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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to do quarrel, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together. good health once again, my name is mykola veresen. our broadcast continues and we will now speak with mykhailo yakubovych, an orientalist, candidate of history. of sciences, a researcher, an employee of the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg in germany , good health, mr. mykhailo, thank you for finding time for us, good evening, look, i have a first question for you, such a question, about aftershocks, we know that there was an aftershock in moscow, and this , i think was covered by all the mass media in the world, i watched on tv myself, cnn was there. and the bbc and fox news, many even had
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live broadcasts, i think satinence and deutsche valley and so on, all of that was also covered in one way or another, but what 's happening now after that, so to speak car accidents, that is, in st. petersburg , repatriation is simply crazy, all central asian people are put on planes there and sent away, the fsb reports that in dagestan there were terrorists on... trucks and so on, this is somehow discussed in german society, the press writes about what happened after and is happening after this terrorist act took place on the steps of city hall, no, in fact, these events that took place, i wouldn't even call them a terrorist act, to be honest, because we don't know what happened there, all we know this is from russian sources and a warning from the united states. that is, the world
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did not pass the russophobia test, why did it not pass? they immediately rushed to express their condolences there, they immediately rushed to talk about the so-called threat of terrorism, despite the fact that russia is doing in ukraine, what it was doing in syria, and right away, you know, such tears about what they say, look, look, another shooting took place in russia, in which another person was blamed. once ukraine, well, in fact, they began to tease migrants, they have this migrant topic there , they say, to put in their place the natives of in the caucasus, although these are internal migrants , it is mainly asians , they have had it since the 90s . well, these are enslaved peoples , putin is to blame, and the russians are about... this is repression, this is
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a repressive apparatus, even you know, there are still some conferences, then screenings of films about navalny, even the death of novalny is still for many, including in germany is such a factor of mention of russia, about the fact that there is something wrong there, not repressions against various peoples, and even more so the fact that russia is mobilizing them in the war against ukraine, that is, europe has shown itself here. not ready, why? because the fear factor worked, because in europe there were terrorist attacks on behalf of idil, whoever was behind them, by the way, europe was very actively involved in this way and was shown certain limits of politics in the middle east, well, this fear factor worked, that look, if there is a bang in russia, it will be a bang in our country tomorrow. to this terrible idyll, and this is where such a definite collapse took place. the only thing that the baltic countries
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were right in some ways was the opinion that it is not necessary to shift the focus, you know, and the ukrainian authorities more or less tried to explain something, although even already... i look at the publications in the arabic-language press there and so on, russia is already pushing its version , that idil is the handiwork of america, israel, and of course ukraine, even though idil was before the russian attack on ukraine. one more question, sir, this is what is called in the russian language zlabodnevne, yes, the last interview, maybe not the last one, i'm just sitting here in the studio right now, i'm not watching, respectively, zelenskyi would say... did he say, or didn't he tell the american mass media, which of these media, at least yes leaned in the direction that he said the border crossing in the 22nd year, it's just that the phrase is the 22nd year, before it was always the 91st year,
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and now it's the 22nd year, it was noticed in germany, it somehow started to discuss... what did i mean, what is it that such a framework is already negotiable, let's think, you want, we we want the 91st, and you want the 22nd, well, it's you , so it's moscow, the kremlin, eh, what can you think about , what can you think about, what hidden moments would you see there? well, this is a message to america, because the main question now is whether they will give money, how much they will give and so on, but... if we talk specifically about germany, there are a lot of such publications of a conditionally depressive nature in the press, which say whether they will be able to to defeat ukraine, well, but the second point that they are thinking about now is whether germany will be able to resist something in the face of something, it turned out that, for example, the same
