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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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that is where the birth will take place, and this is the myth of demeter, which he also mixes from there, that is, that in ukraine there is a period of spring when it can come out, blossom and take its place, but if we do not mature enough at this moment , she will have to go back to hell again and have to go back to the underworld again and die miraculously, see very well. that i asked this because the meaning is much deeper and much broader than it is often interpreted, and in fact you yourself have already led to a wonderful logical ending, yes, i warned you that i would ask about the last phrase he said to golubovsky before his death, nothing dies, what does it mean? oh, ah, what does that mean to
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you? i think that, it's very about, i 'll take a step back even now, but nothing can be my property, nothing is not controlled by me, and as soon as i realize that even there the collection that i have, it's not is my control, it's what i can share, what i share. for pradi, it was otto's story that he recognized, he got to know this secret about art, what it is, that it is a gift from god and it is a destination, and it cannot be, it cannot be finite on you, it can be passed on, and the more you as a master can pass it on, the more it is the probability that it will be alive, will live on, and at the same time uh... this
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is exactly life, life on, regardless of whether there, i don't know, the readiness to celebrate some dates related to novokivskyi in lviv or not ready, it's about the fact that he will live anyway, further, he will move on, yes just as we talked with malevich, whether we are ready to admit that he taught and had his school or not, but he will live on, and for me , the fact that his paintings appeared this year in the belvedere, they returned. to europe, where they were actually exhibited, where they were recognized, although i would say that the selection of paintings, well, not the best, as it went, but this is also about the fact that it is not, it is not final, it is also that the story that can be unpacked further and told further, depending on how ready you are to approach this material and to know, as we now know ourselves because of this war and discover many new things about ourselves, thanks to dzvenislav.
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zvenislava novakivska, the great-granddaughter of oleks novakivski and the founder of novakivski spece , was my guest today. thank you for being with us. these are proper names. i'll see you in a week. thank you. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to... know about the war and how the world lives two hours to be aware of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. congratulations!
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we are asking for your help in searching for three children from the kherson region, they are diana kobzar, viti azarov and angelina fadeeva. and now in a little more detail. so, 15-year-old diana disappeared in the village of lazurne in the skadovsky district of the kherson region. it happened on january 1 , 2023, and since then, unfortunately, about the girl nothing is known. now the azure is temporarily occupied, and therefore the search process is, of course, very complicated. however, i ask each of you, and especially the residents of lazurny, to carefully look into diana's face. if you recognize her or have any information about her, please contact us immediately on the hotline at 116 30. if you do not have the opportunity to call, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. and i note that there is no secondary information for the search. what data
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every little thing is important and can even be decisive and ultimately help find the missing child. also in the kherson region and also in the occupation of... 17-year-old vitya azarov. contact with the boy was lost on january 19, 2023, and since then there is no news about him. he disappeared on the left bank of the kherson region, namely in the kakhov district in the village of gornostaivka. and this is angelina fadeeva. she is also from the kherson region, namely from the city of kherson. she '15. nothing is known about the girl since february 24, 2024. under what circumstances she disappeared, currently unknown. in particular, due to the fact that diana kobzar, vitya azarov, and angelina fadeeva disappeared during the occupation, information about them is unfortunately scarce. and therefore, in fact, there is a very high hope for you, for your attentiveness and concern. we really hope that
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the children are all right and that you will help us find them. so, if you know anything about these children, please let us know immediately . child tracing services, our number is 116.30. let's not be indifferent, and let's try together to find the missing diana, vitya and angelina in fact, finding children from the temporarily occupied territories is a very difficult and usually long process, but our experience shows that the search must continue even in the most difficult or sometimes seemingly hopeless situations. so, for example, we were able to find a guy from ... also from the then still occupied part of the kherson region, who was wanted by his relatives and could not get in touch with him. nothing was known about igor since february 24, 2022. we only knew that he lived in the village of sonyachne, khersonska
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region that was under occupation. in our programs, we called on the residents of this village, if they do see us on the internet , to let us know, if possible, whether by... 17-year-old igor lives in sonyachny and whether everything is okay with him, and it worked, we were sent this video from igor, let's see, my name is igor, today is march 31, 2022, i live in serechny, kherson region, with my grandfather and grandmother. everything is fine, i have no ukrainian connection, as i live in the occupied territory. the guy confirmed who still lives in the village of sonyachne. everything is fine with his grandparents and him, but all this time he could not report about himself, because there was no ukrainian mobile phone service in the occupation. i really hope that the search stories of diana kobzar, vita azarov and angelina
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fadeeva, which i told at the beginning, will end with the same happy ending, so once again i ask you not to remain indifferent and join the search. i also encourage you to go to... the website of the children's search service. here are photos of all the boys and girls we are trying to find. allocate everything a few minutes of your time. look at the photos of children, look into their faces. perhaps you will recognize one of them and help to find them. if you suddenly have any information about one of these children, call the hotline of the children's search service at 116.30. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel of up to 30% in the pharmacies psylansky vam and ochadnyk.
