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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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this community existed and performed its direct functions, some of the civilians now have to become military, 100% the things that happen around the mobilization discussion, what do you feel and what do you think about them, you know, i have been managing people since 2015 , my the first command post... was in 2015, i took command of the first battalion of the 72nd brigade, if it were not difficult, whatever the circumstances, it cannot be that white children have white bread, and black children have black bread, everything it should be even, but when everything is according to the law, well, there is a law that you are in accordance with constitutional duties, you have to defend your country, sorry, go defend.
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this is what the law says, if you don’t defend ukraine today, then you will go fight for russia, everyone should understand that katsap, he is katsap, he cannot break through the front now, they are starting to break the rear, they are discrediting ukraine at the international level for that , so that we don't have help from our western partners, and they are doing it, and they are doing it so far, huh. waiting for all the help from the united states, i think there will be, because there is a phrase, perhaps it can be said in this way, or perhaps not, that we are responsible for those whom we tamed, the united states stood shoulder to shoulder with us in the 22nd year, and we persevered, we returned part of the territories, kyiv breathes freely, we liberated kharkiv oblast, and now everyone is there.
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the territory of sumy is being shelled, well, this region , kharkiv, but we have to fight, ugh, putin has gained courage, or he simply cannot afford to leave, to take a step back, because he understands that it will be a fiasco for him, and we cannot retreat, because this is our ukraine, we didn't go to them, i... at the beginning of march, well, it's the beginning, it's the middle of march, they brought me a captured, seriously wounded paratrooper, that means from pskov, it's a summer contractor, he tells me, i came to free you, i say, from why did you come to accuse me, you have such apails, adurmanils, we are slavs, i say, you understand, i say, i don't know how you are slavs, i say, i am definitely a slavic woman. i
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even have a slavic name, that's how they look at me, they firmly believe that they have a people's mission, yes, and they do it, if you say their old films, well, not old companies, once there before the war, they periodically looked at soviet companies, even russian ones, there are two narratives in them, the west is the enemy, and you have to die for... ugh, look what they showed, yes, the results of the elections , yes, what was drawn and played out there is 100%, but more, but some part of society, it really thinks so, the majority does, well, we just know and see that it is the majority, each of us , well, as they say, na na na na... there are three atamans of people, we are all at
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war now, ugh, time, the fairest judge, he will assess everyone for his actions, or without action, he himself will not live to this time, and when the russians retreated from kyiv region, from sumy region, from chernihiv region and even from a piece of zhytomyr region, there was also an occupation there, yes, by the way. of the zhytomyr region , dad, this is just for those who may have missed this moment, but it is also very important, many said that the second stage of the war, the battle for donbas, is called that, in principle, i do not like the narrative about donbas, because it as if created to be to unite, you know, this purely geological category, our, our countries. and russian
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countries, so donetsk and luhansk. and tell me, please, ah, i remember yur gudymenko's address then, he says: "well, let's fight, now we." we are going to a place where we have already had everything ready for a long time, 10 years, before that 8 years, yes, we dug in, we got to know each other, we learned to fight in these territories, so do not expect quick successes here, quick successes of the russians in donetsk region and luhansk region happened, it was also bloody and with colossal losses, but you, as a person who until 2022, there was a sign of war, in particular in avdiivka, what can you say about our real readiness and painstaking work to defend this land for eight years, because there are a lot of different speculations. someone says that everything in avdiivka was so entrenched, and that's why it
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held on for so long. someone says, well , he wouldn't say, masi nayem, for example, said that in avdiivka it was not so good with engineering and construction facilities, how did it all look for those people who did not see it with their own eyes? see, firstly, at the beginning of april in facebook i wrote a post: we won the battle for kyiv, there is a battle ahead, the battle for ukraine is ahead. regarding how we met the enemy in kyiv region, sumy region, in the south of ukraine. you understand? here is more than 100 km of front for one brigade, yes, over time the first national guard brigade, the fourth national guard brigade, tro forces, forces, this is the self-defense forces, gur units, sso units, police units, all, all, all, all, joined here who
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were in kyiv, all the elite, they fought for kyiv on our side, but it was one mechanized brigade, such a front, on the right left bank, east. and the brigades were stretched out, but there they were buried, they stood in their positions, mined, and therefore the enemy there, the enemy was much harder, but he found somewhere, wedged himself into battle formations, found weak points and went on the offensive, you know, everything in life relatively, apart from life itself, the fact that when there was ato, then gos, there was a defense line, it was prepared. engineering in engineering terms it is 1000%. roughly speaking, how many years did we stand in place, digging in, equipping, re-adjusting, there were fortifications here and there, and what were the fortifications in the kyiv region on february 24? on february 23, the second mechanized battalion,
