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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. for the first time since the beginning of the war , drones attacked enterprises in the republic. the situation on the territory of russia. in the city of yelabuga, it is approximately 1500 km from the ukrainian border. the drones attacked the territory of the special economic zone called alabuga. the local authorities stated that alabuga polytechnic students were injured. in the video published by telegram channels, a drone attacks an industrial building, after which a powerful explosion is heard. in the summer of that year , the protocol and the rzvrt youtube channel released the investigation. that in
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the territory of the alabuga separate economic zone , a mass collection of combat drones of the shachet type from iranian components for the russian army has been organized. the journalists said that the students of the alabuga polytechnic college are involved in the assembly of kamikaze drones. at the same time , the washington post reported that by the summer of the 25th 6 thousand drones are going to be produced in the territory of the separate economic zone. well, for details about the current attack on objects on the territory of russia, see below. this is the city of yelabuga, tatarstan. on the morning of april 2, russian telegram channels reported an attack by drones on local businesses. they added that in the alabuga special economic zone, a total of three drones fell, and glass and doors were broken in two buildings of a local dormitory. at 5:45 in the morning.
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olabuke dormitory was struck by two drones, these drones were equipped with nato countries, but who were they thinking of intimidating, the descendants of the people who took paris in 1815 and berlin in 1945, it won't work. the head of tatarstan, rustam mynikhanov , commented on the strikes and... stated that there was no serious destruction, the technological process of the enterprises was not disrupted, and there were victims as a result of the attack. the russian state agency tas previously wrote about twelve victims. is that a plane? this is a drone. drones attacked the factory where iranian shaheds are assembled, marking them as geran-2. and the attack itself was a special operation
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of the main directorate of intelligence of ukraine. this is reported by the ukrainian media with reference to intelligence sources. in addition, on the morning of april 2, drones attacked the neighboring city of nizhnyoksk. according to russian media, the attack took place on an oil refinery complex. the local authorities say that the drone was neutralized by the rep system. there were no injuries or damage. meanwhile, rfe /rl's source familiar with the situation reports that the hit did take place. and... the attack itself was a joint operation of the security service of ukraine and the main directorate of intelligence. a ukrainian long-range drone hit the primary oil processing unit at the refinery in nizhnekamsk, after which a fire broke out there. the capacity of this installation was 8 million tons of oil, which is 2.6% of the total annual refining of the russian federation per year. in 2024, drone attacks on a russian refinery became more frequent. however, this is the first time that ukrainian drones.
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flew to tatarstan, the distance from the border with ukraine to yelabuga and nizhnyokamsk is more than 1,200 km. let me remind you that the day before the minister of digital transformation mykhailo fedorov said that ukraine already produces unmanned aerial vehicles that can travel over 1,000 km. anastasia potapenko, radio liberty. ivan karychevskyi, an expert of the defense express military portal, has already joined the broadcast. good evening. good evening, ivan, what is publicly, or not publicly, perhaps known about this factory in yelabuz, the washington post wrote in the summer that russia had deployed such a large production there, or was planning to deploy iranian drones, and what was actually happening there , and what do we know about the volume of drone production? well, unfortunately, they are there it was really deployed powerfully enough, as part of the construction of these corps, the russians even managed to build, let's call it, two isolated ones. production lines, that is,
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you think, they duplicated them, in fact , russian kamikaze drones there, because you know, unfortunately, especially from this summer, well , which passed from the summer of 2023 to... we have to single out even three varieties of these shahyeds , well , they are purely assembled in iran, there the second grade is assembled in russia, but from iranian components, and the third is already purely russian already fakes, so it turns out, it is considered, two of these three conventional varieties were made in alaboz, the production rates per month could be from 300 units there, as far as i remember, that is, unfortunately, it is very large-scale in terms of the area of ​​production and it is very powerful according to the current rates that... there are , it is, of course, unfortunately, not all the elements that were needed there for the shaheds, they were supposed to be manufactured in alabuz, well, because the electronics and some engines are brought there from somewhere, from where it is still unknown, and they are mounted directly on the drones there
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kamikaze, well, but nevertheless it turns out yes, alabuga is such a center, perhaps the most powerful in terms of the production of such drones, this type of hamikazeli, well, as far as we know, it's still full. what is the second most annoying type, the kamikaze uav, the russians have a little less power there, and ivan, please tell me, but judging from those photos and videos of the consequences of the attack, what conclusions can we draw beforehand, how serious was the attack and hindered further production there, listen, i think that for us, you know, the problem of inflated expectations is that they are always too structured, i think in this case we should just focus on... that's why we are the first in history, here we made such a long-range kamikaze drone that you know, even a minefield, compared to that, in terms of complexity, technology, he was not standing nearby, secondly, we are the first in the history of all opponents of russia who were able to fly all the way there, you understand, that