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the taurus missiles themselves, about which there is so much talk, are not currently in production, and the technical state in which they are, even those that have been launched have not ... understood, and when it comes to this, it begins, well, oh oh, how is it possible, how is it possible, that is , it is a complex apparatus, it is a complex bureaucratic machine that makes plans for many years ahead, but germany, well, here it looks less vulnerable than it is understood, the ukrainians in their, in in his assessment of these events, because the event is, in principle, the right message to the western audience that ukraine is not refused from negotiations, because there are a bunch of, excuse me, useful idiots who believe that it is enough for zelensky to call putin and say, come on, and why don't you want negotiations? today, for example , in the netherlands, there is going to be a completely assembled katyusha dance of various people, that is
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, it is the right message that we can in principle discuss something, but only after russia takes some steps, but ukrainian society, of course , reinterpreted it like this , because well... well, we can't do that, so here in europe it is otherwise, they evaluate a little, and it seems to me that these foreign policy messages , they are in principle presented by the authorities correctly, especially since many western politicians themselves are now directly telling the americans that listen, well, let's do something already, because otherwise there is a threat of more essential for the security of the existence of ukraine in the summer, since russia has not gone anywhere and the sanctions are not working as quickly as they would like... that is, it is generally correct information noise, but whether it will give results, well, we will see next month, and when johnson is there this one with congress, what will they have next. one more question, look, we talked, i don't remember
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anymore, because there are many events, about the fact that now france, as it were, took over such a first violin in the sense of pre-war. may ukraine, at least in words, that is, in words much sharper than, for example, the same chancellor of germany. but now, it means that he spoke during the easter holidays, this is obviously an annual event, about which i am not convinced that all ukrainians know that peace is always mentioned very actively during the easter holidays, this is also the tradition of the 60s, and he quite actively said that ukraine should be helped as much as possible. now the mood is on the mountain over there berlin, well, i don’t know if it is, no, it’s not hills, there are cave hills in kyiv, so somehow it’s easier to say, but what do they say on these powerful hills, how much are they ready to give leprous first violin of france,
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will they also want to show greater activity than we suspected two weeks, and three, and a month, and a half ago. macron is easier to talk than scholz, firstly , macron has more powers, after all super-presidential republic, and secondly, macron has a nuclear argument, and that nuclear argument lies in the shot. it is american, i mean nuclear weapons , and in the same germany a bunch of different parties advocated nuclear disarmament, the closure of all nuclear power plants, which they almost achieved and the complete withdrawal of nuclear weapons, american nuclear weapons, by the way, now these the votes somehow decreased a little, because, well, somehow, some people came to their senses, except for certain russian ones. agents, so what? concerns french or german attitudes, i see that at the moment they have the idea
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that, as long as we stay in the same regime in which we are, we see, now france allocates certain air defense equipment there, certain decommissioned armored personnel carriers, germany has something, that is, these countries are trying to close what the united states cannot actually close now, and besides, there are a lot of questions regarding even this... nitrocellulose, which has to be purchased in turkey, from which various explosive materials are made, and has to be purchased globally roosters, it's easier saying, europe cannot in a short period put its defense industry there at some proper level in order to wage war, that is what we are talking about, and germany, well , purely with its business approach , is doing the right thing in principle, it is now building new factories, investing in the same new production, expansion of production. but is this enough, or will it work quickly enough, moreover, it is not known what the next policy will be, who
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will be and who will be after scholz, who will be and what will be after macron, the same macron has set his sights on significant opposition and where and inside the country, and in the european union, because he started speaking too loudly, and here it would be worth taking some new step, checking, for example, french nuclear weapons, announcing some such... military initiatives, let's also not forget that macron there , french interests were affected a little in africa, and the russians affected them very much, and there niger, mali, and everything else, and the central african republic are trying to knock france out of africa, the region of its interests, and this worries them terribly, because already lose there and access to resources, it will already be too much, and even those who are not such an active friend of ukraine understand this. again , china is climbing into africa, and on this ground somewhere we have to steer clear of the fact that, again, as it
