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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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for the protection of the russian federation. mr. serhiy, thank you. serhii zurets, ex-military expert, director of the information and consulting company defense express was with us, dear friends, we will be back on the air at 9:50. well, now a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that was... unleashed by russia.
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greetings to everyone, this is morning freedom, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting the information day. together with you, we talk about this on this broadcast. let's discuss with you the consequences of the russian attack on the dnipro: at least 18 people were injured, five children were hospitalized. why did the russian troops attack the city on april 2 and whether the rescue work was completed. president zelenskyi signed laws that reduce the age of mobilization from 27 to 25 years and introduce the electronic cabinet of conscripts. what will it affect and when will the documents come into effect. and why did the president not
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make a decision on lowering the mobilization age for nine months? in ukraine , the international war damage registry has become operational russian federation. there are already half a million complaints about damage to property. according to the government, there may be up to 8 million of them in other categories. how will this help the creation of an international tribunal for russia and why the world is not ready to prosecute a permanent member of the un security council. only important topics, sharp statements. operational news, join the svoboda ranok broadcast, take part in this broadcast, write your thoughts, comments and questions under the video on the radio liberty channel. four russian forces attacked ukraine that night shahed, mobile fire groups shot them down in khmelnytskyi, zhytomyr, kirovohrad and cherkasy regions. this is reported by the air force of the armed forces of ukraine. meanwhile, in the nikopol district of the dnipropetrovsk region , an unmanned aerial vehicle dropped ammunition on the myrivsk community. there are no dead or injured,
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serhiy lysak, the head of the dnipropetrovsk ova, reports. the authorities of dnipropetrovsk region also clarified the consequences of yesterday's attack on the dnipro. four educational institutions, nine apartment buildings, and 25 cars were damaged. earlier in the evening, 18 victims were reported there. twelve people are in the hospital, five of whom are children. i will note that around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the russian military hit the dnieper with a rocket, which damaged the children's. a kindergarten and a sports college, children and teachers were in shelter, our institution is always famous for discipline, first of all, so that children are educated, and then only we play sports, so thanks to our leadership, which always encouraged, you know, children, because here about 500 children studied, always forced to hide in the stairwell, and god, as they say, us away from this tragedy, polina palomarchuk,
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a social correspondent in dnipro, joined our broadcast. polina, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. please tell us what is known about the consequences of yesterday's attack and whether rescue operations are still ongoing? greetings kateryna, greetings to everyone. yes, i am currently working at the site of a missile strike. behind me, behind my back, one of the educational institutions, one, one of the four educational institutions that was affected, you can see that utility workers have been working here, since the morning, up to fifty of them, they are cleaning up broken glass. behind me i can see that all the windows are broken, and this is what the entire sports facility that is around here looks like, the wall structures are also damaged, i can see through the broken glass that there were classrooms behind me, that there were children studying there, there were maps, desks, behind what the children were studying, and also all the necessary things for the children to be able to study, i will remind you that 500 children were studying here in this complex at the time...
