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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EEST

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russia is currently working in ukraine with various agent networks, various groups, through the church, through information resources, through messengers, in particular, regarding the use of telegram, this week, or rather, at the end of last year, the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, general kyrylo budanov, spoke , and it is clear that... the range of issues and problems facing ukraine is quite large, but russia was and remains the country that influences and tries to influence the internal situation in ukraine, perhaps corruption is also a part of russian influence, because wherever it is sold and bought, of course there is russian money, including, mrs. yevgenia, we... have already seen over the past few
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days how the russian orthodox church declared a holy war against ukraine, we we see how the russian special services are trying to play with telegram and trick ukrainian citizens into giving away ukrainian positions and many, many things, in this messenger we see, including the creation of fake news and those fears that... then are multiplying in ukrainian society, what to do with these challenges, what to do with the information sphere, what to do with the branch of the russian orthodox church, do the authorities now have a clear understanding that these influences need to be neutralized, because the war will end, but this entire agent network , agency networks will remain and influence too. well, let
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me somehow move on from the previous question, i didn't have the opportunity or time, it wasn't enough for me to answer it, but actually you correctly said that one of such topics, so narratives the enemy, this is a failed state, yes, that is, a country that did not succeed, could not, and part of this narrative is that in ukraine , absolutely all aid is stolen and so on, this... is also spread abroad, and let's perceive the detention of anyone, whether it is a former adviser or anyone or some official, as a sign that corruption is not tolerated, yes, no, no, well, someone is not covered, but indeed the anti-corruption authorities have the opportunity to hand over suspicions, to investigate cases, regardless of who is involved in these cases, because it is, well, in fact,
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a sign of a healthy system, so that, when not, there are no untouchables, and not that there is no such thing, or that it is hushed up, or that someone is being covered up, if we talk about influences, enemies and so on, because this is actually just a committee of humanitarian policy is also considering a draft law regarding a church that is connected to a country aggressor, so let me remind you that back in december 2022, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi... issued a decree by which he imposed sanctions on part of the clergy of a church that is affiliated with russia , determined that the kyiv-pechersk lavra should be returned to state management, because it is state property, but it is necessary to return it to management and pass a law that will make it impossible for religious organizations that are connected to the aggressor country, yes, it took time, the bill is already in the second reading, i hope that ... well, if not in april, because we
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will obviously face the issue of mobilization in april, then whether it will be put to a vote in the hall at the end of april or in may, there is already a decision of our main committee before the second reading, we will also take into account the position of lawyers verkhovna rada, we will make certain clarifications to the ministry of justice this week, but literally the day after tomorrow we will convene a committee, and then the hearing will be held in the session hall, but i am sure that... these are 226 voices of people who understand what a threat this is, but again with respect to the international rules, to the ecthr, to all the rules, and we definitely do not pursue viral stories, because we are talking about a threat to national security, if we talk about informational threats, then i would look at it more broadly than telegram, because in fact there is a lot of disinformation and... .pics
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in former twitter, especially that one disinformation, which goes to the western world, which then votes, and we say, why don't they vote us this support, because they read it, including... disinformation, tiktok, in my opinion, it's, well, it's difficult to evaluate, maybe this is my subjective assessment, but there are a lot of narratives, and now, just now, i was at a meeting with the vice-prime minister on digital transformation, and i discovered 12,000 fake accounts that spread disinformation on tiktok about ukraine, including against mobilization, and this is the top topic now, and so am i i respect to us, and to you, and to all colleagues, wisdom when we consider the law on mobilization, because now there is a very big informational attack from the side of russia, so that we eventually fall out, do not accept anything and , you know, remain with what is, or even worse,
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so if we talk about possible sanctions there or the voting of some laws there, by the way, let me remind you that such networks as vkontakte classmates banned the national security and defense council. and no laws were voted on, if i’m not mistaken, just ms. victoria was the head of the committee, and then, when there were these sanctions, now here we are heard mr. fedorov about risk assessment and certain actions, i just can't talk about these actions yet, but i hope they will be voiced, will be adopted in order to precisely level the influence of those channels. or war, or deliberately spreading disinformation to demoralize ukrainian society. thank you, mrs. viktoria, you successfully fought against vkontakte and
