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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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good evening, we are from ukraine, we welcome everyone, this is a joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel, together, beraber, we are talking about the currently occupied crimea, and khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabayev welcome you. salam aleikum, salam aleikum, khrystyna. aleikum salam! well , i would probably like to start with a reminder that the holy month of ramadan, which is sacred to all muslims in the world, continues, and it is extremely important that new common traditions related to this are being born in ukraine, on march 25, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi , together with the ukrainian military, who profess islam, the leaders of the medzhaliso crimean tatar people and representatives of the muslim community and the clergy took part in the iftar. the dinner, which is held
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during the holy month of ramadan for muslims, the break-the-fast dinner, as i understand it, yes, well, it is an evening when relatives and friends gather, and it was very warm, by the way, i am the commander of the 48th, lina ruslyama said that they had a very fruitful conversation with the president already off camera, off the frame, and everything was very sincere, and the award was given, and probably someone has already seen it video where the president awarded 19 people there with his decree, which he awarded precisely on march 25, among them they are all heroes, i know some of them from the 15th year, even from the blockade of crimea, and 13 of the awarded were from the 48th, just a separate storm battalion and they were awarded orders and orders for...
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bravery of the third degree, 12 soldiers and one medal for military service in ukraine were awarded, especially i want to note that for the first time in the history of ukraine, absolutely for the first time in the history of ukraine, a woman, a representative of the indigenous of the people of crimea, became a medal bearer, so it is correct, for sure, to say that the military medal bearer of ukraine is... elizara vililyayeva, a junior sergeant of the armed forces of ukraine, a person who is infinitely brave, and whom we simply very, very much value, honor, and i congratulate elzara khanem on the award, here we are we see a shot of the award ceremony, it was very solemn, and i know this person, he is not from our unit, but from another unit, but he was in the blockade a long time ago, these are our guys from the 48th. well, all our guys here
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, i have nothing to say about, from different units there were also chechen fighters of the armed forces of ukraine were also there, but here is ms. elizara, who just inspires pride, nothing more, they are all heroes, so this is very nice, it is very important for ukraine, in fact, you see how much we are capable of sharing. the best with each other, to share important things and ideals with each other, and to be honest, this is what the crimean peninsula should look like in an ideal for me, just the ideal of the coexistence of religions, peoples, ethnic groups, and that is wonderful, we are two absolutely normal peoples and a single political nation, and when you see on the chest of the military ... it does not surprise anyone, and at all
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no one even thinks about it, because we are normal people, unlike russia itself, for example, where everyone hates everyone, here it is the opposite, here is a wounded fighter, a very cool person, by the way, lim, our scout of the 48th, what we are saying all this to, the most important thing, what we are reducing it to, that it is very important to support our military. in particular , the military, who are natives of crimea, the kremlin, and we remind you that our meetings are already ongoing on a regular basis, in particular, in the beraber project, for the needs of the 48th separate assault battalion named after noman chegovykhan. i will clarify a little, the collection is updated, because during the hostilities it became clear that it is most useful for us now. buy 10
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communication amplifiers, which are extremely necessary for controlling drones at a greater distance, including in pv drones were used for reconnaissance, well, in pv as well. the first step, which allows, well, we, you know, the entire army lacks ammunition, and this gives an opportunity when a battalion goes on the attack, and the 48th sb is an assault battalion, these are the people who are the bravest in general, the army knows all this, they go on the offensive, and when you go in attack, enemy heavy equipment is coming towards you, what should you do if you are short on artillery, such as shells or mortar mines, you should... engage, engage this equipment with drones, and the greater the distance can we send a drone, well, fighters 48, so that the more lives will be saved, the more effective the work
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of the assault will be, and therefore i suggest to everyone who watches us, these are not random people, to join the gathering, you also see the card number, and you see what... ar code of the fee for strengthening the communication of the 48th 15 such devices you need amplifiers, each one costs 72 uah, and together it is 1.80 00 uah, you see it on the screen, just write now, get your applications and order money, because now you know to your face who you are, for whom you are doing this, these are people who absolutely heroic, you can't talk about all our exploits out loud yet, but you can believe me that this is an unusual unit, we should be proud of all of them, and let's remind you that, in principle , combat missions are being carried out right now in 48 in the name of noman chilibidjan, but in
