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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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by football, stronger together. well, the information day of the tv channel continues. thank you for watching espresso and dear tv viewers, well , in particular, this is addressed to those who watch us on so-called tv, pay attention to what is on the youtube channel, you can watch our online broadcasts live. on the youtube channel and at the same time, look, there are a lot of different interesting, important news, events, programs and so on, that is , you miss a lot of things, not having the opportunity there, i don’t know if you have time to go deeper, or maybe you don’t know, that's why marta and i remind you from time to time that there is a youtube channel and there is a lot of important stuff there, but you will have to search there a little, because there is quite a lot of information there, let's go next, oleksiy maslov, a journalist from chernihiv oblast, is already with us. we will
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talk with him about the situation in chernihiv oblast. mr. oleksiy, we are glad to see you, welcome to our airwaves, glory to ukraine. to the heroes of the word, to each other, i congratulate you. well, alarming news is coming from sumy oblast, yes, as if chernihiv oblast is somewhat easier, well, but, but, but, please share the operational situation, in particular regarding russian provocations, shelling, i don't know, not only border towns. what about chernihiv oblast now? shelling continues in chernihiv oblast, hostile, they are daily, if not practically, first of all, it is really about the border communities, and if, for example, we take the last week, that is, the previous, let's say, seven days before that, then every day on average, this, well, if to take a week, it seems to be about 80 shellings, according to official data, and it is about 500 explosions,
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mostly the enemy uses 120-caliber mortars, shelling border villages, border communities, and also used quite actively during this time, in recent days also drone attacks, fpv drones, and as far as i know, there were about 20 such attacks, about victims, victims are not reported, let's... hope that there were none during this time, but nevertheless , such attacks are constantly, constantly taking place , this is according to official data from the military and precorders, well, what about fortification, are they currently trying to actively deal with this issue in chernihiv oblast and involve private construction companies in this process, and actually, what about financing, because we understand that all these things need money again, we can only lean here. on
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some official data, because this, this is mostly information, it, it is secret information, it is natural, but nevertheless, what we know is that such works do not stop, they continue all the time, and this is starting from the fact that indeed , enterprises are also involved, in addition to the fact that the military works directly, enterprises are also involved in this, and we know that they are involved... even unemployed citizens are involved within the framework of special state programs, for whom this is one from such projects, where they can through the employment center, employment, get a job in this way, that is, you know somewhere, how the top of the iceberg becomes known to us, from those messages that come from time to time from various services and departments that they are involved. .. guards
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in one way or another in these fortification works, that is, from this we can conclude that these works go on almost constantly, they do not stop, accordingly , this... line is constantly, obviously echeloned fortifications, that is, that is, defense is getting stronger, let's hope, look, we wanted to ask you, mr. oleksiy, about the story of the enemy's attempts to enter the territory of chernihiv oblast with the help of subversive, subversive-reconnaissance or other groups, so we understand that from time to time they feel the border, we understand, what is official information, unofficial information, that is... if possible, synthesize it like this, yes, well , maybe we are just part of the information, it does not reach us, or we do not pay attention to it, summarize it, be kind, so to speak , official with what people say, here, if we talk about drg, then they are their activity,
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their activity, here we need to sum up, it could more or less be, that is, an attempt at analysis, it could be more or less effective, if you try it to do even on... for the last time, for example, there in the last weeks before, and in a few months or even in a year, then we can observe that this activity of the drg on the part of the enemy, well, it was such bursts, it was observed, that is, there were bursts of activity, it was very active, for example, it happened at the end of last year, this winter there were also such attempts, but again the same picture is here as with ... any information that comes from the military, that is, we often find out about it after the fact, when it is already happened, then even here such reports can be stingy, but, in principle, if we analyze a longer period of time, then there really were such attempts, of course, that we cannot now
