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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. expert analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, highlights, emotions, a project for both experienced fans and and simply for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new one. two-hour format , even more analytics, even more important topics , even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue the great ater, and i join oleksandr morchavka in the conversation. money in war is important and it is important to understand what happens to it. oleksandr, good evening, please. thank you, vasyl, for your words, in the next few minutes i will talk about international income, as well as what is happening now with the exchange rate, why the dollar is getting more expensive, you will learn about the future of ukrainian energy, whether ukrainians will have electricity, in particular in the summer, everything in detail wait a moment, i'm oleksandr morchivka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i traditionally start with a review of international income to ours.
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the state budget received 118 million dollars from the japanese government. according to the ministry of finance, the funds will help expand ukrainians' access to medical services, and will also ensure overcoming the consequences caused by russia's armed aggression. this is the financing of the reconstruction of the housing infrastructure of our motherland. and the national bank increased the exchange rate of the dollar against the hryvnia. american money rose in price after falling against. during the last three days, now they cost a little more than uah 39. as the head of the nbu, andriy pishnyi, stated, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the foreign exchange market, there is a shortage of currency, and without the intervention of the nbu, the exchange rate dynamics would turn into a chronic devaluation, that is, a sharp drop of the hryvnia. well, in order to control the exchange rate, the national bank sold more than 654 million dollars in essence last week.
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in march, quite a lot of the gold and foreign exchange reserves go to the interbank market in order to to restrain the growth of the dollar, to support the national currency, well, essentially. forecasts are within the norm, in fact, uah 40 per dollar is not expected, now the national bank has a sufficient margin of safety, a reserve of international money, let me remind you that last week financing came from the international monetary fund, another part of the loan, so these are the fluctuations in essence the expected and positive news that already in april ukraine can receive international aid from the united states will only support the stability of the hryvnia. from tomorrow polish farmers plan to renew the blocking of the ukrainian border at the crossing point from hrynyv to logobychyv. the protest was suspended for the easter holidays. now traffic is free there in both directions,
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andrii demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service, said. at the same time , the movement of trucks in the direction of the yagodyn and rava-ruska checkpoints remains blocked. on the territory. in poland, a total of half a thousand trucks are waiting in line. and by the way, the ukrainian and polish agricultural associations are going to continue negotiations on the transit of our country next week grain and the unblocking of the border, well , the ministry of agrarian policy reported about it, and so far we can see that the protests of polish farmers are continuing. starting today , the minimum wage in ukraine has increased from uah 7,100 to uah 800. such growth was included in the state budget for the current year. along with the minimum wage, the size of the single social contribution is also changing, so the euv in our country is 22%. accordingly, from april, the amount of the tax will increase to uah 1,760. at the same time, this
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increase will not affect the income limit of fops and the amount of the single tax. fops are tied to change to size. minimum, which is set at the beginning of the calendar year , that is, the minimum at the beginning of the year was 700, so for the time being, such a penalty will be in effect for fops, well, we have a story in which our journalists understood what is now with the ukrainian energy industry, how much is due to enemies the generation lost the shelling, let's see, then we will discuss with an expert, what can we ordinary consumers expect. since mid-march, the russians have resumed massive attacks on our country power system why not in winter, namely now, when ukraine ends the heating season early, one can only guess. among the versions, putin was waiting for the end of the so-called elections
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to further escalate the conflict. perhaps the goal of the russians is to systematically harm ukrainian industry in order to destabilize the already difficult economic situation. another version: attacks a this is a response to attacks on russian refineries, due to which russia is already experiencing a fuel shortage. in the end, it may be about banal terror, because moscow has been more than once proved that she does not need any pretexts to bomb peaceful cities and civilian objects. eight rockets flew over the dnipro hes. the facility has stopped working. but the dam survived, this week the russians attacked the kaniv and dniester hpps. president zelenskyy emphasized that the attacks pose a threat not only to ukraine, but also to its neighbors. russia wants a repeat of such a disaster, which they staged at the kokhov station. it must become
