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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:29pm EEST

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let's see. glory to the sicheslav paratroopers, glory to the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we are live.
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tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please add us to your favorite pages, become our friends, and take our survey. today we ask you the following question: do you think the west is ready for the defeat of russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, personal opinion and special opinion, please write it in comments below this video, if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote if you think the west is ready to defeat russia (0800-211-381), or 0800 211382. all calls to these numbers are free. and we have our first guest on the phone, this is yevhen dykiy, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, former platoon commander of the aidar battalion, head of the national antarctic scientific center, sir. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being
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with us today, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. evgeny, let's start our conversation with a statement zelenskyi that russia is preparing an offensive, a broad offensive that may begin in may, june this year, and analysts of the american institute for the study of war also suggest that a likely large-scale offensive in late spring or summer may focus russia in the west. donetsk region, and these analysts add that the troops of the russian federation will be able to advance in only one operational direction, which, in your opinion, mr. yevgeny, is the possible development of the scenario on the russian-ukrainian front in the next few months. well look let's start with the fact that i would, if you and i spoke in english and somewhere in the western public space, then i would support him in every way. message that
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at the end of spring they will start again, and we are not ready for that, by the way, that we are not ready is the absolute truth, but we speak to our audience in ukrainian, for the western audience we need to give them the shortest terms , so that they would move at least a little with armed help, that is, with providing us with the iron we need, but we still have to make a more realistic assessment for ourselves, and although i definitely agree that a big russian offensive is ahead, that it was. that's why i don't agree with these public estimates that it will be so soon, i still think that kirill budanov's estimates are more accurate that, on the contrary, that contingent that is creeping up on us now, that contingent, what that contingent, which right now on the screen is losing those flaming wedges, that contingent which, unfortunately, nevertheless advances every day in a so -called postavdiyev direction. i.e
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leaving adiyivka behind , they will die in april, but they are still paying very dearly for their promotion now, they are really advancing, well, almost every day, but this promotion is very peculiar, well, somewhere you can say that they, well conditionally squeezed for a day, for example, three of our positions, after that our reserves are tightened from two out of three they are kicked out, that is , they leave behind our that little by little , but this is just like that, first of all, it is such a constant pendulum process, here are three steps forward, two back, three forward, two back, and secondly, they pay very dearly for each of these steps, therefore, with replenishment they are temporary, it is very important that these words are temporary, but temporary problems, so it seems to me that just somewhere in april, they will run out of steam and there will be a certain operational pause, but it will not be long, the fact is that the problems... with their replenishment
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were caused by the holding of these so-called pu elections, well, we do not understand why they had to take a pause in mobilization , because there were still no elections, elections are still absolutely. well, fictitious and it was, they didn't even hide that they were fictitious, but we have a very different mentality with them, but we are already very different, no one in them tried to even pretend that it was a real choice, it was a certain religious ritual, it was an oath of loyalty to the sovereign emperor, and i really didn't want to spoil this ritual, well, the ritual took place, at the same time, we must give due credit, the ritual took place correctly, the russian people swore to the sovereign, it didn't spoil anything, but... now for this the oath must be paid, went to the polling stations, we danced there, and now let's go to the military commander, most likely right now , when we are talking to you, pechkin's patrolmen are distributing letters of happiness all over russia , but another thing is that from the moment the summons are distributed, until the moment a new wave
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of mobs appears at the front , well, it’s a few months , it’s about four or five months, this mobilization cycle, from summonses to the front, especially since it seems that now they are trying not to repeat the mistakes of the 22nd year, when they raked a little too many people at the same time, so they raked 450 at the same time and were not ready for it, then in fact the system collapsed, they threw people out even without sleeping bags and tents in the forest, they sent people to the front directly in civilian clothes with the fact that on the spot the commanders somehow dressed them, it is not clear how in trophy or what, but but somehow they survived it then, this one even... by russian standards a fantastic mess, and it was these 450,000 mobs who were recruited then, and of whom we then joked like shit, but they really were scumbags, but there were 450,000 of them , and they were the ones who were kept as a result sorovikin's line and stopped our offensive in the 23rd year, so there are certain signs that
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they have now taken these mistakes into account, firstly, if you believe that leak, that is , what was left there of the russian independents media, published an alleged secret order of shuigu to recruit an additional 300 thousand mobilized, this looks like an upper limit, the throughput of their mobilization system at one time, then 450 00 could not digest, they took into account and now they take 300 who are able to digest, ee they are not going to send them to the front at all without training, but at the same time the training programs have been greatly shortened, they now have... the training program for an entire motorized rifle, i.e. infantry battalion, and this also means the training of individual fighters and the coordination of units, it is now reduced to 27 days, it is, of course, a circus on drotii, our smallest program gives 60 days, and
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we believe that we greatly shortened the programs specifically for wartime, but the russians now have 27 days, but one way or another it is much better than zero days, as it was and they have and us. in the 22nd year, so er, therefore, there are reasons to expect that these 300,000 new mobilized people will reach us, well, let's count, approximately four months, the minimum from the moment of the distribution of summons, so it is april, may, june, july, that is, i would not expect their big offensive at the end of spring, but the fact that it will be at the end of summer absolutely does not change the essence of the question, firstly, it will be, they are now gathering people for it, and secondly ,... we are not ready for it, because in the meantime our mobilization is simply being openly sabotaged. against this background, mr. yevgeny, the russians are striking kharkiv and the city's critical infrastructure with aerial bombs. yesterday, the russian occupiers hit
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kharkiv with guided air bombs again, as a result of which an educational institution, a dormitory, and a residential building were damaged. at the same time, the mayor of kharkiv terikhov says that the city authorities and the army... see no reason to evacuate the residents of kharkiv, so what do you think the russians are trying to achieve, well, they are simply chasing residential areas to make people flee, to make people panic , so that it would be easier to win it later city, that is, what is their logic? their logic is actually very simple, linear, and i am very surprised why we are still, let's say, why we are still discussing such issues. they intend to win this war, they intend to win this war, they are not interested in intermediate options, they are interested in the complete occupation of ukraine, complete victory in this war. in order to win this war, they need to destroy their enemy as much as possible, that is, us.
