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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. a terrible accident happened in the morning in kyiv. kirmanech ford violated traffic rules and collided with a jeep suv. parts of cars scattered on the road and damaged the car. infiniti, the capital
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patrol police said, there were no casualties, the inspectors drew up a report on the ford driver for violating traffic rules and issued a decree for passing through a public transport lane. bribes in ukrzaliznytsia, the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office kidnapped an organized criminal group: the perpetrators seized almost uah 95 million during the purchase of a transformato. at prices almost doubled. the group was created in 2021 to control the funds of ukrzaliznytsia. during june-december 2022, the leader of the group, through his people at ukrzaliznytsia , secured victory in the tender for predetermined companies. according to nabu , the winner's company is controlled by a citizen of belarus from connections in the russian federation. so far, the leader, co-organizer and two others have been detained. members of the group.
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ukrainian media reports that the group was headed by sbu employee and ex-advisor of the president's office, artem shilo. she helped the enemy prepare missile and shahed attacks. the security service detained another member of the fsb agent network. the woman tried to identify military airfields and air defense systems near kryvyi rih. also, a local resident followed the flights of the fighter. aviation of the armed forces of ukraine. all information was recorded on electronic cards and reported to an fsb employee. now she is in custody, she faces life imprisonment. and in the republic of tatarstan in russia , explosions rang out in the morning. it was loud at the enterprises in yelaboz and nizhnyoksk. the drones attacked the taneko oil refinery and the shakhet strike drone production company. eyewitnesses tell. about two
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aircraft-type uavs that flew into the yelabuga special economic zone, after which several explosions rang out, the local authorities assure that the technological process was allegedly not violated, but there are injuries. and in the morning, polish farmers they again blocked the border checkpoint in hryna in dolgobychiv. this was reported by the state border service of ukraine. in this connection, the movement of trucks is complicated. both for leaving poland and for entering. previously, polish farmers stopped blocking the movement of trucks at the krakiwiec, szegyny and ustylukh checkpoints, but jagodyn and ravaruska have been completely blocked since april 1. air raids. during march-may 2022, ukrainian pilots miraculously managed to fly on rotorcraft to azovstal. the operations remained secret for a long time, and... they already had
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an extremely important mission: to deliver ammunition and medicines, as well as to evacuate the seriously wounded from mariupol, which was besieged by the russians. about the superhumans who agreed to take part in such air operations, further in our story. we did not decide for a long time, our friends were there, our brothers, we were obliged to do it, we did it. volodymyr mazorchuk, call sign tasteless. in march 2022, a military man went by helicopter to help his comrades who were surrounded in mariupol. the air operation on azovstal is a series of flights to of the blocked mariupol, which was carried out by the ukrainian air force, together with the main directorate of intelligence. according to kyril bodanov, head of the department, ukraine seven times. sent
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military aid to azovstal. it was worse than i expected, because i was flying, i understood that i was flying to a surrounded city, but... well, the reality was a little different from what i realized. volodymyr, like all defenders of azovstal, followed the commander's order to save his life. at azovstal, he was captured by the russians, where stayed for 13 months. they exchanged the tasteless on june 11, 2023. however, the majority of flights to mariupol were one-way flights, according to ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi. about 90% of pilots died during such operations, among them andrii ogorodnyk, plaintiff ojos. from february 24
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, the hero defended the kyiv region, on the night of march 24-25 he went to mariupol for reinforcements. did you know or did he tell you that he was flying? it. our children, they didn't tell us anything, we found out, he only called back once, from the 19th, i just we they were shocked and that's all, no. on april 26 , 2022, andriy was killed by a fragment of an 82- caliber mortar, his body was searched for 11 months, he died on the tracks. in the hospital, but i am very grateful to my comrades that they dragged him under shelling in order to try to save his life, and in such inhumane conditions, the doctors tried to save the lives
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of our children, unfortunately, unfortunately, the flights to occupied mariupol on at that time they seemed not... evil, the first evidence about them appeared only on may 20, 2022, it was known that difficult, ah, they knew that it was almost impossible to fly to azovstal and bring them medicine, bring them food products, bring them water, take away the bodies of the wounded, all this was happening, a lot of things were happening, which already... nobody could not officially comment. according to the head of the gur kyryll budanov, a total of 16 mi-8 military helicopters flew to the defenders in azovstal. such air operations made it possible to extend the effective defense of the mariupol garrison for more than a month. on may 16, 2022
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, the higher military command of ukraine the commander of the units gave an order to save the lives of the personnel. the so-called evacuation began the same evening. of ukrainian fighters to the occupied territory, president volodymyr zelenskyi announced in june 2022 that after the battles for mariupol , more than 25 ukrainian fighters were captured by russia, and after a series of exchanges of prisoners of the kremlin, there are still about eight hundred azov. perhaps this is why war is an art, not a science, when you have completed the task and kept the maximum number of personnel. this and there is a higher level of command of the troops, especially when your decision is approved by the higher military leadership. glory to ukraine. meanwhile, the espresso volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row , we have been making our own vitamin mixtures
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for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins , other goodies necessary for our defenders appear. in particular, dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry. cloves and borsch, lard and canned meat, in short, everything that will feed our people at zero. we always have there are a lot of requests, which means there is a need for our help at the front, so join us and support our soldiers with a donation. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. to find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our website and our social networks, and we will see you tomorrow, take care!
