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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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uh, well, i won’t tell you for a long time, this is specifically necessary, but we are satisfied with the senate version of 60 billion, including a significant part of the money there, more than 15 billion, it’s just money for the infusion budget, well, that is , this version, the senate version is more convenient for us, and blinkin told about him, but i think that it is necessary to take into account the fact that the green government is not working on it either. well, what we are saying, as zelenskyi's team or the president's office, whatever they call it, but today, you know, everyone is talking about the enemy's offensive, where it will be, the enemy is gathering forces, the enemy was accumulating forces, cabs, missiles that he had accumulated, and we, by the way, will always receive information sooner, the enemy has accumulated how many rockets, how many rockets, and 80, 70, 60 were always flying at us, they were shot down with something, now we don't even know, well, this is not a criticism of someone, it's just a fact, and that's it...
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and here i remember, when the enemy was accumulating forces, mobilizing people, making retreats, planes, equipment, preparing for this attack , which everyone is talking about now, we, in my opinion, have been busy all this time with the dismissal of generals, the race for merit and more some things that are, and there was something like that when valera and mariana were talking, well , we had something like that, and somehow, before the fact, it's spring, ladies, the energy is beating. the enemy of the rockets turns out to be the enemy of the enemy, an offensive is being prepared, our verkhovna rada of 100 people gathers, they heroically pass a law on mobilization, they do not pass it, they are still working, how did it happen, and how did it happen, that again somehow, because the power in large on the one hand, she is busy with preserving power, increasing it, and prolonging it in the future, and on the other hand, she is busy with intrigues, well, all the authorities are busy
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intrigues at all times in all nations, yes, well, but somewhere there has to be a limit to these intrigues, when your intrigues threaten your very existence, your existence, and that's why it's really surprising, but hey, let's be adults, it won't change , because the narcissistic government, the narcissist government, when the president... and it all transforms, that the whole team becomes narcissistic, yes, becomes self-confident, they think that everything they do, they do absolutely right, it's certainly not the case, but they are sincerely sure of it, sincerely sure, and as they say, the retinue makes the king and, but the king also makes an entourage, yes, and it has spread to the whole team, the whole team loses, in the internal dialogue, they are not engaged in that, they ... fool society and talk
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to society like a small child with a small child, and here are all the conversations, where did we start, that there are a lot of conversations in the sums, there like, well, there will be an attack by russia or not, i say, yes, and you, but what do they say in a marathon fight about this, and they say, who believes in the only one in our time marathon, we have a paradoxical situation, 5 years since the day of the fool, yes 2019, but most people still do not believe a single marathon, but ask there, do you believe in a single marathon? no, i ask this at focus groups, and i see this trash, yes, you believe the only marathon out of 10 people sitting at the focus group, nine say, no, we don't believe it, but you trust the president , yes, well, five out of four say, yes, we trust, well, in terms of compliance, what is the target group, social, age, and so on, it 's different, but i'm telling you about the trend, that is, we don't trust a single marathon , we don't trust the authorities, but we trust zelensky, well, that's a pass for him too, if... the rating is falling and
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they keep it by any means, including by drowning competitors, as was the case with zaluzhny, this is on the domestic market, but they also make a fierce trash on the foreign market, they completely lose on the foreign market, they do not know how to sell ukraine, to our horror, our panic, this, well, let's leave the panic, there is no panic in the grand scheme of things, but eh, well, ours, well, and i don't know how, i don't know how, vasyl, you are a poet. whatever you call it, it's not horror, and it's not alienation, and it's not fear, but it's, well, well, and not diplomatically there is deep concern, but it's kind of annoying that we don't get enough help and they can't sell it, why? and because danilov, well, by now, i hope, is a political corpse, he said that four people can speak on behalf of ukraine, yes, they are there by position, zelenskyi...
