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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. newspeak. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio on espresso tv channel. she helped the enemy prepare missile and shahed attacks. the security service detained another member of the fsb agent network. the woman tried to identify military airfields and air defense systems near kryvyi rih. also, a local resident monitored the flights of combat aircraft of the armed forces of ukraine. all information was recorded on electronic cards and reported to the fsb employee. now she is in custody. she faces life
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imprisonment. as a result of a drone attack in kirovohrad oblast, an energy facility was damaged, a fire broke out, it was contained, the head of the region, andriy raikovych, said. fortunately, there were no dead or injured. russians injured two people in the kherson region. the enemy shelled residential quarters in eight settlements, said oleksandr prokudin, head of the regional military administration. damaged high-rise buildings and four private houses, russian shells hit an economic building and a gas pipeline, the gas leak was blocked, there is no fire. the 17-year-old boy was returned from the temporarily occupied kherson region to the territory controlled by ukraine. for two years , the teenager had to live in the occupation and go to a russian school. what scared the young man the most was that after the so-called youth army, the russians
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would have to fight against his homeland. currently , the boy and his family are in a safe place, under the supervision of doctors and psychologists, said the head of the kherson regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. since the beginning of the year, it was possible to return 48 children from temporary of the occupied kherson region. a russian bomb fell on a temporarily occupied frontier in luhansk region. the shell fell from a fighter near the railway station. of the victims, the occupiers do not tell, those who survived were evacuated, noted in the regional military administration. and in the republic of tatarstan in russia, explosions rang out in the morning, there was a lot of noise at enterprises in yelaboz and nizhnyoksk. the drones attacked the taneko oil refinery and the shachet strike drone production company. eyewitnesses talk about two aircraft-type bpls that flew into a special eco.
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zone of yelabuga, after which several explosions rang out. the local authorities assure that the technological process was allegedly not disturbed, but there are injured people. and in the morning, polish farmers again blocked the border checkpoint in hryna in dolgobychiv. this was reported by the state border service of ukraine. in connection with this, the movement of trucks both on the way out of poland and on the way in is complicated. before. polish farmers have stopped blocking the movement of trucks at the krakiwiec, szegyny and ustylug checkpoints, but jagodyn and rava ruska have been completely blocked again since april 1. leader of the csu faction in the german parliament, klaus holecek, will come to kyiv today, for the first time in two years of the full-scale war in ukraine, a high-ranking state politician from bavaria will arrive. according to him, this visit is an important act under trymki, because now putin
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continues his massive missile terror against ukraine every day. together with holecek , a member of parliament from the csu party, gerhard hopp, will also come. and us secretary of state anthony blinken is going to europe. one of the topics of negotiations with partners will be the situation in ukraine. he begins his tour in paris, where he will meet with president emmanuel macron and talk about support for ukraine. the us secretary of state will arrive in brussels for a meeting with the foreign ministers of nato countries. a meeting is planned there with dmytro kuleba and the secretary general of the alliance, jens stoltenberg. air raids. during march-may 2022 , ukrainian pilots miraculously managed to fly on rotorcraft to azovstal. the operations remained secret for a long time, because they had an overriding mission - to supply. ammunition and
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medicines, and it is difficult to evacuate wounded from mariupol, which was besieged by the russians, about superhumans who agreed to take part in such air operations. further in our plot. we did not decide for a long time, our friends were there, our brothers, we were obliged to do it, we did it. volodymyr mazorchuk, call sign tasteless. on march 29, 2022, a military man went by helicopter to help his brothers who were surrounded in mariupol. the air operation on azovstal is a series of flights to the blockaded mariupol, carried out by the ukrainian air force, jointly with the main directorate of intelligence. according to kyril bodanov, the head of the department, ukraine sent military
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aid to azovstal seven times. it was worse than i expected because i was flying, i understood that i was flying into a surrounded city, but well... well, the reality was a little different from what i realized. volodymyr, like all defenders of azovstal, followed the commander's order to save his life. in azovstal, he was captured by the russians, where he stayed for 13 months, and was exchanged for a tasteless person on june 11, 2023. however, most canvases to mariupol became one-way flights, according to the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, about 90% of the pilots died during such operations, among them andrii ogorodnyk, call sign ozhos, from february 24 the hero defended the kyiv region, at night from
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march 24 to 25 he went to reinforce mariupol did you know or did he tell you that he was flying? it was a secret operation. and our children, they didn’t tell us anything, we found out, he only called back once, from the 19th, i was just shocked, and that’s it, nothing, on april 26, 2022, andriy died of a fragment of an 82-caliber mortar, his body was searched for 11 months, he died in a hospital. but i am very grateful to my brothers and sisters that they dragged him under fire in order to try to save his life, and in such inhumane conditions, the doctors tried