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was my next question, from where, just in this case, well, okay, it flew into the dormitory there, let’s say, just there were jobs for someone there, absolutely spoiled the mood of the russian occupiers, maybe there will still be a place for them to gather these same shaheds, this diminishes the significance of the event that it flew so far there, no, especially since if you look at the map, well, it turns out that kazan is there on the road, in kazan there is actually a factory there, well, the so-called capo, which manufactures, can assemble new tu-160 bombers, repair the old tu-22m3, recently putin went there to fly on a strategic plane
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, and i understand that you have no doubt that it was a drone designed in... and you know, me in this case, you could have simply avoided diplomatic wording, but something happened to the russian factory under the influence of the force of gravity, there are various natural disasters with them, there are tongan ones, purely because, well, the logic is simply such that to accumulate some data on the peculiarities of russian shaheeds, different specialists at different levels needed a year and a half, respectively, according to the rules of combat, why hand over everything to the enemy. information immediately, let his specialists work, in our case just so that in ours interests to pretend that we didn't see anything, and that's all, well, gravity literally did something wrong, well, it seems to me that the sbu guys, well, they don't directly come out with statements and don't admit that they did it, but through
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the media, so to speak, well, they share this information, i think it’s quite enough, well , because i’ll repeat myself, a couple of times during the whole of these two years, even the use of shaheds, the russians , even officians... made excuses for their so- called hiranians only twice, well, they did our profile services relevant hints through media, they gave some details, but i think this is quite enough, let the russians find out for themselves, but listen, there were statements from ukrainian officials, in particular, deputy prime minister mykhailo fedorov spoke about , that ukraine is setting up the production of a drone that will be able to strike at a distance of more than 100 km, it was... literally yesterday there was such a statement, and today there is an attack on alabuga and yelabuga, this is this this is this coincidence, or was it so deliberate announcement, warning? i think this is just following logic information struggle. the russians are also taking, you know, they are warning with broad gestures about the new means
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of defeat that they are preparing against us, at the same time, you know, making sure that it can be ensured, accordingly, i suspect that it was for a very late announcement, because... they are from fedorov's words, which were literally there yesterday, that we are just working, that is, it is not enough, that here they said there is not enough before the prototype stage, conducting flight tests, turning post-flight tests would very far, but i suspect that his statement may have been delayed from the actual events by at least six months, maybe even a year. and let me just make such a gesture, you know, a warning gesture, i’m coming at you, and let me go back to these drone productions, this labuga is such a special economic zone, and russian russia is there, well, it called international investors to come there, it’s... only russia produces drones and weapons there, does this include some chinese or
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iranian investments, something is known about it, fortunately there what even foreign investments, well , at least iranian investments were not noticed there, it’s on the one, let’s put it this way, why is it even inappropriate to say here and there a free economic zone, but simply the alabag zone, because i’m sorry, especially, well, because in fact everything is controlled there some local oligarch, you know, just after the start of a full-scale invasion. ukraine, well, when all the more or less decent structures just started to leave there, he was left there alone, he tried to start a production business there drones, he started as far as i can remember from the available data, what to do with the hulls for orlan 10, the business somehow did not take off, but in a strange way he did, well, in terms of engineering , the business started, well, the so-called business for the production of shaheds, he was basically alone there, by the way, there is a very good conspiracy theory in this context, which was expressed by a certain fighter bomber, one of the leading russian propagandists, saying that all these large objects, there are refineries, and others, they are not
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guarded, as they should be passed by air defense, well, that's what private capital said, although, judging by this, there is a slightly different story, there is simply nothing to protect these objects, but here is one more piece of information, this is already from the cnn edition, there were assumptions that some of these drones, which ukraine is attacking objects on the territory of russia, perhaps until today it was mostly about refineries, that they are equipped with some basic form of artificial intelligence and that thanks to this they navigate in space, avoid radio interference and so on, what are you talking about you think so, because it is not officially ukraine commented, but look, here you can also say that on the one hand, cnn has somewhere where these data came from, so someone decided on our side to conduct such a method of indirect communication and also declare the ide on you, on the other hand, if you look in more detail, so... well, you know, about artificial intelligence, on the one hand, you can say that the phrase about artificial intelligence, you know, is more likely