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information space of our country appeared, in my opinion, a very strange manipulation, i would like to ... get together with her and we will do it in the second part of our program, and now i will simply announce: with all the utmost respect to the two honorable interviewers and the speaker , these are servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, we are talking about mr. gnizdilov and a soldier with the call sign tataryn. i 'd like us now to give a little piece of an interview that was recently released, and as for me, as for... for me, maybe due to lack of information, maybe there are some other reasons, there was a little bit of false information, because we just talked about the 48th osha, which was formed, in particular, from representatives of the crimean tatar people, but for some reason, someone still has questions, but
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where are the crimean tatars and where are the battalions formed from them, let's see. one of the most common opinions that prevails in society is... where are the crimean tatar battalions, why crimea, crimean tatars are not fighting in battalions in donbas, why are they not preparing assault units that will liberate their crimea. why is there an opinion that there should be any crimean tatar battalions, and supposedly we, like some foreign legion or something like that, we are citizens of ukraine, the same as ukrainians, karaites, krymchaks, i am a citizen of ukraine, i am going. protected to defend their own state as part of the armed forces of ukraine. the vast majority of crimean tatars, if not almost all of them, have relatives, relatives, people close to them, their families in the occupied territories. therefore, when you say that
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you have something to say about yourself there, i have only one request for you: take your entire family to the occupied territory, give them into russian hands, and then back. public gal, go and kill rusna. i'll just see how quickly they will come to your relatives. it is because of this that these soldiers have and are forced to fight virtually anonymously. i want to add again that i have no complaints and cannot have any complaints about the fighters that we see, the respectable people that we see on the screen, but it still requires an explanation, it really is not like that, and then, well it's just that the facts say it, and that's what we say. unfortunately, not all people watch our program, but i have complaints against the editors of public television, which present it in a provocative way in the text, i mean announcements that question the participation of crimeans in the war as part of the armed forces of ukraine, and this is a shame, it is
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generally inappropriate and harmful, now, the most harmful, i would say, in more detail a little later, yes, and, as they say, any game can be played both ways. there are also very manipulative questions, why in 2014 the majority of ukrainians in crimea did not support the crimean tatars. resistance, and it will also be a big tilt, a bend, if if you want to say that, that's why ayder and i are actually in this studio to figure it out, and we will do it, you know, this is some kind of public suicide for us, i do not support such movements, with lips, tongue and other parts bodies, and now we will talk about the military situation around the occupied peninsula. and the water area of ​​our seas in connection with the studio dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces
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of ukraine, captain of the third morning, dmytro, congratulations and glory to ukraine, glory, congratulations studio, greetings to the viewers, yes, it was a very rich week for me, especially in the crimea, we are talking about the destruction of at least four rather interesting ships, some of them are ours, stolen. as russians, back in 2014, we understand that in principle, on march 24, when the attack occurred, there was only one expectation, but we, the defense forces of ukraine, of course, exceeded even our own expectations, and we have four affected russian ships. and, briefly, briefly, let us summarize this week from the point of view of the naval forces. well, a week it's not over... it's over, there are still two days, at least, yes, so let's hope that
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the results will be summed up early, but as of now, it can be stated, in principle, that the status quo has actually remained in the vdc, in the large airborne forces ships, but if no damage had been inflicted, two more could have been added to the five, to the five ships of large amphibious assault ships that they still have in service now, this is the yamal and... unfortunately, konstantin alshansky, but it would most likely be added under a different name, or minsk, or most likely alenihorsky harnyak, because it is a separate a detective story, how they tried to pass it off in the future for the repair of one of their units, but in fact three units remain under repair, also azov, well, azov was simply under repair, and i almost finished it, as far as i know, that's why mr. .. not that you can safely minus them, but they were not ready. as for ivan khrust, this is a separate
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story, and the aft part is damaged there, accordingly, the equipment responsible for reconnaissance is also damaged, so in principle, we can state that this is to record as a fact, well, let's add here another syu27, which in fact was activated again by a human factor... and if we talk about the inhuman factor of the russians, and during the combat readiness, which was declared to be increased, well, another, another air defense operator, wanted a medal and accordingly launched e -th missile, most likely, with which the su-27 actually landed or launched, most likely it worked with its alien system turned off, because it is always visible. well, that is, everything is as usual, everything has become with them. mr. dmitry, i want to
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ask a question not exactly about crimea and not quite about the black sea, but it will be clear why. unlike the black sea, which is already dangerous, to put it mildly, thanks to you in the first place it became for the russian so -called fleet, there are seas in the world where they feel free. what do you think it means for a fairly powerful russian group to cross the strait into the... red sea, i don't know, it's more convenient for you to judge how powerful it is, but it seems like it is, and it's happening in a region where world civilian shipping is being harmed the so-called houthis, well, that is, terrorists, which, well, i guess under control, a little bit of russia is also under control, like all the terrorists in the world, and what is the russian fleet doing there? and where they are from, what task, that is, we do not expect anything good, good from them. well, in fact, one should not forget that
