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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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now subordinate to mr. yermak , and mr. yermak will determine what and how this structure will do, since today it has a huge number of informal powers that are not prescribed in any regulatory legal acts, but nevertheless in real politics, well, he plays an extremely an important role, with this, well, to some extent connected with the dismissal of several advisers, since there is already the same mr. trafimov, again he remained an adviser, although he was dismissed from the corresponding... position there a long time ago, and apparently the president for decided to clean up the company a little and the consulting institute as such, just so you know, it was not only about one or two names of the deputy heads of the president's office, but it could have been about some kind of reform, modernization, change of approaches and the like , but here is really something to agree with, this is not the end, i think that there are still people who, in principle, can be deprived of their positions, others will be appointed in their place, but you still think that you have decided clean
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the president himself, is it possible that it was an influence after all mr. yermak, who told the president that i don't like these people in the team, or they don't do enough in their positions, and let's better start new ones, look, one does not exclude the other, of course , the head of state made the final decision, but he is the one probably did it on the basis of some specific information that was given to him by people who work with him, and therefore i think that the information presented in this way could have been given that these people are no longer functional there, or that there, well , in the context of mr. smirnov, at least ... rumours, i immediately emphasize the rumors, yes, that is, this is not confirmed information, that there may be some questions from the anti-corruption authorities there, and here the office could, for example, play it safe in advance, look, the person is no longer working, if something like that happens, well, it is in no way will not cast a shadow there specifically on the head of state, that is why it is such an interconnected story, somewhere the president was told, somewhere the president himself probably thought it necessary to change someone, but it naturally coincided with the vision of mr. yarmak, because the head of state said that in there are five or six of them managers, he works with them, i do... that
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the influence of all managers, he is quite high in terms of personnel decisions. just an interesting point, if i'm not mistaken, smirnov was in the president's office and was responsible for anti-corruption policy, if i'm wrong, you can blame me too, he was responsible for cooperation with the judicial branch, including, yes, but you understand, there is also mr. tatarov , who is also the curator of all these processes, it is possible that they could, for example, not meet there at certain moments, plus let's not let's forget that it was not mr. yarmak who brought mr. smirny to the office, but the previous one. the leader and i think that it also plays a certain role, well, in such structures as the office of the president is today. you said that today the office of the president performs a lot of, let's call it , functions that are not inherent to this institution, and that, for example, andriy yermak has such a serious influence on the office of the president, as he can influence other institutions, because and political commentators and journalists who deal with this topic have repeatedly said that for example, the office of the president today has a huge influence on the ukrainian parliament, and opposition politicians claim this. i.e.
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what could this ultimately lead to, are there no threats, but i just don't know , the head of the president's office wants his people to be on his team with him, let's call it that, well, look, well, we can already talk about monopolization authorities, and in a way that is not prescribed in the legal framework, and this is already bad, that is, it is not a very good story, and by the way, we were told about this, including by some of our western partners, they do not make any claims there, let's say to the ruling team there, they do not accuse them of corruption and... but they point out that the making of certain decisions bypasses, well, legal procedures, well, it contains signs of the future of some there, conditionally talking about authoritarianism, or the monopolization of power, which clearly will not benefit the democratic process that exists in ukraine, i will say even more, the situation with the verkhovna rada there is actually not easy, there are attempts and successful attempts to influence, for example, the the same monomajority, but lately this communication with the parliament has broken down, but at the same time the office... for example, totally
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controls the cabinet of ministers, and the deputy heads of the president's office in interviews publicly say that they are signing some , well, documents, which should then be implemented directly by the cabinet of ministers, this is already a very ugly story, why, because it turns out that decisions are made by people who do not bear any responsibility for this, which is provided for by the current legislation, well, except maybe politically there, if they will or will not be removed from that position there, but at the same time... they influence the actions of people who are either appointed or, in the case of parliament, as you rightly mentioned, elected at all, and so there is a certain danger, it is present, those risks are understandable, and let's hope that the office of the president, the head of state, they will not cross this last red line, and after the end of the war, the lifting of martial law, we will return to normal democratic procedures, otherwise , you know, it would be very strange to defeat russia for to later become russia in such a light version, well, this is clearly not a good story, i am convinced that the citizens of ukraine
