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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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experts and to involve the discussion so that there are no manipulations, of course, unfortunately, we have to let you go, the air time is running out, iryna fedoriv, ​​journalist, public activist, head of the public initiative needle was with us on the air, now we pass the floor to our colleagues in the news editorial office, who have already prepared relevant information, anna yevo melnyk is ready to tell it to us, so we give you the floor, anna yevo, and ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. congratulations, colleagues, thank you, i'll start and... what the president is talking about talked to military and government officials, details to come, stay with espresso! a three-hour and extremely specific meeting about drones. volodymyr zelenskyi.
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talked with the military and government officials about securing the defense-industrial complex, they also talked about simplifying the procedure for importing and purchasing shells for drones and detailing the production plan for the current year. they also analyzed the project of building a complex system of rep. currently, it is already being tested in separate sections of the front. we also focused on how to make our opc flexible, because the needs of the front are constantly changing, - the president noted. of ukraine and our manufacturers must respond to all changes in a timely manner. one person is injured. in the afternoon, the russians shelled vovchansk in the kharkiv region, from the wreckage. a 27-year-old woman was injured, she was hospitalized, the head of the regional military administration oleg synogubov said. and then about what is happening in the kherson region, a 61-year-old tractor driver blew himself up with explosives near the village. in the kherson region
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, the regional military administration said. a man ran over an explosive device during processing fields the victim received medical assistance in the city. more than 200 photos of fallen azov residents, boys and girls, who defended mariupol in 2022. the azov regiment, angels of mariupol exhibition was opened in kremenchuk. it was shown for the first time in kyiv on sofiyivska square on october 22. kremenchuk is already the 12th city. our film crew also visited there. smiling, kind, serious, courageous heroes, angels of war. the author of the exhibition is vera lytvynenko, whose son died in mariupol. she says she started accumulating material for the exhibition two years ago. today is here 200 photos with biographies of the fallen soldiers are presented, the youngest of whom was only 18. the defense of mariupol, it is the most heroic page, perhaps. of this war, we
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do not want to downplay the merits of all areas of the front, because our front is very difficult everywhere, but mariupol is the only city where soldiers fought without weapons, without supplies of combat complexes, without medicine, without food, without water already at the end, and at the end their examples should be forged for future generations. in the exhibition of photo heroes, whose family agreed. to tell about the dead, because many are still waiting for fighters alive, believes in a miracle and return. mr. stepan is convinced that history should be written about every resident of azov. the man himself, originally from mariupol, moved to kremenchuk on september 22, and remembers how the occupiers punished the locals for their association with the azov residents. especially for the connection with azov, that is, if one of the neighbors could say that he was coming. to the husband of the azovites
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, they simply did not come as a relative there or had some connection , he could simply go to drink water, then he was immediately taken to the cathouse. the biography of the azovians can be read in two languages ​​- ukrainian and english. the translation into czech and german, so that the true history of the war in ukraine would be known abroad, the faces of the heroes of the poltava region on the stands. strebkova with the call sign zoryan and maksym kagal with the call sign piston. the boy died during the defense of mariupol on march 25, two years ago. so that everyone understood what was the price of our current freedom and will, and what we have, we can get up, go to sleep in a warm bed and wake up in the morning and drink coffee. that's all, thanks, thanks to our
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infamous. the epic of the mariupol defense did not end until we...we we will bury our last dead azov and we will not return, we will not return the last captured azov. the soldiers present read aloud the prayer of the ukrainian nationalist. in kremenchuk, the exhibition will last at least two weeks. iryna skrypacheva and serhii vitrovyi from kremenchuk for espresso tv channel. the espresso volunteer kitchen continues to work for peremo for the second year in a row , we make our own vitamin mixtures for pwds. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins , there are also others needed by our defenders goodies: dried fruits, nuts, jerky, pastila, dry, cloves and borsch, lard and
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canned meat, everything that will feed our people at zero. we have a lot of requests, so we need your help, dear viewers, join and support our soldiers with a donation, you can see all the details. on the screen. he promised a reprieve for a bribe. law enforcement officers abducted an employee of the territorial procurement center in the kyiv region, reported the operational command of the north. the employee demanded 300 dollars from a resident of dnipro for a postponement of the draft. the man had to stand on military registration for official employment in the capital, and the tsc employee assured that he would be taken out of service immediately if he did not pay the money. the perpetrator was arrested, he faces up to 5 years in prison. a man was shot during the occupation of the village. the kharkiv prosecutor's office will try three russian soldiers. in may 2022, they killed a 70-year-old resident
