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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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it is absolutely obvious that the positions of the russians in this story, they look rather conventional in connection with the warnings of the american and british special services, that is, that there were no real threats of this kind from ukraine, but there was a threat of a terrorist act, it was warned by american intelligence, british, public, they ignored it, and you remember that literally. a few days before the terrorist attack, president putin said that it was aimed at inciting panic, panic among the citizens of russia federation. well, it seems to me that this is rather a demonstration of unprofessionalism, the russian special services, either unknowingly or knowingly, precisely in order to blame ukraine, missed this terrorist act. yes, you have heard these words of the minister of foreign affairs. in
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the russian federation, sergey lavrov, who he said in an interview with the izvestia newspaper, that the statements of western politicians about ukraine's non-involvement in the terrorist act of the city hall district are becoming obsessive. ugh. how is it? this means that they actually fail to achieve anything else result it is an absolutely obvious thing, which i think understood that they are very unhappy with their own attempt. despite the fact. what bortnikov and patroshev say, the role of lukashenka is also very interesting, well, the man, in fact, openly says that they went to ukraine only because they could not come through our border, well, that is , the signals from oleksandr hryhorovych that russia bluffs about the participation of ukraine are also quite clear, why he does it, i think that at first he just wanted to show how seriously we guard. own
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the territory across the belarusian-russian border, which is absolutely incomprehensible in general , where it is located, yes, absolutely exactly, it is not there as a real border, of course, in this situation it can be clearly said that he thought about the fact that it is necessary to show how in everything is fine with him, no terrorist will pass, well, this did not coincide with those statements that sounded from the russians. they just didn't coordinate, if you will, this whole, uh, their common line, or maybe they really didn't need it, maybe you like it, you know, they believe that everything they say will be perceived the way they want, well, if it is perceived the way they want, then one can not delay for a very long time, not make any information plans, not agree with lukashenka, well, or they know , agreed on their own level, in russian, and what to talk about with lukashenka, he is not a vun.
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the russian speaker, let him say whatever he wants, this is a good question, because indeed in the first hours after this terrorist act, when it became known that the russians were accusing of these terrorists is that they go to the ukrainian borders, that they were detained near the ukrainian border, someone just said from the observers, well, it is strange, why would terrorists go to the most guarded border in russia, even if you imagine that they have someone there they are waiting there, not waiting, but it is necessary to pass through... this border in such a situation, when the interception plan has already been launched, what a window, in such a situation, and they could absolutely calmly pass through the border, which is not guarded by anyone, the border of russia and belarus, and they too, by the way, it was logical remarks, because then lukashenko said that they were going there, that's all, they were not detained on the way, i think that we need to monitor what is happening around all the investigations, according to the versions, the russian
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investigation, and that , what will other countries, civilized countries, say about this. i would like to return to the topic of the last interview of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, in my opinion, it is extremely important, in some moments it is somewhat different from what we could see and hear before. in particular, touched issues and possible negotiations with the russian federation. or did i read it that way, and now you and i will not agree on what it is about? president zelensky suggested that not all territories of the ukrainian state may be subject to a purely military scenario, that if we talk about the return of the territories that were occupied by the russian federation in 2022, then already there there may be some negotiations on the return of the territories previously occupied by russia. or at least some contacts,
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as far as this changes the previous strategy, at least officially announced by the ukrainian state, it seems to me that president zelenskyy did not say that. he said that president putin, in the event that ukraine manages to reach the conditional line of 2022, will want to talk, will want to be ready for negotiations, because he says that putin no longer wants any negotiations, he does not want to talk to anyone, says zelensky, but if we go to the line of 2022, then he will want to, his position in russia will weaken, and he will want to win, ugh, that's it. everything, it was, it was not said that we will want negotiations in such a situation, it was said about putin's position, and it seems to me that these words, they are primarily addressed not to the ukrainian, but to the american audience, that is, president zelensky is trying to talk to congress in a situation where we have already
