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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio for news on espresso tv channel. a 42-year-old woman was injured by a russian attack on the crooked horn. she is in the hospital. in the evening, the enemy struck, probably with an kh-50 cruise missile.
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nine. this was reported by the southern defense forces. a fire broke out in the forest strip due to the fall of the debris. it was extinguished. the blast wave damaged the power line, as well as in the windows of the house nearby are broken. and at night , explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied sevastopol. this was reported by local telegram channels. residents write that they heard two loud explosions, after which the light went out in one of the districts. later, local publications wrote about... alleged problems at the power substation. the occupation authorities did not report the details of the night explosions. ukraine should produce what the war requires, in particular, increase the production of drones. president volodymyr zelenskyy stated this in a video message after a meeting with the military and government officials according to the head of state , the production of drones from fpv to ukrainian strike drones was discussed in detail. which
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show excellent results at the front. they talked today about the nuances of production, and about support and financing, about contracts, about the necessary flexibility in determining priorities, exactly what war requires. our defense-industrial complex should produce as much as needed, as timely as needed. it is clear that drones will say one of the decisive words for victory in this war, and it should to be a ukrainian word, ukrainian drones, ukrainian victory, and therefore we need more and more effective ukrainian drones, we can provide it. support against the background of russian attacks on the energy system, the us agency for international development handed ukraine another 109 generators, 19 stations.
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heat and electricity generation and 13 units of equipment for emergency services . this was reported by the us ambassador to ukraine bridget bring. the aid will go to dnipro, vinnytsia, ivano-frankivsk, lviv, cherkasy and chernivtsi. partnership between russia and north korea continues to develop. north korea will continue to transfer weapons to the putin regime. this was stated by the deputy spokesperson of the minister. u.s. defense secretary sabrina singh. according to her, the supply of weapons continues to grow, the official did not specify other details. on june 6, 2023, one of the largest man-made disasters in europe occurred. the russians destroyed the dam of the kakhovka hydroelectric power station. the water drowned everything in its path and even reached mykolaiv oblast. however, as in the region and until...
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they are trying to eliminate the consequences of the acocide, we look further: mud, puddles, even rodents, this is what most of the shelters in cities and villages that were flooded as a result of the explosion of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam look like, among them the snow plow, which in the mykolaiv region, for a long time , local children had to study remotely and... through rocket shelling and because of the lack of places where you can hide from them. if our bomb shelter is built, we can already work with children in our kindergarten, everything depends on when it will be built for us. the bomb shelter in the number one child is in the process of being restored. two months ago the premises were in terrible condition to begin work, the shelter was first drained and treated for mold. this is not just some water that was sprinkled on. these are those chemical stories
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that are maximally permissible within the framework of kindergartens according to the license, which kill mold all the way through the entire wall, that is, so that it does not manifest itself. decorations ahead. mining works and inclusive equipment. before the full-scale war, this kindergarten was attended by 120 children. now there are half as many. nowadays, children take turns studying at the school for several hours a day a nearby school. however, everyone really wants to return to their native walls. the teacher must be nearby, and this is communication between the teacher and the child and between the children. they missed each other very much, you saw how happy they were when they were doing there every time... together, classes are classes, but we have games between classes, where the children play, talk, they missed it a lot. and we really need this, it ’s true, and we already miss the children, and the kindergarten, not a kindergarten without grandfathers, but snihorivskyi grandfather’s kindergarten number 7 is already working, in
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in a special format, all classes are held in the shelter for safety and convenience, the renovations here began on november 23, already on february 14 , 62 children went to kindergarten again, the children are already in their second year, they are at home, and now it is very cool, when they started walking, they began to communicate with each other, with peers, and with teachers, in general, we want to completely restore the institution, so that it is completely restored in our country, so that it is even more beautiful, what it was before the war and what it is now , we want it to be even more beautiful and to have even more children, but we will work and... and i think that everything will work out for us. the city council, public organizations and the let's do it ukraine team helped with the restoration of this institution. the dehumidifier played a key role, because it is useless to make repairs in a damp room. it stood here for more than three weeks, and every day
