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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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in the end, to completely break away from russia, this is one of the most ancient, unfortunately, ties between ukraine and russia, the most, which has grown the deepest roots in the consciousness of ukrainians, in our history, if we break it, i am sure that we will take a very important step towards full independence. thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr vitrovich, historian, publicist and people's deputy of ukraine, was with us, we, dear friends, will now watch the latest selection of news from our news. appears on your screens and i am ready to tell you what has happened in ukraine, tatarstan and the rest of the world in the last hour. greetings olesya, we have good news, so we will tell you about it and not so much news in a few minutes, wait.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. due to a drone attack in kirovohrad oblast, an energy facility was damaged, a fire broke out, and it was contained, the head of the region, andrii raykovich, said. fortunately, there were no dead or injured. and at night , the russians again attacked ukraine with shaheds, launched 10 drones. nine of them shot down air defense forces, the general staff reported. in particular, drones were destroyed over dnipropetrovsk region. due to falling debris, two fires broke out in the dnipro, they were quickly extinguished, noted the head of the region, serhiy lysak. the two-story building and the fire station were damaged, no one was injured. a 42-year-old woman was injured by a russian attack on the crooked horn. she will be treated at home. in the evening, the enemy hit...
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the city probably with an kh-59 cruise missile, the south's defense forces reported about it. by falling debris caused a fire in the forest strip, it was extinguished, the blast wave damaged the power line, and windows were broken in a house nearby. and the russians wounded two people in the kherson region. the enemy shelled residential quarters in eight settlements, said oleksandr prokudin, head of the regional military administration. damage. high-rise building and four private houses, russian projectiles hit the utility building and the gas pipeline, the gas leak was blocked, there was no fire. and a russian bomb fell on a temporarily occupied frontier in luhansk region, a shell fell from a fighter plane near the railway station, the occupiers do not say about the number of victims. those who survived were evacuated and registered in the regional office. military
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administration. explosions rang out in the morning in the republic of tatarstan in russia. drones attacked businesses in yelabuz and nizhnyoksk. explosions rang out at the taneko oil refinery and the shahed strike drone production plant. eyewitnesses tell about two uavs of this type that flew into the yelabuga special economic zone, after which a several explosions. the local authorities assure that the technological process is allegedly not broken, but there are injured people. 780 invaders destroyed the ukrainian defense forces in a day, and in general , since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the russian army has lost more than 433 thousand soldiers, reports the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. also yesterday, our defenders burned 12 enemy tanks, 30 ard systems and
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29 armored fighting vehicles. ukrainian soldiers managed to shoot down 22 russian drones and one cruise missile. destroy more than 30 cars and tanks and six units of special equipment. the data are approximate - added at the general staff. the partnership between russia and north korea continues to grow, with north korea transferring weapons to putin's regime. this was stated by the deputy. the spokesperson of the us secretary of defense sabrina singh. according to her, arms deliveries continue to grow. the official has not specified other details at this time. meanwhile, in the turkish province of dennis lli, during the celebration of the victory in the local elections , a balcony with people collapsed. according to the khaber tv channel, supporters of the opposition people's republican party gathered near her office. a group of people went out onto two
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balconies, due to the stampede one of the balconies collapsed, 18 people were injured, all of them were hospitalized, one of them died in the hospital, 13 of them... four more were discharged, they continue to be treated. and five people became victims of the hurricane winds that swept through the south of poland. according to local publications, the police under the supervision of the prosecutor's office are investigating the circumstances of the tragedy. two women and a six-year-old child died in a park in the city of rabkazdruy. a tree fell on them. it is also known about the death of a young woman and a nine-year-old boy in the city of zakopane. localized. the authorities have warned of dangerous winds, the speed of which reaches at least 100 km/h. us secretary of state anthony blinken is going to europe, one of the topics of negotiations with partners will be the situation in ukraine. he begins his tour in paris,
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where he will meet with president emmanuel macron and talk about support for ukraine. the us secretary of state will attend a meeting of foreign ministers in brussels. of nato countries, where they are planning a meeting with dmytro kuleba and jens stoltenberg, secretary general of the alliance. more than 200 photos of fallen azov residents, boys and girls, who defended mariupol in 2022. in kremenchuk, the exhibition polk azov, angels of mariupol is on display. it was shown for the first time in kyiv on sofia square on october 22. since then, the angelic heroes have been traveling the country. kremenchuk is already the 12th city, our film crew also visited the exhibition. smiling, kind, serious, courageous heroes, angels of war. the author of the exhibition is vera lytvynenko, whose son died in mariupol. he says to accumulate material for exposition
