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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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is already happening, because there is this situation , when the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, after the statements of president putin and other russian officials, accuses ukraine of having organized a terrorist act in the city hall step, there are others like that, there will be something else, of course, but what exactly, well, what is the difference between a campaign for a terrorist act in a crocus hall and what will be, first, a company. of the russian authorities and president putin to discredit ukraine in connection with the crocusi terrorist act - this is exclusively for internal consumption, no one in the world does not believe putin's word, despite the fact that the main thing putin learned as a kgb officer is to lie and deceive. this is his main specialty. i have the right to say so, because it is very similar to me. a model of his
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behavior in covering the events in kroc city before the events of 2014 and the terrorist attack of the russian federation on malaysian airlines flight mh-17. i want to emphasize that during the first five days, in the official statements of putin, gerasimov, and shaigu, 23 versions of what happened to the plane were put forward. the first thing that... was transport the plane, which was not damaged, the second, which was shot down by a mik-29 fighter of the ukrainian armed forces. the third is that it was an attack aircraft that does not fly to that height at all, the fourth is that it was a ukrainian beech, the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and this is several years in a row even, and piled up, the most important thing is that the versions are mutually exclusive , piled up for each other. how did it end? as a result of the brilliant work of the ukrainian team. it ended with a sentence in gas.
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if you'll allow me to guess, i 'd say the croc city investigation hol, by the way, unlike the russian federation, ukraine, it was my decision. transferred the investigation of this terrorist attack to an international commission of inquiry, which was headed by the most affected nation, the dutch, and included representatives of all the countries affected at the time. the russians categorically refused to even allow specialists in anti-terrorist activities of any kind from abroad, because they are afraid of the truth, this is the verdict, according to which they themselves signed all this, just as they tried to block us creation of an international tribunal in the security council of the united nations organization pmh-17, because then it would also be at the level of the security council. the truth would come out, so i would
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allow myself to say that no idiotic comments , including today's comment by the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, where they demand to execute the kid there, arrest budanov, compensate the families of the victims, all and all of this should be done by ukraine at that time, when the most convincing. evidence of the involvement of needles in or needles in these terrorist attacks has been presented to the world, and i emphasize that putin has also demonstrated his inability to protect people even in a totally police russian state. and now i have only one, one question according to the versions: did putin himself organize the terrorist attack, or was it organized by the russian security forces with the participation
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of the russian security forces, or did the security forces turn out to be so clumsy and such that they can do nothing but poison and kill russian oppositionists and in the same way to ensure political blackmail of ukraine, that's why it's all nonsense, putin won't succeed, executive organizers, it will be simple, or there will be an international court, or there will be gaga. and putin is simply trying to divert attention from the development of events in the ukrainian theater of history with the holy war declared by the russian orthodox church, is this also internal consumption? i think that this is very , very, very important information for us, so i ask that each of us appreciate the importance of the step when we took the branch
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of the fsb of russia in the form of the russian orthodox church from russia regarding its influence on the events in ukraine. no explanation why until now. leadership the verkhovna rada, having a ban from the president's office, does not put to a vote the determination of the status of the ukrainian branch of the russian orthodox church, no one, we, there is no mention at all that anyone is forbidden to go to any church or find their way by god, we demand only the truth, and if this church, the moscow patriarchate, is a branch of the russian... church, because the world orthodox, excuse me for these canonical steps, it communicates exclusively through kirill, the war criminal, and i think that position the sanctified war should, on the contrary
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, push the moscow church to decisive actions regarding the separation and unification of churches in ukraine. unfortunately, they kindly swallowed... this news, and it gives even more arguments that we have to protect the religious, humanitarian plane as soon as possible from the possibility of the influence of the kadebish structure, which is headed by patriarch kirill, after all, how old the company will differ from these steps in terms of intensity, and we have the opportunity to prepare for it qualitatively, we... must understand that in the 24th year it is absolutely another war, it is different not only from 14-15 years, it is different from the 22nd year, this is the role of the rebbe, this is the role of unmanned aerial vehicles, this is the role of aviation, this is the radical
