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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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from ours, and they did not even imagine or understand how developed we are, and that we had and have something to lose, and it is very indicative for the controlled territory to appreciate what we have, because realistically, well, that's all multiplying by zero is very simple, as it turned out, you say that there is nothing to tell them, so there it is, they told children in schools again about the fate of their russian peers with an active... life position, conducted courage lessons, told, probably, as it should they die for their family, yes, this is what they have too, well, yes, well, sorry, there is something to tell, lessons of courage, yes, those orcs come there, and they , well, those who survived with arms and legs, they are only shown, and they do not show unsuccessful cases, so to speak, that they also have packaging processes there, and what is 200 and...
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they don't tell that further, they say that somewhere far, far away there are ukranians with whom we have to fight, because if we don't fight against ukranian nazis, then they would beat everyone here, and the only thing they keep silent is that these children are in power and under control, so say, ukrainian nazis, enrolled in warsaw and london universities. and not to varonish and nyagan or ryazan, that's why they really do this, well, it's simply sovietism, it's not even that, it's not russianness, it's sovietism, and this is what they go around and tell, try to instill it in children, so that they learn it , they start their working or school days with the anthem of the country of the aggressor, they hung the texts of the anthems everywhere in schools. hung up
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symbols, portraits of the dictator putin and so on, that is, they are simply putting pressure on children from all sides with this propaganda, this rink propagandist, so that the children do not have time to raise their heads and remember or understand what is really happening in general, but fortunately, the children just hold on, because they were brought up in ukraine, they do not know anything else, successful cases about... to people with active life position, they decided to show it in bashkortostan, they brought a whole delegation of russians there, who, unfortunately, our doctor says that he cannot open this video, then i think that i will show it to our viewers, but for now i will tell you, so to speak, andriy already wants to to see a bunch of trucks being unloaded and good russians are being unloaded in the village. them
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in graves, improved, not even in zinc, in wood, because it is expensive, eco, eco, eco-graves, for non-ecological people, so to speak, in a word, we will prepare a video, later we will show it to our viewers, for now, we tell them to take our word for it, so what, but i don't think that they show it to children in berdyansk, no, they don't show it, but what are you, they, they are there, they are just telling stories, well, this, i'm on... come on, they are piling on, just piling on , yes, there are nazis here, and by the way, they are high school students sometimes in notebooks, they write down who wants to be an adult and piss off ukrainian nazis, this is still such a tradition among them, and they tell the children this in all seriousness, well, we understand that this will have its results, because look at donetsk, luhansk, these children have already grown up there, and they have already been redressed and changed, therefore... well, in our society
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, de-occupation and liberation from the aggressor is extremely necessary as soon as possible, because the consequences will be definitely irreversible, and these two years our society is still holding on mentally, but every day, it goes further, further, further, further, deeper, and we understand that the point of no return is somewhere nearby, and here we need to understand why ukrainian identity can be rewired in two years, that is... this means , that for 30 years we sewed somewhere in the wrong direction, with the wrong threads, this is yes, this is yes, but you understand that the east and south of ukraine fought constantly, because we entered the maidan of our time on the one hand, and from on the other side there was an anti-maidan, in ternopil there was no anti-maidan, it seems, and in all the more so in lviv, yes, if he had appeared there for a second, he would have been blown up there, but we always had the presence of...
