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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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like richelieu, but he had the same completeness of power, and again, this completeness, the responsibility was still on the monarch, right? well, at least it should be , yes, well, well, but the same, god’s anointed, and here too, a person has such a national mandate, he chooses who works with him, based on sympathy, well, ludovik was far from curious government job, but he... sympathized with richelieu, richelieu was an impeccable statesman, and then he sympathized with mazarin, well, what can you do here, well, if there are such opportunities, well, this of course, it can be considered that this is a republic, but it is a conditional republic in such conditions, when we cannot hold elections, when we do not have an electoral process, we cannot even make a claim here to president zelenskyi, well, he is in in connection with the war, he appeared in the role of such an uncrowned monarch of this country, well, what can you do, especially since other institutions have degraded. back in the 19th year, the parliament, it
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already degraded 5 years ago, but not now, it has been gone for a long time, because these people who sit in the parliament, i mean the majority, they read the names of the ministers from pieces of paper, they could not even pronounce the names of the people they voted for correctly, this is not the parliament, this is a kind of kindergarten, but the government does not exist, many cannot even remember the last name of the previous prime minister minister of ukraine, well, most people won't remember me. his monarchical possibilities are there, his right to choose favorites, it is not a question of what positions these people hold, it is a question of what influence they use, it is not constitutional, in order to decide constitutional, unconstitutional, it is necessary hold elections, the war will end again in 20, i don't know, in the fourth year or in 30.
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you don't know who the shefir is, you and i have been talking about it since the 19th year, i know who the shefir is, but i absolutely i don't know the extent of the influence of shefir, who was such a business partner and friend of zelensky, no, to what extent he is generally connected with the position of the first assistant to the president, that's what i don't know, i really don't know this, and neither do you. here was berezovsky very similar to the matter simply, he was for some time the deputy secretary of the council security of the russian federation, was the executive secretary of the cis, from which such a fright, well, it also forced me, as you do , to analyze whether i or he was removed from the post of deputy secretary. russia's security council, or did he
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leave the cis there, did that reduce his influence? no , it is not clear, roman abramovich was the governor of chukotka, it is of such great importance, well , i do not know what he needed there in chukotka, that is, i know, but i will not say, but it is, but it is definitely not related to politics , but in this case the same thing, but remove the shefir for the positions of the first assistant to the president, he generally performed this. lately, where is he, uh, he works with the president at all , maybe he doesn't work, maybe he continues to have personal relationships, good ones, but we don't know anything , we don't know anything at all, you see, we don't know what's going on there, in the near future circle, in the office, it's the same as doing kremlinology, but when we were doing criminology, we had at least 15 portraits of members of the politburo. well, yes, they hung on
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the houses, it was a politburo, they voted there from time to time in different ways, and as they were hung up at the first stage demonstrations, we could at least understand who and who, who is not, who has more influence, who has less, because for reasons that are still unclear to me, they were hung up by the level of influence, announced alphabetically, and hung up at the flow level, there is nothing like that, there is no politburo, we... we don't know who these people are, what their real influence was, whether it was there at all, what they did in their positions, it's anonymous power, well, how about that in many utopian novels where there are people we are about we don't know anything, there is a first person, we know everything about her, no words, she exists, she appears, gives an interview, we comment on this interview, etc., we also do not know what is in the interview , what she thinks in real politics, because it is not known, there are few people, she does not meet, as a rule, with ukrainian journalists. oh, that is, they are found only
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by westerners, who you look at in the first person, as a symbol of resistance, well, that is, we don’t know anything either, this is a fantastic figure that most ukrainians know not so much from a political point of view how many activities television series , where she played roles, and was not a real person , that is, this is also an image, an image, in general there are people who are shadows, they are shadows, we, nothing, we only know the surname, everyone fills this surname, a person who pore with the president his own content, his own, you know, like a balloon, someone gives it, and it means a fair ball, and someone gives it, it means a strong manager, a serious person, a person who can really perform certain management functions, someone surprises to another kulku yarmak, i say: that this is a favorite, he is exerting a bad influence on zelenskyi, he is protecting some corporate interests there, and we do not know who rules, we do not know anything about this, the ukrainian government is generally detached from society's knowledge of its essence, and so with each person, with each one, we do not read
