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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 1:00am-1:29am EEST

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against any support by china, the russian federation. let's hear what matthew mueller had to say. we have made it clear that we are concerned about the full-fledged partnership we are witnessing between russia and china. we have made it very clear that we are against china taking any steps that would help support russian aggression in ukraine, and we will continue to make that clear. maybe not a military question, but, let's say, a military-political one. why are our western partners and the united states of america not talking about how they see defeat russia in this war. that is, they constantly say that they will not allow the defeat of ukraine, but what should be the defeat of russia, in the understanding of our western partners, so that they say: "well, yes, putin has been defeated." well, such a paradox now. it turns out that in
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europe, it seems to me, it is already closer to understanding that this country, which exists within the borders of the russian federation, should cease to exist. in any case, this regime must be destroyed, and this can entail already destructive processes within the russian federation and in europe, for example, these statements of macron and other french leaders, they already make it clear that it is not easy, for example, there is help. troops to ukraine, it is, after all, the participation of france or european forces in certain destabilizing measures, which will already be on the table when something happens in russia, because in reality no one is going to fight for the ukrainians, but when the processes that will begin threaten global, and especially european security, including, for example, the collapse of russia, it will threaten if this process is launched and not do not interfere in it, it can threaten
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european security directly. the united states, in any case , the biden administration is unfortunately still in illusions, and this, including in certain such semantic constructions, which are or live, well, the same salevan or the director of the cia borns, who kept the eyes, illusions regarding russia since the cold war, when it was believed that... the united states and russia on gentleman's terms, agreements, can exist in war, in the cold war, but not cross any red lines, until these pir this de-escalation rhetoric, this talk about the inadmissibility of strikes on refineries, these are all, i would say, phantom pains in the biden administration since the cold war. now is not the cold war, now there are no gentlemen, now in power. russia has a bloody regime that
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cannot be compared even with the soviet regimes, therefore, unfortunately, the biden administration will probably not get out of these illusions, and we will see in which, in what state the next, next administration of the united states will be, but on alas, the biden administration still keeps it the main, let's say, narrative, to prevent escalation, to prevent a direct confrontation with russia, so what. who can the most powerful country in the world be afraid of in a confrontation with putin's bloody regime, i can't understand, if ukrainians can fight russia and the united states can't, this is absolutely not subject to any logic, this is going, i repeat again, the phantom pains of the cold war , when this is mutual destruction, mutual deterrence and so on, there is now no mutual deterrence, mutual destruction, these are completely different countries, from different eras, you said that
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you slandered that the next administration, you do admit that trump will be elected president of the united states of america instead of biden, but with the arrival of trump, will the situation change, including the attitude towards ukraine , regarding the allocation of money, because we can see that even before the election campaign , trump made a lot of different statements. and about the fact that i will stop this war in 24 hours and put putin and zelensky at the transition table, and that i will not give money, and this war will end very quickly, how about you predict that what might happen after trump's victory and the extent to which safeguards are in place in the united states of america will prevent him from doing what we fear, the lack of weapons, the lack of help and the pretext. before
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the capitulation of ukraine, yes indeed, one of the main factors here is the unpredictability of trump, the low predictability of his administration. at the moment, that is, i, for one, believe that everything depends again on us, if we can conduct successful operations in the 24th year on the front, this will create conditions where trump will believe that it is more profitable to help ukraine than, for example, to make concessions to putin, it can be explained to him that way, because he thinks in rather simple terms, is it profitable for the united states or not? beneficial, is it beneficial for his administration, his political position, or is it not beneficial, for example, he has clear, very clear and specific, let's say, stereotype and approaches in relation to china, and here in fact the most important thing for him is that it will still be the chinese direction, he will
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treat china very harshly, why now the chinese, for example, are very nervous and are trying to reach certain agreements with europe, it is unlikely that they will succeed, because... it also makes no sense in europe to make concessions to the chinese under conditions when they are actually helping russia and not only that, they are now quite actively working in the eastern asia, after all, on a more anti-american, let's say, line, but for europe, this weakening of the united states cannot turn out to be anything good, so i think that this... we still have time for , as they say, perform a shaping operation, such a formative operation, including in relation to the trump administration. trump has not yet decided how he will act in relation to putin or ukraine, it depends, in principle, on both russia and ukraine, how we will form the approaches on which
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trump will form his policy, that is why i say that the russians, for example, have their strategy, they prepare the maximum. conquest in ukraine in order to later show that there is no point in supporting ukraine, because the war is only igniting, and this is also to the benefit of russia, it does not bring any no benefit to either trump or europe, but if ukraine demonstrates that ukraine can win in this war, it just needs a little help, this does not mean that we should be given help, as biden did, but we can switch to lend-lease, for example, even lending is possible. uh, zero, as johnson has now begun to voice, that is, in principle, we still have time to form a positive, positive attitude of the trump administration towards ukraine and turn the situation around so that they start helping us, and with they did not communicate with putin at all. thank you, mr.
