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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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thank you, mr. andriy, andriy kramchenkov, the editor-in-chief of social donbass, was in touch with us, well, it's time for news on espressa, so we pass the floor to our colleague yaniva melnyk, and together with the news editor, she has already managed to prepare the most important and the most up-to-date information, congratulations, we give you the floor, and actually we ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. greetings colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team will tell about the main events of this hour, and i will start with how much... money ukraine spent on fortifications, stay with us, additional money, the government of ukraine has allocated another 5.5 billion uah for the construction of fortifications
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, said prime minister denys shmehal. in total, the state has already allocated 20 billion hryvnias for this matter. eternal honor and memory to those who paid 1.1 billion for the construction of fortifications in the donetsk region, over 1 billion uah for the zaporizhia region, 1.5 1.1 billion for the construction of fortifications in the donetsk region, over 1 billion uah for the zaporizhia region, 1 uah 5 billion for sumy oblast and... uah 300 and 400 million for mykolaiv oblast and kherson oblast, in accordance. it works 24/7. the government dismissed eminet japarova from the position of first deputy minister of foreign affairs, the representative of the government in the council taras malnychuk said. the decision was made during a meeting of the cabinet of ministers. let me remind you that in february , the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi , appointed dzhaparov as the permanent representative of ukraine to international organizations in vienna.
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in odesa, a corruption scheme was stolen in the state consumer service, according to the investigation materials , the inspector of the body with two accomplices demanded $225 from the director of one of the enterprises. the suspects promised to enter the company's data into the register of persons planning to export corn to china. the other two issued phytosanitary certificates for a bribe. to export products, everyone was informed of the suspicion. produces cruise missiles for strikes on ukraine. the security service of ukraine reported the suspicion to serhii bugatikov, the general director of the russian raduga plant. this enterprise specializes in serial production of long-range missiles, including the kha-101. it was they who were repeatedly
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used by the occupiers for attacks on residential buildings and civil infrastructure of ukraine. work is currently underway to bring the perpetrator to justice. adjusted missile strikes. in kherson, the security service of ukraine detained armed informers. extras worked in the transportation service. while moving around the city, they collected information about the places of concentration of defense forces and the deployment of ukrainian equipment. after the enemy shelling, the traitor. evaluated the consequences and transmitted the data to the occupiers through an intermediary. during the searches, the law enforcement officers found kremlin symbols and chevrons of the russian guard. perpetrators face up to eight years of imprisonment. they made fake disability certificates. in odesa , a scheme for illegal border crossing was stolen. the scam was organized by a 50-year-old woman from odessa, and her accomplice found clients. with their help...
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they demanded $11,000 from the men, the woman was caught red-handed while receiving the second tranche of funds. loudly in the occupied crimea, our scouts blew up the power plant in sevastopol, part of the city was left without electricity, it was reported in gur, the local media wrote about several explosions, however, the governor of the city, razvazhaev, noted that the problems with electricity arose due to a short circuit. a tram derailed in kyiv. one person was hospitalized with injuries, reported the city's darnytsia district administration. the incident happened near the poznyaki metro station. the car crashed into a shopping kiosk and ended up on the footpath. law enforcement officers are investigating the causes of the accident. a 12-year-old schoolboy died as a result of a shooting at a finnish school in the city of vantaa. two more boys were seriously injured by the police. reported
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the shooting was carried out by a 12-year-old student of this school. the law enforcement officers do not comment on what kind of weapon he used, but it is a firearm. the suspect was detained. the police are currently investigating. whether other people are involved in the case. several foreign volunteers were killed during the israeli gas attack. it is about seven employees of the humanitarian organization world central kitchen, reuters reports. among the dead are citizens of australia, poland, great britain and one person with american and canadian citizenship. a palestinian was also killed the driver the organization stated that the tragedy occurred during the delivery of necessary food aid, which had previously been brought to the gaza strip from cyprus by ship. three plagiarisms were found. the national agency for quality assurance of higher education confirmed the presence of academic plagiarism in the works
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of three scientists. among them is the head of one of the scientific institutes of the ministry of education and science yevhen bazhenkov, a researcher at lutsk university. kolyadinsky, as well as the rector of the poltava polytechnic volodymyr onishchenko. the latter was found in the doctoral dissertation text matches without proper references to nine sources. now nazyavo will appeal to the ministry of education about depriving these three people of the corresponding scientific degree. today , the national agency made three decisions on the detection of facts of academic plagiarism in the theses of scientists presented today. as you can see, the most discus. he raised a question about the rector of poltava university , mr. onishchenko, his defenders accused the members of the national agency of plagiarism and forgery of documents, but in our opinion, this only attempts to delay the case and does not speak to the essence, we witnessed what we