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will not accept it by and large. tell me, please, if we talk about the president's team in conclusion very briefly, from your point of view, which people today are immune from the president's office? for removal from positions, dismissal from positions, for bad attitude towards oneself, i don’t know, there it is possible that anti-corruption and other bodies will not open proceedings, that is, who are the people who remain in zelenskyi’s team the most faithful, and in fact he will continue to conduct his policy with them? well, look, i already mentioned, the president talked about five or six managers, i think that definitely includes mr. yermak, mr. tatarov, maybe a few more people directly in charge as of today, i emphasize, as of today there in the cabinet of ministers , the same is the minister of defense, but again, well, that’s it for now, and in fact, these are two or three people who will work as long as the president deems necessary, all the others, they can in principle be changed, and zelenskyi has already done this several times, he came with one team, now he is by and large a completely different one. briefly, in conclusion, musk wrote a tweet
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in which he declared that the longer the war lasts, the more possible such a development of events that odesa falls, including that he said that putin will not be able to capture all of ukraine, to an international audience with politician point of view, if i may briefly, will it have any effect or not? it has a limited effect on the mask audience, let's say it is specific, but for most, no, it's not will be affected because they listen to completely different people. thank you very much, mr. igor, for being able to cover the most important topics so succinctly. ihor arterovych, political scientist, guest of our broadcast. congratulations, this is news for a minute, then briefly about the important. from today it is growing in ukraine. the minimum wage, from now on it will be uah 800, which is uah 900 more than it was until now, fines for employers for not drawing up an employment contract or delaying wages will also be larger, the employer will pay from 16 to 128, uah fine, together with the minimum
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salary, the minimum pension will increase, it will amount to uah 3,200. a few clicks and you're married, from now on you can get married or get married in... a smartphone via video call in the action application. the government has adopted a resolution on online marriage registration. the process will include several stages. first you will need to send an application to the application. after that , an employee of the council will conduct a wedding ceremony via video link, and finally, the bride and groom sign the deed of marriage with their signature. this is especially important for couples who because of the war they cannot be together. ukrainian esports nato team. which translated from latin means born to win, became the winner of the counter-strike championship. the tournament was held in the capital of denmark, copenhagen. in the grand final, the ukrainian team beat the american team with a score of 2:1. for the victory in the tournament, the navi team received half a million
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dollars. you can find these and other interesting news in the social networks of radio liberty. these are facebook, instagram, tiktok and network x. it was roman smolyar with the most important news for minutes, and 5,855, that's how many people are in the register of persons who are restricted from accessing gambling establishments or participating in gambling, the commission for the regulation of gambling games and lotteries reported. there they say that they conduct unscheduled inspections of the organizers of gambling games and fined them 14 million hryvnias. however, they note that there is another problem when players deliberately ignore the laws and gamble against them. general websites. crail, that is, the commission for the regulation of gambling games and lotteries, made such a statement against the background of public discussion problems of gambling in the army, in particular the soldier of the 59th brigade, pavlo petrychenko , asked president zelensky to ban gambling and online casinos for military personnel during martial law. he
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is motivated by the fact that due to constant stress , the military become addicted to such entertainment and fall into debt. petrychenko registered the petition on the president's website and in a matter of hours it gathered the necessary number of votes for consideration on the same day. zelensky reacted to the petition, he says that he instructed the head of the sbu, press the special communications of the ministry of digital and the secretary of the national security council to collect all the analytics on this issue and propose a solution already this week. serhiy fursa, an investment banker and financial expert joins our broadcast. i welcome you. congratulations. tell me, please, the topic of banning online casinos, is it really relevant today in ukrainian society or restrictions for example of certain things in the direction of gambling. how much do you think? this is a threatening story, well , see if there is ludomania in the army, yes there is, and they have been talking about this problem for two years, actually yes it's a problem but is there a simple solution to this problem no there isn't that 's what populism is a simple solution that doesn't work and banning online casinos is just
