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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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investigative journalists are also associated with many similar cases in different parts of the world. and how does the american government react, what do the experts say? yes, actually, as you mentioned earlier, the american authorities are insisting on the results of the 2023 investigation , this is the result of the investigation by the office of the director of us intelligence, which noted that, most likely, no third party was involved in the havana syndrome, or also acknowledged. it seems that russia is not involved, but journalists and investigators point to the moment that in places where there were cases of this of the havana syndrome, at that moment agents of the russian gru were on business trips, and they also establish other indirect evidence of the possible involvement of gru agents, but exactly how the state department reacts to this investigation, as well as what they say about the results of the investigation in 2023, i suggest you listen now . and there was a joint conclusion
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of the us intelligence community on march 20, 2023. it is unlikely that a foreign adversary was responsible for these anomalous health incidents. this is what intelligence is about the us community has carefully examined and continues to examine. we will review new information as it becomes available and make assessments within the state department and with our intelligence community. the point at which it is worth noting that russian scientists, in particular serhii chepur, whose name appears in this journalistic investigation, for a long time , for decades, they have been dealing with this topic of the possibility of the influence of these electromagnetic waves on the human brain, and now the voice of america actually managed to communicate with one of scientists stanford university, what does he think about this? in a study in which i participated. in the interests of
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the us intelligence community, we have discovered that there are hidden forms of devices that can produce the pulsed microwave energy that we are talking about. at the same time, we cannot comment on who might have done this, but i will say that both studies have very clearly recognized that for at least 50 years, russia, and before that the soviet union, had a very, very strong interest in this particular phenomenon, they were extremely interested effect of microwave energy on man, more than any other. another country we have seen. there is no hard evidence, but there is circumstantial evidence that leads you to believe that the possibility cannot be ignored that people who wanted to cause similar effects could do so and that they had the means to do so. such a possibility simply cannot be ruled out. how to explain the discrepancies in the results of the journalists' investigation and the conclusions of the us intelligence.
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in fact, as journalists, investigators, and scientists point out, the actual comment we heard does not have any direct evidence, but there is indirect evidence of possible involvement, and this intelligence conclusion in 2023, it is not final, that is, further investigation is possible, and the authors of this investigation themselves emphasize that they expect that this investigation is possible in the future from the intelligence of the united states and others . agency in the government, and we actually managed to talk and record an interview with one of the authors of this investigation and the editor-in-chief of the publication the insider, in which he emphasizes these points. michael, what can you say about importance the results of investigative journalism into the havana syndrome, and how it might change narratives in the west and among the intelligence community. importantly, we have ... been able to demonstrate convincing,
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albeit not direct, evidence that members of the gru unit 2915, the kremlin's most notorious squad of assassins and saboteurs, were in the same locations where the attacks, now known as the ggavan syndrome, took place. or abnormal health effects. in addition, we had another piece of evidence that we found, which is an appendix to the report, which prepared by colonel ivan terentiv, a member of unit 2915, which works for the russian ministry of defense. this report is a research paper. the article deals with the possibilities of using non-lethal acoustic weapons in the conditions of an urban combat environment. there is other evidence that we have that in 2010 the russians were experimenting with sonic weapons, non-lethal sonic weapons. look, we don't have physical evidence. we have no evidence or photos of a device literally shooting someone that would result in abnormal health incidents. but we paint a picture that shows that the russians really studied this technology. experimented with it
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on animals and most likely also on humans. and b. members of the assassination and sabotage squad. these guys don't just do espionage. if they are there, it's not to... just monitor and collect data, they 're there to conduct a military or kinetic operation, they were in the same places, at the same time, when several of the victims had these incidents. the report provides strong evidence that that could link the work of the gru with the havana syndrome, but as you note, there is no manual evidence. in the conclusions of the investigation, there is a wording that the russian gru may be connected with this, how convincing is this conclusion. we can't say for sure about anything, again, it's not a foregone conclusion, but the very idea that the office of the director of national intelligence has said that it's unlikely that the havana syndrome was caused by an external enemy is too strong a conclusion, it sounds like
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it's final, but if you read in detail with this report, you will learn that there are more than a dozen us intelligence agencies, many of which are unknown to the average citizen, according to reports and dosli. that we conducted for this story, and according to what people saw on 60 minutes on sunday, there is a dispute between these agencies: the defense department's intelligence investigation was led by edgrid the greek, who was on 60 minutes, he's a retired u.s. army lieutenant colonel , and he said on air that based on what he saw, he had access to classifieds intelligence, the russians were behind the attacks, he said it was the russians, and if it wasn't the russians, he would come back on this program with... his tie, that's much more categorical than i would have expected. we were told that there is not a single employee in the secret operations department, but these are the field agents who recruit agents, assets and so on in various parts of the world under diplomatic cover. so there isn't a single person in this department who doesn't know
