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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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hello, i am margarita nosova's mother, everything is fine with her, everything is fine with my child, and the child is safe. of course, we immediately passed this information on to the police, but we failed to report this to the man who introduced himself as margarita's father and asked for help in the search, because there is currently no contact with him. margarita herself is officially still wanted, because at our request, her mother has not yet provided a photo or video confirmation that the girl is really with her, so that we can be 100% sure of this. but already with a very large one we can say with certainty that everything is fine with the child, she is with her mother, and that, of course, is the most important thing in this story.
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khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov are broadcasting the saturday polyclub program on the espresso tv channel. this time we will talk about the situation at the front at the very beginning, then we will touch on the issue of international politics, in particular the prospects of providing us with help from the united states, and of course about what is happening both in the middle east and in general in the muslim world. in the second part of our conversation, as always, dialogue with vitaly portnikov, and now we are happy to welcome our guest. now we will wait until they connect us, before that, of course, it is very important to talk about what is basically happening now with this whole process, so we have a veteran of the foreign intelligence service, lieutenant general vasyl bohdan on the call, congratulations, mr. vasyl, hello, congratulations. glory
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to ukraine, i congratulate you. glory to heroes. so, let's talk, first, about what 's happening with news from russia. why do you think the russian special services do this? they stubbornly try to accuse ukraine of involvement in a terrorist act, when there is absolutely no, so to speak, even the slightest proof that there should be a trace of kyiv here. a lot about this. versions, conversations, assessments, assumptions, but given how the events developed the day before, the anxiety, and how they are assessed now by various parties, and what are the consequences of this situation, and what, in our opinion, was invested by the putin regime in this terrorist act, it is clear , and obviously,
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in my opinion, and not only that, despite all those warnings, and to great britain, the united states of america, the russian side, about the possibility and probability of committing relevant terrorist actions, and moreover, in relevant places, such as entertainment centers, mass gatherings of people, and so on, and so on, means of security. of public security and state security were not activated and were not set up to introduce in moscow and other leading cities of the russian federation the appropriate security regime, passport regime and everything else, and especially in the places where these measures to strengthen technical and other
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security in order to prevent what was expected, as we can see, nothing of the sort was done, therefore, in my opinion, the version that if the so-called idil has the right to live planned such an action and apparently carried it out, the inaction of the kremlin and the special services and police... structures of the russian federation gives reason to claim that the kremlin deliberately used this situation in order to intimidate russian society once, to strengthen the mobilization resource in russia itself, and secondly, to accuse the ukrainian side that this act of terrorism was carried out on its initiative, with its intentions and plans in order to turn the situation upside down:
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to make the aggressor the victim, and the victim to make the aggressor, and how we are watching now, this is the situation and... it continues in the statement of the head of the fsb bortnikov and that mustachioed walrus piskov, well, putin himself said somewhere after the election campaign that the tracks lead there, because apparently these terrorists were moving there, definitely the leading countries of the world and the ukrainian side declared that we have absolutely nothing to do with this... and all these are actions that were planned and carried out by the kremlin for what i said above, and now there are also signals about that , that there was not only this group of people, but also some other suspicious people who shot
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, then they disappeared, then fsb officers were found somewhere on the video, and so on and so on, this all gives complete... grounds for that , to blame above all the kremlin and the putin regime for what he allowed, intentionally allowed such human sacrifices in this entertaining crocus, and certainly , the vast majority of people who should not have been affected were affected, and in this regard, of course, we can express our condolences to those russians who lost their relatives, relatives, acquaintances and all etc., so the conversations on this topic , of course, will continue, but i am somewhat sure that this wave is already subsiding, because there was information that putin's close entourage is constantly telling him that ukraine before this
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has nothing to do with it, but you need to know putin, his stubbornness, his kgb, fsb ... admiration for the fact that if it is determined that it is an enemy, then it must be an enemy to the end, and everything must be done so that in the information , so to speak, in the field, both nationally and internationally, they constantly talked about it. mr. vasyl, in your opinion, what did the head of the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation, serhii naryshkin, forget or what did he spend 3 days in north korea, what could he discuss with the minister of state. security of the dprk, which is likely to be strengthened can we talk about cooperation between moscow and pyongyang? well, we know with you about the existence of such a kremlin axis of evil, which includes the russian federation, iran, north korea, and now
