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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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ms. nina, after the unique in its stupidity bill from the government about and and the office about the bureau of economic security was failed after the punitive actions suffered by the deputies who did not vote for it, there will be another attempt to drive the bep under tatarov again, or already there will be no attempts, it is still not under the tatarov bureau of economic security, no changes have taken place. it's just that there is less information, why? because it seemed to me that those active entrepreneurs who then turned for help, including in office of the president, they really began to go less , but as far as i know, investigative actions and other things are taking place there, but in as quiet a mode as possible, without the impudence that was before, but here it is very important, we are now appealing to all public organizations that ... can
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provide support for a draft law to be quickly considered in the verkhovna rada, which removes all these levers that are currently in the hands of law enforcement officers, i.e. norms that are read ambiguously, which they use as discretion in legislation and make decisions their discretion and simply mock business, this problem has not gone anywhere, and we will actively raise it again now, because we need legislation. why should we solve it, and not talk about it, and this is our task for this week, of course, thank you, ms. nina, nina from the south, people's deputy, about groundbreaking ideas in the economic bloc of the government and not only there, a short pause, after which we will talk in general about these innovative ideas and the spring bustle of political life and an old country political technologist, stay with by us tired of heavy and bulky
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espresso tv channel. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals. which make sense and commenting on the most relevant public discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 on espresso. premium sponsor of the national team. united by football, stronger together. we are returning to the studio, do not forget to donate, and thank you for not
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forgetting, actually, but we are recruiting topics, there is a large amount, 2 million must be collected, that’s it for fividrons, this is very important, and the preliminary collection, by the way, for fivi drones, was very fast, very... quickly you donated a lot donated fast investment you know, i make quick investments in my future, that is, i invested in a couple of weeks, you see already result, good , let's add political technologist taras zagorodny to the conversation, mr. taras, welcome, good day, you know, i would like to start first about the great, beautiful and unchanging, well , for example, the person who founded the 95th quarter, about whom we can talk straight from the podium of the un, well, i'm talking about the chief and about... well, one in one word, i wanted to talk about kryndjatyn and suddenly such a necessary person was fired, i wanted to start with that, but i was overtaken by a person who was voted for by the whole of ukraine, whom the galaxy is proud of, he gave an interview to
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a politician, he is the number one person in the electoral sympathies andriy yermak , and this is his last thought. we have... you hear, mr. taras, estimate, we, louis the 14th, we think that even after the end of the war , martial law cannot be lifted, at least for a few years the ukrainians will stay and rebuild the country, besides, our people already used to living with closed borders and other restrictions, it is no longer a problem for them, said the supreme fair of ukraine, here it is running under the... inspection of fsb officers on the streets of washington, being nobody, and suddenly we are promised a concentration camp even after the end of the war. well, and further, well , look, look, let me take a break, i looked at the original, i didn't see such words there, so maybe there are some
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mistakes, i'm not mr. yarmak's lawyer here, i just want us to talk about the invoice, if it in fact yes, i am here for you now i will find a quote, you know, but... i also saw such a message in the morning, then i also saw a refutation on facebook that there is no such thing for politics, okay, you will continue about the chauffeur, and i am just looking while the novel is looking for, if there is, let's go to discuss, well, i want us to give adequate information to people - this is the same channel, why he is the leader, because here smart people discuss smart things, realities, while roman is looking for this quote, i will ask you a question. it will be a moment and then we will continue with this story. so, here are all the staff changes we've seen, somehow yes, it was quite unexpected for us. 1 2 3 4 flew by, but there is such a small nuance here: on the website of the president there are decrees, and there it is written about
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the release, yes, not the release of specific people, but the release from the performance of duties. dismissal from the duties of adviser to the president of ukraine, dismissal from performance. adviser to the president of ukraine and so on and so on and so on. dismissal is not quite the same as dismissal, it is some kind of cunning loopholes to do something, is it consciously or unconsciously, in your opinion? well, you know, in our country, well, the level of literacy, including that of the authorities, has fallen significantly, i do not rule out that this is just such a mistake. in this case, i also cannot tell you exactly what the difference between dismissal and dismissal is, you need to look for it, if there was suspension from the performance of duties, then it would be suspension, that is, the person is not dismissed, he is suspended there for a while, if