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someone who hasn't been affected by havana syndrome, or who hasn't been affected by it themselves. in other words, everyone knows this thing is real. yet at the top of the analytical group that studied the havana. and in the institutional press, there seems to be a certain reluctance, or resistance, to this assessment. a report from the office of the director of national intelligence in 2023 was cited in briefings at the dept. and the white house on monday. why do you think the evidence provided by journalists who emphasize the possibility of involvement of the russian gru in the havana syndrome is not taken into account. it takes time for this topic. circulated in the bloodstream. world published a year ago, but if you read the report or the abstract publicly available, you can conclude that this is an open question. maybe in six months we can have a completely different conversation about this. do you expect new investigations by the us government? i don't know, this is a question for them, but
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i expect more investigations from an insider. one of the cases investigated in the investigation is georgian. it's been over 10 years in this country since... they exposed any russian spy. are you investigating other cases of russian networks spies in other countries? we have several active investigations into russian spies operating under the guise of education. i mean, shortly before this investigation, we found evidence that fsb agents were working in the european parliament. we have evidence that an assistant to the representative of the radical right party in germany, who was born in ukraine, worked for the fsb. there is evidence that the fsb tried to give... to the party in italy, which is now part of the coalition government. so yes, we definitely found some russian ones spies operating outside georgia and ukraine. so, we just had the opportunity to hear from the author of this journalistic investigation about the possibility of the involvement of
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russian gru agents in the havana syndrome. oleksii, thank you for following this topic, it was oleksii kovalenko. argentina and colombia are establishing relations. after the harsh statements of the argentine president javier millay, who called the president of colombia a terrorist and a murderer. in response, colombia expelled argentine diplomats. milea's conflicts with other countries of the region are taking place against the background of his intentions to visit kyiv and organize a summit in support of ukraine in latin america. how difficult relations between miley and other leaders can affect the region's policy towards ukraine, in the story of iryna shinkarenko. at the beginning of march. the president of argentina, javier millay, announced his visit to ukraine. it is planned that the latin american leader will arrive in kyiv in june as part of the european tour. this may become the second visit of the argentine leader to kyiv in the history of independent ukraine. in 1998, after visiting buenos aires
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the then president of argentina, carlos menem, came to ukraine with leonid kuchma. miley's visit will actually be a response to volodymyr zelenskyi's arrival in buenos aires for his inauguration in december. during. with which, says the ambassador of argentina in ukraine, lila roldan, the leaders started warm relations. as far as i understand, he promised. zelensky to visit ukraine. apparently, they had a very, very good meeting when president zelensky was coming here. it was very warm with a lot of support for ukraine's position from president miley. and i i think one of the goals of zelensky, who came here for the inauguration, was also to get an opportunity to meet with other leaders of the region. he was able to meet with the presidents of uruguay, chile, and ecuador. we hope that this can help the region's position regarding ukraine. it would be appropriate if president miley
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paid a visit, if he demonstrated to other countries, set an example for other countries to follow this initiative and be more involved in public and practical support of ukraine. despite the meeting of volodymyr zelenskyi with other politicians of the region, currently, javier miley is the only openly pro-ukrainian leader among the countries. of latin america, says christopher hernandez roy, an analyst at the center for strategic and international studies in washington. so miley's visit, according to him, will have primarily important political significance. a number of latin american leaders received high-ranking guests from russia, or if not leaders, parliamentarians participated in meetings in st. petersburg and elsewhere. so miley in kyiv is very important, not because argentina can significantly influence the war in ukraine materially. but politically, it runs counter to the russian narrative that all of latin america is locked in this
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laissez-faire attitude that the russians are actively cultivating. miley plans not only to visit kyiv, but also to hold a ukraine-latin america summit in 2024 to bring kyiv closer to the region. however , many analysts doubt the success of such a summit, given the policies of other latin american leaders and their relationship with the argentine president. the fact is that haivir miley and argentina for him at the moment, so far in latin america is, i would say, such a white crow, because it has specific relations with other leaders of the region, and so far javier miley cannot drag the rest of ukraine with him, for example, he has bad relations with brazil, bad relations with colombia, relations there are not so good with mexico, and here ukraine faces a dilemma: well, we will organize a peace summit in argentina, but potentially because of these strained relations. between argentina and brazil due to factors beyond our control, beyond volodymyr's control zelenskyi or anyone else in ukraine,