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shmyhal, stefanchuk, as the head of the verkhovna rada , and kuleb. well, this is a strategic, major mistake, it's not even a mistake, it already looks like treason, because everyone must... speak on behalf of ukraine, vasyl zima went abroad and talked to someone there, and that's right. actually, according to the version, maryana bezugoi, it was a crime, vasyl, you know, i’m catching up, but i want to ask you again, because your opinion is very important to me, a quote from andriy yeremak, the head of the president’s office, was voiced said that, well, in principle, we are thinking about the fact that even after the war, although again, what is after the war, it will be difficult to understand at this stage. instead of opening the borders for a few years so that people stay and rebuild ukraine, why is it being asked now in such a difficult time, when people are still thinking about how to get through mobilization, in principle, most men understand that they will obviously have to be somewhere, well , at least to defend the country, and
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they tell you in advance, yes, and then you will still sit here, and you will not go to see your wife, and you will not go to see your mother, for example, somewhere there, that's why. that we will not cancel the state of emergency for a few more years, that is, we will not hold elections, that is , we will prolong our power, they were supporters of the presidential and council elections, while they had a great rating, not unsinkable, now that the rating has become unsinkable, they they want, and i warned, i said that as soon as the situation with the electoral field changes, they will turn the situation around, then they wanted very fast... elections, now they will drag there so that there will be no elections for a very long time, this will of course anger people, but i'll be honest with you, the first thing i did when i heard this yesterday, i started checking because i thought it was an april fool's joke, because i guess, you can't
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say such a stupid thing, but after what she said bezugla, i already believe in any fierce trash that comes from the green government, that is, they say nonsense for nonsense, something that does not fit into anyone's head. people will want for the first time that as soon as it ends, hostilities will stop, it is clear that the war will not end in peace, it can end only in a truce, but at least until putin dies, yes, that 's for sure, that is, there will be no peace agreement, there will be no parade, victory, but there will simply be a truce there for three, five, 10 years, and people will want to rest right away, and irmak says: no, we will not give power to anyone, here is their... strategic plan so that we know, i love you very much, they don't have a strategy on how to win back territories, but they have a strategy on how not to give up power. thank you very much, mr. viktor, for your honesty and professionalism. viktor bobarenko, political scientist, expert of the political analysis bureau from sumy oblast, about all these things,
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you know how ivan franko had the words: " brother , you love russia like bread and a piece of lard. brother, you love russia like a cow eats bread." i don't love her with great love, there was still you brothers, you love russia, i don’t love serak, you brothers are a patriot, i’m a dog, that’s who loves russia, well, russia, as ukraine is meant, like bread and a piece of lard, or like bread for cows, well, it’s obvious , but just very often in such stories, then such lovers of russia conduct their discussions somewhere in prague, in amsterdam, in london, well, until agents of the fsb, or then the kgb, present them with a box of chocolates, which will explode, as it happened in... the story , whether they will be shot in the story with konovalts, whether petliura will be shot in paris in the 26th year, or they don't poison like bandera in munich, well , bandera is not to blame here, but i am referring to the fact that this very often happens when people love russia like a stable of oxen to a cow,
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or like bread and a piece of lard. yes, good, now i will give the floor to serhiy zgurts, director of the defense express agency, host of the military summaries of the day column, serhiy, congratulations, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the first case when our drones effectively crossed the 1,200 km mark to strike the enemy, about the dynamics with our fpv drones, she is positive, and about the course of hostilities in the most heated areas of the front, in a conversation with our military about this in a moment. let me start by saying that april 2 is actually the beginning of a new stage in the use of ukrainian strike drones against the objects of the defense-industrial complex and critical infrastructure of russia, because this time, for the first time, enemy targets located at a distance of more than 1,200
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km were attacked. several unmanned aerial vehicles first hit a factory for the production of iranian long-range kemikaze-type drones shah. the plant is located in the russian special economic zone of the industrial type alabuga, now we can see it on the map that this plant is in tatarstan, and there was also... another plant was attacked, this is an oil refinery in nizhnyokamsk, this city is located several tens of kilometers away from alabuga, now we see strikes just on the production of russian fpv drones, we see a powerful explosion after a hit on an unmanned complex, but returning to the oil refinery, it is also quite powerful, because it is included in the top five. plants of the russian federation, and there the drone hit