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of makarovo. the man remarked to the occupiers that the shots were scaring the livestock he was looking after, and they turned around and simply shot him. the accused are. the search verdict will be rendered in absentia. having squandered budget funds , the head of one of the territorial communities of vinnytsia will appear before the court. according to the investigation materials , the official allegedly bought a car for half a million hryvnias for the village council. however , no one saw the vehicle. investigators suspect the man of embezzlement. he is currently in custody. the fate of the traitor is temporary. in the occupied starobilsk in the luhansk region, a car with a collaborator was blown up. previously, it was the so-called deputy head of the service center of educational organizations of the pseudo-republic of the lpr valery chaika, writes public activist serhiy sternenko. according to russian media, an improvised explosive device detonated in the car. the collaborator died on
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the spot. and loudly in the temporarily captured mariupol, explosions rang out in the livoberezhny and kalmius districts, the councilor of the city announced. petro andryushchenko, propagandist media write about the work of russian air defense and shooting down aerial targets. eight people died and two were injured in russia, in the yaroslavl region, when a bus collided with fast train it just happened at a railway crossing, the local authorities report. and updated information about the fire in yekaterinburg, russia. according to the local. a workshop for the production of transformers was burning in menes. rescuers localized the fire and extinguished open flames. the area of ​​the fire reached 45 m2. there is no information about the victims. i would like to add that the plant produces equipment for metallurgy and the mining and construction industry. israeli
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forces have completed a two-week operation at alshifa hospital, the largest hospital in smozigas the israel defense forces were informed. tzahal claimed that hamas militants were firing from the hospital and using it as a command center. during the search, many weapons and explosives were found there. also, according to the israeli side, it was possible to eliminate several militants in the hospital. israel emphasizes that the military operation was carried out without a threat to civilians. ukrainians need help, tools and humanitarian support. they are asking to be allowed to... carry out their work, said the metropolitan of the ukrainian greek catholic church church, the head of the philadelphia archdiocese in the usa, boris gudziak, in an interview with the american tv channel abc news, during the celebration of the catholic easter, he thanked all
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americans for their support of the ukrainian people and called for the approval of much- needed financial assistance for ukraine as soon as possible. i know most americans do. the majority in the congress, the president, the majority of people who are involved in this sphere and understand what is happening, want to support ukraine. in particular, i am convinced that the speaker of the house of representatives. channel, stay close and my colleagues, marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii, will continue to work for you, see you soon. well,
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the information day at espresso is in full swing, so there is news from the head of the southern operational command natalia gumenyuk that the strikes may increase, ms. gumenyuk warns us, she says that russia has accepted a delivery of components for kamikaze drones from iran. uh, she actually said that on the telethon. according to humenyuk, moscow closely cooperates with tehran and establishes new contacts for support aggression against ukraine. in recent days, we have seen cargo flights from tehran to moscow, which shows that they are ready to produce more drones. enemies continue to collect weapons on their territory, they are actively working. at the same time , she noted that russia has now established its own production of kamikaze drones. they mark them specially. in fictitious letters, and at the same time, the monitoring chats write that
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13 bombers are flying to the olenia airfield, here 95 are enemy strategic aircraft, five are also flying to engels bombers, a total of 18 bombers, of which probably 9 to 14 bombers are equipped, so there is a high probability that they can use this aircraft today, a serious message and a warning, thanks marta, so what, let's not ignore it, after all tele or espresso have always been distinguished by their discipline, well , just like the journalists of espresso, so we do not ignore the alarm, marta warned, the enemy can beat strategic aviation like this, valery ryabikh, military expert, development director, is in touch with us now information consulting company defense express. glory to ukraine, mr. valery, congratulations, glory to the heroes, congratulations studio, congratulations dear tv viewers, well, we are standing on the threshold of large-scale, possibly large-scale, well, but in any case active... offensive actions of the enemy, we do not ignore, we do not we neglect, at the same time we do not intimidate, in any case