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appears from the ukrainian point of view, all these statements, if we were to say a, well , let's say b, we don't say what let's lead us the troops, zelenskyi, moreover, he never directly asked for it, but, well, i would like to hear these sentiments a little louder and see one last question, sorry, mr. mykhailo, the last question is not about ukraine, but about about... the conflict about the war, mr. biden , the president of the united states, said that the arab states are ready to recognize israel in the future agreement, that is, peace, i don't know, something must be done about gaza, something must be done about hezbollah, but at least the arab states are ready to recognize israel, this is such a powerful step, what do you say about this? well, first of all, some arab states have relations with israel and this list will be expanded. and secondly, on the topic of israel and palestine, why can't the world invent anything new, well
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, the same thing has already happened. west bank of the jordan river entered jordan, and then the jordanians had problems with the palestinians. gaza was part of egypt, and so were the problems. now biden is trying in every way to appease the arabs, single-handedly giving netanyahu new weapons and influencing him, and to dissuade him from this operation in rafah. now today literally... another round of negotiations is taking place in cairo, it seems to me that the presence of any arab contingents there, well, except maybe the egyptian one, which is already there on the border, is a big myth, especially since oman is definitely not for it will go, on it is unlikely that qatar will go, uh, there will be some friction among the arab countries themselves, saudi arabia has announced that it agrees to this in principle, alehame... bensal, as a young politician, takes on a lot, it seems to him that he is already there
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, you know, as saudi arabia said, all the neighbors pulled up, this is also such a statement, you know, one of the steps somewhere in terms of relations with the americans and the west. i think this is unrealistic, and currently there is a buffer zone, about 16% of the gas will be occupied by the israeli military, and there somewhere they will try to restore something approximately. on the same as on the west bank of the jordan river, thank you very much, i'm sorry, mr. mykhailo, i'm sorry, please, i would like to listen and listen, i'm interested in the middle eastern wanderings of the worldview, and i'm with you. i agree that everything that was said , everything was said, something 10 years ago, something 5, something 20, and something 30, and something 50 years ago, mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, researcher of the oriental studies department of freiburg university in germany. and now from germany to sweden to stockholm, kyrylo govorun, doctor of philosophical sciences, professor
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of the university college of stockholm appears before us, good health, mr. father to me. i have a question for you , i think this is a question for three years, at least, because people really know that something should happen with the calendar, and we are now brothers with the western rite, and the eastern rite and that's all, and now, that means, in we are easter holidays, and today, i have already congratulated catholics, and protestants, and everyone who celebrates today, and ukraine celebrates at the beginning of may, so why does it ... it coincides, let's say, with the christmas holidays, but it doesn't coincide and such, but they say that from next year it will coincide again, that here, how to explain to the citizens why we are sometimes close to the catholics, we , we are all christians, and sometimes we are individual christians, please, yes, yes, in all christian traditions there are actually two
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calendars, one calendar is tied to the solar year, the other calendar is tied to the lunar year, so to speak, to the moon , and there are so-called movable and immovable holidays, respectively before that, moving holidays, they are tied to the moon and immobile to the sun, and the ukrainian orthodox church of ukraine actually switched to a different solar calendar this year, and therefore christmas was already celebrated on december 25 with most others. jan in the world, and as for easter, easter is calculated according to another calendar, which is tied to the month, and here it leaves changes, here everything remains unchanged, the entire orthodox world, with the exception of the finnish orthodox church, celebrates easter exclusively together according to the calendar, which tied to the moon, and which was initiated, its paschal calculation was
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initiated in egypt a long time ago, somewhere more than 1,500 years ago. and it remains so, so it is not surprising that we celebrate easter now separately from western christianity together with the entire orthodox world, but we already celebrate christmas with the majority of orthodox and the western world according to the new gregorian or so-called new julian calendar. and we can imagine that the time will come when we and the catholics will unite so much more than now. that it will definitely remain the pope, there will remain different national churches in different eastern countries, but there will be closer relations, i once talked about this with philoret, he told me with patriarch philaret, i say and it will be like this, one day, he says, this let them ask, they separated in 154, we stayed, well,
