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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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something else, so conversations on this topic, of course, will continue, but i am somehow sure that this wave is already subsiding, because there was information that from putin's close circle, he is constantly being told that ukraine it has nothing to do with this, but you need to know putin, his stubbornness, his kgb, fsb, determination that... if it has been determined that this is an enemy, then he must be an enemy to the end, and everything must be done to so that in the informational, so to speak, sphere, both nationally and globally, it is constantly talked about spoke mr. vasyl, in your opinion, what did the head of the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation, serhiy naryshkin, forget or what did he do for 3 days in north korea, what could he discuss with the minister of state security of the dprk. chande: what possible strengthening
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of cooperation between moscow and pyongyang can we talk about? well, we know with you about the existence of such a kremlin axis of evil, which includes the russian federation, iran, north korea, and now we can speak in view of the very slippery and uncertain position of china, including china, well, i do not say already for syria and everything else, so it is certain that, regardless of any statements that russia has started to release such and such aerial bombs there, there are 150 and more, 1500 kg and 300 kg and so on and so on, there is information that gives grounds to claim that the russian federation has problems with artillery ammunition. there are problems with the corresponding
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category of missiles, which, although they have them, but the large-scale plans that the kremlin is carrying out regarding the impression of the relevant objects of the critical infrastructure of ukraine, they cannot be implemented only at its own expense capabilities, that is, the capabilities of the defense-industrial complex of the russian federation, therefore definitely the mission of... naryshkin, it consists in, first of all, through the channels of the special services of the russian federation and north korea, to coordinate the channels of delivery of this armed and military equipment, because you know, there are certain sanctions already in place , including around the same north korea and in the sea space, and in the ocean and all that. well, of course,
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agree on actions to strengthen the informational component, in relation to ukraine, regarding the fact that due to the capabilities of the same, the same north korea, to increase the supply of these weapons, and to use the capabilities that korea has through china and through some other autocratic regimes of the global rooster, therefore it is certain that... action - this is clearly of a military nature, this action also has the character of coordination of some intelligence operations with the aim of achieving a common goal, coordination of certain intelligence actions of these countries to solve those issues that are of concern to putin himself, well, what, too, uh, tell me please, mr. vasyl, you know, now the leaders of russia. special services are threatening
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ukrainian leaders, how far can we now say that we are aware of the seriousness of these threats to the leaders of the country's political and intelligence community? well, you know, one of our politicians said that if there are such threats, there are violations of criminal proceedings and so on, then this is an award for our heads of special services. services, it means they got the enemy, it means they are acting correctly and everything else, and as for threats, then they have existed for a long time since the 14th year, since the time when crimea was annexed, then the hostilities in donbas, we know that there are victims from the number and leadership, including ee... military intelligence and service of the security
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of ukraine, and there was information that it was not isolated terrorist actions against... both the head of military intelligence and the head of our state were stopped, and that the special services of the russian federation have such intentions, and these intentions are produced, of course, by the kremlin, the fact that such a threat, such risks exist, this unequivocally and definitely, in connection with this , security measures should be strengthened in the very structures of all. intelligence agencies and special agencies of ukraine, i mean here the foreign intelligence service of ukraine, the sbu, and the special development of special operations forces, because these are the objects of priority agent penetration with the aim of obtaining
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reliable objective information about the plans and intentions of our of the state in the course of its large-scale retrenchment. armed aggression of the russian federation, so yes, it is taking place, yes, such the russian special services have plans, and so our respective structures must take appropriate measures regarding their own security, and regarding the security of the relevant political and government figures who are also in the field of view of the russian special services. mr. vasyl, please tell me, there is a lot of information and international information, in particular, analysts, the economist, the times wrote about it, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said about it in an interview with cbs, and everything indicates that russia can prepare to big a broad offensive, already in the near future, do
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we have objective data from your point of view, in particular, which would testify to such preparation just now? you know, i will allow myself to express myself in this regard, that in fact, with this interview, with this publication, which you have just announced, president zelenskyy conducted a rather successful and powerful information operation aimed, first of all, at disinforming and restraining russia , and secondly, to powerfully motivate our partners... to activate massive, comprehensive, military, financial, economic and political and diplomatic support of ukraine, at this time, when ukraine is in difficult conditions at the front, restrains the front with all its might,