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compare what is happening in our country and what is happening in sumy oblast, but none the less there were several such attempts... there were cases when, for example, the border guards fought back, not only, say, regular units of the armed forces of ukraine, actually, but also the border guards, but there were several attempts by the enemy, unfortunately, successful for the enemy, that is, the drg entered and exited, they managed to leave, even to get weapons, or after some sabotage actions, there were several such cases of a complete picture, unfortunately ... we cannot give, because this information, it is complete, fully and not a finding. look, and if we talk about the size of those sabotage-reconnaissance groups, is it a platoon or were some platoon groups formed? as far as we can tell, these were small groups, that is, before the introduction, that's for sure. this,
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this is not, it was not discussed, it was not about any such large-scale invasions, it was not about, for example, the involvement of equipment or heavy weapons, it was small arms, or a mine. shafts, there were also such attempts to mine. also, in addition, the drg, they are still engaged in their time, well, yes, that’s how it was, for example, what i can know for sure, including and not only with official information that, when there was such a visit last year by one of the enemy drgs, they not only managed to fire during their raid, but also managed to guide. well, that is, they are still, they are still during their raids, they are still gunners of drone attacks. mr. oleksiy, look, we would like to ask you more about the history of the ukrainian-belarusian border, the north there, the gomel direction, what is there, what is on
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the other side of the border, what the local residents may be telling you, maybe you have some additional information, yes, if you speak there about skins, or didn't they also try to enter from the belarusian side? no, from the side, from the belarusian side, i.e. across the border with the republic of belarus, there were no visits by the drg, this is all now and generally the military activity of the enemy, it, it concerns precisely the section of the border of chernihiv oblast with bryansk oblast, i.e. with the russian federation, from the side there was no such activity in belarus, and from there, as far as i know, now, now , there are also no... flights, as well as any visits by the drg, it all relates to that chernihiv oblast, it borders the gomel oblast of belarus and the peryan oblast of the russian federation, here we can orient ourselves now, in principle, only on official data, so far nothing more that i wanted
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to clarify with you, here are the alarm signals that are now sounding about a possible the enemy's offensive, repeated on kyiv, we are not talking about the fact that this is possible. yes, but certain politicians say that the lack of western weapons can increase this risk, and we understand that kyiv is already trying to strengthen patrolling populated places, which... in order to counteract this or that drg, are you currently observing in chernihiv and in the region a certain strengthening of the work of law enforcement agencies due to the probable yes, these information leaks about certain actions of the enemy, in chernihiv oblast the picture actually, regarding, regarding information, let's say security, because the fact that what i can monitor and what to do, well , of course from... my own conclusion based on observations, this is a question of more information security now, that is, it is obviously really
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an information campaign in relation to, concerning fanning certain moods, creating, or rather certain moods in society, maybe some anxiety about a possible invasion, we don't see such at the moment, well, if we are not specialists, of course military, then we don't see such signs that... that it could be any serious invasion attempts, that is , drg can really be the work of some saboteurs, but, but no more. thank you, mr. oleksiy, we were contacted by one of the coolest chernihiv journalists, oleksiy maslov, yes, live on spresso worked, well, let's go now for a short break, after it we will analyze no less important events, until you wait, see espresso. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just
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saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who... have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, the information day of the tv channel continues, an important signal from the president
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of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. yes, i am quoting part of his briefing with the president of finland. alexander stub. so, our head, the head of our state, said that the ukrainian army does not need half a million people now. regarding the individual number of people who will be mobilized, i cannot to say, we don't need half a million, that's how the president of ukraine thanked the head of the army, sirsky. yes, for the audit in the army, it is important that he found strength within the armed forces of ukraine and the corresponding number of those who were not at the front, will be at the front. well, now? let's talk about military and political affairs. oksana yurenets is in touch with us. people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, head of the ukrainian delegation in the parliamentary nato in the nato parliamentary assembly in certain years. i will not say in detail, professor, but glory to ukraine, glad to see you. glory to the heroes, congratulations.
