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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EEST

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the dusting of the saharan air will become easier to breathe and all this dust will go in the north-eastern direction, so they should, everyone of course be well, be safe and always keep a close eye on the weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy ordenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. long-range drones. ukraine strikes strategic objects in the deep the rear of the enemy. what are the latest ukrainian attack drones capable of?
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the russians are on the big offensive, the enemy is gathering forces and mobilizing. can the russian army make another breakthrough? a double-edged weapon. putin promises to use terrorism in the fight against terrorists. what other terrorist methods can he use in ukraine? we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests, aviation expert valery. military expert mykhailo samos and political expert volodymyr tsybulko. in the second part of our people's deputies of ukraine viktoria syumar, yevgenia kravchuk and yaroslav yurchyshyn will participate in the program, which will start in an hour. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how ukrainian drones attacked russian tatarstan for the first time. it happened 1,200 km from the ukrainian border. the industrial targets were
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industrial facilities in yelabuz and nizhnyoksk. in the first place there is a factory for the production of shakheds, in the second place there is a large oil refining enterprise. let's see how it all happened. this is a drone.
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friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook. don't forget to support our stream, write your comment, and also vote in our poll. today we ask you about whether ukraine needs diplomatic relations with lukashenka's belarus. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube if you have your own. you can leave your opinion and special opinion in the comments under this video, if you are watching us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that ukraine needs diplomatic relations with belarus lukashenka 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, we have on. .. our first guest is valery
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romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum, mr. valery, i welcome you, thank you for joining our broadcast, uh, thank you for the invitation. mr. valery, let's start our conversation with another ukrainian drone attack, and today ukrainian drones attacked tatarstan, and explosions rang out in two cities, at an enterprise where they produced or from... shahedi and the second enterprise was an oil refinery, the distance between the ukrainian border and the points where these drones flew is 1200 km or about 100 km , according to the mass media, ukrainian drones damaged the primary oil processing plant, the capacity of which was 2.6% of the total annual processing. of the russian federation, and
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a fire broke out there. the russians write that they will strike were carried out by ug-22, airborn drones. and tell me, please. about these drones, what kind of drones are they, are they exclusively ukrainian drones, are they assembled from some separate parts and assembled by ukrainians, are they not ukrainian, that is , what, what resources are we currently using in strikes on the rear of the occupying state , i would like to tell you about these kurjet-22 drones, but they did not strike. so the blow was inflicted by a ukrainian plane , a plane, it is also an a22, but it is called aeropract, this is an airplane, this is an airplane that was used in an unmanned version and loaded with explosives, and in this way
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it was possible to reach, overcome a distance of 1,000 km, in general, the distance was 1,200 km, because and... nizhny kamps and yelaboga, they are apart from each other , well, this zone, so they, the alabuga zone, they are located 20-30 km from each other across the volga, that is, on average , it can be assumed that both objects were hit by the same drones, and the distance between them was approximately 1200 km, i took the distance from kharkiv, and kharkiv is a few 10 km away km from and what kind of plane is this a22, that is, it is a glider, as i understand it, with a wingspan like a small motor plane, correct? and this is an airplane with a wingspan, it was produced in ukraine since 1999, ah, in general, the wingspan
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is from 9.55 to 10 meters long, well, you see it, yes, it is such, such a huge plane, yes , as for... compared to a drone, it is noticeably larger than a drone, so it was very easily identified by these videos that were published, well, posted on the network, but in general , a plane, why it also fell on it, so to speak, well, i am sure that it is actually this plane, because its range, which is in the advertising brochures , is 1100 km, slightly increase this range there by 100 km for this size of the car. this is a small problem, especially since there is no need to board people, there is free space in the plane place, and add a little fuel, well, the only more difficult thing is to make executive mechanisms that would control this plane according to the signals of the navigation system. well, it can be seen that our
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engineers managed to create such a power system that would convert radio signals into executive commands for... control bodies this plane, you said that this plane was created a long time ago, and it was obviously not designed for the tasks for which the security service of ukraine and the main intelligence directorate are now used, and what are these a22 planes for, why were they created in to ukraine from the very beginning, in search of adventure, it is for those people who have extra money, they... can go with their wife or with their son or with their daughter, because it is a two-seater plane in general, to travel somewhere, although there , seems like a double, i'm already there for sure i won't say, i've seen this plane many times and sat in the cockpit, but it's generally a small