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the team actually drained two buckets of water, so that it was possible to really complete the repair work and, in general, for the children to return. and we really now understand that there is air in this. indoors, it is as comfortable as possible so that children can continue teaching. drainage of flooded shelters is carried out as part of the project to overcome the consequences of the flood by the let's do it ukraine team and with the assistance of avo international and the financial support of action deutlandft. we have plans for the future, and that is why we are currently in mykolaiv region with let's do it ukraine, to see how to scale and how we can continue to support such work. because of. 31 settlements were flooded by the kakhovsky reservoir in the mykolaiv region, the water has already receded from them, but it left behind many disasters. since april until august 2024 , the project is planned to continue in snigurivska hromada. the
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premises will be drained, disinfected and pest controlled. kateryna galko, oscar yanson from the mykolaiv region for the espresso tv channel. meanwhile, espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work to win. for the second year in a row , we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins , other goodies necessary for our defenders appear. in particular, dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry cloves and borsch, lard, canned meat, in short, everything that will feed our people at zero. we constantly have a lot of entanglements, which means there is a need for... help, so get involved and support our soldiers with a donation. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. and in vinnytsia, a young man died due to a fall from a height. two teenagers in the village of maryanivka went to
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the territory of a non-working granite quarry. there they fell from a height of 10 m. one of the boys was able to get out on his own. he is in the hospital, the state emergency service said. another 17-year-old boy. died on the spot from his injuries. the rescuers reached the scene of the tragedy with the help of a boat and brought the body to the shore. today is world autism awareness day. according to the world health organization, every hundredth child in the world has this feature of development. it is difficult for them to communicate with the world and communicate with others. the first signs of a split. to the autistic spectrum usually manifests itself in children up to two or three years of age, and if parents and doctors notice them in time, it is possible to help maintain a connection with the world. the intelligence of a person with autism is not always reduced. very often such people show good and sometimes
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exceptional abilities in certain areas. search for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there is a live broadcast. all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section. subscribe, comment us your important thoughts. be near what. to find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our website and our social networks , meet my colleague lesya vakalyuk in a moment, we will see you in an hour.
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good morning, dear friends , espresso is starting its marathon, lesya vakulyuk, i will work for you in this studio for the next 5 hours, you will be in my company, i will be in yours, please join our broadcast, join with your preferences under our youtube broadcast , it helps the espresso tv channel to be visible in social networks, and also join in with your comments, respond to... the topics that we will raise today on the air, we traditionally start our air with a roll call, and this roll call begins with roman vlasenko, head of the severodonetsk district military administration. mr. roman, good morning, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. roman, putin has announced that the conscription is starting, from 18 to 30 young men are being called to the army, well, this also applies to... the occupied territories, and people in severodonetsk are already saying that men are literally being caught on the streets,
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just they are packed in cars, taken to an unknown destination, and people say that they would like to clarify with those in the know whether it is true or fake, but i want to clarify with you, as with those who know, whether it is true or fake, well, such information is really coming in , the measures were known even before the so-called elections of putin of the russian federation, in luhansk region there was a powerful information campaign and forceful pressure on the organization, on the organizers of the elections, on the power structures that were engaged in this topic preparing for this mobilization during january, february and march of this year, so... we are not surprised at all, and these activities have begun, they have prepared,
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they have a lot of information about the location, the whereabouts of the men, annexed enterprises, annexed educational institutions, and first of all it is the occupation administration and security forces, these measures are also taking place in the occupied territories. is it somehow possible for men, i don't know if everyone there is happy to fight on the side of russia, or is there some way to avoid this, so as not to participate in the russian prize? well , i think that there are not many options here, it is necessary to leave the territories occupied in the first place, i think that we are talking about even leaving the territory of the russian federation in general, in order not to be... involved in the russian army, well, there are other things there, it's how to avoid communication, not where