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if there is logic too, well, i'm not a very good historian. but i read something there in my life and think, well, the church really lived and lived, then some part said: no, it doesn't suit us, we want modernization, okay, - the orthodox church said, you want to do it, so they did it, now mr. fileret says, no, if they want to unite, then we will, we won't do anything, let them come to us and ask us if we don't want it, we will we return them, say something about it, well, actually there is a movement. there is a desire among many for rapprochement, in particular between the orthodox and catholics, who are probably one of the closest traditions in christianity, but this movement, of course, it should be both sides, not that they should come to us and ask for the restoration of communication , this this is the movement of both sides, but what can
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be imagined more realistically, perhaps, is that some... year we can celebrate easter together, that is , the lunar calendars will also be synchronized in our country, and according to which easter is calculated in the west and in the east separately , this can be imagined, and there is a certain movement towards this, in particular , the ecumenical patriarch bartholomew takes such an initiative quite persistently, and all the more so because there are precedents, i have already mentioned the finnish orthodox church, it is part of the ecumenical patriarchate, this church celebrates easter according to the western, for western passover, that is, they have it today ... please, look, then one more question , i was somehow drawn to philosophy, but if you are a doctor of philosophy, how can i behave differently, then there is such a thing, well, i understand for ... viewers, i am not saying this for you, that church matters are long, it is impossible to imagine that something has been decided, that a decision will be made tomorrow, it is years, tens of years, or even
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hundreds of years, but here is the question, if this rapprochement will go, and i hope that it will go, maybe not for me, but for my children or grandchildren, then there is a completely new configuration, i mean orthodoxy, and what i see , most orthodox churches... do not support, at least they do not actively support the moscow patriarchate, they are either silent, or sometimes their faithful speak, or some the leadership of the church, i already clearly show that we, then there is some kind of alliance, orthodox catholics and the russian church separately, or if i understand correctly, because they really just get out of everyone, well, i'm not religious. man, but i just see that you are not mo, well you you can’t, well can’t zelenskyy and putin come to an agreement, no, well, i’m putin says it’s mine, and zelenskyy says, according to international law,
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it’s not yours, at least yes, here he says, here this one says, no, we have , like this, or the christian campaign against the ukrainians, this is theirs recently, a holy war, some kind of, well, well, well, like this, some kind of holy war, but on the other hand, it is immediately sacred. not a war, but we are brothers, we are one people, well, i’m just lost, tell me your thoughts on this matter, well, i think that by the time when a will be more dynamic, let’s say rapprochement between orthodox catholics, by that time russia will also change, and the russian church will change, and there will be a new configuration , a different configuration, i would like to remind you that not so long ago, maybe 10-15 years ago, but... russian the church took the initiative of such an alliance with catholics on the foundation, on the basis of traditional values, this was still under pope benedict before francis,
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and even then there was quite a possibility that an alliance could be formed between the russian orthodox church itself, a special alliance between the russian orthodox church and vatican, but not it happened as moscow thought, this alliance did not come about, and ah... of course, when, as i said, some kind of unification, or at least rapprochement, will take place, we do not know what will happen even to the the russian church, of course, it discredits itself very actively, very quickly, just in hyper such a mode, turbo in turbo mode, the discrediting and self-jurunation of this structure is going on, and this is a big question, what will arise from the ruins of this structure , these ruins are already there, they are already visible, and precisely this statement that you mentioned, about the holy war, the statement that was made just
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the other day by the so-called world russian people's council, this is another explosion, so to speak, which happened in russia under the foundations of this russian, russian church, this is a terrible statement that confused and made me think again ... about publicly condemning this ideology, which is formulated by the russian orthodox church, by all christians in general. this is where i got caught in your language, i apologize. when you say, russia will change. when i read superficially, no, maybe not so deeply, but i read superficially the history of russia, the history, history of the church in russia, i have a strong passion. what, you see, russia, in my opinion, it cannot but repeat everything it does, it has already done it once, but on a smaller, larger scale, yes, it
