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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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or further with their practical worldview, when they need to put their people on streams, on, well, on interesting schemes, this is the only structure that works like this with the budget, it is now and always was the government in ukraine, although it must be constantly reminded that in we have a war and we have completely different priorities, but for these people war, it or the issue of war is also a way, well, in this case, with yermak, he... tries all the time to the president the same topic , the form of the peace formula, there are these political advisers, where yermak presides over 60-70 councilors of all countries of the world, this is such an entourage, which seems to be quite solid, but we understand that this is, well, well, that it is more of a, well, if not a pr, then a symbolic way of demonstrating that great work is being done, and. .. that the result will already be determined
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by dozens of advisers who meet there once a year or twice a year to talk about the future of ukraine, it is decided in different offices and there is no access to certain offices of dermak, and they will not meet with him the leaders of european countries or those circles that they really solve the issue, because they know very well that the head of state in our country is still the president. recently , denys shmyhal has become quite noticeable, i somehow even forgot his name on some broadcast, because i haven't heard from him for so long, although he is the prime minister of ukraine, but he made a statement there that we don't 500,000 people need to be mobilized, then we saw how he met with donald tusk, you see, i even know the name and surname of the polish prime minister well, because he is somehow more popular, this is his attempt... he means denys shmyhal
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to hold on to the prime minister's chair , they told him to finally become a public person, to create the impression that we do not have power concentrated in one hand, either that or he shows his effectiveness, they say, keep me in the position of prime minister prime minister and there is no need to appoint yermak here, well, he is such a record holder, he is already the prime minister in my opinion, the person who held this position longer than anyone else, but one more feature of our structure of power is that in... we have a priority for any high-level official there are precisely these things which is called public relations, which is called pr, and the prime minister has such a service, and they are going, they obviously know about the rumors that there is a threat, dismissal, from time to time there are leaks, and it seems to me that it is there just people sit and push, support, come up with some public things, even if the prime minister
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by himself, well, not just no, no, not like that, not a people's tribune, not yulia tymoshenko, who loves to go out and she can talk endlessly, she there is no need for a pr team, shmygal is not one of them, but they will come up with, i think it is as a result of the fact that they communicate there, how many of those pechelsky hills are left now, they are all in one heap, these insiders are walking, and most likely this is an opportunity to once again confirm that the influential, important . and well, the statements are like in the european union after 2 years, when we cannot do in two years what we promised to do in two months, that is , we cannot fully fulfill and receive confirmation from the european union that we have fulfilled these seven preconditions for acquisition of membership, so i think that no no no was told to him, although shmegal just everyone everyone says that he catches there every... movement,
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bodies, every hint that comes from the street of banks, i think, not even only from president yermak, maybe from any official, well, this is him, he is such a person, but his behavior allows him to be the head of the government for the longest time, while the government will completely lose its subjectivity, just like the parliament in principle, and what can we do so that parliament regains its subjectivity so that the cabinet of ministers regained its subjectivity, once upon a time. may happen: we need to realize that this is not a question of yermaks, zelenskys, shmygals, the structure of power that we have, it inevitably leads to such a situation, simply, if we think about it now, who would it be if we were if we have the opportunity to hold presidential elections, and we are looking somewhere in thailand for a person who could come to the bank and change everything, then it must be said that if we do not change the structure of...