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not there, showing off, maybe there are still options to redeem there, but that's it, i think that those who wanted to fight, they already ended, and it is known that even there the statistics are information from official sources. in the occupied territories, there are very few men, there is not enough workers, so this situation is really critical there, but are we talking about any number of men, how many there should be, how many are going to be conscripts from occupied severdonetsk, possibly from occupied luhansk region, if you know, well , i don't have official data, but we are talking about the fact that they received some temniks, and you know these numbers in general. than is officially reported, and every region, including the new so-called
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region of the russian federation, these plans are not very happy news from severodonetsk for those people who left, escaping from the war, escaping from the occupiers, this is what the russians determined the criteria by which they will nationalize housing, and and... actually, first of all, this apartment must be entered in the russian register, and another mandatory criterion is the absence of debts for communal services, i don't know. and why in severodonetsk everyone pays for communal services correctly, i can’t believe something, in severodonetsk district, in general, well, again, this situation is new and these facts of nationalization, they have been known for about a year, even more, but these were all such initiatives if from below the local occupation authorities, today, as i understand it, there is already
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a general order at the level of the so-called lpr and all. communities of the conditionally severodonetsk district now have a list of reasons for nationalizing housing, and in fact, this list includes any apartment or house there, the owners of which do not live in the temporarily occupied territories, as you correctly said, the main criterion is debt for communal services payments, and the second is a criterion for security issues , so-called... and in principle , any apartment can fall under this criterion, conditionally, where the security of gas supply is not ensured there or for heating or for electricity supply, and any apartment, conditionally in an apartment building can fall under these criteria and be
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nationalized if there are no owners in the temporarily occupied territories. and what, who are they putting in these apartments? well, first of all, this is the main such a so-called maneuverable fund for the settlement of those workers who come as dosarbaiters for the so-called recovery, well, and the second main direction is, after all, their military families, i have already said many times that a lot found representatives of the small nations of the russian federation there, representatives of the military, that is, their... families, and in this way they are trying to assimilate the local population, thus preparing for the elections to turnout, and today, i think, about half of the local residents there and in vsevironetsk and in lysichansk, these are precisely the representatives of the russian federation who came here and, among other things
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, received nationalized housing for ukrainians, as they wanted. also ask about those ukrainians who lost their homes due to war, and here they say that they continue to submit applications for damaged housing, but cannot receive compensation, how many people are actually waiting for this compensation, what kind of compensation is it, and what to do with such people, if they are currently a number about 44 thousands of submitted applications for the temporarily occupied luhansk region, of these 44 thousand, about 40 thousand are directly residents of the severodonetsk district, the district where the most active hostilities took place, it is necessary to apply either to the tsnap for the place
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of residence, well, first of all, in order to to confirm the very fact of ownership of this house, in action you can apply for compensation, well, let's say so, but today the situation in the state is such that the temporarily occupied territories do not currently receive funding and support in this direction, in the government developed an experiment to register the facts of destruction. housing in the temporarily occupied territories, the city that was chosen was melitopol of the zaporozhye region, to date this experiment has ended, we are waiting for its results, and there were the promises of both the ministry of reconstruction and the government
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that this experiment will be spread throughout the occupied territory, i think that in the near future ... such a decision must be made, and the people who submitted documents in which these documents were accepted will receive such an opportunity, well, to receive compensation for destroyed housing and in the temporarily occupied territories, and due to the fact that some people are tired of expecting that they can receive some compensation, or read news from the occupied north donetsk that the russians there are nationalizing their the same. are there those who decide to go back because they are afraid that they will lose a roof over their head and just stay on the street, as if without a house, well, i think that in any... sense there are such cases, i know cases when people leave to the temporarily occupied territory in order to issue assistance there,
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receive this assistance and return here, i think that there are different people, there are different, they have financial opportunities there, and there are some internal principles and safeguards, so in most cases people everyone tries to use it opportunities to get some funds. some funding. mr. roman, thank you for the information, thank you for the conversation. roman vlasenko, the head of the siverodonetsk district military administration, was in touch with us, they talked about how life is now in the occupied, in the occupied siverodonetsk district, and they also talked about whether residents of the occupied territories of the luhansk region can receive compensation for destroyed housing . now we are going for a short break, we will come back and continue, we will move with you to odesa. odesa. traditionally, every year, april 1 was celebrated as humor, whether there was humor in odesa this year, we will ask valentina shults,
