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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

10:30 am
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10:31 am
there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat, tuesday-friday at 10:00 p.m. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening!
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on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, i am returning to veter, we continue our marathon, mine will last another hour and a half. part of it, let me remind you, you are watching the espresso tv channel, under our youtube broadcast, one of the viewers wrote about the fact that somehow she began to hear less and less greetings, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. i don't know if it's less or more, dear friends, i don't abuse this slogan, i know this slogan since the times when it was not fashionable to say it in ukraine, and moreover, when not...
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everyone knew the answer to glory to ukraine, moreover, when, when you said glory ukraine knew that it was necessary to respond to the heroes with glory, then they looked at you and said that you are some kind of jerk, stubborn and so on. fortunately, the slogan was invented in the east of ukraine, which was preserved for us in the west of ukraine. fortunately, now all of ukraine knows what to answer, and if it would help our army, it would be possible to say it without stopping, but besides... there must be slogans, behind the slogans there must also be deeds, so i remind you that continues, our collection continues, we are currently collecting 2 million hryvnias for our defenders and such so we don't forget about our heroes who defend our country at the front, look at the screen, now you see two qr codes, you see two numbers of two cards, choose the one that suits you better, mono or private, and transfer your money, then no must be huge amounts, but... this is our support.
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in this way, we remind our heroes that we remember them. we remind all those who have distanced themselves, perhaps from the war , that even if the russian missiles do not fly anywhere, and even if the days are calm, this does not mean that the war has already stopped. this means that we must continue to be with our troops, so please transfer your donations, and in the meantime we will talk, now we will talk about... about the east, not ukraine, the east of the world. serhii danilov , deputy director of the center for middle eastern studies, is already appearing on our airwaves, elections were held in turkey and the results of those elections were interesting, because the pro-erdogan power did not win them, local elections in turkey ended in such a way that the opposition won 35 mayoral positions , power... only 24, and erdogan
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already even admitted his defeat. mr. serhii, what does this mean, this is the end of erdogan's rule. is this a new beginning, a new turn? good day, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well , well, of course, this is not the end of erdogan's rule, but it is possible the beginning of the end, remember how churchill said that this is not the end of the war, but it is possible the beginning of the end, because erdogan still has a mandate and a parliament until he is almost 28 years old... he has a majority in the parliament, and he is the president of the country, that is, from this point of view, nothing will change, another the fact is that some decisions after such a vote will be difficult to pass through the parliament, for example, his idea about changes to the constitution so that he can run for office
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again in the 28th year, which is now prohibited by the constitution, yes, two terms, he is unlikely. . will he be able to carry out these changes, the public mood is completely different, if he won the election, he would go for another term with the change of the constitution, not now, and this also means that a possible candidate for the presidency in the 28th year, the current newly elected , old the old, newly re-elected mayor of istanbul. will be able to consolidate resources for his election campaign, he is already being seen by everyone as a successor, not the one that erdogan would have appointed if he himself had not left and failed to conduct, namely the mayor of istanbul. the wall
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street journal speculates that the chairman of the board and technical director of baykar selcuk bayraktar may become the next president of turkey. who is also erdogan's son-in-law, what do you say about the journal's speculation? yes, it was a backup option in case it didn't work out to make changes to the constitution , bayraktar would stand, and he has a good chance, he does not have this train behind him, which is now behind erdogan himself with this wild inflation of 70%, and last year it was 80. 6% yes, tired of erdogan, young man, an energetic , successful entrepreneur who creates the image of a new turkey, this is a very advantageous position , he has chances, but his chances are reduced by erdogan,
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i will say so, casts a shadow on him, yes, for how long, but there is still a lot of time, so do some guess now - it's a useless business and... this is another three years, as far as this son-in-law is concerned an independent unit, well, it is quite independent in the sense that it is with state support, but he has really created a good corporation that makes a product, that achieves success, that develops such things that no one in turkey previously thought could be created, that's all... the breakthrough and his merit in this is quite great, but you also say that this is still far from that, and that everything is far away and in three years, all sorts of things can happen, if we talk about these election results now, if we talk about the fact that
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erdogan basically admitted that i lost, they say about erdoğan that he is such a person , he has such a dictatorial nature, he is authoritarian, but it is not quite typical for such people to admit their mistakes? yes, yes, let's look at the last local elections, when imam glut won his first time, the istanbul mayoral election, erdogan did everything possible and impossible there to prevent him from taking office, and criminal cases and annulment of the vote. but in the end, when the court put all the dots over the i, erdogan conceded victory, and krem was the mayor of istanbul, there are fuses in turkey, and this, this is not russia, not kazakhstan, there