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to save the lives of our children, unfortunately, unfortunately, flights to occupied mariupol at that time seemed impossible, the first world. they appeared only on may 20, 2022. admitted that it was difficult, knew that it was almost impossible to fly, to fly to azovstali and bring them medicine, bring them food products, bring them water, take away the bodies of the wounded, all this happened, a lot of things happened, which no one officially... could comment on. according to the head of the gur kyryll budanov, a total of 16 mi-8 military helicopters flew to the defenders of vazovstal. such air operations made it possible to extend the effective defense of the mariupol garrison for more than a month. on may 16, 2022
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, the higher military command of ukraine issued an order to the unit commanders to preserve the lives of personnel. the same in the evening, the so-called evacuation of ukrainian fighters began. to the occupied territory, president volodymyr zelenskyi announced in june 2022 that after the battles for mariupol , more than 2,500 ukrainian fighters from azovstal were captured by russia. after a series of exchanges of prisoners of the kremlin, there are still about eight hundred azov citizens. perhaps that is why war is an art, not a science. when you have completed the task and kept the maximum number of personnel. this is higher. military management, especially when your decision is approved by the higher military leadership. glory to ukraine! meanwhile, the espresso volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row , we have been making our own vitamin mixtures
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for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins , other goodies necessary for our defenders appear. in particular, dried fruits, nuts, jerky. pastila, dry cloves and borscht, lard and canned meat, in short, everything that will feed our people at zero. we constantly have a lot of requests, which means that there is a need for we have help at the front. so join in and support our soldiers with your donation. you can see all the necessary details on the screens now, so scan and add them. to find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our website and our social networks. and in a moment , meet my colleague lesya vakolyuk. we will see each other in less than an hour.
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dear friends, this is the final hour of my participation in the espresso marathon. i remind you that you are watching the espresso tv channel, i remind you that you can also watch the espresso tv channel on youtube. go to our youtube broadcast, leave your likes because it helps us to be visible, and also leave your comments, also subscribe to our social networks and search. the site, because there are, among other things, many exclusive interviews, a lot of exclusive information, and you can also find information about our meetings there in the espresso.volunteers section. i want to tell you that this morning you and i collected 38,000, and our account is already such that we have 139.94 hryvnias, and it is even closer. even before collecting the first 2,000 from 2 million
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we need them, so keep an eye on the appearance of such an announcement on your screens, you can see the qr codes, you can also see the card numbers above each qr code, this card number is written, there is a monobank card number, there is a private number, for your convenience, either - choose which one for yourself and transfer your hryvnias. we collected 50,000 hryvnias with you yesterday, and just this morning we have already collected almost 40 hryvnias, so i hope that today's collection will surpass yesterday's, at least that is what we would like. now we will again talk about money, and we will talk about this money with ilya neskhodovskyi, an expert on economic issues. mr. ilya, i congratulate you. good day. mr. ilya, actually, does ukraine have money? we see. that the vote on aid in the usa has not yet been put and there is no decision, still
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in limbo, will the money we will receive from our partners from europe be enough? well, here the question basically depends on whether we are considering a specific moment now in terms of money, whether we are considering a certain perspective for the whole year, if we talk about a specific moment, then... yes, today we have money, for january-february we received various assistance in the form of loans of 1.2 billion dollars, in the last month we additionally received 8.8 billion dollars, as a result , this is 10 billion dollars, taking into account that the monthly need of the ukrainian budget in order to fulfill all its obligations is a little more than 3 billion dollars, then in fact we fully provided... all of saturday, january, february, march and, accordingly, may , as it will develop further,
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then the question is quite open, because in general we have very significantly exhausted our capabilities, in particular, for example, taking into account the fact that we need 37 billion dollars for the whole year, we lack somewhere around 15 billion dollars in order to ensure the implementation of this budget, what steps will the ministry of finance take? in order to implement the corresponding decree, these norms, i do not yet know, i do not see what agreements there can be, because we have already exhausted our possibilities with the international monetary fund, with the european the union will receive a significant amount for this year, which, if i am not mistaken, is a little more than 3 billion dollars, so we can theoretically receive 8 billion dollars from... the united states of america, but taking into account their internal political situation,
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despite the fact that there are certain proposals, it may happen that this assistance will be rewritten accordingly, leaving only military aid, as a result, we will not receive direct budget support, so in general, for the first year, we can still fulfill our obligations according to the budget, but there is a lot of uncertainty in the second half of this year , well... graphically speaking, there is not enough funds. what does that mean in practical terms, does it mean that you have to put some money away now for uh for later huh? there are several points, the first is, of course, the acceleration of work with potential international partners to attract funds, but this is not yet determined, and the second point is, of course , the issue of budget sequestration, that is, in other words, they will cut and cut quite significantly all budget expenses, which only it is possible, that is, the situation that is now, it