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at the same time, they consider not only zsu as an enemy, by the way, quite justifiably, they, they realized that this was not what was expected of them here, but the groups of nationalists were against it, they realized that now... the ukrainian nation, as it is, is against them, so this nation must be destroyed as much as possible, further, where exactly is this is happening, is kyiv lower now, or kharkiv lower now, or lower now? odesa, this is determined purely by technical reach , that is, they, well, you know, like this folk saying about what a dog, excuse me, is a bit licks himself, because maybe, they destroy us with all the means they can, that's why they even destroyed odesa, because they have onyxes, which are very difficult to intercept, and these onyxes fly to odesa through the black sea simply gorgeous, is there a direct military goal to destroy odesa now, no. there is no immediate direct right now, but there is a global one, in general to win this war.
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so, why odesa, because the onyx fly to it, they don't fly further to the continent, because it is a purely naval missile, that's why odesa, and not, for example, kryvyi rih. so, why kharkiv now? and because they established a sufficiently large production of cabs and fabs in the planning version, that is, they put on the conveyor this conversion of the old soviet bomb into a planning bomb. which now flies not 2-3 km from below the plane, but which now flies, well, the lightest 250-kilogram ones fly 90 km in general, well, accordingly, the heavier, the closer it flies, but even the 500- kilogram ones fly 50-70 km, and in this way they got the opportunity to drop a sufficient number of bombs without entering the zone of influence of our air defense, that's all, they got this technical opportunity, they implemented, therefore kharkiv, therefore sumy, but therefore not kyiv. kyiv will be further than 70 km, you have to go into the range of our anti-aircraft defense and
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shoot them down there, it’s that simple, and kyiv is tested accordingly with daggers and zircons, because they thought that daggers and zircons are not intercepted by patriots, it turned out that that are being intercepted, all of them, to my great regret , are a little behind kyiv, because to be honest, even though i am a kyivan, i feel much calmer when they try to bomb kyiv, which is, after all, the best protected, than when they they switch to those... that is, they solve it purely from a technical point of view, there are no separate complex combinations or political motives, what they can destroy, they destroy. you have already mentioned odesa, the head of the national assembly of france, yal bron pivet , visited odesa and commenting on the words of french president emmanuel macron about the possibility of sending foreign troops to ukraine, she said that everything is possible now, let's listen. what did she say in fact, in his statement, the president
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of the republic said that he does not rule anything out a priori, in the position that france demonstrated, demonstrates and will demonstrate again until the very end, until victory itself, that nothing is excluded, everything remains possible, i will not interpret the president's words additionally, i think that this position is sufficiently clear to her. sir no, how do you assess the prospect of the appearance of french troops near odesa or kyiv, because emmanuel macron said, well, it was reported that he said that it is possible if the russians try to capture odesa or kyiv. well, if so, then to us to wait for their appearance for a long time, but for one second, but in this case, which you did, i would pay attention even to this, first of all, not to the pretzels. including, it seems, even you and i chewed on the topic of the french contingent on the airwaves, on
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the phrase for victory, which, by the way, you rarely hear from western leaders, the absolute majority still stands in the position of not letting putin win, namely the phrase about ukraine's victory, unfortunately, we cannot hear from many allies, for example, from biden have not heard even once in all the time, and when the head of the parliament of a nuclear power states specifically about victory, this is much more important to me personally, even than the context of the conversation about the french contingent, but returning to the contingent, i do not think that we will wait for him, and moreover, i even have great doubts that we really need him, it seems to me that there would be more harm than good, but the conversations about this contingent, they are very useful for us, we should be very grateful to emmanuel to macron, i... what exactly is he became that western leader, a person who called putin two years ago and tried
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to negotiate, but what is it called, he was cured, he drew very correct conclusions from two years of this war and from two years of attempts at western diplomacy with putin, and a person who was the main dove in the west, tried to negotiate with putin already after the beginning of the great war, this person became the first western leader who finally threw a real challenge to putin. and who accepted the game that putin was leading in the same goal. actually, what was happening all the time? well, don't underestimate your enemies. putin has very strong points, and one of the strongest. sides of this kgb officer, this is the ability to keep a poker face and bluff, he is brilliantly able to keep a poker face, even with a very bad game, he bluffs, he raises the stakes, and unfortunately, the west is regularly led to this bluff. actually, joined macron. this is the essence of this bluff: russia intimidates the west with a direct confrontation between the russian army and
