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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 9:30pm-9:57pm EEST

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does not give us much optimism, of course , taking into account the really, well, so much help that the united states provided to ukraine during these two years, which, i will say frankly, probably depends on the chances for ukraine, in the course of the war with the russian federation, because it is obvious that the resources of russia, which, by the way, has reliable allies, unfortunately, in particular. iran, as we can see, is now also the dprk, so we can north korea is meant, so we also need a reliable alliance, and in any case a positive vote at least for a package of military aid, at least on credit, it will still be a testimony of the american alliance with ukraine during this war, which was declared from the highest podiums, by the highest leaders, including the united states. sir how do you perceive the prospects
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of the adoption of this law by the congress of the united states of america, the decision of this after the easter holidays, because we have been watching this drama for four months or the fifth month already, and we see that, well, no concessions or any steps there is no forward yet. i'm here i completely agree with victoria, in fact , any help for the survival of the country is critical, of course the priority is military aid, in fact, this is the most critical thing that is needed in order to at least deter, in fact, those plans of russia to advance, which are clearly there, ...
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we will not speculate on the coffee grounds, it would be very good if the republican trumpists actually took part in the decision and took part in it in order to have co-responsibility for the provision of aid and, accordingly, to be included in the aid process of ukraine is also symbolic here, of course the number is important, of course the terms are important, but the very fact that the united states continues to provide assistance, and in this... there is bipartisan support, because it is actually necessary for making any decision, is much more important, so europe is forced to help more actively, so we now see the leadership of france, and it is very often that the help goes, it is not even spoken about, which by the way is not, well, if it is not typical of french politics, they are actually used to bragging aid, here we have a different situation where... aid is not disclosed, but it
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cannot replace the key of whose side the united states is on, regardless of which party is actually setting the agenda at the moment, it's unfortunate that the unfortunately, moments were lost, in particular for the strengthening of inter-parliamentary democracy, when in fact my colleagues who are actively working in the united states should not have asked to be sent abroad, but should have been sent to work in individual states, especially republican ones, persuading, first of all, society, which could put pressure on its politicians at this time, do we have certain problems with the connection with yes, mr. yaroslav, please, did we have any problems? you finished, because
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you interrupted again, unfortunately, the moment was actually lost for active parliamentary work, especially those people who actively, both in the majority and in the minority, could actually work out a more positive solution, but we in reality, really the parliament began, the election campaign of the big elections began and presidential and a large part of politics. politicians of the united states, it is very important for us to get at least an interim solution before this phase becomes even more heated, yes, the amount is important, the amount is important, the time is important, the most important thing is military aid, and it is positive that now the speaker of the parliament is open the trumpist still talks about the possibility of acceptance, let's hope that, like many politicians , his words will not diverge from reality, so we are like that... we get
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the help, at least, for which a politician of the united states will succeed in the electoral struggle. thank you, mrs. yevgenia, and what will happen if suddenly the congress leaves the country. states of america will not make this decision? well, i still hope that the congress will make a decision and show this ability just in april, because if before this there was an absolutely, well, let's say this, a legal answer, we are dealing with our affairs, our budget, let me remind you that we have continued for quite a long time this temporary budget resolution and finally a full-fledged budget was adopted. and in my conversations also with congressmen they they said: well, understand, first we have to solve our budget issues and then immediately we will vote for the ukrainian and not only the ukrainian package,
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because there is israel and taiwan, which also, in my opinion, it is better to be in this joint package, because in israel has quite a powerful lobby in washington. if we talk about this difference between. there is a loan, not a loan, in fact, most often we are talking about a possible loan, because no one has seen this text from johnson yet, there is only the senate text that was voted, and there it is irreversible budget aid to the ukrainian budget, financial aid, then we are talking about a loan for the financial part, because if we talk about the part of weapons, in fact, this money remains a bond. states, because these are manufacturing plants in the usa itself, and these are patriots, heymars, and atakams, that is, all these names that we see in the ukrainian news, they