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started two years ago. today , 200 photos with biographies of fallen soldiers are presented here, the youngest of whom was only 18. oborunami. it is the most heroic page, perhaps, of this war, we do not want to diminish the merits of all areas of the front, because our front is very difficult everywhere, but mariupol is the only city where soldiers fought without weapons, without ammunition supplies, without medicine, without food, without water is already at the end, and the following generations should be brought up by their example in the exhibition of photo heroes whose families agreed to talk about the dead, because many are still waiting for the soldiers alive, believe in a miracle and return. mr. stepan is convinced that history should be written about every azov resident. the man himself, originally from mariupol, moved to kremenchuk on september 22nd, recalls
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how the occupiers punished the locals for contact with azov residents, especially for contact with azov, that is , if... he could tell his neighbors that he came to the man of azovitsa, he just came, not as a relative there or had some connection, he could just go to drink water, then he was immediately taken to the cathouse. the biography can be read in two ways languages, ukrainian and english, the translation into czech and german is in progress, so that he knows about the true history of the war in ukraine. abroad, the faces of the heroes of the poltava region, natalia strebkova with the call sign zoryan and maksym kagal with the call sign piston, are on the stands abroad. the boy died during the defense of mariupol on march 25, two years ago. so that everyone understood what was
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the price of our current freedom and will, and that we have, can get up, go to sleep in a trampled fast. and to wake up in the morning and drink coffee, that's all, thank you, thanking our indomitable. the epic of the mariupol defense is not over until we bury our last dead, the azov man, and we return, we return the last captured azov man. the prayer of a ukrainian nationalist is read aloud. in kremenchuk, the exhibition will last at least two weeks. iryna skrypacheva and serhii vitrovyi from kremenchuk for espresso tv channel. meanwhile, the espresso volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for
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the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, these the initiative is gaining momentum and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamin ones, others also appear. goodies are needed for our defenders, in particular dried fruits, nuts, jerky, pastola, dry cloves and borsch, lard, canned meat, in short, everything that will feed our people at zero. we constantly have... a lot of requests, which means that there is a need for our help at the front, so join us and support our soldiers with a donation, you can see all the details on your screens now, meanwhile, the soldiers of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade have received binoculars for night vision, which we collected together with you, because we collected the necessary uah 170 and already handed over the vital device to them. now during combat
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night missions, our soldiers will not only be able to feel safer, but also more skillfully destroy the enemy. to find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our site and our social networks, also search for espresso on youtube, subscribe, comment, because your opinions are very important to us. be with us every day, in a moment meet my colleague, lesya vakalyuk, we'll see you in an hour, dear friends, we're back on the air, we're continuing our marathon, you'll spend the next two hours in my company, please join us in watching espresso on... our youtube channel, search for it on youtube, put your likes, it helps us to be
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visible, also subscribe to our social networks, now you see this little instruction, what you need to do, you need to go to youtube from espresso, find our broadcast and watch, also you can watch the interview there, you can watch shorts to comment and stay in touch with us in this way, in addition, subscribe to our other social networks and let me remind you that also: the site is active. this site also has a lot of interesting exclusive interviews that you can re-read if you don't like watching videos, for example. eh, and besides, on the same website you can find the espresso.volunteers section and there you can find all the necessary meetings that you want to support. eh, well, besides all that, now you also have the opportunity. to join our gathering, i remind you about it, it continues, because we have to collect lots and lots
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of money with you, and when i say lots and lots, it means as much as 2 million uah, we are collecting these 2 million uah in order to have fpv drones in our military from the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. for this morning, you and i have already collected 30,000, not bad, for yesterday for the whole day there were 50,000, i hope today. the amount will be larger, and in order for it to be larger, you need to contribute with your hryvnia, as much as your wallet, your income allows, how much you don't mind how much you think is necessary to contribute to making the enemy smaller, help our troops, be with our troops, they deserve and need it, and in the meantime we will... talk about today's good ones news, if i say good news, then
