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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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the center for joint actions, a politician and public figure, as well as the deputy prime minister of ukraine for european integration, as well as a person who herself was once the head of, as it was then called, the presidential administration, and the presidential administration, no, wait, no the administration, the president's administration was medvedchuk's, before that, in kuchma and tabachnyk and all those terrible people, and then yushchenko became president and renamed the administration to the secretariat, yes, exactly. so, let's talk about these layoffs that happened in in the president's office with oleg hrybachuk, it will be later, this is a small announcement for you, but right now we are talking with volodymyr bitsak, commander of the third company of the voluntary formation of the territorial community and deputy chairman of the sumy district council. mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you, good man. how
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is the north-eastern outpost of defense of our country always greeting you, what is this morning at the north-eastern outpost of ukraine? well , relatively, let's say, relatively calm, if you analyze the last, last shelling, then in the rash they are some kind of dynamics up and down, for example, on friday there were 200, 253 explosions, on saturday 35, on sunday 150. so i kind of think, have they already started problems with logistics, or maybe they have already become cold, i hope to be very engaged in this business , therefore, in relation to 135 explosions, 11 communities were shelled, but only three out of three guided bombs, as always dropped in a large filing cabinet, unfortunately, and unfortunately, this is too great, let’s say, a threat to the whole of ukraine and for and on all fronts , and so do we. these are also air strikes, unfortunately,
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there is no countermeasure for them yet. now on sumy region has introduced emergency blackout schedules, this is due to shelling, how are people coping? well, yesterday we received information from the regional military administration that these schedules have been canceled, turned off to the great joy of all the residents of sumy oblast, those of course those on those... on those settlements where, well, velika piserivka, ryzhevka of the bilopolska community, of course where, let's say, the maximum number of bombs were bombed, and substations of all, there is, unfortunately, no light, in most of the territory, in most of the territories and also in the city of sumy, thank god, everything is fine. well, fortunately, everything is fine, in fact, those communities that are constantly shelled by the russians, there are still people there, or is it still going on?
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evacuation, does she declare for that evacuation, before that we spoke with the head of the chasovoyarsk city military administration, and despite heavy shelling , 870 or 780 people still remain there and how they are not convinced until they are going to evacuate, as in sumy oblast, especially there, where there is dense russian shelling, i have information for friday, for the past, big girl 250 people remained, those who currently do not want to leave, the village of ryzhivka, the bilopol community, two people, who also do not want to leave, so the evacuation was already those who wanted, the evacuation was carried out, and also humanitarians, i spoke with humanitarians who they go , well, on saturday they were literally there, they saw people there, there are people, they brought bread there for food packages, but at the moment there are no people who want to... and
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there is no such forced evacuation either, forced at the legislative level yet not accepted, only two communities accepted, but this mechanism has not yet been activated, those people who remain, who continue to live in settlements that are under heavy shelling, how they are delivered food, how they are delivered water, what their life looks like, well, of course, life... plums, i am saying that we talked with the humanitarian fund, several humanitarian funds provide assistance, and they provide construction materials, building materials and films and others go there, taking away, regarding those people who evacuated and conducted the evacuation of the city of sumy, then we organized a hub for the distribution of humanitarian food kits, it will already be issued today, last week we unloaded them in the city of sumy and... their head of social protection
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has already announced the location of this distribution in the sumy region of food kits from the gem charity fund, and today we will already issue these sets in cities. sumyshchyna is so unlucky that it borders as many as three russian regions, and now they are talking about the fact that the russians are preparing a new offensive, how is this information perceived in sumyshchyna, is there any fear among the people, the discussion about the fact that it might be worth leaving sumy before leaving sumy, well , i think... look, in my memory for two more years of the war, this is probably the 154th offensive the next one, let's say, in quotes , thank god, about the fact that, of course, the people , well, no one wants, let's say, to leave their
