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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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and you also talked about it, about these wishes of theirs, i remind you once again about our gathering for fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd black zaporizhzhya brigade, then we have news, well, stay with us and join our social network, go to our youtube, watch us there, so subscribe, comment, be with us. evocation under shelling, how people are taken out of... donetsk region: how much money did
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criminals steal from the ukrzalnytsia among those involved and the ex-advisor of the president's office and bilhorod made it to the top five most comfortable of russian cities, what exactly was evaluated? good evening, the news team summarizes the past day, anna yevamelnik is with you. britain will provide ukraine with demining equipment, according to the ministry of defense of the united kingdom, one of the private enterprises will repair the batch. equipment, after which it will be brought to our country. due to the russian invasion, ukraine is the most polluted country in the world with explosive objects, the british ministry of defense noted. devices for demining that london is preparing for kyiv will allow armored vehicles to lay safe routes. connections are getting stronger. ukraine and finland signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of security and. long-term support,
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this happened during a meeting between president zelenskyi and his finnish colleague alexander stub in kyiv. the document states that finland will provide long-term military and financial assistance, as well as deepen cooperation with ukraine in the political, financial, humanitarian and reform spheres. stup announced the allocation of the 23rd aid package in the amount of 188 million euros, including systems. idps and ammunition, as well as the northern country will help us rebuild the energy sector, strengthen border protection, and also treat the ukrainian military. we understand that nato is the biggest security guarantee for ukraine, but while we are not in nato, and while there is a war with russia on our territory, we need some concrete guarantees, these documents and finland is one of those eight.
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the countries that have given us bilateral guarantees are specific guarantees, there are specifics, there there are clear packages, there is the minimum, although it is not the minimum, it is powerful support, but the minimum that ukrainian society, the country's military, which is definitely very important, can count on not once, not later, not theoretically, but practically this year , we in finland believe not only in our security relations, but in our bilateral relations. agreement, and we also support ukraine's membership in the eu and nato, provided that all criteria are met. we ourselves should not forget how our road to the european union and the north atlantic was paved alliance for ukraine, the main thing on this path should be victory. congressional approval of us aid. the bilateral security agreement between washington and kyiv, as well as the progress of our state in anti-corruption and judicial reforms. about this.
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us ambassador to ukraine bridget brink will tell in an exclusive interview with yuri fizar. watch today on the big air, which starts on espresso at 18:10. despite daily russian shelling , about fifty residents remain in the village of maksimilianivka in donetsk region, twelve of them people live at a distance of several hundred meters from the line of combat clashes. but even here law enforcement officers from the white group. the angels are trying to deliver humanitarian aid, the ministry of internal affairs said. on the way back, policemen pick up people who are ready to evacuate, this time a husband and wife who needed urgent medical help were taken out of the village to a safe place. a few days after the humanitarian flight, the white angels returned to the village to collect the body of one of the dead locals who had not left before. russian a shell killed her right on the threshold of the house. three
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people were injured by a rocket attack in mykolaivka, donetsk region. the occupiers dropped four guided missiles on the city late in the evening. bombs wounded a 47-year-old woman and two men, they were all hospitalized, the police of the region were notified, also at night the enemy attacked the town of selidove with five s-300 missiles. more than fifty destructions were recorded there, at least 12 high-rise buildings, eight private houses and seven administrative buildings were damaged. people, fortunately, survived. well, barbarians, barbarians, what do you need, live in your own country, we did not come to you. how does one live, poorer, richer, but people are alive, that's right, i don't know, they're just barbarians, they destroy everything, they liberate, that's why? ukraine is waging a defensive war not only on its territory,
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andrii yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, told radio svoboda about this. he noted that there are no safe places left in russia except the russian dictator's bunker. putin he also noted that the event on the enemy's territory continues to acquire a systemic character. it is, in particular, about disruptions in the supply of fuel to the occupiers and the disruption of the russian economy due to the suspension of oil processing. according to the representative of gur, during our last operations behind enemy lines , only ukrainian-made weapons were used. gurkit and balovna on the territory of the agres state. continues, continues precisely at military facilities that are directly involved in russia's genocidal war against ukraine. in these events, the weapons and means of foreign production of our partners, in particular, are not used, this is a fact.
