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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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to do, they move troops along the front line very quickly, very quickly, so i say that for a week, they can group somewhere, we will wait, we will start moving our troops there, they once withdrew, arrived, that is, this is a danger, for how much will we know, well, if the group has gathered, well, in a few days, then at least we will know, although i think, i am sure that when they have already written combat orders, and when these combat orders will go to units at the level brigades at... the level of the regiment, at the level battalion, well, we will know that, even without a satellite, and we also have scouts, there is counter-intelligence, which works quite well, and we will, we will know where the offensive days will be prepared, remember that how are they going the russians to attack , well, for example, kyiv region on february 24, 2022, the american intelligence already knew about this a few months ago, and we were also informed about it, that it... would be an attack on gostomil, that it would be
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the kabul version, that they would want to put it there landing party, and so on and so on. now they are not telling us, not because they stopped, they don't want to help us, because again, it's not 100%, not 99, i 'm sure the russians don't have such a plan yet, they're preparing, they, it depends on how they will succeed in mobilizing, they are doing it gradually, but look, on the 27th there was a meeting of the russian orthodox church there, i don't know exactly what it will be called, and they have already declared this holy war. it is no longer their own, it is already a war, and they prescribed there that ukraine should be completely under its influence of the russian federation, that it is generally his western, as they say, regional russia, that there cannot be any ukrainians there, and so on, that is, that this is a holy war, and that the country has become huge, and this is very serious, this is a very serious signal from their side, that is , they are involved, and they have been using it for the past six months or a year to train their population for larger-scale mobilization processes.
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filled the so-called military operation with the meaning of war, what can be expected? very serious offensive actions can be expected in the coming months, and are we ready for them or not, well, you know, here you can refer to the president of ukraine, who said that we are not ready yet, i don't remember if the word was there yet, or it was just not ready, i wish it was there, i don't remember, i don't remember the quote by heart, but it seems that there was still such a word. it was a call, including, i believe, to our partners, so that they understand that it can be dangerous, not for our country, it can be very dangerous for the whole of europe, because the russians are not going to stop, although they say that they have no plans for further movement, well, of course, but what should they say, that they will be ready there, i don’t know , to storm the chihol peremysel and so on, it’s clear that not, well but they have pulled in, they are pulling in reserves, they are preparing their
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mobilization resources... further, as far as we understand, they somehow have plus or minus with artillery and armored vehicles, and the latest missile attacks have shown that they have accumulated, but the key history is also the use of zircons, i.e. we are zircons we understand, these are potential carriers of what , tactical nuclear weapons, yes, well, as if our anti-aircraft defense would work with zircons, yes, but we understand that there are a lot of areas where they can also use them, but... there will be a little bit of anti-aircraft defense worse, well, by the nature of serkons, they are not very unpleasant weapons, but you don’t need to worry so much, and the fact that they may not be nuclear weapons, they can all be weapons, and iskander, and dagger, and caliber, and x101, and x555, these are all, these are all missiles that, which can be, in which they were developed for a nuclear charge, and not for high-explosive fragmentation, but now it is used without nuclear, without nuclear high-explosive, but they are all ready, you can buy there, there are no questions, it’s just... put
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a nuclear charge there, you don’t need to process anything there, everything is ready there, you can take , bet, it all flew away, so what about zircon , what can it carry, well, maybe x101 can carry it, and what, hapyx 50 can also carry it, so there is no need to focus on it like that, that it is something extremely dangerous, this is a dangerous missile, but if the dagger is in hypersonic missiles, they have a little more than 20, 23 or 24, and they can produce one or two, at most three rockets per month and on... and that is not a fact, the circuses, zircons, which entered service in january of the 23rd year, that is , a little more than a year ago, so i think that there are a dozen , if there are, then it will be good, there is not a large number and, well, it cannot be, but according to iskander, as far as we understand , they have set up quite a lot of launchers around the perimeter, yes, and this is an extremely serious revival , in particular complex attacks, yes, which we generally expected in the winter, well, when there was overloading, for example, energy... systems,