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mykhailo, for the conversation, it was mykhailo samus, a military expert, and i want to remind you, friends, that we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel. as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live, there, please vote in our poll, today we ask you about whether ukraine needs diplomatic relations with belarus , lukashenka, yes, no, in youtube is quite simple if you have a particular opinion, personal opinion, please write in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that ukraine needs diplomatic... relations with belarus lukashenka 0800-211-381 no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free. next, we will be in touch with volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you,
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thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. so, mr. volodymyr, we have been watching for the last few days, this means that he can fight without... for a long time, so either you compromise with me, bargain, or i will, the people will support me, i will fight forever. in this sense , to be honest, the behavior of the ukrainian authorities, which did not dwell too much on the fact that these were illegal elections and their results should not be recognized, was very strange. all the authorities managed to do was to make such a strange statement to the supreme. council that the council does not recognize the results of these pseudo-elections in the occupied territory of ukraine, but the presence, let's say, of holding elections on the occupied territory
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of ukraine, is one of the forms on point from the kremlin's point of view of the legitimization of the occupied territories as part of russia. it is very surprising that the ukrainian authorities did not react too much to this. although it is clear that if you approach it with a different principle, that it is not an election at all, then you should not be especially nervous. putin did. such a negotiating picture for himself, that is, he appeals now not to the west, he appeals to part, to part, well, or neutral countries, or such autocracies as russia, that is, he is trying to somehow play with the collective south and pretend to be the legitimate leader of the country. although it seems to me that now he will definitely not have any contacts with western countries, and eh, at
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least, eh, now everything depends not so much on his success in vienna, as we clearly understand that, in fact, a civil war has begun in russia , that is, the classic leninist formula for the transition of an imperialist war into a civil war, one can say, it is already fixed, at least... the fact that the islamic extremists are starting to act more harshly and more offensively, literally, we recall, very recently, about three weeks ago there was a battle in ingushetia, where, i think, five fsb officers and six islamic extremists died, literally the day before yesterday there was a battle in caspian and ... in makhachkala, two small-arms shooters
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fought, that is, we can say that, well, not to mention the squatting and the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of wage earners from the territory of russia, which essentially undermines the economy, and we can say that now the main problem for putin, it's not anymore ukraine, and the state of this unfortunate state, well... and obviously, today's statement of the russian dictator at an extended meeting of the law enforcement board, where he promised to find the masterminds of the terrorist attack in krok city hall near moscow and hinted at revenge, is also related to this. let's listen to what putin said. it is important for us to establish not only the direct perpetrators, but also all links in the chain of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime. we will definitely get to them, and this is what i would like to say in this regard: those who
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use this weapon, and this is a weapon that used against russia, it is already obvious today, one must understand that it is double-edged, it is double-edged, but it is a weapon that, according to putin, should be used only by the state, by terrorists, that is, by all other small terrorist groups. they should not interfere, and i understand that putin defends his right to terrorist activities, including on the territory of the ukrainian state, and in order not to be called and not have this status of a terrorist, why does the world not call putin a terrorist and does not consider russia a terrorist organization, like hamas or yedil, by the way, russia has diplomatic relations. for example, with the taliban and with hamas, that is
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, meetings are held at the level of high-ranking diplomatic officials, but the point is different, i wonder why now, against the background of this moscow hysteria, where all accusations are leveled at ukraine, when even the partner in the authoritarian coalition, iran, informed russia about the fact that idilka, idilka was fine. well , he is preparing to carry out some terrorist operations on the territory of russia, that is, putin has essentially driven himself into an idiotic situation in general with 14th year, and he is this idiocy, he multiplies it from step to step, every next step of his multiplies idiocy, in fact, let's remember when there were such super-powerful strikes a year and a half ago... on the ukrainian energy structure, then many countries of the world appealed first of all to the united states
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to recognize russia as a state of terror, or at least a sponsor of terrorism, although, judging by such blows that it is inflicting even now, by the way, before the very last attack on russia, russia itself bombed all over ukraine energy infrastructure. and then the partners, especially the western countries, well, they block contacts with putin, but the recognition of terrorism by the state. a terrorist or at least a sponsor of terrorism creates such special conditions for trade with such a country, and now the world community needs to think about the very formation of the status of a terrorist state for russia and with the limitation of any economic ties with such a state, well, but for now, the west thinks russia is trying
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to use all its resources and military. information and human resources in order to to undermine the mobilization in ukraine, in order to fight with ukraine on different levels, in different levels, including the information sphere, they shot a video with professional actors in order to undermine the mobilization in ukraine, here is what we can oppose to this, obviously the language it is about those state resources or the resources that the state mobilized during the great war in the single telethon, as the head of the committee on freedom of speech of the verkhovna rada, yaroslav yurchyshyn, says, this year can be decisive for the single news telethon, because in in the current format, he is losing the trust of the audience, i will quote yaroslav yurchyshyn: if by the end of the 24th year it is not demonstrated that
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the only marathon has changed the format, that there is a balance, there is bad news from the front that... people's trust is being restored again, then it is necessary will think about the end, because we now see the downward track, the use of a single telethon, the upward track, the use of social networks, and then it will be even more difficult to explain to our international partners and our own people why we finance an ineffective information policy, why, mr. volodymyr, in the two years of the great war, it is already the third year, why, after all, no effective information policy has been formed. both for the internal consumer and for the external one, because for the external one, this task is no less important than for the internal one, because the state approached this, let's say, completely bureaucratic issue, through the bureaucratic toolkit, it molded
