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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the woman will be punished for the attack on the minibus of the territorial picking center. the police began investigating the case in khmelnytskyi region, the western operational command reported. previously, a resident of the shepetivskyi district damaged the car of the tsk employees, which opened administrative proceedings against her for petty hooliganism. a woman can receive a fine. or it will be awarded by public or
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corrective works they tried to carry out sabotage in the kharkiv region. the security service kidnapped a family of pro-russian agents. the brother and sister scouted the movement of echelons of ukrainian defenders in the liman direction. they set the coordinates of the supply of weapons to the front by railway, they wanted to blow up the tracks, fortunately the law enforcement officers managed to prevent the enemy's plans. the traitors were arrested and face life imprisonment. an 11-year-old boy and his father were killed by enemy shelling in the village of novoosynove in kharkiv region. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration oleg sinygubov the family was in their own yard when an enemy shell flew by. a 58-year-old man died on the spot, while the child was hospitalized in serious condition. the boy died in the hospital. and already at night, the occupiers dropped guided aerial bombs on the city. kupyansk and
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the villages of borova and kucherivka. as a result of the attack , private houses and the building of an educational institution were destroyed. fortunately, no one was hurt. one person died as a result of an enemy attack in the kherson region. the occupiers invaded and damaged the residential quarters of several settlements high-rise building and five private houses, the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin said. the invaders also hit an economic structure and a gas pipeline, and the gas leak was immediately eliminated. and at night, the occupiers hit the town of selidove in donetsk region with s-300 missiles. the city military administration informs about this. as a result of the attack, 12 high-rise buildings and eight private houses were damaged, and seven administrative buildings were destroyed. fires broke out at the sites of the hits. information about the victims is currently being clarified. it's illegal
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stored ammunition. in the capital's obolonsky district, the police detained a violator. during the search , nine grenade launchers, three grenades and lighters were found in the man's garage, the national police said. kyyanin was informed of the suspicion, he faces up to seven years in prison. dialogue of world leaders, presidents. joe biden and china's xi jinping had a phone conversation, the new york times reports. the heads of state discussed relations between the countries, as well as the war in ukraine. biden touched on the topic conflict in the middle east, discussed north korea's nuclear program and china's support for russia. the american president emphasized that china should not help the russian federation in restoring the military-industrial base. and
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44 countries supported the tribunal for russia in the hague, the dutch government reported. the declaration was adopted after the conference on restoring justice for ukraine. the document was signed, in particular, by canada, georgia, japan, moldova, new zealand, the united kingdom, the united states, and member states of the european union. minister of foreign affairs dmytro coleba emphasized that now it is necessary to implement the tribunal. and... the nato summit will focus on ukraine's accession to the alliance, us secretary of state anthony blinken said. according to him, the allies plan to think through a clear road map that will allow ukraine to become a member of the organization. in more detail, this issue will be discussed at the summit for the 75th anniversary of the alliance, which will take place in the summer in washington. the death toll from the earthquake near taiwan has increased. to
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seven, more than 700 people are injured, search and rescue operations are currently ongoing, this was announced by the reuters agency. the tremors had a magnitude of 7.5, and the epicenter of the earthquake... 18 km south of the city of hualien. houses were destroyed there. the authorities also announced the threat of a tsunami. this is the strongest earthquake in taiwan since 1999 . on june 6, 2023, one of the largest man-made disasters in europe occurred. the russians destroyed the dam of the kakhovka hydroelectric power station. the water drowned everything in its path and even reached the mykolayiv region, but as the region is still trying to eliminate the consequences of the ecocedo, let's look further. mud, puddles, even
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rodents. this is how most of the shelters in cities and villages that were flooded as a result of the explosion of the kakhovskaya hes dam look like. snow is among them. that in the mykolayiv region. for a long time , local children had to study remotely, both because of rocket attacks and because of the lack of places to hide from them. if they build our bomb shelter, we can already work with children in our kindergarten. everything, everything depends on when they will make it for us. the bomb shelter in the number one child is in the process of being restored. two months ago the room was in terrible condition to start work in... first it was dried out and treated for mold. it's not just some water that was sprayed, it's those chemical stories, the maximum allowed in kindergartens according to licenses, which kill mold all the way through the entire wall, that is, so that it does not show. finishing
