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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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country, but he also retained russian citizenship, it is obvious that people who use telegram to spread this information are worried about it, if they do not break the law, obviously no one will move them, they can limit the access of state officials and the popularization of this service in the state so that there are no leaks, because if you have telegram in your phone and you give access there, for example, to your contacts from your location, then obviously the owners of this platform... will have access for to follow you, if we do not have a guarantee that it does not depend on russia , and we see, putin says that they are cooperating with telegram, during the election it was blocked, hundreds of sites on telegram were blocked that called to vote against putin, on the other hand, when the ukrainian control bodies apply, they receive primitive messages from no one knows who, and this is an absolute problem, so it is a matter of national security, and what to do with what we... but now at the level
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of society use unverified news, that we have a media system in the country, not only here, in those countries where, one way or another , telegram is an important part of the information space, it is actually an opportunity through anonymous channels without any responsibility to report not news, but rumors, well, such kitchen information , this is a mixture of news, rumors , manipulations and lies, why did it arise and why in ukraine... the phenomenal popularity of the telegram, well, on the one hand, it is talentedly written, no one will argue about it, and when you follow what goes where fly rockets, obviously this is useful for a lot of people, but on the other hand, what happened in our country, we used to have big media holdings, big media companies that always supported the government, and the government through them controlled the information space, when television began to fall, with telegram appeared, then obviously the authorities in ukraine, in particular, began to use telegram for their propaganda, it is very convenient. because who, who is now trusted,
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or famous people like you, for example, you have, you are watched on youtube, you are read on other social networks, but you do not you can order, tell some lies, because you have a reputation, you value it, in a telegram you can throw out one lie to a whole series of sites with unknown funding and it is very easy to spread it in order to manipulate society, and the ukrainian authorities decided that using telegram and a single marathon. they will be able to control the majority of society, obviously there are people who watch other sources of information, have access to youtube or other social networks, they use other networks, but even sociology shows that the most people are here, because when you write to them today that a rocket is flying, tomorrow you give them some pornographic video or something yellow, then you give manipulation to lie to your political competitor, then you give true news about the activities of the ukrainian authorities, then it is obvious people start to believe in this... mixture, not knowing where
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the truth is, and that's a huge problem. the problem here is that our government does not realize how much it uses a tool that will then be turned against it. well, it's not for the first time. we used to have channels medvedchuk 112, zik, you remember, and they existed for a very long time, and then the previous president, including because of them, lost the election, although it would seem that there is no such danger. in the same way, this telegram, which is not controlled by ukraine, will one day be turned against president zelenskyi and destroyed. him, that is why the state should be interested, and now to destroy zelenskyi is to destroy the leader of our state and essentially harm its defense capability, and therefore now , more than ever, the ukrainian state must responsibly this should be considered, but obviously such things should not happen, if at least we prove that this network does not communicate, no, if the national council, for example, you can contact the national council, if not youtube has false information, the national council writes on youtube, youtube blocks this channel , and telegram does nothing of the sort in relation to... ukrainian requests, but in
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relation to russian ones it does and closes those whom putin wants to close, but those whom the ukrainian authorities want to close for activities against ukraine, the ukrainian state at the time war, nothing happens, and this access to information continues. the pension fund is now indignant that, they say, their telegram was hacked and something was printed there, yes, some, at the same time they call on citizens to submit data to them through this telegram itself, that is, the ukrainian state itself calls to use it. if the state will not use it, then there is freedom of speech, let people think and write what they want and how they want, the ukrainian state can control it if there are slanders confirmed, but in this way we we will be able to, at least, the vacanalia that exists now and the lack of control, which at any moment can be used to sow panic, for example, during a russian counteroffensive, and they are preparing for this, so that the state can sharply stop it, for this law is needed. by the way, if we are talking about russia's offensive actions, about all these...