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has already done it in moldova, it has already done it in georgia , after that she did it in ukraine and she can still do it somewhere else, nothing new, but a piece is also cut off, she sets up her own administration and so on and so forth, from peter the first to peter the first there was ivan che'. terrible, yes, he just killed the patriarch, yes, and there is nothing to talk about, then, peter the first, and so on, and so on , then stalin, then putin, that is, where, what to get caught up in in russia, where the high priest always sat in the kremlin, there he did not sit there somewhere , somewhere in the church, he sat in the kremlin, or he sat in this winter palace in st. petersburg, that's how it is possible. in this situation to try to change something, well, indeed, in russia there is a long-standing tradition of such messianism and
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imperialism, i... which reached a historical maximum in the war in ukraine, that is, if we follow this entire line, this so be this graph, let's say russian messianism, then we we will see that he simply reached, simply jumped up in this war in ukraine, and this actually gives a chance to this tradition, a false and malicious tradition in russian history, in russian. mentality to break and change, and ukraine probably has such a historical mission, such a historical chance to do it for the sake of its own security, as it happened at one time with germany, by the way, and in fact there are many parallels between the development of russian history, mentality and german, and also germany was simply overflowing with messianism until the second world war, she considered
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herself a by the will of the supreme divine will in many issues, just like russia now, then after the fiasco of the second world war, it simply turned into a normal country again and now it remains in this normality fortunately for everyone, and that is what this means that there is a chance for russia to eventually change as well, although of course we now see russia actually repeating the pattern, this vector of german hitler's germany, for example, in this statement of the world russian people's council, which was made public the other day, actually repeats the theses of hitler's doctrine about the expansion of living space, about the unification of all, so to speak, peoples who speak the same language in hitler's case, it was the german language, but in some ways the kremlin even surpassed russia, it seems to me hitler in this statement, it was a joint statement, i also want to say once between the political.
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ecclesiastical and social factors in russia, where they actually nationalized common sense and rationality. this statement talks about that russia should purge all western influence on intellectual culture, on philosophy, on the way of thinking of russians, this is practically the same thing that hitler wanted to do when he purged the so-called jewish influence on the intellectual component of the german soul, the german. science, german thinking, etc. hitler was limited only to jewish influence, and russia has now expanded this influence, it wants to change everything in general, clean everything from western influence, and by the way, it coincided here that in a month we will celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of emmanuel kant, who, as you know, was born in kynixber, peniberzia, died there, so i wonder how russia is going to deal with his legacy, what to do, he seems to be such a hero. in russia, but
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now in the light of this, this statement, it turns out that he, he is one of the main leaders of this western influence on discourses, on intellectual culture, and russia has the ambition to somehow cope with all this, well, this is absolutely absurd, but this says that russia has gone further than even the nazis, but that does not mean that russia cannot change so that as nazi germany did, it changed, but it must first be, well, obviously, it must be defeated first and... and dismembered. okay. thank you very much, kyrylo govorun, doctor of philosophy, professor at the university college in stockholm. we talked about the easter holidays, which are celebrated and with which we congratulate catholics. thank you for your attention, i thank you for your attention, my schedule is over, the work of news and annieviemelynik begins, which will just present you with news from
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espresso tv. as putin's best man medvedchuk planned to extend to the second anniversary of the russian peace european parliament. the release of the butchers, how many russian executioners were identified and what pope francis called ukraine and russia to do. my greetings to all who are with us and for your attention the final news release. the russians wounded five residents of kharkiv region. during the day, the enemy launched a rocket attack on a village in the zmiiv district , the head of kharkiv said.


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