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they did not do this, they conserved resources, accumulated them, the president says that there will be a powerful offensive operation, preparations for the operation are underway, these are missile attacks, in the territory. artillery shelling of the border territory, this is preparation for offensive actions, can it be assumed that they will shoot now, and then say, well, okay, we shot a little, damaged something, you are still repairing it, but sometime in may we will continue, i think so not sure, it would be well why do it, it makes sense to do it, begin to destroy the energy sector, begin to destroy the border areas, the front-line areas, and after that take offensive actions, or a relatively long period of it. to shoot constantly for a month or two, to constantly shell the territory, so that later it would be easier to go inland and try to capture the territory, well, these are such complicated things that not everyone understands this, that is, they shot when it was warm, just like that , that there is nothing to do, and then
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they will rest, form new armies there, to prepare, but they won't shoot yet, because why, well, listen, well... whoever said that they won't be able to advance deep, doesn't help anyone, what the french and germans said, that you need to build fortifications on the right on the banks of the dnieper, nothing, nothing leads anyone to any thoughts, whether we will continue to be somewhere in dreams, that they are stupid, they could not understand that winter is over, they started shelling heating objects in winter, in summer, well, in the warm season, nothing, oh right and left bank of the dnieper, no one thinks it is
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an attempt by the enemy to break through on the ground, on soil, roughly how much area would they need, 10, 20, 30, 50 km, or could they try to break through in two or three places, no, well, in two or three cities, that’s for sure, because this is a classic of offensive actions, and how wide can the line of attack be, well i don't think it's hundreds of kilometers, it's tens of kilometers, where exactly, well again we come back to what let's, let's try to guess, guessed, well done, didn't guess, nothing understand, stupid, what are you so and so na... they can build up or they will be forced to somehow try to hold back, if they advanced somewhere where we were defending, we will simply retreat to other positions, we will keep
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the armor there, the understanding of the breakthrough of the front line is in the narratives of the second, maybe even in the first world war, nothing will happen, well, we have built lines, they broke through these lines, what's next? that everyone, everyone there on the left, on the right is standing and thinking, well , they broke through there, it does not concern us, troops will be withdrawn, the front line will be leveled, where they broke through, there additional reserves will be thrown in to stop and, of course , the front line will be leveled, there is no such thing as a crossbar is torn and there is a hole and water flows into the hole or something, these are scaremongers, what we say is that we need to prepare, because it is serious, it's not a trick, well, we're trying to tell you how to prepare. but the fact that the front line failed , they all went there to lviv, well, it’s an army , well, nothing like that has happened and will never happen, it’s a scarecrow, we don’t need it, what should we do with those kharkiv scarecrows, well, what are they preparing and yes further, they start, here the question is simply about resources, about resources, and if
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they also add there, well, if they will use all the forces and the main forces of these two armies in the kharkiv direction, they, well , they will not hit kharkiv in the forehead, well they understand very well that they will threaten them. they threatened pidovdiivka for almost six months, when the scale began to advance, well, not six months there from october 10 for four months, pidovdiivka, kharkiv is an even more fortified fortified city than shevdiivka, they will try, well, that is also obvious, they will try to surround him, to take him in a pinch, this is what they can try, they will succeed or not , we will see, we also understand this very well, we are building fortifications in such a way that they will not be able to do it, we are also preparing for this, well we are not stupid either, well, for example, what a pity, i have to end our conversation, yes, i want to remind our tv viewers that currently the retired major of the national guard oleksiy hetman, a military expert, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, was working on espress. thank you. our program time is up, stay with by spresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this
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day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. see this week in the collaborators program. ministries of the occupiers, whom the rashists appointed as leaders. i want it to be on the lands of the kherson region. russia and it will be. but how did the fake minister rob his owners of millions of rubles? the accused is detained. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program about traitors who went to serve at the call of their hearts and wallets rashish occupiers. in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia creates such ministries. they are illegal and illegitimate, but many collaborators prefer to take positions there, to become a minister, deputy or at least... director of the department, the main goal of almost every seller. today and in
