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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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if we were talking about sending aviation, if we were talking about sending at least one squadron of modern fighter jets here with their pilots, yes, this would cost us very much, but for this we would have to bow down and it would justify everything, and if we are talking about the infantry, if we are talking about their military specialists, technicians, let them just give us iron, we will handle it ourselves, mr. yevgeny, you said that for the first time... the words of the representative of france about our victory, about that it will be a victory of ukraine. we ask our viewers today whether the west is ready for the defeat of russia, because quite often, and biden says, we will not allow ukraine to be defeated, but they never say that we will do everything so that russia is defeated, or putin has been defeated, or or putin's russia. well, in
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some configurations, why do you think our western partners avoid it? but with all due respect, i noticed this survey of yours, thank you for asking, it seems to me that it is fundamentally incorrect, the fact is that you operate with the concept of the west as some kind of single entity, in fact , the collective west exists only in russian propaganda, it does not exist in the real world, and in no case is it worth pushing... the narrative of russian propaganda, just like many i sincerely believed that there was a single subject west, this war clearly showed that it does not exist, the west is not a single subject, the west is a bunch of different players, even at the level of countries there is a very different position, but what these countries have in common is that they are all democratic, and respectively, within the borders of each country, there is also a very different position, and in fact, this is, let’s say, the essence of a monolithic collective
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event, it harms us more than it helps, but this is the reality as it is: the event is a gathering of a bunch of countries, in each of which has a bunch of opinions, and not one player, which is, for example, russia, because there the kremlin decides everything, moreover, there in the kremlin everything is decided by one person, but in no case can you draw parallels here, these are completely different worlds are arranged in different ways, therefore it is impossible to answer your question, ready or not, in principle a ready measure to the defeat of russia. because the west is both biden and trump, the west is britain, and france, and germany, in germany, in germany, even in the ruling coalition, it is annalena burbok, who is ready for the defeat of russia, and chancellor scholz, who is unlikely to ready for this, and so on, so we must clearly understand what we have, that our allies are not an entity, our allies are a large conglomerate of very different entities, with each of which we must build work on - to his and some of these subjects are already
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ready for the defeat of russia and dream of it, this for example, the baltic countries, these are, for example, the finns, these are the swedes, these are the poles, these are the british, they are the ones who operate with the concept of the defeat of russia, and for them it is not fear, on the contrary, it is happiness, here, and there, in the meantime, even on at the level of countries, there are a number of countries that cannot imagine it, or are afraid, and unfortunately, among those who are still afraid, our main ally, president biden, is still much... more afraid of the defeat of russia than other scenarios, and it is our job with each of these players to build their own diplomacy, separate work and make them understand that without the defeat of russia, all other scenarios will not work, that in this war there will be either the defeat of russia or the victory of russia, all the intermediate options that they could dream about, unfortunately, are not real, it will either be master or gone, and i am very glad that france now...
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seems to be joining the group of countries that have understood this. thank you, mr. yevhen, it was yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those, who is watching live there now, please like this video and take part in our poll. today we ask you about the following: is the west ready for the defeat of russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple in youtube, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. if you in... believe that the western countries are ready to defeat russia 0800-211381, no, 08021 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free. next, we will be in touch with viktor yagun, major general of the reserve sbu, deputy head of the security service of ukraine in 2014-15. mr. general, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. yes, good health. the sbu reported the suspicion today. russian propagandist margarita
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simonyan because of calls for the genocide of ukrainians, among the newly documented crimes is the head of the rtsha today tv channel. in particular, public institutions, calls for the mass murder of ukrainian children, campaigning for the continuation of missile and bomb attacks on the civilian infrastructure of ukraine, she was informed in absentia of a new suspicion under four articles of the criminal code of ukraine, genocide, encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of ukraine, propaganda of war, justification of the armed aggression of the russian federation. mr. general, what contribution do you think propagandists such as margarita simonyan made to the russian-ukrainian war, and will they all be brought before the court, well, i would like to be before an international tribunal, but do their activities now deserve the same punishment, or on trial, as it once was
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after the second world war, when german propagandists, hitler's propagandists testified and were forced to answer. committed, well, not only, not only german, but also collaborators who took part in the spread of false information using their language from the power of germany, they also suffered punishment in those countries to which they broadcast, so i think that semenyan and company, they definitely belong to that, that group of persons who will... answer to ukrainian society, to ukraine, to international society about war propaganda, propaganda, i don't even know how to call it, some kind of unrestrained, unrestrained, unrestrained
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attitude towards one's neighbors, towards one's neighbors, that's why i believe that this... there are precisely people who bear a very big responsibility, and look, a poll recently came in russia, literally today it was published, i as i understand it, regarding who is responsible for the terrorist act in crocus, in crocus, in crocus, and 75% of the citizens of the russian federation determine this to one degree or another. that ukraine is responsible for this terrorist attack, well, they don't just take it as evidence, they take it this is from propaganda, and we will also have to understand how to do it one day to cure this sick society, so their responsibility is quite powerful, and that is what they