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did not speak about the essence, the desire of a national agency not to condemn someone, not to punish someone, this is not our goal, our goal speaks fairly about academic integrity, our education should to be virtuous from now on, it is possible to submit a statement about property damaged or destroyed by the russians to the international damage register through the action application. later, this will make it possible to receive compensation from future reparations. the official work of the registry was opened today on conference on restoring justice for ukraine in gas. representatives of 57 countries are taking part in the event. ukraine is represented there by minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. also with speech in online format. the head of state volodymyr zelenskyi spoke. the conference was organized with the assistance of the netherlands and the european commission. we must do everything possible for the sake of the power of justice, so that justice gives real power to our common security, security from russian aggression and terror. and let everyone who destroys
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peace really fear to end up on the bench defendants in the hague. preserving culture in kyiv digitizes cultural heritage objects. the public organization ukraine incognita helps in this. support is also offered by foreign partners. the church of the savior on berestov has already been digitized. currently, work is being carried out on the tereshchenko estate. digital copies will help restore objects in case of destruction. let me remind you that according to the ministry of culture, as of the beginning of january 2024, 850 monuments were destroyed as a result of the russian invasion. it is possible to protect such objects only if they officially recognized. cultural heritage, i believe in our air defense, and if, god forbid, some missile fragments fall on a monument or an object of cultural heritage, so that we have the opportunity,
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have this digitized information, store it, and in such a bad case, we could return, restore that object, according to the current legislation. after the object legally becomes a monument of architecture or monumental art, the owner must conclude a protection agreement for such an object with the cultural heritage protection authorities, and already bears full responsibility for its preservation and restoration. loyal friends and reliable partners today in ukraine celebrate the day of the cynologist. during a full-scale invasion, this profession took on a new meaning, now. they are not just people who train and raise dogs, but those who protect us with their four-legged companions, find people under rubble, de-mine our country and expose crimes. due to the daily shelling, the dogs are stressed, they should be calmed down, encouraged, and the tail dogs themselves always
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feel the mood of the mentor and also in their own way to calm down, show devotion and love. the entire team of the espresso tv channel sincerely congratulates the dog breeders on their professional holiday. thank you for the excellent service and saving the lives of ukrainians. espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work to win. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins, there are also other goodies that our defenders need: dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry soups and borsch, lard and canned meat, everything that will feed our people at zero. we have a lot of requests, so we need your help, dear viewers, join and support our soldiers with a donation, you can see all the details on the screen. that's all i have, i'll see you at 4 p.m., you
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can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks and of course to our youtube channel, watch all news releases, special projects and of course the interview. before meeting. thank you annia vemelnyk, thank you to the news editors, but as the information day of the tv channel continues at 12:30, for the next hour we will analyze all the most important events of this day, and of course, we will try to predict what and how will happen in the near future. marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii live at spresso studio. oleksandr kharchenko should join us in just a few moments. oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center, is already in touch with us. mr. oleksandr, you... welcome to our airwaves, good day, glory to ukraine, so what, sir oleksandr, we would like
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to balance the debit with the energy credit, so to speak, so we understand that on the one hand the enemy is actively trying to destroy our energy infrastructure, we understand what problems there are in kharkiv, not only in kharkiv, on the other hand, the enemy is also the enemy is not sweet, and the attack of our drones on the oil refinery in tatarstan demonstrated that. that the enemy cannot feel with impunity, on the other hand, i don't know where to start, whether from the situation of the enemy or from our situation, let's start from natoya, yes, let's start with how we differ from, sorry, the moscow terrorists, because we still attack infrastructure that does not directly harm civilians, while they attack civilian infrastructure with an absolute... focus on actual energy genocide, so there is a big difference between what we attack and what
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they attack, we undermine their financial ability to fight and reduce the amount of fuel and lubricants for the kremlin horde, and they try to kill civilian ukrainians, leaving them without electricity, without water, without sewage, thank god, now it is a warmer season there, we will not be left without heat. but the situation must be recognized as quite serious from our side, we have lost a significant piece of generation, and this is an objective situation, if the high-voltage networks are also damaged, they will be restored quite quickly, and there the work continues very intensively, there is a stock of materials, there, to be honest, the situation is completely under control, but what concerns the generation itself, the generating stations in particular, primarily coal and... and also the hydroelectric power plants of the dnipro cascade, the situation here is very difficult, and the reality is that
