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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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to the arrested tajiks, even in russian society, this has a negative effect, although all the propaganda calls them ghouls, even the fact that medvedev said that it is necessary to kill everyone in general is very difficult, but look, tajiks or kazakhs or uzbeks, they are going to defend themselves , if the scenario of the black hundred and pogroms will really be launched in russia, well , the pogroms will not be jewish, but they will destroy, for example, former residents of central asia. that's exactly what i wanted to say. what i called one of the goals: to unite russian society against of ukraine, unite it around the figure of putin. support this putin. given that there were problems with navalny, during the election, many russian citizens were against putin. it was visible to the naked eye. in addition to uniting with this terrorist act... the goals of solving issues with
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migrants from central asian countries, that is , external migrants, and with internal migrants from the caucasus, dagestan, chechnya, ingushetia, to cause such a negative attitude. many say: without migrants, russia's economy and labor force will suffer greatly. i firmly to you i will say that for the special services and even for putin himself, the economy of russia today is a secondary issue. one issue is ukraine, it is to achieve at least some minimum goals in this confrontation with a rather strong, we can say today enemy, ukraine, which at one time they tried to seize in three days, this is what makes me nervous, putin already feels the pain on his own neck alive enough, let's be honest, well, but in any case, we also have no right to underestimate the enemy, what happened, well... in
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connection with the crocus terrorist attack, it's huge the failure of the so-called counter-intelligence and military counter-intelligence of the russian federation, so in any case the director of the federal security service should have resigned, extremely harsh conclusions should have been made, which concern, for example, security in the capital, and in addition, yes , they should not now, for example, push an even higher degree. hysteria, in particular on our side, on the ukrainian side, they could demonstrate certain results, but there is a feeling that they received a certain task, and what tasks could the leaders of the russian of the power bloc, who have already begun to blame ukraine, although we understand that ukraine is of no use here, where is the afghan islamic state and where are we, respectively, if we talk about a terrorist attack.
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of the islamic state, then it was carried out according to the entire classic scheme adopted by the special services, in principle, until the moment when this terrorist attack can be tied to ukraine. everything was organized by the federal security service, clearly enough. as far as it was possible to manage, in fact, someone else's terrorist act, this time. today i look at the reaction of that. bortnikova, patrusheva, even this interesting statement, i would like to dwell on lukashenko, who said: "vova called me, we sat all night and caught these terrorists with vova." and vova asked me, will you close the border. i said, of course, i will close the belarusian border. this is voiced by lukashenko himself, it is essentially his direct speech, that is, russia cannot even close its own border, it asks for a foreign one.
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the state to close the state border if, according to their plan, that terrorists were running to ukraine, then that putin should have called zelensky and ask ukraine to close the border with russia? this is trolling on the part of lukashenka, even on the part of bortnikov. look how bortnikov speaks. now putin expressed the version that ukraine is involved. the suspects confirm putin's version of our president and we will. i roughly imagine that if the terrorist act was overseen by the fsb, then bortnyk. even starting
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with ryazan sugar from volgodonsk, where they blew up their citizens, their houses in order to direct all the anger of the population against chechnya. are being blown up today crocus in order to try to direct all the anger of the russians against ukraine. in such cases, putin and patrushi use a fairly narrow group of fsb employees. a special group is being created, the activities of which no one is aware of, not even bortnikov, who only fulfills some political role. more likely than not, putin often directly accepts these orphans, korolev and other fsb leaders and deputies of the same game. and in the conditions of such a narrow discussion, not such a discussion, where partly on the kremlinru show the teta-teta of two melich cups agreeing on how to control a terrorist act, what goal to achieve and what result to get. the safety
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of specific citizens, which at that time absolutely no one is interested in, the main thing is to get a political result. and these people you listed, whether they will suffer or not , think that god. these schedules, for example, what is bortnikov himself, what is his relationship with patrushev, for example, are they, so to speak, i don’t know, a certain wing, or are they characters of a separate plan, well, if we talk , for example, about those who carry out strategic
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management of similar processes, yes, those who pass can pass, i am not sure, well, but they can pass, for example, the director of the federal security service, as is the whole matter. .. the heads of the head of the special service refer to some general political issues. operational and investigative, financial activities and other issues. when it comes to the issue of a specific special operation, no documents are drawn up at the management level. the case of operational development is drawn up, such a literal business , to which a very narrow circle of employees has access, and sometimes even one employee conducts an operation similar to the one that took place in crocus, so these relationships, how they are built, i know from
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my own experience, i was the head of the knb of kazakhstan, and except for me, president nazarbai was able to summon any of my deputies. to listen to the internal kitchen not from my mouth as the head, but from my deputy or even the head of some department, and according to the stories of my colleagues here in vienna, the situation in special services of russia is even more complicated. putin's trust in specific leaders is, let's say, very low, and he often calls the same orphan, the same royal, even the head of the economic security service alpatov, who is, as they say, a favorite there. but the kitchen that has developed today is a struggle for the post of head of the fsb. the candidate for this post is the first deputy, korolev, and darofeev, who is closer to putin, the head of the fsb in the city of moscow and the moscow region. and now these two figures are in