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there were 120 of them at the time of the rocket attack, they were all in shelters and this saved lives. we also spoke with the director of this institution, he said that four female students received minor shrapnel injuries because... they didn't have time, they then ran for cover and the last window that was in front of them was blown out by the shock wave and injured them, but they are in a good mood, they are already asking their trainer when they will they be able and will they be able to join the european cup, which will be this month, that is, they have been actively training and preparing for the competition, it is also known that here as a result of a rocket attack, 25 cars, four educational institutions and nine high-rise buildings were damaged, which are around, and communal services are working, they are also removing trees, branches from trees that have fallen, or are likely to fall as a result of the shock wave , they were blown away, this is all the information, we continue to follow, thank you for joining
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our broadcast, this was polina polamarchuk, a correspondent of the public in the dnipro, 640 m, exactly this distance from the position. of russian forces to the eastern outskirts of chasovoy yarushch in donetsk region of the kanal microdistrict. this is reported by the american institute for the study of war. russian pro-war publications write that it is to the canal that reserves are charged for attack on time ir. they also declare an advance in bohdanivka, northeast of the city, and in ivanivsk, east of it. the american institute for the study of war does not see confirmation of this information. but analysts of the deep state project confirm the advance of the russian army in ivanovo. in the ukrainian general staff , they say about six repulsed attacks in the bahamud direction, the ministry of defense of the russian federation reports on occupied more profitable lines near the time gap, and here is the minister of digital information mykhailo fedorov the day before showed how, with the help of a kamikaze ground robot, the ukrainian military blew up
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a bridge in ivanovo and thereby complicated the logistics of the russian army. this kamikaze ratels robot is used by the military as a mobile warhead that carries anti-tank mines. or a combat module, as fedorov wrote. it works remotely, so the operator can blow up an enemy tank or dugout from a safe place. meanwhile, about 900 people remained in the temporary yar at the end of march, according to the national police, and not a single surviving house was left in the city. and further we will talk about the situation there. serhii chaus, head of chasovoyarsk city military administration, joined our broadcast. congratulations, mr. serhiy. thank you for joining, and i ask you to tell the society what the situation is now in the time gap, i wish you health, the situation, the situation is stable and difficult, daily shelling, shelling that does not subside, silence in the city,
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the last months simply does not exist, there are some moments of respite, but it is all nominal, every day artillery... aviation, mortars, every day it is more and more difficult, it is precisely from security situation, with regard to the humanitarian situation, well at this moment we can say yes, we continue to work, humanitarian aid residents receive it, water delivery, the minimum set of what can be done during hostilities, we carry out, regardless of all the risks, regardless of the complex the situation, you previously... said that the evacuation from the city is very passive, has this figure changed in any way, that there are somewhere around 900 people staying there now, and has there not been an increase in the number of people wanting to leave there, perhaps these days? well, at the moment 875 remains with us
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community, we have reduced the number a little bit, people have moved a little bit, but to say that it is, let 's say... a big flow, no, i can't say, people still stay in their apartments and in their houses, and you see the number, the number is not small, so we continue to work, we are trying to prove it, yesterday we arranged , just to make it clear, an online bridge, a telebridge, if it was what it was called before, with one of the counters, which is located in central ukraine, showing our residents who have already left, who they... get, we try to prove to people that evacuation saves lives, therefore, with joint efforts, the district, region, city administration, we work and try to prove, well, of course, evacuate people in the case of their application or information that they
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agree to this, and if we talk about that, maybe about the motives , why do people stay because as you mentioned earlier... are the majority there retired and people just don't know where to go? yes, this is true, the majority are people of retirement age, people far away. far past 60, to say that they do not know where to go is not quite right, they do not understand how they will see themselves in society in the future, here they are at home, so constant danger, so constant shooting, so lack of electricity, normal water, lack of gas, but they are at home, this is their main, as they say , an informative narrative, they just said, they say that i am at home, and i have nowhere to go, we are trying
