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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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i tried herovital. gerovital+ is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital+ - good health, active life. the herovital energy novelty is even more iron for good causes. herovital energy - reception once a day. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola. september sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is mr. norban dreaming of, can you imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday - 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time, two hours to
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to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like a kind of person to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast in winter, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening with an espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are back on the air, we continue our marathon. i will remind you that we work until 12 o'clock in the studio of leysa vokulyuk, andriy seychuk, and we will continue to talk about matters at the front, besides...
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i remind you that our collection is ongoing and please watch for the appearance of qr codes and card numbers on the screens, now you see, these are the qr codes and card numbers of mono and the private bank, we are collecting for the 93rd brigade of the cold yar and the 72nd brigade of the black zaporozhets are collecting drones for fpv, which are not very necessary in order to destroy the muscovites and thin their ranks, we need to collect as much as 2 million. the amount is huge, and it's scary when i look at it, but it's not scary when i see how our viewers write about the fact that they contribute their hryvnia to our collection, we encourage everyone to do this, it does not have to be a large amount, but the main thing is that there are many of you, here, well , we are there in the meantime, by the way, we are interested in this drone , which flew into this. in
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tatarstan, yes, there is an interesting character in a word, he is a general, he is retired, it seems that he is a member of the russian state duma gurulov or gurulov. i don't know correctly, he is always like that in solovyov, in skabieva, like that, you are the author of the idea that all ukrainians should be killed from time to time to drop a nuclear bomb, he is such a super hawk in them, for example, he put forward an interesting theory that the drone was actually launched from kazakhstan, that it is the kazakhs, they are actually on the side of ukraine, and there kazakhstan is simply not far from kazakh the border, somewhere around 150 kilometers, you know. at the most and what they said, this is where the kazakhs launched at us, not such an interesting version, i think that the russians should open a second front, the exiled cossacks, so the kazakhs and the cossacks, and the cossacks everything, everything is mixed up in the head this gurulev or gurulyov, well, even though
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it is smaller, i have such a head that it can get mixed in there, it can get mixed up and it got mixed up in the head, you know who, in kusturitsi, although it got mixed up in him a long time ago, it got mixed up. got mixed up, he is terribly in love with russian culture, with such a russian soviet soul, but not only that he got mixed up, his career is also coming to an end, and he decided towards the end of his career that he needed a little i wanted to earn money and where to take that money, i decided that i should take it from putin, i came to him to beat the cholobit, well, putin, as you can see, has once again planted all the gardeners at that huge table of his, well, but bushwhacker, as we can see, is a little less afraid. from that narrower side of the table, and kusturitsa tells him how badly he wants to make that movie, moreover, it should be a triptych, says kusturitsa, and kryptyk is based on various works, or inspired by the works, of russian writers, but in particular among
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those clustered russian writers on the basis of which kusturitsa wants to make his films, there is also gogol, we have a lot going on here disputes, then gogol's, ours or russian? because it seems he was born in ukraine, but as we can see, even kusturitsa considers him russian, putin said something to the coquettish sturitsa and said that where are you going before your career ends, you are still a young person compared to putin and, yes, putin everything is really just beginning, so to speak, his career, listen to putin and, well, he just recently became president, he just recently became president, so to be a young president, full of strength, he still has a long way to go career... there will be a tsar, it will not be short either, towards the end he will become, and then he will become a saint, no, an emperor, and then a saint, well, i think a saint posthumously, although anything can happen and in russia you that they are canonizing in russia right away, but it is surprising that they have not done it yet, a little, by the way, let's
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also talk about the russian orthodox church and what and how, i will remind you that we are not gathering together, but first you know what i wanted to say , what we're collecting them for, including just reminding robly, the military expert. is not ukrainian, he is famous in the world, and not russian, please, these are not rubles, please, he seems to be a retired colonel or general, he is a general, it seems that he has published, this is already confirmed data, i can show you, senior lieutenant nikita semychkin, who was a special commander of the russian game, this is their elite special unit. awarded with the order of courage, on march 16 , a cumulative charge or some other charge of an ordinary fpv drone fell on him, and the hero, one of the best russian commanders, on march 16, died near
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the frontier or tick, in other words, in this he worked in this zone, i.e. the usual ones. and you understand that these were ordinary donations of ordinary viewers, maybe it was a drone that was, in fact, for which we collected money last month, and this drone killed one of the best russian special forces fighters, their legendary game there, dear friends, this time we are collecting fpv drones for them for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and for the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, we are collecting 2 million, let's show it again, here are these ads, you see two qr codes and you also see two numbers cards, take more pieces of paper, take a pen, write down, or take a phone, take a picture, i mean, if you don't know how