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dismissed, then it just can, well, i think, here more philologists should say whether this is an analogue of liberation, well, it's not liberation, and that's already a good thing until... what can they do, what can all these changes give, they are not really that super essential, do you need to remove some people, bring in others, do you need to, i don't know, have someone on the hook. or what? no, well, zelenskyi announced that he will renew the government, well, the office is a part, it is completely his parish, there he can fire people by his decree, and in principle he did it, that is, there, well, in fact, if you look at who was dismissed, these were those who were actually appointed there from the very beginning, this is ustenko, radutskyi, smirnov and everything else, and therefore ... well, we will also have mr. danilov now, as the ambassador to moldova says, who also came
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in fact at the same time as his appointment with the election of zelenskyi, so it is possible that zelenskyi is changing the team, making sure that that in this case management will improve, it is his decision in this case, and it is not the decision of the verkhovna rada and so on, it is his responsibility and he bears full responsibility for this decision. and danilov is being sent to moldova for what purpose, whether it is so that it is not to offend, i hope with a good purpose, i am in general a supporter of sufficiently active and actions, i, for example, am a supporter of ukraine, without asking for moldova's permission, still liberating transnistria, and then a week later legally giving it to moldova . in power, receiving the weapons that are there, because
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it will be very painful for the russians, or there will be a scandal, well, there will be a scandal, but ukraine is finally this pot, she will pull it out of there, because it includes threats to odessa and a threat including our rear, ugh, ugh, but there is one the ambassador whom everyone is waiting for, but he is still not there. no, do you remember about the ambassador to britain zaluzhny and about agriman they said itish? well, if they sent an agriman, then there should be a response from the united kingdom, either a refusal or a confirmation, here there is no other yes, here yes, so it is not clear here, after all , they refused or confirmed, how long this waiting can last, because in principle , usually, a month, a month, usually a month, well, we don't know the law, i honestly don't know the legislation, for example, in great britain, which ones
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there are actually deadlines for approving the grimace, well, on average it’s about a month, maybe a month and a half, ugh, well, they’re keeping an intrigue, but i have to tell you that i wouldn’t have found the original of this phrase for politics yet, but i found a bunch of ukrainian publications that yes, maybe it 's a translation error, i'm talking about this constable who allegedly declared... yermak, but in general, when we look at the president's best friends who were suddenly released, how did they say this word, released, released, for some reason got into this circle, well, for example smirnov, although everyone knows everything about him and portnov, but for some reason neither tatarov nor yermak got in, and how can i explain that, well, you ask me to give answers for zelenskyi, so they are, so he needs them, and he is satisfied their
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work, because those who he was not satisfied with, he fired them, the same bohdan, well, in this case, you should mainly be efficient, you remember, as always in the presidential administration, there was always a lightning rod, there always had to be some medvedchuk or tobacconist, on who could later hang all the dogs, no, you are that, you, you are talking about mr. kuchma, well, you are absolutely, it is that one. such a level of play has not existed in ukraine for a long time, well, listen, mr. kuchma, you personally communicated with almost all the deputies, even with the opposition, you can hear it on the tapes of melnychenko, that everyone was in his cabinet, because he, well, he really engaged in politics and kept a pulse, and therefore in reality he had such a system of double control, but for example, he had a head on one side. administration from of another nsdc, for example, he also kept the analysis from two, from two sources, or
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medvedchuk was actually appointed then, and you remember who was the first assistant, immediately appointed for balance, so mr. lyovochkin, so there, well, this, that was only with kuchma, everything else with us is just like that, you know, well, theoretically you can say what kind of balance there is and what is there, how, how everything is built there. mr. taras, in january , a petition was registered on the website of the cabinet of ministers to, yes, yes, yes, i quote, redirect the funds, that is, in fact, it was. redirect the funds that are used to finance the single marathon, the single news marathon and the fredom tv channel, and take these funds and transfer them to the armed forces of ukraine. why, because the argument is that all this content, its creation, it is all too expensive for ukrainian taxpayers, and in general, such a lot of money can be used more effectively and see the result
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much faster, since we are now collecting drones for fpv, and we understand, which was just finished and immediately after a few. let's see what happens, how they work. so, the petition collected, as of this moment, more than 25,000 signatures, the required number, the cabinet of ministers of ukraine must consider it. what do you think of this prospect, will they go to the point of making a decision and really direct these funds to the armed forces of ukraine, to drones, to cars, well, at least the answer should be according to the law, well, if the cabinet. ministers, if it is a question of changing the budget, only the deputies can change the budget, because it is still about the state budget, because these funds are provided for in the state budget, but the topic is very correct, which raises another question, it is generally our overspending, especially at the local level, we see the levels and everything