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the same simple solution that won't work because how are you going to ban online casinos, in principle we already had this story with the ban on gambling, it only led to the emergence of. gray and black markets. it's the same now, especially when we're talking about a brick-and-mortar casino that you can come to, that you can monitor, and when we're talking about online gambling, well, how can you do you want to ban? yes, that's why the ban is not a method, simply because it won't work, what can be done in this direction and that ukraine is very uncharacteristic of the world, there is a lot of gambling advertising, this is a huge problem for us, for some reason we do not this market is regulated, and there are very , very, very many gambling advertisements, which actually attracts more people to this network, the further, the more people, so if control is needed, then over advertising, please tell me, president zelenskyy has instructed the relevant structures of the nsdc mints so further, to somehow collect analytics in the context of this issue, in particular, regarding the impact on certain
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parts of society, which decision the ukrainian authorities can resort to today, after analyzing this issue, in particular, in the directions that you say about the fact that there is too much advertising, or that what do the military say, that there really is this problem in the army, what can they come to in this matter? look, the ukrainian authorities can come up with anything, this has never stopped them, so here it is difficult for me to predict what will be in their minds, what they will do, the question is what can be done? and so that this is not yet another populist gesture, which is supposed to obfuscate the problem, but not solve it, because populism is a dangerous act, besides the fact that it harms the economy and so on, but it does not solve the problem, and if you just ban online casinos, say we banned it, we are well done, yes, but will the game stop in the army because of this, no, it will not stop, please tell me, danylo hetman, this is from the committee on finance and tax flight... he has a question to of the commission that regulates gambling in ukraine today, do you have such questions,
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how do you assess the legislative regulation of this topic in ukraine in general, yes, that is, how bad is it, how good is it, that there are gambling games in general, and they are, at least somehow, regulated by legislation , look, gambling exists , it does not depend on the law, it exists and will exist , it is impossible to influence it, we can either make it transparent, accountable and that it pays taxes, or simply turn a blind eye to it, but we had the second option ... he is 10 years old only led to a big gray market, so it needs to be controlled and it needs to be taxed and regulated, the government has to play a role here, and again, so that it doesn't push it all into the gray market, because again, we have the same situation, for example with prostitution, prostitution exists , everyone knows about it, the same military people, everyone from many layers of society use it, but no, we close our eyes, she says it is forbidden, who benefits from it, only gray businesses, only bandits. who control it, crush it, in that together with the police, so there is no need to turn gambling into
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prostitution again, as was the case with us 10 years ago. if we are talking about the regulation and taxation of gambling, and if this will be carefully monitored, how big is this revenue for the ukrainian budget? i understand that there may not be a bottom line that you can put a number on, but overall, if we're measuring globally, well, look, it can be a lot of money, especially considering how many people are involved. and we saw the course last year, when, together with the national bank, it was possible to remove tax evasion schemes used by real businesses, as a result of which revenues to the budget increased significantly, the question of billions of hryvnias is actually not a problem for the ukrainian budget. and in conclusion , regarding advertising, you say that there is a lot of it, it should be limited, as long as it can be a long process, because in fact today in our country not all media are regulated by ukrainian legislation, there are channels where... to merge any advertising, in fact, and this can also be a problem. no, well, look, yes
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, there are telegram channels, which is a problem, but , let's solve it first, at least in the space that is accountable to the state, on radio, on television, on other media, there is a lot of online casino advertising, very a lot, and it not only creates, provokes this dependence, but it also distorts the market, the media, why, because other companies. they simply cannot compete for the right to advertise with online casinos and other gambling games there, because they are very, very many earn, and therefore can spend a lot on advertising, but other businesses simply cannot pay. mr. serhiy, and in conclusion, if we take the experience of european countries, the experience of the united states, other countries on the planet, gambling for them, this is a challenge as of now, have the countries been able to cope with this, and actually they have dividends are good, well then again... gambling issues always come up and will come up, so on the one hand, yes, it's a business that brings in
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a lot of taxes and provides a lot of workers places, and on the other hand, it is really necessary to control so that it is like with cigarettes , in fact, like with alcohol. thank you, thank you very much for joining in, shedding even more light on this topic, i will say that president zelenskyy has actually instructed the relevant structures to conduct an analysis on this issue and we expect that somewhere in the near future, certain steps in this direction will either be taken or at least voiced. serhii fursa, an investment banker and also a financial expert, is a guest of our broadcast. thank you. this is the svoboda project. morning, every day, every weekday, more precisely, see you at 9:01 here on the youtube channel of radio svoboda, also on the air of the espresso tv channel, thank you for being with us, share this video with your friends, spread it on the network, like it for , so that it becomes and benefits as many people as possible, we will meet with you on the air tomorrow, my name is oleg galiv, the whole team is freedom of the morning, i wish you a peaceful day.