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works and inclusive equipment are ahead. before the full-scale war, this kindergarten was attended by 120 children, now there are half as many. now the little ones take turns. studies for a few hours a day at a nearby school, but everyone really wants to to return to the native walls, the teacher must be nearby, and this is communication between the teacher and the child and between the children, they missed each other very much, you saw how happy they are when they are all engaged there together, classes are classes, but we have games between classes, where children play, communicate, they miss us very much and we really need it, it's true, and we already miss the children. and kindergarten, not a kindergarten without grandfathers, but the snihoriv kindergarten number seven is already working, in a special format, all classes are held in the shelter for safety and convenience. repairs began here on november 23, already on february 14, 62 children
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finally went to kindergarten again. the children are already in their second year, they are at home, and now it is very cool, when they started to walk, they started to communicate. among themselves, with peers and with educators, in general, we want to completely restore the institution, so that we have it completely, it is restored, so that it is even more beautiful, what it was before the war and what it is now, i want it to be even more beautiful, and to have even more children, but we will work, and i think that everything will work out for us, with recovery this institution was helped by the city council, public organizations and the let's do it ukain team, the dehumidifier played a key role, it is useless to make repairs in a damp room, it stood here for more than three weeks and every day the team actually drained two buckets of water so that it was possible to actually complete the repair work work and in general, so that the children return, and indeed we now understand that the air in this
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room is as comfortable as possible so that the children can continue their studies, the drainage of the flooded shelters takes place within the framework of the project to overcome the consequences of the flood let's do it commands. we have plans for the future, and that is why we are currently in mykolaiv region with let's do it ukraine, to see how to scale and how we can continue to support such work. as a result of the explosion of the kakhov reservoir in the mykolaiv region, 31 settlements were flooded. the water has already left them, but it left behind a lot of disaster. from april to august 2024, the continuation of the project is planned in snihorivska hromada, where premises will be drained, disinfected and pest controlled, kateryna galko, oscar janson from the mykolaiv region for espresso tv channel.
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espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and... parcels to the front, in addition to vitamin ones, there are also other goodies necessary for our defenders, such as dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry cloves and borscht, lard and canned meat, in short, all that , which... will feed our people at zero, we constantly have a lot of requests, which means that there is a need for our help at the front yes, so join and support our warriors with a donation, you can now see all the necessary details on your screens, to find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our website and our social networks, also search for espresso on youtube, subscribe, comment, because your opinions are important to us, be there. every day , meet my colleagues lesya vakalyuk and andriy saichuk in a moment. we will see you in less than
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an hour. dear friends, this is our final hour for today in marathon, our, i have on in mind with andriy seichuk. we are glad to see you and glad that. you join our broadcast with your comments, that you subscribe to our youtube channel, that you subscribe to our social networks, thank you for responding, thank you for writing about what was thrown at the drones and giving pluses, these pluses are very very nice to the eye and to the heart, writes the viewer about why qr codes appear only when lesya asks, it must be all day, and it is, dear friends, qr codes are available throughout the day, our colleagues too make these announcements. watch more closely, a in order to follow more closely, in fact, subscribe to all espresso sites, and
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in this way you will not miss any important information. now we will talk with oleh torii, director of the institute of church history of the ukrainian catholic university. we will talk about the russian, orthodox church. mr. oleg, can you hear us? good day. but mr. oleg thinks that i got involved for nothing, now for... recently i read an interview with the biographer of ivan paul ii in credo , in my opinion he said, well, recently, maybe two months ago, a journalist asked him what he thinks of kirill and he says patriarch kirill of russia, he says patriarch kirill the blasphemer. spoke very briefly and simply about patriarch kirill, nevertheless, patriarch