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to break it, we are trying to prove it, we appeal to relatives who have left, to friends, to acquaintances, with video appeals with audio, but on sorry, so far it's very, very difficult, the armed forces said earlier that ukrainian forces are building fortifications in the area of ​​the city of chasiv yarna, donetsk. this statement was at the end of february, in your opinion, was it not too late then, what can you say about the fortifications at all, do they protect the city enough, in your opinion, well, let's give the fortifications , we will leave it to the military, this is a topic that is not completely for the live broadcast, thank you mr. serhii, for joining and informing about the situation in the city, serhii chaus, head of chasoyarsk city military administration. joined the svoboda ranok broadcast. next, we
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return to the situation in the dnipro, taking into account yesterday's russian shelling, what are the consequences, what can be said about how many victims, andrii kulbach, the deputy head of the dnipropetrovsk ova, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast. thank you for joining. mr. andriy, can you update the information about the consequences... of yesterday's russian shelling of the city, good afternoon, yes, around 5 p.m., yesterday the enemy launched a missile attack on the city of dnipro, as a result of the missile attack, the today 18 people, six of them children, from 14 to 17 years old, currently 12 people, five children, are hospitalized, all of them are in a moderate condition. two buildings were damaged as a result of the rocket attack, well, two buildings were damaged,
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as educational institutions, this is a sports school and a kindergarten, by the way, the sports school is the school where our students, known all over the world, were educated, including yaroslava mogutchyk, mykhailo kohan, anna ryzhikova, denys kysil. er, who will represent our country at the olympic games this year, and a social media correspondent just went on the air a few minutes ago, she said that some students, they just had time to run to the shelter, and there the first windows were just exploding, what can you say about the possibility of using shelters in the dnipro and how much time there is, or is there enough time ? from the beginning of the alarm there, from the moment the russian forces ordered this strike, until the moment when people actually had the opportunity
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to hide. on the territory of the city of dnipro , there are currently 464 shelters, 84 modular shelters have also been built, which speeds up protection our city residents from rocket attacks, to protect them. but according to the alarm signals, everything depends on what is flying. unfortunately, we have ballistics every day, according to forecasts, and ballistics is a very quick time from the moment of empty launch to the announcement, the alarm signal, but those people who are nearby, they will always be able to protect themselves... and it was aimed, was a targeted strike on a sports college, why there,
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do you have an explanation? well, i can't say whether it is aimed or not, it will be determined by our experts, military experts, to compare there on the maps and yes, on the march of the movement of this rocket, there is no such data at the moment, mr. andriy, if we talk about the analysis of debris and... what the hell, is this work currently ongoing, or has it been finished as of yesterday? er, the missile attack was, well, carried out, the missile exploded in... in the air, it did not damage, there was no direct hit on the objects, there were broken windows, doors, work on their equipment will be started as soon as possible, first you will be a sports school , then we will move on to kindergarten. thank you, mr. andriy, for joining, andriy
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kulbach, deputy head of the dnipropetrovsk ova, was a guest of svoboda ranok. and then we will talk about lowering the age of mobilization from 27 to 25 years old, as well as the electronic office of a conscript and re-passing the military medical commission is limited to fit. president volodymyr zelenskyi signed the corresponding laws the day before, and the law on lowering the age of mobilization to 25, proposed by the government. by the way, the verkhovna rada adopted it back in may 23. after that, it was handed over. to the president, but he has not yet received it signed it is interesting that the regulation on mobilization from the age of 25 is also in the government bill on mobilization, amendments to which are still being considered in the parliament. another law, which was approved by the president the day before, provides for the re-passing of the military medical commission by those men who have so far been recognized as having limited fitness for military
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service. it must be done within nine months. the restricted status has now been removed. another signed law regarding the electronic cabinet of conscripts, it was adopted by the verkhovna rada back in january this year, information from other state registers will be added to the register of conscripts, there will be contact numbers or mail, information about foreign language skills or documents giving the right to be a citizen of ukraine or information about passing a medical examination there. in addition, this law simplifies obtaining the status of a combatant. actions, so that it can be issued on the basis of a certificate in electronic form, about the direct participation of a person in the defense of the state. we will talk about what impact this will have and how it will strengthen the ukrainian army. oleksiy hetman, a military expert, joined our broadcast. i congratulate you, mr. oleksii, thank you for participating, i hope that with your help we will try to understand the new changes that await ukrainians.