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to use qr codes, then just take a picture of the card numbers and tell how sorry you are, because you, you don't feel sorry for the muscovites, so you should not spare money for... the sacks, which will not feel sorry for the muscovites, they will send them to the other world and take them from our land. our military will be grateful to you for this, we will be especially grateful because... because we will feel your love, we already have less than 13 hryvnias left in order for us to have at least the 10th part of our collection, and let me remind you, we need as much as 2 million, so far we are approaching the 200,000 mark, and in the meantime we want also tell you about the diagnosis of post-traumatic syndrome, which was made in the first two months in ukraine. the same number of patients as in the entire year 2021,
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the ministry of health was informed about this, mental disorders are recorded in people regardless of gender and age, how to cope with this ailment, how to help yourself and your relatives, our colleague lyubov gerashchenko will tell. the war is a very serious test for the psyche of ukrainians, this problem is widespread both for the military and for civilians who experience stress and panic every day. anger and other negative emotions in various manifestations. at risk are not only those who live close to the front or under occupation, but also people from relatively peaceful regions. one of the most common mental disorders today is post-traumatic stress disorder, or ptsd. as the director of one of the medical centers in bila tserkva and psychologist oleksandr tells kiyan, such a condition requires careful diagnosis. ptsd appears as a result. an unsuccessfully resolved problem situation over which a person had no control, and those situations
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over which they have no control, for example, there a person loses contact for a certain period of time, or something else, then this causes, causes mental disorders regarding ptsd, in children, in children they are also manifested when the child could see violence, be an eyewitness to some violence or other actions that are even related. not with a person, yes, not with a person suffering from ptsd. the symptoms of the disorder may occur shortly or long after the traumatic event , within the first three months. they can manifest themselves due to hyperarousal, anxiety, irritability, problems with memory, sleep and emotional devastation. accompanying symptoms can be bad sleep, bad mood, apathy, unwillingness to live and plan. today, and your future, and of course, it is probably a little
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close, it can be chronic fatigue, but it still needs to be distinguished. importantly to recognize such symptoms and to consult a specialist in time, or to help relatives and friends go through this psychologically difficult path. but as for treatment, there are many methods from symptoms to improving physical condition, helping to cope with the problem. in sports, walks in the fresh air, communication with a psychologist and loved ones. sedatives or other medications may be prescribed separately, but ptsd should not be confused with other mental disorders . there are actually several groups of symptoms that can tell about what a person has post-traumatic stress disorder develops. first, there are intrusive, intrusive memories of a traumatic event that are uncontrollable. which are involuntary, which are very painful, at the moment of these memories, a person seems to plunge into a traumatic
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situation again and again. the second group of symptoms are symptoms of avoidance, when actually, due to the fact that the memories cause a lot of suffering and pain, a person tries to avoid everything and everyone that reminds him of the trauma. in the spring of last year , a communication campaign was launched in ukraine within the limits of the all-ukrainian mental health program at the initiative of the first. olena zelenska. how are you? also, with ptsd, it is worth contacting family doctors who have been trained under the voz program and can help with mental health issues. if necessary, they refer to a narrow specialist, psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist. the service is absolutely free, because it is provided within the framework of the medical guarantee program. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. well, dear friends, we are coming back, i already see that little by little, little by little,
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somehow it is moving, we are moving the collection, which today is quite, quite difficult, i don't know, it seems that you are tired, maybe it is, of course, i understand everything, i understand that a little money is also bad now, but i think that it is not as bad for all of us as it is hard, hard for our soldiers. on the front line, on which the muscovites are pressing, and those muscovites in fact should become fewer with our help as well, because you can help our military to increase the number of fpv. drones, with which they will destroy those muscovites. qr codes, numbers cards, record, scan. 5375, 41,12, 16, 53, 13, 14, at least that's one card number. we are collecting for the 93rd and 72nd brigades, but the second card number, unfortunately, i will not see, because
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the screen is far from me. if you are able to approach . approach the screen, write down the card numbers, scan the qr-codes and transfer them as much as possible, remember that we must be together with the armed forces. here, well, in the meantime, we are talking about what, what, what, what, we say that next we will talk about what is happening with ukrainian political prisoners, people who got into russian. ihor kotelyanets will be a prisoner in our country, he is the head of the association of relatives of political prisoners of the kremlin, we will talk about this issue in the near future, good information new york times, by the way, wrote about the fact that ukraine is now deporting eight sao bohdans, let me remind you that this there is ukrainian development, which was done initially on
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the chassis of the krazu, large krazus, cargo trucks, and now tatra supplies. theirs with armored cabins and special seats against mines, which also protect the armored backs, here and on the chassis of the czech tatra these ukrainian saushkas are made, so to speak, self-propelled artillery installations, this is the first ukrainian saushka, which is adapted for firing 155 nato caliber, is very, very advanced at 40 km and hits the target with a gun. rockets up to 65 km, let us remind you that it was bohdana that was used for the shelling of snake island before its liberation, that such a fact is interesting, in a word, eight pieces per month is not a bad result, that is, it is about 90 sau produced per year, ukraine can now own production, it is powerful, powerful, powerful