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kirill, the blasphemer, according to the version and biographer of ivan paul ii, recently they gathered some big council, at which they announced that they are waging a holy war in ukraine against satanism, western satanism . actually, how can you comment on it? what did you hear in this in all this? well, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, first of all, a few words about the one you mentioned the biographer of ivan paul ii is a famous researcher and public figure, george weigel. ugh. i had the honor of editing his collection of these biographies at one time, so i am a person who knows ukraine very well, who takes a rather principled position on many issues. and i think that today he would probably... name, name kirill a little differently, yes, i have already seen such publications, and they come not only
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from journalists, but from people who have a church rank, or connected with the church, where, where kirill, even, well, kirill, putin are called the antichrists of our time, well, we understand that this rhetoric can be, on the other hand, if the document that you... that you spoke about, then i would very briefly say that this is a document that will definitely sound in haazi, that is, it is actually such a kind of samaritan of everything that the russian orthodox church, the moscow patriarchate, its leader kirill has been talking about for a very, very long time. to be more specific, we can say that the russian orthodox church has declared its function, or rather its readiness to be. new the ideological support of the new russian state
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back in 1990, this was the first statement, that is , no one pledged it to this role, it itself believed that it is the institution that protects, so to speak, the succession from imperial russia through stalinist and soviet russia to russia is post-soviet and modern, so it has become this tool, tool and ideological for propaganda, first of all, so to speak, of what we call the russian peace, and now we see that this russian peace is not just an ideological construct, but it an ideology that kills, that is, it... justifies war, it justifies this war, it blesses this war, so for me it is, so to speak, well somewhere the peak of this degradation, i will not say evolution, but this degradation which carried out by an institution that is called religious, but there is almost nothing religious left in it, as far as i'm concerned. mr. olezh, despite the fact that kirill
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said that war is sacred and rabies, justified the murder and even called for... the murder of ukrainians, the head of the moscow church in ukraine onufry goes on to mention the name the patriarch of the russian orthodox church, patriarch kirill, and at the same time does not commemorate, for example, the ecumenical patriarch, who repeatedly directly condemned the russian armed aggression in ukraine, could onufry himself decide whom to commemorate or not, or could he refuse? from the mention of cyril in divine services, well, i think that he could do it, as many hierarchs of the same ukrainian orthodox church, which at that time did not yet hide its connection with the moscow patriarchate, did in the end at the beginning of the war. i understand the essence of your question and the desire behind it
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so to speak, but i would still advise, i am always in such a position, you know, to look at the glass as half full, and not as half empty. what do i mean you know, the address of nufry himself, let them remain, or the way of commemoration remains his responsibility, as a church hierarch who , after all, heads a certain religious structure that has believers among ukrainians and in the ukrainian state, but i would say that the reaction of the department of external church connections of the same church in ukraine. so was quite sharp, if i wasn't saw, so to speak, the text and did not know when it appeared, i would very much doubt, as a scientist, whether it is authentic, that is , in this statement, which was made almost immediately after this all-russian people's council and kirill's statements, it clearly and unequivocally condemns these statements, moreover, if
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you read it carefully, at the end there is a phrase that, which i repeat after all, not for the first time, that... an institution that calls itself the russian orthodox church uses religious rhetoric, but there are doubts, that it is religious an organization that unites believers. well, you know, the statement, so to speak, of the leadership of the church that they are associated with a structure that is not a church should have logical consequences. i am waiting for these consequences, we will see if they will be. most likely, this is another, you know, balancing between drops, this is another statement in order to protect ourselves from unequivocal public opinion, which will work to ensure that this church and its, more precisely, not the church, but its communities, so that they make the decisions you are talking about, not only about non-commemoration, but about changing one's status, about an absolute and final break with the moscow patriarchate. so, i think the process is going in