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talked about it in detail, when congress again will begin to consider the issue of aid to ukraine. i will tell you right away that all these words do not affect anything, everything is very simple in the congress. or the republicans will decide that the lack of aid to ukraine undermines donald's position trump and creates certain problems for them in the campaign, and then they will vote for help in one form or another. they have no problem voting for aid, it is enough to put this issue before the house of representatives, and if it is a new law, and not one that was already approved by the senate, then before the senate. if. they're going to decide that it 's not in their best interest, and they're going to think, say, donald trump, you can do 144 interviews, nobody's going to notice them, that 's not what the republican establishment, it's not just a matter of public opinion, the republican establishment doesn't understand
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what's going on, they understand perfectly well, but they're just trying to understand how what 's happening helps or hinders them to win, that's the main priority. and they will deal with ukraine after the elections, if they win them, if they do not win, then there will be a zone of responsibility for biden, it is not their problem either, that is, they are not risking anything from their point of view, if it is possible to prove the opposite, maybe an interview this is aimed at, to prove the opposite, to address perhaps to the voters of these same republicans, well, that's all, all that can be done, that's why zelensky is basically saying to those who believe that this war... can be ended by negotiations, uh, if you don't give us weapons, you the less you give us the opportunity to hope for some negotiations, because putin does not want a change, but if you give us weapons, if we liberate at least part of our territory, then putin may want negotiations,
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if you bet on it, and then we already you and i will decide to conduct these negotiations and whether or not, and if he doesn't want a change, so what's the point in all these theses, what do you think? you say that there is a need to end the war at the negotiating table, you know my position, i do not believe that all these lines at all, i said this in 2022, this is also a completely conditional thing, well, what is the line for february 24, 2022, it now exists only in our imagination, because the russians have created fortifications further than this line goes, it is true, and now we can talk about this line as such a conventional line of contact between russia'. ukraine, if this line does not exist, so to speak, continued, let's say, by the offensive actions that the russians are now trying to carry out, that is, this is, conditionally speaking, the line of russian fortifications, and there should be a line of ukrainian fortifications, and
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on this line the armies can stop, if they do not have the strength, break through these lines of fortifications, if there are not enough fortifications on one side or the other, then the army has the ... year, you can to invent the state border line of 1991, this idea of ​​ours is completely consistent with international law, but again, this does not mean that it is perceived by the russians as some kind of line on which something should end, i repeat again that... for of the russian federation, and not the line on february 24 , 1000 2022, nor the line on august 24, 1991, the lines of some state border of ukraine or
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demarcation with ukraine are not ignored, uh, well, this is just a fact, this is a fact that simply characterizes the policy of the aggressor, so what kind of tamli is possible? conditional from the point of view of the russians , it is now the border with ukraine along the administrative borders of the donetsk, luhansk, kherson, and zaporizhia regions. here. this is the conditional line of the state border between russia and ukraine, for now, because if the russians capture another village in another region, hold a referendum there, they will consider the line of the state border with ukraine to be another region, such as mykolaiv or kharkiv, that is everything is a delusion, i don't even want to discuss this delusion, but the question is, what are we? we are negotiating with people who live in the world of this delusion, here is just a simple simple example: you are dealing with a person who lives in... his schizophrenic dreams, this person considers himself napoleon bonaparte, which he
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is not, vladimir putin or volodymyr zelenskyi, which she is not, or your father, let's say, who knows how you live, and this is not your father, this is a stranger whom you just saw on the street, on the street, if this person is in a psychiatric hospital , takes an appropriate course of treatment, she is watched by orderlies, you can treat it ironically, thinking that some person. well, she's sick, it's a pity, she considers herself the emperor of france, russia, austria-hungary, it doesn't matter, what? if this person is not in a lunatic asylum, he is in his office in the kremlin, he has a huge army, special services, a nuclear button, a population that considers his policies absolutely correct, votes for them, or simply does not pay attention, then you can of course announce this as much as you like man of god free, but your survival and your fate depends on this person, on his perception of the world around him, and if you