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and ours. victory today in program of guided aerial bombs on the city of a million people, despite regular shelling in kharkiv, they see no reason to evacuate in what direction should we wait for the russian offensive? hunting for a baby. russia demands the extradition of the head of the security service of ukraine. why does the kremlin have cynical performances around the theater in crocus? loan assistance. the us congress is seriously considering trump's strange proposal. what will american support for the debt mean for ukraine. about this and about another? for the next hour, we will talk with our guests, yevgeny, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war
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dykym, sbu general viktor yagun and political expert igor reiterovych. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, we will talk about the holy war of the russian orthodox church against ukraine, the expected russian offensive in may-june this year, and why zelensky got rid of his best friend. however, before starting our big conversation. let's watch the video of how sicheslav paratroopers destroyed a column of enemy equipment, four tanks and several bmps of the invaders turned into scrap metal. video of filigree work made public in the 25th separate airborne brigade. let's see.
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glory to the sicheslav paratroopers, glory to the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook. please add us to your favorite pages, become our friends. well, take part in our survey. today we ask you the following question: do you think the west is ready for the defeat
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of russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no. if you have your own opinion, personal opinion and special opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. if you think that the west is ready for the defeat of russia, 0800 211 380. no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free and we have our first guest on the line, this is yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, a former platoon commander battalion aidar, head of the national antarctic scientific center. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. let's start our conversation, mr. yevgeny, with zelensky's statement that russia is preparing for... an offensive, a broad offensive that may begin in may, june this year, and analysts
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at the american institute for the study of war also suggest that a large-scale offensive is likely in late spring can russia focus on the west of the donetsk region in the summer, and these analysts add that the troops of the russian federation will be able to advance in only one operational direction, in your opinion, mr. yevgeny? possible development of the script on russian-ukrainian front in the next few months? well, look, let's start with the fact that i would, if you and i were speaking in english and somewhere in the western public space, then i would support these messages in every possible way, that at the end of spring they will start again and we are not ready for this . by the way, that they are not ready - this is absolutely true, but we are talking to our audience, ukrainian, for the western audience, it is necessary to... just give the shortest terms so that they move at least a little with armed help, that is, with providing us
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of the iron we need, but we still have to make a more realistic assessment for ourselves, and although i definitely agree that a great russian offensive is ahead, that it will happen, that is why i do not agree with these public assessments that it will happen so soon , it seems to me that kirill budanov's assessments about the fact that on... on the contrary, that contingent that is creeping up on us now, that contingent that, that contingent that is now on the screen right now losing those burning wedges, here is the contingent that it's a pity... after all, every day it advances in the postavdiyiv direction, so to speak, that is , leaving avdiyivka behind, but they will breathe their last in april, but they still pay very dearly for their advancement now, they really advance, well, almost every day, but this promotion is very peculiar, well, somewhere you can say that they conditionally squeeze, for example, three of our
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positions in a day, after that our reserves are tightened from two out of three. that is, they are leaving our territories little by little, but they are just like that, firstly, this is such a constant process of a pendulum, that is, three steps forward, two back, three forward, two back, and secondly, they pay very dearly for each step, therefore, and with replenishment they are temporary , the word temporary is very important, but temporary problems, so it seems to me that they will die out sometime in april and it will be faster. a certain operational pause, but a short one, the fact is that the problems with replenishing them were caused by the holding of these so-called pu elections, well, we don’t understand why they had to take a pause in mobilization, because there were no elections anyway, the elections were completely fictitious, and it was, it was not even hidden that they were fictitious, but we have a very different mentality with them, but we are already very
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different, in them no one and i didn't even try to pretend that it was really a choice, it was... a religious ritual, it was an oath of loyalty to the sovereign emperor, and i really didn't want to spoil this ritual, well, the ritual took place, but you have to give credit, the ritual took place well , the russian people swore to the sovereign that it was nothing amrachila, but now we have to pay for this oath, we went to the polling stations, danced there, and now go ahead to the military commander, but most likely right now, when we are talking to you, the pachtallions of pechkina are being distributed all over russia. not happiness, but another thing is that from the moment the summonses are distributed to the moment a new wave of mobs appears at the front, well, it’s several months, it’s about four or five months of this mobilization cycle, from the summons to the front, especially since the impression is that now they are still trying not to repeat the mistakes of the 22nd year, when they grabbed a little too many