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materials. order now. camel mattress from ukrainian. premium sponsor of the national team represents united football together stronger, dear friends, i'm back on the air, leisya vakulyuk, espresso tv channel, the marathon continues. thank you to all those who have been watching us since the morning and thank you to all those who are joining us now. we will talk about money later, but when we talk about money, i want to say that for the beginning i will also appeal to you to support our army with your money. and they actually supported
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the 93rd kholodnyi yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. why is it necessary? support, i think, you don't need to explain, those people who understand that a full-scale invasion is taking place in ukraine and that russia is not going to end it, they understand that war is something that does not happen somewhere on the front, but something that can be in each of our homes, and those people support , if someone may have forgotten that the russian aggression is ongoing, then i remind you, and you can actually, actually join with your... donation to show that you stand with our army, we are collecting drones for fpv, spresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua sprovit, announces the next collection, and actually we need to collect as much as uah 2 million, it sounds scary, i’ll be honest, i ’m scared myself, but knowing that you and i have already collected such sums, our previous collection
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was uah 900, it took us several weeks to this collection was closed and even a little... exceeded it, so i believe in the viewers of espresso, i believe that you and i will succeed, for this morning you and i have collected almost 20 thousand, no, even more than 20 thousand, to be exact, 70 and a half thousand as of now, please join i know for myself already from our previous meetings that we held that when we cross the 1000 mark, then it somehow just goes and goes, also watch for the appearance of the qr code in the left corner of the screen, watch for it, it is there will appear from time to time, well, in the meantime, we will talk, here it is already for your convenience, in the meantime, we will talk with galina vasylchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, we will add her to... our ether, mrs. galina, congratulations to you, good day, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, actually, to you i will also start about money, actually about support
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for ukraine, which ukraine received in march, a record. and who supports us, who stands with us and what can we expect in the future? well, first of all i want to remind you that this year, at the beginning of our year, during january. in february, ukraine did not significantly receive financial aid, i mean, did not receive compared to what we received every month during the 22nd, 23rd years since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and actually in march 9 billion dollars of financial aid came to ukraine help from our international partners, in particular more than 4.8 billion, this is do... from the european union, 1.5 billion from the world bank, almost 1.5 billion from our important partner canada, 200 million from
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japan and 800 million from the international monetary fund fund. on the one hand, compared to the other figures that i announced, it sounds that 800 million from the international monetary fund is not as much as, for example, aid from the eu, in 4.8 billion, but even... to say that the actual aid from the international monetary fund is a marker when the imf helps a country, then other financial institutions, other international partners, other donors, look and understand that then this country can be trusted, it is possible and necessary to help, that is why it is extremely important to cooperate with the international monetary fund, to implement those programmatic things that are prescribed in the memo. i thought about the cooperation between the country and the international monetary fund to fulfill the obligations regarding the adoption of the relevant legislation, well, for example
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, there are similar things regarding cooperation with the world bank, so recently this year the draft law on the market was adopted capitals, and actually it was one of those markers, in the case of which we will be able to get. well, as you can see, the corresponding tranche has arrived, and here it is also important to emphasize japan once again, because when this whole crisis occurred regarding receiving international financial aid, in january and february, japan itself was a key partner for us here, who helped us receive and provided us with income to the state budget. after all, when we adopted the budget for the 24th year, we counted on aid declared by the united states. unfortunately, we see that sometime since october
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, not only the military issue of allocating funds for military aid, but also the funds we received from our strategic partner the united states, to the state budget, has been blocked. what do all these funds that... we receive from international partners go to? first of all, i want to remind all our tv viewers that all the funds that we, as a country , collect for the state budget during the war in the form of taxes and other fees, absolutely we direct everything to our defense, to the payment of military salaries, to ammunition, to the maintenance of the army, construction, fortifications and everything else, that is, absolutely all the money, so i want to emphasize: and once again explain how important, especially in wartime, paying taxes, not evading, on the contrary, paying taxes, because all these funds go to