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modernization of missiles and cabs, and please no way... don't think it's hopeless. we have tools, developments, and technologies that are capable of countering both missiles and anti-tank missiles, we have something to defend ourselves against. the only position is that we finally have to unite, protect the defense industry of ukraine, stop pulling the blanket over ourselves. and well, for example, i want to to brag, if you may. because six months ago, it was an absolutely risky project , which many called ridiculous, we invested the first 150 million of my hryvnias in the scientific and research development of a super-modern
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rebu tool, i will not announce it in advance, but you will see tomorrow, tomorrow, because tomorrow the first batches after the combat one. .. application after state tests, after glavkov, the general staff and all the brilliant test results of combat use are signed, they become on combat duty. i definitely think that during this you will be able to find out about it next week, and it is not because poroshenko did it, but because new weapons are appearing in the armed forces of ukraine. tools that are able to protect soldiers, protect the front line, and my goal is that the entire front line is currently covered by unique reba complexes, radar stations, anti-drone complexes
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and close combat complexes that allow us to protect us from the russian onslaught, it will be different, if it all works out, it will be another war. we will not be treated as two-component three-ton drones that destroy everything and against which there is no way to defend yourself, it is necessary to prevent planes that will fly so close to launch these drones, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of creating missile technologies, and in the end it is necessary to have a number of complexes, i.e. now, for example, it is thorough. talking about the mobilization law, i just wanted to ask if it will appear at all, firstly, i have no doubt that it will be voted on, secondly, we need to understand what the president, the author of this, wants
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draft law, according to the constitution , should be the president, i believe that we lost four months, when some inadequate persons, who do not understand anything... neither in mobilization nor in military affairs, formally appeared as the author of this draft law, why ultimately hindered any constructive discussion about how we can protect people and ensure reliable defense of the country, because we are talking about several mobilizations. the first is military mobilization. the second is political mobilization, the third is economic mobilization, the fourth is international mobilization. and these should all be components of it. because if we are talking about tetsekashniks grabbing random passers-by on the streets and dragging them somewhere. all the rest began to run away from this, it discredits the army and discredits the country, and this is exactly what
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cannot be done, because the key word should be motivation, motivation is when a person came as a volunteer, signed up , he is guaranteed by law that if his taken, if there there are vacancies, she will serve in this part in this specialty, if you are an operator of unmanned aircraft, if you are an operator of rebs, if you are an engineer of construction fortifications, if you are, please, you are guaranteed, and you can go and not worry, what will actually be there. second position, we should know that when a person mobilizes, he knows exactly what time he is going. today we supposedly reached a consensus there that after 36 months demobilization should be guaranteed, this is a necessary component. if... according to the law, if the situation worsens, the president will have the right to once again introduce
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proposals and changes, but the president. the third position is to protect the economy, because we cannot today, the army cannot exist, if the economy does not pay taxes, because the partners do not finance the armed forces. it is the only one financed solely by tax revenues. the fifth position is the future of ukraine, the youth, students, the policy must be declared by the president, and i emphasize once again, this is not a law on mobilization, because i called on my political power, and we are six repeatedly voted for the mobilization that was introduced by the president, if these are changes to the law, then please, let us discuss, and these discussions that are going on now, i really hope that they will lead to ... a positive decision, and we
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we can't, because in someone's sick head it turned out that they want to turn democratic ukraine into an authoritarian russia, using the martial law to radically restrict people's rights in violation of the constitution, and so on, this is definitely and guaranteed not to make us stronger, and if we say in general... about returning to the topic of international support, you see that europe is changing its attitude towards this war in a way that is better for us, after all these problems that exist in the united states, how important are the statements of european politicians of recent times by president macron about troops or prem prime minister tusk's statement that the pre-war period has arrived in europe, is this just rhetoric, or is it some kind of call for specific actions? no, first of all, i also congratulate france, the french parliament, the prime minister, and the president. of the french republic, for what he showed leadership, because i thank
