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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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the steering wheel of information policy to their side, and everyone will try to attribute these merits to themselves as quickly as possible, well , again, depending on what you answer, how you comment, that is , it should not be denied that trump, when he was in the white house received aid in ukraine, so the question is whether we in ukraine are now demonizing trump too much, expecting that he can win the elections, i mean with regard to aid to ukraine. you know, the key problem with trump is not so much and not only his position on ukraine, because it is really changing, we see a completely different trump. the problem is that trump 2024 isn't even trump 2016. now, against the background of all the lawsuits, against the background of all his very sharp statements, and regarding the ministry of justice, and regarding the censorship of the press, and regarding the change of the supreme court, and regarding the change of the status of the president in general, and regarding, in principle, the revision of the constitution, the revision of the american social contract. another question arises that trump, he
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will be a beetle in an anthill, he will basically bring chaos, and therefore it is not only a question of because he will not help ukraine, the problem is that trump's coming to the presidency will bring chaos, at least for six months, while the internal system of weighing counterweights within the united states will try to digest it and somehow include it in its balance sheet, in its ecosystem, that is why trump's position on ukraine is not threatening. trump is dangerous because of the chaos that he brings to the internal politics of the states and, accordingly, to their foreign policy as well, because these two policies are absolutely not warmed up in them. oh, it will be scary, of course, and not only for us. mr. oleksandr, and the last question for you, but you already mentioned these court processes related to trump, at what stage is everything there? ah, they continue. the decision of the supreme court to consider the issue of absolute immunity, in principle, undermined the basis of the main processes that were supposed to stop it. from participating in the elections, that is, until
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the supreme court gives the final word on the so -called absolute immunity of former presidents, it is not possible to consider any case regarding the 14th amendment to the constitution, which was supposed to prohibit him from participating in the elections, therefore at the moment, all the processes that are going against him in the state of new york, and about the attempts of embezzlement and so on, it is simply a matter of the fact that he is losing money, he is losing it at a record speed, he spends about 10 million dollars on lawyers every month . about 90,000 dollars a day for various related expenses, and at the same time , he has no personal funds left for campaigning, and he already has to pay out about half a billion dollars after the completed cases, so the key problem for him now is purely financial, here it is, here it is already stuck, but that's it i wonder if he won the election and what to do with these debts and problems, of course, you know, i have a short comment here, i will quote his old son. donald
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jr., who said that we never had a problem with money, because we have russians, and russians are always ready to pay us for banks and real estate and everything. this is a dangerous trend, but unfortunately, the trump family thinks in these categories. oh, that's bad. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for participating in our program. this is oleksandr kraev, an expert of the ukrainian foreign policy council prism. they talked about help from ukraine, from ukraine, from the united states of america. they themselves are to blame, because of hungary's friendship with russia. found herself in serious isolation, vira yurova, the deputy president of the european commission for european values ​​and transparency, said in an interview with the au-observer portal. at the same time, she emphasized that the level of this isolation is currently not at the highest level. according to her , prime minister viktor orban is openly playing a double game, which, says ms. yurova, should not be done. then she quotes: if he wants to gain respect, at least he has to behave professionally and perform. from
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a neutral position, but viktor orbán has surprised us so many times that we may consider a different approach to hungary. they didn't say what the other one was, but here's another quote from this interview with vera yurirova: the leaders of the european union often used undiplomatic remarks against orbán for his stance on russia. again, she did not say, well, she did not specify what kind of undiplomatic statements these are, but i would like to... hear it is especially interesting how he was kicked out of the summit at the end of last year and went to the toilet while they were voting to support ukraine. the united states of america and the european union are the main partners in armenia, the country's minister of foreign affairs ararad mirzoyan said in an interview with the argentine tv channel todonotia. according to him, that is why official yerevan is now deepening economic and political relations with brussels and washington. however, the head of armenian. of the political