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interviews, we do not see the real level of responsibility, ministers appear, disappear, they are also not public figures by and large, even in the armed forces of ukraine we can only count on... . certain short public appearances of military leaders, here is an interview of general syrskyi for the first time in recent months, an official interview, yes , of general zaluzhnyi, who for many ukrainians, for the majority, is a symbol of victory and so on, we saw it once or twice, and on the press - conference he was once, once once, that is, we saw him as a real person who speaks something, but we saw him as a living person once, that is, there is a person who is an image. it seems to be normal, there are no questions, but we are not, but there is no need to invent, there is, by the way , this is not an incorrect comparison, but i will try, there is lina
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vasylivna kostenko, a very non-public person, you have seen at least once in your life, see, you have not seen, yes, i spent once in my life with lina vasylivna... er, er, time, talked with her, once, well, no, talked on the phone many times, it’s true, uh, a lot of times, i have to say that lina vasylivna lives up to her image , which many people put in the image of lina kazenko, then there are poems, yes, yes, but you know that a person, a living person, and poems - these are different images, absolutely, yes, eh, i know many poets who absolutely did not correspond to their literary image. but these poets were famous, they were there all the time, you could see them, they appeared there, lina vasylivna almost never appears, there is an image, but i really say, most people have never seen it, ugh, but they put an image in it , what they want to put in according to what they've read is an image, but it's an image in
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the culture, it's our right, you know, we image ourselves, we image ourselves so, poets and writers, artists whom we have never seen, who were in the 19th century. year simply in the 19th century, simply alina kostenko is such an image of our contemporaries, here she is, you can go somewhere to see her, but we do not see her, there are some people who see, but the majority have never seen and will never see, so in politics it simply has a different meaning, absolutely true, but these are very similar situations, we do not know anything about these people, all the politicians who were there in ukraine until 2019 and managers, we knew what we were talking about, then we could sit and that to analyze, for... we don't even know the meaning of the actions, here we are discussing some deputy, who sometimes fights with the former commander of the armed forces of ukraine, then with the right to meet with foreigners, and we don't know if she does it
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herself or is just a tool for people from another department, conventionally speaking , from the non-legislative power, this is an image and... along with this, there is her co-author on this law, a well-known civil activist, yes, who has appeared on television many times, who was on my air many times, she , i talked to her a lot, she is smart, sensitive a person who understands exactly what she's doing, i don't need an image, but what she 's, say, doing there, it doesn't correspond to what i know about her, that's why i try, that's why i have this knowledge of a real person there is an image, an image. the current one does not match what i know about a real person who i am a real person, i treat with great respect, how, how can i treat without respect when i have real information about a real person, from blood and flesh, and this is a huge
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problem, how do i analyze it, then i have to say, no, you know, i have to retrain as someone else, because this is some kind of madness, it is good, but i warned in 2019 that it is not a profession. administration, when you vote for people who have never done anything in their life, i still do not understand what public administration is, anyway, even people who are in their orbit, who can understand all this, they are forced to act in this logic. if you put a professional in this story, he will act in this logic, and he will not resist ours, well, how do you understand, well, well if you come, well, i don’t know how to explain, well, if you come to kindergarten, you are there, let’s say an adult, and they tell you that you will be in this group, you say to educate , no, sit down, you will be with these children to eat porridge, well, you eat, but what are you to do, otherwise you will be fired, if your career depends on it. opportunities, and so people who are adults and fall into such a situation, the younger
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children's group, they just try to pretend, now i will eat everything, what a wonderful chocolate, i will now eat with fruit and with nuts, you see, it's still interesting what these people are really guided by, i.e. just their own career, someone can be guided by the fact that they want to save public administration, people have different intentions, people are different, okay, but that's how it is, we don't have another... system of state administration and there won't be until the end of the war, after the end of the war the voters have to decide whether it suits them or not, if the voter doesn't grow up, that's how it will be, uh, there's nothing like that, it's historical processes, mr. vitaly, i actually wanted to end with you should note quite interesting things that are happening... in ukrainian-polish relations, well, despite the blockade, despite the fact that they did not agree again, despite the fact that the missile
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flew for 39 seconds and there was no reaction, but this is a separate discussion, all after all, we have a statement from poland that it is effectively doubling its contribution to the czech munitions initiative, on the one hand, well, that is, i got a little lost in polish logic, on the one hand, i did not get bogged down in polish logic, polish logic is very simple, maybe to be... a war in europe, so poland should help ukraine withstand the its confrontation with russia, because while ukraine is fighting russia, european countries can feel safe. ukraine is , as i already said, such a night watch, relatively speaking, from the game of thrones, well, uh, and you need, if, excuse me, a watch, it needs to have guns, to have shells, the wall is good there was still everything, everything was everything, but no... that if they grow their own wheat there, then they should sell it to us, we