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donald tusk very much, who supported these initiatives, i thank alexander stub, my friend and the newly elected president of finland, i thank the leaders of the baltic countries, the prime ministers, the presidents who supported these initiatives, but the key position is the message that macron tried to convey, and i think he succeeded, the war has passed. into another phase: the war directly threatens the security of every european country, both a member of the eu and a member of nato. we have to move away from those psychological red lines that held us back us in previous years. i can emphasize that the experience of negotiations with france could have been successful even earlier. i would like to remind you that at one time... in the 14th year, when i came to see president hollande, as a result of the very first
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meeting, we agreed that the contract for the supply of mistral amphibious assault helicopter carriers by the french in the amount of more than 2.5 billion euros would be canceled , these helicopter carriers, by the way, would now be on our heads, imagine what happened, not now, in the 22nd year, how the assault on odessa would have been organized, if in... and for me it was very significant when i said: you know what the second helicopter carrier is called. which you are currently building, have built and are preparing to transfer. president ulan says: no, i say, it is called sebastopol. you show that a ship called sebastopol storms and wins in odessa. i am very grateful for the fact that, as well as a huge number of counter-battery means, means
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of radio electronic warfare produced by the tales company, it can be talked about now, we have enough then. they were meticulously supplied, and france also demonstrated leadership then, but now europe has finally realized that the enemy is knocking on its door, and the decision taken by the european union, unlike the americans, where this topic has become, i say once again, the subject of an internal political struggle, is radically different. the first solution, and i worked very hard to make it possible, is ee... and it gives 50 billion euros that allow us to survive and hold on to the funding delay from the united states. the second position is the peace fund, which must be, i draw your attention, spent exclusively and only for the purchase of weapons for ukraine, this is 5 billion. i want to emphasize that the amount of
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almost 4 billion is still accepted. directing funds from frozen russian assets to purchase weapons for ukraine, and in these conditions the world sees the tactics that the russian federation has started or continues to use. i call this tactic, the tactic of the syrian war, which they are using in ukraine. if earlier they tried not to use artillery against mariupol. complete liquidation of settlements, they tortured, by the way, now is the anniversary of the massacre liberation, and i'm proud that my military unit was the first to enter and in the mountains in bucha, and i saw with my own eyes what was then cleaned up, that is, all the roads with corpses, the stench of corpses, and a shock that you simply could not imagine ,
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that this is all reality, and in these conditions of destruction. bakhmut, destroyed avdeivka, destroyed maryanka, destroyed solidar, complete burning, and there is absolutely no need for this, this clearly demonstrates that they want to turn ukraine into syria. the last blows from burshtynska tets, to ladyzhynska, from zmiivska, well, it's full liquidation of ukraine's energy system is also a paralysis of ukraine. as a state, and this once again shows that putin does not need donetsk or luhansk regions, nor part of zaporizhzhia or kherson regions, putin needs the destruction of ukraine, and that is why the question of the defense of the state is so acute, because depending on how we will qualitatively build defense, this is exactly how we should do everything in order to
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preserve the state, the preservation of the state is definitely on the agenda today. daytime, and so we have to take it very, very seriously, including the government. if we talk about the preservation of the state, it is of course always a matter of guaranteeing security for this state, and we can still change something in the future decisions of the washington nato summit, what can be expected and what can still be achieved. i say once again, it is impossible to be pessimistic about the leadership of the country during the war. if you yourself do not believe in your own victory, and sincerely. you're not giving a performance, you're not going to succeed, you have to adjust the tasks before you, you have to bring them as close as possible to reality i will give you an example: in vilnius we wanted to receive guarantees of membership, it is clear that due to various circumstances,
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it was almost impossible to reach this result, including due to certain mistakes. our tactics, but we united in unity, hit one point, adjusted our position in a timely manner and said: we do not need membership guarantees, we still have them formally from 2008, please give us an invitation, an invitation, an invitation, when 30 countries, then 30 member countries will be able to vote unanimously that ukraine should be, why was it necessary, this position, that putin... cannot blackmail nato, and nato is not afraid of putin. there are already several countries blocking this decision. then... please change the wording. write that it is not about an invitation to membership, but about an invitation to start negotiations. the same technology that we did during the negotiations on membership in
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the european union. during accession talk. let's start working. let's not stop. each nato summit should bring one or another progress in the movement of ukraine into nato. why? no guarantees, unfortunately, this is my opinion, which we are currently working on, do not bring us closer to security or peace, we do not change anything positively, everything that is written there, we already have, the only one, you mean these circumstances, which we will now close the country undersigned, but psychologically they distance us from nato. because those who signed these agreements with us say that you already have guarantees, what more nato do you need, and i think this is a very dangerous trend, because what i