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are actually produced quite often, if not most often, if you look at the map , by the way, in republican states, so this additional communication that... this includes american jobs, it also works, at least i use it when i talk to an american audience, how will it be, we will see, indeed from the 9th the lower house is coming back, they will be working from the 9th to the 22nd of april, so in between we let's understand how events will develop, our friends from both parties, well, at least they give such ... signals that after all there will be a vote and there will be a decision, because in fact the face of the united states depends on it, not only in fact our fate and our victory, but also the face of the states themselves. well, a the face of ukraine depends on the continuation of anti-corruption reforms, and
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the special representative of the united states of america for the restoration of ukraine , peni prinskker, spoke about this in lviv today, she says that... these anti-corruption reforms and, in general, what is happening with the fight against corruption in ukraine , the future depends on the involvement of large foreign investors in the post-war reconstruction of ukraine. let's hear what penny pritzker said. first of all, i would like to note progress in the anti-corruption reform, but it is important to preserve it this momentum and keep moving in that direction. in particular, for possible accession to the eu. in order for ukraine to complete its recovery and be able to be a prosperous country that realizes its potential. we and ukraine need private sector investment, which means that ukraine must resolutely eradicate corruption. mrs. victoria, how do you
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assess ukraine's steps to decisively eradicate corruption and what peni prytska says about. you know, it seems to me that on this issue we should divide the anti-corruption reform, the issues themselves, yes, and only then efficiency, as it is reflected in practice, because on the one hand we really fulfilled all the requirements of the european union, we voted for very strict requirements both for declaration and for the independence of the anti-corruption infrastructure infrastructure, sorry. anti-corruption bodies, in general, such as the nz, the sap, which today is already separated from the gpu, nabu, of course, which today, well, announced the suspicion of a rather serious official who, who is called
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close to the office of the president, that is, in principle, certain the results of this work we we see, but the fight against corruption is probably more... such a broader and more global concept, and therefore the spheres of control, spheres of transparency, transparency tools, they must be maximal, because today we really exist with the funds of p kiv taxes in in the countries of the european union, in the united states and in those countries that today support ukraine, and it is extremely important for us today to show that all these funds are really being spent transparently, and here i think we could do more, i mean, that could be more of a role of the ukrainian parliament, it could be a bigger role, temporary investigative commissions, what is the law in our country. nice about it, but we often do not create them on vital issues, here
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is one tiny example, we initiated a temporary investigative commission of the parliament regarding control, deputy control over the construction of fortification, this is an extremely important topic, 17 billion, the first tranche was in january allocated, today literally another 5 billion of budget money was allocated, this is a huge amount of money, and you know, this money is also called allegedly for concrete, er... and for the forest, it is difficult to control, it is difficult to display all of this here, even in the system transparently, because they say that some decisions must be secret, because it is about national security, okay, let the deputies sign, let them control this process, but no, we we have a block on this topic, so it seems to me that in addition to the anti-corruption infrastructure itself, anti-corruption bodies, there should also be the will of all state institutions and, in fact, personally. every official to this maximum accountability, to maximum transparency and to various forms
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control, including, for example, control by public organizations, well, there is no need to engage now, forgive me the destruction of the image of anti-corruption public organizations, and this is exactly what we see, this is exactly what is happening now, attempts to undermine trust in these people, this is definitely a mistake. .. the way, in fact, is to increase this field of transparency and control, it will lead to greater trust, first of all, in the ukrainian society and, of course, in our international partners, so for sure this practice should be spread, not narrowed, well, since you already mentioned the detention or the fact that suspicion was announced to the former freelance adviser to the office of the president of ukraine, we are talking about artem shill, he was... once a freelance adviser to the office of president zelensky, in august 22, he returned to
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the security service of ukraine to the position of deputy director department of the protection of national statehood, well, now he is being indicted for the actual case of the 22nd year, we are talking about embezzling almost 95 million uah from ukrzaliznytsia, and for the purchase of transformers during martial law, and well, actually... this whole story, well it smells so stupid against the background of what pena pritzker says and in general how we look in the world, mr. yaroslav, in what way, what is still missing so that ukraine does not look like a country of corrupt people and a country of people where during the war it is just they take and steal hundreds of millions of hryvnias, effective investigation and... cases, we are now mainly on the basis of handing over suspicions, suspicions in our country are handed over to high-ranking