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a joint task, not only ukrainian, so that such ecological disasters do not happen again in our country. europe, except for ukraine, moldova is under direct threat. however, even if the dams survive, ukrainian energy will still feel the consequences. its basis is nuclear plants, which, at least until the russians have the sense not to strike deliberately. hydrogen generation in our system is about 8%, but it plays a big role for the so-called maneuvering, that is, the quick connection of additional capacities during peak hours of consumption, which is why the russians are purposefully trying to knock out these objects, the damage from hits is estimated in the hundreds million, repairs can take months or even years. the minister of energy of ukraine herman galushchenko said on the air of the telethon about hopes for international help. we
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already have mechanisms that have been working since the beginning of the great aggression, this is the fund, the energy fund to support the energy sector of ukraine. we... are in constant, constant communication, including the united states, great britain, all eu countries, without exception, this is japan, which also helps us a lot in the energy sector. according to the minister, the goal of the first massive attack on the power system in 2024 is 22 in march, a total blackout was planned in ukraine, the enemy did not succeed in reaching it, both thanks to the air defense forces and the physical protection of part of the energy facilities, which they managed to bring down even before winter, the light disappeared only in some regions and cities. kharkiv was the most affected. we lost more than of the generation that was available to us on march 20, and this is something that most likely will not be able
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to be restored quickly, that is, this part will not be restored, i am afraid that even by the next heating season, it will not be possible to restore it for the most part. another reason for unrest, more and more frequent strikes by the russians on gas facilities, in particular gas storage facilities... in the west of ukraine, it is physically impossible to destroy them, because they are located deep underground, but it is possible to damage the ground infrastructure, and in winter, when fuel will be desperately needed, its it will be impossible to quickly raise it, and this may frighten european gas traders, to whom ukraine has been offering its gas storage capacities in recent years. and we are joined by oleg popenko, the head of the union of utility consumers , good. good evening, mr. oleg, good evening, well, now the government and ukrenergo are saying, in particular, that our generation and
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deficit are replenished by international partners, several european union countries are helping, but we must understand that today one country has something to help tomorrow, it will not give us additional electricity, what is the way out of the situation given this analysis that we just looked at in the plot? well, let's say that the situation in the energy sector is really... difficult, and we lost partial generation, which we will not be able to restore even after six months and a year, and these are not the transformers at the substation where we have stocks, the equipment that was provided to us there throughout 2023 for hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars, they were provided to us for spare parts for transformer substations, to restore the existing generation, i mean dniprohets, tc5 in kharkiv, and... those generation capacities lost by central energy need to be there for years, so this is a serious problem that will
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await us already this summer, and how we will cover this shortage of electricity, i still do not see and do not understand , than, i think, us nevertheless, there will be constant blackouts, which are currently in several areas, i think, the further, the more problems with blackouts and it will be as it applies to all pro-front areas and those bordering them, as it was last time, when sumy, kharkiv , donetsk , dnipropetrovsk, poltava, kirovohrad, odesa, and khmelnytsky regions were all completely or partially disconnected from electricity at the same time, i think this will continue to await us, because the existing generation will be restored quickly, well, quickly have on keep in mind that six months to a year will be extremely difficult, but let's be honest, impossible. mr. oleg , that is, ukrainians can survive the next winter
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, but with certain planned or perhaps chaotic, indeed, if there are certain attacks, blackouts, but at the same time, is there a certain period the same summer, autumn, when possible, with the help international financing, international technologies , such small modular stations, modular constructions that will support generation will be built. and maybe somehow this option will solve the problem, albeit temporarily, well, let's talk about the fact that distributed generation should be implemented in ukraine, these conversations are going on in the verkhovna rada, in the cabinet of ministers starting from the beginning of 2023, but i do not know the real results, bills, which legislative acts that would contribute to this, tax benefits, some additional ones. benefits there when passing through customs for energy
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companies, i don't see it yet, so the idea is absolutely right, and you need to do it, you need to work on it, but i only see some statements, political statements, the last few a few days ago, the chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on energy and utilities spoke about ceros, but let's look at the real result. please tell me at least one law. unfortunately, the connection was lost. we will thank our expert who joined the conversation, and the political will is really necessary in... i think it is there, now we just have to work out bills that would implement, well, various innovations, because the next winter can really be difficult for many ukrainians war, you always know, the one who changes wins well, in the right direction, and quickly, now is the time to change quickly, time to act quickly. i will wrap up the conversation, but there is a big