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which bore the brunt of the battles for kyiv, this right-wing ukraine, just concentrated in the stoyanka area, well, in the critical areas. pushcha, mushchun, kazarovych, february 23. on february 23, i received a message from a friend, he says: tomorrow morning for sure prekatsap. i gave the command to the combatants to occupy the battalion defense. and what could be prepared for the morning in 10-12 hours. and on february 24, katsap was already in gostomel. left bank? yes, they are later joined the battle. because the defenders of chernihiv, under the command of major general viktor nikolyuk, the first tank brigade, the 58th brigade, well, other other units, which, well , i don’t know, well, there were many more units, i know that they were definitely there, they
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restrained the advance , they were not allowed to go straight along the road, he had to go around the foothills to enter from the other side, there was already a battle on the 24th, on the morning of the 24th, only shonon was... his second battalion vehicles left the white church, he had to unload in bucha, we already understood that on buch, unloaded at the beginning and at the end of the course, entered the battle, occupied combat positions, the fact that fortifications need to be built, mined is a fact, they need to be constantly improved, improved and improved, the war for ukraine continues. and looking at the fact that katsap mounts, it will not end today, unfortunately. do you think that the russians can make an attempt to return to kyiv, to kharkiv, to some regional center, which will be
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a very important goal for them, but as we understand, taking it is not so easy. 23 february 22 i so wanted to run up to her and say: what are you doing here, why aren't you leaving? then i thought, damn it, you have a three -year-old son and a seven-day-old daughter at home . the graves where there was a lutyaz bridgehead, where thousands and thousands of dead grandfathers and great-grandfathers and ours and kotsa po... by the way, i thought, but no, it definitely can’t be that a crazy
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kremlin ghoul can throw out, i don’t know, and no one does you know, you understand, he, if you even watch his video there a year ago, a year and a half ago, he was more panicky, but she is now after the elections, he married you, torn, it 's true, he became torn, they, he, they. .. have changed their rhetoric, they have changed their narratives , uh, the fact that it will no longer be like it was 24%, because along the entire line, along the entire lane where the enemy can launch an offensive, there are already prepared positions, there are units, military units, but what will they think, what can a madman do. to be honest, it was a few months that's why one moment that made me a little confused
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, the head of the main intelligence department, kyrylo budanov, remarked that the main plan of the russians to capture kyiv was precisely to plant these military transport vehicles, in particular in gostomel, and all these convoys of equipment that were going to kyiv, it was more for... eyeballing, i can’t even now remember which exact word was used in that speech, simply taking into account the brutality of the fighting in the kyiv region, in particular what you are telling now, could the russians even without this powerful aircraft of theirs, planted in kyiv region, to seize the ukrainian capital, did it all work in a complex for them, you? you know, life has taught me to say only what i know and what i take part in. on february 24,
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the co-commander of the armed forces told me that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, valery zaluzhnyk, the commander of the ground forces, was in touch with me on february 24, 214, and said where is your artillery. of the second division under the leadership of marig kabzarenko, the external dolphin took up
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a position in the stoyanka area, the division commander gave the command and the battery commander gave the coordinates says the same gastom airfield there, ours says there is already a kotsap and units of soldiers, heroes of the kabzarenko league for a miracle. the burden fell, it’s the anti-knife, i say, namely the brigades, all of the fighting for kyiv on the right bank , on the right bank, on the right bank, they started firing, and the transport needles never went down, they couldn’t land, they couldn’t unload the equipment, they didn’t return to to belarus and then went their own way on the night of the 24th, there were still attempts to recapture gastomer. near, but the enemy is already on the mainland, as far as the republic of belarus by land, they were already raising their forces, but
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they were able to enter kyiv from the east, and the bridges were mined, well, they would not have been able to enter from the east so easily, because we had already taken positions, despite the fact that the second battalion of equipment just entered, well , just arrived sechelona immediately entered the battle, but we were already ready to... went to fight, and when we now talk about the need to mobilize people into the army, the need to train them, the need to motivate them, many people notice and absolutely rightly so , that we have already lost our gold fund, those commanders of the middle echelon, the lower echelon, who were ready to make decisions, to take responsibility, to whom this
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responsibility was delegated, and all this was very natural, do you think, can we promptly... restore this our gold fund now, can we get it, create a constellation of these people who will be able to enjoy the great support and trust of their subordinates, that i was at the patriotic forum of student youth not broken in buch, this is a completely different generation, this is a growing generation that. .. will be raised on the annual deeds of soldiers, ukrainians, this is simply that generation of freedom-loving people who will definitely not bend their heads under this katsyap yoke.