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to fly well in the media, and on the other hand, if you look at the fact of what is said there, you can say , that our drones use a guidance system, well, for some reason even more perfect than on american tomahawks, well, so much with the correction of the fact that it is a drone kamikaze, that is, well, but let's compare, if we say that our drones use a guidance system as perfect as on american tomahawks. well, it won’t sound the same, right, but if we say drones, artificial intelligence, then of course yes, oh, it creates a stir, flies into the headlines and the like, here we are interested in that, after all, back to the consequences, you say , what is it, well, it is not so important importance, as the fact that ukraine has developed a drone capable of flying there to a distance of a thousand and more kilometers, but nevertheless, it was the only large enterprise in russia that produced drones. like shaheds, are there many of them in russia? well, just so you know, understand, if yelabuga was hit today,
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does that mean that drones will stop flying for a certain period of time, or do they have many such enterprises? well, first of all, it’s not even a fact that shaheds will stop flying, well, because they are shipped there directly troops, that is, some part of the shaheds there could have been damaged, but directly to the russian troops there, they may have some stock to launch every night, unfortunately, but if we are talking specifically about shahed. well, the shahyeds were made only in alabuz, and there is also a certain type, it seems, of these orions, reconnaissance and strike, but they rarely appear at the front, they are made, by the way, near, well, you know, in one complex at the raduga mkb, where they make up the russian kha 101, that's why, but you have to get to this plant, and as far as i remember, it 's a little bit even deeper into russia there is this factory, which was built on the basis of the former shopping center, and there they make lancets for the place of production. other types of drones, in particular these most operational orlan 10, well, there are fp drones, it must
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be specified separately, that is, it cannot be said that after this attack, to put it simply, the russians will suddenly not have all drones for a while, that is why i am here and said about the phrase that if expectations are inflated, inflated, they are always too structured, here it is simply worth highlighting the fact that we have weapons for such long-range strikes, well, because it is acceptable, even if the valabuzy factory can resume work there the day after tomorrow. but then it turns out that even with appropriate planning it will be possible to hit him again and create bigger problems. that's why it is. and what can be said about what conclusions can be drawn. russia after the current attack, relatively speaking, can we expect that they will massively move their enterprises further, even further from ukraine, from the ukrainian border, not 100 km, but 300 or more, and apparently the russians are a little at such a stage there , when they already have any organizational measures will not help simply because they are unable to implement them. you will
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laugh, maybe, but just the day before, there was an announcement not only that we have drones for 1000 km, but that the russians are creating... their mobile fire groups, even at the front, based on our model, so that shoot down kamikaze drones, which according to their expectations should fly over the front line and then fly deep into the territory of the russian federation. the idea is not bad, the idea is specific, it could bring us problems, but the russians could not implement it in such a way that it really started interfere, i remember when we had after the first raids of shahedi in 2022 there were various proposals, let's grow the fence. let's put it in a certain paradoxical way , the russians even still have parts that allow them to set up these aerostat barriers, for some reason they did not succeed, that is why the russians show their intention to go to any organizational events there, and by the way, also from probably a very specific, well in general- they patrol the airspace of the russian federation itself, not only destroying special planes even there, but also attack helicopters that are there
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well, in theory they can hunt for small-sized targets of this kind, accordingly, they cannot let such a drone fly... they had all the possibilities, but for some reason they could not use them, accordingly, no, i would not bet that the russians after these of all the episodes, they will be able to go for some very radical ones, i apologize, but why couldn’t they use some means of air defense, it’s not a small drone, it’s so similar to an airplane, it’s hard not to notice it and flew over 100 km there, i have it's not even that there are no answers, there are even no guesses as to how they could... it turned out like that, because it really is a small-sized air target that could light up on any radar. i have one last question, ivan, how closely do you think the allies are watching such actions, and can they, do you allow them, that they will express their displeasure in the same way as they did about the attacks on the refinery, at least that is what