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department also emphasized that at the same time the issue of armenia's accession to nato not standing now it is called far from moscow. and finally, the russian ones. popes continue to spread the ideas of the russian world and united great russia - this is a quote. in the parish of the organization, which still calls itself the russian orthodox church, a circular letter was sent out, in which they called on their priests, lord , to pray every day during one great fast, the prayer for holy russia, which in the fall of 2000, meaning the prayer of 2022, was invented by the main russian bishop cyril, in the text of this so-called prayer. russian priests call on people to fight for the glory of god for united russia, killing enemies, and immediately pray for the salvation of the souls of those who have already died. you have understood which enemies they are going to fight and which enemies to kill, authorizes the russian pip
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kirilo. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, the world about ukraine column is just breaking into this information week, there will be more tomorrow, and there will be more in our tomorrow. on the air, so in the future air, so do not switch. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is a shipping district. kherson is included live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even
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more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the expense of the day. by phone survey, enable and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine and beyond. what kind of world do you dream of, panban? all this is in the information. in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue the great ater and i join the conversation oleksandr morchyvka. money is important during war, it is important to understand what happens to it. oleksandr, good evening, please welcome the audience, thank vasyl for his words, in the next few minutes i will talk about international income, as well as what is happening now with the exchange rate, why the dollar is getting more expensive, you will learn about the future of ukrainian energy, whether ukrainians will have electricity, in particular in the summer, everything in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchivka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i traditionally start with a review of international income to ours treasuries the state budget received 118 million dollars from the japanese government. according to the ministry
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of finance, the funds will help to expand ukrainians' access to medical services, and will also ensure overcoming the consequences caused by russia's armed aggression. it. financing the reconstruction of the housing infrastructure of our motherland. and the national bank increased the exchange rate of the dollar against the hryvnia. the us dollar rose in value after falling during. the last three days, now cost a little more than uah 39. as the head of the nbu, andriy pishnyi, stated, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the foreign exchange market experienced a currency shortage, and without the nbu's intervention, the exchange rate dynamics would have turned into a chronic devaluation, i.e., a sharp drop of the hryvnia. well, in order to control the exchange rate, the national bank last week sold more than 654 million dollars, in fact, it ran out. quite a lot of the gold and foreign exchange reserves go to the interbank market in order
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to restrain the growth of the dollar and support the national currency, and in fact the forecasts are within the normal range, in fact they do not expect uah 40 per dollar, now the national bank has such a margin of safety, a reserve of international money, is sufficient, let me remind you that last week funding came from... the international monetary fund, another part of the loan, so these fluctuations are essentially expected, and positive news about what ukraine can receive from the united states already in april states international aid, will only support the stability of the hryvnia. starting tomorrow , polish farmers plan to renew the blocking of the ukrainian border at the hrynyi dolgobychiv checkpoint. the protest was suspended for the easter holidays. there is movement now transport is free in both directions. - said andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service. at the same time
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, the movement of trucks in the direction of the yagodin and rava ruska checkpoints remains blocked. on the territory of poland, in general, half a thousand trucks are waiting in line. well, by the way, ukrainian and polish agricultural associations are going to continue negotiations next week regarding the transit of our grain and unblocking the border. well, this was reported in... the ministry of agrarian policy, and so far we see that the protest actions of polish farmers are continuing. from today in the minimum wage in ukraine increased from uah 7,100 to uah 800. such growth was included in the state budget for the current year. together with the minimum, the size of the single social contribution also changes. so, our euv is equal to 22%. accordingly, the amount of tax will increase from april. up to 1760 hryvnias at the same time, this increase will not affect the income limit of fops