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the coming issues, i will tell you about such fake institutions, who runs them and how they are used by the occupiers. this is the so-called ministry of health of the kherson region. it was created on july 25, 2023 . racists call the department one of the the most important, because the issue of health in the occupied territories is very acute. in addition, it can be actively used. for agitation, propaganda and pressure on local residents, for example, appointment and appointment with a doctor, sale of vital medicines, surgery, all this is available only if you have a passport with a chicken. positions in this ministry were distributed very carefully and only to those who proved their dedication and willingness to work for the kremlin idea. ilmiyev vadim viktorovych was entrusted with the duties of the minister of the rashists 1966 year of birth. along with the soldiers on the front line and in the body, there are medics, they often risk their lives, fulfill
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their duty to the motherland, providing aid to the wounded and injured. ilmiyev was born in uzbekistan, but later moved to kherson, where in 2007 he created a public organization called hospital kas, which turned out to be a pyramid scheme. then all heads of kherson hospitals, teachers, doctors, librarians were obliged to voluntarily join the organization. dues for members were assumed to be an annual obligation transfer of uah 5,000 from each salary to the fund of a public organization. this contribution was considered as mutual aid in case of emergency, which can be applied for by all state employees of kherson. but, as it turned out, contributions were collected every year, but no one allocated money. after that, in 2017, ilmiyev was one of the leaders of medvedchuk's public movement ukrainian choice in the kherson region. and in 2020, he ran for the kherson city council from the block of volodymyr saldo, but did not pass. in 2021, ilmiyev
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tried to get a job as a specialist in department of record keeping of the kherson city council, where he also got it from the bin. under the ukrainian authorities , this traitor's career did not go well, so he decided to try to become useful to the russian executioners. he put on a military uniform , puffed out his cheeks, and emphasized his poverty with symbols. and a russian passport, with this whole set of artifacts of an underdeveloped creature, ilmiyev set out to engage in propaganda. you hear that there are now incoming flights and that ukraine is now shelling the city of kherson. in this way, it takes revenge for what people want to do with their will. the rashists appointed ilmiyev first as the head of the regional health care department, and then as its deputy. taken to the minister. under the leadership of this traitor, the kherson region began to prepare for medical reforms
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according to russian standards. we have only one choice, and it is the choice of a peaceful path, so that peace will finally come to us on the fertile land of tavria. order, stability. this minister was in office for a short time. why? well, because he chose his own. owners for 26.5 million wooden rubles, charges were brought against the former acting minister health care of the kherson region in misappropriation of the funds entrusted to him in a particularly large amount, the accused was detained and a preventive measure was chosen for him in the form of taking him into custody. it turned out that from september 1, 22nd to april 23rd, ilmiyev stuffed himself with money allocated for the salaries of doctors and employees of the kherson city clinical hospital. belesha during the search of his house, cash, jewelry and paintings were found. last summer
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, the traitor was detained in crimea. i think, ilmiyev regrets that he fled to the occupied territory, now he would sit in a comfortable ukrainian cell and repent. the general prosecutor's office announced that he was suspected of collaborationism. but for now, this renegade is forced to try out all the kremlin's methods of re-education. be that as it may, ilmiyev's place in the occupation health care system was not vacant for a long time, the rashists quickly found a replacement, the russian artysh sat became the new minister, but i think he will not stay in the chair for long, and not at all because of what will be stolen is simply the fate of everyone these... soap bubbles are decided in advance, each spherical hollow shell leaves only a wet trail on the asphalt, then quickly disappears like dew in the sun. and this is the so-called minister of health of the fake lpr nataliya pashchenko, she was 49, born in the city of stakhanov in the luhansk region, trained as a cardiologist. in 2014, she moved to
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severodonetsk, where she started building her career from scratch. but in two years pashchenko was offered to lead. dnr, which was financed from the budget of russia. medical workers are an industry that largely depends on russian federation. in the 14th year, we have already made our choice. the doctors stayed here with their population. this was already the choice of the russian federation. pashchenko diligently served the red star in exchange for ghostly prospects and money. bloody rubles, traveled to the territory controlled by ukraine. according to zmi, the traitor bought an apartment in irpen, near kyiv, and in 2014 she first sent her daughter to study in the ukrainian capital, then to poland and france. the daughter in europe enjoys the advantages of the civilized world, while pashchenko loudly pats camera about a good life under the tricolor.