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try to convey during my meetings and my visits does not exist peace formulas in europe without ukraine's membership in nato, the war will not end without ukraine's membership in nato. under no circumstances, stop living in illusions, because ukraine's membership in nato is not just the protection of ukraine, but, as i said , a sustainable security situation on the continent, and this is the only thing that will make it possible to bring continent of peace, stability and tranquility, because it does not exist after one of the permanent members of the united nations security council became an aggressor, it destroyed the post-war security mechanism that was created in
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in the 45th year, and to date , there is no other instrument or mechanism apart from membership in nato, and now finland has become the 31st member, sweden has become the 32nd member, let's do everything to make the 33rd... as soon as possible became ukraine, and the washington summit gives us a window of opportunity for this, we must believe and work together, the whole country must work on this, because almost 90% of the population of ukraine, the people of ukraine, dream and aspire for ukraine's membership in nato. let me remind you, when i was elected president, this figure was equal to 16%. well, here the question is to what extent western politicians agree with... these 90% of ukrainians, again, if you are talking about blocking by individual countries, if you are talking about fears of a conflict with russia, then it is important
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to understand how to convince what has to be given you are optimistic, macron's position, that is , this is the way forward, you see it yourself, the leadership of the state department in the united states and the leadership... told me that without official references to this, that it is impossible for the united states to support membership in nato at this stage there is transatlantic unity, because it should be the voice of the 30, transatlantic unity - this is germany's position. you know what i did after that? in rotterdam. at the congress of the european people's party , the largest political force in europe, we adopted a separate resolution where all countries
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where this party is represented, including those in power, support ukraine's membership in nato, and its cdu, csu, which are currently in germany the opposition, in the bundestag put forward an initiative that they support this membership of ukraine in nato got it. the corresponding result of the vote, therefore, it is necessary to take and work , and then the red lines are destroyed, and when the germans understand that there is no other model than ukraine's membership in nato, you will look at the transformation that is underway, well, how should i tell you, four years because europe will form a special military fund, when europe provides... supplies of offensive and aviation weapons, when you were told that macron would allow the use of foreign troops on the territory of ukraine. you are very human
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competent i am convinced with a high degree of probability that they said that these are dreams, this would never be possible, i also assure you, germany's vote for ukraine's membership in nato, we will have, and one more position, when we talk about foreign troops, i want to emphasize that in 15-16 years, including during the berlin summit, i said that we... firmly advocate the presence of peacekeepers in the east of ukraine, donetsk, luhansk regions, and if then, putin even then said that it was for it is acceptable, if then we are from the 19th year if we had continued this work and we would have had peacekeepers with the mandate of the united nations security council on the territory of donetsk and luhansk, the situation would have been radically different. the presence of foreign
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troops, including peacekeeping troops, should be taken seriously as well. thank you for this conversation and thank you for the calls for optimism. petro poroshenko, the leader of the european solidarity party, the fifth president of ukraine, was on our air and this is the last conversation of this program, the poliklub program on the tv channel. vitaly portnikov was with you. today's today's all the best to you, dear viewers, and until the next meetings. may you be blessed with victory and peace. thank you. damn, stairs, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i'm suffocating, what, there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so until i tried herovital? gerovital+ is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital+ - good health, active life. the herovital energy novelty is even more iron for good causes.
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united by football, stronger together. greetings to all the viewers of espresso, yana yovamelnik and... news action tells about the most relevant events for this hour. the enemy attacked lyubotyn in the kharkiv region. the damaged object of civil infrastructure was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. previously, the occupiers hit the city with an s-300 missile. people were not injured. the invaders also dropped an aerial bomb on kupyansk. a 57-year-old woman was injured. in nivachyna, there is an educational institution and residential buildings houses rescuers stopped the search
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operation on the spot. yesterday's russian attack on lviv region.


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