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plane with a rotax engine, depending on the model, the engine power is 80 or 100 horsepower, but the plane is generally cool, cheap, and... such that you know, you have to be an expert to know which element of the plane you can lean on, because it was designed so that it was the lightest, and there are many composites, well, most of the materials that were created for them are composites, so in general, this machine, she is already, i think, in ukraine, well in 1999, i think that there are enough scrapped of these aircraft, which in general can be converted into such remotely. nevertheless, in parallel with these a22, ukraine also uses drones, well , at least, that is what the minister of digital transformation mykhailo fedorov says, in an interview with a german publication, he said that
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ukraine has started manufacturing drones with a range of over 1000 km, i quote mr. minister, we increased the production of long-range drones tenfold compared to last year, most of the drones that attacked russian refineries have a range of 700 to 100 km, but now there are models that can fly more than 1000 km. in one of the previous programs, we talked about these drones with you. they didn’t talk about the range that they cover, but fedorov didn’t say what the industrial capacities are in the production of such drones, he said that the production has increased tenfold, compared to last year, the question here is, from which numbers to multiply by 10, to understand whether ukraine produces hundreds or thousands of such drones, well, this question is not for me, it is for mr. fedorov, he is. knows much better, i know what we have several drones, for example,
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the creation of the february drone was announced, yes, and it was guaranteed there, well, now you are showing exactly the ukrjet22 drone, yes , they showed it, and now it is him, yes , then the february drone was created, and february is, let’s say , a ukrainian copy of bayrahtar, but bayrahtar is a scout, a drone is a scout, and a ferocious one. this is a camika drone, but if you compare the photos of the two there, you will practically find the difference only in the engine cowling. ah, and then there is another drone from, which is financed by mr. prytula’s foundation, this 26. yes, i didn’t say, in february indeed, there was, so to speak, the announced range of 100 km. in ucrg26 drones, beaver yes, ah, a drone. the range is less, it was something up to 700, 600, 700, maybe 800 km, well, in general, yes,
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there was also such a drone of extremely primitive design, which was called aq-400, but there it was announced that the manufacturer is capable of producing up to 500 such drones per month, if of course there will be funding, well, that is, in general , there is some line of drones for production, well... i hope that they will be produced in the agreed quantities, oh, but for now it is not possible to say which of them and how many, well, you understand, that should be said by mr. fedorov and what he considers necessary to say, well, fedorov is not saying yet, but president zelensky yesterday at the meeting, which was dedicated to the production of drones , said that drones will say one of the decisive words in this... war, ukraine should produce more of them. let's listen to what president zelensky said. we talked today about
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the nuances of production, and about support and financing, about contracts, about the necessary flexibility in determining priorities. exactly that what war requires. our defense-industrial complex should produce as much as it needs, in the right way, on time, as needed. it is necessary, obviously, that drones in this war will say one of the decisive words for victory, and it should be the ukrainian word, ukrainian drones, ukrainian victory, and therefore we need more and more effective ukrainian drones, we can provide this, by the way, cnn reported about the fact that ukraine has built a full-fledged industry of drones, which gave it a technological advantage over... russian federation, and as the american television company reports, every ukrainian drone has
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a terminal computer with satellite data and data about the terrain, accuracy became possible thanks to the drone's sensors, it has machine vision, which is a form of artificial intelligence, well, that's what i understand , that the production of drones and the construction of drones is now one of the priorities. tasks, and these drones or the production of these drones come, strangely enough, to replace the ukrainian aviation industry? well, you know, i said somewhere in september 22 that ours is the only one the opportunity to be a full-fledged participant in a contactless network-centric war, and this is... building drones, this is the easiest option, the destruction of russian bodies, what is
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a contactless war, network-centric, yes, it is the destruction of the enemy economy, enemy control centers, enemy energy systems on large distances, unfortunately, they do not give us missiles, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, or missiles that could be used there from airplanes, so that... so that we could work behind the russian rear, and even on those missiles that are given to us impose restrictions not to fire on russian territory, and what is there... until february 22nd, therefore, the production of drones is our only opportunity to inflict similar blows on russia, such as it always inflicts on our territory , and i am very happy that now we are finally paying the necessary attention to this, they have finally started to produce something, and i hope that