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russians, pro-russian people, we always had relatives in moscow, everyone, in we always had expectations in berdyansk that katsaps would come, bring loot, in the summer, and... they imported bucks at one time, and this had a very serious effect, on the other hand, for 30 years, it was grinding our people, that's why today, but nevertheless , our russian-speaking society with relatives in moscow turned out to be much more ukrainian than we expected, it was simply incredible, so here, you know, i would argue here, but we understand that in reality it is very difficult, and 30 years, and these two are even more, well, but we understand that russia.. . the system, which is the legal successor of the soviet system, has long practices on how to turn ukrainians into janissaries and even, well, shukhevych's daughter is also such, such a living example that they even tried to rewire the guide's daughter, to make her
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some kind of ordinary soviet man, and although in they didn't work out in the end, but you know, i think that i will agree with those russians who have migrated from putin's russia now, who testify... that in fact now it is both a propaganda machine and a machine for grinding personalities in the country, personalities actually in some slaves, it works much more powerfully than even in stalin's time, this is due to the fact that even under stalin's russia they still had some concepts of morality, there were concepts of at least building a just society, for example, there were some ideas of marxism there , which not all of them are, they may be utopian, but in general this is also the idea of ​​a just society, there was an idea of ​​internationalism, for example, it was official, despite the fact that in reality some russian chauvinism was masked under it, and even lenin understood this when there about i wrote this, but, despite all this, the idea
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of ​​internationalism existed, now russia is absolutely undisguised, undisguised, such one hundred percent fascism of a new reincarnation. they are not ashamed of this, and in principle, today no one can challenge putin, as i mentioned here already the week before last, that, for example, at one time khrushchev slipped up by having a public quarrel with the then soviet academy of sciences, now the current putin has no opponents, no one, no academic, will tell him publicly that you know, you are wrong, vladimir vladimirovich , those academics are no longer there, or they have already left the country. so in what sense is it worse than stalinism now? moreover, stalinism fully supported, moreover, considering what russia is doing to the occupied territories, these are the best traditions that they took not only from stalinism, and they took
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from fascism in general, these are all our childhood memories of prisoners in concentration camps, about gauleiter. which were put by the fascists at the time during the german occupation of our territory, all the references to auschwitz and so on, all this is repeated in the gulag and auschwitz in their best, well, if you can say so in their best, yes, but in their most effective performance today, because torture, illegal detention, illegal imprisonment, stokachestvo, black... funnels a bunch of policemen and all the formations that are law enforcement, the complete absence of rights and freedoms, the complete absence of a free economy, business, market, and the complete absence of an independent society that can be divided
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according to the socio-political situation into strata, into some castes and clans, this does not exist, it is all artificial, this is... you know, this is what i asked myself, well , russia has in itself, fascism, stalinism, combined, after 70 years they rebooted it, and in fact they do it very well, because, well, the whole all propaganda, that's it methodists and fascists and the scoop, hitler-yugen, today they practically have them, they have students who are collecting drones somewhere beyond the urals. without not having the right to refuse it, they have the fact that people are electrocuted in berdyansk in the 77th colony and so on, the best traditions of all the worst that has happened in the history of mankind, this is all represented by russia today, it is true, mr. viktor,
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thank you, viktor dudukalov, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, was with us, dear friends, i already have a video about how good muscovites are in a very aesthetic way. boxes, i looked, they are not wooden, they are not wooden, they are pure plywood and even the stakes from this one are made of pressed cardboard, so we will show you later, meanwhile you... you can subscribe to our social networks, there is a lot of interesting information there , you can also go to the site and find exclusive interviews there, and not only, at the end, when we make announcements about the collections, there also in the express volunteers section, you can find the collection that is doing which.. . our tv channel, we have several of them at once in order to support our military. meanwhile, we
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now we are adding to the conversation andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, head of the social research center and member of the board of the public organization intellect of sumy region. ms. andriano, welcome. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. how did the night pass in sumsy , sumy region, were there any shellings, are there any casualties? well, yes, the night was difficult enough, and we... the terrorist country did not allow us to sleep properly the night before and spend the night peacefully, at 10:00 pm yesterday in the regional center there were loud explosions, in fact, now they are reporting hitting the e-e infrastructure, a certain civilian infrastructure, there is no information about the victims, well, but just the same... and the day before and that night, our border was shelled, the civilian civilian
