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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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europe, so this topic requires discussion, i still support our united russia party chairman dmitry tovarish medvedev, but for all this to be legal, after all, the highest power in the country is the people, and for it to be legal, a referendum must be held in one day of voting and everything will fall into place, what for terrorists, traitors, killing pedophiles, maybe this is the lens. well, but the choice must be made by the whole people, and here are the actual demands, to hold a referendum, or, as someone else put it, there, let the constitutional court return the death penalty, all this lasted, well, until literally a week, and at the end of last week it suddenly became clear that it was necessary to turn it all in a different direction and... well, there was even such
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a strange, i would say stormy conversation about this took place in skabieva, this is also a state channel, which showed that, well , at first they stirred up all this, but, you know, politics has changed dramatically, especially now , how will you watch the discussion, and then we will look at the actual, and what happened before that, the next question, which arises...
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well, if they are shot, then this is a blessing, but let's remember, we were part of the council of europe, which they always said, here in russia, we should not apply, now we left the council of europe, you want me again, i want to tell you that leonid ivanovich, here is our judicial system personally and the law enforcement system , unfortunately, now in 2024, is far from ideal.
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suddenly it turned out that this issue is not discussed and cannot be talked about at all, and it is quite a strange story, in fact, if you look at it so carefully, because it is worth remembering that, well, periodically it is about a mortal they are starting to talk about the punishment, as if they are returning it, and if you say that constantly, then solov'i is constantly shouting about it, actually his entire tv channel, and not only his tv channel, in general, in the circle where he appears on the russian state. on television, he calls for the return of the death penalty and shouts that everyone should be shot, and these conversations are simply permanent, and actually, since these are state tv channels, it means that this is also part of the state's policy, so look at these screams, you can't do them, somehow, you know, to somehow interpret ambiguously, they are absolutely unambiguous, and it is enough to deceive ourselves if we are at war with nato. it is necessary
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to cancel the moratorium on the death penalty for saboteurs, terrorists, traitors, by the way, just like these 500 who are fleeing. in my opinion, deserters were treated very harshly in all armies of the world, so i believe that the death penalty should return to russian legislation, it is simply necessary. abolish the moratorium on the death penalty? enough already , enough of all these noble statements, at the same time, there is no need for shootings, we need to, as a comrade in his time, stalin used to hang traitors, traitors, and nazis according to a certain type. it is necessary to destroy them on the spot, to capture them only in order to get information from them , to return the death penalty, to restore the smersh, to give full powers to the federal security service so that they can solve all the tasks, tasks, i consider it
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absolutely necessary now, let's leave aside all these phrases about what, how, why all these democratic delusions. well, actually, and then why does the state do all this propaganda, first shouts that the death penalty should be carried out, then that no, it is not necessary, because we somehow have to, they say, stay among some civilized peoples, and not where there is no civilization, well, that is enough, you know, this - well, it is easy to explain if you understand that russian state propaganda generally tries to work mainly with... the worst human emotions, hatred, fear, well, that is, these are the basic emotions that russian propaganda is aimed at, and in this regard, it is just that stirs up, that is, periodically raising the issue of reconciliation of the death penalty, stirring up all these cries that everyone should be hanged there immediately, or there, i don't
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know, soon they may shout about cutting off the head, and then, as if forbidding, saying... no, there is the great putin, and he is much better, this i think , maybe even the second purpose of all these conversations, to show that there are some terrible radical people, like solovyov, and there is putin, who is so moderate, and he will not allow any terrible things to be done steps, and that's why it's better to talk to him, because he's so moderate, so i think these two main goals in fact, it is to stir up these emotions as much as possible, and moreover, let's say, to make these ... emotions as bloodthirsty as possible, you know, and the second is to show putin against this background, as a person who, well, seems to be capable of some conversations, and now, when russia is trying to spread
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stories in the world about the fact that something needs to be agreed there with some putin, here is this whole story with the death penalty and here at first with stirring it up. topic, and then with such a demonstrative separation of state structures from it and a literal ban on this is to say, this is all also in order to show that no, well, everything is not so bad with putin, he is not such a cannibal, you see, he does not want to return the death penalty, it means that he does not want to stay in the un, somehow, and let's talk to him, that 's the whole story around that, but all this would be, let's say, if there wasn't... an even more interesting continuation, because as a result of this constant agitation, every time the russian society goes to some, you know, new level of cannibalism. now they are have reached the level of cannibalism when
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, after all these conversations about what to do, not to introduce the death penalty, they come to simply such an affirmation of the opinion that, well , torture... people in prison, in general, torture people by some by the security forces, by those them, by the riot police, by something else, this is a normal thing, and it is precisely this opinion that, strangely enough, ends this whole information campaign about the return, not the return of the death penalty, that is, it ended with the statement that the security forces in russia should have, well... the ability to kill people in prison, and that the russian propagandists also said it directly, first, this was said by kiselyov, explaining why it didn't matter, well, let's not kill them with the death penalty, but we