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they promise us 100 billion euros to create a fund in which it is not known who will receive it, where it will come from , and how quickly it will fall asleep. 100 billion euros, well, if nato secretary general jen stoltenberg had not said this, we would have taken a slightly, perhaps more ironic, approach to this story, but nato's ensac announced this matter and the key story is where they will take it to put it there and how long they can collect and in general, how are such things finalized taking into account the fact that, well, we understand that such fines are global the players, as members of the g7 or g20 there, well, they somehow , you know, quite died. these sums are accumulating, although we, well, we are pleased, because we are holding on thanks to this, well, but it is not 100 billion, yes, you correctly noted, today the ukrainian front and the ukrainian army need much more help, especially in the sky, what we are waiting, and it should have appeared already this year, but in reality, these are the 100 million that govtiberg is talking about, he wants
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to re-insure, billions, he wants to re-insure. election season that has begun in the united states, and because of how reported to the world media, in fact his entire statement says that there should not be any stops, and in fact it is such a reinsurance, we also heard that the initiative of the czech republic is already being completed by germany, in fact, when we will understand to the end, actually today, tomorrow , this meeting will take place in brussels at the level of foreign ministers, at the level of... actually nato member countries, and sweden itself will participate there for the first time, that is, there are 32 members, of course the minister of ukraine, the prime minister of foreign affairs will be there affairs of ukraine, and i think that the mechanisms by which these funds can be received by ukraine will also be considered there, and in fact this is important, that the discussion that is going on does not stop and that there is a constant
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conversation about support for ukraine, especially these dates are important, this. .. 75 years since the creation of nato, and it seems to me that i would like every country to take the lead, as it happens from time to time in ramstein, to try to show the final dry remnant how and in what way they are ready to help ukraine. ms. oxano, look, there is also information about what, well it appears that the united states will withdraw, or at least united states officials will. from some key positions in certain defense initiatives, for example, politico writes that nato can take over the leadership of the ramshtan group, which now takes care of itself and meets periodically in order to check the clocks and help ukraine with what the countries themselves can , who are part of this group, do all these processes mean that somewhere
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consciously or unconsciously, other countries of the west are already preparing for the likely arrival of trump. are they trying to remove certain key politicians of the united states from such important processes, on which support for ukraine is tied? well, look, if we're talking about ramstein, it's not 32 countries, it's more than 50 countries that were able to come together, and it's like a nato parliamentary assembly that brings together different groups, environments and countries that are not members of nato . of course, there are various moments of such reinsurance, but actually this... the construction is safe, which was formed and is 75 years old, its architecture is such that today nevertheless, it is considered in the sense of the eastern flank of nato, where ukraine is the key, and... this is stated by many experts who worked with nato, today, these are the presidents of european countries, so i hope that the fuses will be accepted by those people who makes a decision i think that tomorrow
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we will learn a lot more, but the fact that the threat awareness in the key countries of the european union are now nato members is also true, because in fact, if you read the statements in the european media even there, who is also the mayor of the capital vitaliy klitschko, we understand that there is a threat. that it has not gone anywhere, the aggressor is not going to stop, and therefore for the countries, as previously stated by macron, it is to play it safe and see these dangers in order to prevent them from regrouping their forces and preparing something more dangerous on the part of the enemy, so today , supporting ukraine with weapons and aircraft is the number one and most important thing, as well as raising our military-industrial complex so that we can produce a large part of it. itself and there were no such supply delays, this is what is key, and i hope that precisely in this way this support of funds, which you announced at the beginning of the inclusion, will be
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precisely for this purpose, to make the ukrainian defense sector more capable production of what is needed at the front. ms. oksana, we completely agree with you, but, you know, due to our journalistic certain cynicism, we reflect our plans and desires from sad realities, so we proceed from what we have and what we can count on in short-term and the medium-term perspective, yes , the medium-term perspective is good, we understand that they are building up, in particular, when we talk about artillery ammunition, artillery ammunition, f-16s are still circling, it is not known where, the story is long, drawn-out, outdated, you know, and there is a feeling that someone, maybe of our western friends wants to somehow smoothly stop this whole thing in time for the fall, for example, but... the key story is the willingness to be fully involved on the part of our european partners, far from all, but at least, in particular representatives the so-called weimar triangle or weimar group:
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france, germany and poland. yes, a relevant meeting was held, i read the letter of the joint communique from the representatives of the weimar triangle, this is the center of europe, this is the foundation on which the so-called security defense position is based, so we understand that the positions of france and germany are slightly different , but in any case , president macron is willing to take a large part of the responsibility in words, and knowing the german modesty, i think that the germans are also will not mind. i don't believe too much in the fact that, you know, french divisions will land in zaporizhzhia in case of something, well, but, but, but, as they say, we'll wait and see. well, as far as you think, they will be seriously included. our european partners, because i was personally extremely worried by the statement of the current head of the polish government, donald tusk, who said that europe may be
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on the verge of a major war, that is, with all due respect, so to speak, to the russian-ukrainian war, he means that the war can be even bigger and can cover additional states. look, if we speak so frankly, in fact, the last visit, which was at the level... of the government of ukraine , negotiations took place in maidanchyki, you know, in various formats, from economic to educational, social issues, as well as , of course, military defense, in fact, well , the world has seen through the statements of macron, whom you mentioned, but many people are aware of this threat and understand that it is necessary not to put out the fire, in advance, not to give the opportunity for something to flare up, which is why poland even initiated this format, this platform. which you called for to be held in poland, poland will be the initiator and organizer of such events from the point of view of understanding the proximity to the front line, now according to you,
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you know, i had the opportunity to spend a week in georgia, tbilisi, which is actually a country of enhanced opportunities under nato , and this is what could be observed, that in fact the society is like that of france or germany, and when we say that it is tired of the war there, no, they are very clearly... aware of this threat and when the government can, for example, with a certain measure to show show the appearance, and that by cooperating to some extent, it allegedly pays attention to what the aggressor country russia does, civil society and the people, it reacts in a completely different way, i have not seen so many blue and yellow flags anywhere, it is certainly a threat and the fact that experienced, for example, georgia in 2008, now there is danger, you know, at every step georgians wear the blue-yellow flag on their clothes, they... are proud that there is a legion of their legionnaires there, together with the ukrainian army. what does it say? this suggests that this the threat is realized if two of the six countries with enhanced opportunities have already become members.