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want to negotiate with this person, you must be aware that his perception of the world is different from yours, and it will ready to endure as much as it takes and pay as much as it takes so that her idea of ​​the world, which differs from reality, becomes reality, even if for this it will be necessary to destroy people or destroy some there, relatively speaking, both. critical infrastructure, etc., russia does all this, putin does all this, he does not see any problems in this. so what does that mean? it means the simple thing that the idea that if we occupy some territory occupied by the russians automatically means that putin wants to negotiate with us, it may not work. ugh. and you will have to be ready for that too. both here and in the west, they are constantly looking for some formula, somewhere... a border line, or a confrontation, at which putin will be ready
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to speak, i can answer this question for you, a line after which putin will be ready before negotiations with ukraine, it is called the line of depletion of russian resources, if russia understands that they do not have sufficient military, technical, demographic and economic potential to wage war with ukraine. they will initiate negotiations from any position in which they will be, and will be ready to sacrifice any territories there, which they are not interested in at all, they are interested in the destruction of ukraine itself and any other interests, for the sake of this, to end this war as soon as it is decided demographic, economic, social and technical resource of the russian state, you can absolutely clearly... say that the war will end within a week, a certain naryshkini patrushev will go to washington, not to
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kyiv, agree on this with the americans, only the minister of defense of ukraine and russia will remain to meet and sign a cease-fire agreement, then the process of political settlement will begin, discussion of the question of what to do with the occupied territories , etc., until the moment this resource is available. the war will continue, now the question is how many y the russians have enough of this resource, if this resource is enough for a year and a half, the war will continue for a year and a half, if this resource is enough for 10-15 years, and we will have enough resources to confront russia with the help of the european union, with the help of the united states , the war will continue for 10-15 years without any hope of its end, and one must clearly realize this, because... the whole recipe for the end of the war, it is there, and it was talked about in february 2022, such wars end
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when they are exhausted resources of the parties, or one of the parties, or two parties, no other recipe except for the exhaustion of the demographic, economic, military and technical potential for the end of such does not exist in nature, do the heads of states decide when the war will end? no, because they are simply facing the fact. they come to them, relatively speaking, in our version to president putin, and say, mr. president, we have such a situation that we do not have shells. ugh, we have no more rockets, we have no more people to mobilize, we are forced to stop paying public servants, we forced to stop paying pensioners, we have no oil revenue, we have no gas revenue, if we go on for a few more months, your government, mr. president , is in danger because country after country
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is about to collapse, then president putin picks up the phone, joe. or donald, or maybe it could be the next president, maybe after this term, there, it will be there in 2029, it doesn’t matter what the name of the new american president will be, maybe serhiy will come to you, he has something to say, and the american , well let him come, or maybe we will just meet somewhere in abu dhabi, we hear from washington, but if there is no such thing, if... he meets with some nabiulina shaygu and someone else there and they say that the currency is stable, we get money for oil, there are still five people years, we are still holding out, so what is he, what is he, what is he risking, mr. vitaly, we talked about the fact that there is a high probability that putin very often receives
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questionable information from his circle, that people who serve a non-interference mode... are committed to providing objective data to the russian president, it is true, but when there is a situation related to the collapse, they will find an opportunity to inform him about it, just a situation, they will not be afraid, because if they do not inform him, this collapse will just happen, uh, well, that's the question , or you inform him and do something together, or you flee without permission to washington, or you will simply be killed and imprisoned there, ugh, a collapse is brewing, you know, comrade of the crowd? muscovites who will not have bread and heat there, but again, we are talking about absolutely an empirical situation that does not exist now , does not exist, does not exist, so i am simply explaining what the real formula for the end of the war is, we are constantly discussing this issue, the formula and all the time trying to find some line, in the 22nd year, as the president said now , so putin
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will want negotiations on the line of the 22nd year, the state border of the 91st year, putin will. during the negotiations on the line of 991 in the fall of 22 , we said that it was enough to take back the only regional center that they captured , kherson, and they would be ready, ready, and the truth is that the possibility of negotiations should not be linked to territorial gains or losses, and the possibility of negotiations should simply be linked to a sufficient number of resources to wage war. to each of the parties, if our strength lies in the fact that the west will continue to help us, that the west is set there for 10-15 years of further assistance to ukraine, then for the ukrainian state these are serious problems, this is demographic, economic, political, social exhaustion , we must understand that in 10-15 years we will not we will come out of the war stronger , we will be able to survive as a state, but it will be a completely
