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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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mrs. galina, we have to put an end to it, i would talk with you even longer, because there are actually many questions, take care of yourself and influence the fact that those who should prepare themselves should prepare for the worst, and let it be better, because we know , that with the russians we hope for the best in vain, thank you very much, halyna kuts , deputy of the kharkiv regional council, we can have the best in war when the army is equipped, prepared and can effectively oppose the enemy, and the fact that the enemy comes up with the worst options, then we don't even doubt it. well, for example, how was the blow on dniprovska ges, too, here is dmytro kyrylchuk, deputy of the zaporizhia city council , mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, first of all i would like to ask how the night and day passed in zaporizhzhia, in the zaporizhia region in terms of the security situation, please , here, mr. vasyl, we should note that the security situation is for the residents of zaporozhye, and the previous day, thank god, was calm, yes, what can be said is... not that there is
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an exception, yes, but a regularity to a great extent it's a pity, yes, that the racists continue to massively destroy and shell the front-line settlements, here we are talking about the fact that this happened in the past day, what a long period of time it is, starting from the first decade of march, when the massive shelling just started, they intensified more and more often, in particular massive shelling, yes, that is 418 shellings over the previous day. cursed rasists were asked in nine settlements, here the key thing is to note that there were four airstrikes and they suffer the most from this, it is the field that walks, the cat's hammer, and the nuts workers, it was precisely as a result of such a reset of their cab yesterday, that the rashists destroyed the bridge in a bare field, that it has a key transport function there, and it was as a result of this... it was completely destroyed, and therefore
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it is possible to pass the next point is that , that 95 drones, they will continue , once again, to strike at this settlement, after which the key point is that it is the artillery about what i have already said, yes , they have struck 307 strikes and the mlrs, where they can, in particular in orikhov, goliepolyu, yes there where works, including, yes, where they can, they get and they do not strike any blows. and as a result of this blow, just such a betrayal , yesterday in the same pologiv district, in one of the settlements , a 54-year-old man was injured, and this is exactly what we are talking about : a man who was fighting in the garden, and was wounded by rioters, and he was given help was taken to the hospital. and please tell me what the situation is now with what can be said, again i understand that not all information should be passed on, especially that the enemy, if... hit once, they can
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hit a second time, dniprogest, is there an assessment, an assessment of the damage, an understanding of what can be done to make the facilities work, because , as i understand it, the zaporizhia nuclear power plant depends on this the power plant as well, well, mr. vasyl, you know with such general theses, the most important thing is to note that dniprogest is standing there, no matter how no one wants it, and it will stand unequivocally, thanks to our glorious defenders. the second point is about all the expert services you have done. studies conducted indicate that there are no risks of a collapse or a breakthrough of water through the dam itself, the consequences of a hit, when this canvas with the beams holding it there is damaged, and now work is underway to eliminate these consequences, the damaged parts are partially dismantled there, and the reconstruction of the dnieper river is underway, well, already it can be noted that it continues, because during this time and... the key point is that
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it performs the transport function of dniproges, and the key point is that in terms of electricity production, in part, one of the engine rooms, which was less affected, it was already partially restored there. they wrote there today, well, maybe again, if you don’t have more information, then say so, a loud explosion was heard in melitopol , which is occupied by the enemy, it is written that the ground even shook, is there any information that such a thing happened there, no, mr. vasily we have so far in this regard. there is no direction, but this is a well-timed withdrawal of the next accomplice there, this is precisely the collaborators, the only thing is that yes, we will see the details already there, or if there is information that uh, but is there information that after these events, which the russians called elections in the occupied territories, after this international crime committed by the russians during the occupation of the occupied territories, is there any information that they somehow, as they say, marked everyone?