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we can talk about the very slippery and uncertain position of china, including. well, i’m not talking about syria and everything else, so it’s certainly true that, regardless of any statements that russia has begun to release such and such aerial bombs there, there are 150 and more, 1500 kg and 300 kg and so on and so on, there is information that gives reason to claim that the russian federation has problems with ammunition. artillery, there are problems with the corresponding category of missiles, which they do have, but the large-scale plans that the kremlin is carrying out regarding the impression of the relevant objects of the critical infrastructure of ukraine,
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they cannot be implemented only at the expense of their own capabilities, that is, the capabilities of the defense and industrial complex of the russian federation. therefore, it is definitely naryshkin's mission, it consists in the fact that, firstly, through the channels of the special services of the russian federation and north korea, to coordinate the delivery channels of these weapons and military equipment, because as you know, certain sanctions are already in place, including around the same north korea, both in sea space and in the ocean. and all the rest, and of course , to agree on actions to strengthen the information component regarding ukraine , to strengthen the supply
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of these weapons through the capabilities of the same, the same north korea, and to use the capabilities that korea also has through china and through other some autocratic regimes of the global rooster, so... it is certain that the action is unambiguous has a military character, this action also has the character of coordination of some intelligence operations with the aim of achieving a common goal, coordination of certain actions, intelligence of these countries to solve those issues that worry putin himself, well, kim jong-un too. ugh. and please tell me, mr. vasyl, you know that now the heads of the russian special services are threatening the heads of the ukrainian ones. to what extent can we now say that we are aware of the seriousness of these threats to... the leaders of the country's political and intelligence community? well you
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you know, one of our politicians spoke out to the effect that if there are such threats, there are violations of criminal proceedings and so on, then this is an award for our leaders of special services, it means they have found the enemy, it means they are acting correctly and so on, and what as for the threats, they have existed for a long time. since the 14th year, since the time when crimea was annexed, then hostilities in donbas, we know that there are victims from the number and leadership, including the military intelligence and security services of ukraine, and there was information about , which are not single shares. information regarding the head of military intelligence and the head of our state were stopped, and that
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the special services of the russian federation have such intentions, and these intentions are usually produced by the kremlin, the fact that such a threat, such risks exist, is clearly and definitely due to this security measures should be strengthened in the structures themselves. of all intelligence agencies and special agencies of ukraine, i mean here the service of external development of ukraine, and the sbu, and the special development of special operations forces, because these are objects of primary agent penetration in order to obtain reliable objective information about the plans and intentions of our state in the course of the fightback. there is a large-scale armed aggression of the russian federation, therefore, yes, it is taking place, yes,
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the russian special services have such plans, and so our respective structures must take appropriate measures regarding their own security and regarding the security of the relevant political and government figures who are also in the field from the point of view of the russian special services. mr. vasya please tell me, there is a lot of information now, and international, in particular, analytics they wrote about it for the economist, z tims, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said about it in an interview with cbs, and everything indicates that russia may be preparing for a large, wide offensive in the near future, do we have objective data from your point of view, in particular, which would testify to such preparation simply. now, you know, i will allow myself to express
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myself in this regard, that in fact, with this interview, with this publication, which you have just announced, president zelenskyy conducted a rather successful and powerful information operation aimed, first of all, at disinforming and deter russia, and secondly, to strongly motivate... our partners to activate massive, comprehensive, military, financial, economic, and political-diplomatic support for ukraine, at this time, when ukraine is in difficult conditions at the front, deters the front with all its might, to some extent destabilizes it and prevents the enemy from deploying what he wants, this is first of all, he... there is a war, and it is clear that each side plans what it wants and what