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own lives and some kind of residence, it 's wary, but i think that he doesn't think panic, or knows, that there is no panic in sumy oblast, there is no fortification. buildings are being built, most of them have already been put into operation for ours defenders, so i believe that it is necessary to hold the tail with a pistol, weapons, weapons dry and polished, gunpowder to be dry, and then everything will be fine, so that the roshists know that they are waiting here, only we will look at them, only in a sight, a sight of a machine gun or a machine gun, what is it that is now in general in the city, or there now, have these and some issues been resolved between the ova and the city authorities, what do you mean, i did not understand the question? there were certain stories that were connected with the change simply, if the city authorities. alas, we were separated, such an impression,
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that someone is trying to call mr. volodymyr, we were talking about sumy region, we will try to restore the connection. meanwhile, you can scan the qr code that will now appear on your screens. let me remind you that we have a collection going on, a new collection is already underway, and we need as much as uah 2 million in order to have fpv drones in our military, in our military who are currently defending our country, the military from the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72 of the black zaporozhian brigade, and dear friends, you and i have already collected about 1300 hryvnias for this morning. added, let us on this amount is not stuck, yes, so join in with your hryvnias, and also join in with your views to our air, mr. volodymyr is already in touch with us again, i mean that after he was detained for
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a bribe there , i don't know what is happening now around this case, the mayor of the city, so and so, actually, actually and. in fact , now the functions of city self-government, as far as i understand, have been taken over by the military administration, and the powers are exercised by the secretary of the city council and also, who was appointed by the office of the president, the head of the military administration as well as, let's say, how the different branches of government currently manage our city. we know that in chernihiv a similar situation actually led to such a confrontation between the appointees. the president, the representatives of the ova , and i understood your question , there are no disputes or disputes, these two branches of government work, let's say, in unison , well, again , they, let's say, are of the same political affiliation, so we'll tell them
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, so we have nothing to share, i'll say this well, actually just the mayor and the secretary of the council were from another political force, well, i understand that. and now everything has changed a lot in the city council, sumy yes, mr. volodymyr , what is heard from the russian regions that are neighboring to our sumy region, well, a little bit , that they are very happy that they are being released by the rdk, the legions of freedom, in short, all russians , the russians who came to free them, they are very happy about it, it is no longer pra... that , the community, the deputy head of the sumy district
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voluntary territorial formation , what is happening in sumy oblast, now we will go to the council, he was in touch with us, they talked about a short break, let's come back and talk with... zgurets, a military expert, director of the information and consulting company defense express. we will talk about what is happening at the front and we will talk about what this draft that announced means. putin in russia is going to recruit as many as 150 recruits there, dear friends , stay with us, we will be back very soon, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, its so convenient to use and for carpentry, it is the perfect tool for your home or business. and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery
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only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks from the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m repeat tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. big ether. vasyl zema, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are coming back. 16 hryvnias added to our bill that we announced today. i remind you that we are collecting for... our military 2 million we have to collect fpv drones we want to give to our military, so keep an eye on the qr codes and now you see on your screens not only qr codes, but also card numbers with which you can to tell who is not sorry. choose the card that is more convenient for you, monobank or private bank, whichever suits you better. and transfer your funds, the qr code will also appear during our conversations. sergey zurets, military expert, director of information consulting. defense express is already with us. mr. sergey, good morning. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. mr.