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such an under-the-carpet confrontation. by due to the results of their fight, most likely , darafeev may suffer. as my colleagues say here, because a terrorist act took place on its territory. although the fsb in the city of moscow and the moscow region took some measures against crocos, it is noticeable. the agency was focused on finding terrorists, but the fsb in moscow was not directed by the direct guidance of the us cia. they knew the general situation that the americans were announcing. well, the voice of the americans, the americans publicly called on their citizens to be ready, and this happened a couple of weeks before this massacre in crocus. through what channels the americans or some other special services could get this
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information, how did they even sense that something like this could happen, how, how this, i don't know, word of mouth works. first of all, this message of the us special services to some extent broke the cards for the russian special services. no wonder at the fsb meeting, putin called it blackmail and provocation, because this message is true. as ordinary people, attend such
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a concert, and in such cases always organs it's friday, so just employees, security is provided by the outfit. the specific department of the fsb in krasnogorsk says: today there is a concert in krokus, and such and such employees will go there. and this is called an outfit. they don't have any weapons, they just have to record the situation at a large mass event. reveal there. navalny's followers, there are some others there, they have a lot of questions there. and even in the video it is noticeable that some men who ran from crocus during the terrorist attack had enough of such a special service appearance. that is, these are people from the official fsb uniform. and at the same time just vacationers. imagine the city of moscow, and 15-20 percent of the population of moscow are people in uniform. taking into account such a militaristic regime. some people were
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at this concert, they all ran, no one took any measures to offer the slightest resistance to these criminals. i understand, there are no weapons, they came to the concert just to watch. at the same time, absolute puncture. therefore, the fate of the same dorafeev is quite complicated. head of the fsb in the city of moscow and the moscow region. what you asked, who will be affected, who will not be affected. i do not think that anyone from the special services will be punished, after all, putin was well aware of this direction, this terrorist act. it is visible everywhere. he knew perfectly well what he was preparing. that as a result of this terrorist attack, he should have received national support, that migrants would be gathered. provided with a rifle, well, once you know how to shoot, then you will go to fight in ukraine. putin
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even received a lot of sympathy, as he says, from enemy states. this effect is very powerful, but he did not get the most important result. he could not tie ukraine to this terrorist act. well, on the other hand, they will try to do it in any case, we remember events that are more than 30 years old, so we remember that russia received the so-called khasavird peace, that is, when it de facto signed in bankruptcy to wage war with the chechens, so after khasavirt in order to disrupt the khasavirt agreements, that there was basayev's raid in dagestan, there was ryazan sugar and not only that, that is, there was a whole series of events, and as we understand, now the kremlin will also try to form... needed to him a series of events , how do you think the kremlin can act now, are they going to carry out
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assassination attempts on the leaders of our state, are they going to make some possible terrorist provocations, what can we expect in ukraine, are they now in this way wanting to mobilize mobilization they do not need the process, especially the strengthening of mobilization, this process is going on in them normally, the only thing is in terms of strengthening. i have already mentioned that all citizens of central asian states who received russian passports and even those who did not receive passports will be mobilized for the war this is one of the elements of this terrorist attack plan in crocus. this time. the second direction that threatens ukraine today is the wave of propaganda about ukraine's involvement, that is, in terms of propaganda , everything will go in this direction. regarding the kid, the russian prosecutor's office has already initiated the 150th criminal case, declaring malyuk and
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budanov as persons who lead a terrorist organization, this is all being fueled, accordingly, for today this plan is to carry out an attempt on the leadership of the special services and the state of ukraine, this is not today, it is planned and will continue be strengthened so that in the event of such attempts there would be some support, although. minimal from the west, especially from the civilian population of russia, this is what is planned to be used. we understand very well, in the special services, they understand very well. what has been carried out, an attempted attack on the leadership of ukraine, on the leadership of the special services of ukraine. the armed forces of ukraine will have a certain moral influence on the situation inside ukraine and on increasing morale in the russian armed forces, therefore ensuring the safety of these persons should be at the highest level. thank you very much, dear mr. general, for this
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extremely interesting and meaningful conversation , i want to remind our tv viewers that a general was currently working on espresso. nur musaev, former head of the national security committee of kazakhstan, former national security adviser to the president of the republic of kazakhstan. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, project, as for experience. fans, as well simply for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and
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sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who... have become so-called, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to
