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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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for the national museum to be in the building where the lenin museum used to be, and near the opera house, now everyone knows all this, that it is a national museum, yes, but when dad raised this issue, everyone in lviv was afraid to solve it, but fate made it it is so simply mythical and mystical that gorbachev, who was supposed to go to one city there, ended up in lviv, raisa maksimivna had to be entertained, and my father would have taken her to the foundations. and after that they gave permission for the premises of the lenin museum to be transferred to this project, but you now you will not read about my father anywhere , precisely because he was erased from history, because of this history, because of this conflict, because of that there was a conflict with the transfer of the icons, he refused to transfer the icons, because the initial transfer would mean destruction, and he did not want that to do, but someone really needed to do them and... and there were others there, well, it feels like
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a family, a family-like character, i actually want to ask to return to oleks novakivskyi, to ask about his character and his eccentricity. i heard a lot and i read about the fact that he was an eccentric, that he was an eccentric and even a poser , that he could invent some things about himself, let's say that he sleeps for an hour or two a day, about... . chinese origin, maybe it’s true, i don’t know , about the fact that he was tripled with paints and so on , that is, tell me about it, well, about the chinese truth, well, as far as i followed there, dna did not do the truth, i think , what must be done, must be done, i would have done it a long time ago in your place, you what, how is it possible, but even just in appearance it is possible to understand that there are these roots there, and he actually introduced oriental studies as an interest. to school and all his life he was
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also very interested in the topic of japonism and, that is, for him it is so very important, as a person who created himself in art, he was no less successful there than warhol, and he perfectly created his legend an artist, he certainly had an incredible talent, they say that he really had a certain gift of magic. he gave, well, for sure we understand that he had the gift of a visionary, well, but besides that in fact, just as if he had the gift of seeing people to manifest something like this in him, this was something very amazing if the story of the clairvoyance of a clairvoyant, let's say this, on the one hand, on the other hand this incredible talent, the students said that he had leonardo between his fingers, and comparing him from the ninth, well, all of them. when
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they took him to italy, he looked at michalanchilo and said that here he is, here he is his teacher, yes, that is, in principle, this is a person who could really manage very well what he had, these characteristics of his, like how man, he really unpacked it, like talents, like talents, reproaches and sometimes manipulated, of course, if there were stories with a stick, although really... he had periods of prolonged hunger there, and this hunger he then affected his health, he lay there straight for a long time, because of this he could not get up, but there were periods when he threw the stick and when inspired he could run, move, but when he remembered no, no, let's carry me, support me , and well, it was about parajanov at once and about his friends eccentricity, so it is also very much. bright
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, bright, and that is why young people directly followed him, so i can see even from his self-portraits and from his photographs that he was an extremely charismatic person, that is , he and he used it, he used it, all we have left is- only maybe 3.5 minutes, i want to ask more about interpretations, i am very interested in this cycle of awakening, yes, which in which which is talked about a lot. there is a clothed girl standing in the background, some kind of icon or crucifix, yes, this is just one work, and a naked girl the same, there are a lot of works in the cycle, for example, i say uche, for example, yes, yes, i, i mean the cycle, and very often we are told that it symbolizes the awakening of ukraine, and for me it is , for me it is very not somehow not... it sounds horsey, because
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actually this girl, anna maria palmovska, she will be a 16-year-old girl, so polish is actually a child, a child. you better tell about it now, also the 16-year-old child whom he drew, and she will become his wife, and it looks unconvincing to me, this interpretation is unconvincing, did he speak about it himself somewhere, or where did it come from , is it the awakening of ukraine, ugh, well, first of all, who was this child, tell me, please, the first thing i want to say is that there was no only a child, this is a certain cycle that diana klitschko and i actually talked about, it ends with the last work: to have mercy. ugh. in my mind, it's a very connected cycle that is essentially about growing up. and about what needs to be done, what choice needs to be made, in this growing up, and in order to weigh
