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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. well, you see, we also have a reaction and it has already come to us, this message is literally hot, a number of social networks, online publications, spread this wild crazed phrase allegedly authored by andrii yarmak from an interview with a politician. we immediately googled all the interviews that are available, there is nothing like this, now we see that the center of academic communications and information security says that this is one of the ways that this fake comment has been launched now, it is actually such a a discrediting fake that was launched en masse right now, at this moment, the classics of hybrid warfare, that's it, so it's good that we had time to watch it all at once, well, and right away, as promised, we include our next guest, anatoliy babynskyi, doctor of theology and teacher uku, we 're on the phone, mr. anatoly, congratulations and...
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he's risen, if you're celebrating today, please tell me, let's start with easter right away, we uh, we actually have three calendars right now, yes , someone lives according to the gregorian, someone according to the julian, and this is the new julian so neither there nor here, so diplomatic, cautious, why the greek catholics, why, a large community could not immediately switch to the gregorian calendar in order to celebrate together with the whole world. not only christmas, not only all holidays, but also these moving eyes, in fact the entire easter cycle? yes, indeed today in ukraine we have three calendars, three cycles at once, er , why this happened, it was immediately explained when this calendar reform took place, there are a number of reasons, firstly, why is there such a big difference this year, well, because easter it is calculated in a slightly different way than the simple... calendar, that is, there the eastern churches
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follow the alexandrian paschal, and the western world follows the gregorian, so the ukrainian greek catholic church switched to the gregorian calendar with the preservation of the alexandrian paschal, and it was stated that it is a temporary forced decision, since it was clear that the orthodox church of ukraine would switch to the new julian calendar, which is also followed by the alexandrian one... since the majority of the orthodox world follows the new julian calendar calendar the second point is what was announced immediately, and it was well understood by those who sat in this case, that today there is a discussion about the single date of easter between the eastern, orthodox, eastern, oriental and cathoric churches, and it is expected that that in 2025 the common date of easter will be determined. i am personally skeptical of such... predictions, because
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there is no unity in the orthodox or oriental world regarding this, the catholic church is open to setting one date for easter, well, let's say there, i don't know, on the third sunday of april, and let everyone celebrate in this way. the ugk expects that maybe it will be possible to find a compromise, and then there will be no need to carry out any additional reforms, just that the whole world will switch to a single date for easter, but if this does not happen, i assume that the gcc will have years to come. will switch to the gregorian easter, since most, you know, parishes, even abroad, in particular, i am currently in the united states of america, here there is already easter according to the gregorian calendar and for ukrainian greek catholics, the situation is such as yes, you see in transcarpathia too, the diocese also celebrates today, it seems like the second year in a row, when it is celebrated according to the gregorian calendar, so they have in this regard... internal autonomy, so they are
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directly subordinate to the apostolic see, so they have the opportunity to make this decision themselves, and they made such a decision, that is why in zakarpattia we have such a situation, well yes, but look, none of the simple christians of ukraine, and even in such a difficult time with such difficulties will explain to himself how it happened that we... will celebrate with a pseudo- church organization called the russian orthodox church, which at its cathedral declared a holy war in ukraine, prays to god for the destruction of ukraine and for the victory of arms, and people say, and now we will celebrate with them on easter, instead of celebrating with the civilized world with real christians, it's that simple...