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two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. leaders who have become many like relatives natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine,
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was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 verdict with serhiy rudenko
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, from now on in a new two-hour format , even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and on, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. congratulations, no russian propagandists managed to tell their citizens that it is dangerous to live in those
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areas from which the ukrainian territory is shelled, such as the belgorod region, as it should be said that it is also dangerous to live near russian military facilities, military factories, and the oil refinery itself. well, today is an unprecedented event in general, because the drones flew, and... to the republic of tatarstan, which is quite far, more than 100 km from ukraine, and in the morning there were explosions, there was a lot of noise at enterprises in yalabuz and nizhnokamsk, drones attacked the taneko oil refinery and the enterprise for the production of shock drones, mines, well, everything was flying and flying, and you know, even such a general method has already changed a little here. to tell, because they are no longer hiding, they are already speaking in principle, yes it has arrived. disturbing news coming in: at 5:45
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am the alabuga dormitory was hit, this is bad, very bad, by two drones, listen to what the representative of kalabug has to say, today at 5:45am there was a...strike near the dormitory by two drones, indeed they attack shopping centers in moscow, they attack residential quarters in belgorod, they attack hostels in alabuz, it is against such people that we conduct a special military operation, these drones were equipped with equipment from nato countries. well, as always, you know, tell that it is because... nato countries are attacking, no, not because, but because this is such an economic
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special zone of alabuga, where drones were produced and drones were produced by shahedon, that is, these iranian ones , they were assembled there, and actually the russian news reported about it, you see this beautiful report, as it seems hosnulintse, one of the vice prime ministers came there to see exactly how these drones are produced, which then fly around ukraine to... houses according to the energy structure, they show all this, but they forgot, you know, a little bit about what actually happened there, and now they tell that there are ... in the end, it should have arrived, because, what do you think, if they are produced drones, the toponym should not come, it should, it should absolutely come, even if it is very, very far away, and that’s how it all happened beautifully, you see, such a vivid video and everything, and of course the russian propagandists
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are now whining and telling that, well, probably you have to get used to this, well, because until... since they didn't take kyiv, well, even now , it's all flying by. when we take kyiv, then the arbitrariness with drones will end. in the meantime , we will continue to repel these vile terrorist acts in the course of our daily activities. we are dealing with a very mean one an enemy who does not fight by traditional methods, but who is used to beating with a technic. basically, it continues all these terrorist attacks. what is an attack on... this is not an attack on some military object or an industrial object, it is an attack on a dormitory where ordinary people live. let me remind you that these are ordinary people who make weapons that kill ukrainians, well, actually, this attempt by the russians to tell that these
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are directly terrorist attacks, this week's attacks also reached its absolute climax when the ministry. of foreign affairs of russia began to demand something there, to be handed over to them the head of the sbu of ukraine, malyuk, and to put him there in russia, well, there was even a special statement that russia was conducting all kinds of crimes there, as if it had conducted and proved some crimes there, in this regard, the russian foreign ministry submitted to the ukrainian authorities the requirements in within the framework of the international convention on the fight against the financing of terrorism, on the arrest and extradition of all those who are allegedly involved in terrorist attacks, well... in particular the baby, well, an absolutely maristic story, especially against the background of the fact that literally a day ago, they are with pathos and literally joy they told how they were destroying it civil infrastructural objects in ukraine, which, frankly, are not only