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the oil processing plant, which is the most technological element of any refinery. so , this video that we are seeing now shows what this drone that attacked alaboga looks like, while the marchers claim that it was a ukrainian-made aeropragt a22 plane, visually it is really similar, now we are this aeroprad. we will show, but i will not confirm that these are similar planes, let the viewer draw his own conclusions, but successful the attack on the production of shahed and the taneko oil refinery in russian tatarstan allows us to draw three such key conclusions regarding the capabilities of ukraine in long-range strikes: firstly, this is a new level of range, because we are not only talking about 1,200 km, but because drones can do... .. they plan to fly on an indirect trajectory, but on a complex one, taking into account the possible
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locations of russian air defense systems, so that the range will be more than 1,200 km. secondly, we are talking about what this aircraft can carry, the weight within the limits, the warhead in within 400 kg, this is much more than the ferocious drone, which has a range of 100 00 km plus and the weight part there. 50 or 70 kg, here 400 kg is quite a decent weight for a real strike on the defense enterprise of the russian federation with positive consequences. and the third conclusion is that these drones flew 1,200 km into the zone, which was ultimately to be protected by air defense systems, because there is a factory for the production of shaheids, and the company that manufactures these trucks is not far away, 20 km away. maz, including for the russian army, there are still 20 kilometers, there is just one more nizhnyokamsk gs, that is, in any case, these
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objects should have been covered by means of air defense, but as we can see, they were not covered, that is, in fact, this is the extent of the holes of the russian air defense is simply amazing, which opens up new opportunities for the operation of our long-range strike drones, now the question is scaling such samples so that we really do not have to save them. and that they fly to other objects of the russian federation. and then we will talk about what's happening on the front line. today there were 70 combat clashes, about a third more than yesterday, the enemy is again beginning to press along the entire front line. the two directions are the most difficult, this is precisely due to the results of the assembly of the general staff, this is the fighting near bakhmut, this, in particular, chasivyar there, and the second direction, which has the most combat encounters, this is exactly the novopavlivskyi direction,
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there around novomykhai, fighting continues there in almost all populated areas points around novomykhaivka, and what is happening there right now is happening, we will talk with our guest, now we have sergey voronov, an officer of the freedom legion, mr. sergey, i welcome you to the spresso channel, i am glad to see and hear, my congratulations, though. i would like you to explain to our viewers what the enemy is aiming for now after the capture of the completely destroyed maryanka, where the main directions of his attacks are directed, that is , right now or according to the results of this week? well, actually, i think that the first such, perhaps even strategic goal of the enemy was precisely to push the defense forces away from donetsk in order not to give an opportunity to fire at some of their logisticians there. roads, logistics hubs, well, actually away, as i say, push away from the city itself, this was
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done there after the destruction, the complete destruction of avdiyivka, the same thing they did with maryanka, and actually today they are trying to develop their own offensive, in particular, towards the city of kurakhovo, today, in fact , the equally destroyed georgiyivka, which is actually on the way to... kurakhovo, cities such as krasnohorivka are just as interesting to the enemy they are trying to actively attack it from the south, well, there are frontal attacks from the south and the gorych technique. what is there, what is there, actually near nevelskyi and probably the biggest such hot situation is in pervomaiskyi, it is possible and actually refers to the line there between the avdiiv direction and ours, and actually there the enemy really created a real hell, well, actually on all the others parts of the front, i
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cannot say that it is calm, since the shelling continues virtually everywhere, there are at least some artillery duels going on everywhere, so to say that somewhere in another direction is calmer, well, it’s not necessary, but in the named settlements, well, it’s a real hell there, well , it’s true that this direction has been the most saturated for a long time in terms of the number of density of russian attacks there, and our counterattacks, but regarding the tactics of combat operations, because yesterday we discussed the situation there, when the 25th brigade was destroying the mechanized attack of the enemy west of avdiyivka, and there , for the first time after a long period, the enemy used such a dense attack exactly with the use of tanks and armored vehicles, after the period when there were these foot assaults there in twos there or detachments in these
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areas around novomykhaivka, do you know something in the actions of the enemy changes, does not change, how he acts there? trying to advance in the direction of our defense, well , novomykhaivka is actually one of the most distant settlements, in particular from the zone of action and my unit, so it’s difficult for me to speak specifically there, but there in other directions, depending on the landscape, the enemy actually uses a slightly different but quite similar tactics, in particular there, for example, in the pervomaysky area. the guys report, just yesterday they told us that every morning two or three bekhs actually leave there, well , usually three, two are burned or blown up on our mines, the third is trying to escape, well , actually in the settlement itself , right there, krasnogohorivka near