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the western media hinted at volodymyr zelenskyi, that allegedly russia's allies are dissatisfied with the attack on. so at the refinery, what can they say about it? of course there will be, in my opinion, even the white house then unequivocally hinted that yes, we do not support it, well, what can you do, for us, well, if it does not work, you know, normal civilized argumentation, please allocate help as soon as possible , because there is a threat that the russians will be able to cause us too much damage, if the alliance, well , not even allies, dear western partners simply prefer mainly to observe, so... we need to look for other arguments, because here it is quite indicative that this blow happened after the president zelensky even directly said that we, if we continue to strike at russian energy, if we are not given the appropriate means, perhaps this strike was authorized precisely because we managed to get some, you know, information, perhaps through closed diplomatic channels. that, for example, this situation in
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the congress, let's go after easter, it can drag on too much, accordingly, we have to somehow defend ourselves, in the end, well, i suspect that when the americans... for example, in 1942, they conducted their so-called doolittle raid on tokyo, who had none of practical importance, but for some reason they don't care, or even if someone pointed a finger at them, they didn't pay attention to it, why the hell, why deprive us of the right to raid the enemy, it's true, the congress promises to consider returning to the issue financial aid for ukraine already after the holidays, after easter, thank you very much, ivan karychevskyi, expert of the defense express military portal, we talked about the consequences. attacks on russian enterprises, which in particular produce shaheda drones. thank you very much. confirmations of the advance of russian troops to there is no time gap now. this is stated in the latest report of the institute for the study of war. according to analysts, russian forces are at a distance of 1.5 km from the city. this is evidenced by
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april fool's day footage with geolocation, which, according to the institute, demonstrates the consequences without... a successful attack by russian armored vehicles on ivanovsk, a village between bakhmut and chasov yar. the advance of the russian army was announced the day before by the so-called russian warriors, pro-war bloggers, they claimed that the russian troops were on distance 650 m, 1 km from the outskirts of the city. at the same time, i will add that the day before , deepstate analysts reported that the russian military has already reached the height of the temporal abyss, but the ukrainian side, in particular the general staff of the armed forces, here is this message and the situation in general. i did not comment on the time gap, but in the meantime, the ukrainian military, who are currently in donetsk region, complain about the lack of ammunition, listen to what they say, the situation is bad, there are not enough shells. there were few of them even before that, and there was practically no time at all, that that we are given half an hour's work at most, leave once to work and that's it, there is nothing more, it's not like
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it used to be that three or four bulls, well, up to 100 shells a day were given, they give very little, it affects to the fact that we are simply holding them back, and not very qualitatively, that there are no shells, if there is a shell, they would not have advanced so far. we need shells, there will be shells, there will be everything, as a last resort we will keep at least what we have, but without shells we lose, the infantry is alone against the ice machine cannot stand without artillery. despite the lack of critically needed ammunition, the ukrainian brigades are still able to organize a fierce defense, the american publication forbes wrote the day before. as an example, the journalists cited the offensive of russian forces in the avdiyiv direction near the village of tonenko, where the armed forces of ukraine repelled it. large-scale mechanized attack. the russian army launched 36 tanks and 12 infantry fighting vehicles. photos of broken armored vehicles and a video of
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the battle taken from a drone appeared on social networks. according to military experts, such losses probably mean that this direction is very important for russia, and that is why the russian command took quite big risks in order to break through the ukrainian defenses. this attempted russian assault was repulsed by the fighters of the 25th separate airborne brigade of sicheslav. senior. soldier, representative of the public relations service of the 25th brigade serhii okishev joins our broadcast. good evening. good evening. well, we would like to hear from you the details of this large-scale tank attack at the end of march. is it true that it was the most extensive in avdiivskyi? direction for the entire time of the war? over the course of the last few days, this happened, perhaps it was the most massive attempt. to break through our defenses on a specific section of the front, it was precisely to break through our defenses that the enemy used tanks, in particular
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, the most modern model of this weapon, the t-90 , and infantry fighting vehicles, but the stecheslav paratroopers gave a powerful repulse to the enemy, so the large-scale offensive essentially turned into the shameful operation to dispose of the most modern russian equipment, it cannot be said that it was easy, the battles were tough, the enemy was significantly outnumbered in manpower, but our guys with incredible efforts still repelled the attack, burning many units of equipment, and i would like to note that among them were exactly those t-90s, the cost of which for one unit reaches approximately 4.5 million dollars the statistics speak for themselves, so march 29 to our positions. 36 tanks and 11 bmp tried to enter. siacheslavs destroyed 15 tanks, including one t-90 and 8 bmps.