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well, you know, they just, just started these changes, just signed the law. any law can be analyzed, we, well, a lot of laws were adopted by the supreme council and signed by the president of the country, and they are like a law, like the letters on a letter, they looked very attractive, and then when these laws began to slip, well, often it became clear that something needs to be done there, and the result of the action of some law was not always what we expected, that's why the law. well, of course, it is not bad, well, no less, it is understandable, because the restriction is suitable - it is, well , during the war, most likely, such a norm does not have, should not be, a person can be either suitable or unsuitable, limited is suitable, it was, more precisely, there it was so that a person is limited in his suitability for a limited time, in wartime he can be attached
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to the armed forces, because there is a lot that what do you have to do in the army, no it's not... necessarily some even heavy physical exertion, well, let's go, well, well, any example, well, a cook, for example, well, that's for sure, well, that's fine, you can invent something there difficult, well, even the clerk, well, for example, well, this is also a person who has to be there, well, he, it is hardly a very difficult job, well, there are such changes that they are taking place, that those who received the status of limited suitability, nowadays during 10 months must pass again. commission to get the status either suitable or unsuitable, however, however there will be fixate on where to send such a person taking into account the specifics of health, that is, in your opinion, it will be more effective, well, of course, well, listen, we, we are talking about a lot , we are talking about the russian army, which should add another 300 thousand there or, well, the fact that they are intensifying, they are intensifying their production of the military-industrial complex,
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increasing the number of people at the front, well, they are they are intensifying it against us, well, we need... we need to match the weapons, what do we expect from our partners, well and that's about it we say a lot, but about the fact that we need people who will use these weapons, for some reason we are so very careful, we don't even say, we need, we need people, big, we need people on the battlefield, that's what the syrian commander said , that we don't need half a million, well, that calmed everyone down, we need 100 thousand, 200 thousand, 300. well, in any case, we need more people, those people who left voluntarily, they are all already there, those, well voluntarily, the most motivated, people who volunteered. other people, they hesitate, well, this is a normal situation, yes, any country that conducts hostilities and waged war, the army in any
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country did not consist of 100% volunteers, well, this has never happened, well, you say so, the need there is, and it is obvious that the need will still exist, and this is a perspective for years, but here is another signed law regarding the electronic account of a conscript, and now the ministry of defense will be able to receive personal information about men aged 17 to 60 years. years from the registers of the ministry of justice, the ministry of internal affairs, the cec and also the state border service, this is exactly for that categories of people, you say, those who wanted to, already left, those who don’t really want to or don’t care, and now the ministry of defense will have information about everyone already there, well, how about another way, wait, well, this is very strange, i know several cases of cases, i don't want to just make it worse, but if i get worse sooner or later in kyiv myself, i see people coming from other cities, these are not refugees, they are people coming there, for some reason they like kyiv and they don't are on the military register, they, they in no way, that is, they, i understand
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somewhere in other places, i don't want to name these places, but if you want, i can do it very, very carefully, because it annoys me, people come and show off the fact that they ran away, let them find us, rent apartments and very good, i just saw how they behave and they... feel very good, well, they are not where they rent housing, they are not officially registered, contracts are not officially concluded, and a person just lives, and where he is is where he should be registered, there in another city, he, he is simply not there, and he continues some of his incomprehensible activities there, well, remotely, as they say, that’s why such a registration is, of course, but how come, i am these people in order not to start. how smart to run away, everyone should defend the motherland, this is not defending the motherland, sorry, this is not a right, but a duty, like it, don't like it,
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you know, someone likes it, pockets, well, this is a criminal article, and you will sit in prison for everything , like what you mean like it or not, it must be said that the obligation to register at the new place of residence is as it is, but it is impossible to control it there, another one of such important ones. there would be a desire, there would be a desire, another important point is the lowering of the mobilization age from 27 to 25 years old, and it seems to support the ability of the ukrainian army to restore and reconstruct existing units and create new ones, this was said at the institute for the study of war, but there it is also noted that all the mobilized should be properly armed military personnel, western aid is already needed, so in your opinion, this is a decision that was not easily given, obviously, because it was not adopted for months. how will it strengthen the ukrainian army in general and is this alone enough, especially without proper western aid, well, let’s go again, you understand, here you
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are also turning the question like this, whether let’s go like this, western aid is one thing, the number of people is another, these are forces and means, that's how it's called in the armenian language, forces are people, means are what they fight with, if on... then we have in any case, we need additional people in the armed forces in any case, so why is the term from 25 years, and why not from 23 years, for example, well, for me, i am 27 years old, let's take 45 years already, why yes, why in the army, when there was a draft , people are called up from the age of 18, and it is considered that they can perform combat tasks. and when it is necessary to fight and mobilize, then from 25 in 7 years, and why so, it is not clear to me at all, and it seems like some very
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such a decision, almost scary from 27, but what about 27 it was, but not the 47th, why again, why is it possible to draft a person into the army at the age of 18 and train him and serve in the army, that is , we have some funny troops, what was in russia, those people who are 18-20 years old. .. that is, these were people not for the war, for the war they sat in the rear, and then now let's let those who are 25 and older raise them. ugh. your opinion is clear here, i also want to tell our viewers that there are many changes in fact and for military personnel currently in these laws signed by the president, there is an analysis on the radio liberty website, you can go search, read. oleksiy, there is one more topic that i want to discuss with you. oleksandr lukashenko, during a working trip to grodno, which is not far from the border of belarus with poland and lithuania, said that it was supposed to be belarus. he does not want to fight, but, as he said, he is preparing for war against unfriendly countries, let's listen, then discuss. believe no one, no one, that we want to fight, we
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are preparing for... war, i speak about this frankly: if you want peace, prepare for war, i did not invent it, it is correctly said, that is why we are preparing for war. and here are the words lukashenka, the necessary training of units is currently underway. i will also note that on the eve of the training of territorial defense forces in the regions bordering ukraine, lithuania and poland, belarus started, the press service of the belarusian ministry of defense reported about this. oleksiy, is belarus preparing for war? but she was cooking. and is getting ready, he already told, well, there were so many memes, i will show you from four pages who and how they were going to attack belarus, well, he, you understand, there is russian equipment, there missiles were launched at us from belarus, there were bases for their planes, for mig-31 and so on, that is, they are very , very much involved in the war, but he is afraid and understands that if the belarusian troops start without...