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, no, not other authoritarian countries, there are elections, there is a court, there is a procedure, there is enough... technologically refined elections from the point of view of the actual conduct, but look how quickly they published the results , and this is a country that is now 2.5 times larger. in terms of population, it used to be one and a half, then two, and now, unfortunately, it is 2.5, that is, it is not necessary to transfer the authoritarian tendencies of erdogan, which he definitely has, to the political system of turkey, in which the electoral procedure is working, and finishing the topic elections, there was such a sad... case, after the opposition actually celebrated
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its victory, they went out on one of the balconies and there were so many of them that this balcony collapsed, and one of the representatives, actually mehmet palas, instead of to celebrate, unfortunately, unfortunately, from the injuries received after this balcony fell, died, ottake. it, the joy that turned into flames, i also wanted to ask you about israel, this is something so unthinkable for us, because in israel, in israel, too , there is a war going on, but together with what is going on there war, there are ongoing protests, people came out against netanyahu and say that they are dissatisfied with the way the fight with hamas is going, how is it possible that during the war... there are ongoing protests, is this possible in israel? well, this is a specific war, which is different
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from ours, this is, firstly, secondly, this is the stage of the war when it is clear that the israel defense forces tsal is achieving its goals, yes, that is , there is no existential threat like we have, there is no the many times superior adversary, the enemy, hamas, is not defeated only because... in the gas sector only because the united states and the world community stop the israeli political leadership from continuing the operation with the methods they have been doing until now, so protests are possible there, there is no such existential war as we have, this is firstly, and in hamas has significantly fewer opportunities to shake up the domestic political situation than in russia. for us, this is the second, third, israel entered this war in a state of cold
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civil war, there is a confrontation between the right-wing camp and the liberal camp, around judicial reform, the rights and freedoms around there reached such a level that last summer there was already talk of a civil war, and now... all this has not disappeared, although netanyahu removed the controversial law on the judicial system, changes to the judicial system on against the background of the war with hamas in the gas sector, but now another problem has arisen, what hamas has framed has not been enough to release those who were captured, the poor people, the hostages, who are still alive or dead, no one knows, all ... the negotiations did not bring results, in particular for netanyahu's position, and
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the indignation is caused by the fact that this war happened at all, that is, the mistakes of the military-political leadership and the personal prime minister of israel led to this situation, the second stated goal, two goals were set after october 7, to clear the sector from hamas, and the second, or the first, to return people, well, the second or the first, has not been fulfilled. mr. serhiy, thank you for the explanation about what is happening in the east of the world, serhii danylo, deputy director of the middle eastern studies center, was with us, and now, dear friends, we will talk about barrier-freeness, because the war makes new adjustments, and in ukraine there are more and more people who... have disabilities, due to a full-scale invasion, this number has increased to 3 million, so more and more attention
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is now being paid to how our population is arranged points according to the principles of inclusiveness, the heroes of our story showed how the city of lviv is adapted for people in wheelchairs, let's see: 32-year-old karina has been living with a spinal cord injury for 20 years, she has lived in... in lviv for 7 years and helps people with similar injuries, he says during this time, the city of leva has become more convenient for people with limited mobility, but there are still many barriers, and we decided to protest together how accessible lviv is to people in wheelchairs, this is the way for the center of dovzhenka to count accessible , there should already be a normal cover, a normal cover so that a person can reach it to this length, because now what we use special skills to move these slabs and these gaps between these slabs, it is as if our superskills , but there is
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there are many people who do not have these super skills, and it should be normal here. cover and then the center of the ramp can be considered accessible, then now i would say that it is not accessible, well, let's see what 's inside, the essence of the ramp is that it should be so gentle, there are certain degrees, and the longer, the higher the rise to be climbed, the longer the ramp should be and it should be gentle enough for a person to be independent in a wheelchair that moves by itself... climb, that is, any ramps where there is a large slope, and where a person cannot climb on his own, it is not a ramp, that is, it is not an element of architectural accessibility, it is the same barrier as if there were just steps, for example, ivan was climbing now
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with the help of a handrail, and this is often used people, for example, who have one lesion. sides and they have, for example, their left hand not working well, and then they can use their right hand to help themselves up there, it is important these handrails, they are on the side, and usually there are, for example, only on one side, and it will be difficult for people with visual impairments to move here, because there are no tactile tiles, visible movement signs and stairs are in the way, opening the door can also be a difficult task, if we are talking, for example, about ivan and me, then we can now... open this door and enter without hindrance, if we talk about a person in whom, who also had damage to the upper limbs, then she would not be able to do it accordingly, and therefore, of course, a good door is a door that can slide apart, if automatically , we understand yes, it is not possible to achieve this everywhere, even then the door should at least open