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power, if we leave the office of the president , if we leave the institution of the president unregulated, then there will always be a club of dear friends under the president, always those fly... forces that win in the parliament, they will then reorient themselves to the president's whims, and we will always be ministers or members of the government will understand that they are not accountable to the parliament, well, formally yes, but in reality no, that their fate depends on whether this club of friends of the president likes them again, and therefore we need, we are moving to europe, we need to see in europe, there are no such power structures in the european union. such a structure of power exists in russia, belarus with such influences of the president, maybe in some asian republics, and therefore we must inevitably come to the point that the issue is no longer with personal presidents, as much as we can be enchanted
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, to invent some possibility that one person will come and everything will change, if the motivation to go into politics disappears, because you come to the parliament, you understand that you seem to have won the election. but you will never have the opportunity formally to form your government, to select ministers, you will depend again on someone who was not elected, well, we never elected a hermak, we were not elected, so zelensky won, but zelensky benefits from such a structure of power, when he has five or six advisers working there , and therefore, why then these parliamentary elections, why make these parties, why write any programs, why select people, train them, if you never know, it is this, what kind of black swan is there... let the banks jump to the streets, we just it is necessary to understand that there are no such effective structures of power in in europe, as in our country, and we, i am sure, we need to transition to a parliamentary republic in ukraine, we can elect a president, popular, but he must have clearly limited powers,
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there must be a law that regulates activities of the president, and the executive branch should be independent, and the parliament should fulfill its function, oversee the government and answer to the elections. otherwise we will not get out of this closed circle, i am sure that it will happen, because simply, otherwise the european union does not work, there are no such countries there with such structures of power as we have, otherwise we will simply be a better version of russia if we stay with what is, i finally wanted to ask you about danilov, whose request was it to remove him from the post of secretary of the national security council and send him to moldova? yes, i am, because norway was first announced, and i just went crazy, because i know norway well, it's a hugely interesting country, which, not being a member of the european union, through translation, i just showed me the prime minister of norway there , they have one there, you know
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a huge room, all in translated documents, kostya was used only for the translation, and they fulfilled all the decisions of the european union, they will not. and a country that managed, probably the only one in the world, to take advantage of the fact that they had large reserves of oil and gas and create such an investment fund, which can be used by generations of norwegians, that is why and and plus nordics, as the president calls , this is very important, i simply did not imagine where danilov is, where this specific situation is, but when i heard moldova, i saw some logic there understood, well, first danilov, if there are different heads of secretariats, offices, administrations, then the national security council is the only structure that is an instrument of the president, and which is mentioned in the constitution, and this, if the president is a person who, well, you know , who wants to exercise his powers without
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going beyond the limits, and who just wants to always be on topic and wants to make a balanced decision, then this is for any such president, the national security council is the only platform where they gather. representatives of the government, political forces, anyone there, in fact, well not just anyone, but there is such an opportunity to appoint those people who are there, who have great authority or influence there, and to gather them from time to time, and then at the meetings of the national security council to discuss the following questions: we have a war, it is even more so now more important, but again it's about the delegation of powers, again the heads of the national security council and the national security council in particular... were used by presidents as a place where you can sit out, there were two two two places , i remember how many conflicts i had with the president, when a person i didn't send it there parliament, let's take him, and this is the ambition of at least a deputy, then dozens of these deputies avoid this, and
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the leaders are the secretaries of the national security council, well, we remember that poroshenko, he wrote out such powers so that the late president kravchuk would simply be publicly indignant, because. .. at that time poroshenko during yushchenko's time had more powers than the president, and there were strong distortions, such ambitious people come, but there are other frequent ones. these are the kind of people there, well, we had bagaterova, the head of our security council under yuchenko, ivan plyuch was a certain time, that is, it is people who come and for them the national security council, it is generally not interesting and does not fulfill its functions, the only person who made, as a matter of fact , this institute is volodymyr horbulin and lytvynenko, by the way, the one who is now appointed on this council, he, he spent a lot of time with... and they had an idea of ​​the early national security council as a powerful intellectual such an academic
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institute that can work, develop some strategic perspectives, look beyond the horizons, and not to deal with these daily issues, intrigues, danilov has him, he is in my opinion , we have to finish, we will monitor the new appointments of the nsdc, we will monitor danilov... in moldova, as much as he will be interested there, thank you for an interesting conversation, i hope that it was also for us interesting to our viewers, how we changed the bones of the president's office and all those dismissed and those who remain there, it was oleg hrybachuk, head of the analytical advocacy organization center for joint actions, politician and public figure, dear friends, we are going for a short break, we will return, we will continue to talk about boocha on the second anniversary of the liberation of the city, we will remember everything about it.