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embezzlement of funds in ukrzaliznytsia, seven involved were suspected of embezzling uah 95 million of funds from the carrier's company, the national newspaper reported. corruption bureau. artem shilo, ex-advisor of the president's office, is among those involved. he headed the group that was supposed to control the transparency of expenses. instead, in 2022, during the purchase of transformers, he secured a victory in the tender for a controlled company. the price of the goods was almost doubled, and the difference was appropriated by artem ushilo. they also announced the suspicion of embezzling uah 117 million for the purchase of cables. arrest court. in the accounts of the company that supplied these wires, concluded in naboo. the face of evil, a 37-year-old and a 21-year-old russian soldier, will be tried for snogging a resident of the zaporizhzhia region. during
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the occupation of the tokmak community in 2022, they broke into the house of a 26-year-old woman, tied her up and beat her. at that time, her young children were sleeping in the next room. after that , the woman was taken outside the village, raped and executed in a forest lane. in order to expel the murderers from our land, we must help the army. espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work to win. for the second year in a row we make our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and in the parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins , there are also other goodies necessary for our defenders. fruits, nuts, jerky, pastila, dry soups and borschts, lard and canned meat, everything that will feed our people at zero. we have a lot of requests, so we need your help, dear viewers, join and support our soldiers with a donation, you can see all the details on the screen.
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the death toll from the earthquake near taiwan has risen to nine, more than that 900 people are injured, as reported by the reuters agency, and may be under the rubble. 55 people, search and rescue operations are ongoing, aftershocks with a magnitude of 7.5 shook the island today, the epicenter of the earthquake occurred 18 km south of huallian city, houses were destroyed there, the authorities also announced the threat of a tsunami. i should note that this is the strongest earthquake in taiwan in the last 25 years. a large-scale fire in ankara in... an industrial area is burning in the turkish capital, local media reports, the fire broke out at a waste processing plant in the area where tires and paper were stored. the flames quickly spread to neighboring workshops and factories. thick black smoke enveloped the surrounding areas.
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firefighters extinguish the fire. light at the end of the tunnel in kyiv will show a play with the same name by a theater group from mariupol, this is the first performance of the tera incognito theater. and at first a full-scale invasion, the play in the genre of black comedy has a philosophical orientation, performances in kyiv will be staged from april 6 to 7 in the center of les kurbas. we had this play, it had to be released premiered on february 25, 2022, of course , due to the circumstances of the attack, it did not appear in mariupol, the actors are on their own. when i was able to leave, we said to a group of students who are from mariupol,
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but are studying at acting higher institutions in kyiv, we said, let's try to restore this theater. and at the end, seven ukrainian children were returned from the occupied territories, reported dmytro lubinets. some of them experienced real horrors, witnessed looting and violence. now they are under control territories of ukraine, psychologists work with them - the ombudsman noted. at this moment, the news team told about the most important things, then watch vasyl zima's big broadcast and you will be aware of all the most important things. further!