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serhiy, to begin with, please tell us what is happening at the front, what is the situation? well, if we take into account the formation of the general staff, then, as before, two directions are the hottest, this is to the west of avdiivka and what is happening around novomykhaivka, this is the so-called novopavlov direction. in general. there are somewhere within 30 combat encounters, but what is interesting, what if you compare it with the number of combat engagements in the peak periods, literally there or two or three weeks, when there... combat engagements along the entire front line reached 98, almost a hundred, now we are talking about only 53 engagements, that is, in fact, such an impression , that the intensity of hostilities has decreased a little, which may indicate the exhaustion of the enemy, and here as an example, here are the hostilities that took place
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on march 30, when the russian troops tried to attack in that direction, using tanks and armored vehicles, this what is said is that 36 tanks and 12 infantry fighting vehicles just attacked to the west of avdiivka, and a third of the tanks and almost all infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed under... west of avdiivka, where it stands 53 mechanized brigade, which means that our ability to destroy the enemy is powerful enough, but the enemy, as we can see, has begun to use armored vehicles so massively and to switch to the format of battalion assaults, which has not happened for a long time, so as we can see, that the enemy is trying to the west of avdiivka
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squeeze through, but the result is quite predictable , actually what is going on near the temporal ravine ? well, in fact, the enemy has been trying to get drunk at chasiv yar for a long time, there are offensive actions from bohdanivka in two directions and offensives on ivanovske, on the road to ivanovske, and then, so that later this road can also be used in... advancing on chasiv yar, that is from three directions, the enemy tries to launch attacks in the direction chasiv yaru, but according to some estimates there are up to 600 m before the time of yaru, but simply chasivyar, it is so stretched from west to east, and around
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chasivyar there are sufficiently powerful fortress structures and chasiv itself is on a high ground, when... we are talking about there 600 m to the vicinity of chasivyar, then in fact there is still a considerable stretch after these first sections, where the height begins and where the main lines of defense begin, one way or another, the direction of yar remains one of the priorities for the enemy, it associated with the desire to advance on sloviansk-kramatorsk, but these plans... were there before, but we can see that the pace of the enemy's advance, on the one hand, they are not significant, but they are partly due to the superiority in the number of personnel, the use of aviation, artillery, indeed, these impulses persist, and general syrskyi, who gave an interview to ukrinform last week, said that we have a number of
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priorities, namely to prevent the capture of our territories, to make the maximum impression on the enemy, to prepare reserves for counteroffensive and offensive actions, precisely the efforts of the armed forces are now concentrated around this, so that all these directions, precisely the west of avdiivka, the movement to the north of the enemy and the novopavlov direction, they remain the most difficult from the point of view of defense, but i will repeat the impression that in a certain way the enemy is feeling exhausted , now it is possible... probably another wave of rotation there, regrouping of the enemy, in order to continue operations west of avdiivka and try to break through to the times of yarog. putin announced another draft, spring, and 150,000 young, strong men from 18 to 30 years of age will join the ranks of the russian
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army, of course they are not mobilized. and the conscripts, but knowing how it happens in russia, we understand that they will then fill the ranks of those who will be sent to ukraine, ah, what should we expect from this prize, mr. serhiy. well, when we talk about this draft, we have to take into account that 150,000 personnel are indeed being recruited, but at the same time , 150,000 conscripts are also being released, who... served military service before that, and here exactly, i understand that now the enemy, or the russian leadership will use all the possibilities to the maximum, so that these 150... thousand conscripts who are being released, be transferred to the format of contract workers, this is precisely one of the directions of replenishment of the russian army,
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because now it is being replenished first of all at the expense of these conditional volunteers, who go to war for significant money for lupinized regions of russia, because this is one of the most attractive options for many. russians outside peter or moscow earn money, they are ready there to die in order to earn this money, and the second component is exactly mobilization, that is the format of mobilization, it generally provides 30 thousand personnel per month, and now i think that exactly these 150,000 after a certain period of time, at least i think 2/3 of the enemy will still be able to leave this amount. in the army, which will be just such another component of the increase in the number of the russian group, which is currently directed at
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forming additional forces, that is, it is talking about 1,000 personnel, which should be in the near future formed into certain brigades and corps, but this process depends not only on the number, but also on the availability of commanders and equipment and weapons, these pro... processes are sometimes uncoordinated, because there are more manpower than equipment, and when we talk about our situation, of course the issue of improving mobilization processes is becoming more and more urgent and alarming, because we understand that our brigades in their composition have been conducting combat operations for a long time, they need rotation and replenishment, experts, the military recognizes this when we communicate with our friends there. who are there in the trenches, we understand that personnel are desperately needed, and this is precisely the challenge for the military and political leadership of ukraine to speed up the adoption of a number of laws that