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such drone strikes will be carried out on a regular basis, especially... that due to its huge territory, russia is very much for this vulnerable, it will not be able to protect all enterprises in such a large area with anti-aircraft missiles or anti-aircraft weapons or anti-aircraft artillery. now the russians have already begun to form such mobile groups with machine guns, as they work in our country on distant approaches or, in general, on the nearest approaches to some of our important objects. mr. valery, against the background of our successes in the construction of drones and in the design of drones, we see how the russians have begun to use aerial bombs again to strike kharkiv, the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, ilya yevlash says that russia has an extremely large number of bombs weighing 15 kg or, well, 1.5 tons,
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probably 1500 k... which are capable of completely destroying residential high-rise buildings, and russia uses such bombs , in order to wear out the ukrainian air defense, what kind of bombs are these, weighing 1.5 tons, does this mean that russia pulled out old soviet bombs, or is this the weaponry that was prepared and is already beginning to be restored or produced by the russian military-industrial complex complex, and well... well, me i will try to briefly explain what it is about. actually, we are not talking about bombs, we are talking about ompk modules with these bombs. in kharkiv , our front lines in general are striking not with free-falling bombs, but actually with these umpk units mounted on fab 1500
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m-54 bombs, that is, bombs of the 54th model, the production of which has been produced by russia since the past. year renewed, although a huge number of them were still in warehouses, so now on these, so these are drones, they have these bombs have very bad aerodynamics, so the russians made such a cap on the nose part and install a slightly enlarged ompk module with wings, which allows this bomb to fly, well, not 70 km, like five hundred, a little less than kilometers, but in... anyway, they are dropped outside the range of our anti-aircraft missile systems, so they are very, so to speak, very, very dangerous for our defense, for our cities, because on board such a bomb, well, not on board, excuse me for this expression, this bomb contains more than
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760 kg of explosives, that is, we have, sorry, 600, 674 exactly. grams of explosives, that is, it is a lot dangerous, and wear and what is there, is there, i have huge holes on them and no field fortification can withstand the hit of such a bomb, but as for, let's say , a house, one hit is enough to completely destroy our normal standard five or nine floors, at the same time... they are still testing the hypersonic zircon missile, and this has already been certified by the ukrainian side and the russian side. and what are the problems with the work on this missile now that the armed forces of ukraine have? well, the only problem is that we don't have enough long-range ones anti-aircraft missile systems, which are able
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to perform the work, well, in the anti-missile mode, right? anti-missile complexes at the same time, in general we have as many as four of these, three patriots, and well, if it works for us, then one sumpte, that is, we cannot practically cover even 10% of our territory with such anti-missile complexes, although in general they are capable of shooting down all types of missiles , because it was confirmed by the conclusions of the institute of scientific research. institute of forensic expertise, that both zircons that had recently flown over kyiv were shot down, i.e. problems with there are no shooting downs, the problem is with the number of anti-aircraft missile systems. and which we can use to destroy these enemy hypersonic missiles, and on the terminal last segment they are no longer
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hypersonic, like daggers, and that is why we, that is why these complexes, i listed them, patriot, they are able to shoot them down and they shoot them down effectively , this does not mean at all that the russians are not improving their weapons, as far as from the moment... the beginning of the great war, we see progress in the improvement of the weapons that were at the beginning of the great war in the russians even now, that is, when they felt that the war was, well, becoming protracted, long-lasting, they quickly dragged out all these projects that only passed the stage of initial tests and very quickly, very dynamically began to implement their production. that's why here they outnumber us by two heads, but everything is very fast with them, their entire industry, both civilian and military, works on military rails, they
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execute orders instantly, non-fulfillment of orders by national defense is subject to criminal charges persecution, you understand, the management of an enterprise that did not comply with the state defense order, it can go behind the bars, very strictly, everything is very clearly controlled, because the russians have always been able to produce means, means of destruction, they could not do anything peaceful, that's what tv is like , a smartphone, there's a coffee maker, yes, but their means of destruction were all right, and now they're confirming their reputation, that is, that the only thing that works well for them is an industry that can create bombs, missiles, everything, then... that is, everything is for destruction people, destruction of their own kind. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state