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the right direction, and i think that even this reaction, whatever it is, let's say, it's in... it's still much more clear than all the previous statements, and what's very interesting, pay attention, in this statement of the department of external church relations, three times the position of onuphrius is invoked, who, as you know, on the day after the start of the full-scale aggression, is quite, i would say, sober and firm condemned this aggression, but there is no appeal to the uoc synod, which, as you know, has already tried, so to speak, to disarm these statements and take a different position. so, for me, this is evidence that there is no unanimity in this church, in its leadership, in its leadership, and this is understandable, and we will see how the processes will develop further, but you know, i did not see an example some harsh reaction of condemnation, and perhaps this is precisely the case when it would be needed from the faithful of the ukrainian
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orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, or from the side. parishioners of the ocu, who would say that this is already completely intolerable, when the head of this church, sharpening your question, sharpening your question, i simply recall the reaction that was, how, what reaction rushed towards the greek catholics, for example, then , when the pope began to speak, made his statements about reconciliation of some kind and so on, and then people who are unchurched, not religious, literally on... gave to the greek catholics that when will you give up of his pope, well, but the pope at least, well, if not does not support the sacred does not support war. russian orthodox church? i think your question is quite logical, quite fair,
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i don't know if there's a connection because i can't see, we hear you, the image is a little worse, well, but the conversation continues, okay, then i'll continue, your point very fair and obvious that... the most expected would be a reaction from the episcopate, from the congregations, because this is the statement that i mentioned, it is only a statement to the end, so to speak, not even identified representatives of the department external churches. as we know, in others cases, this church mobilizes very quickly, convenes a synod, makes decisions, there are no such decisions, in the end, just as there were no decisions on the annexation of the crimean dioceses, just as there were no decisions on... frank collaboration of individual hierarchs and priests, that is, i once again i say, i don't want to justify this church and its leadership, i'm trying to understand, so to speak,
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some logic, if there is one, the logic is probably that at the moment, on the one hand, to declare this position, then look , how the situation will develop, therefore exactly what you say is absolutely fair, precisely from the reaction of the believers of this particular community. priests, i think this process will intensify from the entrance of the union from moscow, but on the other hand, it may not sound so loud yet, but believe me, this statement made a very serious resonance in international church circles, and from at least some, well, i will say those whom i know better, catholic, greek-catholic figures, but even orthodox outside russia and ukraine are heard. this is how the idea sounds, that surely an ecumenical council or something should be conspired another forum that would unequivocally condemn such a position of an institution that calls itself a church,
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because you understand, such statements, such a position of the russian orthodox church and the moscow patriarchate, it discredits religion in general, and here we are actually talking about much more serious and large-scale things, eh, and that's why we have to get away from it, because otherwise it's... the krakow tumor will eat away the ecumenical and orthodoxy, and i would say undermine the authority of the church in general. you know, sir, that is, we literally talked yesterday, for example, with students about what it is difficult to completely separate the influence of christianity and some christian concept of humanism in europe, and the political system that europe actually is and the west is, in principle , important for the world, that is, a liberal... market of democracy, functioning, representative, but on the other hand, whether the russian orthodox church still remains essentially christian,
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does it carry that charge of humanism, or is it still human-centered, well, it seems to me that you and i talked about this at the very beginning, that if there are doubts about whether it is a religious institution is among those who... until recently were openly and now covertly connected with this church, well, it seems to me that we cannot talk much about it here, i am more than convinced that probably, among those millions people who identify themselves with the church or have identified themselves, there are people who have these values, but they are just a small number, and as a rule, they are probably no longer in russia, but somewhere else, or are in prison, as we hear about some persons, or have left this country. and try from this church and from of this state as the furthest apostasy, so it seems to me that this is a logical, logical degradation of this institution, which, as you