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mediocre with chevrons belarusian troops, if belarusian troops start military operations against ukraine, we will respond very seriously. and so far , as far as i know, diplomatic relations with belarus have not been severed, then they will be severed, then they will be, well, this is already a political issue, what is being prepared there, what is there there are large ones, well, the wagnerites were there, there are still a large number of russian troops there, camps are being built there for the movement of russian troops, if there is a need, if there is an attempt by the russians to attack, russian-belarusian troops to attack from the north. a lot is done there, so it is both for domestic consumption and for, well, maybe for international consumption, which he does not want, but he is preparing that he will be forced, he is not, he wants to run tests between krapalik, but i am sure that he does not will succeed 100%, and the russian federation will answer to the international courts afterwards, as if he does not tell us, he can tell himself
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and believe himself. the court, the court will make a completely different decision, again, he likes it, he doesn't like it, we like a lot here, that is, what we don't like, the authorities can't do, and the court too, lukashenko, here we are about conscripts, yes, maybe the court will also be a gas court, the tribunal will ask if you like lukashenko or not, that you are a criminal, and if you don’t like it, you are all scumbags, you can go home, no, dear, it won't be like that, everyone will be recorded according to your words, by the way, there will be more... oleksiy hetman, a military expert, was a guest of svoboda ranok. if you like this broadcast, have questions, by the way, for the speakers, have your thoughts about what you heard, be sure to comment on this video, it
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helps us understand. what do you think about, what topics are important to you, and also, of course, it helps to support our channel and promote this video on ukrainian youtube. meanwhile, the ukrainians submitted the first few hundred of complaints to the international register of damages, which officially began work on april 2, and according to the calculations of the ukrainian government , half a million complaints are expected about damage to property alone, and in total there may be up to 8 million in other categories. how exactly will it work... registers and where ukraine has advanced in the issue of creating a special tribunal for russia, the day before, by the way, was discussed in gaza. there , an international conference gathered ministers of justice and prosecutors from more than fifty countries. our colleague will tell you more details olena abramovich in brussels. if politicians really want justice, lawyers and bankers will find a way to achieve it. this is how the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine,
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dmytro kuleba, outlined the essence of the future tribunal for russia. together with... colleagues, prosecutors, ministers of justice from fifty countries, they discussed the format of the tribunal, having previously heard a video call from the ukrainian president to speed up the search for solutions. i urge all of you not to deviate from our common line, the line of justice, and i ask you not to slow down. we must do everything possible to strengthen justice, so that justice truly strengthens our common security. protection against aggression and terror. may real peace be restored quickly and may anyone who destroys peace be truly afraid to stand trial in gas. exactly what the future tribunal will be is still a debatable issue, which is why such conferences are convened. the european commission took responsibility for this issue. we have already decided on a place there. the brussels tribunal wants to see in gas, but we must first agree on the format, whether it is a hybrid ukrainian and international format.


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