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offensive actions of the enemy were expected in the winter-spring period, this too was predicted, and appropriate measures were taken, the question is how effective they were, but in this regard we must talk about effectiveness in the context of how much we got what we... needed and how quickly, concretely and objectively our partners acted in the issues voiced by ukraine in the process of these... partnership negotiations, therefore it is certain that russia has such plans, and the question is how russia is able to implement them, because it is not only about ukraine, there are already conversations going along with it, how far will putin go, how far can he threaten the baltic republics
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, the same poland, europe as a whole, and the world in general, and in this regard, i believe that putin has great opportunities to launch a large-scale offensive in the spring-summer or summer-autumn period, such he has no opportunities yet, and he is doubtful that he will be able to prepare them within three or four months, the contingent of over 400,000 that is in ukraine is an occupation force, it is in the vast majority, although... it works, but they are felt problems with armored vehicles, there are certain problems with the combat and morale-psychological state of the occupation forces, as soon as their offensive was actually stopped in the east, our military and our politicians are talking about it, the question is how
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quickly they will be able to restore it, mr. vasyl, i cannot don't ask, and i'm begging you to tell me briefly... we saw a number of staff rotations in our country this week, the head of the foreign intelligence service, mr. lytvynenko, becomes the secretary of the national security council, his place in the szr is taken by a person with gurivskyi past mr. ivashchenko, how do you evaluate these personnel rotations? short? you know, i would not breed any conspiracy theories around this. solving personnel issues of this level is within the competence of the president and he is also the commander-in-chief, as for the foreign intelligence service of ukraine, the only thing i can say is that those people who know ivashchenko characterize him very positively, he is a personnel military intelligence officer, and
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this is universal, i will tell you the position. if a person works in military intelligence, he knows forms and methods and tactical techniques intelligence activities, which are commensurate and similar to the same forms, methods and tactics of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine. as you know, there is a joint law on the intelligence agencies of ukraine, which specifically refers to the foreign intelligence service of ukraine, military intelligence, and border intelligence management. of the state service and on intelligence, special intelligence of the forces of special operations, so i do not see in this any actions aimed at weakening issues related to state national security, but of course time will tell how timely these personnel decisions were, thank you, vasyl
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bohdan, veteran foreign intelligence service general. was in touch with us, we have a short break, after which we will return to the most important topics. there are 10% discounts on lactial in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. rif is a leading manufacturer of window sills and window materials. riv - we have been creating quality at an affordable price for more than 20 years. there are discounts on ice cream. 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. there are discounts on spasmal pills, 15% in pharmacies psarynyk vam and ochadnyk. football format changes the air time. from now on
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the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the war continues, and not only that. for territory, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the information war chronicle project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m. verdict with serhii rudenko. now in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also
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feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we continue the saturday political club program on the expressa television channel with khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov and add to our conversation valery chaly, diplomat extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 2015 and for 19 years. mr. valery, congratulations, glory to ukraine. i congratulate you as a hero of the word. so, we can say that ukraine switches to daylight saving time on the night of saturday and sunday, which means that the american congress can once again start considering the issue of american aid already in the summer time. although we were waiting in the previous summer time, by the way, yes? so , mr. valery, what is the outlook now? by the way, the president even talked to the speaker of the house of representatives, does that mean anything? well, first of all, it’s good that now
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the ballistics alarm has just been canceled, and secondly, you are running ahead, mr. vitaly, they have not summer time, they have already introduced it, there is a question of easter, but easter, yes, indeed, we congratulate all our viewers, they celebrate according to the catholic and protestant calendars, according to the gregorian calendar, the next celebration was with victory, and regarding the prospects there, well, it hasn’t changed , just as they said that they would return to this issue after easter, so it remained, that is, well, formally next week, but in reality there are two scenarios, one, if it still ends with the package that is , then it will take... well, probably a week, and if will redo, as now more likely to other parameters, then it is a few more weeks, so this soap opera continues, instead now