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broadcast going on, there will be more to come, watch us. thank you to oleksandr morchivka, and now i will add serhii rudenko to the conversation, the verdict program traditionally starts at 8 p.m., but what will be discussed, serhii, please tell me, good evening, vasyl, at 8 p.m. our two-hour program starts, in in the first part of our program, we will talk about how the enemy carries out massive attacks on kharkiv with guided aerial bombs, despite regular. shelling in the residents of kharkiv do not yet see a reason for evacuation, and in the context of what president zelensky said a few days ago, should we wait for the russian offensive on kharkiv and in the kharkiv direction, and not only in the kharkiv direction, since the russians have been quite active
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in striking over the last month in the sumy region on the border of the sumy and kursk regions, there... in fact , there are almost no forces left on the border, this means in the border area, does this mean that the russian army is really preparing for a large-scale offensive in may-june, as zelenskyi said, we will talk about all this in the program with russian-ukrainian war veteran yevhen dyky, sbu general viktor yagun, we will talk about the first suspicion of russian propagandist margarita simonyan, today. the security service of ukraine made public a criminal suspicion, announced, or rather, a criminal suspicion for complicity in the genocide of the ukrainian people, can we expect that russian propagandists, like the german propagandists and hitler's henchmen once, and now putin's henchmen, will appear before an international tribunal, and they will be, as well as
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putin has been issued a warrant from the international criminal court, and most importantly, what goal is the russian federation pursuing, playing the card of ukrainians as terrorists, and ukraine as a terrorist state, who is it directed at, and what can it do as a result, or what can the russian federation do, striking ukraine, justifying their crimes. we will talk about all this with viktor yagun, and the third guest of our first part of the program is ihor reiterovych. let's talk about layoffs. in the office of the president of ukraine, one one of zelenskyi's closest associates resigned, i.e. he was dismissed, fired from his post, this is serhii shevir, a person who did too much for us to see president zelenskyi as we see him now, i.e. they are already familiar there 30 years, and suddenly he was dismissed from the position
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of adviser to the president of ukraine, what is this connected with, a word about domestic politics, as well as how domestic politics affects... we will talk to igor reiterovych about foreign policy. in the second part of our program, we will talk about the holy war of the russian orthodox church against ukraine, the expected russian offensive in may-june, and why zelensky actually got rid of his best friend, together with virtual guests, or rather virtual ones, who will be present with us to comment on the events. and for the last few days, i will be in the studio, so from 21:15 there will be an hour of comments and an hour of your reactions to what was heard and said, we start at 20:00, for now vasyl's big winter broadcast continues, and vasyl, i have your word. thank you very much sergey, so at 20
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the verdict program, well, just now from yevhen pastokhov, a review of sports events that took place in these. them, well, we are already watching today. a shower of goals in poltava and the effective return of andriy yarmolenko. dynamo kyiv inflicted a crushing defeat on vorskla in the match of the 22nd round of the ukrainian premier league. the game was interrupted for a long time due to the air alarm, despite this, dynamo scored five goals to any taste, to which the home team managed to respond with only one goal taken by the opponent. for dynamo , vladyslav vanat and mykola scored twice shaparenko, volodymyr brashko and andriy yarmolenko, who appeared on the field for the first time since last october, after a serious injury. novachok of poltava scored for vorska. mykola kovtalyuk. championship leader donetsk shakhtar also convincingly won their match of the 22nd round. the players celebrated a victory over the capital's obolonya with a score of 3:0.
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kryvbas continues to pursue donetsk residents in the standings. yury vernedub's team won over veres 2:0. unsuccessful streak continues. this time, zhytomyr lost to chornomorets with a score of 1:4. pass that alexandria drew 2:2. dnipro-1 lost. colossus 2:0. another failure was experienced by metalist 1925. this time viktor skrypnyk's team lost to the stars 1:2. artem dovbyk broke a long goalless streak as part of girona. the forward of the ukrainian national team scored two goals in the match of the 30th round of the spanish championship against betis. the frantic game ended with a score of 3:2 in favor of the catalans. the ukrainian twice brought his team ahead. it was dovbyk who opened the scoring with a penalty kick in the... minute of the first half. already scored his second goal artem scored the equalizer after the break. the forward confidently realized the exit from shnavich. victor tsygankov also took part in the combination.