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yes, the geopolitical interests of the so-called russian federation are quite wide in the world, and this global south, as it is called now, is also the north, and they have two fleets there, and the pacific ocean, but in any case it can all be called such a flat shadow of the soviet fleet, although to say so in fact, look at history... there were no particularly successful cases of application there, so it can be said that the russian federation is a country that has some fairly powerful established ones. victory of the fleet and that this is such a maritime superpower is very, very difficult, their situation is now also narrowing opportunities, in principle, not only in the black sea, in the mediterranean sea, as you can see, they also have a problem now, they actually cannot calmly e - even the supply fleet will pass through the bosphorus, and by the way, two
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units of these ships, which were just entering it... performed tasks in the interests of defense logistics, they are now stuck in turkish territorial waters and it seems that they will remain there, because as we understand, the bosphorus, which is also called the turkish straits throughout the world, is closed to them, respectively due to the mediterranean, they now have to detour all the way to the north, in the north they also have a not very baltic situation in the baltic, as is generally known, in fact the baltic is now becoming inland waters as well. well, they don't have much maneuverability in the world, that's why they can make more efforts in other geopolitical directions, where they can use their fleet, and most likely they will do this, returning to the issue of enemy logistics, mr. dmytro, the security service of ukraine, represented by mr. malyuk, notes
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that after the successful attacks on the bridge from the security service of ukraine, well... the russians stopped using this artery to transfer military cargo to crimea. nevertheless, we see that recently, ballistic, hypersonic missiles of various classes, even modernized, are pounding precisely from the territory of crimea to the mainland of our country, that is, somehow they managed to accumulate it there. can we talk about active application. e-e crossings and so on of their vdcs, which we actively minus, which have no place to land a landing party, but roughly speaking, they can carry all kinds of scrap metal of a military nature. well, let's look at the technical characteristics, if you have to transfer , for example, an echelon of armored vehicles, which are
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heavy, which cannot be transferred individually, yes, and they have to be loaded, for example, and to translate, then yes in this. sense, the crimean bridge will actually not help them, because such loads are huge, they are already afraid to give and for good reason, because the structure of the bridge was damaged due to the impact of fire during a joint operation of the sbu of the navy, this is a fact, and what are these systems that launch these rockets are mobile systems, they are actually on a wheel base and they can move independently and... and roughly speaking, if they go alone, well, the freeway can withstand such loads there, so it is not possible to accumulate even in this sense what are the reserves
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? ... only amphibious ships, not railways, not even on their own, so the situation with this is difficult, yes, these installations are mobile, but we can note in our department that, for example, those missiles that are compatible with launch mines on ships, they were not used like that, there are currently no such facts confirmed for sure, mr. dmitry, and as a joke, of course, and we are already conducting some negotiations with... the crew of dry weight in baltimore, well, it was just colossal, colossal to watch how the bridge was destroyed, unfortunately, and by the way, what is important, colleagues from defense express wrote about it, in fact, this extraordinary event blocked almost a third
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of all the capabilities of the american army in the event of any escalation in the jews. throw your troops across the atlantic, can you comment on that in any way? well, i usually do not comment on such international events, i can only note that the construction of the so-called crimean bridge is a little different, if not completely different, so in principle, you see, even recently, they are not actually protecting it from the water , there was the exit of one small ship there. you can even call it a boat of the coast guard of the fsbrf, if before they constantly kept a dozen or more there, now this picture is gone, the last one who went there to control what it is... it was serhiy kotov, as you know, he was controlled until he went to the bottom, and now they, as i understand it, have placed more bets on exactly that , the observers for aviation, on other components
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that are less vulnerable to the same surface drones, of course it is controlled and not the fact that some similar situation can bring the same so-called crimean bridge out of power, so in fact. it is difficult to predict such situations, last time, sorry, in general , a small drone just came under the bridge, blew up and did not become part of the freeway, but anyway, it doesn't seem to be the case as far as the logistics of the us army is concerned, you know, this country probably has the best military logistics in the world and i'm sure that they will somehow cope with ... even if there is a case like this, so that this is one of those components that they are always proud of, that they have always been