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prospectively for mobilization, what are they already planning to mobilize there from the age of 18, have any measures been started to criminally once again direct the communities to war against their own people. of ukraine, which are in the occupied territory? yes, mr. vasyl, indeed, well, this process, he was regular, and this regularity , it really is, after these worthless pseudo-elections, it literally started there from monday, and when there is such a cold shower for the residents of the temporarily occupied territories of the zaporizhia region, it came for the men in that territory when they started all there, they tend to do things like iroshists, and catch people on the street, and invite them just to be there. according to the results of the turnout there, and well, the data has already been rewritten, they invited their military table there, so let’s note, yes, according to theirs, and they put it as a perifact that it is mobilized, there they have to defend their choice, there is russia, mother and similar things, narratives, and these are about the result,
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well, this process continues, and the key thing that they have started to apply is rashisti, they are without this cannot be used by these propaganda videos, itself... to show one of the narratives, this is how they join and join the ranks of this rabble of theirs, this cannon fodder in the composition of their armed forces, so to speak, when you know , they take a collaborator there for such and such a show a decent family man there, as it was developed there in berdyansk, and they are starting to remove the posts there, how he went and heroically stepped in himself and began to defend all the russian values ​​there after he ticked the box there. for a swatter , but mr. vasyl, this is the wrapper that they always like to show from the outside, in fact there is an opposition and i will only clarify, i will only clarify briefly about this, and we literally have a couple of minutes there, but i will briefly ask one more question, and if a person did not go to vote,
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then they also come to clear the election, or of course, that is, it doesn't matter whether you went or not, you are a conditional choice, you have to protect someone there and, well, protect. yes, yes , yes, yes, yes, well, this is in their understanding, and of course you know this, the number one priority, because for them, well, no one canceled the plan, he is over there in russia, how is this from these soviet times, yes there is a policeman from there , from the fact that he was stationed somewhere there, yes there in berdyansk or there in melitopol, that he was fined there, yes, and there were plans for him there, then of course there is a plan that's it their military eyes became there, of course , first of all they mobilize everyone, and then everyone else. because they blocked the exit through the crimea before that, 30 people were evacuated from the zaporizhzhia region in march, what are the plans for the future and are there any problems with this evacuation process, there are logistical problems, first of all, where to bring people, well, maybe not everyone
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wants to, well whether they are evacuating at will or how, well, mr. vasyl, the most important factor is the dangers, it is the security factor that... it is really because of this that people leave these of the front-line territories , here the key thing is to note that these are the 38 people who were under the regional military administration during march, this is not a forced evacuation, these are the people who were forced to leave this territory due to the same intensification of these shellings at the beginning of march, because in the planned order yes , there was a forced evacuation there last year, and throughout the year, regional authorities and specialized services and police bodies were there. 446 people, that is, in the planned order , as this process was completed, will now be to evacuate people who are directly faced with that situation, with those circumstances, when they simply have to leave this territory in order to survive, when
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their home was already destroyed, when the rashists came and started to dismantle their settlement there, then of course not there is a choice when people are evacuated, they apply all methods, and through what they emphasize... all specialized services, foundations, that is, public organizations that help in this process and help these people to simply save themselves. thank you very much, despite the fact that people were walking, you still managed to get involved, so i wish you a good journey, i don't know where you are going, but may your journey be successful and safe. dmytro kyrylchuk, deputy of the zaporizhzhia city council, was with us on the phone, and plus , up to 11,000 have been installed in zaporizhzhia. those so-called dragon's teeth, anti-tank, well, they are used by anti-armored vehicles, there against passing and wheeled vehicles, also in principle military, it is meant, they are very effective, and therefore i hope that this process will continue with the production and installation, i just know here, i will say that when you talk to the military