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preparations, i would also like to talk about this russian people's council, which was held by the russian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, which declared a holy war in ukraine, despite the fact that the russian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate does not refuse. well, the state does not prohibit, so it is possible , and that is why in 2022, back in 2022, i submitted a draft law on the prohibition of the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine , as well as its branches and affiliates in ukraine, the whole goal that stood before them was to really testify before the ukrainian state that they have no ties with the moscow patriarchate, with the russian orthodox church, but they do not want to do this, it seems to them that they will wait for such a long time, they even allegedly criticize cathedral, there was the following message from cyril
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that all priests in all churches during prayer should pray for russia's victory over ukraine, literally yesterday there was this information, it was the first time it was written so vividly. for some reasons, the draft law that they submitted deleted any mention of the russian church at all, despite the fact that this law came to us as a government draft law, we did not want to consider it, the government draft went to the committee on humanitarian information policy, and we have a lot of important definitions from mine and my colleagues' law, which was signed by the representatives of all factions, was implemented before the second reading into this law, there is even a definition of the russian measure there, and if it is possible to adopt it, because the committee voted for it unanimously, it was supported by the representatives of all. fractions that are represented in the committee, and servant of the people, and european solidarity, we have a homeland there, and for the future the groups and factions are different, everyone supported it, and i hope that it should go to the verkhovna rada as quickly as possible, you see what company they deployed against
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of the ukrainian state, all these amsterdams who write letters, threaten deputies, even hire novinsky there or other oligarchs, pro-russian, who protect the russian church in ukraine, how are they trying... to pour a lot of slander on me, on other authors, on anyone, they pour a lot of money into it, but we are obliged to do everything so that the russian church, which wants to destroy every ukrainian , does not exist in ukraine. it is interesting how the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, which now believes that it is not of the moscow patriarchate patriarchy, to really get out of this situation of direct, i would say, religious dependence. well, there are two ways. of course, i defended the fact, and i no longer stand on this position, that we should have one orthodox church - this. it is this church that received tomos, because there are not ten catholic churches or ten orthodox churches in other countries. in warsaw, there is a law on the polish orthodox church, and even if the russian church wanted to open its parishes there, they did so only with the blessing of the metropolitan of warsaw. but this norm in our country was not supported by the majority
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, i am very sorry that it happened, however, it is enough for the church to show and prove to specialists, relevant state services, the government, the state service for ethnopolitics that they really broke these ties, because now. .. this independence of theirs is based on the letter of patriarch alexy, who in principle is the head of the russian orthodox church, and the fact that they are related to this church, obviously, they remained in the synod, they never said that we to the russian church we do not have no relationship, they say, we , we are self-governing, but within the boundaries of this church, it is enough for them to become independent, independent parishes, so from my point of view, one day we will come to the point where tomos will be introduced into law, but for now it is enough to become independent parishes and they can to continue their activities absolutely calmly, and if they do not break these ties, then the question arises why the ukrainian state should provide them with houses, monasteries, churches, and land. the state should immediately confiscate all this, if this connection is with the russian church, which wants to destroy ukraine, and its chief
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gundyaev directly speaks about this, i say chief, because you cannot call a spiritual person who calls for the destruction of the neighboring people there a superior or someone else, why does the ukrainian state continue to essentially sponsor them. well, this is such an important point, in principle , it's again, it's the same story as with telegram, it seems to me that if the majority of people consume a certain resource, it can use these people as a tool, the same thing happens with church if people walk to the churches, if there are no transitions to the orthodox church of ukraine, these people also become a kind of tool in this story, of course, and that is why the security service of ukraine in its letter to the head of our committee, mr. potoraev, directly said that this church constitutes... a threat to the national security of ukraine, but you know, public awareness, unfortunately, comes late, i remember how they fought with me when i banned the showing of russian films and tv series in the 16th year, banned, initiated the law, the verkhovna rada supported, and ukrainian television before that was different, there was gangster petersburg, death and