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destabilizes it to some extent and does not allow the enemy to deploy what he wants, this is, first of all, war is war, and understandably. that each side plans what it wants, and that the offensive actions of the enemy in the winter-spring period were expected, this was also predicted and appropriate measures were taken, the question is how effective they were, but in this regard we must talk about effectiveness in the context of how much we received what we needed, and to what extent our partners acted quickly, concretely and substantively in the issues that ukraine voiced in the process of these partnership negotiations, so it is certain that there are such plans in russia, and the issue is to another,
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to what extent russia is able to implement them, because it is not just about ukraine, there are already conversations about where to go next. putin, to the extent that he can threaten the baltic republics, the same poland, europe as a whole, and the world in general, and in this regard i say that there are great opportunities for putin to launch a large-scale offensive in the spring-summer or summer-autumn period, he does not have such opportunities yet, and it is unlikely that within three or four months... he will be able to prepare them, the contingent of more than 400 thousand, which is in ukraine, occupying, it works in the vast majority, but there are problems with armored vehicles, there are certain
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problems with combat and morale-psychological forces, it is true that they grind down as soon as their offensive was actually stopped. in the east, our military is also talking about it, and our politicians, the question of how quickly they will be able to restore it, mr. vasyl, i cannot help but ask, and i very much ask you to answer briefly, we have seen. a number of personnel rotations in our country this week. the head of the foreign intelligence service, mr. lytvynenko , becomes the secretary of the national security and defense council, and a person with hurivskyi's past takes his place in the szr. mr. ivashchenko, how do you evaluate these personnel rotations? short? you know, i wouldn't spread any conspiracy theories about this, solving personnel issues. this level is within the competence of the president and he commander-in-chief, as far as
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the foreign intelligence service of ukraine is concerned, the only thing i can say is that those people who know ivashchenko characterize him very positively , he is a staff military intelligence officer, and this is a universal position, i will tell you, if a person works in... military intelligence, he knows the forms and methods and tactical techniques of intelligence activity, which are commensurate and similar to the same forms, methods and tactical techniques of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine. as you know, there is a joint law on intelligence agencies of ukraine, there it is precisely about the foreign intelligence service of ukraine, about military intelligence, about the intelligence department of the border state service. and about intelligence, especially the intelligence of special operations forces, so i do not
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see in this any actions aimed at weakening issues related to state national security, but of course time will show how timely, effective and useful these personnel decisions were, thank you, vasyl bohdan , a veteran of the foreign intelligence service, the lieutenant general was in touch with us, a short pause, after let's return to the most important topics, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is a live broadcast of the ship district, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 verdict
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with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and still feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. we continue
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the saturday political club program on the television channel espresso khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov, and we add to our conversation valery chaly, diplomat extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 2015 and for 19 years. mr. valery, congratulations, glory to ukraine. i congratulate you, glory to the heroes. so, we can say that ukraine switches to summer time at night. although we were waiting in the previous summer time, by the way, yes, yes, mr. valery, what is the outlook now, by the way, the president even talked to the speaker of the house of representatives, does that mean anything? well, first it's good that now the ballistics alarm has just been canceled, and secondly, you are running ahead, mr. vitaly, they don't have it there... they have already introduced summer time, there is the question of easter,
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and easter, yes, indeed, we congratulate all our viewers , who celebrate according to the catholic and protestant calendars, according to the gregorian calendar, the next celebration was with victory, and as for the prospects there, well, it has not changed, just as they said that after easter they would return to this issue, it remained so, that is, well, formally on the next one weeks, but really... two scenarios, one, if it still ends up with the existing package, then it will take, well, probably a week, and if they rework it, as it is now more... probably for other parameters, then it is still a few weeks so this soap opera continues, instead now israel got 25 fighter jets, f-35s and a lot of the 2.5 billion needed bombs and everything else why i say this is because our aid is in a package with israel and taiwan , and if the white house
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is finding opportunities for 2.5 billion now for israel, then of course it sent... if additional some arguments, although on the other side there is a group of congressmen who are exactly, as it will sound, such leftists who exactly did not want to support aid to israel, so it is difficult to say how it will turn out, but what we hardly whether we will get it in the next few days, that is already, mr. valeriu, and whether speaker johnson is really the main obstacle in actually getting us help. us american aid, and do you believe that workarounds can handle all those petitions from congressmen? the main the obstacle is completely different, it started in october of last year, and frankly speaking, i cannot understand what it is connected with, what roles were played by whom, it is a half-year pause that