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officials, but we also have to understand that in order to effectively prove guilt in court, and for effective investigation, such cases actually take time, and the most positive thing is that our international partners understand this, of course, and we need to understand that the fact that so many cases are being exposed now is... not proof that corruption has increased, it is proof that , that the anti-corruption bodies have started to work and produce results, a lot of homework has been done to ensure their independence and efficiency, cards in hand, do, work, the main thing really is not to interfere here, and i also agree with what we need to show there , where appropriate and where where is this... it is possible to ensure maximum openness, we were once told
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that it is not possible to inform through the prozoro system, about purchases of the ministry of defense, it is not about weapons, it is about material support, a mechanism has been found, now in principle, unfortunately , after the scandal, yes, although in reality it would be much more positive if the system were changed even without it, it significantly gives its results and... here, by the way, here is an indicator of how the ukrainian authorities, regardless of political affiliations or any positions, should act. when a problem is revealed, not all eyes are needed. whether to try to discredit journalists or activists there or oppose the investigation there, in fact just sit together and fix the problem, because it is not even that dangerous to have a corrupt person in your team there, he can be brought to light, but the broken rules that allow corruption
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to restore itself , it is much worse, because one needle will be replaced by another soap, so in this case it is very important... actually to show the cases that will already come to a decision, and on that it takes time, but actually the dynamics are quite positive, the second thing is to change the attitude and not immediately try to close the world of criticism and in some comfortable information bubbles of yours, but to respond to criticism and correct mistakes in advance, well, really more transparency, more mechanisms, there are various types of controls, and public control of the public, and parliamentary control through special or investigative commissions, that is why they were created, so in this case, well, the dynamics are good, and we sometimes need to hear what our international partners tell us, they perceive what is happening in our country in the fight against corruption much more positively than
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we sometimes perceive, well, we actually live in this, so it is logical that we live in a war, and of course we we perceive it much more painfully, but there is progress, it is important here to make it irreversible. well, and apart from corruption, we understand that russia is now working quite seriously in ukraine with various agent networks, various groups, through the church, through information resources, through messengers, in particular, regarding the use of telegram, this week he spoke or, rather, at... at the end of last year, the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense , general kyrylo budanov, spoke, and it is clear that among the questions and problems facing ukraine are big enough, but russia was and remains the country that influences and tries to influence the internal
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situation in ukraine, perhaps corruption is also a part of it. of russian influence, because where it is sold and bought, of course, there is russian money, including. mrs evgenia, we have already seen over the past few days how the russian orthodox church declared a holy war against ukraine. we see how the russian special services are trying to play with telegram and trick ukrainian citizens into giving up ukrainian positions and many, many other things. er, in this messenger, we see, among other things , the creation of fake news and er, those fears, which are then multiplied in ukrainian society. er, what to do with these challenges, what to do with the information sphere, what to do with the branch of the russian orthodox church? is there
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the authorities now have a clear understanding that these influences are not needed... because the war will end, but this entire agent network, agent networks will remain and the influence will also remain, well, let me somehow move on from the previous question, we did not have the opportunity or time, there was not enough , that answered him, actually you correctly said that one of the enemy's narratives is a failed state, yes, that is, a country that did not succeed, could not, and so... part of this narrative is that that absolutely all the aid there in ukraine is stolen and so on, and that's by the way spread abroad as well, and let's take the detention of anyone, whether it is a former adviser there or anyone or some official, as a sign that corruption is not tolerated, it
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is not, well, someone is not covered, but really the anti-corruption bodies i will buy has the opportunity to serve suspicions, investigate cases, regardless of who is involved in these cases, because this is actually a sign of a healthy system, so that, when not, there are no untouchables, and not that there is no such thing, or that it is kept silent, whether someone is being covered if we talk about influences, hostile and so on, because it is precisely the humanitarian policy committee that is considering the draft law regarding the church that is connected with the aggressor country, i would like to remind you that as early as december 2022, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi issued a decree by which he himself imposed... sanctions on part of the clergy of the church affiliated with russia, determined that the kiev-pechersk lavra should be returned to state management, because it is state