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dr. tice's comfrey warming cream. proven tool. there are 15% discounts on hepargen in podorozhnyk, pam and oshchat pharmacies. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, finding solutions, the largest conversational format of ukraine in the evening prime time. i generally think that we two things are needed: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. now in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top
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guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion to the malice of the day by means of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together stronger, good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, my colleagues and i will talk with you about the most important things for the next hour and 45 minutes, and of course, we will report on what
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will happen during our broadcast, we we want to start by thanking, well, not us, but... kovy of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade, they have already received night vision binoculars. together with you, we collected the necessary uah 170,000 and have already handed over the necessary life support. now, during combat night missions, our soldiers will not only be able to feel safer, but also more skillfully destroy the cursed and hated enemy. well, of course, some military men thanked, and other military men are waiting for you and me to collect the necessary amount in order to... to help them. espresso and the public organization baza ua sprotiv call for support for the collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and for 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. our own production, testing, variations, for the needs of the defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting 2 million hryvnias. the amount is large, but it is possible to collect. the first
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successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already there, join them. became more and more, our goal is uah 2 million, remember, a donation to the armed forces of ukraine, this is an investment in our joint victory. thank you for the meeting and thank you for continuing to support our soldiers, and we are the middlemen in this, trying to do this job well. yes, so do we let's start with a conversation about odesa, fevza mamutov, deputy of the odesa regional council. i congratulate you. and i congratulate you and thank you for what you are doing for the military, it is very important, thank you, thank you, and i thank you for what you are doing, by the way, i actually wanted to start with the security situation, but everything well , i will start with some positive, positive news, well, in particular, in the odesa city hall, i understand that you represent the regional council, but perhaps you have more information about this, in the odesa city hall , 30 kamikaze drones were purchased, i understand that
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they are not cheap for extra-budgetary funds, maybe it is not only in the mayor's office, maybe in other authorities this is done. how it is implemented and whether it is possible to attract this money, to what extent it can be expanded and done more efficiently in order to send more and more necessary things to the front. now we are talking about kamikaze drones, these may be other technical means for the armed forces. please. you know, i always say that i do, i am very happy when i see how odessa, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, has become very ukrainized, it... very mobilized for such a full-scale invasion to help the army, because there are a lot of public figures, a lot of deputies of regional and city councils, somewhere they gather their collectives, which initiate meetings, er, even meetings of the fpv drones themselves, and purchase - anything for the army, and it is
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very gratifying, because i also sometimes have the opportunity to go to the front and... now we all hear from the military that it is fpv drones, it is maviks there and so on, they save lives, yes we, we understand that life is the most valuable, therefore the most necessary save, because we understand, this is our goal, and odessa is very happy with this, and now let's talk about... the situation with energy supply, as well as water supply, which is the current situation in odessa, in odesa region as well it is very important, because the enemy is hitting not only the regional center, but also the cities and seed points of the region, what is the situation now after the long-term shelling, which was not stopped by the enemy, where was it possible
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to fix it, where was it possible to restore the water or water supply or electricity, where it is, where it is problematic... even critical moments, where it is not yet possible to normalize the life of a separate community or a separate city, town. yes, the north, the north of the region is still feeling this entire history, eh odessa itself felt it very much with intermittent power outages, eh, but now the city has almost recovered and there are not many such outages eh. unfortunately, again, we are talking about provision, of course, provision of weapons, i think that one more patriot would solve this issue of protecting our region, but yes... as he is not there yet, we see that there are jobs for our energy workers are added, and they are really heroes, unfortunately,
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in one of the shellings, when a day of mourning was announced in our city, after the first shot, when the emergency services arrived, they too were hit by a second shot at the same point, and this happens in in the plan, in the plan... of energy, yes, now the north, the north of our region feels the most that there is the most work left there. well, by the way, regarding enemy strikes, the executive committee of odesa plans to approve, the word plans just scares me, well, i hope it won't be long, compensation for destroyed property, well, it's interesting, whether it is only about the private property of citizens, whether it is about the property of a business or an enterprise. different and again , they plan to approve how long it can last and then at what cost is this compensation, maybe it is necessary to calculate and estimate how much it
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costs, how much and how much damage has been caused, because people always want more and that is normal, but it is always necessary to educate from that , that is, and when we plan with you, we can say not only private housing, but also business and everything, anything, not everything is so usual... it fits nicely, as it is told in the plans, but really, the replacement of windows there does not last very long in the plan, well, even from the city services for private buildings there, unfortunately, we have a problem with the same shot that yesterday there was a month, yesterday was a month when... the largest number of people were injured, among whom there were five children, i'm sure you remember it, it was on dobrovolskyi street, and this is certainly