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freedom and carelessness, responsibility and transformation. that is, it is interesting that her actual last job is to be a mother of mercy, not love. and small heart is when i accept without question and that is the master level and this work really it started with spending my great grandmother who really when she was orphaned my great grandfather took care of her and then married her and that was an incredible pair of people in love who had the opportunity to live in love, unlike many others who did it out of obligation, and married one. this cycle, he has many images and in particular there are very clear yellow and blue elements of a woman who at a certain moment, well, there are even those that slightly resemble the symbol of the french revolution, and if this is the rebirth of birth, and in this cycle there are a lot of
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if stories, and stories about that it will be from the dungeon, yes, that first you have to go down into the dungeon, from the underground... then, there will be a birth, and this is the myth of demeter, who when you are already considered dead, he, too, from there, he mixes, and that is, that ukraine has its own period of spring, when it can to come out and shine and take our place, but if we don't grow up enough at this point and have to go back to hell again and have to again... it's good that i asked that because the meaning is much deeper and much more layered than, than it is often interpreted, and in fact you yourself have already led to a wonderful logical conclusion,
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and i warned you that i would ask about the last phrase he said to golubovsky before his death, nothing dies, what does it mean? oh, what does that mean to you? i think it is very about that, even now i will take a step back, but nothing can be my property, nothing is not controlled by me, and as soon as i realize that even there the collection that i have, it is not my control, it is that , what... i can share, what i share, for pradi, it was the story of otto, that he recognized, he knew this treasure about art, what it is, that it is a gift of god and it is a destination, and it is not maybe it can't be
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finite on you it can be transferred and the more you as a master can transfer the further it is, the more likely it will be to live, will live on. and at the same time, this is just life, life goes on , regardless of whether there are ready to celebrate any dates related to novokivskyi in lviv or not, it is about the fact that he will live on, he will move on, and just like we talked with malevich, whether we are ready to admit that he taught and had his own school or not, but he will live on, and for me , the fact that his paintings were published this year in the belvedere, they returned to europe there, where in fact, they were exhibited, where there were recognitions, although i would say that the selection of paintings, well, not the best, the one that went, but this is also about the fact that it is not, it is not final, it is also the story that can be to unpack
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further and tell further, depending on how ready you are to approach this material and learn the way we now know ourselves, through this war, and discover about ourselves. a lot of new things. thanks to dzvenislav, dzvenislav novakivska, great-granddaughter of oleks novakivskyi and founder novakivskih spece was today. guest, thank you for being with us, these are proper names , we will see you in a week, thank you, my friends, greetings, i think you have already seen these simply insane queues for the performance of the witch of konotop, or rather for tickets, people were standing about it . we'll talk for sure, and why did this show just cause such a huge
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uproar, i don't remember it happening, i remember that it was always difficult to get tickets for, for example, a cheap family, the show also goes to frank's theater, but for this to happen, this is already something new, we will definitely talk about it, but to begin with other news from the field of ukrainian culture, there are also scandals, usually. let there be something good, but let's start with something good. on april 4 , anton ptushkin's first full-length documentary film called we are our favorites and the war will be released. i think that if you use youtube and are at least somehow interested in travel blogs, you know who anton ptushkin is, and one of the most famous, most famous, probably a ukrainian travel blogger with millions views on youtube, and here he is shooting a documentary film, i want to say that
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documentary films were originally about a full- length war, a full-scale war, it became very popular on television, it’s just that documentaries get some colossal ratings, which was not the case before a full-scale war, before it started, and so many people resorted to the fact that they started filming various documentaries, some people get... worse, some people get better, but i think antomin ptushkin did very well. he chose the theme of animals. and in his film he tells about how ukrainians during the great war save animals, completely different, well, mostly they are dogs, such an emphasis on them, it also talks about different shelters, by the way, it talks about not only the good, which is very good, this film is not like that is not corny and propagandist, but it is told. about some shelters where the managers approached their responsibilities responsibly, and other shelters, unfortunately, did not,