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property, but it should be returned to management and a law should be adopted, which will make the activities of religious organizations connected to the aggressor country impossible, so it took time, the bill is already in the second reading, and i hope that, well, if not in april, because we will obviously have in april... the issue of mobilization will stand , whether it will be put to a vote in the hall at the end of april or in may, there is already a decision of our main committee for the second reading, we will also take into account the position of the lawyers of the verkhovna rada of the ministry of justice and make certain clarifications this week, literally the day after tomorrow we will convene the committee, and so on already proceedings in the session hall, but i am sure that there will be 226 votes, people who understand what a threat this is, but again with respect for international rules, for the ecthr, for all rules, and we definitely do not pursue
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viral stories, because we we are talking about a threat to national security, if we are talking about informational threats, then i would look at it more broadly than telegram, because in fact there is a lot of disinformation and wix in the former twitter, especially... the disinformation that goes to the to the western world, which then votes, and we say, why don't they vote us this support, because they have read, including misinformation, tiktok, in my opinion, it's difficult to evaluate, maybe it's my subjective evaluation, but there are a lot of narratives , and now only i was at a meeting with the vice-prime minister of digital transformation, i discovered 1,200 fake accounts that... disinformation about ukraine, including against mobilization, and this is the top topic now and and i wish us, and you
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and all colleagues, wisdom as we consider the mobilization law, because now a very big informational attack from the side of russia, so that we end up falling out, not accepting anything and, you know, left with what we have, or even worse, so if we talk about it, it's an opportunity. sanction or the voting of some laws, by the way, i would like to remind you that networks such as vkontakte classmates banned the national security council, and no laws were voted on, if i am not mistaken, it was ms. victoria who was the head of the committee when these sanctions were in place, now, well we listened to mr. fedorov regarding risk assessment and certain actions, i just can't yet to talk about these actions, but i hope they will be... and the voiced ones will be accepted in order to level the influence of exactly those channels, telegram channels, and these fake
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accounts of tiktok, which spread propaganda and promote war, or deliberately spread disinformation to demoralize ukrainian society. thank you, ms. victoria, you successfully fought at one time with... vkontakte and classmates, where now there is a threat to national security in the field of information, in particular, if we have shifted the emphasis a little, and in what way these can the threats be overcome? and let's say this , back in the 14th year, i had to close russian tv channels on the territory of ukraine to organize this process, it was very difficult, and then, by the way, our western partners wrote a lot of letters, dissatisfied that this could not be done to do, because this is the next freedom of speech. now the situation has changed and it is very good that there has been an awareness that wars start here, they start here, and the information
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society in which we live, the information space, we actually live in our bubbles, and this fragmentation of the information society, it's happening, and that's what 's put into our heads, that's what we believe, well, as a society, i mean, as social groups, and that's why it's the number one issue, because we are those... what we consume, just as an information product, and it's extremely important, really, i think there's a threat that telegram is the number one source of information for the country, it's a threat because 80% of people are sitting in the telegram, and what is the problem of this resource, we already know that durov is like that the owner of telegram itself, as well as vkontakte, it’s true, well, that is, now russian politicians are openly talking about the fact that we have... excellent cooperation, our fsb has excellent cooperation with dorov, in our case, full coordination generally takes place in the context of telegram, well we say: no, everything is okay, everything is fine,
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this is... a russian messenger, we know that, we know that they have cooperation with the fsb, everything is fine, we do not make this decision, well, i think the time has come , i was actually comforted by the statement of the adviser to the president's office mykhailo podaluk, that the president's office does not control any telegram channels, because it seemed that there was some kind of illusion that there was political control over part of the telegram channels, and therefore this messenger was not perceived as hostile, but it seems to me that ... here we need to solve the key problem, if you don’t want to or apologize for some technical problems, then at least, well, listen, it should work according to a certain standard, this standard was implemented by the same youtube, and the same facebook, that is, in in principle, civilized social networks work with this, i have to interrupt you, excuse me, i have limited time, i just have to go on the air, mr. yaroslav, let's talk with you separately about telegram, because this is your profile.
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question, sorry, we are just going out of schedule, thank you all for participating in the program, yaroslav yurchyshyn, viktoriya syumar and yevheniya kravchuk were guests of our program today, during the program we conducted a survey and asked you whether ukraine needs diplomatic relations with belarus lukashenka , 18% yes, 84 - no, on we put an end to this, it was a program of the verdict of serhiy rudenko, goodbye. lacal fix is ​​reliably fixed by a dentist.


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