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and the amount of the single tax. fops are tied to change to the size of the minimum, which is set at the beginning of the calendar year. that is, the minimum at the beginning of the year was 7.00, so here it is for fops such penalty will still apply. well, we have a plot in which our journalists analyzed. what is happening now with the ukrainian energy industry, how much generation has been lost due to enemy shelling, let's see, we will discuss with an expert later, what can we, ordinary consumers, expect? since mid-march, the russians have resumed massive attacks on our energy system. why not in winter, namely now, when ukraine ends the heating season early, one can only guess. among the versions, putin was waiting for the end of the so-called elections, that... and to escalate the conflict even more, it is possible that the goal of the russians is to systematically harm ukrainian industry in order to destabilize
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the already difficult economic situation. another version of the aggressor's attack is a response to strikes on russian refineries, due to which russia is already experiencing a fuel shortage. in the end , it may be banal terror, because moscow has proven more than once that it does not need any pretexts to bomb peaceful cities and civilian objects. eight rockets flew down the dniprovska hes, the facility stopped working, but the dam survived, this week the russians attacked the kaniv and dniester hpps. president zelenskyy emphasized that the attacks pose a threat not only to ukraine, but also to its neighbors. russia wants a repeat of such a disaster, which they staged on kokhovsky. the station must become a joint task, not only ukrainian, so that such
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ecological disasters do not occur again in our europe. in addition to ukraine, moldova is under direct threat. however, even if the dams survive, ukrainian energy will still feel the consequences. its basis is nuclear power plants, which at least for the time being for the russians enough sense not to hit deliberately. hydro generation in our system is about 8%, but it plays a big role for so-called shunting, i.e. quickly connecting additional capacities during peak hours of consumption. that is why the russians are purposefully trying to knock out these objects, the damages from the hits are estimated at hundreds of millions, the repairs can take months or even years. the minister of energy of ukraine herman galushchenko said on the air of the telethon about hopes for international help. we already have mechanisms from the beginning of the great aggression,
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which work, this is a fund, an energy fund to support the energy industry of ukraine. constant communication, this includes the united states, great britain, all eu countries, without exception, this is japan, which is currently helping us quite a lot in the energy sector. according to the minister, the goal of the first mass attack on the energy system in 2024 on march 22 was to stage a total blackout in ukraine, which the enemy failed to achieve, both thanks to air defense forces and physical forces. protection of a part of power facilities, which was completed before winter. the light disappeared only in certain regions and cities. kharkiv was the most affected. we lost more than 10% of the generation that was available to us on march 20. and, this is something that most likely will not be able to be restored
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quickly. that is, this part will not be restored. i'm afraid that even by the next ... heating season, most of them will not be able to be restored. another cause for concern is the increasingly frequent strikes by the russians on gas facilities, in particular gas storage facilities in western ukraine. it is practically impossible to destroy them physically, because they are located deep underground, but it is possible to damage the surface infrastructure, and in winter, when fuel will be urgently needed, it will not be possible to quickly raise it, and this may frighten the european... gas traders, to whom ukraine has been offering its gas storage facilities in recent years. and we are joined by oleg popenko, the head of the union of utility consumers. good evening, mr. oleg. good evening. well, now the government and ukrenergo are saying, in particular, that our generation, the deficit is replenished by international partners, several
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eu countries are helping, but it is necessary to understand that today one state has something to help, tomorrow it will have additional current. will not give us a way out of the situation in view of this analysis that we just looked at in the story? well, let's say that the situation in the energy industry is really quite difficult, and we lost a partial generation that we will not be able to restore even after six months, a year, and these are not the transformer substations where we have reserves, the equipment that was provided to us there the whole year 2023, hundreds of millions. dollars, if not billions of dollars, were given to us for spare parts for transformer substations, to restore the existing generation, i mean dniprohets, ts5 in kharkiv, or those generation capacities that have been lost by tsentroenergo, it will take years there, so this is a serious problem that will await us already this summer, and what