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for example, as in the bearded house, you remember there was a terrible scandal with the fact that almost all the dogs there died because their not released from the cages before leaving this shelter to evacuate, well, there is also a story about a closet cat from a wart, remember, this cat, which was 13 years old, and she survived. she spent more than a month in occupation in borodyanka, in a building that was hit by an aerial bomb, and the owners could not enter their apartment, it is on the seventh or eighth floor, and they were generally sure that their cat had died, unfortunately, because they just at that moment, at the moment of the impact, they were in another city with their relatives, and then they were surprised to see, the whole country was watching this, how accidentally saw this cat-closet kind of on the eighth floor of it. rescued, they looked for a ladder there to climb, and
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thank god, she is alive, and to this day they do not understand and veterinarians say that we do not understand how a 13-year-old cat survived in such conditions, there was no water there somehow , this is certainly a great miracle, and i was also struck by the story when the workers of the kyiv zoo told about how many animals were brought to them, they said that there were more than 400 animals brought to the zoo, in particular very many... exotic animals, these are some snakes, these are monkeys, these are different reptiles, someone , on the contrary, wanted to take some animal from the zoo, for example, they even asked for a crocodile, as they said, okay, give us a crocodile, he will live in our bathtub , but the zoo workers refused, i want to say about this tape, we can show it again, by the way, i can say that it is very different from many others. films, other documentaries about the war, especially by those people who had not previously been there directors,
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documentaries, but because in this tape, first of all, there's a lot of humor, and it balances out very well all these tragedies that we can see, because a lot of viewers now, i know, are afraid to go to war movies, both action movies and documentaries, because they they say, we don't want to, we read all of this anyway, we want something else, we are afraid to watch all of this, that's right... so that people, so that people are not afraid to watch such films, you need to add humor, anton ptushkin did just that , that is, this is again, this is such a therapeutic tape, and the second point, this exactly... that film, which is particularly an export option, because it was made by anton together with the canadians, and there are already arrangements for screenings in different countries, and this is a very good example, i don't like the word propaganda, but it is so very good the positioning of our country abroad, because that's how all the stories about
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how people died there, some kind of tragedy there, that 's all, as we unfortunately know, foreigners are no longer... not really perceived, but the stories about animals, about cats, about dogs, and there, by the way, they talk about foreigners, who also adopted, adopted, as they say, various animals, there, for example, a lady from the netherlands, from amsterdam, she took eight ukrainian dogs from bakhmut, in particular, well, i will tell you the following, if you really want to watch a good human film about war, but such a movie that... definitely won't kill you, won't drive you into depression, definitely go, it seems to me that this is very, very not for you, you won't regret it, in a word, but what can i say about anton ptushkin himself, now we can watch his blogs, which he made on youtube, if you suddenly do not see him you know, you can go and just type in youtube anton ptushkin, you will find his channel,
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by the way, since the beginning of the full-scale war, he switched to ukrainian, like many ukrainians, and renamed his channel. that before he wrote in russian and blogged in russian, he is noted for the fact that, first of all, he became famous first of all for being the host of the popular show arioleshka, and then, when he left it, he founded his own travel blog, which he filmed himself , he did absolutely everything himself, he mastered various techniques, filmed from drones, and well, it’s simple colossal was the work, and that is why he got a huge number of fans. i'm not talking about the fact that these blogs are very interesting for him in principle, he went to different countries and talked about various interesting places there, not only about interesting places, about some history, and again , many people watched him , because there was a lot of humor in his blogs, he joked, he always joked about himself, he had a car
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break down, he made a whole show out of it, and that's why... that's why i it seems that his first documentary turned out to be so successful, but at the premiere he said, because the premiere has already taken place, he said that he believes that his film is completely for the audience, that he does not claim any serious laurels cinema, and you know, according to my observations, when a person positions himself so modestly, then people will most likely become people from him, so i remind you that the film i, us, our favorites and the war, which... is at the box office on april 4, but for now we are waiting for the golden dziga award, we will be announced by the people of the films which won, and while the golden dziga announced the long lists, i will remind you which one, i will say something that is not liked by a large number of our film community and the organizers of the golden dziga itself,