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will kill any people, we will kill them in prison, after you know , deaths in navalny's prison , in principle, well, it is quite believable that it works that way, but here... the way he said it, well, it is also important to hear, let's see, well, what do they do anyway shines, guaranteed life imprisonment with serving in a penal colony. not sugar here is the condemned terrorist salman raduev to life imprisonment in the high-security colony of bila lebid. what in solikamsk. he died there already in 2002. the conditions are such that it is the case when the living envy the dead. the mode of existence, language does not return, this is called a cruel life. so far, no one has managed to survive in such conditions. let's go. andriy smikhov. life for triple murder, it doesn't matter if it happens that you spend staring at the walls,
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she has all day, all her life, if you spend like that, it would be better to change, of course, i showed only some small fragments, there is a huge plot about the fact that it is impossible for a normal person to survive in russian prisons, just huge, where they simply tell that these are not human conditions of detention at all. and it is being normalized, you know, the issue here is not only in prison, or the fact that the person there who committed a crime should answer for it, no, this is not a conversation about that at all, in fact, it is a conversation about what first of all, the employees of these same power structures actually have the right to do anything with a citizen, well, that is, literally whatever, in jail, not jail, just when you're late. and it's normal, it's trying to prove such plots, because, well,
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simply, you know, torturing a person in prison, well, this, this is not a civilized method in any case, and the fact that russia normalizes it, well, she does it in order to normalize the police state as such, that is. if all these jailers can do whatever they want in the prison, why can't they do it outside the prison, actually? well, then margarita simonyan comes out, and she says: well, yes, it's also normal, here someone is detained, it is absolutely normal, to cut him right there and then, to cut something off him, to torture him in some way, without even knowing, in fact, he is guilty, not guilty before any court decision, and that's it too. has already been said in the direct text in russia, that is , it must be understood that it is generally about the treatment of
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any prisoners, in fact, that any torture of any prisoners is, in principle, normal. as for the ear, listen, i wonder how it fits in the head, after so many deaths, so, so horrible... i don't want to discuss anything else , what should have been done was to give them warmed oatmeal, i sincerely hope, and i convey these hopes, and it is possible even a general request from the patriotic public, at least from those guys with whom i discussed it, these are well-known leaders of the public thoughts that powerfully light up the call, many warriors of chickens are ours. from all of us, we really hope that this guy who lost his temper and cut off that ear
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doesn't get anything for it, you know, with all his humanism that the truth doesn't spread like we do just found out by ear, here and with all my humanism, i believe that these people should live in hell, all the remaining years that they have left, they should experience this hell every day, and it is not necessary to pass a law on the death penalty, and the law on special conditions must be adopted for life. i couldn't help but cut off the ears, you know, you can't help but cut off the ear, because for that you have to be in a certain psychological state, which is closer to, of course , such a sadist than to an adequate person, and apparently, it is precisely such people that russian propaganda is trying to educate on... in this new kind of propaganda, because this shake-up, in principle, it
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resulted in a simple idea, cut off the ear of the people there, and all this together is actually just an excuse for any any actions regarding, well , including ukrainians, because if russian propaganda justifies, says, well, he didn't hold back, you know, he cut off his ear, what's the problem, that's exactly how to say that he didn't hold back. in buche, shot him, also cut him off there, raped him, did not hold back in mariupoli, also there, they shot, ransacked , threw a bomb, did not hold back, threw a bomb at a dramatic... theater where there were a bunch of children, well , did not hold back, it happens, and this is actually what russia has come to now, that is, it came to the justification of simple crimes as such , if the criminal works for the state, that’s all, nothing else, they said it, already consider it, literally, if the criminal is part of the russian
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security forces, his crime is justified, and that’s it... we in principle, we can put an end to this any talk, you know, about russia following some rules of war, not following the rules of war, because at this stage russian propaganda justifies war crimes, that's it, see you. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps of 10% in the psarynsky, pam and oskad pharmacies. lacalut fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me, it also reduces inflammation of the gums, and the price is good,
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine and beyond. what kind of world do you dream about, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. 10 sunday 18:15 at espresso. watch this week of the collaborators program. pseudo-ministers of the kherson region. like a fake the head of the ministry of culture robbed museums. we tried to remove everything valuable. but which of the crimean officials became a traitor twice. we chose to be with
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russia. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. in today's edition , i continue to talk about the fake ministries that the rashists are creating in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. i will be with us. ministers, their assistants, heads of departments and clerks, the collaborators themselves must know that there will be no quiet betrayal, and it will not work to sit in the chair of a traitorous official and not be suspected. this is a fake ministry of culture of the kherson region, it was created on june 16, 2023. it is managed by a long-time supporter of the tricolor, oleksandr viktorovych kuzmenko. the ministry of culture voted. tolstoy with a flag in his hands. with the coat of arms of razka and at the polling station, this is probably how all the traitors looked when they came to vote for the unchanging president in russia, maybe this is just an official scratch