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a problem for ukraine, but which can become a threat not only to the energy sector, but also to the nuclear sector. security of the whole of europe, look how it is, how they were happy about it, so our troops struck the area in the lviv region, where the largest underground gas storage is located, ukraine and the friend of europe, in general, are 96 km from the border with poland, precisely europe considered it as a reserve storage for its gas, because it is connected to the european one gas system, no problems with pumping gas into it. and there was no return until now, now there is a problem with that, as a result of another precise missile strike at the end of last week , the dniprovska hpp stopped working after a fire and damage. lack of progress, the biggest in ukraine. it has special functions in the ukrainian energy system. due to the plasticity in his work , dniprogres was. it can compensate for the inevitable
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peaks in loads that nuclear plants experience due to the inertia of their work. they can't, well, you understand, yes, if they are atomic if the station does not compensate for these peak loads, then the nuclear power plant may simply fail, an accident may occur in it, and in principle it is dangerous for everyone, that is, not only for ukrainians, but the russians absolutely hide that they are trying to destroy these facilities are a gas storage facility near the border with poland and that is dnipro-hess, which compensates for peaks in...loading in order for nuclear plants to work normally, correctly, well, you know, this is actually an act of terrorism, and it is precisely a war crime, therefore that this is a targeted attack on the infrastructure, and not one that someone somewhere missed or did not have a goal, nor did they have a specific goal, that's why there is all the talk that ukraine cannot
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destroy some infrastructure objects in ukraine, just in russia, just forget about them. about these conversations, because as long as something flies into such serious objects in ukraine, until then, to talk about something at all, that ukraine has no right to something, well, you know that, these are just conversations in order to help russia, nothing more, well, in the end we will return to today's attack on this drone, of course, the russian propagandists were extremely surprised and could not hide the fact that how could it fly so far, and this is actually what has been discussed since the very beginning a.m. gur takes. so, the leadership of gur must be destroyed, that is, among other things, but there are obvious tasks, we must liberate our
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constitutional territories, we must create a safe zone, we must cut off, therefore , the ukronazis from the exit to the black sea, we must ensure the security of belgorod, so we must push them beyond the borders of the kharkiv region, how to do this is another question, in relation to strikes on... the main intelligence department, in general, our military-political leadership formulated the goal quite tactically: strikes on decision-making centers, well, how will it turn out? well, this is what they have, you know how it will turn out, this is the main topic of all conversations with them, that is, it flew, we don't know how it flew so far, but let's break it all down, let's go somewhere, well, we don't know where, well... at kiselev, actually, all over the energosim or some literally high-rise buildings, how will it turn out, as this khadaryonok said, well, and meanwhile there, between
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enough of these, let’s say so, well, such genocidal conversations, it may seem comical how they are trying to understand what flew to them, it's - well, you know, it can even be a little funny, let's see, the question is that matius rus, the cell, there's already a whole light-motor plane, it's not yet known what it was, that is, i i wouldn't be surprised if some are already suggesting that i am i think nonsense, as if there was another komikaze, but i kind of doubt it, because there have been such drones based on light aircraft for a long time, that is, there is no surprise here, but somehow... first , let's say that it was an unmanned aerial vehicle of the aircraft type , and as for
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the presence of a pilot in it, i deeply doubt what this unmanned aerial vehicle itself looks like, that is, it is a light-engine aircraft, yes, definitely, well, that is, the pilot was not found and... and they did not find an answer to the question, something to do with it do also, judging from everything, but they tried, tried to tell each other that something should be done. and now the question is, how did it become possible, this leadership, perhaps the political leadership of the country should ask a question in this regard, not even the question of how it became possible, but the first question, who is responsible for air defense? of this part of the country's territory, well, while we are talking to you, eyewitnesses are reporting an attempt to strike a factory in nizhnekamsk with a drone,
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well, listen, what else is going to happen, here i just want to understand, the enemies must be cleared, so that i am looking at a crypto-bander bastard who has settled, in particular, in donetsk, there is a ukrainian citizen, well, typical, well, such an agent of influence, and nobody cares. well, but somehow without a torch, that is, you understand, that is, before he usually shouted that everyone should be hanged and shot at once, but he didn’t shout something, and you know why he didn’t shout, but because, well, almost two weeks ago, everyone was talking in russia about that the death penalty should be returned, and suddenly it turned out that... no, putin is not going to return the death penalty, and now the population just needs to be urgently told why this death penalty will not be returned. and