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with a light effort, and so that the handle can be caught easily with the brush of the hand, even if you do not have... fingers, well, we can check this now, well, you see, i just put my hand and, for example, if my fingers didn't even work, i can pull the door and open it, even in this way. in order to use the elevator in the dovzhenko center for people in wheelchairs, you must first get a key from the employees of the institution, here they admitted that they still have visitors in wheelchairs there were no difficulties. karina didn't have the urge to go to the dressing room, but she says that it can't be so easy for everyone, okay, i go inside, i can, i can, i can turn on and off the light myself, that's the good thing, what, good, what the mirror is lowered, it’s good, because usually they are somewhere under the ceiling, well
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, in principle, you can use it to wash your hands here, it is not inclusive, this one is like... a washbasin, but that’s it, you know, it’s okay, there are no handrails, like you you see, there must be a handrail, it must be hinged, it must be at a distance of 70 cm from the center a toilet, as far as i know, but it is almost impossible to get to the shelter, there are no signs of a bomb shelter either, such an institution, according to karina, is not friendly to all categories of people. but lviv transport has become more accessible for all categories of the population, the worst with trams, because only 20% of them are trams. if our heroes managed to get into the tram, then getting out of it became a problem, because the call button did not work, we had to ask the tram driver to manually lower the ramp, and people like this will not get out, will not miss
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often, you just have to, well, if we just try to calculate every step in advance and... know when to return , when to go, where to wait, well, you just adapt one way or another, you need to create all the conditions so that people can realize themselves, work, pay taxes, don't sit and sit conditionally as if, well, only there on pensions, for example, or something like that, be right in everything that is happening and let them rustle, and then they will get used to it. ramps are not installed everywhere, and where they are, they are completely inaccessible, karina says. the state should not chaotically place ramps and consult. only with reduced mobility experts, because the same ramps must be comfortable for different types of wheelchairs, with the appropriate slope and material. the situation is the same with stairs made of tiles or
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smooth stone, if there are no rubber strips on them to help prevent slipping. well, look, this is a non-standard ramp, because there are two grooves in it, but they are not universal, all people have wheelchairs of different widths and ... accordingly, that the wheels may not simply fall into these grooves, firstly, secondly, it has a non-normative slope, i.e. it is more than necessary, and you can no longer climb it on your own, well , the handrails too, accordingly, are not normative, they do not have a normal height , and their thickness does not allow you to properly grasp the space of lviv and the ancient narrow streets, stone steps and curbs, to adapt it for people in wheelchairs... it is difficult, but possible, more and more coffee shops, cafes and bookstores are becoming friendly to people with disabilities and adapt their businesses. karina notes that she plans her
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route in advance, looks for establishments with an accessible entrance area and a restroom, and if there are none, she will not be able to visit them, so leave money there. but if we talk about inclusion in general, then this is a process not only of elimination. barriers of these physical ones, yes, it is also a process of removing mental barriers, including communication barriers, and there is a certain problem in this too, because people still have various stereotypes about a person, for example, in a wheelchair, and maybe i can be perceived very superficially, you know, and accordingly to feel a superficial attitude towards myself, for example, regarding my financial capabilities there, or regarding my mental capabilities, simply because... i use a wheelchair, this is of course unacceptable, it should not be like that. karina says that a person's limited mobility should not deprive him of his sense of dignity and the opportunity to return
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to his life. now things have changed very, very much since the full-scale invasion. of course, people have realized that disability will now be everywhere in our country, yes, it is present as a phenomenon. and that something needs to be changed. and of course rhetoric. has changed a lot, politics has changed a lot, and now i personally feel this, you know, even over attention and over wanting to help, we don't need over attention , we don't need us running around and giving us ramps, yeah, we need to we were allowed to live peacefully, use their services, work and did not pay too much attention, well, this is not necessary, so that guests and residents of lviv can easily and quickly find barrier-free locations. lviv tourist office created a map: accessible city. more than 100 food establishments, museums, theaters, communal institutions, hospitals, shopping and entertainment centers have already been marked on the map,
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battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: a powerful saw is what you need, call! the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko,
11:00 am
every weekday. from 20 to 22 for espresso. news time on spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. she helped the enemy prepare rocket and shahedny. attack, the security service detained another member of the fsb spy network. the woman tried to identify military airfields and air defense systems near kryvyi rih. also, a local resident monitored the flights of combat aircraft of the armed forces of ukraine. all information was recorded on electronic cards and reported to the fsb employee. she is currently in custody, facing life imprisonment.


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