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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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there was no such thing, as many as three, now, there were two , well, i’m not talking about some others who deal with other issues, formally yes tatarov dealt with purely law enforcement issues, he was the curator of law enforcement agencies, but well, as they say, in reality, since he is like a former a lawyer and a law enforcement officer, he knows a lot about the work of our judicial system, knows how these people work, how to influence them, that's why he's not a uniform. i think it exerted influence, because it was always weak in the presidential team, i will tell you this, during poroshenko's time, there granovsky was solving the problem, by the way, at that time he was the best friend of gennady kernes, the mayor of kharkiv, but he was solving the problem, and everyone knew how, but zelenskyi didn’t have such a person for a long time, because they actually came without a team, smirnov was busy, but... formal, and there
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were some connections, but the efficiency of the work in this direction was not very high, in particular, it was noticeable in the conflict with the constitutional court, tatarov, in fact, for the last two years, i think, no less, if not more, he too, well almost from the moment of appointment, he is also informally the curator of this sphere, so i do not think that his influence will increase, on the contrary, i will tell you, tatarov for the last year and a half, thanks to journalists, as on... the field, the attention to him is enormous, he as under the spotlight , that's why i think he acts very carefully, well , there was one puncture with the former deputy minister of internal affairs, where he was recorded, there was a puncture, they were walking at night, in the district, yes, and so he tries to avoid such people, let's say, problematic issues, i think that he is not just with the deputy of the minister of internal affairs, and with the deputy head of the national police, who has some one there. a family connection
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with a russian criminal authority , yes, the wife was from russia, a russian passport , there were questions, yes, that's why this was the only possible puncture, why tatarov remains the head of one influential well-known publication in ukraine, he told me such a personal story contacts once informally and unofficially asked zelenskyi about the tatars. he said so that this person, in front of everyone complaints against him, criticism and so on, he was by my side in the most difficult, most difficult times, the first days of the war, when many people fled from kyiv, and i did not know who many government officials were, where they were, he was next to me, he caught russian saboteurs and so on, and this is who was with the president then,
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this is very important for zelensky, it affected him, in general, the war changed him a lot, in particular his entourage, look, best friends from of the past, from the past life , he left the civil service, these and the two bakanovs years ago, but now the chief has left, and because zelensky is different now, here is tatarov, and despite all the criticism directed at him, he is valuable for zelensky, but for irmak, i think, he is valuable as. an instrument of influence of control over law enforcement agencies, as a person who knows how to speak with law enforcement officers in their language , literally and figuratively, and for the president it is important that this person was close to him and can carry out various assignments of the president, so this act has an effect, very in short, if possible, you expect that hr optimization in the office of the president will continue, has it been completed so far, no, look, i expect that first of all there will be optimization in the cabinet of ministers, it has already been announced a long time ago. she will be there in
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the president's office, there are rumors that there may be one or two more changes, in particular one of the deputies, well, these are rumors so far, that one of the deputies of the head of the president's office, who is responsible for international policy, may be replaced. then, excuse me, please, one more question, this is definitely the last one, and danilov, who is being sent to moldova, you know how they joke here, that it was the first, first decision that he will be sent to moldova, or the decision that he will be released. in the nsdc will appoint, but what is it, is it a gesture of thanks, is it really seen in danilova as an effective ambassador in moldova, look, look, i think that he will definitely be much more effective in moldova than in norway, but i am convinced of this the choice, you think, you think to be real, i think it is yes and therefore, and here the answer to your question is very simple, i suppose, let's say this, i suppose that at first there was an intention, not a decision, an intention, well... to move for the position of secretary