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case. ihor kotelyanets, head of the association of relatives of kremlin political prisoners. are already in touch with us, mr. igor, we are glad to welcome you, good afternoon, ms. igor, mr. igor, please tell us what your association does, who it cares for, well, since 2016, when it was not yet of a full-scale invasion, therefore they mainly took care of the fate of political prisoners in crimea and on the territory of the russian federation, our citizens of ukraine. by the 22nd year, there were about 200 of them, and we thought that this was the biggest problem and the largest scale of them, yes, which can happen, but after the 22nd year , all our efforts and all our programs, they became relevant for thousands of new civilians who were actually held
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hostage by the occupier, because new territories in zaporizhzhya were occupied. kherson region on the territory of kyiv, chernihiv, and sumy regions, and, let's say, now the category of citizens whom we help, yes, they can simply be called civilians in prison, their families, recently the pope of rome, i don't know if you have seen this is his easter address, he said that everyone should be exchanged for everyone, it was about prisoners, actually, or... in connection with the pope's appeal, someone was already decided to be exchanged, or was someone lucky, unfortunately, after the 22nd year and, let's say, it became more difficult to communicate with state authorities authorities in ukraine, it is of course related to the martial law, but we are not told whether
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there will be any exchange or who will be involved. exchange, and if there was a working group in the president’s office before the 22nd year, and we had access to at least some information, now we essentially learn the same from everyone, and through tv screens, the most we can know is that there is a certain announcement in a few days, that maybe now there will be an exchange, but who will be exchanged, we never know, unfortunately, of course, that each person is extremely . it is important from those who ended up in this russian captivity, but some people are simply more famous, and we are now, in particular, i would like to mention, in particular, maksym butkevich on... our colleague, and i myself, a person, this is ours, this is ours , this is our good familiar human rights defender who mobilized at
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the beginning of the war to defend kyiv, in particular was captured by the russians, we don't have a lot of information about maks butkevich, or what efforts are being made, particularly about his return and what you can say about this story, well, i really hope that... there are indeed some efforts, because maksym butkevich, yes, he is trying, he is a man of such a large scale, yes, he is a very famous law enforcement officer, but nevertheless in march, if i am not mistaken, of the 22nd year, he publicly announced that he was ceasing his law enforcement activities and joining the army, that this is his conscious decision, he joined the army, he was taken prisoner, and as you understand, now... let's say, in the context of his future release, his activity as a law enforcement officer in civilian life, yes, for sure, it will, let's say, maybe not be so
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important, because first of all he is a military man, and accordingly he should be dismissed as a military man, but i personally really hope that it will help maxim on the contrary, for the simple reason that we see... that in the last two years, all the exchanges that have taken place, mostly the majority of those dismissed are especially the military, if you try count how many civilians ukraine managed to add to the list and free, for sure this number will not exceed more than 5% of the total number of freed people, that is, only 5% are civilians, and... all the rest are military, but i am now some kind of i call very approximate numbers, as i know them, so i hope that
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on the contrary maxim will have more chances, maybe even this year to be released, but in general , you correctly point out that there are people, well there are people who are more famous in the media , there are people with the status of troops. there are people who held certain positions, for example, in the temporarily occupied territories, yes, when they were not yet temporarily occupied, but they were mayors, they were deputies, they headed some organizations there, and they did not cooperate with the enemy, they deliberately chose the path that we we are responsible for our communities, and we will not set such an example, for the communities, we will steadfastly... wait for the armed forces and they ended up in captivity, and there are people, and of course, that these people must be released and must be recognized the fact of their feat,
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the fact of their courage, at least in that situation, and there are still a lot of civilians, thousands of civilians, very different numbers, the ombudsman's office suggests that there may be about 16,000 civilians in ... detention by the occupiers, these are people who lived in themselves at home, to which the occupier came, according to this number, these are the fates of specific people, specific families. ihor kotylyanets, the head of the association of relatives of kryvlia police officers, was in touch with us, dear friends, stay with us, we still have an hour of the espresso marathon ahead, it's working, our marathon continues, so stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws,
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unpacked just for you, you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work - it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement with a strong saw only. see how quickly it handles even thick branches once it's ready, and unlike standard saws, it's so convenient to use in hard- to-reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants: a powerful strong saw is what you need. call! the premium
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the woman will be punished for the attack on the minibus of the territorial picking center. the police began investigating the case in khmelnytskyi region, the western operational command reported. previously, a resident of the shepetiv district damaged the car of the tsk employees, which opened administrative proceedings against her for
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a minor offense. hooliganism, a woman can receive a fine.


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