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everything, then we fought for a long time for the law on the ukrainian language, accepted, how much we fought, how much we tried to destroy something, but what is happening now, you walk around kyiv and hear a lot of ukrainian. it is quieter than it used to be, ukrainian theaters are full, ukrainian books are sold and new bookstores are opening only because we have closed ourselves off from the russian world and do not bring russian books here. the same thing should happen and with the church, it's just that this awareness should come faster because of the war, because it was possible to turn a blind eye to something, and that, obviously, this turning a blind eye was absolutely criminal, but you could turn a blind eye to it, and wait for this church to lead further its hostile activities, the sbu usually fights with them, it summoned 70 or 100 priests to itself, and there are tens of thousands of them, what to do with this essentially russian guard inside ukraine? there is also such an important question as to how... in principle, this international company is now affects the reputation of ukraine in the west,
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to the extent that the public in western countries generally perceives these efforts today differently than efforts to destroy some church organization of conscience there. this is very important, because, unfortunately, we do not run this promotional and advocacy company for the protection of ukraine, because it is also part of national security, do you understand who is talking about this? this is what the politicians who are bought by the russians are talking about, so ... this network of medvedchuk was exposed in the czech republic and yesterday the czech republic imposed sanctions on it, but it worked throughout europe, bribing members of the european parliament. by the way, encouraging everyone to switch to telegram in other messengers, few people here write about it, but there was an article in a well-known social-democratic hungarian newspaper, extremely popular, which directly stated this, among other things, and precisely because of that, we, ukrainian parliamentarians should go west, to western parliaments, to explain this. government officials, ukrainian public activists, should explain this, and the state should stimulate it, send
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people there and explain what is happening in to our country, people of authority , with status, who will be invited to the media, with whom politicians will meet, and the ukrainian state believes that everything is decided in our country by one person who is authorized to do something, well at least five people, bezuza even submitted a draft law that no one should claim the status of a state, including an olympic champion representing ukraine or an athlete. and this is also a huge mistake, so i, working in the opposition, you know, obviously criticize the government, but i understand that the danger that is from outside russia, due to our lack of quality information policy, it harms both the opposition and the government equally, i am just trying to reach the authorities so that they hear the absurdity of the situation they have built, hoping that in a month or two there will be elections, and the elections it won't happen during the war, on the contrary, we have to unite and do everything together to defeat this russian hydra. thank you sir. mykola for this conversation, we talked with the people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytsky and about the situation, which
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today is quite resonant about the law that is related to the regulation of internet messengers, and now it is not messengers, it is internet service providers, because messengers are a signal, for example, where there is no news, no one regulates them, but those who provide news on their platforms, these must be regulated, thank you, we are for... now we will continue our program and watch with you a conversation with the speaker of the estonian parliament lowry hausar, who was in kyiv at the head of a parliamentary delegation, talked with representatives of the ukrainian leadership about how the event should further help ukraine, what role can the baltic countries play in this? estonia, we spoke with the speaker at the estonian embassy in ukraine, now you will see this conversation. welcome to ukraine. 10
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years ago, when the baltic countries joined nato, many believed that this was already such an iron security guarantee that neither estonia nor the neighboring countries were threatened by russia. now we see that many are saying that the baltic countries could become new targets for russia if ukraine fails to hold out. why did such... commotions arise, why is there no faith in the fifth nato station? thank you very much for your question. i am very pleased to be here in ukraine and see the current state of affairs, as well as your efforts in the fight against russian aggression. of course, nato's collective defense has always been a cornerstone of the alliance. this year we celebrate the 75th anniversary of nato. nato was created in 1949,
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the same year that the soviet union carried out operation surf, which resulted in the mass deportation of estonians, swatish and lithuanians to siberia. more than 20,000 indigenous people were taken to siberia at the same time when nato was created, there were many women and children among them, and many never returned to... the threat coming from russia and that. how all this can affect other countries is obvious, so when we had the opportunity to join nato 20 years ago, we saw it as a guarantee that russia would never again be able to occupy estonia or
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the baltic states. will never again act the way she did in the past. however, we were aware of her style and capabilities. we knew we couldn't rely on our own allies in the first years, we achieved the goal of allocating 2% of gdp to defense. after russia's hostile actions against
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ukraine, after the aggression it launched on estonia's independence day, two years ago, on february 24, we increased our defense budget to 3.2% of gdp. we aim to maintain or even increase this budget in the future. this demonstrates our commitment to developing our defense capabilities and working closely with allies to ensure estonia's security.