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oleksandr litvanenko of the nsdc. yes, then they were already wondering where danilov went. then, after the scandal with the chinese special representative, the decision was accelerated, because they did not plan to remove it so quickly. after that, they quickly removed the ambassador to moldova and decided that since the person is well-versed in moldova's problems related to the national security of ukraine, there is no language barrier there, and chisinau is very close to kyiv, these key factors are assigned to this position, he there he will represent the interests of ukraine's national security. sure, thanks hello, volodymyr fesenko, political scientist, we discussed the latest personnel rotations in the president's office. "financial aid for ukraine will be considered after april 9, when the congressmen in the united states return from the easter vacation, said speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson, and i will note that this is the third vacation after which the american congress promises to return to
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the issue of adopting a financial aid for ukraine.first it was christmas, then there were the february holidays, and now it's easter. johnson stated that the aid package for ukraine will likely include some important "innovations, as an example of such innovations he announced the possibility of financial support for credit. in the context of american aid, the speaker of the house of representatives also mentioned the law that gives the us president the right to confiscate russian sovereign assets , frozen in the united states and transferred to ukraine. however, it is not clear whether johnson plans to make changes, rewriting the previous bill, which was supported by the senate in february, which provides $60 billion in aid for ukraine, or perhaps johnson will introduce his own legislation. the bill, the development of which he announced back in march. i note that if this is a new document, it will have to be voted on again in the senate, which will again delay the process. let's listen. if we can use the seized assets of the russian oligarchs to allow the ukrainians
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to fight them, that's just common poetry. even president trump talked about the concept of credit where we don't just give foreign help, establish such a relationship that they... can return it to us when the time comes. well, while the congress continues to discuss aid for ukraine, president zelenskyi openly states that if the us does not approve additional funding, ukraine will have to retreat step by step. he stated this in an interview with the washington post. the congress's delay in approving the aid package worth 60 billion has cost ukraine dearly, says zelensky. according to him , the military could not plan future operations until the legislators almost six argued. months, so ukrainian forces may have to retreat in order to secure their front line and conserve ammunition, until ukraine knows that it has constant support from the states, then it will stay where it is now in the east, zelenskyi said. we are trying
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to find a way not to retreat. if there is no us support, then we will have neither air defense, nor patriot missiles, nor means of electronic warfare, nor 150. artillery shells. this means that we will turn back, take a step back step by step, small steps. due to internal disputes in the congress, we lost six months, we can't waste any more time. ukraine cannot be a political issue between the parties. if ukraine falls, putin will divide the world into friends and enemies of russia. in principle, not only ukrainian officials, but also western officials admit that the delay in american military aid is already harming ukraine's position at the front, on the battlefield. tetyana vorozhko, senior editor of the ukrainian voice of america service , has already joined our broadcast. tatiana that the speaker of the house of representatives, johnson, proposes a new law and a second vote in the senate, or until the old one is worked out, because i
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did not understand from his interview. well , look, so this bill, let's talk about dates first, and it has to be put to a vote and it has to be passed from the ninth to... april 27, why april 27, it's because they start this time , the next vacation, it's basically work in the districts, it's not so much work, it's not so much the vacation itself, which fox talked about in this interview news speaker mark johnson, it is about the fact that several options are currently being discussed, the senate version of the bill remains a possibility, and it is possible, maybe even probable, and another bill or supplements to it are being developed, it will probably be another bill that will include, as you have already noted, as mike johnson said, and the possibility of using the archives, the assets of the oligarchs, or some part of the assistance will be on credit, he also spoke in this interview about what has not yet been