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gave the enemy of russia the opportunity to attack now as much as possible in the absence of these weapons, which ... very much in need, and in principle, i would not really highlight how it was done, always johnson, i did it too and even helped organize meetings with him in order to convince him, but now it is no longer a question of jones, johnson , the republicans of the white house, this is the position of the united states, and internal issues should worry us less, we are concerned. the consistency of the position stated by us president joseph biden about the need for maximum assistance to ukraine, and i proceed from this, that is, if this or that country, even such as the usa, cannot fulfill its promises, then, unfortunately, uh, and our problems, of course, but they are caused by the internal situation in
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the states themselves, i think that this pause has already dragged on so much that it weakens the position of both the united states in the world and the current administration directly, as far as it is understood in washington, do you think it might be in the interests of at least that part of the american establishment that is betting on donald trump winning the november presidential election of the united states? i think it hardly fits now, because in principle no one wants a candidate to have a weak position of the united states, if donald trump used to be able to ... put it against joseph biden, now the situation is somewhat different, and he also has his has changed his rhetoric, he already allows this assistance in the case of issuing it in the form of a loan or loans, that is, a return to the idea of ​​lendlease, which was proposed at one time by republicans with increased control over the supply of these weapons, and which was not really supported by the white
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house, publicly declaring maximum support, even joseph. personally, on may 9 last year, on the 22nd, sorry, 202nd year , i came out and said that otlandlease, and it is such a powerful force, as a result , the democrats themselves refused it, so when they ask me, the republicans hold back, i would, you know, knowing deeper into the situation, i would say that everything was accumulating here from different sides, and now we still have an opportunity, after all, it opens up, because the budget has already been adopted by the united states, which was really a deterrent, it was possible to simply allocate aid to ukraine and all in the general budget of the united states, and not propose the way they went about it in a wrong way, it was possible not to give up lendlease, which could become a certain argument in these negotiations, but everyone did it differently, and as
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a result, due to inflated expectations from the current administration, this ... ultimate position led to the ultimate position of the other side, and now we have the question of ukraine already in the election race, and here both opportunities open up and risks grow. this is the situation today. and tell me, mr. valery, did you see president zelensky's interview with the american media. now in the united states, these messages are being discussed as to how effective they are, i would say, from the point of view of understanding the american elite of ukraine. worries about the insufficient number of weapons, about the possibility of losing new territories, etc.? these worries are much less than in europe for obvious reasons, eh... the distant location of the united states and this position, which they may lose in other important national interests, it
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does not just reach ordinary citizens, well, thanking the ambassador of taiwan, he recently stated that if there are no weapons for ukraine now, then then china is getting stronger, and this question china is getting stronger, it somehow comes more to the americans. that the americans perfectly remember where the threat of the second world war came from, it came to them not from the east, or rather not from, well, not from the east, but from of the western coast, that is , china is actually closer from the territory on that side, and therefore their line, this is the first line, well, not defense, it is, but they consider it as their strategic line, it is precisely the line along alyaudsk. islands, further down to taiwan, further down to japan, malaysia, father, the line is close to china, by the way, careya and, well
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, vietnam were not included in this zone, were not included in this zone and are not included, so it is more understandable for them such threats that have historically been more noted, but on the other hand , the role of the media plays a lot, and the media is american, well, really on our side, that is... they constantly raise this problem, well, even those who are so right, the right is radical, whether they are conservative, they also attract attention, so that in principle the citizens of the united states support, sometimes discuss, not so possible yes actively, it is now against the background of the near east, but nevertheless it is, that is why president zelensky's address, if it were more like this, is already the right address to the citizens, absolutely, i support it, you see, i am saying roughly. with words, but it no longer makes such an impression as it was in the 22nd year of the presidency of ukraine, then there really was such a direct, one could
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say, influence on american citizens that the current administration was not even liked very much, so it is necessary to do it, it is necessary to go directly to the americans now, because the elections and every politician thinks, in fact , about elections here, and if there will be pressure from citizens. letters, appeals to congress, to congressmen, to their own, er, this is a very important toolkit now. mr. valeriu, tell me what is the current situation with the previous ratings of trump and biden. several studies suggest that, in principle, the current american president is ahead of his opponent in some, even key states, does this give, well, certain grounds to believe. that the situation in the fall of the current year will turn out in favor of the democrats? in general, no one can predict for you where it will flow. now according to the voters, they