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analyzing the war in ukraine, it is important to understand what is being said. only about protecting sovereignty of ukraine, but also about the struggle for freedom and democracy. after our meeting with the chairman of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stefanchuk. i want to emphasize that estonia stands in solidarity with ukraine. we are deeply moved and committed to supporting your people in this struggle. estonia is
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ukraine's biggest supporter of military aid. per capita. we have already allocated 1.4% of our gdp, and starting this year we will allocate 0.25% of our annual gdp for military aid to ukraine. by 2028, the total amount we will allocate ukraine, will amount to one billion 200 million euros. for such a small country as estonia. persons, this is a tremendous support. what you are talking about now are these attitudes and understanding in estonian society, which could be observed for many years in a row. i remember how i met with president lenardomeri, immediately after the signing of the agreement on the withdrawal
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of russian troops from the territory of estonia. and lienerd told me then that... this was the main event of his life, even more than the declaration of independence estonia. but i thought then that in ukraine , in principle , the majority of citizens did not have such an understanding of danger, and now we see that there is no sense of danger among the majority of people living in the west, in germany, in france, and ultimately in the united states states, no one perceives this threat of changing the world order, which is actually what putin is trying to achieve, as a change. this is an attitude to reality, i completely agree with you, i completely agree with you and share the thoughts of president lennart meri. regarding the imminent threat from russia, as long as its troops will remain on the territory of the country. we
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witnessed such a threat in various countries where russian troops remained, which often led to conflicts. therefore, it was vitally important for us to get rid of the russian troops. thanks to the diplomacy of mr. lennart mary, we succeeded in this matter. after the russian troops left estonia. we have a small window of opportunity for integration into europe. both in the european union and in nato. we took advantage of every opportunity during this window, and i believe
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that the development of estonia over the last 30 years has been a huge success thanks to the right decisions we made. in ... the current situation, when the western world is under attack and russia has openly declared its opposition not only to ukraine, but to the entire democratic western world, this is a compelling argument for anyone to recognize the real problem we face. namely tyranny and evil coming from russia. our
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task is to constantly explain the threats posed by russia. what are we dealing with and what consequences can it lead to... although i partially disagree with the opinion about that some countries in the western world do not understand the situation. i believe. nevertheless , the understanding of the urgent need to help ukraine is growing. although domestic politics
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can sometimes cloud the aid process. the will to help is so present. during a recent visit to germany, i had a lengthy discussion with the president of the german bundestag. and we both agreed on the importance of doing everything possible to help ukraine. we also agreed with the need to provide ukraine with modern equipment. as for the current discussions, it appeared on the horizon hope. negotiations on the provision of taurus missiles are still ongoing. continued and in the congress of the united states, there is a positive dynamic
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regarding the adoption of the aid package for ukraine. it is very important for all of us to recognize the problem that russia is creating, to engage in dialogue and to persuade. each other in the importance of supporting ukraine. recently, during a meeting with speaker mike johnson, we discussed the urgency of continuing to support ukraine. in the us congress, there is considerable interest in making decisions regarding the aid package for ukraine. and and i know that there had been uh uh uh how to say uh huge interest uh and
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together with speaker ruslan stefanchuk, we initiated efforts. to send a joint letter from european speakers to mike johnson calling for action. according to the latest signals. sweden, and did you feel threatened by how difficult and long the process was for them to join. last week i sent a letter to one of my swedish colleagues. to whom he
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congratulated sweden on joining nato as the 32nd member. i expressed my sincere joy about this event. since with the accession finland and sweden to nato, the baltic sea practically became an internal sea of ​​nato. this means deepening defense cooperation within the alliance, which frees us from vulnerability through the suval corridor, which is located between kaliningrad and russia. now we have much more strategic options at our disposal. that strengthens our
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defense capability. finland is a historically neutral country that has always maintained a high defense capability, making a significant contribution to collective security. to collective defense systems, even more, strengthening the alliance. it expansion provides an additional level of security and guarantees for all member countries. so, i believe that this cooperation brought us to a new, improved level of cooperation within nato. we really hope that nato expansion will not end there, and here is the question of what we should expect from
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the nato summit. in washington and what should we strive for, what can we still achieve? first of all, i want to mention the previous summit in vilnius. i am proud that during this event we made a significant effort to reach a possible membership agreement ukraine in nato. although the resolution is free. our ultimate goal is for ukraine to become a full member of nato as well as the european union.
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