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on perceives what you called forced, a transitional solution, yes, then, but you see the orthodox church of ukraine will still celebrate easter lent. roma, because this is how the church of constantinople and most other orthodox churches celebrate, there is no connection to the russian orthodox church, the ugc decided, in order not to create yet another dividing line in ukrainian society, to celebrate together with the ocu. when the gcc will even switch to the gregorian calendar, the ocu will remain on the new julian calendar, this is their very clear and unambiguous decision, this is how the greek and balkan churches celebrate. churches, therefore they will remain in any case, and this is not a question for the ukrainian greek catholic church, here the question is about finding one date for everyone, for catholics, orthodox, different denominations, and also for those protestants who commemorate this
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holiday, that is, currently the dialogue continues, but i say, i am personally skeptical that it is possible to find it before 2025, yes, because it will be another anniversary of the council of nicaea in the year 325, when actually ... and there was a discussion about the date of easter , so that all christians celebrate it on the same day, i would very much like, mr. anatoly, to finally, in fact, have a year more time, to decide everything on such a yes, for such a common date, to reach, we have one more question, today on easter, the pope of rome called on ukraine and russia in his message to city ​​and to peace, to carrying out an exchange of everyone for everyone, that is, it was not only... it was about ukraine and russia, he also talked about israel and gas, in fact about the release of hostages and about a big exchange, and that is, well, probably , not for the first time such rhetoric, which is also close to us from the mouth of the pope of rome, something is changing
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, you see, here with the pope of rome there is such a wave going up and down in us, we are rushing on these hills, first on the rise, then... falling down, really, this scandal that happened after interview with swiss television, it was probably one of the biggest communication failures, well, in particular, the pontiff personally, because today it is increasingly being said that the state secretariat had and has a different position, and than the personal views of the pope, i would note here that in fact in january it was much more serious a statement that somehow escaped the attention of the ukrainian media, this is the pope during the meeting. chi with the diplomatic corps accredited to the vatican, said very clearly that russia must stop hostilities and that war crimes deserve punishment, that was really the strongest statement, or these questions about the exchange of prisoners, that has been the traditional role
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of the holy see since the first world war, they always reserved for themselves, to be such a point, so where it is exchanged between them. these sides, lists of prisoners, and the saint the throne tries to communicate with each of the parties in order for such an exchange to take place, yes, this, that is, this is a traditional role, here the pope did not say anything extraordinary, so i think that this humanitarian mission is what they would actually have and , we would probably sing more successfully, and not commenting on various, let's say, political moments, or the military, so what are we talking about, we agree, thank you, thank you for the conversation and for participating in our broadcast, anatoliy bobynsky was with us, doctor theology and teacher of the ukrainian katorytskyi university, and on this, in fact, roman and i have to
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say goodbye already, because our time on ether is coming to an end, thank you for the donations, we have to collect 2 million and we are moving confidently. until the end of the meeting, take care, we wish you a peaceful, safe day, do not ignore the alarm signals and be sure to get off the express, because here we will now have a short break, literally a few minutes, after that a very, very important conversation, which we actually recommend everyone watch and listen, because it will be in our interview khrystyna yatskiy and with the legendary commander of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade oleksandr vdovichenko. it was this brigade that destroyed the elite of the russian army near kiev, how it was possible to stop the russian advance, the secrets of the victory over the invaders near the capital, all this in detail, we can
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learn in detail in a few minutes after a short pause. let's watch together. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it's so. convenient to use and for carpentry works, this is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, free delivery is possible, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, everything you can do it in one move with the strong saw, just look how quickly it handles even thick branches, once it's done, and unlike the standard. pollen, it is so convenient to use it in hard- to-reach places. the set is powerful battery, wrench and screwdriver, and
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a charger are included in the set, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, a powerful strong saw is what you need, call, there are 10% discounts on lizak in pharmacies psyllium, vam and oshchadnyk. an unusual look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special look at events in ukraine, on the border there will be some katsaps in kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, it's all in information. marathons with mykola september saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the
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espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, topics will be topical, guests, special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday, 5:10 p.m. on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. congratulations, this is from a press interview, my