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classmates at one time, where now there is a threat to national security in the information sphere, in particular. if we have shifted the emphasis a little, and in what way can these threats be overcome? and let's say it like this, back in the 14th year, i had to close russian tv channels on the territory of ukraine, organize this process, it was very difficult, and then, by the way, our western partners wrote a lot of dissatisfied letters saying that this cannot be done , because this is an attack on freedom of speech, now the situation has changed and the realization that wars begin here is very good. they begin here, and the information society in which we live, the information space, we actually live in our bubbles, and this the fragmentation of the information society, it 's happening, and that's what they put into our heads, that's what we believe, well, as a society, i mean, as a social group, and that's why this is the number one issue, because we are the ones, that what
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we consume, just as an information product, and it's extremely important, i really think there's a threat that telegram is... the number one source of information for the country, it's a threat because 80% of people are on telegram, and what is the problem with this resource, we know that durov is the same owner of telegram as of vkontakte, true, well, that is eh, now russian politicians are openly talking about the fact that we have excellent cooperation, our fsb has excellent cooperation with the stupid, in our country full coordination generally takes place in the context of the telegram, well... and we say: no, everything is okay, everything is fine, that the russian messenger, we know that, we know that they have this cooperation with the fsb, everything is fine, we do not make this decision, well, i think that the time has come, i was actually comforted by the statement of the advisor to the office of the president, mykhailo podaluk, that
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the office the president is not controlled by any telegram channels, because it seemed that there was some kind of illusion that there was political control over part of the telegram channels, and therefore it was not perceived as hostile, but it seems to me that there is a key problem to be solved here, if i don’t really want to apologize for any technical problems, at least, well, listen, it should work according to a certain standard, this standard was implemented by the same youtube, yes the same facebook, that is, in principle , civilized social networks work with it, i have to interrupt you, excuse me, i have limited time, i just have to go off the air, mr. yaroslav, let's talk separately. you were asked about whether ukraine needs
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lukashenka. during the program, we conducted surveys and diplomatic relations with belarus. 18% yes, 84 - no, we put an end to that, it was the verdict program hosted by serhiy rudenko, goodbye. there are discounts on hepargin 15% in psylsnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. the key to beauty is a healthy liver. carsy gives the liver strength. there are 10% discounts on carsil tablets in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% in psyllanyk bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air
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of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. the country should receive an analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 on espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. most. conversational format of ukraine in the evening prime time. i at all i think we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. series. conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant public
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discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually who will guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, definitely, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, there is a big broadcast on the air, my name is vasyl zima, and for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues will discuss the most important things with you and react to what will happen during our broadcast. we start it with an announcement about the espresso collection and the public organization baza ua sprovit call for support for the collection on fpv drones for the 93rd cold yar brigade and the 72nd black zaporizhzhya brigade. actually. production, testing, variations for the needs of defenders, we can provide all this
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together by collecting uah 2 million. the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already here, join us for more. our goal is uah 2 million. remember, donat in the zsu, this is an investment in our victory. i know that we have collected, you have already collected a lot, and we will collect it, close it, and give our soldiers what they need in order to beat the enemy on our ukrainian land and... them from there expel, well, we will start the actual conversation about what is happening on our ukrainian land, but where, unfortunately, the enemy is committing atrocities and committing his crimes. pavlo dyachenko, temporarily performs the duties of the chief. of the communication department of the head office of the national police of donetsk region. mr. pavle, i congratulate you. greetings, studio. glad to see and hear, we don't often contact donetsk region, but when we do, there are many questions. well, actually, let's start with the fact that during the day the enemy shelled populated areas of donetsk region 11 times, it is written that there is destruction, well, you will definitely tell more of what can be said, please, what kind of shelling, artillery, what
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are the drones hitting there, hailstones, mines, please, ah... well, they are flying, as always, nothing changes, guided air bombs, artillery, mortars, a lot of shelling, of course, comes from artillery, and the most destructive thing is these guided air bombs, that is, the power of 250 kg, 500 kg, they bring a very huge destruction of the housing stock , infrastructure objects, are also hit with missiles, these are... mainly s-300s, and they destroy, destroy everything that can be destroyed, including private houses, high-rise buildings , populated areas that are directly on the front line, such as toretsk, krasnohorivka, kurakhovy