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people at the same time, they grabbed 450 thousand people at once and were not ready for it, then in fact... the system collapsed, they threw people out even without torches and tents in the forest, they sent people to the front directly in civilian clothes with that they were somehow dressed on the spot by the team, it is not clear whether it was in trophy clothes or something, but but but somehow they survived it then, this is a fantastic mess even by russian standards, and it is precisely these 450,000 mobs that were recruited then and from which we then joked like that with hmmm, and they really were hmmms, but there were 450,000 of them and... and they were the ones who eventually held the sorovikin line and stopped our advance in the 23rd year, so there are certain signs that they have now taken these mistakes into account: by - firstly, if you believe that leak, then in what was left of the russian independent media, they published the supposedly secret order of shuigu on the recruitment of an additional 300
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thousand mobilized, this looks like the upper limit, that is the bandwidth. of their mobilization system at one time, but then 450,000 could not digest, took into account now they are taking 300 who are able to digest, they are not going to send them to the front without training at all, but at the same time they have greatly shortened the training program, they now have a training program for an entire motorized rifle, that is , an infantry battalion, and this also means the training of individual fighters and the coordination of the unit , it is now reduced to 27 days. of course, this is a circus on a wire, but our smallest program gives 60 days, and we believe that we have greatly reduced the programs specifically for wartime, but the russians now have 27 days, but one way or another it is much better than 0l days, as was the case with them and us in the 22nd year, so there is reason to expect that these 300,000 newly mobilized
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will reach us , well, we count approximately four months minimum from the moment. about the distribution of subpoenas, it means that we have april, may, june, july, that is, i would not expect their big offensive at the end of spring, but the fact that it will be at the end of summer does not change the essence of the issue at all, first of all, it will , they are now gathering people for him, and secondly, we are not ready for it, because in the meantime our mobilization is simply openly sabotaged. against this background, mr. yevgeny, the russians are attacking kharkov with aerial bombs and on... the city's critical infrastructure, yesterday the russian occupiers hit kharkiv with guided aerial bombs again, as a result of which an educational institution, a dormitory, a residential... building were also damaged, at the same time the mayor of kharkiv terikhov says that the city authorities and the military see no reason to evacuate the residents of kharkiv, so what do you think
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the russians are trying to achieve residential areas, so that people would flee, so that people would panic, so that later it would be easier to conquer this city, that is, what is their logic, their logic is actually very simple, linear, and i am very... surprised, why we are still, let's say so , why are we still discussing such issues, they intend to win this war, they intend to win this war, they are not interested in intermediate options, they are interested in the complete occupation of ukraine, complete victory in this war. in order to win this war, they need to destroy their enemy as much as possible, that is, us. at the same time, the enemy they consider not only zsu, by the way, quite justified, they, they understood that this is not what... they were waiting for here, and the groups of nationalists were against it, they understood that the current ukrainian nation, as it is, it is against them, that means this nation must be destroyed as much as possible,
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further, where exactly this is happening, whether they are destroying kyiv now, whether they are destroying kharkiv now, or destroying odesa now, this is determined purely by technical reach, that is, they, well, you know, as this popular saying about what is the dog, excuse me, something licks itself, because maybe, here they are nothing... us with all the means they can, that's why they destroyed odessa to the point, because they have onyxes, which are very difficult to intercept, and these onyxes fly to odessa along the black sea just gorgeously. is there a direct military goal to destroy odessa now? no, there is no immediate direct right now, but there is a global one, in general to win this war. so, why odessa? because the onyxes fly to it, they don't fly further to the continent, because it's... purely a sea missile, that's why odessa, and not, for example, kryvyi rih. so, why kharkiv now? and because they have fixed enough the production of a large number of cabs and fabs in the gliding variant, that is, they put
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on the conveyor this conversion of an old soviet bomb into a gliding bomb, which now flies not 2-3 km from under the plane, but which now flies, well, the lightest 250-kilogram ones fly at a total of 90 km, well, accordingly, the heavier it is, the closer it flies, but even 500 kg... they fly 50-70 km, and in this way they got the opportunity to drop a sufficient number of bombs without entering the zone of influence of our air defense, that's all, they got this technical opportunity, they implement it, that's why kharkiv, that 's why sumy, but not kyiv, because it's more than 70 km to kyiv, you have to go into the area of ​​our air defense and shoot down there, that's as simple as that, and kyiv accordingly they are trying with daggers and zircons, because they thought that daggers and... are never intercepted by patriots, it turned out that they are intercepted, everything, to my great regret, is a little behind kyiv, because to be honest, even though i am a kyivan, i feel much calmer when they try to