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say there in the direction of ukraine, in the direction of its citizens, children, civilians, you know , this is... these are separate such things that simply record and confirm that they are engaged in criminal activity. well, but here we see, as you already mentioned about this poll, er, which ee says that the majority of russians share the thesis of dictator putin about ukraine's involvement in the terrorist attack in the kroku city hall concert hall near moscow. and against this background, russia accused ukraine of terrorist attacks and called to hand over the head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk, to them. the sbu called it cynicism that statements about terrorism are coming from the country of the terrorist itself against the background of the anniversary
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of buchi's release, and also reminded that putin is waiting in the hague, trying to appeal to the norms of international law, namely the convention on combating the sbu statement says, the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation forgets that it is putin, the officially declared international wanted, in particular, he is waiting at the hague tribunal for the abduction of ukrainian children. the fact that russia is trying to accuse ukraine now of involvement in this terrorist attack is more directed at the internal consumer, mr. general, or at external consumers, those leaders of countries who hesitate, or... are trying to play along with russia in order to explain already at the same time to their citizens of their countries, why do they support russia in the russian-ukrainian war? i think that this statement and these are the same for the foreign market the messages were not sent, because it is really
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necessary to somehow justify and somehow convince those countries that are wavering that ukraine is engaged in terrorist activities on the territory of russia. everything else is secondary for the domestic consumer, they tried to do it, well, they concentrated their efforts there and... mobilized hatred towards ukraine, i don't know what needs to be done there to stop their citizens, if they don't have some kind of analytical and adequate thinking, then what you can talk about with them is this a really sick society, the vast majority, especially not so much accusing ukraine of this particular terrorist attack, as accusing ukraine in general of countering the russian federation on... the territory in the occupied territories, they believe that this is the execution of some kind of terrorist
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actions, and this in general indicates that ukraine is a terrorist state, well, if for a certain number of countries there are somewhere up to 10, this is already clear, then for others, well, if they believe in it, then it is theirs problem because international terrorism, he does it have... there are no borders, and countering this terrorism requires international efforts, and if russia ever asks for help, faced with total terror on its territory, uh, it will not run to those countries that it is trying to to somehow convince, she will run to those who have operational sources and opportunities to counter this terror, and blaming ukraine and the union. ukraine, first of all, the united states and britain in this terrorist act, well, i
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think that they will have to make a lot of effort to do in order to improve some kind of relationship there again in the future. well, mr. general, it is absolutely obvious that russia's preparations for a war against ukraine were sufficiently large-scale, long-lasting, and complex, and perhaps the most important thing is that... what was in this preparation was an informational component, that is, we have already started the simanyan and it is absolutely obvious, that this war in the fourth dimension, that is , the information war, was almost the main one, and on the territory of the russian federation, on the territory of ukraine, the way the russians conducted their information campaign, we remember these tv channels of viktor medvedchuk, the pool of tv channels that the nsdc closed in the first year of its decision in 2020, threw them off the air, how do you
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currently evaluate the informational component that they are still trying to use now, well, in particular through messengers, telegram, through various sources, that is, what do you currently see as dangerous for the information space of ukraine and how can we circumvent this danger, well, look, many experts are already saying that if we are dealing with... russia, we should stop trying to analyze the information that they give out, we simply need to ask the question in apeoria that they are telling lies, from the very beginning, what lies were not, partial, there are not partial, superficial, lies, everything, and comment and pay attention, we need as little as possible to those all things, then perhaps, perhaps, we will be a little easier to perceive what is happening there, because... they have a very simple tactic, they mislead not only us, but also their citizens, and it is clear that
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the international society, putting forward many possible versions of some events there contradict each other, and against the background of all these versions, they try to bury the truth, the real truth and the situation at the front. what is around these events, and this, this is the biggest problem, er, i think that the information security of ukraine lies primarily in paying attention and er, reacting to what comes out of russia, because now there is a large-scale information campaign to discredit our army, er, discredit the servicemen, its command. partly trying to discredit our various branches of government, and this
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everything in the complex happens through a lot of sources, both through social networks and through various messages, well, first of all , it is clear that everyone now hears telegram, and this one, and through the mass media. which, unfortunately, are still making their way into the airwaves of ukraine, well, anyone who wants to can listen and watch, uh, so we just need to uh-uh more uh... productively ignore what comes from them. well, but we cannot ignore, in particular, the messages that come from gundyaev's church, because what they do, it can have consequences in ukraine, taking into account the long-standing ties and obviously the ties of many priests who still
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remain in ukraine, but profess this theory about the so-called russian. peace, and what, this, this is a big gathering there, what kind of clergy there was, what was the so-called clergy in moscow, when patriarch gundyaev spoke about the holy war, that a special military operation is a holy war, and it's just on this holy we have to give everything to the war, because we are fighting for our future, for our russian peace, it is clear that this statement was heard in moscow, but what... every time such statements are made, every time we mention that some parts of this russian world are in ukraine, although officially, the ukrainian orthodox church, the so-called moscow patriarchate, has officially said that they condemn what the patriarch says kirill, and they have nothing to do with it, how are you now, as