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aviation museum. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. during the program, we conduct a survey, today we ask you whether ukraine needs diplomatic relations with lukashenka's belarus. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or... phones and vote if you think that ukraine needs diplomatic relations with belarus lukashenka 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have mykhailo samus, military expert, deputy director of the army conversion and disarmament research center, director of the new geopolitics research network, mr. mykhailo. i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. it became known literally before the broadcast, sir mykhailo, that president zelenskyi signed the law on the creation of an electronic
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register of the obliged and on reducing the age of citizens who can be mobilized, i.e. from 27 to 25 years, almost 10 months, this law was adopted, therefore, it was adopted by the verkhovna rada of ukraine , zelenskyi. did not sign this law, he signed this law, now actually, the mobilization resource is increasing in order to conscript into the ukrainian army, well, in addition, president zelensky signed a law by which limited eligibility is taken away now with such circumvention of the tsk and the armed forces of ukraine, that's what these laws are and under... what does this mean, how will it affect the armed forces, mobilization, opportunities, and the expansion of this
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mobilization base? well, in principle, there is a linear relationship here, of course, when the mobilization age is transferred from 27 to 25 years and decreases, the mobilization base increases, here it is clear, regarding the electronic register again, i would honestly wait. of the main mobilization law, which will govern the processes in this area, and, of course, that the electronic register is one of the basic elements of the new law on mobilization, because it is this electronic register that will ensure the same transparency, the same fairness that everyone is always talking about when it comes to conducting mobilization, so that it is as fair as possible for all sections of the population, we did not have any special or not special in this process, well, of course, just the transfer to electronic, in electronic form of the same paper folders, it will create the conditions for...
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the law to start acting effectively, well that is i understand correctly, now our men will be divided into two categories: fit for service in the army and unfit, that is, there will no longer be a limited suitability there for those who can be taken into military service, now everyone will be in military service, and people who are disabled, well, they simply will not enter the armed forces, well, on... in fact, in peacetime, in peacetime , their provisions apply to those with limited fitness and fitness for military service in wartime, in a special period, of course, this is a different situation, and again i still want to to emphasize that as far as i know, re-certification can be carried out for those people who had a vlk decision regarding limited suitability, they will undergo all these
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procedures again. this will be done in order to avoid the possibility of corruption schemes that have been implemented recently, it is known that not everything was clean there, and therefore, in principle, this process, which will already take place obviously under the new law on mobilization, including these issues will also be settled regarding the vlc and the categorization of those categories populations subject to or not subject to. mobilization, including for health. meanwhile, mr. mykhailo, the mobilization law, or the law on mobilization, is only being prepared for the second reading. 400 amendments start in the verkhovna rada on april 10, but at the same time president zelenskyi says that the russians are preparing a new offensive, and this offensive can begin in june in may-june 2024, it is clear that... this
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statement of the president is partly ukraine was directed to our western partners, ukraine needs it weapons, ukraine needs finances, ukraine needs help, but what can this offensive be and what can we expect from it, because it is clear that the russian army is advancing now, just when zelensky emphasized that there could be a bigger offensive, does this mean , that they will go there from the north -east from other cities or enter ukraine from the north and thus try to attack the ukrainian army? well, i will say right away that, in principle, if you count and impose all the necessary measures that must be carried out in order, for example, to create a strike group in the northern direction, that is, on the territory of belarus in fact, or from the northeast, including part from the territory of belarus, and
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part. for example, from the belgorod region, then, in my opinion, they will not have enough time to create this group of 100-200 or more thousand military personnel by may or june, that is, we can talk, for example, if we are talking about the probability of creating of such groups preparing for such operations, after all, it is either the end of summer, or still closer to autumn or to the end of the year, if we consider such a possibility at all. as for other measures, because when we talk about may, the end of may, june of the new offensive, we are still talking more about the directions of kramatorsk-slovyansk in donbas and the ughledar direction, these are the directions that russia defines for itself prioritized for the implementation of the same main task, which no one canceled, that is, the kremlin is still trying
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to occupy. donbas, and if they get it.


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