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because it is called the ukrainian oscar, and you know, it is such a phrase that on the one hand, very briefly and quickly... the essence of the award, but the film community does not like this, but what is the essence? there are american film academics, they hand out oscars, there are ukrainian film academics, they hand out the golden dziga, so the organizers of this award announced long lists of films, who can get in, who can be awarded this year with a golden spindle, i will say that our community is also laughing, that there is a great intrigue in... the best full-length documentary, there are 20 days in mariupol, and well, we all understand who will win, so there is certainly no intrigue, but i don’t know if it’s good or bad, but there are also many good, cool documentaries in this list, except for 20 days in mariupol, which, by the way, is now available on various online sites, for money, for little money, but it's legal, and
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in almost all, but m... these digital platforms said that there are record viewings now for 20 days in mariupol, also in this category together with our oscar-winning film eurodonbas, kornia hrytsyuka is competing, i advise you to watch this tape as well, it tells about ukrainian donbass, although kornii hrytsyuk himself, he is from luhansk region, it seems or from donetsk region, but he does not like the word donbass, and here he is in this film talking about the beginning of the 20th century. and how foreign investors invested money there, deposited various there, opened various large ones there, i don't i know, factories, but here, and then only when i arrived. union, then it will appropriate all these merits to itself. iron butterflies by roman lyuboy, it’s about the mh17 disaster, it’s ivan and marta, a wonderful
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film by serhiy bukovsky about a pair of beaks, well, mrs. marta comes to the fore there, and if we talk about the list of feature films, there are also many films that i ’m sure you also seen, this is olesya sanin's dovbush. the king of rap myroslav latyk, which undeservedly did poorly at the box office, i don't know, maybe because they didn't give much publicity, but this is a very good tape, kings of rap. philip sutnichenko's lyapalisida is a film that is not for everyone, but it will definitely go down in history, because it is extremely difficult to shoot, and it is really such a very, very talented, iconic film. my carpathian grandfather, zaze buadze, if you haven't watched this tape, be sure to watch it, because it's awesome. of course, it's also cute, there 's bohdan bonyuk in the main role, he plays such a grandfather, who does not have a very good relationship with his grandson, and they try throughout the film
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somehow resolve this issue, i am nina, the film by marisa nikityuk, which i personally liked very much, but caused a lot of different controversies, it is actually a film based on the book of the same name about tv presenter yanina sokolova, in fact. well, but the film is very different from the book, there are also many funny moments, despite the fact that the topic is quite complex, the main character fights with oncology, but this is also a therapeutic film, well, while we wait for who will win the golden prize this year, director alan badoev for this award, on the organizers of this award, was terribly offended, although he... already later began to say, it seems that he was not, he was not offended, and in general, i just want to initiate a discussion around this award, the fact is that his tape was not accepted for a long time
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longlists, it did not pass at all, and that is why alen bodoev wrote such a post in which he said that how is it that such a tape, mine, was not accepted, but it was such a success with the audience, the organizers told him that we have ... the regulations and your tape do not meet the technical criteria, the point is that there it was necessary to go to commercial distribution, for example, or the tape must be shown at a festival that is more than 5 years old, and lanbadoev and the producers and others did not bother to fulfill such basic requirements, and now i think, why not took it for granted, but various explanations did not affect the director, and he began to say that no, these rules are wrong, we do not have time to follow them. these rules, you need to be more flexible, you need to somehow meet each other, but here's the thing, you know, as i said above,
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many people from different fields, i will remind you that alan bodoev acted as a director of music videos in show business, he was engaged in producing, he was not involved in cinema so much, he has several films there, but he was not a film director, and so he decided to shoot cinema, but unfortunately did not study the rules that exist. our film industry, and so many people, by the way, do it, they were engaged in serials there, went to the cinema, did not understand how cinema exists, how it is, and then they start to be offended or say something else, well, what can i say, on the other hand, alan badoev promoted his film for a long time, once again, and now we see it, it really became quite successful among the audience, it was shown for free in cinemas, by the way, it was also released in one. from our ukrainian cinema tv channels and took quite high indicators, the tape consists mainly of footage and footage