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else, that is, there is a huge in reality, a huge layer of money that is not needed. but now we are spending, we are also talking about various greenery, paving stones, the purchase of utility equipment that is not needed, kept by officials who are now not, well, actually should not exist, well, for example, we still have the mariupol city council, lisichansk or severodonetsk, which actively squanders funds, spends them and so on, that is, this is a general issue that , by the way, should be initiated by the cabinet of ministers of budget sequestration, because we are often told how much money ukraine spends on war, we have approximately 20% of gdp. well, great britain , for example, during the second world war spent 40% of gdp, that is, here and there it was significantly more, more resources were spent, and i think that ukraine should also take into account
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what is needed in this case and the cabinet of ministers should consider also, if the minister's office and our officials do not want to move, then this should be actively promoted the people of ukraine, who , by the way, get involved often enough and are active enough, i always look, there are active activists on facebook, there is such a woman yuliya glushko, she organized such a campaign people's audit, so they gathered people who are looking for what is possible, which tenders can be knocked down, for example, in local... authorities have already knocked down 20 billion, and the mechanism should be complained about, it turns out that these tenders can be knocked down due to a complaint to the state audit service, they have already knocked down 20 thousand 20 billion there together, so this should be a joint process, as the people of ukraine, if we see that the officials are not going to change their behavior, the people of ukraine should
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join in and press, of course, for the articles of the budget... to correspond to wartime and all resources go primarily to the production of weapons, here the cabinet of ministers should also be more active, for example, in the organization of crediting of military-industrial complex enterprises, which is not there, even under the 579 program there is 17 billion, 17 billion is allocated to compensate for the interest statute, there we have loans for anyone, including agrarian barons and... and ritel, but there is no military industrial complex, there is no military industrial complex risk insurance, and you will be surprised, well , for example, who come here so that the agro-defense forces take grain from odessa, they insure the state for 20 billion, by the way, 20 billion, and the enterprises built by our, our industrialists, where rockets fly,
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they are not insured in any way, although i am sure that traders and agro defenses could insure themselves. to protect their property in this case, or not to transfer these vessels to the state, saying that they have efficient agriculture, secrecy is not ensured military industrial complex enterprises, unfortunately, their years can be seen in open access and many other things in reality, but in reality, when such petitions appear, it is good that the people get involved and start to ask about directions, at least in this way, where are the funds spent, huh, but you say there is a people's initiative? there is also the accounting chamber and that audit, there were also big numbers, it turns out that we have a lot of superficiality, that is, activists criticize the accounting system. shows corruption, and then sociologists show us that it is second, second the step that unnerves ukrainians after the russian occupiers, it turns out
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like this, well, look, let's face it, ukraine is as corrupt a country as ukrainians often think, because if we really had such a corrupt country, then the state apparatus was generally dysfunctional, and it would collapse, well within a month after a large-scale invasion, the state apparatus is completely incompetent. corrupt, we could see this in afghanistan, when the american troops left and everything went down there, well , literally within a month, this time, do they steal here, they steal, but here, look, there should be a joint movement again, and people should be active, yes, and law enforcement agencies should also be active, including the accounting chamber, the state audit service, the state audit service ... this is koleshnikru, there is the control and audit department , which controls budget expenditures, that is, they have the authority, i say again, to knock down the tender, but
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you can tell them, and they also have the authority, they can check these tenders and announce about its cancellation, they in fact, they canceled a lot of tenders, and for example there in odesa, there was also a test there last year, there was something about hospitality there , they also wanted to steal 20 million and so on, i am here... i say that when, you know, the officials are working, i anyway, i always support them, because we also have, you know, such a bad trend in our society, officials don't do anything, we scold them, yes, and when officials start doing something, we also scold, usually we start talking, but where well, you were there before, well, this is elementary underestimation, so whether there are mechanisms, well, yes the petition itself, for example, was taken, done , and at least there is a movement and... now the cabinet of ministers, calling mr. shmyhal out of his lethargic sleep, in which he is, because in general i have such an idea that mr.