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a deputy of the odesa district council and a volunteer, stay with us, french, april 6, a dead rooster. with the wundervafe program especially for you, the favorite fighters of the legendary band are gathering at 7 p.m. on april 6 at the ua concert ticket fest. there are discounts on pulmolord tablets of 15% in psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. flebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any oops.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity. bakhmut, let's tell you the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day with... two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together. the war continues. and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine has become. countering russian information attacks from the chronicles of information war project with olga lake. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in the new in the two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. premium sponsor. represents united by football, stronger together. dear friends, i'm back on the air. valentyna shults, deputy of the odesa district council and volunteer i expect it on our air. we will talk about how the night passed in odesa, whether the russians allowed people to sleep, and we will also talk about whether they did or succeeded. this year, the people of odesa will hold the traditional humorina festival, which they have always held on the first of april. they have been held since long ago
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, since soviet times, and have been since... ms. valentina, i say good morning to her, good morning, ms. valentina, smiling, so it was night calm and could you sleep or what? yes, that's right, that's right. the people of odesa today, and the residents of odesa region in general, finally got some sleep. it great i am very happy for the odesets and for the residents of odesa that the russians have calmed down a little. in principle, if you look at the news that way. in ukraine, there is some comfort, of course, on the one hand, it is somehow comforting, on the other hand, it is alarming, because we know how it happens. mrs. valentina, yesterday was april 1, of course, to search for news about odesa, for yesterday it is very difficult, because you have to sort through, because from time to time so-called news, jokes appeared. well, for example, there was a very good joke about what 's coming, here's this walk. naburya from the sahara on
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odesa, and they say the authorities of odesa have decided to buy special vacuum cleaners for millions of hryvnias that will clean up this sand. you know, at first i believed it, because everything happens here in ukraine, and then i look at the news for april 1 and realize that it is necessary to share it, so to speak, this news. nevertheless, since april 1, odesa has been associated with humor, with the humorin festival. was there humor this year , if there was, what kind, and is odesa, in principle, in a mood for humor after all that russia has done to odesa in two years? yes, first of all, during a full-scale invasion, they don't celebrate it in marylinna, well , i can say that odessans, odessans don't really like this holiday, really odessans with
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a sense of humor, but... well, at least most of my acquaintances, they don't go to the center cities, as is usually accepted and do not participate in these festivals, of course, festivals were always held in odessa on april 1, also yesterday i saw in the news that mask show artists went to the streets of odessa to cheer up the people of odessa, for this thank them because... what really after all these shelling and the horrors that odesa experienced , such détente is still necessary, and people who come to odesa are very happy and smile, they are happy for street musicians who come out and sing, lifting the mood of odesa residents and guests of the city. but actually about the mood, about the festive mood, or - do
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you have it, you, in particular, odessans, in general, where, where do you get that mood? you know, the mood is that energy, we've got to win, we've got to win, and we don't get down because we're charging our guys, i always say that we are a reliable ichthyel, so we have to hold on, even in odesa, april 1 is also the traditional launch day. fountains, but this year after the russian shelling there were problems with the electricity supply, so what will happen to the city fountains, one has already started working, the one located in front of the opera house, what kind of place is this for odessa, for odessans, and actually, how, how will that fountain work due to power outages, well, for now there are no problems with electricity, odesa.
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back to normal, let's say regime, and this fountain, it is really iconic for odessans, odessans love to walk near the opera house, a lot of people gather there and everyone comes, i say the guests of the city gather right next to this fountain, how they will work, i can’t say, let’s hope , that our... infrastructure is damaged after such shelling, because now, according to the calculations of ecologists, this attack by the shaheds on march 22 caused uah 3 million damage to the environment alone, and i am not talking about the system itself, about the environment, by
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the way, again. .. but about this one, about this one sand storm


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