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who are at the front and listen to different stories, you understand that even the installation of these, the construction of these fortified areas, networks. networks, these are not only trenches there, these are much more complex engineering, engineering defense structures, now due to the fact that for what reasons i do not know, they started building them later, but the enemy somewhere came closer, uses more. also aviation, equipment, cabs and so on and so on and so on, long-range artillery, unfortunately, and die, and these are the soldiers of the engineering forces , as well as those people who are attached, who are not in the armed forces, but are building, unfortunately, these people risk their own lives today, building these engineering structures, but it is worth doing, because without them , in the long run, many more people may die , so a big thank you to the engineering troops, and to all those who are involved now for the fact that they are in such difficult conditions under frequent fire, building these, well, let's say just trenches, this is very important, and with serhii zgurts
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, director of the defense agency, will now speak. the host of the military summaries of the day, serhiy, congratulations, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today we will talk about the situation on the front line and whether russia really has the opportunity for a new offensive, which the western press is so actively writing about. more on that in a moment. today, our military column is dedicated to the situation on the front line, combat clashes, there were 53 less than usual on the front line in a day, this is about a third or a half less than during the last week, depending on the days, but it is rather such a small pause for the enemy to regroup, because the enemy continues offensive actions on a wide front, tries at any cost... to reach the borders of donetsk and luhansk regions, and this goal remains unchanged. what exactly
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is happening on the front line, what nuances there may be in the perception of certain trends and publications, we will talk with our guest, we will be joined by viktor kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air. good evening, mr. sergey, i am also glad to see you. a number has accumulated. questions that are rather not for me and for our viewers, need such simple and clear explanations, and let's start with the fact that the foreign media all last week wrote about the possibility of an enemy attack on kyiv and kharkiv and sumy already this summer. our military-political leadership has also talked about russia preparing for an offensive, either in the spring or early summer, and this causes various resonances with our viewers and our citizens with... in general, a request to explain, does the enemy really have the opportunity and appropriateness to open these conditionally
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new directions for offensive actions? well , in general, the task of the media is to be interesting and to sell every day as much as possible, and i personally do not see today what exactly the enemy will be able to do, well , at least one offensive operation, i also do not see that he has the resources. and a group ready for action, which could attack something, seize it neither in the spring nor in the summer, if you mention kharkiv, yes, kharkiv remains a convenient target for the russian missile weapons, a great way to sow panic, despair, and provoke social tension, but the city of milyonnik has an area of ​​350 km, to master bakhmut, which has an area of ​​47 km, the enemy created a group of 80
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thousand military personnel, of which about 60,000 were killed and wounded in the battles. there are estimates as high as 100,000. if we interpolate the figures of bahmud-kharkiv, we can easily calculate how many troops are needed to carry out an offensive operation to capture the city of kharkiv, vs. in general, ukraine does not have such a large number of troops, as for sums, here the situation is somewhat different, the enemy uses sumy and the sumy region as a training ground for the preparation of its reinforcements in conditions very close to real combat, the enemy tests here its means of aerial attack, also using the proximity to the front line, the proximity to ukraine. air defense, that is, somewhat reducing the risk to the crews of their planes, the enemy
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tries to test everything that will then be applied on the line of combat. information about the beginning of formation will be an indicator of a bad development for ukraine strike group in the sumy direction. now nothing of the kind is observed , there are no such reports, so my you... then there remains the question of the existing directions where the enemy is conducting combat operations, this... at first i spoke about the avdiiv direction, there is also the novopavliv direction, and there, in fact, the number of attacks of the enemy, well, not really reduced very much, and our soldiers there show miracles of skill when they destroy these advancing mechanized units of the enemy, as it was literally on march 30,
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in your estimation, what is happening on these in two areas, west of avtiivka and on novopavlivskyi. in the direction, what changes are possible, is our defense there a manifestation, well , of such an active defense, in the avdiiv direction, the enemy continues to conduct hostilities, the second and 40th general military armies, this group is reinforced by the 90th tank division, the episode you mentioned march 30 is the attack of the sixth tank regiment, which would not have happened... since about october 2023, the enemy attacked the defense forces in the tonenko area, a tank battalion supported by a mechanized company, that is, there were 36 tanks and 12 infantry fighting vehicles on the battlefield at the same time. the enemy advanced somewhat to the north-west of the village, but in