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bomb kyiv, which is still the best protected than when they switch to those cities for which, unfortunately, there are not enough patriots, so, well, that is, they solve this purely from a technical point of view, there are no separate complex combinations or political motives, so what they can destroy ... they are destroying, you already mentioned odesa, the head of the national assembly of france, yael bron pivet , visited odesa and, commenting on the words of french president emmanuel macron about the possibility of sending foreign troops to ukraine, she said that now everything is possible, let's hear what she said. in fact, in his statement, the president of the republic said that he does not rule out anything, a priori, in the position that... demonstrated, demonstrates and will demonstrate again until the very end, until the very victory, that nothing is excluded, everything remains possible, i will not additionally
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to interpret the president's words, i think this position is clear enough. mr. yevgeny, how do you assess the prospect of the appearance of french troops near odesa or near kyiv, because emmanuel macron said, well , it was reported that he said that it was possible, if... the russians try to capture odesa or kyiv, well, if so, then we will have to wait a long time for their appearance, but just for one second, that 's exactly what you did, i would pay attention, not even in the first place chewed up, including, it seems, even chewed up by you and me on the air, the topic of the french contingent, on the word conjunction to victory, that is, by the way, you will not hear very often from western leaders... well, the absolute majority still stands on the position not to let putin win, and the phrase about the victory of ukraine, unfortunately, is very wrong
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many allies we can hear, for example. they never heard from biden even once in all the time, and when the head of the parliament of a nuclear power actually formulates precisely about victory, this matters to me personally much more, even than the context of the conversation about the french contingent, but returning to the contingent, i don’t think that we will wait for him, and moreover, i even have great doubts that we really need him, it seems to me that there was more harm than good, but talking about this contingent is... us very useful, we should be very grateful to emmanuel macron, i am amazed that it was he who became that western leader, the person who called putin two years ago and tried to negotiate, but what is it called, he was cured, he made very correct conclusions from two years of this war and of the two years of western diplomacy attempts with putin, and the man who was the main dove in the west, tried to negotiate with putin already after the start of the great war, this very man...
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became the first western leader to finally challenge putin and which one accepted the game that putin was leading in one goal before. actually, what was happening all the time? so, don't underestimate your enemies. putin has very strong points, and one of the strongest points of this kgbeshnik is the ability to hold a poker face and bluff. so he brilliantly knows how to keep the poker face even with a very bad game. he bluffs, he raises, and unfortunately, he defends. is regularly used for this bluff, actually introduced himself to macron. this is the essence of this bluff: russia intimidates the west with a direct confrontation between the russian army and nato. at the same time in fact, the russian army, well, russia as a state and the russian army are madly afraid of this. they know perfectly well what will be left of them in such a collision. they remember the 20th year, when something was not shared there, you remember this story, the towers of the kremlin did not share something among themselves, and through
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diplomatic channels they... howled the wagners, they declared to the americans in syria that ours are not here, well actually they were gone, the only battle between russians and americans in the 21st century lasted about one hour, more than 200 russians were killed, not a single american was killed, that the technological difference of these countries, in fact, russia itself is madly afraid of a direct conflict with nato, but all the time it scares the west with what it fears itself, and it turns out that western leaders fear it even more. all this time they were playing putin's bluff, and finally the first macron took and entered the meeting, saying that you are scaring us with a direct confrontation, well, firstly, we are ready for it, and secondly, we will not even wait until you you will hit somewhere along the suvalki corridor, and we will also do the opposite, here we are seriously discussing, on the contrary, to send a contingent to ukraine to meet you right now, and what do you say to that, and that's why the marshes were on fire, in reality there was literally hysteria, the more
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important that... said the leader of a nuclear power, it doesn't matter here, that france has 60 warheads, there is a fundamental difference between the countries that have them and those that do not, and france has them, and here, first, for the first time in all this time, someone started playing with putin before that, exclusively his game , for that we should be very grateful, and it helps us a lot, namely these geopolitical stakes that macron has raised, if we are talking from a practical military point of view, i don't think we need here... the french contingent, they have no experience of such a war, uh, this war is terrible, in there will definitely be losses right away, and you can imagine, how, what will rise in france and what the voters will do with macron when the first zinc coffins arrive in paris, so i think that we absolutely do not need it, but a different situation, if it was about sending aviation, if it was about what they would send here
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at least one squadron of the modern fault, what... with their pilots, yes, this would cost us very dearly, but for that we would have to bow down and it would justify everything, and if it is about the infantry, if it is about their military specialists, technicians, let them just give iron, we will handle it ourselves, mr. yevgeny, you said that for the first time the words of the representative of france about our victory, about the fact that it will be ukraine's victory, were heard. we are asking our viewers today whether the west is ready for the defeat of russia, because quite often, and biden says, we will not allow ukraine to be defeated, but they never say that we will do everything so that russia is defeated, or putin is defeated, or putin's russia.


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