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name is khrystyna yatskiv, and these are our conversations with people who are important to all ukrainians. and today we have an opportunity, i would say an exclusive opportunity, to meet and talk with oleksandr vdovichenko, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, commander of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade in 21-22 years, with a complete cavalier. order of bohdan khmelnytskyi and an honorary citizen of kyiv region, in addition to everything, and this, it seems, is not all the regalia that i mentioned. i congratulate you, mr. colonel. congratulations. well, uh, you look a little different today, compared to how we're used to seeing you in the information space, and everything, everything about your appearance speaks of 72 separate mechanized brigade. i'll just remind you that... kyiv and the kyiv region survived thanks to the fact that these fighters and this brigade
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arrived on time and quickly, they worked brilliantly, in particular under the leadership of mr. oleksandr. and those events, the events of the end of march in the 22nd year, anton columbe, by the way, also of the 72nd icbm, described how in the kyiv region a full-fledged wild field in just one small forest near the village... there are battles, counted: the armed forces, the national guard, the teroboron, the police , several famous dobrobats, gurs, security service, some mysterious spokes with strange kalashmata and just muddy tips. with weapons, i now save the vocabulary specifically, but all this movement is constantly moving, entering the battle, leaving it, someone is brought in, someone is brought in, and everyone periodically tries to be armed with weapons from enemies or allies, and mr. columbet then summarizes his post with a thesis: this is the cossacks, this is the same wind from the cold
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ravine, which lacks a center of coordination and supply, where all these people come from, where they arm themselves, where they go, i don’t know ... even they themselves. no military academy in the world taught how to resist such a thing. welcome to hell. this is how russians were met in the kyiv region at that time. and these days we are talking about the end of the battle of zamosc, on the eve of the battle for kyiv. the elite was destroyed of the russian army, and you, mr. oleksandr, contributed very significantly to this, it was me so carefully and diplomatically. two years. therefore, is that what you imagined? no, in the difficult and terrible march of 2000 on the 22nd year, i imagined that in march of 2024, life would go on and
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our struggle would go a little differently. i wore it today. given, given clothes, because it has just arrived from the patriotic forum of unbreakable student youth, which was held at buchansky lyceum number 3, which is located on vokzalnaya street, where on february 27, 2022, it was heroically destroyed. enemy column of equipment, walking down the street, i first thought that i had lost my way, then, and then i look, no, it is still the station street, but it has been rebuilt, and, but it’s still there, i stopped, it’s still there, well, at least to me , one feels the same as everything, as in irpen, as
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in buch, as in gostomil, as in muschun. that smell of that death can be felt on me. i said, i say and i will say that in the battles for kyiv there were millions of heroic deeds that we still do not know about. thousands of books will be written about it, hundreds of movies will be made, and everyone who fought back then for kyiv... i said this, i say, everything today is for tomorrow, because you can’t say i for kyiv, it simply didn’t exist, there were tens of thousands of i, which all make up one powerful, continuous we, we held on everyone
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is with each other, and it doesn’t matter when, for example, someone arrived with whom you had not communicated before and did not want to, for example, you see him within a radius of one km, he came next to fight with you, and you were happy about it, what else plus one, plus one person, plus one warrior, plus one unit, plus one machine gun, plus one dove, plus one tank, plus one bmp, well, that’s how it is in general about the units of the units that arrived at the battles of the zaka, in general just plus one soldier, because as for kyiv, the 72nd brigade named after the black zaporozhets, which i... with which i am a lieutenant from from 2005 to 2018, he served from lieutenant colonel to battalion commander, from repair company engineer, then he served in ukraine and returned as a brigade commander in september 21, those people, those contract servicemen, are the elite of the armed forces, they were trained,
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motivated , battle-hardened in... warriors, that there were commanders who felt the people , who believed the people, and the people believed them, and no matter how much more than 100 km the brigade occupied the smog of the defense, the right and left bank of the dnieper, but no matter how many the enemy was, he crashed against that power and the strength of the soldiers , the heroes of the 72nd brigade, whom i fell in love with in czech... to command, well, accordingly , those soldiers, those people who came to us under operational subordination, huh. mr. oleksandr, in one of your interviews you noted how important the moment was for the defense, in particular of the kyiv region, that was
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a very high level of trust from the military leadership of our country, to the commanders on the ground, that is, to delegate, to allow decisions to be made, to leave the situation on the ground, do you think that this played a decisive role, maybe even. you understood that you have a function in your hands, you understand, i went to the 72nd brigade, i led a mechanized battalion there, for more than a year we, we fought in the gadiiv industrial zone in october 16th, october 17th, people, here when we moved already at the beginning of february. subordination to commanding ground forces ralal-colonel oleksandr syrskyi. i gathered a meeting and said: you and i have been entrusted with the highest honor that can be, that