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, suffer very strongly, very strongly , according to the previous... matia that we had, there were no victims, but almost every day we record the injured, and we record the dead civilians. well, you are talking about the fact that especially those settlements near the front line are suffering the closest to the front line, well, of course, the question of evacuation arises here, the bilangols save people and animals in donetsk region, in fact , we talk about this constantly, it has been happening for a very long time, quite often. with a huge risk for the rescuers themselves, this happens again, but is this evacuation intensified now, or do more people want to evacuate, how does it happen, what are the risks again for people and for those who leave to rescue them and do they have to to convince people to go, or they declare themselves, well, as for evacuation, then
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well, i guess you can say that the pace is so stable. that is, people agree to the evacuation, well, as they agree, they call or contact themselves, like this case that you demonstrate, it is a general situation, even, well, it was not clear to me and the boys, this girl was pregnant in krasnogohorivka, and as an example, so recently dropped a huge powerful aerial bomb. russians in krasnohorivka and only taking into account the fact that many people left and evacuated, only two were wounded for that shelling, that is, if the vast majority of people who lived there in that area, they were present, then this is the scale of the tragedy, it would just be a shame, and here is how this case happened, they called, asked
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for help, the guys left early in the morning, the weather conditions there, you could even see from the picture. the fog is very strong, but people still need to be helped, and fortunately , everything is fine, everything happened well, quickly, they were taken to the maternity ward, and on the same day this girl gave birth to a daughter, and you can even personally tell the guys from the white crew thanked angel for what they are this is what they did, that is, the lives of two adults and a little girl were saved, but tell me... please, here are all those settlements, here are thin, lastishkino, karlivka, there is berdychi, well, there is also orlivka, and there are many of them, look, what and and there later, well, now we will talk about the times where the enemy aims and accumulates forces, those settlements that we call every day, where, as i understand it, there are no local people anymore, there are no local residents left, where they go active battles, very
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often villages change hands, even for one day, well, hard, hard battles, that's clear, there's nothing to talk about here. speak, everyone understands, this and bakhma, well, and west of bakhmut, and west of davdiivka, well, there is ugledar, well , actually, all these settlements where heavy battles have been going on for a long time, but there are no people in these villages anymore, it's kind of like a gray area, or at least someone, at least one, stays there, it's just hard to imagine how you can stay there while watching a video, let's say, i recently watched a video of fights for an eagle, i don't understand who it can stay there, but be please, there are settlements where people are no longer there, people have left. but there are settlements where there are, well, two, three, five people, the lyman direction, but recently there was information that there are also settlements... which no longer have civilians, that is, they also prepared material, showed work on the laman direction, but there are settlements where people
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live when they need humanitarian assistance, in this direction we work closely with military administrations, with the state emergency service, guys from the state emergency service also take an active part in evacuation people. well, this is any direction, and not only evacuation, and rescuing people, all the things that the police and paramedics do, but people live, and unfortunately, they probably follow some of their own rules, which, well, apparently not very much and it’s scary, if the house hasn’t been destroyed yet, then you can sit for a while, and if the house flies over here, and we ’ll be fine there in the basement, maybe then... we’ll get out, well, i don’t understand this logic, but there are many such cases and yes, well, we understand very well what is going on in donetsk region heavy fighting, not in one direction, and
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it is clear that there are many military doctors, stabilization points where they provide assistance to the military, the wounded, that is clear, but there are also local residents who are also suffering, or there is a lack of qualified, perhaps doctors, maybe people who provide some kind of psychological help there, rescuers? eh, because we understand that this is a difficult area of ​​work, but the needs are also considerable, besides the fact that people are already sick and even more so, they live constantly in stressful situations, to a greater extent than, say, residents of many other regions of ukraine, plus people are injured, are there any problems, again precisely for civilian hospitals, i am not saying in some villages, but at least in such larger cities, there as pokrovsk, kramatorsk, slovyansk, where people could get there in case of some critical conditions, acute conditions, well... the main problem is providing help to people who are on the front line, well, to those in those settlements, because it is, first of all, time , that is, you need to reach people,
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we understand that in the conditions of hostilities, the roads are worn out, even hit by shells, debris is scattered, and the first thing is to get to the person, take this situation into account, find out exactly what... provide first aid and other in this case, it is already a long way back to medical facilities, i.e. to provide full assistance in such settlements as, for example, krasnohorivka or chasivyar, well, there is no possibility at all, because the conditions are such, there is no electricity, water, gas, well, in krasnohorivka there light appears here and there, but still... well, people are needed take them out, and well, it all works, it’s all coordinated, those hospitals that are there in one