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our defense and assistance to our armed forces of ukraine, all international aid that comes to the state budget, in fact, we are talking about these 9 billion dollars now, they go to cover our expenses. pensions, salaries for teachers and doctors, cultural projects, infrastructure projects, reconstruction, i.e. absolutely all of our civilian life in order to ensure and cover all necessary expenses from the state budget, our international partners help us with this, and this is extremely important for us, of course it is important, if we talk about the future tranches that should arrive, in particular. there should be corresponding tranches in both april and may, in particular from the ukraine facility plan, there should also be
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the third and fourth tranches from the imf, cheers. in case of approval of the revision, it should be in particular in september, december, i.e. during the year we will no longer be revision, it should be in particular in september, december, i.e. during the year we will no longer expect such revenues as in march, but in different amounts months 1.5 billion dollars, 1.9, 2.1, 2.3, that is, within the limits of these in different months from different programs, we... are waiting for this help and are really counting on it, because every month the expenses do not decrease, salaries for teachers, doctors, and government officials employees, pensioners need to be paid, so a huge thank you first of all to our partners, but for ourselves we must clearly understand that in order to be a reliable
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partner for our finances. institutions, international donors, for our partners, we must comply with the requirements that we prescribe as a country in the relevant memorandums or cooperation agreements. well, actually, our viewers can say in the end, and so can our international partners about what our viewers can say, so much money is allocated, as if something is being stolen, or is there actually any? where do these funds go, to whom do they go, do they really go for the purposes for which they are allocated, or is someone hiding something in their pocket somewhere? look , well, of course, between international donors and partners , when funds are allocated, and these funds go to specific goals, and it is very important that the use of these funds is controlled, they enter the state budget, for example,
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on a separate basis purely for payment pensions or to cover salaries for such and such categories, or there to restore such and such things, and here i very much agree with you that it is important that, and my position is that it is important that those donors who give and support us, especially during the war, have the opportunity, and everything from our side is completely transparent, so that those funds were earmarked for those needs that... we voice, uh, they can go to the cobblestones? eh, they can’t, because usually, when we talk about cobblestones, we are talking about local budgets, and local budgets are primarily filled with personal income tax persons, there 65% of this personal income tax remains in the communities, in local budgets, also from the single tax, from real estate tax,
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land... tax, i.e. local taxes, usually from the state budget, rarely when paving stones are laid, i am already so much i'm talking practically, because in most cases these are still local budgets, but of course, if it's some kind of large infrastructure project, and this financing is taking place, it's financing of objects that are subordinated to certain ministries, that is, have direct i.e. to the state budget, in this case , of course, the same cobblestones can be financed somewhere in a specific project, but our international partners also look, observe, analyze what needs to be restored first of all, but from the same infrastructure projects, it is clear that most often it goes to the restoration of schools, hospitals, it goes to the construction of housing, well
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, we will still need a lot of time and money in order to be able to restore everything that was destroyed, similarly, the same state budget goes to the restoration of our energy the infrastructure that you see, as at the last minute, which undergoes significant damage, destruction, we all see it, read it, observe it, and it constantly needs to be updated, therefore... it is obvious that all the necessary funds are needed for this. mrs. halyna, thank you, we will talk about the energy infrastructure, about its shelling later on ours, it was halyna vasylchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, and now kateryna shiropoyas will tell you and me also the latest news, what happened there in ukraine and the world. kateryu, i congratulate you, word. congratulations, colleague, in a moment promptly about we will tell the most important events as of this hour in our news. yeah!


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