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different state than the one in which we lived in 2022, in general, we will not return to the ukraine we lived in in 2022 never on february 24, 2022, this ukraine died under the blows of russian troops and we can only build a new ukrainian state, a post-war ukraine, no matter when this construction began in the 20s, in the 30s, in the 21st century, we must do everything , so that this new ukraine, which will emerge from the terrible, exhausting war, will be strong and successful a state for those citizens of ukraine who will make a choice to stay on its territory, it is also necessary to understand that this... not all who live today, today in the ukrainian region will be a state, many will simply not live to see this new state, many who wants to leave it, but we will fight for every citizen who chooses to live in such a dangerous post-war situation, in any case, in any case, if the west helps ukraine, if ukraine is the fortress of those who who actually
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protects the civilized world from the possible ambitions of russia, then this means that we will be able to wait for the russian...exhaustion, well , at least some part of the ukrainians, those who will remain, but those people who are thinking about negotiations, they must understand their recipe exactly, the recipe is together with the event to wait until the power in russia decreases, and again it may happen, we simply do not know this, as we never know the real situation in the authoritarian world, that these resources in russia are not so great, which we talked about with you for... years , maybe it's a year or two, maybe it's two or three years and that's it, two years have already passed, but still two or three years, and... this will lead to moscow's real desire to put an end to this struggle. once again, we must remember that ukraine is not a lone country in this war, that
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we are part of a coalition of the civilized world, that the civilized world decided, let's say, with the help of the ukrainian armed forces and with the readiness of ukrainian citizens to withstand all the difficulties of a grueling long-term war. in this way, to prove to russia that a country that violates international law, a country that occupies foreign territories, a country that has taken a course to exterminate a people, a neighboring country and not sees nothing immoral in this, that it will not win in such a situation, this is what western politicians talk about all the time, we will do everything so that ukraine does not lose this war, but it depends on the ukrainians how much they are ready to be so important, i would said, as a historical instrument of proof that well... that all this is a great responsibility, i would say a burden of its own, listen, we have already read all this, it is all written in the bible, in the first, in the first
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of these books, well, this is a book of exodus by and large , so what is the lord, if we already move on on such terminology that the lord wanted to prove to pharaoh that the one who mocks , uh... those who are weaker, those who cannot defend themselves, those who do not, receives respect for his human dignity, which he cannot win, he will lose, this pharaoh, tyrant, dictator, such is the putin of that time, relatively speaking, he is simply shown there in the bible, you can assume that this is a civilized world, but the lord himself does not come out on the battlefield, he creates the conditions, he does not meet the pharaoh, none once, when biden does not meet with putin,
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he sends moses to the pharaoh, of course, for the conditional zelensky, who does not even know how to speak very well, the head of his office, aaron, speaks for him , well, in fact, a very similar story, but here and now moses explains to pharaoh there, we must let go , we want to go, pharaoh says... no, not at all, who are you, but the jewish people in this story are an instrument to prove that civilization, that truth always triumphs over tyranny, and again , when the jewish people leave egypt, what happiness awaits them, well it is necessary to read that there is nothing good there, it is a journey through the desert that the ukrainians embarked on, this is when independence was declared, and then when the war began, and this is the real journey that has already begun, so... will they reach the promised land? of course, those who are here will not make it, this is all done for the sake of children and grandchildren, what a promised land, and this is a journey through
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the desert, for the sake of the journey, for the sake of changes in myself, well, i don’t have that, it’s generally sunday, i apologize , sermon, what i say is every, every priest in the orthodox church, v catholic, even in the protestant church, he tells this, everyone tells. and why, why do we have to walk in the desert for 40 years, why not the nubians, the hittites, but because they remained in egypt, why, you left, you wanted freedom, took it and left, but we would have sat, said we russians, like you, everything would be fine if they elected putin, they would pray for the bear, for this patriarch. of non-stupid cyril cyril, by the way , declared a holy war, well, there is a cause-and-effect relationship for this, this is what moses tried to explain a jew, when they were in the desert, you decide
