they work, so, unfortunately, and say that this is somewhere a separate territory , that there they are there, and there they are not, and that, for example, western ukraine, it is more safe from the presence of these persons, i would not say that, well, since, mr. viktor, you say that their top management and the entire set of putins, these are all, in principle, clients of a psychiatrist. hospital, then i will switch to another object or subject, this is the best man, one of
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those putins, you know him very well, it was a long hunt, of course i would like him to sit behind bars, or the sniper to work, but for now what, and so far the czech special services are working, because medvedchuk is violently working off kum's money and has deployed not only e. anti-ukrainian organization from those unfinished pilots, they are still actively playing for the euro elections now for the european parliament, a whole network that was recruited by medvedchuk's agents was exposed in the special services of the czech republic. what is he doing there and what does this medvedchuk european activity look like? well , look, in fact, nothing new is being created there, everything that happened in ukraine was simply transferred to this one. experience was transferred to europe, there is money, there are front persons, through those
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front persons they are financed, or new political structures are created, certain individuals, both on the extreme left and on the extreme right, and they are actively using this money to promote themselves to the european parliament, the european parliament elections are due to take place in about 10 weeks, so i think it's just very... on time, it's there the combination of the czech special services and the investigation of certain mass media, and separate special services, in particular of poland, joined in all this, that is, i think that what was exposed, what was published, it will be very useful now for the election process, and well, i i don't think everyone but most of those who tried to break into the european parliament with russian money will be stopped, ugh, and one more thing in the favorite
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topic of recent days, oksana knows, these are mine, they are fighting tajiks from an islamic state, but mostly orthodox, because they are from ukraine . naryshkin leaves without opening the window, says: we are finishing up the ukrainian trail, that is, all the interrogations, he couldn't even say. word , we are finalizing the version there, collecting some evidence, in a word, they appointed ukrainians responsible for the islamic state, the history of psychiatry, too. because ihil he says twice already: yes, listen , get off the ukrainians, it's us, it's us, and they continue to stubbornly push this, the things that don't go in, and accordingly lukashenko also takes it and says, no, eh, the tajiks were riding on white in an inconspicuous renault to us, and then i told them to go to the ukrainian border, there the troops
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will disperse and mine the road, and they will go and collect bitcoins, they had just two buckets of bitcoin. to give in kyiv, probably somewhere in the bank, in a word, why do the special services and chekists play such an idiotic version that crumbles even among the xu-patriots? you know, i read the news today, i just want to read it here, the adviser to the minister of internal affairs of russia , volodymyr ovchyn, ovchinskyi, said on the air of the first channel that the terrorists were in the concert hall. the city hall was managed with the help of embedded chips, and you see, this is so that you understand the whole major general of the ministry of internal affairs, that is, the fact that they are really clients of psychiatry , it is already clear, but the problem is different, the problem is not ours, the problem is simple citizens of russia, which they chose for themselves
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this miracle took its head, and this miracle declared that... the ukrainians are to blame, and his henchmen are now trying to come up with some, i don't know, incredible versions, their problem will be in the future, why, because everyone saw their weakness, everyone saw the weakness of their regime, the weakness of their special services, and instead of stopping, starting to communicate with other special services of the countries that warned them, by the way, on march 7, instead of actually working to expose and prevent these crimes, they engage in madness and it's madness by the way, it didn’t start during this terrorist attack, it’s been so many years, they
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find there some business cards of yarosh, minekaf in ukrainian, some other biliberda, and they try... to bend the ears of what is not ukraine, that’s why i don't know, fortunately or unfortunately, unfortunately, probably for the civilian population, or the conventional civilian population, and fortunately for us, they are so unprofessional that i think in the near future, terrorist attacks will continue, whether they like it or not want, but ukraine has nothing to do with it, and those objects that... would have to explore and stop, they are beyond the field of their eye. well, so far, it is precisely migrants from tajikistan, even those pseudo-liberal russians, who write that they are leaving russia en masse, because they now have a new slogan there, fight tajiks, save russia, but ukrainians are to blame. mr. viktor, the russian orthodox church
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called the russian war in ukraine sacred, priests are called to pray and... both at home privately and with the faithful after the service , necessarily for great russia, no, for the holy war and victory over ukraine, everyone should pray every day have to pray necessarily, during fasting, exactly that , to pray for war, to kill during fasting, this is exactly what they do, and in parallel we have a document that from tomorrow, april 1, for 3 ,5 months have 150,000 more people. to mobilize young people from the age of 18 in russia, they are preparing a powerful offensive , they are forming something else, that is, they are preparing for something very, very large-scale, which is already so official, listen, they are conducting an ordinary mobilization, this is a call to the army, of course, this no no no not what we have