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determined, will it be a separate bill, whether it will be with the help of taiwan and israel, whether it will include a border or not , but he assured that something will be done. in the vote, as well as another legislator, mike zorner, in an interview with another american tv channel, he said that he is convinced and mike jones assured everyone that both publicly... and personally zelenskyi that something will be brought to the voting, if it is a non-senate bill, that is, we know that if it is a senate bill, it should, in principle, all take place at the same time day. if it's some other version, it won't take as long, according to zörner, because that version will be before it comes up for a vote, it will be approved by the senate and it will be approved by the white house, which is the same as it will as well as having a majority in the senate, meaning all of this can be voted down to... pretty quickly, and if you can literally add in the conditions under which this happens, we see that
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the republican majority in the house of representatives, they only have a majority in the house of representatives, is getting smaller and smaller, that is ma, that is, out of 218 votes, it was 214-218, four republicans are still leaving, that is, there will only be a one-vote advantage, which is a historic low, a small difference between the two, between the two parties in the house of representatives, and it looks like... that right now speaker mike johnson, although they are expected, other congressmen are talking about the possibility of the so-called freedom coke, maybe one of these congressmen will want to make it so that he tenders his resignation, put mike's resignation to a vote johnson because of what he endures bill for a vote, it is unlikely that mike johnson really risks anything, because for this he needs to gain... a simple majority, and the democrats have already assured that they will not vote for it, that is
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, he will not be able to gain a simple majority, and the republicans will have a majority of they support aid to ukraine, and the previous version, the previous one, that is, this possibility, that is, putting it to a vote, which is already from margaret margaret telegreen, and you even publicly call some of them an idiotic step. tatiana, just to summarize, for understanding for our audience. so, there, from the ninth to the 20th of april, they will have a version, whether it will be a new one, or whether it will be they will have the opportunity to vote for the draft law, from the 9th to the 27th, but for which the revised old one, we are still we don't know, so we don't have it yet, and we still don't have any guarantees that, in principle, they will vote from april 9 to 27, maybe they won't, well, let's just say, these chances have become much, much higher. than they were a few weeks ago. why, because actually all these factors: first, as mack said johnson, the fact that
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the budget bills must first be passed, and there were absolutely no guarantees that these budget bills would be passed, that is, there was also a lot of opposition within the right radical part of the republican party, that is, the fact that it was possible to achieve and vote on these bills indicates that , that there is such an ability to negotiate on the part of mike johnson and on the part of the republicans, that is... it is something to pass through the congress, and that is, the bill on aid to ukraine is actually up for a vote next, and we also see that the threat that mike johnson will resign, what he risks, has become less because of the clear statements of the democrats themselves, and the third factor - the fact that mike johnson himself clearly states, which he did not do before, that the fact that he supports ukraine is a priority, and he will issue some version. bills are not up for a vote, meaning we are more optimistic than we were a few weeks ago. tell me, please, tatyana, we
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literally have a minute, to what extent these messages are heard or responded to in washington and messages of the ukrainian authorities that due to the lack of american aid, ukraine will have to take a step back , ukraine may lose, ukraine may lose additional territories, how much does this resonate in the cities and in the hearts of those people who decide? the decision in washington , what do you think, if we talk about congressmen, they hear it, they hear it from their own colleagues, both from democrats and republicans, who also came, for example, to the munich conference, who came to ukraine, they hear it from representatives of the pentagon, from the administration, and they, they hear it from foreign leaders, for example , just last week the leaders of the baltic countries came here, who very, very actively reported it, and they see it in the mass media, which is also quite actively covers it, they... see it, hear it from experts, that is, the fact that they do not know it, well, it is impossible
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to say that, that is, these messages are quite loud. thank you very much, tetyana vorozhko, senior editor of the ukrainian voice of america service, we talked about the prospect of ukraine receiving american aid. thank you tatiana. well , that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to radio liberty's website until tomorrow. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% in pharmacies of travelers to you and savings. there are discounts on pulmolor tablets of 15% in the psarynsky, pam and oskad pharmacies. riv is a leading manufacturer of windowsills and materials for windows. riv, for more than 20 years, we have been creating quality at an affordable price.