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nato. moreover, in reality, the russian army, well , russia as a state and the russian army are crazy they are afraid of it. they. they know very well what will be left of them in such a collision, they remember the 20th year, when something was not shared there, remember this story, something was not shared in the kremlin among themselves, and through diplomatic channels they angered the wagners, they declared to the americans in syria , that ours are not here, well , actually they are gone, but the only battle in the 21st century between the russians and the americans lasted about one hour, more than 200 russians were killed, not a single american was killed, this is technological. of these countries, in fact, russia itself is crazy is afraid of a direct conflict with nato, but it scares me all the time, if we talk from a practical military point of view, then i do not think that we need a french contingent here, they have no experience of such a war, this war is terrible, there will definitely be losses in it immediately , and you
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can imagine how things will rise in france and what the voters will do with macron when the first zinc coffins arrive. therefore, i think that we absolutely do not need it, but the situation is different if we were talking about sending aviation, if we were talking about the fact that they will send here at least one squadron of modern fighters with their pilots, yes, this would cost us very much, but for this we would have to bow down and it would justify everything, and if it is about the infantry, if it is about their military specialists, technicians, let them just give iron, we ourselves... we will manage, mr. yevgeny, you said that the words of the representative of france were heard for the first time, about our victory, about the fact that it will be a victory for ukraine, we are asking our viewers today about , is the west ready for the defeat of russia, because quite often it is biden says we will not allow ukraine
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to be defeated, but they never say that we will do everything so that russia... is defeated, or putin is defeated, or putin's russia, well, in some configurations, why, do you think our western partners avoid this? with all due respect, i paid attention to this survey of yours, thank you for asking , it seems to me that it is fundamentally incorrect, the fact is that you operate with the concept of the event as a single entity, in fact, the collective event exists only . in russian propaganda, it does not exist in the real world, and in no case should you spread the narrative of russian propaganda, just as many people in our country sincerely believed that there is some kind of subjective measure, this war clearly showed that it does not exist, the measure - it is not one entity, the west is a bunch of different players, even at the country level, very different position, but what these
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countries have in common is that they are all democratic, and accordingly within each country there is a... very not one position, and in fact, this is, let's say, the absence of a monolithic collective the west, it harms us more than it helps, but this is the reality as it is , the west is a gathering of a bunch of countries, each of which has a bunch of opinions, and not a single player, which is, for example, russia, because the kremlin decides everything there, moreover, there in the kremlin everything is decided by one person, but in no case can you draw parallels here, these are completely different worlds arranged in different ways, so it is not possible... in principle, you can answer your question : is the west ready or not ready for defeat of russia, because the west is both biden and trump, the west is britain, and france, and germany, in in germany, in germany, even in the ruling coalition, it is annalena burbok, who is ready for the defeat of russia, and chancellor scholz, who is hardly ready for this, and so on, so
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we must clearly understand what we have, what our allies are not a subject, our allies are great. and a conglomerate of very different subjects, with each of which we need to build work in our own way, and some of these subjects are already ready for the defeat of russia and dream of it, these are, for example, the baltic countries, these are, for example, the finns, this the swedes, the poles, the british, they are the ones operating the concept of the defeat of russia, and for them it is not fear, on the contrary, it is happiness, but in the meantime , even at the level of countries, there are a number of countries that cannot imagine it or are afraid, and unfortunately, among those... so far our main ally, president biden, fears the defeat of russia much more than other scenarios, and it is our job to build our own... separate diplomacy, separate work with each of these players and bring them to understand that without the defeat of russia, all other scenarios do not work, that in this war there will be either the defeat of russia, or
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the victory of russia, all the intermediate options that they might have dreamed about, unfortunately, are not real, it will be either master or gone, and i am very glad that france now seems to be joining the part of countries that have understood this. thank you, mr. yevgeny, it was yevhen dykiy, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian conflict. war friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching there live. please like this video and take part in our survey. we ask you today about this, is the west ready for the defeat of russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple in youtube, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. if you think that the western countries are ready for the defeat of russia? 0.800-211-381, no 0800. 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free. next, we will be in touch with viktor yagun, major general of the reserve sbu, deputy head of the security service of ukraine in 2014-15. mr. general, i