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servicemen of the armed forces can be worthy of. we were assigned to fight for kyiv. i looked into the eyes of my deputies, unit commanders, and i did not see any fear or misunderstanding in any of them. i saw only a thirst for... battle, i see confidence, cold-bloodedness, i asked andriy verkhoglyad, the commander of the us pozanel battalion, i say, andryukha, you believe me, he says, commander, i believe, i say, and i believe you, i believe in i believe in you, in your people, in commanding the land forces, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, general valeriy zaluzhny, president. of volodymyr zelenskyi's ukraine , the entire ukrainian people and the entire community, that we will not be alone in this struggle, that's how it happened, the unity that i felt, i was lucky
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to feel it, because how about kyiv, when no one, when everyone shared the last , that's all, everything was really all for the front, everything for victory, if i don't forget how i was constantly in touch with the leaders of both kyiv and kyiv region. andriy, andriy kryshchenko, the deputy mayor of kyiv, says slavyan, you are already in place, i say, yes, what can i do to help, i say, we need a car park, there are as many as , i say, nine pieces, he says, plus right now we will find it, and why, why would you, i say, we will blow them up together with tnt and explosives, because the main bridges were changed, and then we realized that the enemy could go, well, through small bridges, locks, they also had to be destroyed, we on... bunkers, sappers loaded explosives into them, drove them under pillars, blew up bridges, locks, probably 5-6 passes somewhere
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hours, andriy evgeniovich calls me , he says: slavic, the car is at the point, well, at the bersteika metro stop, i say plus, and i go out, such a tall , strong man approaches me, he says yes, tikam, you camryh, i say, yes , this is for you. here are the documents, there are nine cars, all the documents have been filled in, there he will turn it on there, although he says that you won't need the documents any more, somewhere like that, a familiar face , well, this guy is cool, and then what's calling, i say who was coming, he says it was serhii knyazum, i say prince, prince, what is this, he's getting acquainted, and this is i say - chief of the police of ukraine, i say, well, thank you , the cars, the cars played their part, everything was fine. everything was for the sake of victory, no one was thinking about doing something against it, but everyone
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went astray today for tomorrow, ugh, and everyone knew that if you slipped up somewhere, you would be supported, you would not be killed, you would be supported, because this self-determination of the ukrainian people, this strength of spirit, it... it woke up, when, for example, someone had fear and panic, then for example, i will not speak for the armed forces, the 72nd brigade cold-bloodedly carried out its assigned task and fought, when you say that after two years you see the situation a little differently, that is, you could not imagine that everything will be the way it is now. you, in particular, are talking about the fact that ukrainian society is perhaps no longer so united around the desire to win, or maybe others,
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do you mean things, how to read it? you know, the country has been bleeding since 2014, on february 24, 2022, the enemy launched a large-scale invasion, started, as they say, a big war, but the armed forces, those who are at war, and part of ukraine. public public society in our country 2014 in the war, and the rest of the time. on february 24, the majority of conscientious ukrainians stood in lines at military commissariats or arrived immediately at military units in a brigade, and we already processed them, they came, stood in line, then the unit commander delivered
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the data, we him... because things were not going well no no no no need not for days, for hours , maybe even for minutes, and this flow of people who arrived in the brigade, they immediately poured into the stream, went into battle, and those who remained here, ugh, what families stayed here or relatives there went somewhere to the west or abroad, everyone looked at what was happening at the front, in kharkiv, in kyiv, in the southern direction, mariupol, valnavas, on the entire front, everyone was aimed there, and the main one, well, the main one the eyes were focused on kyiv, everyone knew, then kyiv would fall,
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ukraine would fall, kyiv would fall, ukraine would fall. over time, those who left returned here , some returned, and the majority understood, oh, in principle, the tanks of the 72nd brigade are no longer driving in kyiv, they are not shooting at kyiv, well, in principle, well, the war is somewhere out there, let someone do it , come on these are the armed forces, and these armed forces have fulfilled their task, now there is a war, a war of the country and... to say something bad against the state, against the armed forces is to go against and play into the hands of the enemy, there are many things that each colonel wants to tell each other there , everyone has something to say, everyone has something to say, and i have something to say to someone, and someone has something to say to me, well , this is life, this is war, it's always scary, we 're always in pain, but it's not in time. unfortunately, we
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have not yet won and now we will have fierce bloody battles, i periodically visit cemeteries, it hurts me to see what happened added and added every day. and as for the other part, how was the news, damn it, they think it's the armed forces, they'll figure it out, but it's not the armed forces, the whole country is at war, it's not necessary that you have to go to the military commissariat , pick up a weapon, a machine gun, go into the trenches , fight, kill the katsap, but you have to help, well , there, everyone in their place has to do everything for
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victory, yes, for... for tomorrow, on the other hand, we understand that the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces of ukraine, i would like to speak, yes, this is a part of ukrainian society, and in order for this community to exist and perform its direct functions, a part of civilians must become military, 100% of them. things that are happening around the mobilization discussion, what do you feel and what do you think about them, you know, i've been managing people since 2015, my first team command position was in 2015, i took the lead first.


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