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christian stuani scored girona's victory in stoppage time. artem dovbek became the leader of the scoring race in la liga. he drew level with real madrid's jude burlingham and osasuna's ante budimir. all have 16 heads. two players of the national team of ukraine, roman yaremchuk and ruslan malinovsky, were injured. last weekend. yaremchuk injured his hamstring while defending the colors of valencia in the match against mallorca they do not talk about the terms of the forward's return to the field in the state of bats. midfielder geno malinowski injured a muscle in the italian championship game against frosinone. griffins head coach alberto gelardino believes that the ukrainian will not miss many matches. ukraine won four medals at the artistic gymnastics grand prix stage in thieu, france. the competition is over . until march 31. victoria onoprienko won two gold awards. she had no equal in exercises with a hoop and a ball. and isia onofriychuk took bronze in exercises with
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tape another bronze medal went to ukrainian women in group exercises, all-around. the uti stage became the third in the current season of the grand prix in rhythmic gymnastics. in total , our athletes won 14 medals at three stages. well, thank you for being with us , support the armed forces of ukraine, stay for the espresso, now the weather is from natalka didenko, at 20 o'clock the verdict program, be with us, all the best to you, hello, our dear viewers, and you and i begin our meeting today except that we together we met flowers, the most romantic , the most beautiful. i think it's the month of spring, but we'll talk about the results of march in kyiv, it's important to sum up the results , let's see together, so according to the observations
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of the central geophysical observatory named after boris sreznyvskyi, the average monthly air temperature in march in kyiv was 4.8, which is 2 above the climatic norm ,3°. the coldest was march 8 -4.8 in the morning, the warmest was march 31. the air temperature rose to 25° with a tail and thus set a temperature record, well, on this particular day, i emphasize, the average daily air temperature was the highest for the entire time of observation for this day, and exceeded the indicator of 1968 by almost 2°, according to long-term indicators, this air temperature generally corresponds to may 23, that's how much rain fell. uh , 55 mm fell at the weather station of the observatory, which is 138% of the climatic norm, well, we talked about the past, so to speak, uh, about
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the results of march, let’s move on , now let’s look at magnetic storms, and now for your attention is a forecast diagram from which you can see , what tomorrow, in the morning, there will be such a not insignificant fluctuation, a slight increase, but in principle it is a quite calm situation , nothing threatening, so we are moving on to the actual weather forecast, so tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine rains are expected, the rains will be accompanied by thunderstorms, the air temperature will drop to 11-16°, well , only in the ternopil region, it can sometimes be a little higher if there is no rain. in the north of ukraine, tomorrow without significant precipitation, it is very warm, +20, +24, +20 +25°, but in the evening on zhytomyr region and kyiv region. there is a chance of light rain with thunderstorms. in the east of ukraine , tomorrow is expected to be almost summer, dry, sunny 20-25° above zero. in the central
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part of ukraine. tomorrow will also be warm, without precipitation, the air temperature will range from 20 to 25°, it may be a little fresher at first, but still quite warm, dry air will prevail in the southern part of ukraine, the air temperature will be 20-25° on the sea coasts, but in odesa region, in odesa, for example, it will be cold +12 +17. well, and it will be a warm day in kyiv tomorrow, up to 24°. only in the evening there is a possibility of a little rain, but the nuance is that tomorrow there will be a strong wind in the capital, as well as in the whole of ukraine, by the way, and i also want to say a few words about such an urgent topic today as air dustiness, and i want to explain that these are not dust storms observed in ukraine, it is, together with heat, dust particles from the northern regions of the sahara rose into the upper atmosphere, and thanks to the mixing of air
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masses, they have traveled such a significant way, and such a deterioration in quality is observed air and visibility in many european countries, including ukraine, and tomorrow this pollination will reach many of our regions, so there is no need to worry, pay special attention to people who have respiratory problems, washing windows can be postponed a little later for a few days, it’s okay, and ventilating the apartment also depends on... here is the quality of the air, and i repeat once again, these are not dust storms, which happen in ukraine, both in spring and summer, mainly in the south and east, but it ’s like this sahara waved her hand at us and brought us not only such honey-like warmth, but also a little spoonful of heat in the form of such dusting of the air, so it’s nothing to worry about, carefully listen to our forecasts, and to such interesting reports, and...
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well, all the best, most reliable information always at your service on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this program is a verdict. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours we will talk about... about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory. today in program guided aerial bombs in the city of millionaire. despite regular shelling, kharkiv sees no reason to evacuate. in which direction should the russian offensive be expected? hunting for a baby. russia demands the extradition of the head of the security service of ukraine. why are cynical performances around the theater for the kremlin?
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crocus game loan assistance. the us congress is seriously considering trump's strange proposal. what will american debt support mean for ukraine? we will talk about this and other things with our guests for the next hour veteran of the russian-ukrainian war yevhen dyky, sbu general viktor yagun and political expert ihor reiterovych. in the second part of our program, which will begin in an hour, we will talk about the holy war of the russian orthodox church against ukraine, the expected russian offensive in may-june this year, and why zelensky got rid of his best friend. however, before we start our big conversation, let's watch a video of how sicheslav paratroopers destroyed a column of enemy equipment, four tanks and several bmps, the invaders, turned into metallurgy a video of the filigree work
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was released on the 25th. kremi in the airborne brigade, let's see.


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