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shmyhal does not notice at all, that there is a war in the country, he lives his life, a parallel reality, so at least there is a movement, and we have to dig here, i said, the classics are pounding this rock, yes, but we saw that the government... went to warsaw, shmehal worked there, why you, why do you say that he is in a parallel reality, a man held an unprecedented meeting, what an unprecedented thing, to agree to spend 200, 200 thousand grains of agro-baronists, who last year contracted, well, it's dark, it's just dark, 50 million dollars, the prime minister is traveling to negotiate 50 million dollars, instead of creating, for example, some customs. on the territory of poland, yes, there are dry docks there, where it was possible to record movements there and so on, to delay poland, including
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joint infrastructure projects, there or for gas, for example, or a defense plant, for example, in including and so on, what does the cabinet of ministers do so that a handful of agroboronists earn their 50 million, well, to be honest, it's just gloom that i saw and didn't convince anyone, because, well, our cabinet of ministers is still closed. this happens, you know, when they think they have a free market, and when they start telling the poles how their agriculture should be built, and what they have, which makes me laugh, when they start teaching the poles that they need to build their economy, who do you teach, where do people go to work in poland or on the contrary, when they start talking, this is especially my thesis, which is launched by our agro, agro-defense and... agrarian oligarchs, here we have efficient agriculture, in europe it is ineffective, you have seen the numbers, what kind of efficient agriculture you have,
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the netherlands, the netherlands with a territory 15 times smaller than ukraine, exports 90 billion dollars, exports 90 billion dollars of agricultural products, we have agricultural defenses with such areas, with such soils. 35 in the 21st year, why? mr. taras, let's see how it will be after the war, that is, as of now such figures, but this is a very big discussion , which unfortunately we simply do not have time for, but we are grateful to you for taking time to analyze and comment, taras zagorodniy, a political technologist was with us, but now we have to pause for a short pause, then we'll come back, we'll talk about religion about easter, by the way, the pope said that now it's necessary to... change everyone for everyone, let's discuss this too, what is bahmud? bahmud is
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a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will remain with us until the end of our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. this is a boy. who never cry lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas.
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politklub is on the air on the tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should receive. the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make up stories, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two
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hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , the big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together stronger the football format changes the time of airing. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. the project is both for experienced fans and just for people who
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appreciate it. unbiased view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv. well, you see, we also have a reaction, and it has already come to us , this message is literally hot, a number of social networks, online publications spread this wild crazed phrase allegedly authored by andriy yermak from an interview with a politician. we immediately googled all the interviews that are available, there is nothing like this, now we see that the center... in strategic communications and information security, says that this is one of the ways to spot a fake comment, it has now been launched, it is actually there is such a discrediting fake that was launched en masse right now by these people at this very moment, well, a classic of hybrid warfare, so it’s good that we had time to review it all at once, and right away, as promised, we include our next guest, anatoliy, in our conversation babinsky, doctor of theology and teacher of uku,
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contact us. mr. anatoly, we welcome you and christ.


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