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in 2016, the first battalion 72, which i was lucky enough to command, was sent to... international training rapid ridden 2016, we went through two months of training, after that we went to avdiivka, here was the father-in-law of the battalion, he was there, i then handed in the post, already passed the penny to the commander, the post of brigade commander, there were teams that were companies, they all became battalion commanders, for example, and since sergeant corps cut. ugh, the last time i was at a funeral, and my commander says to me, how little is left of our battalion, many people have died, many people are wounded, many people are crippled, fate,
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but if, for example, young reinforcements arrive, he went through training there , well, he went through training, if he gets into a unit that has combat experience, has this spirit, he learns, takes it upon himself, not everyone , not everyone is born a leader, not everyone is born a warrior, huh , but if... there are subdivisions where there is this spirit, these units are invincible, and they are, as they say, a new generation is being raised, as now a new generation is being raised in schools and educational institutions, in the same way a new generation is being raised in the war, which knows how to fight, knows how to kill, but it is already that, but people
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already tired of the war, people, where are you going, the metal is melting, we, we are still like that. people, these are artifacts from the event you attended, they were given by the children, they were given by the children, there is also the bubryn lyceum, the bubryn lyceum, please tell me, did you see in their eyes the realization that with who are they meeting today, who are they talking to, are kids still kids, not yet, they were special. well, i can’t say it’s interesting, it was especially difficult to listen to children , for example, ivankov, who were in the occupation , who told how the bakery, pick, bread, rib farm gave fish, and they were all they had, there was a hospital, accepted families, there, how they all
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donated blood, how they were whole together, all together in the occupation. and listening to the story of the children of gastomel, gastomel lyceum, botchan, you understand that these children survived, in 2014, on july 11, katsap, probably for the then first strike from rocket artillery from the territory. of the federation in the settlement of zelenopilya, so i was part of that convoy, bodies were taken there, bodies were taken there.
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i feel the energy of people, it takes me 30 seconds to a minute to feel the energy of a person , how they treat me, today i am communicating, communicating with children, i understood, i felt this will, this inner strength in them, this... this is the future generation being brought up heroes, if you remember, in 2015 i took command of the first battalion , two lieutenants came to me: richard pop, spartak and roman volas schrif, later roman darmagai, strizh, was transferred to me. in 2016 , two lieutenants came to me, vasyl tarasyuk, typhoon, i... i looked at these children, maybe so, well, at boys younger than me, soldiers,
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officers, who came immediately to the war, they saw nothing but war , and how they behave in communication with people, like 50- year-old grandfathers who are suitable for them as parents. as they listen to them, they respect them as they are they are protected, here are these people, here is this new generation that does not know all this, young people do not know this, pure, bright, freedom-loving ukrainians who love ukraine, ukraine for the people, they do not do it for someone, they do it for themselves, they do for the future of their children. children and fight for the future of their children, for ukraine, because they are ukrainians, and they are not going anywhere from this
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land, it cannot help but please, but the fight lasts as long as it takes, one of the rules of the fight club, as they say, and when we talk about the russian-ukrainian war, well it also works, we have to support it, i'll just remind you that the spresa tv channel together with the public organization of the base. and opposition , right now in the process of a large gathering for needs, fpv needs, in particular the 72nd brigade, we also help the 93rd, we really ask you to join, and i hope that colleagues will provide such an opportunity in the description of this video, and they will definitely add a qr code, which will be convenient for you to pay. well, i want to appeal to everyone. people who had great happiness, because it was quite difficult to imagine such a thing at the end of february 22, but this happened to all the people who had the opportunity
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to return home to kyiv. today we spoke with the person thanks to whom you managed to do this, because it is quite difficult to imagine the fate of the ukrainian capital without the 72nd separate mechanized brigade under the leadership of oleksandr vdovichenkov, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. knight of the order of bohdan khmelnytskyi, a full and honorable citizen of kyiv region, who now takes an active part in the civil and public life of our region. i said, i say, all that i have is the merit of the best in the world of people whom i was destined to command. i always did everything for the sake of it. those who were nearby, then for ukraine, and eternal memory to all those who gave their lives, as
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the fastest return of captives to their native homes, and still find those, they say... threads, where they are buried or are people's bodies, are there people who have gone missing, ugh, and taking this opportunity, i want to apologize for the fact that i may have done something wrong somewhere, but the war continues, we have to fight, as i said, the most a just judge, he will give everyone a grade. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. this is an interview, my name is khrystyna yatskiv.
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of fear. bahmud - that adventure that will stay with us until the end, our day. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberk, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. book. about his son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. in the fictional country reigns real dictatorship. turn on hbo's new satirical series on soft mode. can her tyranny lead to freedom? watch
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a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday, friday at 22:00. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 2:00 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at
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espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. details of the mass evacuation in moscow, what exactly happened, the first visit to ukraine by the new commissioner of the council of europe, what to expect and the dream platform, how will money be allocated for shelters in schools now? good evening, the news editor will tell you.


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