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salute you and thank you for being with us today? yes, good health. today, the sbu reported on suspicion of russian propagandists margarita simonyan because of calls for the genocide of ukrainians, among the new ones for the document'. the head of the rt tv channel (rasha today) , in particular, public institutions, calls for the mass murder of ukrainian children, campaigning for the continuation of missile and bomb attacks on the civilian infrastructure of ukraine, she was informed in absentia of a new suspicion under four articles of the criminal code of ukraine: genocide, encroachment on territorial integrity and inviolability of ukraine, propaganda of war, justification of armed forces aggression of the russian federation. mr. general, what contribution do you think propagandists such as margarita simonyan made to the russian-ukrainian war, and will they all
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appear before the court, well, i wanted before an international tribunal, but do their activities now deserve the same punishment or for consideration, as it once was after the second world war, when german propagandists, hitler's propagandists... testified and were forced to answer for what they had done, well, not only, not only german, but also collaborators who took part in spreading false information using their language from the power of germany, they also suffered punishment in the countries they broadcast to, so i think that semenyan and company... they definitely belong to that, that group of people who will answer to the ukrainian society, to ukraine, to the international
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society about the propaganda of the war, about the propaganda, i don't even know how to call it, some unrestrained, unrestrained, unrestrained attitude towards their neighbors. to others, that's why i believe that these are precisely the people who carry a very big responsibility, and look , a survey recently came in russia, literally today it was published, i understand, about who is responsible for the terrorist act in crocus, in crocus, in crocus, and 70.5% of the citizens of the russian federation so, to one degree or another, they determine that ukraine is responsible for this terrorist attack, well, they don’t just take it as evidence,
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they take it from propaganda, and the treatment of this sick society, we will also have to understand how to do it someday, so their responsibility is quite powerful, and what they say there is in the direction of ukraine, in the direction of its thunder. confirm the fact that they are engaged in criminal activities, but we see, as you already mentioned this survey, which says that the majority of russian residents share the thesis of dictator putin about the involvement... in the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall concert hall near moscow , and against this background, russia accused ukraine of terrorist attacks and
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called already. hand over the head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk, to them, the sbu called the statement cynicism about terrorism are heard from the terrorist country itself against the background of the anniversary of buchi's release, and they also reminded that putin is waiting in the gas, trying to appeal to the norms of international law, namely to the convention on combating terrorism, the sbu statement says, the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation forgets, what is putin, an international manhunt has been officially announced. in particular, he is expected at the hague tribunal for the kidnapping of ukrainian children. the fact that russia is trying to accuse ukraine now of involvement in this terrorist attack is more aimed at the domestic consumer, sir generals, or on external consumers, those leaders of countries who hesitate or try to play along with russia in order to explain to their own citizens at the same time
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why... they support russia in the russian-ukrainian war? i think that this statement and these messages were not directed at the foreign market as well, because it is really necessary to somehow justify and somehow convince those countries that are wavering that ukraine is engaged in terrorist activities on the territory of russia, everything else is incidental , for for domestic consumer they tried to do it, well, to what extent they ... they concentrated their efforts there and mobilized their hatred towards ukraine, i don't know what needs to be done there to stop their citizens, if they don't have some kind of analytical, adequate thinking, then what can we talk about with them, this is this really sick society, in its overwhelming majority, especially not so much the accusation of ukraine in this particular terrorist act, as
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the accusation. in general, in the actions of the russian federation on its territory, in the occupied territories, they believe that this is the execution of terrorist actions of some kind, and this generally indicates that ukraine is a terrorist state, well, if for a certain number of countries there are up to 10, that is already clear, then for others, well, if they are in it will believe, then it is theirs. their problem , because international terrorism, it has, it has no borders, and combating this terrorism requires international efforts, and if russia ever asks for help, faced with total terror on its territory, uh, it will not run to those countries that she is trying to do something there to convince, she will run to those who have operational sources and opportunities to counter.
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of terror, and accusing ukraine and ukraine's allies, primarily the united states and britain, of this terrorist act, well , i think that they will have to make a lot of effort to establish some kind of relationship there again in the future. well, mr. general, it is absolutely obvious that russia's preparations for the war against ukraine were quite... large-scale, long-lasting, complex, and perhaps the most important thing that happened during this preparation was that informational component, i.e. we have already started simanyan, and it is absolutely obvious that this war in the fourth dimension, i.e. informational, was almost the main one on the territory of the russian federation, on the territory of ukraine.


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