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of people who filmed themselves, from the beginning of the full-scale invasion and onwards, and alan bodoev collected a large number of these footage of irish people and made such a film out of them, about which they speak quite differently people who are more cinephiles there like documentaries. of course, they looked skeptically at this embodiment, because the films are generally documentaries, which are created from such amateur video, they exist, and there, for example, ridley scott produced such a film together with youtube, but the fact is that, well, it must be said that such people who directly love documentaries, or they have been directing for a long time, they are still skeptical of alan badoev and people who come from television series to make documentaries movie or feature film. and that's why we have such a certain rift in our film community, because some people don't accept others, well, but it's always interesting
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to watch, and i like it, because... our film community lives, it discusses, and not as it was before, because i remember there back in 2013, when almost no one knew about ukrainian cinema, and the situation was much, much worse than this one. well , let's move on to eurovision with you, friends, i urge you to take action and vote for professional jury members for eurovision, for those people who will vote for this event, well... there are ten candidates, you can vote for one person, and from my point of view it will be the same problem, it is already being discussed in the music community, by the way, they are discussing that , that not all people from this list are known to the general public, but these people are quite professional, for example, like oleksandr vorenitsa, we see him now, or oleksiy bondarenko, and they are very good...
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they get along in music, and they probably that will be able to evaluate the participants very well, but since the general public does not know them , well, anna sveridova, for example, is more known, she is a radio host, or there was iryna horova, a producer, but in the end, i still call you, this is alyosha, by the way, the former, her name is now olena topolya, singer, this is fiinka, well, in one word, if you want to cheer for eurovision. and then you want to criticize the members of the eurovision jury, you go into action and vote, you understand, and then you will have the right to demand something from these people, and i will tell you why they are constantly complaints, this is what the professional jury is about, remember, there is eurovision, our national selection, the jury members are sitting there, evaluating and telling something, and the audience who are voting, basically this eurovision is the
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same story when they vote... viewers, by the way, they are the main ones, their vote has more weight, and there is also a professional jury, in each country, it also assigns points, and this is the voting for the members of the jury of this segment of ours, why do they always get screwed , because the ukrainian people are always dissatisfied, but we can deal with it agree in the context of eurovision, we can say that we constantly have dissatisfaction with who exactly... the jury voted for, because often their choice does not coincide with the choice of the audience, and remember, the most vivid case was immediately after a full-scale invasion , when almost all ukrainians, or a large part of ukrainians , voted for a participant from poland, our ukrainian professional jury did not give high marks to poland, and then the riot started, and how is it, the poles treated us like this, they help us like this, and you bastards such are not
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you can vote for poland. to give her a high score, the members of the jury said, sorry, but we are professional members of the jury, we judge regardless of politics and how who treats us, how who accepts our refugees, and that's why all this was discussed there, remember , iryna fedyshyn also took all the attention to herself, because she could not explain how she voted, and also then began to criticize this contest, in which they said there was a lot of debauchery about this whole lgbt thing, how can you... say: listen, why did you go to judge him then, if you are against it such debauchery, and there was a very interesting story, in any case , there are such rumors in the music field that , to put it mildly, not all people want to apply to be a professional judge of the eurovision song contest, but we see that ten people applied, for which you and i have to vote, but as for the eurovision, which we are waiting for, well
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, first of all... i will remind you that our participants aloni aloni and jerry hale were previously predicted to be the first place, so the bookmakers, and now the girls are gradually starting to go down a little below this table, but there it is dynamic enough, we will follow up, but here is the situation that happened with israel, here i inform you about the latest news: israel officially calls its citizens who will go. in malmö at the eurovision song contest, don't shine at all, that is, don't wear badges with flags, i don't know who has any tattoos, who will give them out, hide them, why? because there is a fear of various terrorist attacks, various attacks, but they even say that malmö is such a pro-palestinian city, and therefore israelis can be treated there, well, either aggressively or with misunderstanding, well, in one word
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some unpleasant events may happen. well, after all, he also talks about terrorist attacks.


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