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vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we will start. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, a lot today we will discuss important topics with you , for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now about what happened in the world, yuliy fizar will talk in more detail, yury, good evening , please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, review sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to lina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the war is going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine. countering russian information attacks in the information war chronicle project with olga len. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 22:00.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project. radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. congratulations. we are asking for your help in the search for three children from the kherson region. these are diana kobzar, viti azarov and... and now a little more detail: 15-year-old diana disappeared in the village of lazurne in the skadovsky district of the kherson region. it happened on january 1, 2023, and since then , unfortunately, nothing is known about the girl. azure is now temporarily occupied, and therefore the search process is, of course, very complicated, but i
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ask each of you, and especially the inhabitants of azure, to look closely at diana's face. if you recognize her, or at least know about her any information, please inform us immediately on the hotline at the number 116/30. if you do not have the opportunity to call, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. and i note that there is no secondary information for the search, any data, any little thing is important, and can even become decisive and ultimately help to find. missing child 17-year-old vitya azarov also disappeared in kherson oblast and during the occupation. contact with the boy was lost on january 19, 2023, and since then there is no news about him. he disappeared on the left bank of the kherson region, namely in the kakhov district in the village of gornostaivka. and this is angelina fadeeva, she is also from the kherson
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region, namely, from the city of kherson. she '15. about the girl. nothing is known since february 24, 2024, under what circumstances she disappeared, it is currently unknown, in particular, due to the fact that diana kobzar, vitya azarov, and angelina fadeeva disappeared during the occupation, information about them, unfortunately, is scarce. and therefore, in fact, there is a very high hope for you, for your attentiveness and concern. we really hope that with the children are all right, and you will help us find them. so, if you know anything about these children, please contact the children's helpline immediately. our number is 116/30. let's not be indifferent, and let's try to find the missing diana, vitya and angelina together with... in fact, finding children from the temporarily occupied territories is a very difficult and usually long process. but our experience
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shows that the search must be continued even in the most difficult or sometimes seemingly hopeless situations. so, for example, we were able to find a boy, by the way, also from the occupied part of the kherson region at that time, whom his relatives were looking for and could not. get in touch with him. nothing was known about igor since february 24, 2022. we only knew that he lived in the village of sonyachne, kherson region, which was under occupation. in our programs, we called on the residents of this village, if they do see us on the internet, to report if possible whether 17-year-old ihor still lives in sonyachny and whether everything is okay with him, and it worked. send us but here is a video with igor, let's take a look: my name is igor, today is july 31 , 2022, i live in the village of svechny, kherson
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region, with my grandfather and grandmother, everything is fine, i have no ukrainian connection, since i live on the settlement occupied territory. the guy confirmed that he still lives in the village of sonyachne, together with his grandparents, and everything is fine with him, but all this time he could not report himself, because there was no ukrainian mobile phone service in... the occupation. i really hope that the story of the search for diana kobzar, viti will end with the same happy ending azarov and angelina fadeeva, about whom i spoke at the beginning. so once again i ask you not to remain indifferent and join the search. i also encourage you to go to the website of the child tracing service. here are photos of all the boys and girls we are trying to find. just a few minutes of your time, look at the photos of the children, look into their faces, maybe you will recognize one of them and help find them. if you suddenly have
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any information about one of these children, call the hotline of the child tracing service at 116.30. calls from all mobile phones operators in ukraine are free. the program of the ukrainian voice of america service, chas time, is broadcast from washington. i am maria prus, congratulations. the house of representatives of the congress is drafting a new bill on aid to ukraine and plans to include important innovations in it. compared to the bill submitted by us president joe biden and already approved by the senate. this was stated by the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson. he said he plans to push the bill
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after congress gets back to work in washington next week johnson cited as an example of such innovations the possibility of providing credit assistance to ukraine or the use of seized russian assets. details about we will ask yulia yarmolenko, who works in the white house, about the financing of further assistance to ukraine. hello, yulia, please tell me what innovations johnson is proposing and how likely it is that he will bring aid to ukraine to the house of representatives for consideration. congratulations, maria. actually, on april 20, it will be exactly six months since the president of the united states, joe biden, submitted for consideration congress request for additional funding for national security priorities, including funding. for ukraine, and speaker mike johnson confirmed this weekend that he is preparing his own bill that he plans to introduce to the house of representatives