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, you agreed to go, what did you want to see here, and they told him, by the way, ukrainians can say that, so we were going to go for 10 days, the roads there are 10 days, well sorry two or three weeks two or three weeks two or three weeks okay oh it turns out we've been going for 40 years why because no because it's yours. we want to get there in 10 days, but there is definitely a problem there, it’s a different route, we have to cross the sea, this is in the direction of everyone who knows the geography of the near east, they know that there is nowhere to go there at all, even now we can walk from egypt to israel, well, but if we go around, it's a long time, well , that's the story, that's how we go to our freedom, yeah, and we have to understand it as such a geopolitical challenge, you can. do not read the history of ukraine, you can read the bible, everything is written there, the result is also known, but the people who want to enter the kingdom
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of freedom must enter it. in the form of his slings of his descendants, in the event that he does not make mistakes, in the event, not even if he makes mistakes, then it just takes longer, it will come, just every mistake is plus 10 years, what is the problem, and the next generation, i am calm here for the ukrainian people, but look, regarding mistakes along the way, well, we understand that we are not saints at all, and of course we allow them when we we are talking about people to whom we have delegated power. in this country , as a people, they can also make certain mistakes, can we say that in our country, well, at least in the context of recent personnel rotations, there is an attempt to correct something, that is, we are not completely sure whether these are mistakes some but that in order to answer this question it is necessary to understand the logic of personnel decisions, since we do not understand it since 2019, then i think that we should not comment on it,
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we cannot comment on what we do not understand, because we do not understand , how some people get into certain positions, how they get rid of them, and why new people come, we know that the president of ukraine is solely responsible, it is, it is the decision of the ukrainian people, what is happening there, you understand, it does not have it doesn't matter when 73% of citizens vote for one a person, then and then it means they give. a parliamentary majority, then this is, by and large, the road to electoral autocracy, you know that in the ranking of world democracies, ukraine also ranks first as an electoral autocracy, not as an electoral democracy, well, that’s how it happened, there is nothing good there, by and large ukraine is the only european state, if we do not consider russia, belarus , lukashenko, who is on this list, to be european, then we have nowhere to go from the point of view of at least electoral...
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democracy, like, like, our neighbors, and by the way, it's not an easy task, you know, that's why i mentioned this list, because just this year israel got into the list of collectivist democracies for the first time, it's the biggest defeat for him in 50 years, because israel was on the list of liberal democracies, and thanks judicial reform, conflict between political forces and the fact that he lost this seat, so this, it's not easy, not easy, we, i hope. we will reach the point where we will become an electoral electoral democracy after the war, or maybe sometime in the 30-40 years and liberal democracy, we have all the possibilities for this, but what i'm saying is that as a result of such a one-man rule , we can consider it in monarchical uh-uh uh, so to speak, in monarchical
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comparisons, well... . the king, louis , whom everyone knows from the novel the three musketeers by alexandre dumas father, he had a wonderful favorite, uh, cardinal richelieu, well, he chose him as a favorite, the cardinal was a great minister, he built half of paris, do you remember, well that is, serious serious work, one can say, the leader, the leader, of france, but it was the king's choice, the king could have chosen another person, and he chose her a cardinal, eventually he died and another cardinal was chosen, cardinal mazarin, he was not as successful and the french did not see him
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as richel' is. but he had the same completeness of power, and again, this completeness was the responsibility of the monarch after all, right? well, at least it should be, right? well, well, here, but the same is the anointed of god, and here the same person has such a national mandate, she chooses who works with her, based on sympathy, well louis was far from interested in government work, but he sympathized with richelieu, richelieu was an impeccable statesman... figure, and then he sympathized with mazarin, well, what can you do here, well , if such opportunities exist, well, of course, it can be considered that this is a republic, but this is a conditional republic in such conditions, when we cannot hold elections, when we do not have an electoral process, we cannot even present claims here to president zelenskyi, well, in connection with the war, he turned out to be in the role of such uncrowned monarch of this country, well, what can you do, especially since other institutions have degraded, which...


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