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learn about the war and what the world is like. two hours to keep up with economic news. and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. oleksiy hetman, a retired national guard major and a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, will be working on the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. well, extremely powerful signals from the side head of the syrian committee, from the president of ukraine zelenskyi. this is how we understand that the enemy is preparing for large-scale actions, for large-scale offensive actions. well, let's analyze it in more detail now, if we talk about the resource base, the enemy, right? what should we expect, for example, in the medium term? well, it is very good that
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the commander and the supreme commander said this out loud about the fact that we are in danger, that... at the very least at the end of may, at the beginning of june, because powerful russian offensives are being prepared, on, well, on which part of the front , it is separate, it we can analyze further, but why is it good what they said, because many experts, analysts inside our country, journalists, bloggers, they also said the same words about the dangers and analyzed from which direction offensive actions could take place and they right away, i don't know what they were... a lot of people came, let's say, and said that it was panic-mongering, that why would it somehow undermine something there, well, all these conversations about panic-mongering will stop and a normal analysis will begin situations and forecasting actions that need to be taken, let's analyze what the minister of defense of the russian federation said to sheigu, about what he
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said that it is possible to form somewhere two brigades, two armies, armies - that is, at least 40 thousand people. 100,000 are already in the reserve of the russians, they have already attended the young fighter course, maybe even some kind of combat coordination, this is the reserve that they can already use, several armies, two armies, several brigades, battalions, well, he listed them there, that’s right it is clear what he said to say, but this it is possible to create a powerful group, well , plus the dnipro flotilla, yes, then there is a conversation about mobilization, which they can strengthen, and this mobilization will give ... 200 or 300 of them, the russians have already begun to train little by little , or how many will be able to gather, well, it will be so that these people are first in... those people are not immediately thrown into battle unprepared, i am sure that at least they will be prepared there for a few weeks, and most likely these newest recruits will supplement those units that were torn apart by ours
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armed forces during the winter offensive of the russians, to expect a russian offensive in the coming months, although there is an assumption that such offensives may take place earlier, already in april, where exactly will the offensive actions take place, well, you know, well, there are several directorates, which are potentially... threatening, we understand that now they have slightly shifted the emphasis of their offensive plan from the kupinsky to the lymansky direction, we understand what is currently happening in the avdiyivka region, as well as the southeast of the donetsk region, there, too, everything is extremely problematic, on the other hand we understand that they are also preparing additional communication lines in the south separately, so of course, yes, these are additional logical, logical logistical possibilities, they are building rocket roads, this is to make it possible. transport people's equipment, fuel, bridges, well , everything that is necessary for conducting hostilities. you know, i don't want to talk about where exactly from which direction they will
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start attacking, there is a northern, eastern and southern direction, in one of these directions, the russians will strike, or maybe in several direction directions at once, because if you recall how we took counteroffensive actions, well, almost a year ago, then... our partners, generals from nato, other respected publications there told us that it was wrong to attack in one place, we should attack in two three cities, then it stretches the enemy's defense and so on and so forth, that is, it can give more profit, more, you can achieve a greater effect, if you attack not in one, but in two or three directions, well, most likely, the russians also understand this very well, or listened to our advice, and they will also make an offensive from some in two or three directions, directions , why i don't want to talk about... not at all, i don't want to, i don't want it to be discussed at all, because a person comes out and starts saying that they will attack kharkiv, maybe, maybe, and it starts
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, this issue begins to be smeared, then to sumy region, then not, to avdiivka, i am sure that the russians themselves have not yet 100% decided where they will do the main things, they are shaking the front, they are shaking the front and they are concretely studying certain possibilities of their offensive plan, come on. let's take it easy on the move for now troops in some direction did not happen, although they can move troops along the front line quite quickly, for this they need a week at most, they showed two or three weeks, but now they can do it in a week, well, a relatively small number of 100 thousand per week it's impossible, there's simply no , well, there's nothing to translate on foot what will happen, that is, it can be calculated, it's all written down, when we say that our military, our generals in the general staff, that people... received er, finished certain academies, with distinction, with a saber, even, as the best students, they studied all this
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, that is, the number of people, what the capabilities, what the speed of movement, what the weather conditions are like there, what the terrain is there and so on, that is , all these things, what the military learns, they learn to analyze the situation and to do with it, to plan actions in defense, to plan actions to attack, to plan actions to move troops from the city. the city, taking into account all these components and the enemy and its capabilities, this is not an easy task, this is a serious task, a lot is involved here, it is not just people have moved, we need to transfer the means of communication, the means of defense, these are serious things, for some reason many of us believe that some person who has never been in the army, has never studied anything, can come, look like this, oh, it must be like this to do, i know, i know, i understand what you are talking about, mr. major, look, but... something, for example, to our defense concept, which we now have to work very quickly, so to speak, to strengthen where it is a little weaker, well, accordingly , the story with the artillery disparity must be overcome