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strong, this is logistics, it was really such a terrible video with this bridge, it turns out that the bridge is basically such a structure, it looked terrible, people died there, but still the design is very vulnerable, i didn't even know, but i want you, mr. dmitry, to clarify. what is the difference there? the fact that this bridge is not on concrete structures, yes, the crimean one, well, it is 10-20 times there , its length is longer there, but what is the key difference, it is concrete there, it is so powerful, here it is metal, yes ? well, you probably saw the video of him, how he fell, in fact, there i am, again not... my expert opinion, i am not a structural engineer, but you can see that there is a structure, it was full all elements were interconnected are connected, and we have already seen what happens
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on the crimean bridge, when the so-called, when some one section is knocked out, well, the rest remains, as a rule, and these were connected to each other, there was a lot on the internet among engineers, i read about this, complaints about the structure itself, that is , the engineering itself... the decision about its construction, er, we have already seen in practice that if one of the spans of the so-called crimean bridge falls, such a result as it doesn't happen here, so yes, they are structurally different, and mr. dmytro, i promise finally, let's go back a little to the russian fleets, there the commanders change quite often lately, after sokolov disappeared somewhere. put pinchuk, and we received confirmation of this when shoigo arrived in sevastopol, and a certain moiseyev, who until 2019, if i am not mistaken, headed
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the black sea fleet of the russian federation, became the general commander of all naval forces of the russian federation, are we following a change in tactics the enemy in connection with the changes of leaders in the relevant directions and fleets. well, yes, we are they saw a submarine on the pier, why not, tactics too, in fact, here you have to understand that the school is one and the same, they all come from the same department, of course, the minister of attack and murder of the russian federation came on a reindeer with bells , said that it is necessary to deepen, expand, they began to deepen, expand, of course... some measures may look purely demonstrative, some measures will be real, maybe, there may be an increase,
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for example, of aviation flights, low-speed, returned to service, those that once already they were going to write off seaplanes, these b-12s, which are quite slow, which simply observe the water area, also the helicopter flights, it seems, have increased from the same rather old ones... they were trained to impress surface targets, trained to work on a drone and by the way, in the video that they posted themselves, they never hit it, the number of radar observation points may be increased, well, that is, in fact, they have regular means there, measures that they can strengthen there, what will be the result of this , a separate issue, now the season of storms is ending. serious and, accordingly, what, for example, was the problem of using drones, the same, this is the weather, and even in bad, bad weather conditions during the season of storms, they
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used them. and quite successfully, now the weather will be better, that's why we actually don't see exits to the sea, uh, maybe a new tactic is to just hide behind the boom barriers in the bays, well, we like it, why not, they actually came out this morning , somehow it seemed that they could still go out to sea and immediately return to bases, now there is not a single unit in the sea, therefore, most likely, they are still looking for it now. a way to counter, and actually it should be noted that they usually find a way to counter, that's the problem with the use of combat on our side, that the enemy, he's actually drawing conclusions, he's actually learning, he's actually trying to counter, and so every time these operations are different, like the head of the security service of ukraine also said that they never
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repeat, then all this is true. that's why, in fact, sometimes it's so difficult and it doesn't happen that often, because that's how they react in reality. mr. dmytro, thank you for your comment. dmytro pletenchuk, the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, a captain of the third rank, joined the together beraber project, they talked about the water area of ​​our seas, and of course, they even went a little out of bounds today, because it is important to understand what challenges are currently facing the civilized. the world in connection with the aggressive russian federation and in general extraordinary various events. now let's take a short break, yes back to the discussion, many more important topics to come, stay tuned. greetings , this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political
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analysis, lens. and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, shot! svobodalai, frankly and impartially, conclusions, you draw yourself, events, in events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, news the tape reports on them, but little is known about what is happening. it must be understood that antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at spresso.
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we continue the together beraber project, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel, raider muzhdabaev and khrystyna yatskiv, together with you, and we are now adding denis chistikov, the deputy permanent representative of the president, to our conversation
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of ukraine in autonomous. republic of crimea. congratulations denis. glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. we began our program by announcing a collection for the needs of the 48th shab named after noman chilibjikhan. and, unfortunately, we continued this topic. in particular, information, an information campaign, which, in my opinion , is now being developed very inappropriately. where are the crimean tatar battalions, why are they not fighting? in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, we understand that a large number of the kremlin are involved in the defense forces, some of them are involved in the context of all other battalions, units, groups in the armed forces and not only, there is also a separate battalion created precisely on the basis of people who...


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