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to think, they conducted the same, the same call in the 23rd and 22nd years. against the background of that, they are releasing those who have served their time and calling up for time service in fact, that is, it is a conditional mobilization, and it will not change anything in the russian system of the russian attack on ukraine, because the number of people they need every month is approximately just the 50 00 per month to close. the gaps they have at the front from the soldiers we destroyed. as for the russian federation, well... of the official russian federation and the moscow patriarchate, well, you have to understand that for them the loss of ukraine, conceptually, and it
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will surely happen in such an avalanche after the adoption of the corresponding law, i still believe that it will be adopted in the near future, it is death for them and similarly, it is like the russian empire cannot exist without ukraine. and the russian church cannot exist without those pieces in ukraine , and they cannot fully tell that they are descendants of the volodymyr church, and this is for they are simply not clear, it is unclear then where their roots come from, this is one time, secondly, after the destruction of the moscow patriarchate on the territory of ukraine, i think the same collapse will take place in moldova, and... in the future belarus, these are all the consequences of one thing, well, such a chain of all those events, they understood that for
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them, for them, the struggle with ukraine, this is their sacred struggle, as they call it, mr. viktor, i know that you terribly love these bearded terrorists, fesshny, especially those that are in monasteries in western ukraine sat down, you and i talked more than once about... the chaiv lavra and others and that agency that went there, this time there is such a breaking point, the moscow church, which does not decide, does not even want to comply with the decision of the ukrainian court, further wants to call itself the ukrainian orthodox church, omitting even the words moscow patriarchate, although according to the law it should be called the russian orthodox church in ukraine, in this case they played. on the useful idiots of the west, because there are others at the un level all the time decreed that it is impossible to persecute and persecute the orthodox faith, let's say such things are heard in
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our address, which stops the adoption of the law , we have enough orthodox people in the verkhovna rada to prevent this law from entering into force, but after that, as these moscow popes obliged. every day to read a prayer for victory in the holy war over ukraine, and they are in shock, they seem to say that no, we, we are so autocephalous, and i at the same time, i just looked in the synod , and all the leaders of the ukrainian uoc mp are sitting next to it, that is, they are all one russian whole. this is the rift with this decision of the council, and to the russian world, does it give us kozyra to bypass these... useful idiots in the meeting rooms and still pass a ban on the church, which is a church only in name, in fact is an extension of the russian state, so look,
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the problem is what, the problem is that, firstly, there are two key points: this is not a church, this is a pseudo-religious organization, this is one thing, secondly, we do not ban the church, we do not ban what the church is, the church, it is a community of people , but we do not ban this one together. people, we prohibit the use of temples by persons who are directly subordinate to moscow, and this is such a precedent, and the only thing that i don't like is the mechanism, it is very complicated there, but alas, we have what we have, i.e. courts there, retrials, but already, if a decision has been made, then all obligations must be fulfilled, the only thing is that ukraine remains... a unique country where court decisions can simply be ignored, as an example i can cite the presence of an illegal construction on
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on the foundation of the tithe church, until now no one has analyzed it , so we will see how they will be carried out, but the fact that now the priests have to decide and where to go, well, i don't know, you see, they are trying to find some loopholes there, to cross, for example, with this osprey, almost in romanian about... the orthodox church, which can take them in, come somewhere else, do everything just to not be ukrainian, uh, well, this contingent is amazing, but even more amazing are these dark people who they walk with them, they remember from time to time nikolayushka, the second innocent killed and the bolsheviks who killed them too, well, that's double-minded, in a word, this schizophrenia will continue, mr. viktor. thank you for the analysis, comment. viktor yagun, former deputy head of the sbu, major general of the sbu reserve, was with us. literally a short pause, a few minutes, then we will return to kharkiv and
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kharkiv oblast. to speak, the situation with the electricity supply is difficult there, we will ask about the details in a few minutes. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv, just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is from... uah 1,499 , a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw, only see how quickly it copes with even thick branches, once and ready, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use in hard -to-reach places, a powerful
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week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like, in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska, every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with au sisters. canal espresso and ukrainian pen present the project own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions. it is the news that will analyze the guests of the project this week, and we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso.


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