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will actually allow to expand the number of people who will be effectively used on the field battle, the question is not only about numbers, but that each person who is to be mobilized is used according to his skills, strengths and opportunities. what general syrsky said about the fact that it is not necessary to mobilize so many people as half a million, for example, he really did not name the exact number and said that in part mobilization is not necessary at all, because it will be possible to take some reserves from those rear troops, while adding that the rear troops are also important, but i'm a little confused here that i think we're interpreting syrsky's words somewhat simplistically, as a military man he understands what he's saying. and strength is needed, he says that the fate of ukraine depends on every man of conscription age, because
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the enemy is coming to destroy us and the issue of negotiations there or defeat in the war is actually a synonym for our destruction of the entire nation, so even syrsky actually talks about the fact that, although we are there, an audit is being conducted in the armed forces, a certain number has been found. a certain number of thousands of personnel that can be used in other areas of the force units there, which are not fully loaded, but the question of mobilization is still unequivocally, i think that in fact we should treat it much more seriously than sometimes he even says, when the prime minister says that we don't need mobilization, if we talk about the fact that we already have 800,000 personnel there , who have been fighting there for more than 2 years and... and need rotation replacements, one way or another the indicators from 400 to 500 00, they are completely justified, the question is whether we can
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ensure this with weapons and training as well, but the question of more intensive mobilization of more rational approaches is that, well, now we need it is necessary, and silsky understands this much more urgently than anyone of us, and that is why the question of the military... political leadership remains extremely serious. the day before , volodymyr zelenskyi also stated that without the help of the united states of america, we will lose, and so far, i understand, we have nothing to dream about this help, because the americans are somehow not in a hurry with all this, and if it is true, in too few directions the americans are the main supplier of certain types of weapons, missiles. and financial support, and all these harsh messages delivered by the president of ukraine, which sometimes painfully echoing in our shelter,
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indeed they are. mainly aimed at the western consumer, at western politicians, at american politicians, who really need to speed up the process of providing military, military-technical assistance, but now the process of expanding aid from european countries is taking place, those packages announced by germany, france, other countries europeans are talking about the fact that, in general , the rate of inclusion of european defense potential, european arsenals in helping ukraine is... quite significant, even if we will mention the situation with ammunition, the initiatives of the czech republic, then these are extremely positive signals that can really, well, positively affect the front line, but in any case, the second stage, exactly the second echelon, should be the renewal of aid from the united states , we all hope for this, they said that the next vacation of the american congress is already coming to an end and it can make
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the appropriate decisions, we really hope... because for a long time the ukrainian army has been conducting combat operations in conditions when there is a lack of supplies, equipment, and this is recognized by the same general syrsky, who says that we carry out strategic defense in conditions where the enemy has an advantage in a number of directions. actually, botusov wrote last week that the main thing in this war now, at the moment, is simply to lose less. soldiers and kill more enemy soldiers, that's a very simple look at the problem, how can this be achieved, do you think it can be achieved, and what can we expect from this summer and fall? well, it's summer - this is the defense of this year, it is actually a really strategic defense, which should ensure the retention of what we currently have on the front line, make the maximum impression
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on the enemy in terms of manpower and... equipment and create the prerequisites and ensure the formation of forces and means for the support of those brigades that are already conducting battle and those that will go to form reserves, these processes are now also carried out, and the fact that now it is necessary to make the maximum impression on the enemy, this is really one of the key elements of the war of attrition, when this extremely important even sometimes it is more important than receiving. of these areas of the territory at any cost, this is what the ukrainian military leadership now understands, because the already mentioned isyrsky also said twice in this interview that the priority is to preserve the personnel, but it is extremely difficult to achieve this , because we understand that sometimes fortifications are built later than they were supposed to be built, when there is a lack of ammunition,
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when there is no aviation. sometimes we are forced to defend lines and important areas to receive at the expense of the courage of our infantry, but we understand that this resource is not infinite, that people cannot fight for two years in such an intensive format, they need both recovery and strengthening, so these are actually extremely serious challenges, and the search for answers is precisely is based on the strengthening of mobilization and... effectively helped the front, and this symbiosis is needed now more than ever, mr. serhiy, thank you, serhiy zurets, military expert, director of the information and consulting company defense express was with us on communication, dear friends, symposium, people in the rear and people at the front, we have to help qr-code, you see, we have already collected more than 70 thousand hryvnias, as of this morning
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, about 20 thousand have been added and... we hope, more for today, the addition is more so that we collect 2 million for our military, well, let me remind you that now is a minute of silence, we honor the memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war that started it with a minute of silence russia.


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