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the south is serious, the enemy has almost completed the railway, yes, to the crimea through the azov region, they are pulling it from rostov, maybe you have additional information, what it will be this track, in particular, when we are talking about cargo carrying capacity and so on, and to what extent we can control it with the help of... our various fire, missile, high-mars, and so on, activities, which is this southern enemy railway, it should simplify the enemy's logistics, and accordingly , what do they need logistics for? not export watermelons from the occupied crimea, but import equipment and so on to the south of the buryats? yes, that's right, it's not a peaceful infrastructure object, not to develop the region or anything else. and it is necessary to understand that the enemy is doing everything to improve its logistical capabilities, it should
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be noted that precisely in the arsenal of the enemy, it is railway transportation that constitutes the majority of logistical support, and here it should be noted that the process of building the railway... the southern coast of the sea of ​​azov continues, or rather, the northern coast of the sea of ​​azov continues, and the enemy did not go for it because he wanted to build or improve the infrastructure of the region there, of course, that is the first sign that he went to the construction of this, it assumes that the crimean bridge, as one of the main highways that supplies, ensures
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the supply of material support and all types of support to the temporarily occupied crimea, as well as to the group operating in the south of the mainland of the temporarily occupied territory in the south of ukraine, and this is primarily evidence of that. that the enemy does not believe that this kerch bridge will still withstand the blows of the armed forces of ukraine, and this is the method of sabotage deliveries, well, it should be noted that this is a single-track track under construction, and the work was primarily carried out at this time in the territory of donetsk region, as local residents and representatives of ukrainian administrations testify there, in the territory of zaporizhzhia region, where this infrastructure is the least ready now precisely on the coast, the works have not yet
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started, so these works will continue, however... well, it is noted that the enemy is trying to rebuild this track as soon as possible , and in order to ensure the stability of this group, which concerns of the track itself, it is primarily and, of course, the only purpose it is being built for, it is to transport exactly military goods and therefore it is a kind of military object, here i am in principle. as observers say, the enemy should not be prevented from building this track at the moment, let them build it, at least this track will remain on this territory when we liberate it, and it will be a new highway like this, but this track has its bottlenecks, and this is primarily bridges over water obstacles,
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the main water obstacles on the way in this logistics are rivers. kalmius on the territory of the donetsk region and mius in the territory of the rostov region, so the fact is that there are certain narrow places that will allow it to work with long-range means, well, depending on, let's say, the availability of various means, it can also be cruise missiles that we received from of our partners and those that will be manufactured by us, as well as in... certain areas can also be delivered by those of zhlsdb, and therefore, in principle, keeping this highway under control, and it will pass somewhere 70-80 km from the current line of combat, that's all anyway the task can be difficult, especially in
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the conditions of the situation, which can change and... including primarily for the benefit of the armed forces of ukraine, especially when it comes to the supply and combat use of western-style aircraft. mr. valery, look, there were certain signals from our officials, in particular, for example, the leader gur budanov says that it is necessary to prepare for new attacks. we understand that we are already going through a period of intensification of massive shelling in... ukraine since march 22, they started and they have not stop, the last massive attack was on the night from saturday to sunday, and today , just before your turn-on, i also saw in the monitoring chats that the strategic bombers are now also rebasing here 95 to airfields, we understand that the alarm may also be this night, on the other hand the party also received information from nataliya humanyuk that they received
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components for drones, and budanov says that they will be possible to use. if we take all the signals, yes, which we see now, and we see a certain period already, almost two weeks since they have been actively and massively attacking us, what can you say as a result of this, is it true that what your intelligence tells us, mr. valery, that the intuition of a military expert tells you, well here it should be noted that the enemy still has a . opportunities for mass use, he uses the opportunities that the industry gives him, which, well, he is currently fixing, and here is what is known, for example, that in the last 10 days of march, the enemy used 133 air-launched cruise missiles of the type
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x101, x505, and of course, this just shows that somewhere... stocks of such missiles, they cannot be unlimited, and the enemy can again approach precisely the irreducible stock, which he cannot just spend like that, and of course, for damage to the territory can use other missiles, and if we rely on the same words of kirill budanov regarding the possibility of using calibers, then it should be noted here that... earlier , they did such a process precisely according to calibers, they used missiles almost under the eye of the eye and left its fleet, well, almost without a reserve. these missiles, so in the last four months they either didn’t use them, or they used them very limited, and then we could accumulate, accumulate a stock somewhere, well, based