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direction or another, they understand who can bring people, in what condition, the guys are in contact already, if they take away the wounded, for example, already on the way , when they go to a medical facility, they already provide information, report the condition of people who are injured, well, that is... fixed, it works, and the enemy has concentrated its forces, well , i understand that this question is more for the spokesmen in the direction of the corresponding armed forces, but still, the enemy concentrated his forces in the direction chasiv yar, you said that the situation there is difficult, there is no light, there are generally no good, not that the good of civilization, but some conditions, how difficult the situation is now, well, again, from what can be said, i may be asking yes... it's easier, you always answer correctly, i understand, but for the locals, i understand that the fighting continues and the fighting will continue in the future, obviously there are some fortifications, everything is built, but is there
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a readiness to evacuate in case of something people, well, it is not a fact that the city will be taken, but we understand that the situation can to be the same as it was in avdiivka, and please, well, as for the times of yar, the vast majority of the local population, people evacuated. it was quite a long time ago, when the city was already heavily bombarded, but now there are still people in the city, they are, well, mostly all in basements, there are points of assistance to people, that is , recently even such a kind of inspection of the settlement was conducted by the head of the police. and his area of ​​responsibility includes time together with representatives of the local military administration and district administration military administration, i.e. humanitarian aid was provided to the people...what are
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the needs, what is needed, what medicines can be, well, under the conditions that are possible, the local government, the police, the state emergency service are always present, but we cannot say that super everything happens because these are the realities of combat and war. thank you very much for taking the time, participating and commenting, pavlo dyachenko, temporarily acting as the head of the communications department of the national headquarters. police of donetsk region, take care and i wish you a good evening, i still understand it is a region where there are few good evenings. we will now talk about more such political moments with viktor babarenka, political scientist, expert of the bureau of policy analysis. mr. viktor, i congratulate you. good health to you. i will be brief, today i want to talk more about the political trends that exist and
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the assessment, but still... i will ask about the humanitarian and security situation in sumy oblast, how is the situation with those villages, there is velyka pyserivka, there were others there, where it was very difficult . we can see that there is a large scribe's house, they are destroying it, probably systematically and demonstrably, that there was a community, there is no community, yes, because the popovka is also a large scribe community, it is a rural community, it is... the former smt, the former district center , it is somewhere 7 km from the former, well, the border with russia, and now the front lines, it is being destroyed, but 17 more communities are under constant fire in the sumy region, and the sumy themselves are getting it, although of course not as much as kharkiv, but they are arriving shaheds there, well, that's all, but i must say that yes, from the border communities,
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especially from... a kilometer zone , children are taken away, adults are offered to leave, they most likely go to the same sumy region, communities accept internally displaced persons, but i would say that in sumy, well, there is no panic, all the conversations are there, of course , there will be a new russian offensive around that, it won't happen, but there's no need to panic, i want to calm the rest of ukraine there. that we have, well more or less, and now we are talking a little about political moments, here was the statement of the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken, who just now went on tour with of the united states, ukraine is in a critical situation, i even wrote it down so that i could quote it correctly, so blinkin says: ukraine is in a critical moment, help with weapons, well, who, explain his words, that
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is. if it is a critical moment, then it was necessary to help earlier, now what to do and what he means by the critical moment, this is what mr. skibitskyi said, that we have two more powerful attacks this spring, and the energy sector may suffer even more , or about the front or what? i think, that blinken said this to an internal audience, namely to the republicans, help, ukraine is in a critical state, this is to push the republicans who will be coming out of the easter holidays on april 9 to support the version of the bill that was proposed by the biden administration and which was supported in the senate, so that congress would vote for this option, and not johnson's delay, well, making this decision by introducing his own bill, which is weak, not quite like that, well, well, i won't tell you for a long time,
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this... including a significant part of the infusion money, well, that is, this option, the senate one is more than 15 billion, it is simply money for the budget , the option comes to us more, and blinkin told about it, but i think that it is still necessary to consider and on the fact that the green government is not finalizing, well, what we say as... the enemy's offensive, where will it be, the enemy is stockpiling today, you know, now everyone is talking about forces, the enemy has been stockpiling forces, cabs, missiles, which he accumulated, and we, by the way , always received information before, the enemy accumulated how many rockets, so many rockets, and 80, 70, 60 were always shot down.


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