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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EEST

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that a person embroiders a napkin on an easter basket for the future, because he understands that this is already a ukrainian city, and that made me happy, there are no conversations in kharkiv about the fact that we will be captured, we will be attacked, i do not hear those conversations, people, mrs. galina , here it is important, of course, that the military civil administration and the military build those fortifications, those zones that are supposed to stop the enemy, because it is clear that the enemy can implement even the most senseless plans if they... believe that they will take kyiv in three days, why they can't believe that they will take kharkiv in four, but you know what is important, well, without revealing any secrets, i understand that there is no need to talk about the war, moreover, there in kharkiv again they caught a woman who was preparing to incite, this in my opinion you, she was an employee of a kindergarten, but i’m afraid i’m wrong, but i think it was about kharkiv , there she was alone, not a lady, she, she’s not a lady, she’s a friend, she worked in a kindergarten and was preparing, had correspondence with her there... to direct rockets at her own city and at and
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at the houses of those children whom she sent to kindergarten i mean, i brought up this kindergartner, but here it is important whether there is a conversation, at least, i am not saying now not to release any information, in any case, the deputies of the regional council there, well, they should ask and should also be informed about is the city preparing critical supplies, let's say medicine, food, well, i'm not talking about food like croissants, but something that could be in case of any... deterioration of the situation and water somewhere there, well, here again it is very important that there is some banal anti-gas or is the conversation about it now because it is better to be ready for anything, then you will take it easier if it doesn't happen, well, thank god that it didn't happen, well, now there are conversations in social networks, why did the kharkiv city council decide to allocate so much money to these flowers, which are not annual flowers, but which are just you ... they have withered
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and are planted again. why, if you want, why not plant perennial plants in flower beds, because millions are spent on these flowers. after all , we, a front-line city in a state of war, can better send this money to defense. such conversations are now going on, and people are asking about it, and it is important, there was even an answer from the city council that psychologically it will be easier for people in such a city, so it should be done, but i don't understand why psychologists. why not plant perennial plants, which will also please and not necessarily constantly write off budget money for planting such flowers, there are such conversations, but now look at that, so the enemy brought quite a lot of resources to the border with the kharkiv region, together with by that we understand that the enemy also pulled up to lyman direction, they really want
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to take the entire luhansk region along... the borders of the luhansk region, because they have already included the entire luhansk region in their constitution, for them it is a priority in a certain way, but at the same time, you see, they are shelling and turning all our border areas into gray zone, and now they again started shelling not just critical infrastructure, they started destroying rescue units, fire-rescue units, those that help us survive, that is , they are actually destroying this area of ​​communication. is the city getting ready? well, the city, of course is being prepared, the question is that this preparation should be more effective, here i completely agree with you, mr. vasyl, well, you know, flowers are not short-lived and can become a dacha of long-term use for someone, for example, but if we are talking about money, how do they tell a story about how once kerne was calm or todovki, i don't remember who bought benches in the kharkiv metro for uah 76 00 each. well, then the course was a little
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different, we remember these stories were, well , you know, i think it's calmer when flowers bloom on the streets than when there are the shelter, when you know that the shelter has water, medicines, gas masks, some other things, harnesses, there is something else, something else, and when in case you understand there, well, if there is no papaoli, they can just fly in, bomb the city, i am not frightening here, the same can happen in lviv, in kyiv, it is not that simple that kharkiv is closer to the border, and in such a situation, i think, people feel calmer... they know where to go , where you can hide, that the underground can be a shelter, where in this underground, where to go, i remember, well yes sorry, i digressed a little in soviet times, we were driven, we had excursions, i studied at the central school, they drove me around the subway, showed me where in the subway there is a shelter in case of a nuclear war, well, that is normal, again, you definitely need to allocate for this money and think about it, i say, if it doesn't happen and thank god it won't happen, but people should be, they should understand, you, well, you are deputies, but for example your colleagues know where to go, where to hide and where are there medical supplies? water and food for the first time in case
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the city is bombed from the air and you are on you can't be on the streets and in houses, for example, well, it can be, it can be one district, one district, well, saltivka, for example, relatively speaking there. well, everyone knows that the safest thing in our country is the subway, everything else is dangerous in our country, everyone knows that. one more interesting moment, i wanted to tell you about those who communicate with the russians, well, there are those who even communicate with their relatives, and this is the kind of interesting information that came out for me, who is there, there is supposedly no mobilization, but how they are sending them against us there to fight, they have it there now the only list has become, well, from the information that those relatives pass on. a single list of credit histories, they, for some reason it was very popular among russians to take loans for everything, for a trip to turkey, for a new one, for a new refrigerator, for a new fur coat, not just for a mortgage, for an apartment or a car, but for everything a trifle, and it