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the next day, march 30, the russians attacked with four tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles. three tanks destroyed, as well as both vehicles of the infantry. on march 31, six russian tanks and three bmps, which were completely disabled, attacked . destroyed three'. one again t-90. serhii, allow clarification, and for you, i want to hear your opinion. for you, what does this attack show, what does it show, that there was not, there was not, and here at once, such a huge amount of equipment, and expensive equipment, as you just quoted the review, what does this show? well, personally, i can't answer you right now, simply because that... we've recently moved in this direction, and so to assess the situation that was before, before in this direction, there's just no way, uh, sorry, yes, and some of
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the military and military experts that we talked to, they estimate that this attack as evidence that this large-scale summer offensive will begin precisely in the avdiiv direction, i understand that you are not responsible for the entire avdiiv direction, but specifically... for your section of the front, do you see signs that russia is preparing there to some big, massive offensive that might take place there is it in may or is it in june? well, look, in any case, we are ready for any scenario of the development of events, that is, we are currently working out all possible and impossible options, both regular and non-regular situations, some force majeure, that is, preparations are underway, preparations are underway. according to all scenarios and possible variants of the development of events, so, i think, it is in this area that our brigade will be ready for
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any... development of events, we just showed a short report, i would say, even a comment of the military in donetsk region, this not the avdiiv direction, this is another direction, but also the east, and here one of the soldiers said, i literally quote, that they receive shells to work for an hour and that’s all, and then there are no shells, but tell me, please, what is your situation , well, you saw that our guys were able to repel such a large-scale attack, which would ... basically, in fact, continued for three days, so the facts speak for themselves here, so you are not complaining about the lack of ammunition? i say, here the facts speak for themselves. after russia captured avdiivka, it captured a number of settlements, including a thin one, including one near this village where the attack took place, at least osin analysts and independent
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journalists confirm this, although... it did not officially comment, the armed forces did not comment. how do you generally assess the pace of the russian advance in your direction, where you are, well, this attack failed, i understand, but what is the general pace of advance, what is its trend, what is it, well, the enemy does not stop trying in the future, let's say, storm every day, they they are probing for weak points, and now it's the same... the assaults continue, perhaps not as massively as it was a few days ago, but to this day, to this moment, even the artillery fire does not stop, and a considerable number of unmanned aerial vehicles are also involved of different classes, infantry, of course there are a lot of them, so at the moment the fighting is going on and the situation remains tense, but we are holding on and... we are holding our positions
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, that is the area that is fixed behind our brigade. sergey, but you said what if i understood you correctly, that the situation with ammunition is not so critical, or at least you do not comment on it, as i understand it, but in general, what are the needs of your brothers now, your brigade has such urgent needs to continue to hold the defense, and well for opportunities to go on the offensive, if it is realistic in principle. well, look, now, even if you compare it with the previous direction, where our brigade carried out combat missions, it is in this direction that the enemy uses much more unmanned aerial vehicles, that is, these and reconnaissance drones, this and shock unmanned aerial vehicles, this is fpv, and resets and in general any types of these
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unmanned aerial vehicles, then... then as a way out of this situation, it is obvious that the brigade needs means of radio electronic warfare, the so-called rebs, yes, so at this moment , right now, the fund to support the 25th separate airborne syacheslav brigade, he organized a hot collection specifically for electronic warfare equipment for our brigade, and in principle, everyone can... join, donate, in any way, this is a bank, and the map, that is, this fund, it is official, we have been cooperating with him for a long time, and you can help our brigade, that is, through this fund of assistance to the 25th separate airborne brigade. and tell me, please, what are the needs, now in ukraine the topic
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of mobilization is such a hot topic, we often wonder... the military at the front, what do they think about mobilization, how much do they lack military personnel, what can you say? well, for the whole, for the entire process of mobilization in the country, of course i cannot say, but if we take our brigade in particular, then we currently have such a large-scale recruiting program, we organized and made a site where you... can independently choose your military specialty that is close to your civilian one, that is, we rationally use the experience of people so that they help as much as possible internally of our brigade, you can also contact the phone number of this recruiting center, or join, come to this... center
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live in the city of dnipro.


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