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it will take us 1.5-2 years to restore these capacities, to restore the equivalent of these capacities, because most of them are, let's say, coal-fired power plants for sure no one will restore it, it is impossible, new distributed capacities will be built decentralized across the country, but it will take time, now regarding your... question about whether they are hurt by our strikes, it definitely hurts, they have closed the export of high-octane petroleum products, now they are already reducing the export of diesel fuels, it hurts financially and it hurts the horde army in particular, it is being reduced, the possibility of additional financing is being reduced, the possibility of receiving large profits from oil products is being reduced, it will have to be much cheaper, i would like to sell crude oil, and at the same time the ability to provide army,
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so far they do not experience it in practice, so far our results do not allow us to say what is there, let's say there will not be enough fuel or lubricants to ensure the military part of the kremlin's terrorist machine, but we are working on it and i am very pleased to see... the results of the work of colleagues at the horde oil refinery, very correctly planned strikes are as effective as possible and this should continue. mr. oleksandr, i would like to clarify with you, we are actually talking about the damage to the primary oil processing facilities, and we understand that it is not by chance that they are aiming there, because we understand that one drone, it cannot destroy an entire oil refinery, but some certain clear hit can cause them problems as much as there is it is problematic to purchase these installations,
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as i understand it, they do not manufacture them on the territory of russia, they import them from where, how can this affect the work of these refineries? look, first of all, without this installation, the refinery simply does not work, it is impossible. second, this installation itself is a very attractive place to strike, the temperature is high, the oil is heated, and the pressure is high. accordingly, any impact causes a large fire that effectively destroys the column. the destroyed column, in addition to the fact that even in... peacetime, it is worth 110-130 million dollars, at least, and to produce it again without sanctions in an ideal situation, a year and a half, now i am sure that in order to replace their columns, firstly, muscovites will have to pay twice as much, and secondly, they will
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spend much more time. it is clear that they have learned to circumvent sanctions and will most likely find a way to impose them. the equipment they need, but it will be very decently more than the market price, and the most important thing for us is that it will last longer, ah, so uh, it is these strikes that are the most effective in terms of paralyzing their refining, and i repeat again, these are ideal targets for strikes, which are the most damaging from the point of view of further refining, from the point of view of keeping the company running, and on the other hand, there is a deserted production there, there will be no victims, we do not we hit civilians, and ukraine is at war with the military, not against civilians. yes, we completely agree with you, but taking into account how cannibalistic our enemy is, we understand that they will beat and beat and beat, and so to speak, be careful to predict the situation,
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well, over the next couple of weeks, maybe a month, we understand that the enemy will try to... hit energy facilities, generation facilities, maybe, i don't know, transformer stations, and our air defense will work traditionally well, but we understand that unpleasant cases also happen, which scenarios are basic, that is, we understand that everything can change and everything can be worst, we do not scare anyone, but what can we expect now, in your opinion, this spring? you know i think within a month one and a half... even if there are repeated strikes, and they will certainly happen, the situation will remain completely under control, we understand how to resist these attacks, we understand what they will do and, well , the actions are completely scripted and all the participants in the process know, what to do and how, in the event of certain accidents caused by
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attacks, to return power to people as quickly as possible and return people to... normal life, but we will have problems in july-august, when we will definitely have a shortage of generation capacities, on sorry, that's it fact, and i'm afraid that even if we use imports at full capacity, it may not completely cover our needs, so my prediction is that in the near future we will constantly be asked by the energy authorities to save electricity... energy with a request to find ways to reducing consumption, and for its part, the entire energy complex will now look for ways to rebuild, build a new generation, put it into operation as soon as possible, and of course, preparations for the next one are already starting
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winter, winter will be difficult, and to predict now how it will be, well, i definitely won't do it. but i'm sure that energy, energy experts will definitely do everything possible to restore the strength of the system, to restore everything that is possible before the next winter, so that people can pass the winter normally. mr. oleksandr, look, also lately, well, for example, i notice certain such panicky moods among my acquaintances, in particular, regarding the destruction that ukrainian energy suffered during the last massive attacks, and, for example, the news that everyone.. . the power units of burshtynska and ladyzhinsk theses are damaged, it scares people a bit, but you, as a professional, can explain in practice what it means to get out of... some working condition of all power units of two theses, how critical it is and what to do about it? look, we can live with this, but it is extremely
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unpleasant, of course, i am sure that part of the power units will be returned to work at least before the heating season, there is still an assessment, an analysis of the technical part is underway, what can be restored, what cannot be restored, but we have to understand that, to be honest, this is an acceleration of a natural process, all our coal... power plants were already 50 years plus old, and well, let's put it this way, the plan for how ukraine will get rid of coal generation has been developed for a long time. another thing is that we now need to dramatically, very dramatically speed up this process and very quickly start the construction of gas generating facilities, which will be small in size and will be located in ukrainian cities and in general. on the territory of the country, and which will help, which will be because of this, it is very difficult to attack, there will be dozens of them and no rockets will be enough to destroy them all, and the question now is precisely