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it concerns the fact that some drones have arrived in the drone production in tatarstan, this is a subject of russia, andriy rezhenko, captain of the first rank of the naval reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the sonata company, deputy chief of staff of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine in 2004-2020 joins us. mr. andrii, i congratulate you. well, good day, actually, a video appeared from different angles, how something flies, something explodes in tatarstan, and people who watch all those events don't like it very much, and details of this also appeared hits, drones attacked enterprises in tatarstan, where they were gathering shahedis, and here and there... about 1,200 km, and they say that this is the first time
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since, well, russian news, at least that's how they write that it's the first time since the svo in tatarstan arrived, in the meantime i also read the news that minister fedorov said that already in ukraine there are drones that can fly to a distance of more than 1000 km, i think so, these... two news are related or not, and what can you say about the company that was hit by drones today? well, first of all. i have already seen confirmation that this is an operation by the bulagurs to hit this factory for the production of shaheds. this plant was built recently on the territory of tatarstan, this ivabuzhsk industrial center there,
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and these iranian specialists came here to see them. we looked for a long time, in the end we decided to build such a factory, well, we see that, in principle, the number of drones is the same as the 136s, it is constantly increasing, and it is constantly increasing, if there were some of them there at the beginning, well, maybe a couple of dozen at most , now sometimes almost a hundred of them arrive, i mean , i take part in attacks on the territory of ukraine, and on average there are about 40 every night. another thing is that our defense forces have already devised countermeasures against these drones, and in principle mobile groups operate and, therefore, apply such rather effective and efficient practices that
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allow, allow, well, to do this, let's say, for... large costs comparable, for example, to the shooting down of the same shaheds with anti-aircraft guided missiles, that's if it's good , but nevertheless, well, it takes a lot of resources from us and therefore i think that such a decision was made and such a blow was struck, i think that it will have an impact on the production, production capabilities of this plant, which was literally yesterday's information , that the next board, the plane arrived with components, to these shaheds, syrano to the russian federation, that is, i think that i think that this is not the last strike on this object, if the first one passed, then there will be further strikes, especially since russia has a very large territory,
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and they simply do not have enough anti-aircraft means. we know that even now there was information that they were removing anti-aircraft missile systems from the crimea and dropping them in the suburbs of moscow, when these attacks on objects began, in fact in the center of moscow, well , if they are dropping them, let's say, from the crimea, which is also, let's say, in our very serious crosshairs, which we actually attack every day. military purposes, then what to say about such deep-seated objects as tatarstan itself. well, there was a report that the blow was inflicted not only on this plant, but also on a plant that processes oil, and accordingly, therefore, makes a contribution to the budget of the russian federation, ah, 30% of which goes to the war against
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us, that is this is such a message to the enemy. in the fact that, in principle, there are such opportunities to destroy such objects, and rather for all this will continue, again, here the enemy must think about what to do, he must take some measures, they will primarily be related to the fact that there is a need to deploy air defense systems there, which are not free, that is, they will redistribute, perhaps withdraw from the front, think something like that, well, again, the fact that, what, well, well, for example, for the crimea a couple of months ago, they brought into the air defense system, which was removed from the kaliningrad region, this shows , that, well, there are not very many of these systems, that is, that is the situation, that is we are gradually increasing this shoulder of the use of striking forces and means against
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important objects of the russian federation, which... either directly participate in the war, or, let's say, sponsor its conduct, how long does it take to produce an air defense system, because we we understand that the russians, if something flies somewhere, they in principle, albeit slowly, draw some conclusions, we see that they are improving their missiles, we see that they are improving cabins, that is, they are doing... work on errors , well look, i can say that well i think that the systems they are making now, i mean the ots4 system. they are there or shell, the fact is that now they use a lot of foreign-made chips, especially in missiles, avionics, everything