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a professional, evaluating the possibility that old connections, some priest. to what extent is this network, this kremlin agency in ukraine, it is alive, well, it is quite effective, you know, it continues to operate, it continues to influence for certain categories of citizens, there are regions that are quite heavily infected, first of all, i would say, bukovyna and transcarpathia, and we will still have to, well, it is a little easier, now it has already started in volyn. but at the same time, these two regions should have such a strong opposition, there are nuances, their own international contradictions, and we still need society to put pressure on the verkhovna rada and the government so that they bring it to the end, even though would not be very not very acceptable, but
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what is the law, and we have started the process of withdrawing this from... from our field pseudo-religious organization, and what, in your opinion, needs to be done now to destroy this network, because this same network has been forming for decades, and obviously the special services know something about these people who are in this church, and something and they do not know, well, everything that the service can do, it does, you know, above all... men who have already received suspicions and have already been convicted, their opportunity to promote in the mass media has actually been destroyed, there is a general investigation contact in many countries,
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that's why i think that the service can be slow, but still do it, but the problem is different, the problem is... because it is still necessary to adopt a law that would normalize all those things in ukraine. if the situation in the uoc remains as it is and unsettled, then what awaits us, no, i am not even saying, not during the war, already after the end of the war, after our victory, that is, how dangerous is the stay of this church, which has by... 10,000 parishes in ukraine, this is a very dangerous situation, why, because everything is actually, well, i already said that this is not a religious organization, it is a pseudo-religious structure that is actually used by the russian special services to destabilize the situation in ukraine, and whether the citizens who
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go there believe it or not, whether they think about it or not, but the fact that they are manipulated and... this manipulation is used actively by the enemy, unfortunately, this is true, so only complete destruction, destruction of the possibility of the existence of this structure on our territory, and destruction is quite such a harsh method, because if we start to stretch and tell about religious peace, we will be swallowing all the consequences that remain from them for a very long time. we, it is so that, if, if someone follows this situation, then every week, almost every day there are some conflicts about the transition of one or another. and they are fighting for every church, for every parish, for every village, like this last battle, and this is very, very disturbing, why
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do the experts there bother me, why, because all these moments, they are postponed in society, they drag on and give its negative consequences, including consequences in society and at the front. thank you sir general, thank you for the conversation, it was viktor yagun, major general of the sbu zapasu, deputy head of the sbu in 2014-15. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube. please vote in our poll, today we ask you about the following: is the party ready to support, to defeat, forgive russia? yes, no, it's quite simple if... you have your own personal opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video if you watch us on tv, grab your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the west is ready to defeat russia
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(0800-211-381), no 0800 211 38020 calls to these numbers are free, vote, call, at the end of the program we will we have the results of this vote, then we have ihor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. mr. igor, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. good evening. mr. igor, let's talk about personnel rotations in office of the president of ukraine. of course, they are probably not so decisive and those who decide the fate of the entire state, although, well, considering the fact that the two deputy heads of the president's office oleksiy dniprov and andriy smirnov in... left the office, it is certainly difficult to say how much their influence was on the adoption of state decisions, although one person
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can definitely be said to have had both an influence on the president and on the adoption of state decisions, this is serhii shikhir, this is a person who has known volodymyr zelensky for 30 years, and actually passed way from kvnu with him and all the way to the presidential chair - this is almost the only person who, well, besides yermak, probably not the only person who has remained in the circle of the president of ukraine since zelensky's victory in the elections, dismissal, zelensky's friend, what is this means? well, it seems to me that this is an expected story, since after the so-called assassination of mr. shefir, he disappeared altogether, you know, from the information space, very rarely any topics. commented, and there were, let's say, some stories connected with him, which could be connected with his activities in office assistant to the head of state, i think you know that
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there was such an objective story that was connected with the fact that what mr. shevir was doing, what he was appointed to this position for, well, first of all, this communication with big business or communication with oligarchs, since it was his key task, it was after the beginning of the shirokomash. after the invasion, it lost its meaning to some extent, because the country moved to live, well, under completely new conditions, and the presence of such a person who could, you know, somewhere quietly behind closed doors to solve these or other issues, well, it was no longer as necessary and relevant as it was, for example, from 2019, this is the first moment, the second moment, maybe there is an elementary , certain human fatigue, when somewhere there the eye becomes sad, well, from that , that this person is telling what... perhaps mr. shevir himself is somewhere tired of the position he holds, perfectly understanding and most likely seeing that he is gradually losing his influence
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on the president, well, not in the context of any administration there, no, in the context it will just be passed conveying to him certain thoughts, wishes or vision of what is happening in the country, and for some reason this story reminds me of a story when two people decided, you know, to go their separate ways calmly as adults, without any accusations. scandals and so on, all the more so because i am convinced that they have kept some kind of normal friendly relations there, because they have something stronger than friendship, this is also a joint business, and they say they share a house, a place of residence and many other such things , which in principle connect them, that is why he, like mr. shefir himself said, he is leaving his post, but he is not leaving his post there from the president's team, he remains a friend of the president, but i think that as of today his influence and his ability to convey some, including an alternative point of view, to the head of state. well, it is not that it is limited there, it will be practically zero, well, at least for some period of time, maybe someday, when the war ends, we will return to some kind of active political process, there will be a need for his...