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how to do it as quickly as possible, because what to do and how to do it have been clear for a long time, but now, unfortunately, because of these attacks , we have to increase the pace and increase the pace very significantly, look, and for what purpose do you think the enemy has been so actively ... hitting our gas storage facilities, that is, they were hoping to destroy this or that infrastructure system, yes, well , distribution, some pumping moments, i don't go very deep, or they want to work, so to speak, on the european market, we understand that our gas storages were used, in particular, for reverse by our european friends, what is the purpose in your opinion? well, actually our storage was used. with europeans to store their own gas, ugh. and eh, i am sure that these attacks, they are mostly so psychological, they want to scare the european owners of gas: do not store in
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ukraine, we will break everything anyway, ah, so far their attacks have had some significant success in this they didn't bring the way, and they won't bring it, the repository itself, it is deep underground, the repository is a former deposit from which it was once rolled out. all the gas, then it was pressurized a little and now the gas is pumped in, pumped out as needed, all they can damage is the external infrastructure, and here, to be honest, so far they have not had much success, eh, there is physical protection, there there is a certain reserve of aggregates, so, well, to be honest, these are not the least vulnerable objects, the gas storage itself. in my opinion are the least impressive objects of all ours i don't know about the energy infrastructure, there are pumps, there are substations, i don't know how the whole gas plant works, it's crazy, there are
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a certain number of pipes to the outside, a certain number of compressor stations, and so on and so forth, they can be damaged, they have a certain physical protection and so far that it works and the damages that have occurred, they are not significant and are not felt. and assuming in the future that they continue their attacks on precisely such facilities, could damage to this external infrastructure lead to some disruption from gas supply? in the case of storage facilities , it is very unlikely, first of all, everything is duplicated there, and sometimes there are three backup circuits, and again, this equipment can be replaced, i know that work is underway to create its backup, so i do not think so. that the moscow terrorists will once again be able to achieve some kind of tangible success there, especially since we have quite a lot of warehouses, we don't have one, not
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one warehouse at all, and they, judging by everything , do not even dare to attack with a broad spectrum yet, this rather try it, but maybe with luck we will achieve some kind of result, then we will start to attack more widely, so far there are no results, it is still possible... finally, i would like to ask you about nuclear energy, how we are doing with this sub-sector of energy, because we understand that zaporizhzhya the nuclear power plant continues to be under occupation, and can we now develop nuclear energy, perhaps in order to actually compensate for some losses, in relation to those coal-fired plants that are currently suffering from shelling, well, you know, there is such a thing the question is that it takes 10 years to build something new in... nuclear energy, that is , any new reactor, any, any new power unit, any new capacity, that's 10 years, the last two power units that
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will ... were built in europe, one was built for 18 years, the other was built for 21 years, so 10 years is very ambitious, it's very fast, and it's under the best of circumstances, i honestly think we're not in a position for long projects right now, the most important thing right now - this is a quick restoration of the energy system, and then, when we will already understand that due to decentralization, we have reached necessary power and strength, then yes, of course, atomic energy... ethics will play its role and it will have to be developed and strengthened in the right way, of course. finally, mr. oleksandr, briefly, dnipro-hes, so we understand that it is an extremely important object, the enemy has hit it, maybe the enemy will hit it, what are the threats? well, from the point of view of the strength of the dam itself, there is no threat there, they can spend a lot of missiles there and
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not achieve any result. another thing is that... it was possible to withdraw power at least for a certain period generating, and this is unpleasant and affects the power system, this is a large capacity, which would be very convenient for us now, but we have to restore it as soon as possible, i know that the specialists of ukrhydroenergo are currently working very intensively to understand what and how as soon as possible restore. thank you, oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center. they talked to us directly about our energy industry after massive strikes, and about how drone attacks on oil depots in the territory of the russian federation will affect, but, by the way, i would like to emphasize that the most important thing is what we say on the air, as well as special projects, important news and actually other information, so you can watch other content at any time on our
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youtube, so , if... you have not yet subscribed to our youtube channel, please do so, we will be grateful for your activity and , in fact, we will be grateful if you help develop ukrainian-language content on youtube, let's move on, now we're going on a short break, after we will return to you, so be with espresso, in a few minutes, let's continue, there are discounts on zipelor 15% in drugstores. pam and savings. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order. free delivery is available. check with consultants. to burn
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