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some of the leaders may not come. first , we'll have to see if muley can actually organize a summit around ukraine, and if so, will there be enough participants to make it seem like a success rather than a failure? i'm not sure, unless the purpose of the summit will be somewhat more broadly defined, so that it is not a summit in support of ukraine, but perhaps a meeting to... consider possible peace options or some other idea. not only latin america is being held back from participating in the summit and supporting ukraine internal conflicts, and russian propaganda and, above all, close economic ties - believes christopher hernandez roy. the other day , the head of the us southern command, laura richardson, said: "the united states is still trying to get old soviet and russian military equipment from latin countries in order to exchange it and send it to ukraine, but so far to no avail." previously , latin american countries had already declared their refusal to transfer weapons to ukraine, in particular,
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the ex-president of argentina, alberto fernandez, for his successor, javier miley, said this. according to the media, argentina has already handed over two russian-made helicopters to ukraine, but the kremlin - says christopher renandez roy - can stop such cooperation as well. colombia, brazil, argentina, chile last year when olaf scholz visited the region. declared that under no circumstances would they send ex-russian or soviet equipment to ukraine, with the exception of ecuadorian president nobo, who was ready to exchange it for american equipment, but then quickly backed down when russia banned ecuadorian bananas worth 800 million dollars per year. right now, argentina's economy, i suspect, has some dependence, like brazil's, on russian mineral fertilizers, since russia is one of the largest producers of fertilizers. and argentina is a big exporter of agricultural products, so if miley were to think about doing some kind
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of exchange of soviet equipment for american equipment and sending it to ukraine, i think the russians would find ways to hurt argentina's economy like they did ecuador's. currently, javier millay has many economic challenges within himself country, and from 2023 argentina will experience record inflation, however, the ex-ambassador of argentina to ukraine believes. for miley, kyiv's support is a matter of values, and such a policy of his is useful to kyiv, even if without armed or material aid. ukraine needs any help, not only military or economic cooperation, but also political. ukraine needs to be supported by as many countries as possible to balance this influence of russia and china. now we join almost all un resolutions regarding ukraine. we vote for resolutions that condemn the russian full-scale invasion and demand the withdrawal of russian troops and
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the return of the territorial integrity of ukraine, which is a very important principle for us. un. the former ambassador says that despite the long-term influence of russian propaganda in the region, the majority of argentines support ukraine. this is evidenced, in particular, by the active provision of humanitarian aid. since the beginning of the full-scale war , 16 humanitarian cargoes weighing about 142 tons have been sent from argentina to ukraine. iryna shinkarenko, voice america. the other day, the gostomil animal shelter in the kyiv region celebrated two years since its liberation from russian forces. by. about 700 animals live there, many of which are from the occupied territories, says its owner maria vronska. recently, she became the lead author of the ua ani animals foundation award. anna kostyuchenko saw how the residents of the hostomyl shelter live. hooray, they came to visit me, right? hooray. 26-year-old maria vronska
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zouzahnytsia in the third generation. 24 years ago , her grandmother bought out the old one. head of gostomeli also made a shelter for homeless animals in his place. in 2020, while still a student, maria joined the management of the shelter and later became its manager. i started doing pr for the shelter, because it didn't have any pr at all, no one knew about it. here. and i worked there, invited stars, did photo sessions, that is , i made it more modern so that people would know about it. first, a full-scale invasion of russia in ukraine. the shelter accepts not only abandoned kyiv animals, but also animals from the frontline territories. this the shelter accommodates about 700 animals. monthly expenses for their maintenance amount to more than 600,000 hryvnias, and all this is the money of benefactors. compared to 2020, the amount of charitable contributions to the maintenance of the shelter decreased by more than 60%, - says maria. after all, ukrainians
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are financially exhausted, and aid from abroad arrives irregularly. there are also many adult dogs in the shelter from donetsk region, we took a dog from avdiyivka, this one is here, a ten-year-old barmaley survived
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the shelling, which left injuries on the dog. unfortunately, he has a difficult fate, he of the front-line territory, and he lost part of his face and part of his paws, because of the shelling that is currently going on in the front-line areas, the vet doctors who found him gave him first aid, and we already took him to us, having lost part of his face, he still believes. to humans, he is still very gentle, and i am amazed by this in animals. on june 6, 2023, when the russians blew up the kakhovskaya gest in the kherson region, maria, together with other animal rights activists, went to rescue animals affected by floods. we took out 86 animals, our shelter took in 80, 86
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animals, all the cats we rescued, they are already in the family, but the situation is a little different with the dogs, because... dogs in general are now more difficult to adopt, it is more difficult to place them in families, that is why many dogs from kherson is still with us, but they are very cool, i believe that they will find their families. in order to encourage more people to adopt dogs and cats from the shelter, last september maria vronska organized the first animal adoption festival in kyiv. since then , six such festivals have been held and to place almost 600 dogs and cats in families. today we have the sixth. and options, and it is a record for us. we have already adopted more than 150 cats and dogs. on march 29, the work of maria vronska and some others.