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general the units of tavria sturm repulsed, at the same time destroying 12 tanks and... in the direction active fighting is going on in the area of ​​berdichy, south of nevilskyi and near pervomaiskyi, positional battles in the area of ​​semyonovka and umanskyi are not are stopped, the perspective is to create conditions for the encirclement of the city of toretsk in advancing in the direction of yar to the north and to the west of avdi. concerning the main forces of the eighth general military army and the first army corps are conducting combat operations in the novopavlovsk direction, in the novomykhayka area. the purpose of these actions is to bypass the left flank of the group of defense forces in the area of ​​ugledar and get behind it, thus either creating a threat to the encirclement, or forcing
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our troops to retreat in the western direction. battles continue near novomykhaivka, near georgiivka, positional battles in krasnohorivka are won, but the enemy, having an advantage, advances 100-200 m, then loses what what has been gained, the situation is not, not in whose favor. regarding your question about the activity of the ukrainian defense, i would say that the ukrainian defense is active in both directions. but is not a canonical example of activity, this is the use of new forms and methods, this is the use of drones, with a first-person view, the wide use of small electronic warfare stations, a lot of excellent examples of the interaction of unmanned systems and artillery, the operational-strategic
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grouping of tavria troops, that is, we are passive. we give in and we do it a lot often, very well. i can't help but ask about these two areas in the north, kupyansk, liman, the enemy has concentrated a significant amount of forces and means there, there is a large amount of artillery, but the impression is that the enemy cannot fully activate all its capabilities , why is it so, or simply he can't do it, or doesn't want to, or we don't give him the opportunity. what is there, look at what we see: the concentration stage has long passed, the strike groups of the creation are deployed, they started conducting hostilities about six months ago, the groups western troops, which are the most powerful, has three armies, one of which is a tank army, the only one in europe, this group
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is trying to capture kupinsk and reach the banks of the oskil river. but for now she is stuck in synkivka and can't do anything about it, she tried to attack through the barrier, but nothing worked either. i think that the reason for the problems of the western troop grouping is that in the previous battles the enemy lost a lot of officers, tactical units and a lot of non-commissioned officers, because of this any tactical actions of small units are carried out, to put it mildly, dilettante and... do not bring success, even in terms of realizing numerical superiority. as for the liman direction, where the center is operating. let me remind you that two combined armies are needed... each brigade was transferred from under the estuary to the avdiiv direction. accordingly, the military group, which is smaller in size, has smaller operational reserves,
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but the truth and actions on a smaller front, focuses on the capture of liman, makes efforts to at least partially eliminate the bridgehead of the defense forces on the black river stallion, and can achieve nothing neither on the first nor on the second. directions, all these actions should be considered in a broader context, they are forming operations that create the prerequisites for the further offensive of the slavic-kramator agglomeration, which may happen sometime at the end of the summer, hardly earlier, so i think that the enemy is not trying to be active, saving forces, preparing for the operation, which will be carried out somewhat... and then the question arises about the state of the enemy's forces, about his reserves, about his capabilities, here i will mention the forecast of the leader
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gur kryla budanov said about a week ago that sometime in april , the enemy's forces could be depleted, is it possible to believe it, are there any prerequisites for such a forecast? everything is very simple, if we are talking about... the shortage of ammunition, can we immediately talk about the exhaustion of the enemy, and how to exhaust him, in a good word. in general, the actions of the enemy, which are aimed at the preparation of this strategic offensive operation, which can be carried out at the end of summer, at the beginning of autumn, have some operational perspective. such actions can become a blow to the left flank of the zaporizhzhya front, with the aim of rolling it in the direction from... to the west and mastering the slavic-kramator agglomeration. all that is happening now , in one way or another, is the preparation of these two
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major offensive operations. therefore, reducing the enemy's activity does not mean his exhaustion. this is the stage of accumulation of resources, formation of operational and tactical conditions, accumulation of means for further actions. therefore, i do not think that it is correct to talk about... exhausting the enemy already this spring, we have nothing to do about it. mr. viktor, we are with you have repeatedly assumed a high probability of mobilization by the enemy after the end of the so-called elections in the russian federation, but now we do not see this. does this mean that the existing models of replenishment of personnel at the expense of big money there, or the transfer of these human resources from conscripts who finish their service to... uh, contract workers will be enough for this enemy, or should we still expect such more reactive actions on the part of the enemy to increase the number, which goes to