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nevelskyi, pervomayskyi , the enemy really uses tactics, there it divides into twos in order to particularly in the population. at points run away from the remains of buildings, because i can say that there are no buildings as such, there are only walls and cellars left, and moving in pairs like this, they try, so to speak, to deconcentrate and attack our positions, well, actually, the defense forces do the same, in particular, with the help of drones, they can see them all and we are trying, and our guys are confidently working on the approaches to the... positions, and the area where your unit is located there, your comrades, what is going on, regarding the statistics with the use of these cabins, how densely these cabins fall on each plot, are they still more there in the avdiyivka zone, are there fewer of them in your plot, are there any statistics? well, i just recently met with my comrades, in particular
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from the legion of freedom, who were in avdiivka, they said that there was something like that from the kabs there... simply, if there was hell on earth, then it was definitely there, actually on our little flowers of the front in the same way, the enemy actively uses these types of weapons, guided aerial bombs, and actually they are a bit of a nuisance there, because, as you understand, you can be a super-motivated fighter, but if you are attacked a 500-kilogram bomb is a bit unpleasant, but in particular, krasnohorivka is often hit there. they were in various positions, they even flew into peaceful cities, there , literally, last week , such a bomb flew there and did not explode, that is , the enemy understood that it is such an effective, so to speak, tactical tool and confidently uses it today, taking into account the fact , that they have them, well, according to our reports, there are almost
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tens, if not hundreds of thousands, so they are improving this one, so to speak... you are a dumb bomb with appropriate wings and direct it there with not enough, well , they hit with fairly decent accuracy, so we have to hope that the f-16s, which are promising there, will change the situation somewhat, in particular in the air and allow the defense forces to push the russian aviation away from the line of more effective methods that are at hand, here we repeatedly see videos where... tv drones are used by the enemy, well, we see that, well, it is extremely effective, that in your area with fpv drones, from our side, from the enemy's side, is there opportunities? to use half-buckets in night operations against the enemy, and you usually talk about the need to increase the collection of funds for reb facilities, so please evaluate this
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situation also regarding the rebvidrons in those areas where you and your comrades are, well, actually i can to say that if someone somewhere sees gatherings for off-road vehicles, rebs, fpvdrones, this is one of the most useful things today, in particular on the line with... i can say that as soon as the enemy feels that somewhere on the contact line there is a bare area, without rebs , believe me, it's over there heads are swarming over the positions, that is why it is very important today to saturate as much as possible with the most modern means of struggle, and because this war is already changing to such a technological nature today, and accordingly we all understand and we all see how rapidly it develops behind... especially unmanned devices, well, and accordingly, at the same time , the means of combating them are also being developed, because as our defense forces actively use
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just that, including drones, work on enemy positions, the enemy also uses these technologies, well, actually somewhere with these with technologies, we can compensate for the lack of artillery that we have, i will not say that it is so significant, but... it is still felt, and it is precisely with the help of drones that we try to level and establish at least some parity on the line of contact. and mr. sergey, what about the fortifications? today, shmyhal announced that another 10 billion hryvnias have been allocated for the construction of fortifications in all regions, but , as i understand it, the military has to create fortifications themselves where hostilities are taking place . how does it work in your unit, which ones difficulties, as in general. that is, to carry out fortifications in conditions when the enemy carries out constant strikes there with both drones and artillery. well, i can only say that
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now the second line of defense is really actively being built there, in particular, the fortifications are being built here, well, i will say it so that it does not fly tomorrow, when the second line of defense is being built from the first, it is really a little difficult. because a lot of material resources go precisely to the second one, and the first one, well , today we are actually holding out for time in order to build all the necessary lines of defense, i.e. in particular, i would like, frankly, i would like more roundwood on the line of contact, because i do not understand today where the ukrainian forest has gone, or it is not going there somewhere, so i would really like more materials for all this, for construction, for that... so that all our fighters are protected, in particular from the same fpv drones, because you understand, when they are two or three fpidrons or
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mavics hanging over the position, then it remains only to dig deeper, deeper in order to be protected, so today fortifications fortification is just such a strong defense on the front line, it needs to be constantly improved, and well, in those directions where it works... our battalion, i can say that exactly, well, there the second or third line is actively being built, being built, tank trenches are being dug , here are the positions of oops, rops, that is, everything, all this is done, but i would like, of course, that all this was done, maybe even 10 years ago, when our war began. and do you have in your staff, by the way, engineering equipment that does this work, or excavators, there are some there, well devices or because not all units have things that what is in your battalion? i can say this, we do not have appropriate special means in our state, but we