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can be significant, well, let's say, it was at the beginning of the year, we had certain cash gaps regarding the fulfillment of our... obligations, then here there will be not just a cash gap, but there will actually be cutting certain budget expenses, in particular, the dismissal of employees, it can be a reduction in their wages, a transfer from 0.8 rates to 0.5 rates, even, sending them on unpaid leave and so on, that is, it will be a cut of all possible expenses, well and plus a tax hike, the finance ministry now develops certain steps, which, according to heitmansov, should bring an additional 44 billion uah to the budget, but still this amount, well, if you count, it is a little more than 1.2 billion dollars, which is definitely not enough to ensure adequate financing expenses, while the proposals
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that were made regarding the increase in taxes, in my opinion, they are irrational, in particular, for example, this is an increase in taxation of individual entrepreneurs, taxing them with military levies, and this is an increase of 1.5%, both individuals and legal entities have complex taxation systems, as well as minor taxes on luxury tax, but again, it remains an open question after the journalistic investigation carried out regarding the inclusion of all cars that should be taxed, which clearly belong to... luxury, that is, the question to the ministry of finance is very, well, open, in what way, why some completely avoid this tax in some cases, in what way will it be expanded, saying that some old foreign cars that are an object of luxury there for more than 10 years and worth up to 10 thousand dollars, well, this is again a slightly open question, what offers will
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be heard, so i believe that such an approach will only lead to the internal non-competitiveness of ukrainian goods. in connection with the increase in the tax burden, it would be more rational to move in a different direction, in particular, for example, as proposed by the national bank, to introduce an additional import duty, then we will leave our competition with our manufacturers inside the country, they will grow slightly, accordingly, there are some imported components, but still, it will provide domestic funds for development, because we see the shipment of foreign goods on our shelves, especially if our government listens to this proposal? there is still a discussion, in principle, but the problem is significant in the closedness of any processes adopted by our government, no consultations, or let's say, a very limited number of people who somehow join the consultation, all decisions are made by the government
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independently, without the involvement of experts , without the involvement of stekho. without rejuvenating the business, well this has actually been going on for many years, and even such an important plan as facilities, despite the fact that it was announced that the public was involved, it was mainly involved as a proposal without discussing how, in what volumes they have , they will be taken into account, well, now there is a plan, we are studying, you are not portraying very rosy prospects, probably... it just needs to be voiced so that it does not come as a shock to the ukrainians, because for now everyone lives in marathon, when everything is wonderful there , everything just holds, well, kind of rules, don't talk, don't talk about possible negative developments, but if you don't talk about them, the government simply won't do anything, we've already seen it in
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the last two years, i also wanted to ask you about the petition for a ban. gambling and access to online casinos for military personnel, she received more than 25 thousand votes, after the vote collection is completed, she should be considered by volodymyr zelenskyi, it is about the fact that our military, and they should not be condemned, of course for this, because psychologists explain why this happens, in order to discharge, sometimes they get hooked on such a needle of these az... and the monthly turnover, according to the nbu, is 12-15 billion, which is 400 million hryvnias every day, it's crazy. sums, for example, we are currently collecting 2 million for fpv drones, and i imagine immediately that whatever weapons could be for our military, i
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also imagine that this money, for example, from the military does not support their families , let in the end these military themselves fall into such slavery to these online casinos, because then they start taking some loans, somewhere pawning some things in pawnshops and so on, is it realistic to... for this advertising to be banned, and is it realistic somehow to transfer this money into such a positive, useful direction. well, i will explain, during the war, people are in a difficult psychological state, both our soldiers and the immediate people who are now under fire there, and as a result of such a psychological state, and as a result of the losses that they have, as a result of the loss of their income , due to the loss there... of glass and the rest, they begin to assess the situation not quite adequately, regarding there, for example, their chances, now not only the issue of gaming business,
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of course, it is in the first place, but microcredits have increased very significantly, people are looking for such a way to save now, get some funds or hope for some future, i think that during the war this industry should be tough limited, strictly limited. not only in relation to the military, in particular, for example, to limit at least the maximum amount that a person can lose during a month, to determine a clear amount so that a person does not get into debt, because i, for example, will be ashamed when a person, after how she was at zero, fought for our independence, for our lands, for their liberation, and he will return not with the money that the state paid them, but actually with the tax. gams, which he will later give away for a long time, he may have to sell the property he has, because the person climbs the burgs, there is no need to talk about the fact that this person
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is conscious, this is manipulation, which is now being spread and spread, it is not so, the person is in a difficult mental state, because there is a war going on there, because brothers are dying nearby, that's why that projectiles are flying nearby, as a result, accordingly, a person cannot objectively assess... reality, a person believes in some kind of miracle, a person makes bets really in order to receive, there even psychologists will not help properly, when they tell there, it's just it is necessary to increase spending on psychology, on psychologists who will work for those who will go there, who will go there to provide direct help, or are you thinking of somehow pulling a person out of some psychologically difficult state via skype, so this is all manipulation, only limitations gaming business. now it has to be, because in fact the state is now financing not our soldiers, the state is financing this gaming business, which was adopted just after the 19th