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israel got 25 fighters (f-35) and a lot of needed for 2.5 billion needed bombs and everything else, why i say this because our aid is in a package with israel and taiwan, and if the white house finds it possible. then, of course , it weakens if there are any additional arguments, although on the other hand there is a group of congressmen who , strange as it may sound, are such leftists who did not want to support aid to israel, so it's hard to say how it will turn out, but what we're unlikely to get is in the coming days, that's for sure, mr. valeriu, and is speaker johnson really now that... the main obstacle actually in getting us aid , us, american aid, and do you believe that workarounds with all those petitions from
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congressmen can work? the main obstacle is completely different, it started in october last year, and frankly speaking, i can't understand what it is connected with, what roles were played by whom, it's a half-year pause, which gave an opportunity to the enemy of russia. to attack now as much as possible in the absence of these weapons that we need very much, and in principle, i would not really separate, as johnson always did, i did that too and even helped to arrange meetings with him to convince him, but now this is no longer a question of jones, johnson, the republicans of the white house, this is the position of the united states, and all of us internal issues. well, they should worry less, we are concerned about the consistency of the position stated by us president joseph biden on the need for maximum
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aid to ukraine. and i proceed from this, that is, if this or that country, even such as the usa, cannot fulfill its promises, then, unfortunately, these are our problems, of course, but they are caused by the internal situation in the states themselves. i think that this pause has already been so long that it weakens the position of both the usa in the world and the current administration itself. and as far as it is understood in washington, do you think it could be... just in the interests, at least of that part of the american establishment that bets on donald trump's victory in the november presidential election of the united states? i think that's hardly appropriate right now, because in principle no one wants the candidates to have a weak position of the united states. if donald trump may have used it against joseph biden before, now the situation looks somewhat different, and he has also
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changed his rhetoric, he already admits. this assistance in the case of issuing it in the form of a credit or loan, that is, a return to the idea of ​​lendlease, which was proposed by the republicans at the time with increased control over the arrival of these weapons, and which was not really supported by the white house, publicly declaring maximum support, even joseph biden personally came out on may 9 of last year, on the 22nd, sorry, 202nd year and... said that lendlease is such a powerful force , as a result, the democrats themselves refused it, so when they ask me that the republicans are holding back, i would, you know, knowing the situation more deeply, i would say that everything was accumulating here from different sides, and now we still have an opportunity, after all it opens because the budget has already been adopted the united states, what was restrained really, could simply be in the general budget
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of the united states. to allocate aid to ukraine and everything and not to suggest how they went down this wrong path, it was possible not to give up lendlease, which could become a certain argument at these negotiations, but everyone did things differently, and as a result, this is because of inflated expectations from the current administration, such an ultimatum position led to the ultimatum position of the other side, and now we have the issue of ukraine already in... the election race, and here opportunities are opening up, that's how the risks are growing, that's the situation today. and tell me, mr. valery, did you see the interview of president zelensky, the american media, now in the united states these messages are being discussed, how effective they are, i would say, from the point of view of understanding the american elite, ukrainian anxieties about the insufficient number of weapons about the possibility of losing new territories, etc. these
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three... much less than in europe for obvious reasons, the distant location of the united states, and this position that they may lose in their other important national interests, it doesn't just reach ordinary citizens, well, thanking the ambassador of taiwan, he recently said that if there are no weapons for ukraine now, then china is getting stronger, and that's the question. is getting stronger, it somehow comes more to the americans, because the americans perfectly remember where the threat of the second world war came from, it came to them not from the east, or rather, not from the, well, not from the east, but from the west coast, that is, in fact, from the territory closer to china is on that side, and that's why their line is here the first line, well, it is not a defense line, but
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they consider it as... a strategic line, it is precisely a line along the hollywood islands, further down to taiwan, further down to japan, malaysia, father , the line is close to china, by the way, korea and well, vietnam was not included in this zone, was not included in this zone and is not included, so it is more understandable for them such threats, which have been noted more historically, but on the other hand, the role of the media plays a lot. and the american media, well, really on our side, that is, they constantly raise this issue, well, even those who, well such right, right radical, whether they are conservative, they also attract attention, so basically, us citizens support, change, discuss, not so, maybe so actively, it is now...


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