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are getting out of this situation, we are engaging, so to speak, freelance equipment so that there are opportunities for construction. i can say this, there is one story when the boys of their unit in the capacities there, including motivational such... educational in nature , took to digging precisely the appropriate structures, well , dug trenches, and in fact, after returning when i got home in the evening, i read the news on facebook, and there one of the deputies of one of the city councils was actively posting on facebook how it is necessary to drive today, well, i actually turned to him and am still waiting for us and our unit to be provided with special equipment, in particular. there with appropriate tractors, which would help to dig them not manually, but with the help of machinery, so we see machinery, but we see the one that is employed, as far as i understand,
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by the military administration. it really works near cities for military purposes, well, in particular in our unit does not have a lot of such equipment, but we find ways out of the situation there, and i would like to ask for the last time about the recruiting mechanisms, whether there are such models that allow you to replenish your battalion with motivated recruits, or whether everything goes through the military commander, what do you have to do with this, well , to be honest... it is very difficult with this, today the issue of improving the conditions of mobilization and possibly even passing that mobilization law, although in my humble opinion, it is still aimed more at by expanding the layers of categories that will be subject to mobilization, and not above the main one, in particular by increasing the motivational component, because today every ukrainian should have the motivation to defend his state so that it
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takes place from... tomorrow, and that is why it is very difficult, the enemy threw such, you know , theses in the information field, when the ukrainians there have already started saying that let the deputies go, and we will leave later, well, i believe that this is precisely an informational attack there and such informational throws from the enemy in order to knock down the motivational component of the ukrainian population , and the replenishment on the frontline, the replenishment of the combat battalions that... today are here in donetsk region, it is relevant, it is needed and it is needed as soon as possible, because even those units that are still there, in which there are enough servicemen, believe me, they have also been on the front line for a long time and need rotation, maybe even just psychologically, so i would call for the mobilization processes in the country to be accelerated,
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because our country must... happen and it can happen only when there are there are men who can protect her. mr. serhiy, thank you very much for the inclusion, for what you and your comrades are doing to protect our country, let me remind you that it was serhiy voronov, an officer of the freedom legion. and by the way, regarding mobilization, here is the news that president zelensky signed the law on conscription from the age of 25, this news is being updated, this... an important thing is related to the increase in the mobilization resource, but it should also be related with the expansion of training measures, so that these people are really ready for combat operations, for various conditions that needed on the battlefield. these were the main highlights of the military results of the day, more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i thank serhii zghgorets,
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i thank his guest, these were the military results of the day, and to continue the military theme , i want to say that the head of the ukrainian government, denys shmyhal, announced large-scale inspections of the vlk, which will take place in the month of april, meaning military medical commissions, about the most important news i will tell you in detail. and by the way, we are today we will have a conversation with igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, and we will talk with him about what is happening there, as they say. explosions were heard in washington dvor, in the dnipro, correspondents of the public wrote about it, earlier in the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine it was reported that the russians had launched a guided air missile in the direction of the city, the air alert is still ongoing in the city. 950 missiles, almost as many remained with the russians, this statement was made by the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry defense of ukraine vadym skibitsky in a comment to the rbc publication, it is about high-precision missiles
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with a range of more than 350 km, also in the reserves of the occupiers there are more than 260 calibers and 440 onyx, with which they attack the southern regions of ukraine. according to skibitsky, this supply will be enough for the russians for three more massive attacks, then the kryonov killers will have to take a break to accumulate these weapons. a 79-year-old resident of tokarivka was killed by russians for information. of the regional military administration, the occupiers shelled the village the day before, the body of a man discovered today by law enforcement officers, the circumstances of death are often being investigated, and the man blew himself up on enemy ammunition in the berislav district of the kherson region, the state emergency service reported . the victim was inspecting the fields on a tractor when a shell exploded, the tractor driver suffered minor injuries from being hit.


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