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will grow it ourselves, that is the logic, it is simple, it means that the polish governments understand this danger, since prime minister tusk speaks about it out loud, although the europeans do not like it, that we live in the pre-war era, and it is true, a war can really start in europe, there is no need to even doubt that such a possibility exists and that european countries will not accept refugees, but deliver them somewhere further south. of europe and this is a separate story for the future, it will be a very interesting story, and of course, if we witness it, but this is reality, and tusk is one of the first european politicians who says, that this is the pre-war era, okay, so it is necessary to help with weapons, on the other hand, there is polish society that believes that agriculture should not be destroyed, it believes so, any politician must, one way or another, be aware of the interests of this society, so as not to to lose... power, well, it turned out that the current government, it is in the same logic as the previous ones, which also did not want
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to lose power, understanding that it has competitors on the right, and by the way, this government also understands , that he has competitors on the right, it's just that the government had a confederation, rights and justice of this government, this is the logic we have regarding the missile, this is also a completely understandable logic, because the polish military assumes that if a missile flies into the territory of poland, into the territory of ukraine, it is not a threat to poland itself, it wants in... poland, then it can harm ordinary polish citizens. i don't think this logic is fair, but it is there. and i think that now, when they are discussing the issue that there should be joint control of the air defense systems of poland and ukraine on the territory of ukraine and that these targets should be destroyed when they approach the polish border, that is, in the airspace of ukraine, but on the territory of ukraine, but possibly polish. air defense systems, this should also be a logical approach , and we have to work with it too, i think
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that such joint control is a good way out of the situation, well, in the end it looks symmetrical and fair, if a russian missile can fly over poland, that is why the polish air defense system cannot work even on those territories that are not russian, there are ukrainian, of course, but again it should be the political will, the decision of the north atlantic. union , because they will think, and how will russia react to this, if its missile is destroyed, its missile will be destroyed by the polish air defense system not in poland, uh, not in poland, because if it is in poland, then there are no questions, right? russia cannot tell poland why, why did you damage our wonderful missile because it crossed polish airspace, but we see that the russians are becoming more and more defiant, the fact that the ambassador of the russian federation in warsaw serhii andriyev simply ignored the summons of the ministry of foreign affairs of poland, which never happens at all, diplomats usually go, no matter what we are, no matter what the relationship is, the russian ambassador in
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poland disappeared for several days , by the way, he appeared, i'm somehow not from'. meets with the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs in the country that he is declaring war on, so, by the way, the german ambassador to moscow, grafon shullenburg, arrived at the ministry near the soviet union and declared war people's commissar of foreign affairs vyacheslav molotov, this is generally accepted. diplomacy even under such conditions , it is as if there are no such conditions here, the parties support each other diplomatically, but he behaves in such a terrible way, well, it means that the russians have already decided that they do not care about everything and everyone, and this is also an important point, well and in your opinion, will tusk be able to effectively convince all his and european partners, until recently, recently
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he was in the united states, can he be considered an advocate of this strategy, russia is real danger cannot be allowed. will ukraine fall? i think that at least our central european neighbors should be more interested in this than anyone else. but we see an old story. do you remember when both poland and the baltic countries convinced their european partners for years that there was a threat from russia, and they said that it was paranoia. so. this point of view of the baltic countries and poland has always been perceived as paranoia, related to their previous negative historical experience, which has nothing to do with modernity. when you just need to trade peacefully, relatively speaking, and then it turned out that they are. right , and their neighbors are not, but now we heard that tus talked about the remark of the prime minister of spain, pedro sanchez, a very, by the way, a strong politician and a great friend of ukraine and a person who has an obvious desire to help us. and sanchez said, well, listen, you don't have to talk about war, because it scares the europeans, you don't have to just talk about it. and it is absolutely obvious that the prime minister
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of the country, which is located very far on the poronetsky peninsula, is far from the theater military actions, well, he does not want his compatriots to live in... a state of some danger, so all the more, perhaps they will not be in danger, but if we talk about allied relations in the european union, the north atlantic alliance, then there should be solidarity and those who are directly in the line of fire, and you, who are close to the war, and those who are far from the war, and this should also be the logic that we would draw, should draw as a conclusion from the history of the 20th century cross, sir vitalia, thank you for this analytics, it is... c the saturday political club, vitaly portnikov, our guests, thanks to everyone who made it possible to record this program, and we invite you to join the saturday political club next week, be with espresso.