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was so massive in them that they combined this list into a single one, and whoever has the largest credit debt, first of all, military commissars go to such and such for... and promise money for it, or write off loans, and it turns out, that is, in there are those who are used to living comfortably, but at someone else's expense they are primarily sent to fight against ukraine. in my opinion, this is quite an interesting phenomenon, why these people are marauders, and why their wives and mothers are calm about it, because they are used to living at someone else's expense. we have to put a full stop, i would talk with you even longer, because there are actually many questions, take care of yourself and influence the fact that you are right. not those who should prepare, prepared for the worst, but let it be better, because we know that with the russians it is useless to hope for the best, thank you very much, halyna kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, the best thing can happen in our war is when the army is equipped, prepared and can effectively confront
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the enemy, and we do not even doubt that the enemy comes up with the worst options, well , for example, how there was a blow to the dnipro gesture, too, well, here is dmytro kyrylchuk, deputy of the zaporozhye city council, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you. good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, first i would like to ask how the night passed in zaporizhzhia, in the zaporizhzhia region regarding the security situation, please here, sir vasyl, we should note that the security situation is for the residents of zaporozhye, and the previous day, thank god, was calm, yes, what can be said, it is not that there is an exception, yes, but with a regularity , unfortunately, yes, that the rashists continue... to massively destroy and shell the front-line settlements, here we are talking about the fact that this happened in the past day, what a long period of time it is, starting from the first decade of march, when they only began to intensify the massive shelling in too often, in particular
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massive artillery shelling, yes, in the previous day, 418 shellings were fired at nine populated areas by the damned rashists, here the key thing is to note that the four airstrikes were the most... the ones who suffer from this are the ones who walk the field, the little takmakka, and nuts and robots, precisely as a result of yesterday, and such a reset of their cab, its rioters destroyed the bridge in volya pol, where it has a key transport function there, and it was completely destroyed as a result of this, and therefore you can come, the next moment concludes : because 95 drones, they will continue, once again , to strike at this settlement, after which the key point is that it is the artillery, about what i have already said, yes, they fired 307 strikes, and mlrs, where they can, in particular on orichov, goliepoly , yes, wherever there
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is a robot, including, yes, wherever they can, they get them and they strike nothing, and as a result of this blow, just such a betrayal yesterday in the same pologiv district one by one... populated areas, and exactly 54 were injured -year-old person, which is exactly what we are talking about golyapoly, yes, about the man who consulted in the garden and the glatirashis, he was injured, he was given help and taken to the hospital, and please tell me what the situation is now with what can be said, again, i understand that no all information should be transmitted, especially since the enemy, if he hit once, can hit a second time, dniprogest, is there an assessment, an assessment of damage, an understanding of what can be done with... to make the powers work, because i understand that the zaporizhia nuclear power plant also depends on this, mr. vasyly, you know, with such general theses , the most important thing to note is that dniproges stands, no matter how no one wants it there, and will stand unequivocally thanks to our glorious
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defenders. the second point, with regard to all the expert services that made conclusions, including hydropower and the studies that were conducted, note that there are risks of a collapse or a breakthrough there. precisely because of the dam, there are no consequences of the impact, when this canvas with the beams holding it there is damaged, and now work is underway to eliminate these consequences, it is partially dismantled there in... converging parts and the reconstruction of dniproges begins a little, and it can already be noted that it continues, because during this time, the key point is that it fulfills the transport function of dniproges, and the key is that in terms of electricity production, one of the engine rooms, which was less affected, already it was partially restored there, they wrote there today, well , maybe, again, if you don't have more information, then say so, there were strong sounds. in melitopol occupied by the enemy, it is written that the ground even shook, is there any information that such a thing happened there,
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we don't have any direction on this yet, but this is a well-timed identification of the next henchman, this is precisely the collaborators, the only thing is that we will see the details already there , or is there any information that, well, is there any information that after this these events, which the russians called elections in the occupied territories, well , after... this international crime committed by the russians during the occupation in the occupied territory, is there any information that they somehow, as they say, marked everyone as prospective mobilizers for mobilization , like they are there have been planning to mobilize since the age of 18, have any measures been taken to criminally send them to war again against their own people, the citizens of ukraine who are in the occupied territories? yes, mr. vasyl, indeed, well, this process, it was a regularity, and this regularity... it really is after these worthless pseudo-elections, it literally started there from