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population suffers, a large part of the population centers of the region, in particular, which are directly located in a ten-kilometer zone, virtually depopulated, the shelling of the large letterbox, khotyn, krasnopill, bilopyll actually continues. all these communities, these are about 11 communities of our region, which are gradually being destroyed by the terrorist country. these stories are from the great scribe, they are painful to read, because people say that they leave for the day, that is, they leave for the night and come back for the day, because they try to trample the gardens, trample the livestock that remained, block the windows, well, and then with ... they escape again and, unfortunately, state that , probably, this community will no longer exist. well, yes,
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now the head of the community says that more than every second house, yes, more than half of the buildings have been completely destroyed, in general, private houses, residences, destroyed or partially damaged, actually not there. yard in velyka pyserivka, where people did not know, did not experience one or another harm from the so-called neighbors, really its main, main population, in particular - young people, children, women, left, some part of elderly people who have nowhere to leave , or the so-called vulnerable categories, when, in fact, they don't have either. enough money to even temporarily move, they stay in the community,
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observes, we observe such shuttle shuttle migrations, that is, people come now it's warmer, try something to organize in their homestead, because they are already thinking about how to actually survive the next winter, as well as the main income of a large part of people. after all, this is income from their homestead, uh, well, in my opinion, the local government showed itself very well in this difficult situation, the mayor herself went from house to house, persuading people, when there was, when there was danger, she persuaded people to leave, to save their lives, they organized evacuation routes to actually help. people who do not have their own transport can leave now
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the local authorities say that some part of the people are really trying to preserve their housing, they are trying to preserve their buildings, to do something or something with the economy that was left there, yes, that is, well, we will see how the situation will develop further, although we understand that it is already there a calm, happy life is unlikely in the near future... are people talking among themselves about the possibility of an attack on the sumy region? well, they've been talking about it for two years, we actually were. one of the first to see the occupiers in their region, i remember on february 24, 2022, when these occupiers drove through the city on their tanks, but they were afraid to stay in our regional center and realized that in fact
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death awaited them from every window, people armed themselves, well, even elementary ... with such hunting and hunting weapons, they were ready to defend their homes, defend their land, that 's why they demonstratively drove around and left the borders, the borders of our city and did not stay in the regional center, this threat remains, of course, from one side we see an increase of the border, and last week there was actually a report of such a regional council... the leadership of the regional authorities about how the border is being strengthened, serious work is being done to prepare the territorial defense, the local population will also, in fact, not allow the enemy to advance, here, although there are such threats, and this is actually the escalation that took place two
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weeks ago in velikoppisarivsk. in the region, people were actually afraid that it could end, actually, that the invaders would return to our region, but it was still possible to stop, stop their advance such, at least remote, yes? without remote attacks, we wish that this day in sumy oblast would pass peacefully. andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, head of the center for social studies and members. management of the public organization, the intelligence of sumy oblast was with us, we talked about what is happening in the region, which, unfortunately, was not the most fortunate, because it borders three other russian oblasts, now we are going on a short break, we will return and move to kherson oblast, which is constantly , although it does not border russia, is constantly under russians about shelling, stay with us, let's talk about the situation there, tired
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week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with au sisters. dear friends, we are back on the air, continuing our roll call, kherson oblast is in touch with us, serhii khlan, deputy of the kherson regional council, is already appearing on your screens. good morning, mr. sergey. congratulations, kherson region is ukraine, glory to ukraine. how did kherson region survive this night, what is this morning like? well, the shelling hasn't passed, you know, the shelling is constant, the occupiers don't give rest, not a single night. was still not calm in the city of kherson, the city constantly hears explosions, and you know, such a feeling of constant cannonading is present in the city of kherson, and not
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only in the city of kherson, in all settlements along the coast of the dnieper, explosions, explosions and arrivals are constantly heard, and accordingly the counter-battery struggle of our armed forces is the answer to the occupiers, because if the counter-battery struggle does not work, then the occupiers become completely insolent, that is why it is the work of our armed forces to push the enemy away from the dnieper coast so that they cannot inflict such number, a constant number of blows they make on the right bank, from the left bank, to push away. them to a greater distance, but it should be noted that the occupiers use absolutely all types of weapons, including unmanned aerial vehicles, by the way, their