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will we cover this shortage of electricity, i still do not see and do not understand what, i think, we will still be waiting for. these constant outages that are in several areas today, i think the further we go, the more problems with outages there will be, and it will be like refers to all pro-front regions and bordering them, as was the case last time, when sumy, kharkiv, donetsk, dnipropetrovsk, poltava, kirovohrad, odesa, khmelnytsky regions were all simultaneously completely or partially disconnected from electricity. i think this will continue to await us, because restoring the existing generation quickly, well, by quickly i mean six months, a year will be extremely difficult, but let's be honest, impossible, mr. oleg, that is, ukrainians can survive the next winter, but with certain planned or perhaps chaotic indeed, if there are certain attacks,
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blackouts, but at the same time, is there a certain period, the same summer and autumn, when... perhaps with the help of international funding, international technologies, small such modular stations, modular constructions that will support generation, and maybe somehow this option will solve the problem, although temporarily, well, talks about the fact that distributed generation should be implemented in ukraine, these conversations are going on in the verkhovna rada, in the cabinet of ministers, are still starting. beginning of 2023, but i don't know the real results, bills, which legislative acts that contributed to this, tax incentives, any additional ones. customs clearance for energy companies, i don't see it yet, so the idea is absolutely right,
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and it needs to be done, it needs to be worked on, but i only see some statements, political statements, the last few days, gerus spoke about this the chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on energy and utilities, but let's look at the real result, show me. unfortunately, the connection was lost, we will thank our expert for joining the conversation, and we really need political will, and i think it is there, now we just need to work out bills that would implement, well, various innovations, because next winter is really can be difficult for many ukrainians, you always know that, the one who changes wins, well, in the right direction, and quickly. change fast, time to act fast. i will wrap up the conversation, but there is a big broadcast going on, there will be more to come, watch us. a shower
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of goals in poltava and a productive return andrii yarmolenko. kyiv dynamo inflicted a crushing defeat in orskla in the match of the 22nd round of the ukrainian. for a long time due to air anxiety, despite this, dynamo scored five goals to any taste, to which the home team managed to respond with only one take of the opponent's goal. for dynamo , vladyslav vanat, mykola shaparenko twice, volodymyr brashko and andriy yarmolenko, who appeared on the field for the first time since october last year after a serious injury, excelled. zavorska was scored by mykola kovtalyuk, rookie of poltava. donetsk shakhtar is the leader of the championship his match on the 22nd. also won convincingly. the players celebrated a victory over the capital's obolonya with a score of 3:0. kryvbas continues to pursue donetsk residents in the standings. yury vernedub's team won
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over veres 2:0. unsuccessful streak continues. this time, zhytomyr lost to chornomorets with a score of 1:4. minai and oleksandria drew 2:2. dnipro-1 beat kolos 2:0. another failure was experienced by metalist 1925. this time viktor skrypnyk's team. lost to the stars 1:2. artem dovbyk broke a long goalless streak in the team girona the forward of the ukrainian national team scored two goals in the match of the 30th round of the spanish championship against betis. the frantic game ended with a score of 3:2 in favor of the catalans. the ukrainian twice brought his team ahead. it was dovbyk who opened the scoring with a penalty kick in the 36th minute of the first half. artem scored his second goal after the break even with the score tied. the forward confidently implemented the exit face-to-face. victor tsygankov also took part in the combination. girona's victory in stoppage time was brought by christian stuani. artem douvbek went to
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the leaders of the scoring race of la liga. he drew level with real madrid's jude burlingham and osasuna's ante budimir. all have 16 heads. two players of the national team of ukraine, roman yaremchuk and ruslan malinovsky, suffered injuries last weekend. yaremchuk injured his hamstring while defending the colors of valencia in the match. they do not talk about the terms of the forward's return to the field in the state of bats. midfielder geno malinowski injured a muscle in the italian championship game against frosinone. griffins head coach alberto gelardino believes that the ukrainian will not miss many matches. ukraine won four medals at the stage of the grand prix in artistic gymnastics in thieu, france. the competition ended on the eve of march 31. two gold awards were won by victoria onoprienko, she had no equal. in exercises with a hoop and a ball, taisia ​​onofriychuk took bronze in exercises with a ribbon. another bronze medal went to ukrainian women in group exercises, all-around.