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the formation of new units and compensation losses currently, the system of equipping the armed forces of the russian federation covers losses, but does not allow the deployment of operational and strategic reserves. there are some concerns that will free up. 150,000 conscripts will give the enemy 150,000 contract soldiers at once , this will not happen, although we should not rule out the possibility that most of this contingent may be forced to be on the front line, because someone signed the contracts retroactively with their left hand behind their feet, without mobilizing the enemy to form strategic reserves are not. this is about which one the size of these reserves should be, it seems, the russian minister of defense spoke a month ago, announcing the deployment of a new
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army, several divisions, without the simultaneous replenishment of a huge amount of weapons, military equipment and appropriately trained personnel, well, all this does not say anything, therefore i think that until... until the end of spring, the usual recruitment procedures will continue, the search for all kinds of volunteers who will be supplied to units on the front line, but mobilization will not be avoided, the only question is when and how many people will the enemy summon, mr. victor, and will the enemy use this effect of the terrorist attack in crocus for promotion? such an internal mobilization or incitement of passions, so that it was much easier to shave, relatively speaking, the army? er, the terrorist attack in crocus is a game
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of the russian... special services, all this is aimed at increasing the unity of russian society in the face of some threat, and the branch is this threat, the united states, nato, ukraine , personally, mr. budanov, there someone else, for the enemy it doesn't matter, some special ones he does not need reasons to announce and mobilize, we are dealing with a dictatorship that does not consider anything necessary. dream of their citizens, so one step will remain, there will still be 5-10 of them there , it will not be reflected in the mobilization, and then i cannot ask about our realities, because some influential foreign experts, in particular there, mile kofman, who is well known to all of us , says that if ukraine does not solve the personnel problem in its army in the coming months, then in the second half of the 24th year there is
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there are serious threats of the risks of a russian breakthrough, he says that this is the primary problem of the ukrainian army, then ammunition and fortifications, how do you assess such risks, do we have the time and opportunities to deal with these threats. mr. kofman, a senior researcher at the center for naval analysis, is primarily an expert on the russian armed forces, so he is familiar with post-soviet manning systems. understands well how it works. allegations of understaffing in the defense forces, in my opinion, are absolutely correct. we are repeating the mistake of the struggle for the independence of the ukrainian people's republic at the beginning of the 20s of the last century. the stability of the defense, the stability of the defense of ukraine is threatened by two shortages: a shortage of personnel and a shortage of ammunition. we have the opportunity to overcome both deficits. but without restarting.
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the process of mobilization will not be able to do anything, recruiting centers that are starting to open, gentle mobilization, audit of the armed forces, will not solve the problem of a sharp increase in the number of troops. state avoids hard coercion, having at its disposal the only effective tool - coercion, so unfortunately, if this view is not changed, we will have very big ... problems in the event that the enemy begins large-scale military operations in the second half of this year . what time window of opportunity do we have to make the mobilization work more effectively. this should have been done at the end of last year. we hoped that the law would be adopted quickly, but the norms
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contained in this law are not radically changed. absolutely nothing, that’s why it should be adopted in some new format, will we get another 45 amendments, now there is a mobilization system , there is a normative legislative framework that prevents the implementation and putting at least 3000 people under arms, i honestly don’t understand, i think it’s someone’s reluctance to drop the rating and gain. unpopularity is an unpopular step, but if by the end of spring we don't mobilize and begin the stage of unit training, we will have very big problems. mr. victor, thank you very much for these comments, for these clear accents regarding ours reality, and i will remind our viewers that it was viktor kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies. these were the main emphasis of the military.
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today's results, more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhii zgorets, thanks to his guest, these were the military results of the day, we continue, the second hour of the great ether, a lot of interesting and important information is ahead, now we start with what, the most important news as of this hour. fired at the residential sector of kupyansk, a large-scale fire broke out on the spot , a large-scale fire broke out on the spot, the state emergency service was notified, the flames covered almost 300 meters, one of the buildings was completely on fire. rescuers managed to extinguish the fire. fortunately, there are no victims or victims in this situation.


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