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monday, and when there is such a cold shower for the residents of the temporarily occupied zaporozhye territory region, it came for men in that territory when they started everyone there, well, as the iraqis are inclined to do, yes, catch them on the streets, invite them simply, yes, according to the results of the turnout, and the data has already been rewritten, they invited their military table there, so let's note, yes, according to theirs. and it was put as a perifact that it was mobilized, there it is necessary to defend their choice, there it is russia, motherland and similar things, narratives, and these results, well, this process continues in the future, and the key thing is that they have also begun to apply it's rashists, they can't use their videos there without it propagandist, precisely to show one of the narratives, that's how they join and join the ranks of their rabble. cannon fodder in the composition of their armed forces, so to speak, when you know how they
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showily take a collaborator there with such a family member, as it was developed there in berdyansk, and they begin to remove the outposts there, as he left and heroically himself entered and started, went to defend these russian values ​​after he ticked the box for his butler, but mr. vasyl, yes, this is the wrapper that they from the outside they always like to show, in fact there... i will only clarify briefly about this and we literally have a couple of minutes there, but i will briefly ask one more question, and if a person did not go to vote, then they also come to clear the election, or eh, that is it doesn't matter whether you went or not, you, a conditional choice , you have to protect someone there, well, protect, that 's what i understand, yes, yes, yes, well, it's in their understanding, and of course, you know, it's the number one priority , because they well, no one canceled the plan, it's still there russia, as it is from these soviet times, and there
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is a policeman from there, from the fact that he was put somewhere in berdyansk or there in melitopol to pay fines there, and even there they hung a plan on him, then of course there is a plan that's how their military eyes have become, of course, first of all they mobilize everyone, and then everyone else, because before that they blocked the exit through the crimea, in march they evacuated three... people from the zaporizhzhia region, what are the plans for the future and whether there are problems with this evacuation process, it is implied logistical, first of all, where to bring people, well, maybe not everyone wants to, well, whether it is voluntary evacuation or how, well, mr. vasyl, the most important factor is precisely the dangers, it is the security factor, which is really why people leave of these prifont territories, here the key thing is to note that this is 38, which continues. there was a regional military administration of people, this is not a forced evacuation, it is precisely the people
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who were forced to leave this territory due to the same intensification of these shellings at the beginning of march, because in the planned order yes there forced evacuation was carried out last year, and over the course of a year , 446 people were evacuated there by the regional authorities and specialized services of the police, that is , this process was completed as planned, now they will evacuate people and... and directly face that situation, with those circumstances, when simply in order to survive, he has to leave this territory, when their house has already been destroyed, when they decide to... come one by one and start dismantling their settlement there, of course, he has no choice, when people are evacuated, they appeal by all methods, yes, because of what all specialized services emphasize, and foundations, that is , public organizations that help in this process and help these people simply save themselves. thank you very much, despite the fact that people were walking, you still managed to join, for a technical moment, so i wish
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you a good journey, i don't know where you are going, but may your journey be successful and safe. with us was dmytro kyrylchuk, deputy of the zaporizhzhia city council, on the link here is this one, and a plus in zaporizhia, now they have installed 11 00 oz of these so-called anti-tank dragon teeth, about well they are used by anti-armored vehicles there against passing and wheeled vehicles, also in principle military means they are very effective and therefore i hope that this process will continue both manufacturing and installation, i just know here i will say that by talking to the soldiers who are at the front and listening. different stories, you understand that even the establishment of such, the construction of these fortified areas, networks, networks, are not only trenches there, they are much more complex engineering, engineering defense structures, now due to the fact that for some reason i do not know, they started building them later, but the enemy somewhere went closer, used more aviation,
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equipment, cabs and so on, and so on and so on, long-range artillery, on alas, they are also dying, and this... engineering troops, as well as those people who are attached, who are not in the armed forces, but are building, unfortunately, these people are risking their lives by building these engineering structures today, but it is worth doing, because without them , many more may die in the future, so a big thank you to the engineering troops and everyone else attached now for the fact that in such difficult conditions, under fire, they often build these, well, let's just say trenches, this is very important, and serhiy zgurets will speak now, the director of the agency. military results of the day. sergey, congratulations, please. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today we will talk about the situation on the front line and whether russia really has the opportunity for a new offensive, which the western press is so actively writing about. more on that in a moment. good evening, mr.