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for everyone who is fed by the dictator's hand, i think it is an honor for kuzmenko to wear a coat of arms with a chicken on his heart, because before becoming an official traitor, he was quietly licking putin's portrait all the time and waiting. i will now tell you how the director of the music school became attached to the fake minister of a non-existent institution. kuzmenko , 55, once was the head of children's music school number 4 in kherson, but not for long, because he wanted to enter politics. he was a deputy of the suvoriv district council from volodymyr saldo's block, and since 2010 he has been in the ranks of the banned communist party of ukraine. as a deputy of one of the village councils, he supported the party of regions in every possible way. when the kherson region was occupied, kuzmenko finally stopped hiding his true ideological views. we started promoting all-russian. during the occupation of kherson, kuzmenko managed to serve himself well in front of the invaders. journalists learned that he not only conducted propaganda activities in the city, but also
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handed over to the occupiers ukrainian teachers who did not want to cooperate with the rashists. in one of the notebooks found in kuzmenko's house was the record is dated april 22. by the 22nd , submit lists of teachers who have left and russian phone numbers. when it became clear that the armed forces were close, the minister packed up, taking exhibits from ukrainian museums with him. according to the media, this is approximately 10,000 works of art. in an interview with the washed-up russian media, he modestly called it salvation. when there was an evacuation, we tried to get everything valuable out of the city of kherson, and when we return, we will return it to kherson. when kherson was liberated, some of the illegitimate ministries, the invaders moved to the occupied genichesk. it is there that kuzmenko is reviving russian. the theater fills libraries with russian classics, organizes pro-russian contests for children and does not forget to kiss the portrait of the leader before going to sleep, and before that makes plans for the development of russian culture in
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the captured territories for the coming years. i think that in five years we will do a lot, we will try to open all our institutions that are not working yet. oleksandr, i have an alternative plan for you for 5 years. as about holding them culturally in a ukrainian prison. reading ukrainian classics, a year ago the prosecutor general's office informed kuzmenko of suspicion of treason, so five years obviously won't do, he can sit down for life. our next traitor, who took one of the seats in the ministry of the occupiers, is serhii petrovych usenko, a native of skadovsk, born in 1965. we conduct explanatory work, convey our information to them, not only through telegram channels and telephone conversations. but we also leave for direct communication. we believe that it gives more positive results in working with our agricultural commodity workers. before
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becoming a collaborator and receiving suspicion, he tried several times to realize himself in politics. in 2020, usenko ran for the kherson regional council from volodymyr saldo's bloc, but was not elected. usenko was able to satisfy his unfulfilled political ambitions when the kherson region was occupied. and he sold his position to the russians, now he is the pseudo-deputy minister of the agro-industrial complex and food policy of the kherson region. now usenko is happy gives interviews, appears in propaganda stories and works for the invaders. the federal budget - 1 billion 251 million and the regional budget - 1,300. we plan to master our planned budget this year. according to the federal and regional budget. in april of last year , usynku's suspicion of collaborative activity appeared on the page of the prosecutor general's office. during this time, the case has already been sent to
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the malinovsky district court for consideration. the city of odessa. sratnyk faces from 5 to 10 years of imprisonment. got my suspicion and yes named minister of natural resources, ecology and fisheries of the kherson region, mykola yuriyovych bystryantsev. he was born in the city of kherson at the age of 42. our president stated that the regions returned to russia will prosper and develop. he emphasized that the borders of the new regions are under reliable protection. russians and ukrainians are one nation. another perfect creature of russia. which is a propaganda machine, relatively little is known about him. according to the media , bystriantsev received a russian passport in crimea in 2017 and since then lived in the occupied peninsula. there he held the position of head of the land use control department in the fake ministry of property and land relations of the republic of crimea. when his native city was under russian occupation, the former kherson native decided to return home and try to build a career under
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the kremlin's abhorrence. at first, he modestly applied for the post of deputy minister of the occupation ministry of natural resources and ecology of the kherson region. a year ago, we chose to be with russia, which means we chose a bright future for us and our children. on august 7, 2023 , the occupiers reorganized the department into the ministry of natural resources, ecology and fisheries of the kherson region, and bystryantsev himself was promoted to minister. bostryantsev already knows how to practice. a new position, so he actively joined the campaign for a joint future with razka. first, during the local elections last september, then during the presidential elections. compatriots, this day has finally come, the day when we can show our active citizenship . we urge you to come to the elections precincts and cast your vote for the future. such a display of will by bystryantsev did not go unnoticed. he was already suspected of
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collaborative activity in absentia. the case is currently being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region. this lucky holder of a passport with a chicken will soon receive his sentence. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you on air in a week espresso.
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how many missiles are left in russia for attacks on ukraine, the drones aimed at the russian oil refinery, what is known at the moment and... the special representative of the usa, mrs. pritzker, our correspondent followed this visit for the first time in lviv, we will have a live connection, you will find out all the details in final news release. my greetings, anna yavamalnyk is with you. i'll start with the following: five people were injured as a result of a missile attack on the dnipro, reported the head of the regional military administration serhiy lysak, the educational institution was damaged as a result of the attack. fortunately, at the time of arrival, the children were in shelter. consequences.


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