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the bureaucratic structure, which wastes money, not a creative ee... let's say, a system of creative versatility for better coverage of work of the state during the war, this is the main thing, in fact, this is an absolutely corrupt device that allows redistribution of funds between influence groups close to the government, but no one bears any responsibility for the quality of the information product. what i happened to watch at the marathon was an incredible number of factual blunders, complete linguistic illiteracy, sometimes absolutely frank freaks appeared on the air under the guise of professionals in certain fields, so here the state
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simply approached this topic through exclusively bureaucratic mechanism. in fact, it was necessary to be as creative as possible and let go , so to speak, of this opportunity for the channels themselves to form a creative product, and in this way we would outplay, there we cannot outplay the russian machine, because it pours simply incredible, it pours several orders of magnitude more funds into propaganda, than ukraine, but let's remember how many memes were born during the war, which are more preschool than all the propaganda. a strange car named after solovyov or is there some other simonyan, so it is necessary to give ukrainians the opportunity to be creative speak out, but the state is afraid, first of all, and secondly, if the chairman of the parliamentary committee tells us about a single marathon, then let him read the documents about
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ukraine's association with the european union and ... about our obligations to the european union in the information plane, it is clearly written about the rejection of the state media, so let him start acting and study the european documents and our obligations to the european union, and not tell fables about a single marathon. if you would now recommend to the authorities what to do in this situation to take, to use leaders of public opinion , including for... information or some kind of concentrated information for the western audience, because now we are talking about the western audience, about the audience that is in russia, they make some restrictions there. but still, how to unite people in order to achieve the goal, to convey what is happening in ukraine to a larger number of readers outside of ukraine? well, look, in
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the banking service, sometimes there are quite successful information campaigns on international platforms, although, of course, over the last year this whole work has deteriorated significantly, but there was experience, there was... well, for example, simon schuster, during the first weeks of the war on the bank, that is, then they began to weed out very effective western journalists who, in general- then they tried to cover a more or less objective picture, but in this picture there was not so much zelensky, but there were many ordinary ukrainians, the bank did not like this, so now it is necessary to restore trust in well -known western journalists who wanted b good in ukraine and they want further good and are ready to cooperate, and secondly
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, it is necessary to start releasing ukrainian media persons, writers, athletes, journalists, artists, cinematographers to various platforms as much as possible, now it is necessary as much as possible for the... ukrainian wave to roll around the world and brought a maximum of information about us and the truth about our lives. thank you, mr. volodymyr, it was volodymyr tsybulko, a political expert. friends, we are conducting a survey during our broadcast, today we are asking you about this and whether ukraine needs diplomatic relations with belarus, lukashenka, interim poll results, 17%, yes, 83%, no. in the second part of our program, which will start 15 minutes after the release of our colleagues from the bbc, the news release, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, viktoria syumar, yevgenia kravchuk and yaroslav yurchyshyn, do not switch, stay
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ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow. and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: us boring, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, stronger together. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we started it must finish and we must win. all the most important things are said every thursday at 21:15 in the project by velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who... interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday.
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topics will be relevant, guests will be special, own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. greetings, friends, on espresso, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, today in the program: lukashenko is preparing for war, promises an immediate armed response to the external. encroachment, why ukraine still has diplomatic relations with the dictatorial regime. politicians, religion and media. russian special services still have a wide range of agents and tools in ukraine. how to put an end to hostile influences. progress in anti-corruption reforms. us special representative for reconstruction, sees ukraine as positive for foreign investors. why is american
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aid slowing down? friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please take part in our survey, today we are asking you about whether ukraine needs diplomatic relations with belarus lukashenka, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, take your expensive smartphone or phone and vote, if you do you think that ukraine needs diplomatic relations with belarus lukashenka, 0800-211. 381 no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce the guests of today's studio, they are people's deputies of ukraine viktoriya syumar, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, member of the verkhovna rada committee on anti-corruption policy. ms. victoria, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. evgenia kravchuk,
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people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people. deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, chairman of the committee on culture, science, media and sports, mrs. yevgenia, i congratulate you and thank you for joining the broadcast, yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine from voice, chairman of the parliamentary to the committee on freedom of speech, mr. yaroslav, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, well , since we are asking our viewers and tv viewers about diplomatic relations, whether ukraine needs diplomatic relations. lukashenka from belarus, i will ask you, ladies and gentlemen, what do you think about this, let's start with ms. yevgenia? we do not have an ambassador in belarus, that is, there is only a representative office that performs certain functions to ensure contacts with ukrainian citizens who have found themselves on the territory of belarus, and in particular, for example, our children, whom we return
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in small numbers. they, including moving across the territory.


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