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sergey, i am also glad to see you. a number of questions have accumulated, which are rather not for me, and for... our viewers, we need such simple and clear explanations, and let's start with the fact that the foreign media all last week wrote about the possibility of an enemy offensive already in the summer on kyiv and kharkiv and sumy. our military-political leadership also talked about the fact that russia is preparing for an offensive either in the spring or at the beginning of summer, and this causes different resonances among our viewers and our citizens in general. please explain whether it is really for... now the enemy has the opportunity and appropriateness to open his eyes conditionally new directions for offensive actions? well , in general, the task of the media is to be interesting and to sell as much as possible every day. i personally don't see today what exactly the enemy will be able to do, well, at least one offensive
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operation. i also don't see that he has the resources and is ready to act in... a group that could attack or capture something neither in the spring nor in the summer. if we mention kharkiv, yes, kharkiv remains a convenient target for russian missile weapons, a great way to sow panic, despair, provoke social tension, but the city of milyonnik has an area of ​​350 km, in order to capture bakhmut, which has an area of... 47 km, the enemy created a group of 80,000 servicemen, of whom about 60,000 were killed and wounded in the battles. there are estimates as high as 100,000. if we interpolate the bakhmut-kharkiv figures, we can easily calculate how many troops are needed to carry out an offensive operation to capture
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the city of kharkiv. the enemy generally has such a number in ukraine. no, as for sumy, the situation here is somewhat different: the enemy uses sumy and the sumy region as a training ground for preparation of their reinforcements in conditions very close to real combat. the adversary is testing its means of air damage here, also using proximity to the front line, proximity to ukrainian air defense, i.e. uh, somewhat reducing the risk to the aircrews of their aircraft, the enemy tries to uh test everything that will then be applied on the battle line. indicator. information about the beginning of the formation of a strike group in the sumy direction. there is nothing like that now
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observed, there are no such messages. therefore, my conclusion is that no new directions of hostilities by the enemy will be opened either in the spring or in the summer. then there remains the question of the existing directions where the enemy is conducting combat operations. this is what i was talking about at the beginning about the avdiiv directions. novopavlivskyi, and there, in fact, the number of enemy attacks, well, in fact, does not decrease very much, and our soldiers there show miracles of skill when they destroy these advancing mechanized units of the enemy, as it happened literally on march 30, according to your estimates, what is happening in these two sections, west of avdiyivka and in the novopavlivskyi direction, what changes are possible ? is our defense there a manifestation of the same active defense? in the avdiyiv direction
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, the 2nd and 41st general military armies continue to conduct hostilities with the enemy, this group is reinforced by the 90th tank division, the episode you mentioned on march 30 is an attack by the 6th tank regiment, which has not occurred since approximately october 2000. 23 year, the enemy was attacked by the defense forces in in the area of ​​tonenko by a tank battalion with the support of a mechanized company, that is , there were 36 tanks and 12 infantry fighting vehicles on the battlefield at the same time, the enemy advanced somewhat to the northwest of the village, but in general the units of the tavria sturm repulsed, while destroying 12 tanks and eight infantry fighting vehicles in the... direction, active hostilities are taking place in the area of ​​berdichy, south of nevilskyi and near pervomayskyi. the positional battles in the semenovka and
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umansky regions do not stop. the prospect of creating conditions for the surroundings of the city of toretsk, advancing in the direction of the time at times the yar is more northerly and the help is more westerly in action. as for... the main forces of the eighth general military army and the first army corps are conducting combat operations in the novopavlov direction in the novomykhai area. the purpose of these actions is to bypass the left flank of the group of defense forces in the area of ​​ugledar and get behind it, thus either creating a threat to the encirclement, or forcing our troops to retreat in the western direction. fighting continues near novomykhaylovka. near georgiyvka, positional battles in krasnohorivka in victory, but the enemy, having an advantage, advances 100-200 m,