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a terrible case, when completely one entrance was destroyed, and it is certainly inappropriate to insert windows there, therefore housing compensation is a... a bit longer process and it, er it's ongoing, no, not really a lot of people have, as it turns out, they have home ownership, home ownership, and that's it's increasing a little bit that's all the circle is bureaucratic, so now i think that you and i should advise all our citizens uh just in case, just in case. look at the documents for your apartment, see that they are all in order, so that you can then use these documents, god forbid,
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if this happens, contact the city office i would like you to have confirmation that this is your apartment, that it is fully owned by you, and so on, because often we do not look into these documents, and then, when a situation occurs, again, the situation that was a year ago here on sabanskyi perevuluk, out of seven affected apartments , four, i.e. 50% plus, had problems precisely with the documents, i.e. there the share of the apartment belongs to someone else and so on, but this bureaucracy does not give the opportunity to quickly, quickly resolve the issue for compensation, yes here, too, i can only join in and call people really. all the necessary documents so that various problems do not arise later. another scheme was stolen in odesa, regarding the transportation of evaders outside of ukraine, there is
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an entrepreneur, a father of many children, there, well, a whole group of people was involved in this, how large-scale this scheme is and how many schemes in principle continue to operate, we perfectly understand that the border with odeshchyna, odeshchyna with the republic of moldova, well, with moldova. it is also clear that there are certainly certain options, how it can be arranged, and what amounts are involved it's about, interesting now? unfortunately, you and i have to understand that every conversation about the mobilization law about mobilization, requests to strengthen the work of the tsc, is, as you know, the exchange of such a kind, which... causes an increase in prices for these corruption schemes, and if at the very beginning, some there the actors tried just
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like that... to get people out there, to get people out for some, maybe insignificant sums, now this, really, i can't even imagine that people find these, money, opportunities to give this bribe, and then get caught on the fact that you gave a bribe to an almost swindler who is nothing, nothing of his own... he puts himself as someone else, as you know, he is such a scammer, these are all schemes , the amounts are different everywhere, every time people come across them, they announce that they gave uah 850,000, then some sums in dollars. here, god give the sbu a lot of strength and
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inspiration in order to keep these schemes under control, thank you very much, thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, fevzi mamutov, deputy of the odesa regional council, was in touch with us , we talked about the situation in odesa, well, this story is really there what happened to the scheme, here you know, mr. fevzi really says right here, god forbid. in order to solve these issues, and of course, to cover those people who are trying to make money from this, how else to solve these problems, again, we have special people who have positions, professions, knowledge, appropriate salaries, who have these issues to decide on mobilization, on involvement, on training, on securing the front, on securing the economy, on many things, because the problem in ukraine is actually quite a lot, but we will literally to talk less with adras
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zagorodny for a moment. and the statements coming from our partners, they are also ambiguous, and the threats that are on the front today and may be on the front, they are also, well, not invented, and the fact that russia, let's say, is preparing another mobilization of 300 thousand people, it, it affects in the same way, and in terms of resources, russia can provide these mobilized people, first of all financially, we understand very well that russia buys these people, well, banally buys there... we are talking about, as they say, lifting for mobilized at the level of 5 thousand dollars, this sums that in principle do not appear in ukraine at all, many, many questions, well , let's try to find out at least some of these questions, taras zagorodnyi is in touch with us, he is a political technologist, mr. taras, i congratulate you, good day , glad to see and hear, well i would like to start with the fact that
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we finally got an answer once again one thing'. but, let's say, blinken announced from the united states of america that the us army will not be in ukraine, but that ukraine will be supported and that ukraine sees prospects. i want it, like that they say, to hear the essence and admonitions of stap. please. no, well, they said before that that they are not going to send troops to ukraine, so in principle we did not see anything new here, nor did we hear anything new about what they will help. everything else is the work of the ukrainians, we must understand that we should not, that is, in order to force the united states to help us more, it is the work of the ukrainian army and the ukrainian people, which consists in a simple formula: the more often ukraine to apply strikes on the territory of russia, the more they will help us. well, once again, the more blows there are, the more they will
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help us, at the same time, ukraine again receives. the signal that the strike on yalabuz is not welcomed, this is the fact that it arrived in the region of tatarstan 1200 km away, and here it is difficult to understand whether it is in the states that certain officials make such a statement to the public that we do not congratulate, but they themselves actually congratulate and they support it, because it looks like a blow in the back, and how, well, president zelensky said a very good one the phrase that whoever condemns or does not support ukraine's strikes in... the territory of russia, let him come to kharkiv, and actually everything will become clear to him. please. well, look, there is such a country as israel, right? if the country of israel had listened to what they were told, even the united states of america, such a country would not have existed for a long time. for example, on the eve of the 1967 war, the six-day war. the united states of america categorically asked israel not to attack arab countries.


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