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correctly explain, is related to the general, general type of political culture and the absence of civil society in this state, whether we like it or not want, russia has not passed not only those things you say, liberal democracy and so on, no. there was no enlightenment, some processes that created the modern modern world would not have taken place in it, and therefore we have it before our eyes, so to speak the process of decay, degradation of the last despotic empire, which covers part of the european continent, but which in its type is a typical asian despotism dating back to the middle ages, and accordingly the church in it fulfills the role assigned to it, this one. i want to say that this empire may have its own such an important characteristic, the other day actually patriarch kirill categorically stated that russian or
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russian nationalism is in nature. does not exist, everyone knows about it, and i read the column of vladyslav inozemtsov, one of those good russian, without quotation marks, in my opinion, this is the former dean of the faculty of moscow state university, who is now in exile, and he actually develops this opinion, and he says, it seems to me, important things, i know that pavlo suden from the ukrivsko-tolyske university also adheres to this opinion that the russian empire is interesting because it does not have a national one. language, that the russians never understood who the russians really are, and this russian nationalism in the narrow sense, namely the one that all nation-states went through in the 19th century, the awareness of oneself as nations, the russians did not pass, and this identity of theirs is purely imperial, and because of this it cannot exist as a non-empire, what do you think about this, where is the influence of the russian orthodox church here as well? well, i
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completely... agree that this process of identification of russians as a nation, it did not take place, and the whole, so to speak, their, er, great culture, it is precisely in its essence this imperial, of course, that as in every culture there are exceptions, and there were people who felt it and protested against it, but they were always few and far between few, and they, they were always destroyed after any, so to speak, any attempt to liberalize something there, it ran into this and... that of the masses, which stretches back, you know, even from this mongolian, probably type of consciousness, from this state of serfdom and so on, and these things simply changed their names, but they remained, and in the end the role of the church in the muscovite region, it has always been, at least since the time when this moscow metropolis separated from kyiv and, what is very important, also and from constantinople, that is, in fact, she divorced herself from the whole world and came up with the concept of... the third
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rome, which, by the way, was not imperial at first, but isolationist, yes, that is , they believed that the whole world is wrong, only they are right, and only they can save themselves there, so this is a barrier, which then grew into an ambition of conquest, it would have resulted in this ghetto being left there, it is pre-modern in nature, despite the fact that individuals, you know, or in the past, tended to live in europe and then try change something in russia, they... led only to the fact that the shell changed, this ideological coloring changed, but the essence did not change very much, so we see how easily putin managed to revive what, so to speak, this state and this society, if it can be considered as a society held for 100 years, so it's a serious problem, it's obviously now a key one in terms of when we think about this longer
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perspective of ending the war, we... understand that since, say, the same the ottoman empire, which may be closer than the french or british or spanish or portuguese, the turks managed to formulate their identity as a nation, and we see with difficulty, but this process took place there, after their defeat in the first world war, which will take place with russia, we will hope that the best option is that it will pass through this... path, but nevertheless, we understand that this imperialism, it must disappear, because otherwise it is an anachronism that simply poisons and cannot exist without murder, without conquest, without external aggression, this is simply the essence of it order and this system. mr. oleg, i also wanted to ask you about easter, this year we have a huge gap with western countries, and patriarch bartholomew himself
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recently emphasized... that it is illogical to separately celebrate the unique event of the one resurrection of the one lord, and said that we have we should unite in that celebration, and somehow already parallel, and not go, you know, unite, and not go somehow separately on such paths, how realistic is it and how far is it possible to realize it, how quickly? thank you very much for this question, i'm not an expert on these topics, i'm more of a historian, i deal with other topics, but i follow these things, i know about discussions, discussions that have been going on for, you know, several decades, i remember how we expected by the year 2000, you know, some such drastic changes, i personally think that in this situation and this statement of patriarch bartholomew, it is very important, because a person of such rank does not rush into words, if he already voices it, it means that there are some options that...


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