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nato, two countries that geographically cannot be, such as jordan and australia, then ukraine and georgia today, and in awareness, having experienced and having there in the 14th year, in 2008 , the understanding today of the threat of a more global definitely exists. therefore, poland, of course, for us, despite all the circumstances, is a format in which we have to create opportunities to advocate for greater aid for ukraine, because exactly like the baltic countries, why, because in fact. need a lot to quickly learn to react to events, and for this it can be felt in what way, especially, i think, these events that will take place even before july, in washington, the events for the 75th anniversary, today, the third and fourth , in brussels, rather for all that these countries, nato members, 32 countries, will make appropriate decisions and from the point of view of what the next short-term plan is
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for a few months. or a few weeks or the next six months and by the end of the year for ukraine , absolutely everyone will be included, so for us, it is natural that everyone in their place has to do this work from what acceleration of victory, for now we also need what we can do with drones or something else, as is done , for example, by the lviv polytechnic and other structures there, that is, everyone at home can join in the victory, so we can watch how civilized nato member countries did, as countries did. ramstein, members of the extended, in fact, countries that have joined in order to quickly react and collect all over the world what they have from the defense complex, and to think how we will according to this plan move. it is very important that our ukrainian diplomacy is more actively involved, it is very important, you removed a couple, ms. oksano, you may know, from the position of the first deputy head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, that is how the name of japarova was removed, maybe you have some information on the diploma. yes, get in touch with
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ms. oksana yurenets, we hope that ms. oksana yurenets will come back to us, because we would still like to talk to her, we still have two minutes until yes, ms. oksana , returned, ukrainian diplomacy named after japarov, the first deputy the heads of the ministry of culture still talked a lot, and i was very impressed by the fact that... yes, mrs. oksano, go on, go on. the connection is not very stable. yes, well, let's hope that we will add more, because we still have literally a minute, but we will remind you that the meeting of the ukraine-nato council is taking place these days in brussels. ms. yurenets already mentioned this during our conversation, it is happening on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the alliance, which is important, and yes, accordingly, we understand
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what will happen. make certain decisions. mrs oksana, can you hear us? yes, i hear you and i will tell you frankly that it is important, so often, well , let it seem banal, to certain dates, to certain events, they still stimulate greater attention to ukraine, this is what we desperately need now and needed, that's why it's an important event, an important topic to keep, because it's the security guarantees that our country needs today, so i hope that everyone. diplomats will be involved as effectively as possible in order to work in a diplomatic direction for the victory of ukraine. thank you, oksana yuranets, people the deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation , the ex-head of the ukrainian delegation in the nato parliamentary assembly, was in direct contact with us, they talked about today's meeting, yes, of the nato council of ukraine, and not only that, but also about the initiative to establish a five-year fund for ukraine in the amount of 100 billion dollars. now it's time for news from the press, so
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let's pass the word. to our colleagues, we pass the floor to anna eva melnyk, who has already prepared relevant information for us from the newsroom. we pass the floor and ask you to briefly tell what this will be about release thank you, colleagues, the most important newsroom will tell, in particular, the consequences of enemy shelling in different regions of ukraine. be with us. nato is developing a new format for assistance to ukraine - said the secretary general of the alliance, jens stoltenberg, before the beginning of the meeting of foreign ministers in brussels. according to him, the heads of foreign affairs will discuss how the bloc can take on more responsibility to guarantee stability.


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