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of information war project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat tuesday. netsa at 22:00. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two o'clock air time two hours of your time. today we will discuss with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives. and now , yuriy
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fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchuvka is with us. oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news. review of sporting events from yevhen stock two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. that many have become familiar, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, a people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl winter's great broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. greetings, good evening, my name is miroslava. this is a self- titled program, a joint project of ukrainian pen and espresso tv channel. today we will return the name, the name of the great ukrainian
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artist of the world class, oleksa novakivskyi, the artist who was born in podilla, studied in odesa, at the krakow art academy, glorified lviv and all of ukraine. dzvenislava novakivska, great-great-granddaughter, has a guest today. great-granddaughter of oleksans novakivskyi and the initiator of the novakivskyi special project. congratulations. congratulations. thank you for the invitation. dzvenoslav, thank you for finding the opportunity to come to us and talk about oleks novakivskyi. i'll start with one phrase, which is terribly refreshing to me. this is the phrase of taras luzynskyi, the icon painter of the lviv collector, the collector who said yes, i hate the expression novakivsk. a talented ukrainian artist, he is a world-class artist, no one will put him on a pedestal, except for us. i think that this
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can be said not only about novakivskyi, but also about many ukrainian artists who are misunderstood and under-seen by us, right? please tell me what is the uniqueness and value of novakivskyi, and why he is still not on pedestals, in your opinion? i think it will be with the first one. simpler, the second is more complicated, why these , why the value, well, we know all the world names, this is klimt, monet, van gogh, and these are the people who essentially helped world civilization, world art, to move from such monochrome, photographic art, which it was more about photographing reality, moving to a completely different world, where... understanding oneself in this life through art, and this is how various currents were born, in particular impressionism and expressionism, and then on these
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stood, stood the avant-garde, which actually began to move on, that is, in essence, that as industrialization in the economy was very important, and whoever fell out of this process, he became a third world country there, art is the same as industrialization, it was important if... a marker of the fact that a country that was able to give birth to a rethinking through art could actually be considered civilized, and in fact novakivskyi, who made a leap from classical art, from symbolic art, and made an independent leap in impressionism, and then into expressionism, and he actually did not do it himself, but did it with students and the environment that... he taught it, we can say, this is essentially a road for us, and to equality with other european countries , where it also happened,
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so he is a world-class artist, and why is he in ukraine still not perceived as such by the majority of people, and of course ska, here for me it is still a mystery, yes, but, if we look at the history of the classics of others, because... in fact, it is a classic, as far as we are concerned it took years to start unpacking and reimagining lesya ukrainka, not just like a forest song, but the one that was actually reinterpreted through antiquity, reinterpreted who ukrainians are, what is the fate of ukrainians, and through ancient works , she rearranged them, retransmitted them. novakivskyi based a large part of his works, he actually...he also based them on the revival and there are a lot of symbols of the revival, very actually there are a lot of reinterpreted myths that he transferred, which are, well, let's say for
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average statistical person in soviet times, it was very harmful, uh, to introduce into the world context in general, it was, it was dangerous, it was dangerous, and that's exactly why, if we're talking about him, one of the reasons is that that he was procrastinated by the soviet authorities , i'm sorry, he went through the procrustean tower, and this is actually just this procrustean bed, it... led to the fact that they cut off everything they could from him and left such a scrap that, well, how at one time we had a cut off shevchenko, as a singer of the poor people, well , this was a fragment of a man who actually could paint peasants, and that is, this ethnography, this is what was left, the only thing that could be inscribed at least somehow in socialist realism, if life, yes, if, some certain, like some certain element, at the same time, and like the same
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taras... he said, there is a big problem with us art critics, precisely because we are actually a school of art critics, it was in moscow, yes, what was happening in kyiv at the level of knowledge and art research was very much persecuted and limited, and it continued because of the colonial narrative, and that's why it's absolutely normal that now we have a lack of such educated art researchers who could unpack... such strata and reinterpret them in modern, in modern realities, and you very well explained his pulsating style, which is such, how do you feel it, what is the pulsating style of novakivskyi? oh, here is a very good story, because as a promotion expert i have to say that i was lucky, because the godmother of the novakiv space project was the famous art critic diana
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klitschko, and she just... drew attention to the fact that what she says: look, all living objects, that is, all, both people and plants, and in novakivskyi, they have a pulsating contour, which means that it is a multi-layered one, so you know, if, and we, when we started to discuss with her what that might mean, yes, we explored that maybe it's just about this time pressure, and with the outbreak of full-scale war, i realized that it fits very well... into that concept because when we are under strong psychological or physical pressure, our body essentially shrinks and, when compressed, begins to to vibrate, and this vibration of the body compressed under the press of time, challenge and crisis, and it is actually he depicted it so and so, and this is his discovery, his style, which has not been researched, not named yet, but it is clearly well, his paintings can be recognized
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precisely because of that. and you very rightly say that this feeling, the feeling of this war tension, of uncertainty, that it was, and this is precisely the trick that goes through and works during the first world war, as well as before the second world war, and before the second world, but i mean now actually... his this work angel of death is an amazing work where the angel is standing and holding a young man, the body of a young man, can you tell me about this painting, what it means, what it means to him, what was there , who is this young man, and i will say right away that this is one of the works that he dedicated to the sich riflemen, and actually to those soldiers who went
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to defend uh... i wanted to say the country, but not yet the country, and this work, it is just right, again, we take the ancient image, it is the angel of death, who with dignity makes it possible for someone who fought for his country to go through this path, the interesting thing is that in fact he is very much about... death about the river styx, he has a lot of insight into reflections, and he also has such the story that what is the end is the beginning, and this very transition, it is important for this beginning to have a different energy, a different intention, and it is significant that he clothed the angel of death not just in the usual wings .


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