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when the house resumes after april 9th, and he did confirm that the bill will contain an innovation, what an innovation ? first, speaker johnson talks about the idea of ​​using frozen russian assets to finance his own military aid to of ukraine. in accordance with the so-called ripo act, he, for example, said in an interview with fox news that if it is possible to use the money of russian oligarchs to help ukraine defend itself, it will be, as he said, pure poetry. he also repeated the idea that it might be worth giving ukraine this aid in the form of a loan or credit, and he also said that, in particular, the former president of the united states, donald trump, spoke about this. he also said that it would be nice to expand ex. american natural gas in order for russia to have less opportunity to finance its military machine, and thus he hinted that in particular he
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could demand from the president. biden to reverse his decision not to temporarily issue licenses for new lng terminals because of climate change concerns. so maria, what do we have? speaker johnson has confirmed that he is preparing to introduce his bill as soon as the house returns, but we don't know which what this final bill will look like and whether it can get that support. the only thing we know is that the issue of aid to ukraine looks like this again. is being delayed because if speaker johnson introduces his new bill, if this bill passes the house of representatives, this bill will have to pass the senate as well, and we, we don't know if that's going to happen, but what about lending aid to ukraine, mike johnson's proposal, how does the white house react? you know, maria, today karyn jenpierre, the white house spokeswoman, said she won't be to answer hypothetical questions, again the white house expects to still see this
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final bill that ... speaker johnson wants to introduce to comment on that, but the white house has reiterated today that they are focusing on the president's request for additional funding, they said that the draft law has already been approved by congress, there is no time in ukraine, and if speaker johnson brings up this particular draft bill for consideration, it will receive approval, and this thesis was also repeated the day before to our colleague mykhailo komadovsky by white's adviser house of communications john kirby. our focus is on getting the request for additional funding approved, and the speaker knows that if he brings this request to the house of representatives, it will be approved. votes are enough, this is the best way to support ukraine. julie, we cannot ignore another important topic that is being discussed in the united states today, the topic of havana syndrome. investigative journalists discovered that representatives of russian intelligence could
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cause havana syndrome in... american and canadian diplomats, representatives of special services in different countries of the world, what do they say about it in the white house? maria , a very important topic actually, what is this havana syndrome, we know that the first reports of it began to appear in 2016, actually from the united states and canadian embassies in havana, and after that more than 100 americans reported this sudden an ailment that began as a shrill sharp sound, and ended with various symptoms from... loss of concentration to loss of hearing and the actual impression of the brain. as say scientists, it can cause such symptoms direct microwaves or ultrasound directed at that other person. and what did these investigators manage to prove? of course, the 60 minutes investigators and the insider and spiegel, they don't have direct, direct evidence that russia is behind this, but they were able to find a number of russian
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leads, including these... people who reported these symptoms, and it's the cia, the fbi, it's the white house, they all worked in some way with russia, or worked on investigation of russia, or matters related to russia, secondly, a former military man who was investigating this case for the pentagon, he confirms that russia is most likely behind this, and in particular he talks about the russian trail, also to krist grozev, one of of the investigators who worked on this case were able to find a connection with... a connection to a russian special unit and also to find a connection of that unit to a russian who was apprehended several years ago here in the united states with devices that actually could cause these waves. so what is the official response from the united states? the united states doesn't officially call it the havana syndrome, they call it an anomaly, anomalous health incidents, and there was an investigation released last year by the us national intelligence service that said that...
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it's highly unlikely that there's any foreign agent, but investigators say what 's really important to note is that if the united states were to officially admit that russia was behind it, it would be would have very big consequences, firstly, the united states would have to somehow respond to this, and secondly, it would have to admit that it could not save life, or rather not life, in the well-being and health of its weighty workers, so these investigators say they at least hope the united states will take another look at the case and admit that there is a problem. thank you yulia, it was voice of america correspondent in the white house, yulia yarmolenko. paris expects that china will send clear messages to russia regarding the war in ukraine, he said.


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