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number has increased, which drop explosives, and it can be stated that in most cases, it is the dropping of explosions on to civilians who simply move either by motor vehicle or by bicycle on the streets of populated areas. is growing significantly, and the occupiers have already started using ballistics in the regional center, in critical infrastructure facilities, almost every day we note hits either in the gas network or in the electricity distribution network, the occupiers are doing everything to make life impossible both in the city of kherson and in the right-bank part. kherson oblast, along with this, they launch such, you know, uh, ipso about the fact that the city of kherson will be evacuated,
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because the occupiers are about to, they constantly call the dates of the forcing of the dnieper, uh, the dates of what they will capture again the city of kherson, so it was also in march, unfolded like this. the constant, you know, pumping of information that there will be forcing in berezhnaya, now a new wave of this propaganda already says that there will be forcing again in may, but it must be understood that this is nothing more than informational propaganda of the occupiers, because our armed forces are quite powerfully control just the water surface, and movement in general. the enemy on the left bank, along the coast, just opposite the city of kherson, all the efforts of the occupiers there to strengthen their presence on the islands, in the shoals
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, end with the fact that their vessels find themselves and they replenish the submarine fleet of the russian federation, which never rises from the bottom of the dnieper, so you have to understand that this is all hype, this is all pro... propaganda, which contains absolutely nothing. i don't know if it will lift the mood, this video, which we will now show to the residents of the kherson region, but at least it will add some positivity. in fact , these coffins, which we talked about, were brought to bashkatorstan, as well as several trucks, with russians, good russians who decided to come to ukrainian land, their they actually brought it from the kherson region, so it’s not going very well there either, and as you can see, there is a comment there, we can’t give it, because it’s in russian, but he says, and here’s a car, and there’s another car, and there
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is a lot of it. boys, well , we like boys in such a pile, we see that the muscovites do not have enough money even for graves, not to make any normal ones, they riveted some plywood and packed them there, already the load of 200 is not the same, but plywood boxes and everything and everything, you know, destruction occupiers happens quite constantly, and just recently there was a very powerful arrival . in nova mayachka, where the so -called point of the occupiers was located, well, the occupiers call it a hospital, but you know, another of the zbigovian occupiers, which was quite effectively destroyed, precisely nova mayachka - this is the point exactly opposite the wells, which are already known to the whole world and even there reporting
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to shuigu putin. that krynka has already been completely cleared, well, the only thing is true that they cleared krynka as a settlement, they simply wiped it off the face of the earth, but the presence of our military is on the left bank, they carry out the tasks set precisely to destroy the occupiers on the left bank, and they are covered precisely by our main forces from the right bank, which is much higher, and all of them are trying to advance there close to the dnieper, in in the area of ​​krynok, in the area of ​​those positions, it ends with the destruction of the occupiers who pass there, two hundred immediately became two hundred, and three hundred took them to the new beacon, and in the new beacon there was a fairly powerful arrival, just before the destruction of those occupiers who were not destroyed right away, well, i don't know how the occupiers like this news?
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from kherson, it is probably not very pleasant either, kutuzov avenue in kherson was finally renamed, and now it is called shukhevych avenue. how did the people of kherson accept such a renaming? well, you know, the people of kherson quite optimistically and normally accept the renaming, because, well, the russian world has already shown all its aridity, and that's exactly what it is. changing to the malice of the day, just shukevich, what russians love the most, the greatest and our ukrainian hero, who is more to the liking of russians, just like that, you know, a symbol of the liberation of kherson, and by the way, a rise in fighting spirit for all kherson residents, for our military, and this once again means that kherson is a ukrainian city and will remain
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ukrainian forever. sochi, this is ukraine. kutuzov's eye probably twitches, because besides this avenue, many interesting ones have appeared , it's inconvenient when you have only one eye, you know, and one eye twitches and twitches, but it twitches because such streets have appeared, like levko lukyanenko, les kurbas, ivan bagryany, hnat hotkevich, pavlo chubynsky, well, in a word, but all dostoevskys, krylovs have disappeared, in a word, we are glad for the people of kherson that this decommunization is taking place, it is a pity, of course, that in such conditions, under such, under the pressure of the occupiers, but we have what we have, mr. serhiy, thank you, i wish you a peaceful day, serhii khlan, a deputy of the kherson regional council, was in touch with us, dear friends, you have already seen what is being prepared for our broadcast... which means that
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now we will watch, what it happened in ukraine and the world. cather, i congratulate you on the word. greetings, colleagues, i will tell you about in a moment emergency support for ukraine from the usa, as well as explosions in the russian city of kursk. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the russians launched four shaheds across ukraine. our defenders of the sky shot down four drones in the khmelnytskyi, zhytomyr, kirovohrad, and cherkasy regions. this was announced by the air force. the enemy attacked with drones from...


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