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services in his communications, but he will be able to do this already without a formal position. well, before things, you mentioned the comment of serhii shefir, after his dismissal in an interview with the internet publication babel, he said that regardless of everything you hear and read, i am in the president's team without options, except that he is the president, he my friend, and this is much more important than the position, - said the chief. well, as i said, shefir has known zelensky for 30 years. they once worked in moscow together, both serhii shevir and boris shevir, they wrote scripts for teams of kvnu, and they worked in the team of maslyakov and zelensky by the way, i rented an apartment with my brothers in mytishchi in 1994, but that's about it, let's talk about the situation surrounding the upcoming meeting
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of the president. france's emmanuel macron and china's leader xi jinping, because in principle , french foreign minister stephane sejournay flew to china, and in the chinese capital he said that the french are waiting for clear signals from beijing regarding the war in ukraine. let's listen to what stephane sejourne had to say. i would also like to express my condolences. france in touch with north korea supplying ballistic missiles to russia and identical allegations against iran. this indicates a significant escalation of the conflict. the full sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine is at stake, as i said, the stability of the international order is also at risk. mr. igor, sijin ping is flying to paris not just for a visit, but there will be 60 years
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of diplomatic relations there. china, modern china, i mean, and france, and there will be, there will be some kind of celebration, but factin pin himself is meeting with emmanuel macron, how persuasive macron can be in conversations and discussions with xi jinping, considering that macron wants to be a leader now and shows leadership skills in today's europe, well, he will definitely try to be persuasive and at least show his... that, you know, persuasive position the media, that's one hundred percent, but it seems to me that his persuasiveness, his arguments, and in general his conversation there with sinzimpin, it was more eloquent and more effective if, if macron could present not only his position, as the president of france and the position of france as a country, a member of the european union, but also could talk about certain things, referring directly to the european
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union, that is, speak in this story. by such, you know, a plenipotentiary representative of the european union, this, by the way, can happen if he finishes talks with other european leaders there beforehand, and they give him, give him a certain mandate, so that in the conversation with sinzimpin he could also mention the interests of the european union as a whole and express them clearly the position of the european union, regarding how china behaves in relation to the russian-ukrainian war, here, by the way , is a very... such an interesting situation, it consists in the fact that there were previous statements by the heads of the european union and the corresponding visits, during what they, well , they told sinzimpinius almost directly that the european union is interested and in fact in strengthening economic cooperation with china, and china is very interested in this, we all know that now the economy is from china, it is in a state of stagnation, what for her is very critical in principle, they need new sales markets, the european union, of course, could
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become such a market, there is a very high purchasing power, and the ability to buy a lot, but then the leaders of the european union said that the expansion of this cooperation is possible only when the biggest war since world war ii in the center of europe will end, when russia withdraws from ukraine, because ukraine is europe, then we can talk about strengthening our mutual relations, and here is an interesting story, macron will promote exclusively the agenda of france, well , it is clear that he ensures to the maximum some french national interests , including financial ones. or he is still delegated the opportunity to make some statements, albeit in closed mode, that is, it is not necessary for him to go to the media and comment on it, but so that he can convey to sinzimpin some common position of the european union, well, while there is a possibility that this can happen, and he will do such things, because it will greatly strengthen his argumentation and his persuasiveness in general, one thing, when there is a conversation between two countries, even nuclear ones with nuclear potential, large economies and so on.


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