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year, to be promoted with huge holes, which are appointed by people who poorly fulfill their powers to control the gaming business , that is why it should be as limited as possible, if not prohibited, there are no options here, and here there is some thinking that... we need to save this business, sorry, this business is built on manipulation, this business is built on enrichment, see how now the owners of these businesses are lining up, the money that we allocate to protect our country, they go into their pockets, it's millions of dollars, they live, they their lifestyles are simply inadequate for those expenses, and for the funding of some drones over them, i'm sorry, it's pennies they're throwing when... millions of dollars they're making to throw in some 100 thousand dollars a day to buy drones, well that's just ridiculous, that's why this business should be as limited as possible, not
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only for the military, for everyone, i think it should be within a couple of months to accept such restrictions, but actually the fact that the owners of these online casinos are transferring some drones somewhere, transferring money for military equipment, this is a way to whiten themselves a little and say, girls, not a penny , i repeat, in 2022 they did not pay taxes, it was generally criminal schemes, criminal structures that paid pennies, but earned, excuse me, billions of hryvnias, and then they made amends, they agreed with the state that some insignificant part of their income they give for by law, which should be paid, and business continues to get rich anyway... the structure is to deceive a person with a difficult psychological state as much as possible, to extract the last penny from him, promising simply incredible enrichment of some kind that does not
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correspond. reality, let's hope that there will be an adequate response to this petition and to people's appeal that it needs some kind of regulation. mr. ilya, thank you for the conversation, ilyane skhodovsky, an expert on economic issues, was with us, we talked a little about the forecasts, what awaits us, we talked a little about online casino and that the military is asking for a ban on gambling advertising because military personnel who are on ground zero fall into this very often. online slavery, draining your earned money, draining your property. well, now let's talk about the ukrainian carpathians, which are balding every day due to the actions of poachers. in the lviv region , criminals are cutting down communal forestry trees en masse, and recently black loggers have become more active, environmentalists say, and our film crew went to inspect the forest with them, and this is what happened she saw the village of strilbychi in the lviv region.
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over the past few months , illegal deforestation has increased here. activists of public organizations, forest initiatives and society lead us to the top of the mountain. on the way we see fresh tracks from tracks and tractors. this type of transport is used by black loggers to take away the looted wood. and here now we see traces in the forest from small tractors, from various equipment that... actually took away this illegally cut forest, and there are a lot of such scars in the forest, you see, there is a much bigger one a tear and a trail from a more massive tractor, and actually legal felling was not planned here, we talked with the foresters on the eve of the inspection, we walk along the path and notice the first logs, the absence of a mark on the cuts and scattered sawdust indicate illegal felling, that's how it looks illegal.
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a sawn fresh tree, you see, neither the law enforcement officers nor the foresters have had time to put any brand here yet, so now what we are doing is fixing the diameter in two directions in order to calculate the average diameter of this section, and according to this diameter it will be to calculate the damages, the violators take the felled trees to sawmills, explains activist volodymyr yarotskyi, where they are cut into boards and beams, so the plots are enriched on the roof. during such illegal actions, illegal felling , the above-ground cover is also destroyed, the soil is destroyed, the soil is soiled, the plants are broken, the understory is destroyed, and of course the forest environment changes very much,
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the subsidiary companies are responsible for most of this forest. starosambirsky halsil forest. activists have been recording illegals here for six years cuttings the area of ​​20 hectares is overseen by foresters. they mark arbitrarily destroyed trees with a special brand. our forests are turning into tirsa, which does not fall into either the state budget of ukraine or the local budget. local employees of the state environmental inspection went to starosambirsk based on appeals. our materials are sent to the police authorities, the prosecutor's office, which accompanies these materials , and further actions take place within the framework of criminal proceedings, and accordingly , i repeat that our specialists also are involved in the framework of criminal proceedings already for the departure of a joint investigator. 70%
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of arbitrary fellings are recorded in the starosambir district, 30% are accounted for by other logging enterprises. acting general director ivan pidhoretskyi provides such statistics, according to him, illegal logging is due to the fact that the area is not gasified and residents heat their homes with firewood, but there are still about a hundred sawmills working in this area, that is, there is a great demand for wood. already since the 24th year , 16 cases of arbitrary felling have been detected, on cubic mass of 89 m3, this is about half a million hryvnias of damage caused to our company and the state, this is literally in two months, in some of these cases , a forest trespasser has been identified, who must be prosecuted and who must pay the damages.


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