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tomorrow, we would still get up tomorrow, you went to do your job, to save animals, but when you are noticed, when you understand that you are important, well, that's a lot, you know, it gives you wings, gives you wings to do it with more inspiration . anna kostyuchenko for voice of america from kyiv region. we conclude with this, maria worked for you in the studio prussia thank you for your trust, see you on the air.
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talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how is the world going, what happened in the world now will be discussed in more detail by yuriy fizar, yuriy, good evening, please have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the pig , oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenii for information about cultural news, presenters that many have become familiar with. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day the guest, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. on events in ukraine, on the border there will be some katsaps in kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at spresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine. world front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united. football is stronger together. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy ordenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. long-range drones. ukraine strikes strategic objects deep in the enemy's rear. what are the latest ukrainian attack drones capable of? big the russians are on the offensive, the enemy is gathering forces and mobilizing, is the russian
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army capable of... making another breakthrough. a double-edged weapon. putin promises to use terrorism in the fight against terrorists. what other terrorist methods can he use in ukraine? about this and other things. over the next hour , we will talk with our guests, aviation expert valery romanenko, military expert mykhailo samus, and political expert volodymyr tsybulko. in the second part of our program, which will begin. by people's deputies of ukraine viktoria syumar, yevgenia kravchuk and yaroslav yurchyshyn will be there for an hour. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how ukrainian drones attacked russian tatarstan for the first time. it happened 1,200 km from the ukrainian border, the industrial targets were industrial facilities in yelabuz and nizhnyokamsk. in the first place
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there is a factory for... for the production of shakheds, in the second place is a large oil refinery, let's see how it all turned out, look for an airplane, it's a drone, right?
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for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, don't forget to support our stream, write your comment, and vote in our poll. today we ask you about whether ukraine needs diplomatic relations with lukashenka's belarus. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion and special opinion, you can leave it in the comments under this video. if you watch us on tv, take a road. smartphone or phone and vote if you think ukraine needs diplomatic relations with belarus lukashenko, 0800-211-381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. and we have our first guest on the phone, valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum, sir.
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i welcome you, thank you for joining our broadcast. ugh, thanks for the invite. mr. valery, let's start our conversation with another ukrainian drone attack. and today, ukrainian drones attacked tatarstan, and in two cities there were explosions at an enterprise where shahedis were produced or gathered, and the second enterprise was an oil refinery, the distance between. along the ukrainian border and the points where these drones flew, 1,200 km or about 100 km, according to the media , ukrainian drones damaged an oil primary processing plant, the capacity of which was 2.6% of the total annual processing of the russian federation, and a fire broke out there. the russians write that the strikes were
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carried out by drones. ug-22 airborne, and please tell us about these drones, what kind of drones they are, are they exclusively ukrainian drones, are they assembled from some separate parts and assembled by ukrainians, are they not ukrainian, that is , what resources are we currently using in strikes against to the rear of the occupying state, i would gladly tell you about... kuradjet-22 drones, but the blow was not delivered by them, so the blow was delivered by a ukrainian plane, a plane, it is also an a22, but it is called an aeroprakt, it is a plane, it is a plane , which is used in the unmanned version and loaded with explosives.


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