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thiest's stage is the third in the current season of the artistic gymnastics grand prix. in total, at three stages, our athletes won 14 medals well, thank you for being with us, please, support the armory. forces of ukraine , stay with espresso, now the weather is from natalka didenko at 20 o'clock program verdict, be with us, all the best to you, hello, our dear viewers, and we start our meeting today with you, in addition to the fact that we met flowers together, the most romantic and the most beautiful, in my opinion, the month of spring, but we will talk about the results of march of kyiv. it is important to sum up the results, let's see together. so, according to the observations of, er, the central geophysical observatory named after boris sreznevskyi. the average monthly
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air temperature in march in kyiv is which is higher than the climatic norm by 2.3°. the coldest was march 8, -4.8 in the morning, the warmest was march 31, the maximum air temperature rose to 25° with a tail and thus set a temperature record, well, on this particular day, i emphasize, the average daily air temperature was the highest during the entire period of observation for this day, and again'. the indicator of 1968 by almost 2°. according to long-term indicators, this is the temperature the air generally corresponds to may 23. like this. 55 mm of precipitation fell at the weather station of the observatory, which is 138% of the climatic norm. well, we talked about the past, so to speak, about the march results. moving on, now let's look at magnetic storms. and now for your attention is a forecast chart, from which it can be seen
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that... tomorrow in the morning there will be such a slight fluctuation, a slight increase, but in principle it is a rather calm situation, nothing threatening, so we move on to the actual weather forecast, so tomorrow in the evening rain is expected in the regions of ukraine, the rains will be accompanied by thunderstorms, the air temperature will drop to 11-16°, well , only in the ternopil region, it may still be sometimes, if there is no rain, then... higher. in the north of ukraine, tomorrow without significant precipitation, it will be very warm, +20, +24, +20 +25°, but this evening in zhytomyr region and kyiv region there is a possibility of light rain with a thunderstorm. in the east of ukraine, tomorrow is expected to be almost summer, dry, sunny, 20-25° above zero. in the central part of ukraine, it will also be warm tomorrow, without precipitation, and the air temperature will fluctuate between
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ranges from... to 25° in vinnychyna, it may be a little cooler, but still quite warm. a dry air mass will prevail in the southern part of ukraine. the air temperature is 20-25° on the coasts of the seas, that is, in odesa, in odesa, for example, it will be cold +12 +17. well, in kyiv tomorrow it will be a warm day up to 24°, only in the evening there is a possibility of a little rain, but the nuance will be in the capital tomorrow, as well as... by the way, there is a strong wind in ukraine, and i still want to say a few words about such an urgent today's topics, such as air dustiness, and i want to explain that these are not dust storms observed in ukraine, it is that together with the heat, dust particles from the northern regions of the sahara have risen to the upper layers of the atmosphere, and thanks to the mixing of air masses, they have traveled such a significant way, and such
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a deterioration is observed. air quality and visibility in many european countries, including ukraine, and tomorrow this pollination will reach many of our regions, so there is no need to worry here, pay special attention to people who have respiratory problems, wash windows you can postpone it a little later for a few days, it's no big deal, and ventilate the apartment also depending on the quality of the air, and i repeat once again, these are not dust storms that happen in ukraine. both in spring and summer, mainly in the south and east, but this is how sahara waved her hand at us and brought us not only her honeyed warmth, but also a little spoonful of heat in the form of this dusting of the air, so it’s nothing to worry about, watch carefully and according to our forecasts, and according to such interesting messages, and of course all the best, most reliable information is always at your service on the channel.
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the press good evening, we are from ukraine. congratulations to everyone, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel. together, beraber, we are talking about the currently occupied crimea, and khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabay welcome you. salam aleikum. well , i would certainly like to start with a reminder that the holy month of ramadan, a priest for all muslims in the world, continues, and it is extremely important that new common traditions related to this are being born in ukraine, on march 25 the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi together with ukrainian military personnel who practice islam, leaders of the crimean tatar people.


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