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was actually manufactured in the soviet union, well, in the ussr, there is no such thing now, now they have decided there, that they are part of the world, and they sell oil to the world, and they can buy anything they want. includes weapons and then scare whomever they want, well, here it generally turns out, which may not be so fast, but gradually they are reminded that it is not wrong, this is the concept of life, well, what can i say, i think that i am not sure that they have all the squads that they need, and that well, in order to completely make such a complex as c4, i think that this time requires several months to do it, that is, well, if they need several tens, then you can say for sure that
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time is really a problem for them on their side, and plus they need missiles, ds-400 missiles too, i think they can to be components, they have such a system, well , widespread and well... in general, what is effective is armor, they even put it on ships, but again, something, well , something slows down their production, and because also, there are not very many of them there, although again , they even put them on ships, after the lessons, after the first months of the naval operation to block our... our coast on the black sea, in fact, what is happening in the black sea now , as with missile carriers, the russians are a little afraid
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to let them in, well, russia, the missile of the nation is now at the base points, in general, they are ready to strike, i think they can strike 90 missiles, and in principle, gur warns that ... this can happen, and they are now attacking energy infrastructure is very active, and in the west, and in the north, and in the east, and in the center, and somehow you see, they can get this information about our most vulnerable objects, unfortunately, someone helps them in this, well, well they now prefer kha101 missiles, it was interestingly announced today information, how many... rockets have hit kyiv, kyiv region since the beginning of the year, and there , in principle, out of 180 rockets, 140 are x 101, but
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there was only one caliber rocket, but really , they fire very rarely from the sea, the last massive strike, well, i do i understand it was on august 6 last year, 20 missiles, but they have such capabilities, they have 90 missiles on board. to be in the caspian, this is the base of the caspian flotilla on the vovga river, they can all strike at the same time, but i think they are waiting for something, they are waiting for something, after the main thing, maybe make rockets. x101, which, by the way, they modernized, and there they increased it, in particular, the power of the warhead
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actually up to 800 kg, this is a lot, but i think they will use calibers later, the missile caliber is quite accurate, but somehow it just so happened that our anti-aircraft defense became very attached to this missile and in fact. completely knocks them down at the level of more than 90% there, i think that they conducted an analysis and came up with something like that for themselves, but now they are, well, on combat duty, and supposedly as much as possible trying to secure their base in these cities where they are now. by the way, about helping russia, the pentagon said that... korea continues to supply weapons to the russians, are there any levers of influence, any ways to stop this flow
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of weapons? and what weapons are we talking about, what powers? well, the fact is that north korea is also under serious un sanctions in terms of oil supplies, and as far as i know, russia has now started to supply oil there in payment for the supply of weapons, well it violation of the direct sanction of the organization. when a permanent representative of the un security council does this, it is, let's say, very moral from the point of view of the code of conduct of such a serious organization. i think it has to be some sort of solution, a reaction to it. well, korea mainly supplies weapons for the ground forces, which means the russian
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federation. mainly these projectiles and they said that there could be up to 3 million projectiles of 152 mm caliber, and then there are ballistic missiles, again for operational-tactical missile systems of the iskander type, for many in general, copies of soviet or russian designs, mainly such and such weapons, but i don't know that they gave anything there. they supplied a korean, but for sukhadov , they supply such weapons, they supply quite a lot of them, mr. andriy, thank you for the conversation, andriy ryzhenko, captain of the first rank of the naval reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the sonata company and deputy the chief of staff of the armed forces navy was with us in 2004-2020, now we are going on a short break, coming back and let's continue, we will talk about the elections in
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turkey, about that. how the political power of erdoğan lost them, what will it mean, more on this later, stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saw unbox tv, just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, its so it is convenient to use for carpentry, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1490. 5 hryvnias. a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order. there is a possibility free delivery. check with consultants. cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood. you can do all this in one movement with the strong saw. just look how quickly she copes, even with thick branches. once and it's done. and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use in hard- to-reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as
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