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kiselyov actually distinguished himself by this right away, who came out and said that no, we will not return the death penalty, trying to turn this whole story in a different direction. it is clear that you want retribution right now, in society from... there was such a topic as the death penalty, and the detained terrorists must be sentenced to death by firing squad, the thirst for revenge, however, should not blind the mind, because even if the possibility of the death penalty is returned now, then having committed a mass murder, the four cannot be sentenced to death by firing squad, only there is no retroactive law, the global trend is the rejection of the death penalty, the general assembly puts it almost every year. issue, the majority is against the death penalty, russia also votes against it, although, to be honest, there are also reverse processes. just two weeks ago,
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the democratic republic of the congo. overturned the ban on the death penalty, which had been in place in this african country since 2003, in the 21st century, this is the second time on the planet that a state has brought back the death penalty, the first pakistan, which 10 years ago abolished the moratorium on the death penalty, which lasted only six years in the country, that is , our return to the death penalty would mean that we would become the third country in the world after pakistan. well , in my humble opinion, russia is much worse than pakistan or congo, it's just compared to it, to the russian federation, it's just some beautiful absolutely democratic countries, but you know, this reversal is so unexpected, especially when compared to that the bacchanalia that was last week, when literally there in the state duma
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they demanded to hold a referendum, shouted that it should be done immediately and voted immediately, and actually you can see how it happened. on september 8 of this year, the only vote of the general national rating on the return of the sacred image for these non-humans, scoundrels, who should not be borne by our ukrainian faction, made proposals. about the return of the death penalty , we have both in the constitution and in the criminal legislation, no one has abolished the death penalty, there is a decision of the constitutional court, which postponed the passing of such a verdict, so no referendums are needed, the decision of the constitutional court on this issue is sufficient,
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this topic is currently being discussed. legislators need to inform their voters, on whom the decision depends, the decisions of the constitutional court have been adopted to fulfill international obligations before the council of europe, you and i have left the council of europe, so this topic requires discussion, i still support our united russia party chairman dmytro comrade medvedev, but in order for all this to be legal, after all, the highest power in the country is... people, and in order for it to be legal, a referendum must be held on a single voting day, and everything will fall into place, the fact that for terrorists, traitors, the killing of pedophiles, maybe it is objective, but the choice must be made by the whole people, well, actually these demands to hold a referendum, or, as
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someone else put it... there, let the constitutional court restore the death penalty, all this lasted for literally a week, and already at the end of last week it suddenly became clear that it was necessary to unfold all this in the other direction, and even so strange, i would say a stormy conversation about this took place in skabieva, this is also a state channel, which showed that, well, at first there was an uproar. is that all, but, you know, politics has changed dramatically, especially now, let's look at the discussion, and then let's see what happened before that. the next issue that arises in public discourse is the death penalty. i am against it, yesterday actively, including we were supported regarding the death penalty, and among politicians, in particular
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those. who was represented in our opinion several times, that is, those who voted against, today i have not seen such when we talk about terrorists and needles, we proceed from the fact that most of them destroy themselves at the place of a terrorist attack, if there is enough force, then they are blown up, why do you scare them with the death penalty, their execution, if we say about idealists. clearly expressed their punishment, i say once again, interrupt and do not listen, this is a measure of social protection of the population, society is not about punishing or killing them, it is the easiest, society must protect itself from such people, we protected ourselves, i am telling you about something completely different, what is this for questions a person undermined himself, well, well, i say, society must protect itself from such rapists, from such scoundrels.


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