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the most important thing, probably, is collegiality and the formation of such friendly ties and feelings. that we are together and we provide medical care together. for three years, pashchenko managed the so-called state cardiology program of the terrorist lpr, until in december 2018 she was appointed as a fake minister of health. since that time, zaprodenka began to promote russian lies even more persistently, for example, about the fact that our armed forces are hitting civilian objects in the luhansk region, or about how bad ukrainian health care reform and what a good one. russian today's contribution of medical workers to a special military operation to save the lives of those fighting for our homeland cannot be overestimated. it seems that nothing will help this zombified creature of the racist regime. in april of that year, pashchenko, along with seven other traitors, was suspected by the sbu of collaboration and treason. so, after the liberation
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of luhansk region , only cellmates will be able to talk about how good the kremlin is. 15, or maybe for life. this is alla barkhatnova, occupying minister of labor and social protection of the kherson region. she is 51 and comes from the oryol region. as a child, alla moved with her parents to the city of druzhkivka in donetsk region. she finished school there, then went to study in russia. she received her education at the all-union research institute of metrology automation. after receiving the diploma, they returned to the donetsk region again. at first, she worked as an accountant, later she became an entrepreneur, and a powerful career development took place in barkhatnova's life in 2014, she understood who you need to serve, what you need to say, who to thank, who to betray. initially , zaprodenko helped organize a pro-russian referendum in donetsk, worked as an accountant in the so-called ministry of social policy of the dpr
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, and was elected a deputy to the terrorist parliament from the free donbass party. and at the beginning... of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, she moved to kherson, where she was appointed acting head of the fake ministry of labor and social policy of the kherson region. in order to submit an application, a citizen must bring a certain list of documents, this is the passport of a citizen of the russian federation. even during the occupation of kherson , minister alla feykova told the russian zmi how ukraine economically destroyed the region for 30 years and... how now people are returning to the russian kherson region, standing for 11 days at checkpoints, and how without acting . barkhatnova cries on camera, telling how she allegedly survived after being shelled by the armed forces. i swear, everyone will answer for their actions, i am not afraid of death, i want russia to be on the lands of kherson oblast, and it will be.
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well, barkhatnova went on a rampage and ranted about ukraine's involvement. to the undermining of kakhovska highway. these sick fantasies are too similar to a serious diagnosis. maybe it would be worth contacting the so-called colleagues from the fake ministries of health care, so that they eventually prescribe her treatment? according to the ministry of defense of the russian federation , ukrainian militants are preparing to commit a terrorist act on kakhovsky hes. in the event of the implementation of this criminal plan, all residents of coastal settlements downstream of the dnipro for... are threatened with serious danger. when the traitor felt that our armed forces were already close, she attacked the left-bank kherson region. now she pretends to be a minister already there. in july 2023, the sbu completed the investigation of barkhatnova's case, she was charged with collaborationism, for which the trafficker faces 5 to 10 years
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in prison. the case is currently being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region, and it seems that barkhatnov's head will be treated in a ukrainian prison. there is every chance to get rid of the obsessive thoughts that kherson is russia, the bloody murderers are liberators. it was the collaborator program and... i'm olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, not enough. to know what is happening, you need to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m
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with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, saves, emotions, a project for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format, every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. next frames you may be shocked. news. political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive
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interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svobolaya frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions, the big air of vasyl zima, this is the big air, my name is vasyl zima and we will start . two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and how the world lives, now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about the news of the presenters' culture, which many have become familiar with. natalka didenko already is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio.