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have already virtually guaranteed their nomination from, respectively, donald trump - republicans and joseph biden - democrats. but it will be officially done at the congresses. by the way, i will tell you one important thing, the summit itself nato will be a few... days before the rnc, meaning it's a republican, national convention, and joseph biden could show determination and confidence if he dared to invite ukraine, a political invitation to nato, not membership, but at least an invitation, and this is also an issue that should be raised recently at the kyiv security forum, it was discussed with the head of the nato military committee, here is the position and by the way. but ukraine stated that the position of the usa is key, it is the usa that is restraining this decision now, so we need not only weapons now, for which we grateful, what the americans provide, even
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without a package, they still provided 300 million and continue to help, but i also understand the statement of president zelensky, when we really say that the weapons must arrive on time, because if they do not come, when necessary, then these needs increase many times in order to... find the enemy, so i really hope that in the coming weeks, months there will be a concentrated supply and help to ukraine, so far, so far there are no calls in the press, no shoot at russia, it's definitely not contributes to the approach of peace, and we feel it, but i will say that you know, well, this is not the first wave, maybe they have some thoughts of their own inside, some... secretive, that they want to do so that the main opportunities of ukraine appear just for the period when there will be votes, well, voting already, perhaps, and then, i hope so, this is not information
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, no. it's just so logical that the current administration could concentrate it on this period, and once again, donald trump should not be perceived as a person who well, there is only one blocking all the help, it is not so, but nevertheless, really his position, especially in relation to speaker johnson, it affects the situation very seriously, so i emphasize it once again, time. appeal to the american people, huh, mr. valery, well, we are now seeing a lot of and quite different informational , such, i would say, manifestations of the fact that the russian federation may be preparing for a truly broad offensive against ukraine, the economist also wrote about this, and the times, and
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actually, i think it comes down to the same thing. and american media, and has no in there is no doubt about that, but this is an appeal to the american people, sometimes i think about the fact that the level of aid to our country was already so high that the americans, well, simply will not allow them to stop supporting ukraine, well, that is, to help so much that then they simply stop, it looks quite strange, on the other hand we see the experience of afghanistan. and the withdrawal of american troops from this country during the presidency, by the way, of joseph biden. therefore, in your opinion, is this an appeal to the american people or not will he become a safeguard against the administration of biden or any new president, after all, resorting to a step back on us? well, we don't need to rush ahead with such pessimistic scenarios,
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because now... americans, the official position has not changed, it concerns the de-occupation of the territory of ukraine and the maximum aid, well, as they say, as much as necessary, it has not changed, this is the first thing, secondly, we are talking about two just two scenarios: the defensive scenario, they are helping us and will help us, we are talking about scenarios that will allow ukraine to quickly take decisive steps to de-occupy the territories, well , that is, to put it briefly, it is a few... up to 300 km, which can then attract some additional european structures of the system, then several squadrons, three or four squadrons f-16s, that is, already in the summer, and not delaying, and in principle this package that will be voted on, i think it will still be involved, that is, all this will give the opportunity for such an attempt to change the situation, now regarding all of these ... that
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they write about russia's offensive there, you know, i have there is no information, if the leader, what russia is preparing, i don’t know, well, i don’t have such closed sources, i also see it all, i can also sit and tell different schemes, but when i hear the same people who warned us there, about large-scale parties, i believe them, but if i see any articles with such bright headlines, kyiv will fall there again. whether or not it can be fed, then i read the text, there is no such thing in this article in the times, it is written simply as a call, rather to the mobilization of the usa, to support us, that there is such a danger, and well, i i think it's normal, now it will work better in europe, especially whether we will reassure everyone, this is the first thing, in our country, well, i think that somehow we need to find ways to inform the population, because really.
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people, there are indeed incomprehensible activities on the borders, both sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, they are constant in kharkiv, well, you see, in different places, no one knows how the scenario will develop, that is, it is clear that it is a war, but it is necessary to find in communication, our internal means to somehow orient correctly regarding the further development of events, i, for example, do not see from my experience that the statements that are now being made about the fatal consequences of this... year and that putin is already going to launch a counteroffensive there and capture kyiv, i, well, honestly, i do not see how this can be done in these new conditions, but at the same time i see that we really have the issue of arranging the second and third lines of defense, we have the issue of the internal mood of society, it is not in the best shape now and...


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