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then loses what he gained, the situation is neither in anyone's favor. regarding your question about the activity of the ukrainian defense, i would say that the ukrainian defense is active in both directions, but it is not a canonical example, it is the use of new forms and methods, it is the use of drones, from a first-person view, the wide use of small electronic warfare stations , a lot of great examples of the interaction of unmanned systems and operational-strategic artillery grouping of troops of tavria, that is, we are not passive, we surrender and do it. very often, very well. i can't help but ask about these two areas in the north, kupyansk, liman, the enemy has concentrated a significant
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amount of forces and means there, there is a large amount of artillery, but it seems that the enemy cannot activate all its forces in full measure, why is it so, is he simply unable to do it, or does he not want to, or are we not giving him opportunities, what is there, see what... we see, the stage of concentration has long passed, drums formation groups, deployed, started hostilities about six months ago, the zapad troop grouping, which is the most powerful, has three armies, one of which is the only tank army in europe, this group is trying to capture kupinsk and reach the banks of the oskil river, but so far it is stuck in senkivka and... it can't do anything about it, they tried to attack through the camp, nothing worked either, i think that the reason for the problems of the western troop grouping
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is that in the previous... battle, the enemy lost a lot officers tactical unit and a lot of non-commissioned officers , because of this, any tactical actions of small units are carried out, to put it mildly, paramilitary, and do not bring success, even in terms of realizing numerical superiority. as for the liman direction, where the center grouping of troops operates, i would like to remind you that two combined armies, three brigades each, were transferred from... near liman to the avdiiv direction. accordingly, the grouping of troops, the center, which is smaller in size, has smaller operational reserves, but the truth and actions on a smaller front, concentrates on the capture of the estuary, makes efforts to at least partially eliminate the bridgehead of the defense forces on the black stallion river, and can achieve nothing in either the first or second
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direction. all these actions should be separated. to attack in a wider context, these are forming operations that create the preconditions for the further offensive of the slavic-kramator agglomeration, which may happen sometime at the end of the summer, hardly earlier, so i think that the enemy is not trying to be active, saving forces, preparing for operation which will be held somewhere in six months, and then the question arises: about the state of the enemy's forces, about his reserves, about his capabilities, here i will recall the forecast of the head of gur kryla budanovin , about a week ago, he said that sometime in april, the exhaustion of the enemy's forces could take place, or can you believe it, are there any prerequisites for such a forecast? it's very simple, if we talk about the shortage
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of ammunition, can we talk right there. about exhausting the enemy, and how to exhaust him? kind word in general, the actions of the enemy have some operational perspective, which are aimed at preparing this strategic offensive operation, which can be carried out at the end of summer, at the beginning of autumn. such actions can be a blow to the left flank of the zaporizhia front, with the aim of rolling it in the direction from east to west, and mastering it. everything that is happening now, in one way or another, is the preparation of these two large offensive operations, therefore the decrease in the activity of the enemy does not mean its exhaustion, it is the stage of accumulating resources, forming operational and tactical conditions, accumulating forces and means for further actions, therefore, i do not think that it is correct to talk about the exhaustion of the enemy already this... spring, we
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have nothing to do, mr. viktor, you and i have repeatedly assumed a high probability of mobilization by the enemy after the end of the so-called elections in the russian federation, but now we we do not see this, does this mean that the existing models of replenishment of personnel at the expense of there big money or the transfer of these human resources from conscripts who are completing their service to contract workers, this enemy ... will be enough, or should we still expect such more reactive actions on the part of the enemy, regarding the increase in numbers, which goes to the formation of new units and compensation for losses. now the system of equipping the armed forces of the russian federation covers losses, but does not allow the deployment of operational and strategic reserves. there is some concern that the dismissal.


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