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on the fact that according to this, precisely according to this nomenclature, it turns out that they can manufacture there from approximately 20 to 40 missiles per month, so ... similar missiles could be accumulated up to 120 units, so, however, it should be noted that, for example, also, well, the use of caliber missiles from the black sea area at night limited now and the possibilities, er, let's say logistical support for the resupply of these missiles, carriers, especially sea basing, because... the main base of such was concentrated in sevastopol, last year there were strikes on janka just during the transportation of
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a large batch of missiles of this type, and after that the enemy solved the task and rebasing of his fleet and was already thinking about how to preload like this, mr. valery, you are not confusing us, we understand that the enemy is resourceful, the enemy... but they have, so to speak, a certain limit to which they do not they want to zero out their offensive resources, but on the other hand, we understand that they have put up quite a large number of iskander launchers, that's how budanov talked about calibers, that is, if you take this one, i don't know, medium-term perspective, a week or two, we can see how active they are worked out now about the energy sector in kharkiv, we see how they actively worked on the energy sector, on various objects in the lviv region and beyond. that is, there is probably already some understanding of what to expect sometime in the next week, 10 days, they want to try to pay off the country again, to move, i don't know,
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from generators to generators? well, look, now, well, it is obvious from everything that the enemy is using the window of opportunity that he has, especially in the background, now it is not a solution to the supply of the armed forces of ukraine, the necessary operational supplies, because... ammunition, missiles and in first of all to air defense, and in fact the enemy is using all this in order to solve its main strategic task, and in particular to reduce ukraine's capabilities in terms of production and production of a wide range of military equipment, including ammunition and samples of military equipment. aerial vehicles, which are used to reach objects on the territory of the russian federation, well, and also to complicate the production of the same ammunition, well, according to
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individual separate nomenclature, of which our production has already reached a million per year, so this window of opportunity will be used by the enemy , and here, most likely , in the near future... the enemy may go for further use of blows and even to reduce his stock in order, as he plans, to solve this main task of his, until the ammunition came accordingly, trying to exhaust the air defense system as well, because therefore in the near future, he will be especially careful about air alarm signals and not on ... mr. valery, we wanted to clarify with you about cerkone, there is also a statement by budanov that they have several launchers for launching
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such missiles, how can this information help us in general, so we understand that they have certain installations for launch of zircons that us ukrainians must understand in this case, there is a moment, what the head of the main intelligence department said. confirms the information that was said earlier by the media, including the report of the military leadership that the launches are taking place from the territory of crimea, which means that there are launchers there, well, the head of the main intelligence department did not specify which ones launch is carried out by launchers , but it was definitely said that there are several such launchers, and here there is a possible one. it can be like stationary launcher, this is an object that could be upgraded with a vertical
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launcher to launch missiles. of this type, as well as improved ee ground launchers, ee type bastion for launching these missiles, well, at the very least, the head of the main directorate of intelligence said that potentially similar missiles could be launched there from the territory of other territories, but in the near future such a possibility is unlikely , which of this should be said, which preserves... the high danger of using these missiles, and their danger lies in the fact that from the moment they are detected on the flight path until they arrive at those targets, more precisely, not even at targets, in the area where these targets are located, because, as we can see, the low such aiming of these missiles takes a few minutes, and it is limited
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precisely to the time of the nely. only from launching these missiles, namely sometimes from detecting them on the flight path. thank you, mr. valery. valery ryabikh, military expert, director of development of an information and consulting company defense express was on our airwaves. now let's go, we will have a short break before her. i want to remind you again that we are currently collecting funds, yes. we are announcing a new collection today. today we are talking about drones, yes, which are very necessary for us, which are necessary for our defense forces. the third brigade of kholodny yar and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets are waiting for us to reinforce them with drones. it is necessary to collect uah 2 million for this, so if you have the opportunity, please join the collection, if you have the opportunity, send the bank numbers of cards and qr codes, you can see them on the screen now, and while our pause will actually last, you can tell yourself, we will keep such a qr code, like a square on the screen so that you can follow it. wait a few minutes, we'll be back. tired
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