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6:1, information from the syrian commander, how should our current defensive strategic position look in your opinion? you know, it's very good that the teams, the command, the military-political leadership began to speak out, began to say that we really have problems and that... not everything is as good as it seemed, because here are the conversations that we the day after tomorrow we will be in moscow and that everything is fine with us, everything is very well built, everything is there as it should be, and when the people at the front, who are at ground zero, hear it, when we communicate with the people who are coming back, who are somewhere there, they are in shock, i'm just saying, it doesn't match a lot of things, from what was told on various media channels, it didn't match the reality, now... i think it's uh they are starting, if they haven't stopped, maybe someone will start to say that everything is fine, more or less real things are starting, really we have one to
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six, that means six times. less, we shoot than the russians shoot at us not through the built fortifications as it should be, and the fortification is not just dug a trench, it's not a fortification , it's a waste trench, fortification is much more complicated, it has to be dugouts, it has to be preservation pods, it has to be communication systems, it has to be waste passages, it has to be a second line, so here a lot of things, what are the prospects, risks and threats of opening new additional areas of the front, so we understand that the whole perimeter is under threat, but we understand that there are issues of logistics, issues of enemy resources, well, but, that is, there is additionally the north and there is a possible strengthening of the enemy's actions in the south, and there is another in the sumy-chernigiv region, in the south it is the least, the least likely, from a military point of view, these are the least likely directions of attack, because there are the worst logistics, the eastern direction and the northern direction, it is the most probable, because
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the russian federation is behind there, there. .. everything is very simple, you can get a ride there, you don’t need to pass through this, the only railway , volnovakh, takmat, melitopol dzhankoy, everything to the crimea and more, well, it’s overland and over one bridge, that’s it, there’s no more, no, well only these are railways, on which you can carry 40-50 wagons at the same time to hitch , to bring, you can't bring much there on cars, you can't bring much on landing ships either, because there are already very, very few of them and they are, well, a ship and 50 wagons, we understand, and that's all... the crimean group is temporarily occupied the crimea and the grouping in the kherson region of the dnieper on the left bank, so it is also possible for them to attack there, but it is more difficult to transport everything necessary for an offensive, to move troops there, it is easier to do it from the north, it is easier to do it from the east, that’s where they have yes, there is especially from the north, because if from the east, then there is temporarily occupied territory , which was destroyed by the same orcs,
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it is more difficult there... what to do, but belarus and the north, everything is intact there, there you can very quickly and a lot of things to deliver, so from a military point of view, well , i won’t fly, i’m inciting panic, the president and commander sirskyi have already said about it, then this would be the most, the most convenient from the point of view of logistics, it is ensured to do the offensive actions of sumyshchyna, well, this is the most the most successful would be the direction, then chernihiv region, kyiv region, there it is already a little more difficult with reliefs. sumyshchyna, sumyshchyna, here kharkivshchyna - these are the most convenient cities for an attack from the point of view of logistics and from the point of view of everything military, military affairs, whether the russians will do it there or not, well, once again, i am sure for 99 of course , the percentage are sure that they have not decided yet, they are constantly checking and preparing, looking for where they can do it, so we and, of course, our main intelligence agency and the american british intelligence, they only
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assume that this... may be an attack on kharkiv, they assume, because i am sure that there are spies, that is, intelligence officers at the highest echelons of the russian military, who work for us there, but we received certain secret information, but there is no information because our intelligence officers have been exposed, because they themselves do not know for sure yet, that is the problem, when it will be clear where the enemy is concentrating, that is, we do not know with the help of satellite or radio electronic tracking can we understand there? that in point a , for example, or in point b, there were 50,000 orks, of course, this is in the realities of today, well, it is impossible to hide a movement, a large movement of troops, well, these are films about the second world war, or about the first, there at night with the headlights turned off , you can see everything, everything is perfectly visible, you can see where the troops are moving, so the russians, the russians also understand this, that's why they have what they learned to do in this war, they
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move very quickly along the line. troops very quickly, that's why i say that a week, they can to gather somewhere, we will wait , we will start moving our troops there, they withdrew once, arrived, that is, this is a danger, how soon will we know, well, if the group has gathered, well, in a few days, then at least we will know, although i think , i am sure that when they will already have a combat order, well, when these combat orders will go to units at the brigade level, at the regimental level, at the battalion level. well, we will know it, it is even without a satellite, and we also have scouts, there are counterintelligence, which works quite well, and we will, we will know where the offensive days will be prepared, remember that how the russians are going to attack, well , for example, kyiv region on 24.02.22, american intelligence already knew about this a few months ago, and we were also informed about this, that it would be...


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