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andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov are broadcasting the saturday polyclub program on the espresso tv channel. this time we will talk about the situation at the front at the very beginning, then we will touch on the issue of international politics, in particular , the prospects of providing us with assistance from of the united states. and, of course, about what is happening both in the middle east and in the muslim world in general. in the second part of our conversation, as always, a dialogue with... with vitaly portnikov, and now we are happy to welcome our guest. now we will wait until they connect us, before that, of course , it is very important to talk about what is basically
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happening now with this whole process, so we have a veteran of the foreign intelligence service , lieutenant general vasyl bohdan, on the call, congratulations , mr. vasyl, hello, congratulations, glory to ukraine, i congratulate you, glory to the heroes, so. let's talk first about what is happening with the news from russia, why do you think the russian special services are so stubbornly trying to accuse ukraine of involvement in a terrorist act, when there is absolutely no, so to speak, even the slightest evidence that there should be kyiv trail. there are many versions, conversations, and assessments about this. assumptions, but given how the events developed the day before, and how they are assessed now by various parties, and what are the...
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consequences of this situation, and what in our opinion was invested by the putin regime in this terrorist act, it is clear and obvious, in my opinion, and not only that, despite all the warnings of great britain and the united states of america, the russian side, about the possibility and probability of committing relevant... moreover, in relevant places such as entertainment centers, mass gatherings of people and so on and so on, the means of ensuring public safety and state security were not activated and were not set to be introduced in moscow and other leading in the cities of the russian federation, the appropriate
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security... regime, passport regime and everything else, and especially in the places where these events are held, to strengthen physical, technical and other security in order to make impossible what was expected, as we see, nothing this was not done, therefore, in my opinion, it has the right to life... the version is that if the so-called idol planned such an action and apparently carried it out, then the inaction of the kremlin and the special services and police structures of the russian federation gives grounds for asserting that that the kremlin used this situation deliberately in order to intimidate russian society once, to strengthen the mobilization resource in russia itself.
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and secondly, to blame the ukrainian side that this terrorist act was carried out on its initiative, according to its intentions and plans, in order to turn the situation upside down: to make the aggressor the victim, and the victim to make the aggressor, and as we observe now such a situation and it continues, and in the statement of the head of the fsb, bortnikov and that mustachioed walrus piskov, well, putin himself spoke somewhere after the election campaigns that the tracks lead there, because it seems that these terrorists were moving there, unequivocally, both the leading countries of the world and the ukrainian side declared that we have absolutely nothing to do with this, and all
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these actions were planned. organized and carried out by the kremlin for what i said above, and now there are signals that not only this group of people were there, but also some other suspicious people who shot, then they disappeared, then they are already there somewhere fsb employees were found on the video and so on and so forth, that's all gives full grounds for blaming kre' above all. and the putin regime in that he allowed, deliberately allowed such human sacrifices in this entertainment crocus, and certainly, the vast majority suffered, in no way should the people, and in this regard, certainly, we can express sympathy to those russians , who lost their relatives, loved ones, acquaintances and everything else, so the conversations about this... they
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will of course continue, but i am somewhat sure that this wave is already subsiding, because there has been information about the fact that putin's close entourage constantly tells him that ukraine has nothing to do with this, but you need to know putin, his stubbornness, his kgb and fsb attitude that if it is determined that it is an enemy... then he must be an enemy to the end and everything must be done so that in the informational, so to speak, sphere, both nationally and internationally, it is constantly talked about. mr. vasyl, in your opinion, what did he forget, or what did the head of the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation serhiy naryshkin do, as long as 3 days in north korea, that he could to discuss with the minister of state security of the dprk lee chande, and about which one. possible strengthening
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of cooperation between moscow and


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