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premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! dear friends, now we will talk about the sad anniversary, about the anniversary, on the one hand joyful, because our troops, our military expelled the russian occupiers, and on the other hand what the world later learned. after bucha and the surrounding villages and towns were deoccupied, it became clear that the russians had camped there, when bucha was liberated, i found out that my house was standing, i found out that the occupiers believed in the house of my neighbors, that in my the house has broken windows and a gutted roof,
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they also learned, unfortunately, and this is the worst , that one of my neighbors did not survive the occupation, because the russian occupier shot him... just in the chest sashko gold, who came to bucha from donbas, escaping from the russian army, from the russian invasion, in the end, this russian invasion overtook him in buchi and took his life. mykhailyna skorek shkarivska, founder of the public organization institute for sustainable development of communities, the city of bucha, joins us. mykhailyna, welcome to our airwaves, in fact, have a good day, i hope that we have a connection, that you can hear me well, you can hear and... you can see well, i hope that you can also hear the studio well, that you hear about what i say, or do you hear mykhailyna, and i do, but for some reason the connection is lost, and what, i i hope that it will be a little better in the future, there are still data, there are no exact
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data on those killed and tortured in the massacre, are they not final, can we talk about some popes. no numbers and can we say that the search for the remains of those people who were killed by the russians or tortured by the russians, and can we establish the exact number of those of all the people whose lives were cut short by the russian aggression that came to bucha and the former districts. yes, indeed, when we talk about the exact number of dead, now, two years after the liberation, there is no definitive one. numbers, because such a large number of tortured buchanans was in a short month of occupation that law enforcement agencies continue to work on identifying the remains. in fact, new remains have not been found for quite some time, but in buchi, as you know, there is a large sector of the unrecognizable, where
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80 bodies from buchi and the buchen district were buried, that is... it is not only the buchan community, but also those families who were shot on the roads, within the district, buried there, and the identification is ongoing, and often this is because it was impossible to identify a person from the remains that remained from the bodies without a special dna examination, and dna examinations last quite a long time, from one to six months in our country, sometimes they can take longer, if these are particularly difficult cases, difficult cases, i personally know several families from among the victims of the occupation who are still going through this identification procedure relatives, i.e. their relatives in known in principle, they are buried under certain numbers at the cemetery in buch, but have not been identified, because
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the identification procedure through dna examination has not yet been completed. after what happened in buchi, and after the de-occupation of buchi, the world shuddered to see how cruel the russians could be, although ukrainians, in principle, have already experienced this russian cruelty more than once in their history, and similar scenarios have occurred more than once in some parts of ukraine were implemented only in the previous century, such a storm, for example, was experienced by the residents. galicia, when the russians came here, i mean the soviet army, why, why were the russians so cruel in buch, why exactly? there, why did they decide to do exactly such and such a way with the residents, is it the residents' business, or the buchans' business? we understand that the case
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of buchi, it became known to the whole world, but in fact, what the russians did in buchi, similarly, they behaved in the occupied part of irpen, which was occupied for a third, in borodyanka, in gostomel, and in those occupied ... where they were there in the berry region of the chernihiv region, so we just before this period of the war, before the full-scale invasion, such atrocities were not seen on the territory of ukraine, i mean in the crimean, and in the donetsk, luhansk period of the war, they did not use this technology, in fact, if it does not sound cynical, it is a technology of civilian control , because they chaotically killed residents who moved... moved around the streets, and then forbade relatives to bury the bodies, they could abuse the remains themselves, burned the remains, the bodies of the already dead
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in order to hide their crimes, or for some other, unclear motivation, but it was clearly a technology of control, and the technology of control of the territory that it... was supposed to control, and it was clearly done by the elite of the russian army, which was already doing it in other parts of the world. mykhailyna, can you remember exactly that time, your first, your first experiences, when you realized that the russian army was moving and approaching buchi to irpen? well, these are actually terrible memories, because both bucha and rpin, they are quite... developed settlements close to kyiv, i returned on april 12, 2022, these were
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completely empty cities where there were no people, where there were especially no children, it is clear that the most important thing was that the people who returned realized that we will manage with the infrastructure, yes it can be repaired. electricity, water pipes, gas pipes and dates, actually bring life back in terms of infrastructure, but the main thing was the question of whether people will return to this region, because a city without people is actually very scary, very apocalyptic, and the key thing that the city government worked on, what the volunteers worked on was to be people returned so that they would have a place to live, so that... the roofs were covered, so that the windows were made so that the cities came to life, because the worst thing is that when you have money, you cannot buy anything, because nothing works, and quite
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quickly managed to paralyze these settlements during hostilities, communication disappeared, infrastructure disappeared and life disappeared, thank you mykhailyna, for the story, for the memories mykhailyna skoryk shkarivska, founder of the public organization institute for sustainable development of communities. the city of bucha, a year ago i visited bucha and in fact, in the courtyard of the residential complex , where once there was such a carefree , beautiful life, where there was children's laughter, where there were many children, there are much fewer children, and there is no such serenity anymore, and all around there are some dilapidated, vandalized fences, houses, well, the worst thing that struck me was when on the street, where people were hanging out... a boy, a teenager, was walking and listening to russian rap, after what russia did in buch. dear friends, thank you for being with me today, alesya vakulyu worked in this studio for you, this is a tv channel
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